Monthly Archives: May 2024

eNews Week 5, Term 2 2024

Issue no. 22Enews-banner

From Our Director Of Teaching & Learning

Reconciliation Week at St Peter’s Girls’ School was a significant event filled with impactful activities and heartfelt engagement, showcasing our ongoing commitment to reconciliation and cultural awareness. This year’s theme, ‘Now More Than Ever,’ resonated deeply as students, staff and the community came together to celebrate and reflect on our shared journey towards reconciliation.

The importance of reconciliation cannot be overstated. Our School community needs to acknowledge and honour the cultural heritage of the Kaurna people whose land we live and learn on. We are building a more inclusive and equitable future for all by fostering understanding and respect.

The week began with a powerful Welcome to Country presented by our Cultural Liaison Officer, Kendall Fitzgerald. Our student RAP ambassadors launched the new Acknowledgment video at the National Reconciliation Week (NRW) Assembly, reaffirming the tone for the week’s activities. During this Assembly, even the youngest members of our community, our ELC Pathways friends, shared their understanding of this special week.

Students across various year levels participated in activities emphasising cultural heritage’s importance. Our Year 3 students engaged in weaving sessions with Kendall, linking their work to Design Technologies. Year 4s experienced the Kaurna Culture Camp earlier this term and Year 5s prepared and presented the Reconciliation Week Assembly.

On Wednesday, we welcomed artist Jessie Lloyd to lead a special assembly with Year 7 – 12 students. Afterwards, she conducted a session with Year 10-12 vocal students, enriching their understanding of Indigenous music and storytelling. This engagement with Indigenous voices provided students with deeper insights into the rich cultural heritage of Australia’s First Nations people.

Middle School students participated in a Breakout Edu session in the library where they were challenged to bring their critical thinking skills to each session. They explored many contemporary issues from truth-telling and stolen generations to tackling racism, exploring Indigenous voice, as well as the impact and injustices of historical events on Aboriginal communities.

St Peter’s Girls’ School takes immense pride in its active reconciliation steps. The creation of a Racism Toolkit by the Early Learners’ Centre (ELC) and the exploration of Indigenous foods in the ELC and Food Technology classes are just a few examples of our ongoing efforts. Weekly visits and activities such as Banbanbalya sessions in the ELC further facilitate cultural education in our student’s lives.

Our commitment to reconciliation is ongoing. We participated in the National Reconciliation Week Breakfast as well as the Lowitja O’Donoghue Oration. Additional flag poles will soon display the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags on the School grounds. As a further sign of respect, our new Acknowledgment of Country will be displayed on student-designed plaques throughout our School. Both these initiatives were driven by our RAP Ambassadors. The Kaurna Co-naming Project by these ambassadors is also underway, aiming to attribute Kaurna names to various School locations, enhancing our cultural connections.

The students’ involvement extended beyond the School grounds. Ten RAP Ambassadors participated in the NRW Walk, coinciding with Sorry Day, volunteering to sell water and soft drinks at the Colebrook Reconciliation site after the walk. While six Year 11 students have returned from our biannual immersion to the APY Lands. These acts of service reinforce the importance of community engagement and support.

As we reflect on Reconciliation Week, we are filled with pride in the steps we have taken as a school community. Our dedication to fostering a culturally safe and inclusive environment is unwavering. We look forward to continuing this journey, learning, growing and strengthening our ties with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.


Kate Fryer
Director of Teaching and Learning

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Important Dates

Mid-Year Reception Orientation and Transition Morning: Monday 3 June
da Vinci Decathlon: 4 – 6 June
Year 11 Parent Teacher Interviews: Thursday 6 June
FUSION Performance: Friday 7 June
King’s Birthday Public Holiday: Monday 10 June
Mid-Year Reception Transition Morning: Tuesday 11 June
Reception to Year 9 Piano Eisteddfod: Thursday 13 June
House Charity Day: Friday 14 June
Year 12 Parent Teacher Interviews: Tuesday 18 June
Ladies Night Out at the Movies: Wednesday 19 June
Reception to Year 9 Piano Recital: Thursday 20 June
OSA Sydney Reunion: Saturday 22 June

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Reconciliation Through Connection – APY Lands Trip

During Week 4 a group of our Year 11 students embarked on an immersion to the APY Lands, participating in a range of school-based activities aimed at fostering active reconciliation through a reciprocal learning lens. The students visited the communities of Ernabella, Kenmore Park and Umuwa, building connections through shared passions for dance and sports.

Throughout the trip, the girls explored breathtaking landscapes and learned about Aṉangu culture and traditions firsthand. This immersive experience allowed them to gain profound respect for the environment and its significance to Indigenous people. The students visited local schools, conducted workshops, played sports matches, and co-created dance choreography with students from Kenmore Park School for the highly anticipated Ernabella Arts Festival in September.

Our commitment to these important relationships extends beyond the Year 11 students. Junior School students in Year 2 to 6 were actively involved, creating loom band bracelets during lunchtime sessions. These handmade bracelets served as vibrant symbols of connection and sharing between diverse communities. Over 300 bracelets were made and distributed during the trip, with the visiting students also leading an after-school workshop to teach community members how to create their own, further strengthening the bonds between our schools.

Building reciprocal relationships with the APY communities is crucial. It’s about learning from each other, valuing their knowledge and culture, and working together as equals. Being active in reconciliation is a responsibility we all share. Our biannual immersion opportunities to the APY Lands are a powerful way for our students to learn about Indigenous culture, make new friends, and open their minds to different ways of life. These experiences will undoubtedly shape our students and enhance the connections between our communities.

We extend our thanks to the Adelaide Crows Foundation who also joined us on the trip. Their knowledge, connection, and commitment to the lands allowed our School to once again strengthen our own connections.

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Dance Choreography Evening – Create 24

CREATE24 was a display of creativity, teamwork, leadership and storytelling. Addressing many issues and themes such as gaming addiction, child soldiers, the Hello Girls and what the future might hold for humankind, audiences left more aware and informed. Through supporting the development of their choreographic ideas, I have learnt so much about the world and better understand what our teenagers are passionate and concerned about. It’s been a wonderfully rewarding experience watching the process evolve from initial planning to final performance.

Kate Burnett
Head of the Arts

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Aussie Sprint Cyclist Inspires

On Thursday 23 May, Kristina Clonan, a Commonwealth Games sprint cyclist came to talk and inspire us with her sporting journey from long-distance bike riding to sprint cycling. She taught us how to set meaningful goals to help us in our lives, careers, and sporting journeys. She emphasised how important it is to be resilient, how you can learn from your bad results and come back stronger. Kristina highlighted how important it is to be honest in sports and how this follows through into life. We are so grateful for having the opportunity to hear about Kristina’s story and learn so much from her.

Izzy H and India Goodall
Year 9 Students

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Hills Alive with the Sound of Music

Last Sunday, the hills certainly were alive with the sound of music. In this case it was our Jazz in the Hills concert at the beautiful Hahndorf Convention Centre. With stunning weather and spectacular scenery, parents were treated to drinks on the balcony overlooking the beautiful gardens, before settling down to a buffet lunch.

Entertainment was provided by all of our jazz ensembles and included over a hundred students from Year 6 to 12. Our jazz choirs, Just Jazz, IntaJazz, Bella Voce and Enchante sang up a storm while Stage Band and Little Big Band performed with impressive pizzaz. Extension Strings were a hit as always with their electric violin version of ‘Brazilian Spice’ featuring Samantha Li.

Our student musicians were very fortunate to perform with several professional musicians including four female professional horn players who provided wonderful role models for our girls in an area often dominated by men. The choirs also worked in partnership with our guest artist ‘The Adelaide Connection’, with some of their vocalists performing as soloists within our own jazz choir repertoire.

A day like this is an enormous undertaking with many, many hours of planning, administration and manpower that goes into its preparation. Special thanks to Scott Lorien and Tom Leach for helping us to complete the huge task of loading and unloading, setting up staging, lighting and sound, and to Jeanne Phillips for her administrative assistance.

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ELC – Erindale Learning and Teaching Evening

Please join us on Tuesday 11 June at 6.30pm for the Erindale Learning and Teaching Evening at the ELC.

To support your child’s transition into our Erindale room in Semester 2, we will be holding an information session. This is an opportunity for you to meet Laura Reiters, the Erindale teacher, as well as some of our Learning Community 2 staff.

During this session, you will have the chance to visit the learning environment that your child will be transitioning into and gain insights into the daily rituals.

Laura will share how you child’s growing independence and development is nurtured and the rich opportunities for learning that are offered. We look forward to working in partnership with you to support your child to thrive and reach their full potential.

As this is a formal presentation, we recommend parents/guardians only attend this event.

Tuesday 11 June
6.30pm, St Peter’s Girls’ ELC
Meet in the Erindale room

*Please note: This information session is for families whose children will be transitioning from Learning Community 1 to Learning Community 2 (Erindale room).

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Health Careers Expo

On Thursday 13 June, St Peter’s Girls’ School will be hosting a Health Careers Expo for Senior School students.

The Expo seeks to offer our students invaluable insights into the real-world applications and opportunities within the diverse Health field. By partnering students with Saints Girls’ community members, such as Old Scholars and parents, we hope to provide students with access to real world insights into vocational fields to inform these far-reaching decisions.

The Expo is scheduled for Thursday 13 June, from 12.15pm to 1.50pm in the School Gym. Year 7-9 will be welcome to attend the Expo during lunchtime.

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Heidi Selected for Physics Olympiad

It is with great pride that we announce Heidi Gong’s (Year 12, Kilburn) selection for the Asian Physics Olympiad. This is the second year in a row that Heidi has been selected for the prestigious competition. The Asian Physics Olympiad provides students who have been selected, opportunity to interact with peers from diverse backgrounds, learn from each other and answer questions from various areas of physics including mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, optics and quantum mechanics. She will travel to Malaysia before competing with her teammates between June 4 and 10. We wish Heidi all the best of luck, we are very proud of you!

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Samantha Goes for Gold

Congratulations to Samantha Paltridge who recently won two gold medals for Violin at the Adelaide Eisteddfod String Division. She competed in two categories: the 8 and 9-year-old String Solo and the AMEB Grade 6 String. Well done Samantha for your hard work and achievement.

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FUSION 2024: A Showcase of Musical Theatre

We hope you are all getting PUMPED for ‘FUSION 2024: A Showcase of Musical Theatre’!

This year a massive cast of 64 students, under the guidance of Mrs Kate Burnett and Ms Joni Combe, will be presenting songs from four iconic musicals: ‘Cats,’ ‘Legally Blonde,’ ‘Hamilton’ and ‘Chicago’. We can’t wait to show off our talented students and celebrate the immense hard work that has gone into this production.

Jeffreys Linn Arts Centre
Friday 7 June (Week 6) at 7pm
Click here to book your tickets now! 

We look forward to seeing you there!

Katherine Kitching
English & Drama Teacher

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Piano Eisteddfod – Registrations Closing!

On Thursday 13 June in Week 7 of Term 2, the Arts Department will hold St Peter’s Girls’ Piano Eisteddfod. It is open to all Junior and Middle School students who learn the piano at School or outside of School. Parents are welcome to attend, and the time of each student’s performance will be communicated to families.

Girls will have the opportunity to perform a piece to a panel of judges, who will critique their performance based on accuracy, technique and musicality for their specific music level. This is a great opportunity for girls to perform in a supportive environment and receive some valuable feedback. Please encourage your daughter to prepare well for their performance to enable them to feel confident on the day.

Girls are asked to play one piece that best displays their musicality and technical ability at their own musical level. There will be no minimum or maximum time limit. While the Eisteddfod provides our top piano players with a platform to perform, the aim is to give performers of all levels the opportunity to participate.

A Piano Recital will be held at 6pm on Thursday 20 June. Students will be chosen from the Eisteddfod performers who show confidence and a high level of musicianship. Selected recital students will be notified by email.

If your daughter would like to be involved, please fill out and return the Piano Eisteddfod consent form by Monday 3 June. Girls can collect the form from the Arts Office or you can download it via the link below. Students will later receive their time slot to perform in the Eisteddfod.

Download the Piano Eisteddfod Consent Form

Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music

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Selwyn House Charity

The Year 10 Selwyn girls are very excited to announce a bake sale that will raise money for The Smith Family on Friday 14 June (Week 7). The Smith Family is a National children’s charity that raises money for disadvantaged Australian children to get the most out of their education to create better futures for themselves.

There will be a range of sweet treats from 50c – $3. Dairy, gluten-free and vegan options are available.

Parents of girls in Reception to Year 2 can pre-order via Trybooking click here.
The Trybooking page will be open from 22 May, 9am until 6 June, 5pm.

Students from Years 3 – 12 will be able to purchase items directly from the stall at lunch. Cash-only purchases. 

We will be set up at the courts near Chiverton Lawns and we would love to see you there supporting the Smith Family with us!

Elodie de Wit and Adjoa Yawson
Year 10 students

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Kilburn House Charity

On Friday 14 June (Week 7), the Year 10 Kilburn Home Group will be selling sausages and drinks to raise money for our House Charity, Treasure Boxes. Treasure Boxes provides vital essentials to families living in disadvantage within our community. We are selling a range of options, with meal deals costing $5, which include a sausage and drink. Sausages with the option of onion are $3, as well as soft drinks (coke and lemonade) and an assortment of juice boxes costing $3 each. Gluten-free bread and vegetarian sausages are also available.

Families of Reception to Year 2 students can pre-order their food, which will be delivered to them via our Year 10 Kilburn girls. Please click here to purchase through Trybooking. The link will be open until Thursday 6 June, 5pm, so please place your order before then! Students from Years 3 to 12 can buy sausages and drinks on the day. We are taking cash-only payments.

The sausage sizzle will be located on Chiverton Lawns, so come down at lunch to support our girls and Treasure Boxes.

We look forward to seeing you there!

 Alyssa Piantedosi and Lucy Lowry
Year 10 Students

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Year 7 and 10 Immunisations

Immunisation Information for Parents / Legal Guardians of Year 7 and 10 Students

The SA 2024 School Immunisation Program will be delivered by Eastern Health Authority (EHA) on Tuesday 11 June 2024.

All Year 7 students will be offered:

  • 1 dose of the Human Papillomavirus vaccine, Gardasil®9
  • 1 dose of the Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping Cough vaccine, Boostrix®

All Year 10 students will be offered:

  • 2 doses of the Meningococcal B vaccine, Bexsero® at 2 separate visits (2 months apart).
  • 1 dose of the Meningococcal ACWY vaccine, Nimenrix®

Further information and videos for Senior School students are available at:
School based vaccinations for teens | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

Immunisation consent packs were given out at the beginning of the school year with information about the vaccines on offer. It is important that you have read the information supplied in the packs before you give consent for your child to be vaccinated at School. If you did not receive an Immunisation Consent pack from your child, please ask at the School office.

Please notify EHA if:

  • Your child has already started the above program with another provider
  • You wish to withdraw your consent
  • Your child’s medical condition has changed

Tips for the day of immunisation:

  • Encourage your child to have a good breakfast and recess on the morning of immunisations
  • Wear sports uniforms to aid easy access to the upper arm and avoid unnecessarily exposing yourself if clothing needs to be removed/undone
  • Encourage your child to keep their arms moving and drink plenty of water throughout the day.

If you have any further questions about the program, please directly contact Eastern Health Authority on 8132 3600 or via e-mail at

Remember it is your responsibility to notify EHA of any changes or information, particularly in relation to your child’s medical condition. A signed and dated note in your child’s diary from a parent or guardian presented on the day is acceptable.

School Immunisation Program records will be available on MyGov within 24 hours of the school visit.

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School Shop Notice

School Shop Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm (closed for lunch 12 – 12.30pm).

Parents can also order items via our Online School Shop. This is now accessible via the Flexischools platform which also administers our Online Tuck Shop. To sign in or sign up to Flexischools, click here

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Absences from School

If your child will be absent from school/ELC or is arriving late or leaving early, please notify the School via one of the following methods:

Text: 0428 601 957
Phone: 8334 2200

Please ensure to include your child’s name, the name of the ELC Room, Class or Home Group and the reason for the absence i.e. illness/appointment/family/sport etc.

If notifying via email, feel free to ‘cc’ the teacher of the Room/Class/Home Group as well.

It would be appreciated if notification is received prior to 9am.

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Sports News

Sport Results

Wednesday 22 May – Tuesday 28 May


Senior A: Saints (14.19.108) v Wilderness Senior B2 (0.0.0)

Middle A: Saints (22.4.136) v Scotch Middle B Navy (2.2.14)
Best Player: Anisha Puhaja for defensive pressure and repeat efforts
Superwoman: Charlotte Dodd for clean bounces, breakaways, strong marks and a goal from the midfield.

Year 5-6: Saints (3.2.20) v Seymour Year 5/6 Purple (11.4.70)
Best Player: Molly Burnett for taking a ripping chest mark on the wing!


Senior A: Saints (7/4/157) v Walford Senior A (3/2/115)

Senior B Blue: Saints (5/9/165) v Walford Senior B (1/1/114

Senior B White: Saints (0/0/36) v Wilderness Senior B2 (6/10/210)

Senior C Blue: Saints (4/4/116) v Walford Senior C (2/2/78)

Senior C White: Saints (2/2/101) v Wilderness Senior C1 (4/4/99)

Senior C Silver: Saints (2/2/98) v Westminster Senior C (4/4/103)

Senior D White: Saints (1/1/85) v Westminster Senior D (5/1/124)

Senior D Silver: Saints (4/4/118) v Walford Senior D1 (2/2/66)

Senior E Blue: Saints (2/2/104) v Wilderness Senior E5 (7/7/181)

Senior E White: Saints (3/3/80) v Wilderness Senior E1 (3/3/110)


Year 5—6 Silver: Saints (2) v Walford Year 4-6 Blue (44)
Best Players: Dilini Ranathunga, Emilia Wang, Ruoyu Chen
Superwoman: Esther He for showing fantastic positive spirit and teamwork throughout the game, verbally supporting and encouraging her teammates while on and off the court.

Year 4 White: Saints (14) v Pembroke Year 5/6 Green (18)
Best Player: Emily Do

Year 4-6 Blue: Saints (20) v Wilderness Year 5 Blue (28)
Best Players: Ashlee White and Maggie Will
Superwoman: Amelia Bartter for responding to team feedback and leading by example to improve rebounding, resulting in more scoring chances. Amelia was tough on defence, not afraid of body contact to get steals and deflections.


Year 3-4 Minkey: Saints (2) v Pembroke Year 3-4 Green (7)
Best Player: Florence White
Superwoman: Cate McDonald

Senior A: Saints (10) v Loreto Senior A (0)
Best Players: Matilda Patterson, Zara Trim, Winnie Vartuli
Superwoman: Ava Field

Senior B: Saints (0) v Immanuel Senior B (9)
Best Player: Emily Robinson
Superwoman: Lavena Akeel


Premier League: Saints (18) v Westminster Premier League (87)
Best Player: Ella Warrick

Premier League Reserves: Saints (14) v Westminster Premier League Reserves (72)

Senior B: Saints (13) v Westminster Senior B (65)
Best Player: Annabel Keough
Superwoman: Izzy McCabe

Senior C: Saints (13) v Walford Senior C Blue (40)
Best Player: Lexie Fishlock
Superwoman: Abigail Hawkes

Senior D Blue: Saints (26) v Walford Senior D (43)
Best Player: Matilda Powell
Superwoman: Aliya Trench

Year 9A: Saints (13) v Westminster Year 9A (65)
Superwoman: Ruby Marshall

Year 9C: Saints (23) v Wilderness Year 9C (29)
Best Player: Grace Davies
Superwoman: Nathalie Randeniya and Diya Bhinder

Year 8A: Saints (58) v Westminster Year 8A (20)
Best Player: EVERYONE.

Year 8B: Saints (40) v Westminster Year 8B (14)
Best Players: Christina Zhu, April McCabe, Layla Dodd
Superwoman: Vienna Howes

Year 8C: Saints (25) v Scotch Year 8C Navy (12)
Best Player: Ashley Lau

Year 8D: Saints (23) v Scotch Year 8C Gold (18)
Best Player: Maddy Schroeter
Superwoman: Anny Zhang: congratulations on playing your first game of netball!! You showed great determination and spirit on court.

Year 7A: Saints (20) v Westminster Year 7A (58)
Best Player: Sasha Connor got thrown into different positions and had impact wherever she played.
Superwoman: Jessica Dong for taking on feedback and implementing it immediately.

Year 7B: Saints (5) v Westminster Year 7B (39)
Best Player: Alice Richards
Superwoman: Lulu Chen

Year 7/8C: Saints (13) v Westminster Year 7C (39)

Year 5-6 White: Saints (5) v Pulteney Year 5-6 Navy (10)
Best Player: Tia Dong
Superwoman: Ava Duldig

Year 5-6 Blue: Saints (15) v Westminster Year 6 Green (15)

Year 5 Blue: Saints (14) v Pembroke Year 5 Yellow (1)
Best Player: Elina Liu
Superwoman: Cindy Su

Year 4 Blue: Saints (3) v Seymour Year 3-4 Blue (6)
Best Player: Eva Nicholls
Superwoman: Rania Gao


Premier League: Saints (1) v Scotch Premier League (1)

Division 1: Saints (3) v Wilderness Division 1 Blue (0)
Best Player: Labrini Psaltis played an awesome game in the midfield, filling in for the opponents first half and gave her best effort the whole game. Made huge efforts getting back to support defence and transition into attack, also scoring an outstanding goal!
Superwoman: Daniela Vari played GK in her first ever game of soccer! She showed great instincts and made some incredible saves!

Middle A: Saints (4) v Seymour Middle A (5)
Best Player: Mila Fassina
Superwoman: Christina Balasis

Middle B: Saints (7) v Scotch Middle B (0)


Annabelle Knowles, Aurelia Pyne and Inge R continue to turn heads in the Interschool Equestrian competitions, with some impressive performances across a range of disciplines.

Aurelia and Anabelle’s recent endeavours involved a trip to Naracoorte to compete in the Interschool Combined Training State Team Qualifying competition. Both girls had strong performances, and now eagerly await to hear if they have earned a place in the State Team. If selected, Aurelia will compete in the Combined Training Discipline, whilst Annabelle in Show Hunter.

After dominant performances all season, Inge was a hot contender to also make the team, however due to moving from her 12.2h pony up to a 16h Off the Track Thoroughbred Mare, she can no longer be considered for the team.

We love hearing about your achievements and look forward to seeing what is in store next!

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eNews Week 4, Term 2 2024

Issue no. 22Enews-banner

From our Head of Junior School

We were delighted to celebrate the opening of our new Junior School playground on Wednesday 22 May. We sincerely thank the Hon Blair Boyer, MP, Minister for Education for joining us to officially unveil our beautiful new play space.

Our Junior School students played a pivotal role in the design of the playground. They eagerly watched as the playground was completed during Term 1, asking many questions about the construction process. With excitement and joy, the playground has now come to life and our girls are enjoying exploring the climbing equipment, whizzing around on the spinner, hanging from the monkey bars, and slipping down the slide!

Not only is body coordination, strength and balance enhanced though these active experiences, the challenges inbuilt promote learning, independence and decision making, as students assess and take appropriate risks to move through the varied playground structures. In addition, there are endless opportunities for collaborate play and relationship building; playing together our Junior School students are loving splashing, mixing, and building sandcastles and shapes as they watch running water cascade over the sand and create fun pools to dig in.

It is with gratitude we thank Climbing Tree and all who participated in the design and building process of our fabulous new Junior School playground.

Marika Taylor
Head of Junior School

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Important Dates

Jazz in the Hills: Sunday 26 May
National Reconciliation Week: 27 May – 2 June
CREATE 24: Monday 27 May
IB Expo: Tuesday 28 May
Mid-Year Reception Orientation and Transition Morning: Monday 3 June
da Vinci Decathlon: 4 – 6 June
Year 11 Parent Teacher Interviews: Thursday 6 June
FUSION Performance: Friday 7 June
King’s Birthday Public Holiday: Monday 10 June
Mid-Year Reception Transition Morning: Tuesday 11 June
Reception to Year 9 Piano Eisteddfod: Thursday 13 June

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130 Celebration – You’re Invited!


Join us to raise a toast to celebrate our birthday!
We are thrilled to invite you to an evening filled with festivity and nostalgia.

Date and Time: Saturday 26th October 2024, 6.30 – 11.30pm
Ticket Price: $185
Location: Adelaide Oval, Ian McLachlan Room
Attire: Lounge Suit

Enjoy gourmet delights from our diverse food stations, crafted to satisfy every palate. Experience a unique gin tasting with our expert mixologist and enjoy a premium wine package. Dance to live music by the Baker Boys and take in the stunning night-time views of the Adelaide Oval. Relax and mingle with friends and colleagues in a joyous atmosphere.

RSVP: Please click here to secure your spot. Numbers are limited, so act quickly to ensure your place at this memorable celebration!

Your presence would make the celebration complete. We look forward to seeing you there!

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We Welcome Jessie Lloyd for Reconciliation Week

Originally from the tropics of North Queensland, Jessie Lloyd is an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander musician who performs a broad collection of Australian Indigenous songs. A vocalist, guitarist, bassist and ukulele player, Jessie earned her formal qualifications at Abmusic in Perth, Western Australia.

A producer and creative entrepreneur, Jessie is a cultural practitioner of Indigenous music and is dedicated to the continuation of song traditions. Her mission is to produce, perform and progress Australian Indigenous music through innovative concepts, collaborative projects and cultural practice. She is also passionate about maintaining an authenticity that contributes to the rich diversity of Australian Arts and its audiences, and working towards positive and progressive social opportunities, values and attitudes.

St Peter’s Girls looks forward to hosting Jessie on Wednesday 29 May as part of Reconciliation Week. She will be presenting a concert of traditional and contemporary songs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to the School and will present an Australian Indigenous Music workshop to our Year 9 – 12 Music classes.

Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music

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KickStart for Kids

Year 10 Kennion is very fortunate to be involved with the KickStart for Kids’ program this year. KickStart for Kids is a non-for-profit charity that the Year 10 Kennion Home Group is involved with every week. KickStart for Kids provides 60,000 breakfasts and 10,000 lunches a week to underprivileged children in South Australia.

Every Tuesday, three students from Year 10 Kennion travel to Ngutu College to provide a healthy and substantial breakfast for children that are less fortunate, as breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We make a nutritious and balanced breakfast of buttered toast and condiments for the children when they arrive at school in the morning. We also cut up fruit that is used for a morning snack.

Afterwards, we have some free time to play with the younger children from the ELC where we play cars and build blocks. The children love it as it builds a connection with new people and helps enhance their confidence and problem-solving skills.

KickStart for Kids is rewarding not only for the children, but for our Year 10 Kennion students. Each week we look forward to getting to know the children and giving them a healthy breakfast to start their day. KickStart for Kids brings a fulfilling and fun program for us as a Home Group as well as the children. Kennion Home Group is so grateful to have this opportunity to give back to the community.

By Evie Gosse
Year 10 Kennion

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ELC – News from Learning Community 1

Our Community Garden

This term, Learning Community 1 children have been exploring and researching the rich and dynamic environment of our ELC Community Garden. Previously, access to our ELC Community Garden was quite limited due to our new build, so we are thrilled to be able to use it once again to spark the children’s curiosities.

Each morning, Bell Yett and Stonyfell children have ventured down to the garden to engage in exciting, hands-on research. They first began researching by using their observation skills to notice the bare, dry garden beds. In small groups, the children explored further by inspecting the soil, crumbling it in their hands, and feeling its cool temperature. To encourage the children’s awareness of seasonal planting, we brainstormed types of vegetables that grow in autumn and winter. We also used the internet and picture books to gain further insights into what we could plant. It was wonderful to hear the children’s existing knowledge of vegetables, with many suggesting we should plant carrots, broccoli and snow peas. The children also enjoyed representing their ideas and plans for the garden with their graphic language, using mark-making materials on brown paper.

After helping to replenish the garden beds with new soil, ‘turning it over’ and practising digging holes with spades, the children were delighted to finally plant a selection of seedlings. They worked carefully and respectfully, taking turns to dig, plant, and pat down the soil with gentle hands. After, they shared the responsibility of watering the garden and enjoyed discussing the names of the many vegetables they planted.

The children have already begun making nuanced connections between the planted seedlings and the vegetables they observe in each other’s lunchboxes or during afternoon tea. We will continue to nurture the children’s momentum of curiosity and begin researching concepts of ‘garden to plate’, while learning and enjoying the responsibility of caring for living things.

Dot, Kathy, Nell and Annabelle
Learning Community 1 Teachers

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CREATE 24 – This Monday 27 May

The Stage 2 SACE and IB Dance students are proudly presenting their own choreographic works on Monday 27 May at 7pm in the Jeffreys Linn Arts Centre. Exploring many diverse and complex themes, these young choreographers look forward to sharing their hard work with our community. All welcome – no tickets required.

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FUSION 2024: A Showcase of Musical Theatre

We hope you are all getting PUMPED for ‘FUSION 2024: A Showcase of Musical Theatre’!

This year a massive cast of 64 students, under the guidance of Mrs Kate Burnett and Ms Joni Combe, will be presenting songs from four iconic musicals: ‘Cats,’ ‘Legally Blonde,’ ‘Hamilton’ and ‘Chicago’. We can’t wait to show off our talented students and celebrate the immense hard work that has gone into this production.

Jeffreys Linn Arts Centre
Friday 7 June (Week 6) at 7pm
Click here to book your tickets now! 

We look forward to seeing you there!

Katherine Kitching
English & Drama Teacher

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Saints take the Spotlight: Introducing Saints TV

Get ready for a fresh perspective on all things St Peter’s Girls’ School! We’re thrilled to announce the public launch of Saints TV, a student-run news initiative bringing the School community closer than ever before.

Saints TV isn’t your average school news show though. Led by a dedicated team of passionate students, it’s a fortnightly show during each school term that promises to be fun, engaging, and informative. With a focus on showcasing the unique spirit of St Peter’s Girls’ School from a student’s perspective, Saints TV will take viewers on a journey through the vibrant events, achievements, and everyday life that make our School so special.

At the helm is Eva Chassiotis, our Director, who keeps the show running smoothly. Guiding us through the episodes are Abigail Hawkes and Eliza Brill-Reed, our charismatic anchors. Lexie Fishlock and Elodie De Witt bring their sports expertise as reporters, while the ever-energetic Sophe Wang takes on the role of roaming reporter and entertainer, keeping things lively with her signature “Study Break” segment.

No matter your interests, Saints TV has something for you. Each episode is a mix of features, highlighting School events, student achievements, sporting triumphs, and the captivating world of co-curricular activities and community events. Stay tuned for our signature segments:

  • Anchors: Our STV hosts Abigail and Eliza provide the rundown of the past fortnight’s activity and upcoming events.
  • Sports Report: Get the latest scoop on all school activities, straight from Lexie and Elodie!
  • Sophe’s Study Break: Take a well-deserved break with Sophe’s fun and sometimes informative segment – the perfect pick-me-up at the end of a busy week!

As an all-girls school, St Peter’s Girls fosters a culture of courage, compassion, and creativity. Saints TV embraces this spirit, giving our students a platform to express themselves and showcase the incredible talent and diversity that defines our School community.

Our latest episode (Episode 4) is now out! Relive the excitement of Sports Day, we welcome Sophe’s Study Break for all your fashion reviews and get all the details about the upcoming Selwyn House Charity Day. Don’t miss out on the fun – tune in to Saints TV every fortnight throughout the term.

Garth Coulter
Head of Digitial Learning and Technologies                    

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Piano Eisteddfod – Coming Soon!

On Thursday 13 June in Week 7 of Term 2, the Arts Department will hold St Peter’s Girls’ Piano Eisteddfod. It is open to all Junior and Middle School students who learn the piano at School or outside of School. Parents are welcome to attend, and the time of each student’s performance will be communicated to families.

Girls will have the opportunity to perform a piece to a panel of judges, who will critique their performance based on accuracy, technique and musicality for their specific music level. This is a great opportunity for girls to perform in a supportive environment and receive some valuable feedback. Please encourage your daughter to prepare well for their performance to enable them to feel confident on the day.

Girls are asked to play one piece that best displays their musicality and technical ability at their own musical level. There will be no minimum or maximum time limit. While the Eisteddfod provides our top piano players with a platform to perform, the aim is to give performers of all levels the opportunity to participate.

A Piano Recital will be held at 6pm on Thursday 20 June. Students will be chosen from the Eisteddfod performers who show confidence and a high level of musicianship. Selected recital students will be notified by email.

If your daughter would like to be involved, please fill out and return the Piano Eisteddfod consent form by Monday 3 June. Girls can collect the form from the Arts Office or you can download it via the link below. Students will later receive their time slot to perform in the Eisteddfod.

Download the Piano Eisteddfod Consent Form

Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music

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Out of the Blue Journal 2024

The Out of the Blue Arts Journal is a celebration of our School community’s talented artists, produced entirely by the student committee! The pages contain beautiful paintings, deep and compelling poems, inspiring music and countless other creative endeavours.

We are looking for students from Reception to Year 12, Old Scholars, and staff to submit art for a chance to be featured in this year’s Journal. There are no limits to the type of art allowed, as long as it is an original work.

To enter your artwork, you can place a physical copy in the submission boxes in either the Junior School classrooms or the ones located around the Middle School. Or you can email a digital copy to . For all submissions, please fill out and attach this submission form. Entries close Friday 16 August.

Every year, Out of the Blue opens the opportunity to design the journal front cover. Many of the past designs have featured line drawings, but we hope to see some other creative ideas as well. The only requirement is that it must fit within the square format of the Journal. For inspiration, Editions 1-4 of the Journal are currently on display in the Middle School Library – feel free to look! Cover designs can be submitted in the same way as general submissions by Monday 24 June.

As this year marks the fifth anniversary of the Out of the Blue Arts Journal, which coincides with the School’s 130th anniversary, we hope to see submissions to make this special edition a standout! At Saints Girls, we value the importance of art and creativity, and we hope that through this project, we can continue to share the talent and voices of our community for years to come.

Further details can be found on the submission form, but do not hesitate to email Rebecca RileyAlex McKay, or the OOTB Committee with any questions.

Angelina Hii 
Out of the Blue Committee 

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Selwyn House Charity

The Year 10 Selwyn girls are very excited to announce a bake sale that will raise money for The Smith Family on Friday 14 June (Week 7). The Smith Family is a National children’s charity that raises money for disadvantaged Australian children to get the most out of their education to create better futures for themselves.

There will be a range of sweet treats from 50c – $3. Dairy, gluten-free and vegan options are available.

Parents of girls in Reception to Year 2 can pre-order via Trybooking click here.
The Trybooking page will be open from 22 May, 9am until 6 June, 5pm.

Students from Years 3 – 12 will be able to purchase items directly from the stall at lunch. Cash-only purchases. 

We will be set up at the courts near Chiverton Lawns and we would love to see you there supporting the Smith Family with us!

Elodie de Wit and Adjoa Yawson
Year 10 students

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Kilburn House Charity

On Friday 14 June (Week 7), the Year 10 Kilburn Home Group will be selling sausages and drinks to raise money for our House Charity, Treasure Boxes. Treasure Boxes provides vital essentials to families living in disadvantage within our community. We are selling a range of options, with meal deals costing $5, which include a sausage and drink. Sausages with the option of onion are $3, as well as soft drinks (coke and lemonade) and an assortment of juice boxes costing $3 each. Gluten-free bread and vegetarian sausages are also available.

Families of Reception to Year 2 students can pre-order their food, which will be delivered to them via our Year 10 Kilburn girls. Please click here to purchase through Trybooking. The link will be open until Thursday 6 June, 5pm, so please place your order before then! Students from Years 3 to 12 can buy sausages and drinks on the day. We are taking cash-only payments.

The sausage sizzle will be located on Chiverton Lawns, so come down at lunch to support our girls and Treasure Boxes.

We look forward to seeing you there!

 Alyssa Piantedosi and Lucy Lowry
Year 10 Students

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Year 7 and 10 Immunisations

Immunisation Information for Parents / Legal Guardians of Year 7 and 10 Students

The SA 2024 School Immunisation Program will be delivered by Eastern Health Authority (EHA) on Tuesday 11 June 2024.

All Year 7 students will be offered:

  • 1 dose of the Human Papillomavirus vaccine, Gardasil®9
  • 1 dose of the Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping Cough vaccine, Boostrix®

All Year 10 students will be offered:

  • 2 doses of the Meningococcal B vaccine, Bexsero® at 2 separate visits (2 months apart).
  • 1 dose of the Meningococcal ACWY vaccine, Nimenrix®

Further information and videos for Senior School students are available at:
School based vaccinations for teens | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

Immunisation consent packs were given out at the beginning of the school year with information about the vaccines on offer. It is important that you have read the information supplied in the packs before you give consent for your child to be vaccinated at School. If you did not receive an Immunisation Consent pack from your child, please ask at the School office.

Please notify EHA if:

  • Your child has already started the above program with another provider
  • You wish to withdraw your consent
  • Your child’s medical condition has changed

Tips for the day of immunisation:

  • Encourage your child to have a good breakfast and recess on the morning of immunisations
  • Wear sports uniforms to aid easy access to the upper arm and avoid unnecessarily exposing yourself if clothing needs to be removed/undone
  • Encourage your child to keep their arms moving and drink plenty of water throughout the day.

If you have any further questions about the program, please directly contact Eastern Health Authority on 8132 3600 or via e-mail at

Remember it is your responsibility to notify EHA of any changes or information, particularly in relation to your child’s medical condition. A signed and dated note in your child’s diary from a parent or guardian presented on the day is acceptable.

School Immunisation Program records will be available on MyGov within 24 hours of the school visit.

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Ladies’ Night Out at the Movies – NEW EXCITING RAFFLE PRIZE OFFERED

Date: Wednesday 19 June (Week 8)
Time: 6.30 pm for 7 pm Movie
Movie: The Fall Guy
Cost: $25 per person (includes bubbles & chocolate on arrival)
Raffle tickets: $5 for 1 ticket, $10 for 3 tickets

Early-bird offer: Purchase your movie tickets by 19 May for a chance to win an ‘early-bird-only’ special prize draw.

Bring your girlfriends, mothers and sisters and join us for an unforgettable night of action and comedy as Emily Blunt and Ryan Gosling entertain us with an ‘epic story of cosmic proportions’.

You’ll be greeted on arrival with a complimentary glass of bubbles and chocolate, ready to sit back and enjoy the show.

Our coveted raffle prizes are returning, including tickets to Carols in the Cathedral 2024 and Choral Night 2025. Waltz past the queues straight to your reserved seats with the VIP guests!

HOT OFF THE PRESS!!  We have x 2 tickets to the 130th Gala Celebration in addition to the wonderful prizes below.

Raffle tickets can be purchased online with your movie ticket and will also be available on the night. Get your tickets before 19 May to be in the running for our fabulous EXTRA prize just for early-bird purchasers –
A bundle of 2 tickets for Carols in the Cathedral 2024 and 2 tickets for Choral Night 2025.

Even better, you’ll be in the draw for all other prizes on the night which include:

  • 4 tickets to Carols in the Cathedral 2024
  • 4 tickets to Choral Night 2025
  • One of three $100 vouchers for The Family Cook, generously donated by Victoria Braithwaite (current Year 10 parent).

This wonderful event is hosted by The Friends of The Arts community group. All proceeds go directly to support the many wonderful Arts programs at Saints Girls.

Please join us for an evening to remember.

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School Shop Notice

School Shop Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm (closed for lunch 12 – 12.30pm).

Parents can also order items via our Online School Shop. This is now accessible via the Flexischools platform which also administers our Online Tuck Shop. To sign in or sign up to Flexischools, click here

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Absences from School

If your child will be absent from school/ELC or is arriving late or leaving early, please notify the School via one of the following methods:

Text: 0428 601 957
Phone: 8334 2200

Please ensure to include your child’s name, the name of the ELC Room, Class or Home Group and the reason for the absence i.e. illness/appointment/family/sport etc.

If notifying via email, feel free to ‘cc’ the teacher of the Room/Class/Home Group as well.

It would be appreciated if notification is received prior to 9am.

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Sports News

Sport Results
Wednesday 15 – Tuesday 21 May


Middle A: Saints (11.2 68) v Seymour Middle B (1.0 6)
Best Player: Izzy H – 3 goals in the first quarter!
Superwoman: Imogen Pearce – rucked in her first game ever and nailed it.

Senior A: Saints (2.3 15) v Immanuel Senior B Blue (1.1 7)

Year 5-6: Saints (3.3 21) v Pembroke Year 4-6 (13.8 86)


Senior A: Saints (3/5/135) v Wilderness Senior A (3/7/168)

Senior B White: Saints (0/0/65) v Pembroke Senior B Blue (6/10/162)

Senior C Blue: Saints (3/3/87) v Wilderness Senior C1 (3/3/92)

Senior C White: Saints (0/0/75) v Wilderness Senior C2 (6/6/126)

Senior D Blue: Saints (0/0/36) v Wilderness Senior D1 (6/6/126)

Senior D White: Saints (0/0/50) V Wilderness Senior D2 (6/6/126)

Senior D Silver: Saints (2/2/86) v Wilderness Senior C3 (4/4/106)


Year 5-6 Silver: Saints (10) v Seymour Year 5/6 Blue (17)

Year 4 White: Saints (13) v Seymour Year 5/6 (34)

Year 4-6 Blue: Saints (24) v Walford Year 4-6 White (12)


Year 3-4 Minkey: Saints (0) v Pembroke Year 4 Blue (7)

Senior A: Saints (2) v Wilderness Senior A (0)

Senior B: Saints (2) v Wilderness Senior B (1)


Premier League: Saints (53) v Concordia Premier League (41)

Premier League Reserves: Saints (35) v Concordia Premier League Reserves (54)

Senior B: Saints (43) v Concordia Senior B (25)
It was another great game from the girls. Defensive pressure coming down the court was unreal, and they worked together to reward their hard effort. Every girl played a massive part in today’s game and should be very proud of their efforts.
Best Player: Kate Thomas

Senior C: Saints (36) v Immanuel Senior C Blue (17)

Senior D Blue: (8) v Westminster Senior E (34)

Senior D White: Saints (74) v Wilderness Senior D (25)

Year 3 White: Saints (8) v Walford Year 3 (2)

Year 4 Blue: Saints (4) v Pulteney Year 3/4 White (8)

Year 5 Blue: Saints (2) v Pembroke Year 5 Green (14)
Best Player: Emma See
Superwoman: Airlie McCarthy

Year 5-6 Silver: Saints (1) v Seymour Year 6 Purple (26)

Year 5-6 White: Saints (3) v Seymour Year 6 Purple (23)

Year 7A: Saints (23) v Concordia 7A (35)
Best Players: Anisha Pahuja – great bodywork and provided strong drive out of defence. Sophia Curry – lots of movement in the circle and worked well with other shooter and feeders.
Jessica Dong – got some lovely tips and intercepts.
Superwoman: Sasha Connor – demonstrated great leadership when on the bench by providing lots of encouragement and thoughts on the game. Had lots of voice and composure when coming onto WD.

Year 7B: Saints (12) v Concordia Year 7B (21)

Year 8A: Saints (29) v Concordia Year 8A (30)
Best Player: Maisy Ion
Superwoman: Charlotte Dodd

Year 8B: Saints (14) v Concordia Year 8B (46)

Year 8C: Saints (4) v Wilderness Year 8C (57)

Year 8D: Saints (18) v Wilderness 8D (12)
Thank you to all the girls who filled in after playing their own game beforehand. Awesome job girls.

Year 9A: Saints (9) v Concordia Year 9A (75)


Premier League: Saints (3) v Concordia Premier League (0)
Best Player: Januri Wagaarachichi
Superwoman: Aurelia Weidenbach

Middle A: Saints (12) v Concordia Middle A (0)

Year 3 Silver: Saints (4) v Pulteney Year 3-4 (1)

Year 5-6 Blue: Saints (1) v Seymour Year 5/6 White (4)

Year 3-5 White: Saints (0) v Seymour Year 5/6 Purple (9)

2024 Australian Athletics Championships

Well done to the following students who represented South Australia at the recent Australian Athletics Championships!

Amelia Sheridan, Ava Field, Charlotte McAuliffe, Daisy Braithwaite, Elodie de Wit, Gisele Chernishev, India Goodall, Lucille Trengove and Malaika McLeod.


Off the back of a successful Australian Athletics Championships, Charlotte McCauliffe has been selected to represent Australia in the Oceania U18 and World U20 Athletics Championships!

Charlotte jets off next week to compete in the Oceania Championships, taking place in Suva, Fiji where she will race in the 200m, 400m and 4x 400m.

In August, Charlotte will compete in the World U20 Championships, which will see her travel to Lima, Peru to race in the 4x 400m.

What an amazing achievement Charlotte; we wish you all the best!


Congratulations to the following students who were selected to represent Saints at the East Adelaide SAPSASA Cross Country:  Vanessa Barnes, Hazel Bigg, Molly Burnett, Florence Cleland, Penny Coulter, Lucy Dougherty, Chloe Green, Arie Hobart, Shan Yu Khoo, Jiaen Lu, Mia O’Brien, Holly Price, Mikayla Rundle, Aurelia Tan, Harper Tolfts, Violet Tulloch and Emily Wang.

The girls had a fantastic day, with some very competitive racing! Congratulations to Lucy Dougherty who earned a spot in the East Adelaide SAPSASA team, which will compete in the State Championships at Oakbank on Thursday 6 June 6.

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eNews Week 3, Term 2 2024

Issue no. 21Enews-banner

From our Deputy Principal and Head of Senior School

Term 2 is well and truly underway, and our students have jumped straight back into their lessons across all years of the School. In addition to their classroom studies, Saints Girls are also involved in a vast range of co-curricular activities and opportunities this term.

Co-curricular involvement can take place in a variety of formats, it could be sport, music, dance, debating and public speaking, or volunteering. Involvement in co-curricular activities provides students with greater connections and opportunities to build relationships across a variety of year levels. In addition, a student’s leadership qualities, self-discipline and self-confidence can be fostered when they take part in co-curricular activities. Each day this term, I, along with my colleagues, have been fortunate to see our girls take part in a variety of activities connecting with their peers and growing in confidence, demonstrating one of our School values of courage. Students have begun training with netball, football or hockey teams, working with peers from a variety of cohorts thus increasing their social connections. A record number of students have signed up to debating this year, some for the very first time. Here we see our girls grow in confidence as they take a risk and try something new. Some of our youngest Saints Girls in the Junior School have had their first ‘body balance’ class, where they are learning to explore and appreciate all of the amazing actions their bodies can do.

Our singers and musicians continue to test themselves learning pieces that would challenge some of the best in the business. Our dancers have shown dedication staying late after school or coming in over the weekend to rehearse for their upcoming FUSION performance.

In addition to supporting our students physically, the rich co-curricular offerings here at Saints also support our students’ emotional and social development. They learn how to be gracious in victory, to view a loss as an opportunity to grow. They are gently pushed outside of comfort zones thus developing their resilience and perseverance. Finally, when our girls are taking part in co-curricular no matter what the activity, they are representing their School as they showcase all that they have learnt. This representation of Saints in turn creates a greater sense of belonging for our girls and strengthens our community. A strong sense of belonging is the simplest measure of good wellbeing for young people, so I take this opportunity to encourage all Saints Girls to put their hands up and to get involved in the amazing co-curricular life of the School.

Lauren Sutton
Deputy Principal and Head of Senior School

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Important Dates

APY Lands Visit: 20-23 May
R-6 Book Fair: 20-24 May
ELC Photos: 21-23 May
ELC New Families Welcome Evening: Wednesday 22 May
Year 10 Parent Teacher Interviews: Wednesday 22 May
Jazz in the Hills: Sunday 26 May
National Reconciliation Week: 27 May-2 June
CREATE 24: Monday 27 May
IB Expo: Tuesday 28 May
Mid-Year Reception Orientation and Transition Morning: Monday 3 June
da Vinci Decathlon: 4-6 June
Year 11 Parent Teacher Interviews: Thursday 6 June
FUSION Performance: Friday 7 June
King’s Birthday Public Holiday: Monday 10 June
Mid-Year Reception Transition Morning: Tuesday 11 June
Reception to Year 9 Piano Eisteddfod: Thursday 13 June

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130 Celebration – You’re Invited!


Join us to raise a toast to celebrate our birthday!
We are thrilled to invite you to an evening filled with festivity and nostalgia.

Date and Time: Saturday 26th October 2024, 6.30 – 11.30pm
Ticket Price: $185
Location: Adelaide Oval, Ian McLachlan Room
Attire: Lounge Suit

Enjoy gourmet delights from our diverse food stations, crafted to satisfy every palate. Experience a unique gin tasting with our expert mixologist and enjoy a premium wine package. Dance to live music by the Baker Boys and take in the stunning night-time views of the Adelaide Oval. Relax and mingle with friends and colleagues in a joyous atmosphere.

RSVP: Please click here to secure your spot. Numbers are limited, so act quickly to ensure your place at this memorable celebration!

Your presence would make the celebration complete. We look forward to seeing you there!

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Celebrating Innovation and Excellence in Science Education

We are thrilled to announce the South Australian Science Teachers Association (SASTA) has honoured St Peter’s Girls’ School as a 2024 Science Active School. This prestigious award is a testament to our ongoing commitment to excellence in science education, recognising our high level of engagement both within the classroom and in broader scientific communities.

Our unique approach to science education, combining both SACE and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme complemented by our state-of-the-art facilities, including seven laboratories with three purpose-built labs dedicated to Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, is designed to inspire and motivate our students. This approach, coupled with the dedication of our teaching staff, has been pivotal in achieving this national recognition as a 2024 Science Active School, and we are proud to see the positive impact it has on our students’ learning journeys.

Our commitment to science education extends far beyond the confines of the classroom. We actively foster innovative ways to bring science to life, as demonstrated by our Scientist in Residence program. This initiative, featuring role models who nurture scientific curiosity and integrate real-world science into daily learning, has had a profound impact on our students’ understanding and appreciation of Science. Our involvement in the Oliphant Science Awards, the Big Science Competition, and our connections with leading universities further underscore our dedication to nurturing our students’ scientific curiosity and understanding.

This recognition from SASTA is not just a celebration of our current achievements, but also a compass guiding our future endeavours in science education. We are committed to empowering our students to excel and become leaders who will shape the future of Science and Technology. We look forward to continuing our journey of innovation and excellence in science education.

Thank you to all our educators, students, and the Saints Girls’ community for your dedication and passion. Let us continue to inspire and be inspired as we prepare our girls for a world where they thrive and lead with courage, creativity, and compassion.

Melissa Lee
STEM Innovation Leader

Craig Byrne
Head of Science

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Sports Day Highlights and Results

We are still on a high from last week’s Sports Day, the sun was shining, and the day was action-packed! Congratulations to SELWYN for bringing home the Shield. See the highlights in our video.


Overall Winners

  • 1st Selwyn 4415
  • 2nd Kilburn 4330
  • 3rd Kennion 4319
  • 4th Patteson 3627

Year 4

  • Mia O’Brien 1st
  • Winnie Christo 2nd
  • Chloe Green 3rd

Year 5

  • Lucy Dougherty 1st
  • Cindy Su 2nd
  • Aimee Ju 3rd

Year 6

  • Milli Richardson 1st
  • Alessandra Dal Cin 2nd
  • Mimi Birmingham 3rd

Year 7

  • Amelia Sheridan 1st
  • Emily Robinson 2nd
  • Bonnie Qu 3rd

Year 8

  • Lauren Disney 1st
  • Lucille Trengove 2nd
  • Audrey Fox 3rd

Year 9

  • India Goodall 1st
  • Isla Fahey 2nd
  • Aurelia Weidenbach 3rd

Year 10

  • Chloe Richardson 1st
  • Elodie de Wit 2nd
  • Lucy Lowry 3rd

Year 11

  • Charlotte McAuliffe 1st
  • Ava Field 2nd
  • Zara Trim 3rd

Year 12

  • Amelia Lucas 1st
  • Alice Braithwaite 2nd
  • Sienna Huxtable 3rd

Junior Athlete of the Day Milli Richardson
Junior Field Athlete of the Day Mimi Birmingham
Junior Track Athlete of the Day Milli Richardson
Middle Athlete of the Day Amelia Sheridan
Middle Field Athlete of the Day Victoria Zou
Middle Track Athlete of the Day Amelia Sheridan
Senior Athlete of the Day Charlotte McAuliffe
Senior Field Athlete of the Day Sienna Huxtable
Senior Track Athlete of the Day Elodie de Wit

Junior School Shield

  • 1st Kennion
  • 2nd Kilburn
  • 3rd Patteson
  • 4th Selwyn

Middle School Shield

  • 1st Kilburn
  • 2nd Selwyn
  • 3rd Kennion
  • 4th Patteson

Senior School Shield

  • 1st Selwyn
  • 2nd Kennion
  • 3rd Kilburn
  • 4th Patteson

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Ladies’ Night Out at the Movies – NEW EXCITING RAFFLE PRIZE OFFERED

Date: Wednesday 19 June (Week 8)
Time: 6.30 pm for 7 pm Movie
Movie: The Fall Guy
Cost: $25 per person (includes bubbles & chocolate on arrival)
Raffle tickets: $5 for 1 ticket, $10 for 3 tickets

Early-bird offer: Purchase your movie tickets by 19 May for a chance to win an ‘early-bird-only’ special prize draw.

Bring your girlfriends, mothers and sisters and join us for an unforgettable night of action and comedy as Emily Blunt and Ryan Gosling entertain us with an ‘epic story of cosmic proportions’.

You’ll be greeted on arrival with a complimentary glass of bubbles and chocolate, ready to sit back and enjoy the show.

Our coveted raffle prizes are returning, including tickets to Carols in the Cathedral 2024 and Choral Night 2025. Waltz past the queues straight to your reserved seats with the VIP guests!

HOT OFF THE PRESS!!  We have x 2 tickets to the 130th Gala Celebration in addition to the wonderful prizes below.

Raffle tickets can be purchased online with your movie ticket and will also be available on the night. Get your tickets before 19 May to be in the running for our fabulous EXTRA prize just for early-bird purchasers –
A bundle of 2 tickets for Carols in the Cathedral 2024 and 2 tickets for Choral Night 2025.

Even better, you’ll be in the draw for all other prizes on the night which include:

  • 4 tickets to Carols in the Cathedral 2024
  • 4 tickets to Choral Night 2025
  • One of three $100 vouchers for The Family Cook, generously donated by Victoria Braithwaite (current Year 10 parent).

This wonderful event is hosted by The Friends of The Arts community group. All proceeds go directly to support the many wonderful Arts programs at Saints Girls.

Please join us for an evening to remember.

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Catch the Reading Bug!

During Week 4, the Junior School Library will host our annual Scholastic Book Fair.

This pop-up bookshop event is a wonderful opportunity for students to purchase books to take home whilst also supporting a very important cause. Funds raised will go towards the ‘Solar Buddy’ Service-Learning Initiative helping to provide solar study lights to children living in energy poverty areas.

Books and stationery will be on sale at the following times:

Before school: 8.10 – 8.30am
Lunchtime: 1.15 – 1.45pm
After school: 3.30 – 4pm

The fair will run lunchtime Monday 20 to Friday 24 May. Cash and credit card payments will be accepted.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Miss Mitchell, Mrs Smith and the Year 6 Library leaders

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Out of the Blue Journal 2024

The Out of the Blue Arts Journal is a celebration of our School community’s talented artists, produced entirely by the student committee! The pages contain beautiful paintings, deep and compelling poems, inspiring music and countless other creative endeavours.

We are looking for students from Reception to Year 12, Old Scholars, and staff to submit art for a chance to be featured in this year’s Journal. There are no limits to the type of art allowed, as long as it is an original work.

To enter your artwork, you can place a physical copy in the submission boxes in either the Junior School classrooms or the ones located around the Middle School. Or you can email a digital copy to . For all submissions, please fill out and attach this submission form. Entries close Friday 16 August.

Every year, Out of the Blue opens the opportunity to design the journal front cover. Many of the past designs have featured line drawings, but we hope to see some other creative ideas as well. The only requirement is that it must fit within the square format of the Journal. For inspiration, Editions 1-4 of the Journal are currently on display in the Middle School Library – feel free to look! Cover designs can be submitted in the same way as general submissions by Monday 24 June.

As this year marks the fifth anniversary of the Out of the Blue Arts Journal, which coincides with the School’s 130th anniversary, we hope to see submissions to make this special edition a standout! At Saints Girls, we value the importance of art and creativity, and we hope that through this project, we can continue to share the talent and voices of our community for years to come.

Further details can be found on the submission form, but do not hesitate to email Rebecca RileyAlex McKay, or the OOTB Committee with any questions.

Angelina Hii 
Out of the Blue Committee 

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ELC – News from Learning Community 2

Curiosity Can Drive Research

This term, the ELC Pathway children have been fascinated by our brand-new kitchen and dining space. They have curiously observed, smelled and tasted the beautiful flavours coming out of the kitchen and have had lots of questions for our new chef, Angela.

These curiosities have led us on a food exploration where the children have expressed their thoughts and understanding about the seasonal fruit and vegetable provocations on offer. Using their senses, the children have inquired into where some of these foods come from, drawing on their existing understanding and experiences. Many of the children shared that they have fruit and vegetables growing at their homes and were able to share their knowledge with the group.

During our discussion about pomegranates, some of the children shared that they thought pomegranates grew on bushes, whilst others thought they grew on trees. After lots of sharing and listening, the children determined that we could find this information out by searching on Google or looking in a book.

The children’s curiosity this week has supported their research and inquiry skills, exploring ways we can find answers to our questions. It has also allowed the children to come up with more questions, which we will continue to explore throughout the term.

Tori McDonnell
Pathway Hallett Teacher

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CREATE 24 – Save the Date!

The Stage 2 SACE and IB Dance students are proudly presenting their own choreographic works on Monday 27 May at 7pm in the Jeffreys Linn Arts Centre. Exploring many diverse and complex themes, these young choreographers look forward to sharing their hard work with our community. All welcome – no tickets required.

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Saints Girls Receive Rotary Music Awards

Congratulations to Year 12 students Jasmin Baker (Cello) and Abigail Papps (Voice) who represented Saints Girls at the recent St Peter’s Rotary Music awards. Both performances were well received with highly favourable comments from members of Rotary.

Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music

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Thank you from the Friends of Sport!


Sports Day was a wonderful day not only for the girls and their parents enjoying the beautiful weather, but it was also our most successful Sports Day Raffle ever.

We raised over $1,000 which will go towards providing FREE BBQ’s, PINK Socks for Breast Cancer Support and Reconciliation Ribbons for Reconciliation Week.  The funds will also go towards providing one-of-a-kind supporters’ caps, House caps and on-going support of our girls in their sporting endeavours.

We offer our sincere thanks to all who donated prizes – St Peter’s Girls’ School, Athletes Foot Burnside, Nonna and I Restaurant, Momoda Restaurant and our tireless committee members.

Prize winners were:

2 x tickets to 130 Year Celebration:  Celine, Year 4 Kennion

1 x $200 Athletes Foot Voucher: Sylvie, Year 8 Kilburn

1 x Nonna and I Voucher: Jenna, Year 12 Kilburn

1 x Nonna and I Voucher: Mila, Year 6 Kilburn

1 x $100 Momoda Voucher: Charlie E, Year 12 Selwyn

1 x Sporting Goods Hamper: Charlotte, Year 12 Patteson

1 x Sporting Goods Hamper: Aria, Year 5 Patteson

1 x Hospitality Hamper: Charlie P, Year 12 Selwyn

Thank you once again for your ongoing support.

Kirstie Blaskett
Friends of Sport

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School Shop Notice

School Shop Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm (closed for lunch 12 – 12.30pm).

Parents can also order items via our Online School Shop. This is now accessible via the Flexischools platform which also administers our Online Tuck Shop. To sign in or sign up to Flexischools, click here

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Absences from School

If your child will be absent from school/ELC or is arriving late or leaving early, please notify the School via one of the following methods:

Text: 0428 601 957
Phone: 8334 2200

Please ensure to include your child’s name, the name of the ELC Room, Class or Home Group and the reason for the absence i.e. illness/appointment/family/sport etc.

If notifying via email, feel free to ‘cc’ the teacher of the Room/Class/Home Group as well.

It would be appreciated if notification is received prior to 9am.

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Sports News

Sport Results
Wednesday 8th – Tuesday 14th May


Senior A: Saints (2/4/123) v Pembroke Open A (4/7/167)

Senior B Blue: Saints (3/5/126) v Pembroke Open B Blue (3/5/106)

Senior B White: Saints (0/0/89) v Pembroke Open B Green (6/6/162)

Senior C White: Saints (1/1/83) v Pembroke Open B Green (6/6/162)

Senior C Silver: Saints (2/2/96) v Walford Senior C (4/4/103)

Senior D White: Saints (0/0/90) v Pembroke Open D (6/6/126)

Senior D Silver: Saints (6/6/126) v Walford Senior D2 (0/0/62)

Senior E White: (4/4/117) v Wilderness Senior E2 (2/2/86)

Senior E Silver: (0/0/65) v Wilderness Senior E3 (6/6/126)


Year 5-6 Silver: Saints (0) v Walford Year 4-6 (14)

Year 4 White: Saints (3) v Wilderness Year 5 Blue (44)

Year 4-6 Blue: Saints (10) v Walford 5-6 Blue (19)


Senior A: Saints (4) v Pembroke Senior A (3)

Senior B: Saints (2) v Pembroke Senior B (1)


Premier League: Saints (49) v Pembroke Premier League (36)

Premier League Reserves: Saints (28) v Pembroke Premier League Reserves (47)

Senior B: Saints (50) v Pembroke Open B (10)

Year 9A: Saints (36) v Pembroke Year 9A (49)

Year 8B: Saints (29) v Pembroke Year 8B (27)
Best Player: Layla Dodd

Year 8A: Saints (17) v Pembroke Year 8A (39)
Best Player: Charlotte Dodd

Year 7B: Saints (14) v Pembroke 7B (39)

Year 7A: Saints (28) v Pembroke 7A (30)
Best Players: Ruby Pahuja was a lovely target for us in GS and shot beautifully; Evie Slade came onto WD and had immediate impact, taking multiple intercepts and making good decisions in attack; Clara Polasek had great timing up and down the court and good feeds into shooters.
Super Woman: Ava Bembridge worked hard all game and took on feedback well.

Year 5-6 White: Saints (11) v Scotch Year 6 Navy (16)

Year 5-6 Silver: Saints (1) v Westminster Year 6 Yellow (17)
The girls did really well after limited trainings together. They put their best efforts onto the court and kept their heads up the whole game!

Year 5-6 Blue: Saints (21) v Pulteney Year 5-6 Navy (13)

Year 5 White: Saints (1) v Scotch Year 5 Gold (28)

Year 5 Blue: Saints (4) v Pulteney Year 5 Blue (12)

Year 4 Blue: Saints (2) v Scotch Year 3-4 (9)
Thank you, Elizabeth and Emma for filling in for us!

Year 3 White: Saints (3) v Pembroke Purple Year 3 (11)

Reconciliation Round

During Weeks 4 and 5, all sports teams will be participating in Reconciliation Round. Reconciliation Round gives us an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people within our community. It allows us to recognise the contribution and success Indigenous people have had in sport and gives us a time to respect their culture within our sporting teams. To celebrate this Round, all Saints teams will be given a Reconciliation ribbon, and the acknowledgment of country will be said before each game. The Team Spirit Award will also be awarded to the player who displays the best sportsmanship on the opposing team.

Emily Wildman
Year 11 Student

Saints Success at SSSA Athletics

In Week 10 of Term 1, a contingent of our students represented Saints Girls at the School Sport SA Athletics Championships. With schools from all over South Australia eligible to compete, the carnival is broken into grades, with Saints Girls once again competing in A Grade, the highest division.

Our students performed admirably throughout the Championship, with Saints Girls placing 5th in the Female Team competition.

In addition to this overall result, several of our students produced exceptional individual performances. Remarkably, Lucille Trengove contested three individual events (the 14 and Under 100m, 200m and Long Jump) and won all three! Lucille was also victorious in her fourth event, the 14 and Under 4 x 100m Relay alongside Aleesha Gray, Emily Robinson and Lauren Disney. Meanwhile Chloe Richardson took out the 16 and Under Long Jump.

Saints Girls students saw considerable success in the 800m events, with India Goodall winning the 15 and Under division, Aleesha Gray the 14 and Under division, and Amelia Sheridan winning the 13 and Under division. Not only did Amelia, win her event but broke the meet record for the 13 and Under 800m!

Well done to all of our students who competed on their performances!

Summary of placings:

India Goodall 1st in 800m 15&U Div 1
Aleesha Gray 1st in 800m 14&U Div 1
Chloe Richardson 1st in Long Jump 16&U Div 1
Milly Sheridan 1st in 800m 13&U Div 1
Lucille Trengove 1st in 100m 14&U Div 1
Lucille Trengove 1st in Long Jump 14&U Div 1
Lucille Trengove 1st in 200m 14&U Div 1
Alice Braithwaite 2nd in 1000m Steeplechase Open Div 1
Lauren Disney 2nd in 100m 15&U Div 1
Ava Field 2nd in 400m Open Div 1
Audrey Fox 2nd in 1500m 15&U Div 1
Carys Kinsella-White 2nd in Long Jump Open Div 1
Malaika McLeod 2nd in 800m Open Div 1
Chloe Richardson 2nd in Triple Jump 16&U Div 1
Victoria Zou 2nd in Discuss 14&U Div 1
Gisele Chernishev 3rd in 100m 13&U Div 1
Lauren Disney 3rd in 400m 14&U Div 1
Lauren Disney 3rd in 200m 15&U Div 1
Amelia Lucas 3rd in 100m Open Div 1
Amelia Lucas 3rd in 200m Open Div 1
Chloe Richardson 3rd in 400m 16&U Div 1
Victoria Zou 3rd in Shot Put 14&U Div 1
Gray, Robinson, Disney, Trengove 1st in 4 x 100m Relay 14&U Div 1
Lucas, Field, Kinsella-White, McLeod 3rd in 4 x 100m Relay Open Div 1

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eNews Week 2, Term 2 2024

Issue no. 21Enews-banner

From Our Director of ELC

This term marked the opening of our new Learning Community 2 space, and the enthusiasm from the children on their first day back was palpable! It has been heart-warming to witness the joy as children and staff quickly established a sense of belonging while they engaged with their new environment. Their smiles have been a constant reminder of the importance of creating spaces where children feel safe, inspired, and eager to learn.

In addition to our new learning space, we welcomed our talented Chef, Angela Taddeo, to our team. The children have been treated to beautiful seasonal produce and delicious nutritious food. The enticing aromas from our new commercial kitchen have been a highlight, and the children have been captivated watching Angela at work. It’s been wonderful to see them eagerly discussing the menu and expressing their love for the delicious meals prepared with care and creativity. Here are some of the comments from our ELC children regarding their experience of our new food program:

  • I tried a new food! – Willow
  • Can I watch the chef cooking? – Eleanor
  • This pasta is delicious! – Emma
  • I like to use the fork! – Liam

It has been quite special to watch the children express their observations through play as they have role played concepts around the role of food and how food brings us together as a community.

Sharing a new space inspires new learning opportunities.
This term, our Pathway Ferguson children have been actively involved in creating essential agreements for their new learning environment, both indoors and outdoors. Through this process they have become curious about what it means to be a part of a democratic community and have implemented their own voting structures. The children have embarked on a journey of exploration, dialogue, and mathematical investigations. We are excited to see where their curiosity and questions will lead them.

The Pathway Hallett children have eagerly embraced their new learning environment, particularly finding inspiration in the kitchen area. The enticing flavours and aromas have sparked their curiosity, fostering engaging discussions and exploration. Encouraged by our educators, they have developed independence by taking on responsibilities such as setting up and clearing plates, thus nurturing their sense of organisation and accountability. As autumn unfolds, bringing with it a vibrant tapestry of colours, the children have taken on a scientific approach, actively collecting and observing natural materials showing a particular interest in the seed pods they have collected.

For our Pathway Ferguson children, the transition to Reception is on the horizon. From exploring the children’s questions about school to nurturing friendships and building relationships with key staff, Chloe Skoss our Pathway Ferguson Teacher has been instrumental in laying the foundation for this next step. Guided by our Vision of Assessment we have been nurturing children’s holistic development across all domains of early learning. From social and communication skills, to literacy, numeracy, and motor development, our Pathway children have been thriving as they prepare for the exciting transition ahead. While we will miss our Pathway children dearly, we are excited to see them embark on this new adventure and flourish in Reception. As we reflect on our Pathway children’s time in the ELC we are filled with gratitude for the opportunity to have been part of their learning journey as it is such an immense privilege.

Liz Schembri
Director of Early Learners’ Centre

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Important Dates

School Tour: Saturday 11 May
R-2 Mothers and Treasured Friends Breakfast: Monday 13 May
APY Lands Visit: 20-23 May
R-6 Book Fair: 20-24 May
ELC Photos: 21-23 May
ELC New Families Welcome Evening: Wednesday 22 May
Year 10 Parent Teacher Interviews: Wednesday 22 May
Jazz in the Hills: Sunday 26 May
National Reconciliation Week: 27 May-2 June
IB Expo: Tuesday 28 May
Mid-Year Reception Orientation and Transition Morning: Monday 3 June
da Vinci Decathlon: 4-6 June
Year 11 Parent Teacher Interviews: Thursday 6 June
FUSION Performance: Friday 7 June
King’s Birthday Public Holiday: Monday 10 June

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And The Winner Is…

Congratulations to SELWYN on taking out Sports Day 2024!

House spirit was on full display at the SA Athletics Stadium today for our annual Sports Day. Houses went head-to-head in track and field events. The novelty events were a huge hit and the amazing Year 12 costumes did not disappoint.

Well done to the girls, staff and parents on another fantastic Sports Day!

Don’t miss next week’s eNews for a full wrap up of the day.

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Canberra Study Tour 2024


Last week our Year 6 students headed to the nation’s capital city, Canberra, to engage in their study tour linked with our unit of inquiry ‘How we organise ourselves.’ Driving our learning was the central idea: Government systems and decisions impact the broader community. The trip provided the girls with an excellent opportunity to learn about;

  • Our democratic history at Old Parliament House
  • The preferential voting system at the Electoral Commission
  • Australia’s system of government at Parliament House

During the Tour we visited the Australian War Memorial, which afforded the girls an opportunity to commemorate those men and women who lost their lives defending our rights and freedoms as a country. Other destinations visited on our Tour included the National Portrait Gallery, CSIRO and Questacon.

We’d like to thank Senator Simon Birmingham for graciously dedicating his time to lead our entire group on a VIP tour of Parliament House which was an absolute highlight of the trip. Additionally, another highlight was our visit to Government House, where the Governor General himself engaged with the group, offering us a unique chance for conversation and a special photo opportunity!

The best part of our trip was going on the ‘big drop’ at Questacon!
Olivia Ianniello

The highlight of the Canberra trip for me was talking with the Governor General. 
Georgia Ketteridge

I loved visiting Parliament House with Senator Birmingham; seeing the Senate and House of Representatives.
Alice Bigg

A highlight for me was going to the War Memorial and acknowledging those have sacrificed their lives for our benefit.
Mila Laughlin.

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Crossing All Obstacles!

Last week, the Year 4s embarked on an exciting camp at Woodhouse Adventure Park. 48 enthusiastic campers engaged in three days of thrilling adventures, from Wednesday 1 to Friday 3 May.

The program featured a variety of group and individual development activities led by Active Education. Through these experiences, students honed their personal and social skills, including teamwork, fostering a growth mindset, and building resilience by tackling challenges head-on.

On the second day, the students immersed themselves in cultural activities such as crafting clay fish, ‘Rainbow Serpent’ orienteering and painting a canvas using Aboriginal symbols. During their overnight stay, the students were treated to a movie night and indulged in melted marshmallow s’mores! To conclude the camping experience, the Year 4s conquered obstacles on Challenge Hill.

Undoubtedly, the Year 4 students had an incredible time, creating lasting memories to cherish.

Jane Angove
Year 4 Teacher

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Planetarium Visit was Out of This World!

On Monday 6 May we visited the Planetarium at the Uni SA Mawson Lakes campus as a provocation for our study of space ‘Advances in technology have enhanced our understanding of earth and its place in the solar system’.

We were treated to an hour session in the actual dome, with Astronomer Mary, who showed us how the planets orbit the sun, the constellations we see in the night sky and some amazing history connecting our understanding of the sky with that of native Australians. We now know a great deal about Indigenous cosmology!

We also had a session in the STEM lab at Uni SA where we studied a meteorite, worked out how much we would weigh on other planets, designed a cube satellite, studied distances between planets and looked at constellations. This was a lot of fun as well as being educational as it was designed as a scavenger hunt.

All in all the Year 5s gave this excursion a 5/5!

Shelley Hampton
Year 5 Teacher

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Introducing Our New Director of Netball

We are excited to welcome Phoebe Guley to Saints Girls as our Director of Netball.

Phoebe brings a wealth of Netball experience being both a player and coach in the Great Southern Netball Association at McLaren Vale Netball Club. She has also been involved with the Southern Academy program, as well as coaching and playing for Great Southern Netball Association representative teams. Complementing her experience in Netball, Phoebe has also recently commenced a Master of Teaching (Secondary) through Flinders University, with the aim to teach Humanities and Social Sciences and Visual Arts.

Phoebe commenced in Week 1 of Term 2 2024 and has been enjoying getting to know our students, coaches and community. We want to extend a heartfelt welcome to Phoebe. We are excited to watch her support our students and coaches to improve their Netball skills and develop a lifelong love of sport.

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ELC – News from Learning Community 1


‘Autumn leaves shower like gold, like rainbows, as the winds of change begin to blow.’
Dan Millman

As the leaves start to turn and the air becomes crisper, our youngest learners embark on a colourful journey into autumn. Armed with curiosity, magnifying glasses, and an abundance of enthusiasm, the children have been joyously jumping, running, and rolling through the fallen leaves on Chiverton Lawns.

From vibrant reds to golden yellows, they are captivated by the kaleidoscope of colours adorning the leaves. Through hands-on exploration, they have discovered the diversity in shapes and sizes, comparing each leaf they find. As educators, we are inspired by their natural sense of wonder, and we nurture their inquiries, guiding them to observe, question, and explore further.

By fostering this early connection to nature, we not only cultivate a deeper understanding of the world around them but also lay the foundation for a lifelong love of learning.

This term, we have introduced the children to an enchanting story called ‘Leaf Man’ by Lois Ehlert. It is a whimsical tale that invites them to not only engage with nature but also grasp fundamental concepts in literacy and Mathematics. Through identifying shapes and patterns in the leaves, they enhance their cognitive skills. The book’s narrative encourages STEM exploration as young minds connect the dots between the natural world and mathematical concepts. By integrating storytelling with hands-on experiences, we delve into a treasure trove of learning experiences, fostering holistic growth and creativity.

Nell Tierney, Annabelle Redmond, Dot Kelly and Kathy McCabe
Learning Community 1 Teachers

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Making Bracelets for Our APY Lands Visit

In Week 4, a group of Year 11 students will travel to the APY Lands again to participate in a range of school-based activities, fostering active reconciliation through a reciprocal learning lens. Our students in Years 2 to 6 have been contributing to these important relationships by creating loom band bracelets during lunchtime sessions. Loom band bracelets serve as a vibrant symbol of connection and sharing between diverse communities. These handmade items will be shared with the members of the communities we visit, fostering a sense of unity and understanding, while promoting connections and celebrating diversity through a shared creative activity. Students have made over 250 bracelets so far to be given out during our trip, and they will also lead an after-school workshop to teach community members how to make their own.

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Exploring Traditional Chinese Calligraphy in Our Classroom

As Term 1 concluded, our Year 2 and Year 3 Chinese students, including those in the Year 2 Background Chinese class, tried the ancient art of Chinese calligraphy. Chinese calligraphy is a profound cultural heritage that reflects the aesthetic essence of Chinese history. The writing brush, which is an essential tool for this art, has been used in China for thousands of years. Traditionally made from fine animal hair, including that of horses, goats, and rabbits, the brush moves fluidly across paper, allowing for a dynamic range of expressions.

The students practised their strokes using traditional Chinese writing brushes and innovative reusable magic cloths. This innovative tool uses water instead of ink, which means the cloth can be reused as the water dries up, offering an eco-friendly way to learn and practise calligraphy. This approach not only teaches the technique but also instills a sense of sustainability among students.

The students found the experience both enlightening and enjoyable. Here are some comments from our Year 2 students.

Ezriella: I know how to hold the brushes. On the brushes, there are horsehair. It’s super fun to use the writing brush in this activity.

Mila H: The brushes have the Chinese character ‘wolf’ on them.

Mila Z: The magic cloth also helps you to get better at writing.

Charlotte: I hope we get to practice hard words next term.

Willow: Hopefully we do this activity again in Term 2.

In Saints Girls’ language lessons, we aim to enrich our students’ understanding of different cultures and equip them with skills that enhance their creativity and appreciation for diverse artistic traditions.

Ying Liu
Chinese Teacher

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Saints Girls Examine Ethical Dilemmas

On Thursday 16 April eight girls competed against other South Australian schools in the Australasian Ethics Olympiad. The students, comprising two teams of four, examined ethical dilemmas of a wide variety, posing questions, and discussing ideas throughout the day. The topics ranged from the ethics of ‘sports washing’ or ‘affirmative action’ to the responsibilities doctors have to their patients. The girls had the opportunity to learn from one another as well as other schools and greatly enjoyed the experience. As a result, the team comprising of Angelina Hii, Alix Douglas, Shanta Holloway, and Misha Yagnik came second overall and will be competing in the competition again on an international level later this year.

Misha Yagnik
Year 12 Student

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Jazz in the Hills

On Sunday 26 May, our national award-winning choirs along with guest artist The Adelaide Connection will be singing up a storm at Jazz in the Hills.  Tickets include a buffet lunch at the beautiful Discovery Convention Centre in Hahndorf. Over 100 of our talented musicians are involved, with the afternoon featuring Stage Band, Little Big Band, Extension Strings, plus 4 of our Jazz Choirs.

We are incredibly lucky to have The Adelaide Connection, led by multi award winning jazz vocalist Lauren Henderson as our guest artist. This outstanding choir is the Elder Conservatorium’s premier jazz choir, and arguably the very first jazz choir in Australia.

The Adelaide Connection have released four albums, including Nice ‘n’ Easy, which was an ARIA nominee for Best Jazz Album, featuring Australian jazz legend Don Burrows (AOM). They have performed at the International Association of Jazz Educators Convention in New York City, the Manly Jazz Festival in Sydney, the Pacific Basin Choral Convention in Honolulu and have toured regularly nationally and internationally. Recently they have had a number of collaborations with the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra.

Click here to book. Bookings close on Monday 13 May at 9am.

Hope to see you there.

Sari Noble
Director of Choirs

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Top Awards for Saints Musicians

At the recent Australian Music Examination Board awards Saints Girls was proudly represented by several outstanding young musicians who achieved the top award for their Examination category.

Congratulations to the following girls:
Courtney Fu was presented with the Viola Grade 6 Prize.
Matilda Chu (Patteson 2023) received the Horn Grade 8 Prize.
Heidi Ruohua Gong was presented with the AMusA for Piano.
Samantha Li was presented with the AMusA for Violin.
Jerrie Wu was presented with the Certificate of Performance in Piano.

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The Student Libraries Initiatives Club Magazine: SLIC Reviews No. 11 Out Now

The latest edition of SLIC Reviews offers something to appeal to every reader. Within its pages, you’ll find the new mystery series ‘Truly Devious’ by Maureen Johnson, a great read for those who also enjoyed ‘The Inheritance Games’ by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. Additionally, there’s a selection of Japanese translated fiction, featuring highly regarded titles such as ‘What You Are Looking For Is In The Library’ by Michiko Aoyama, and ‘Days At The Morisaki Bookshop’ by Satoshi Yagisawa, which have been popular with both staff and senior students. In this issue, we also highlight new books in the Library, a spotlight on SLIC members, book reviews by senior students and a delicious hazelnut tiramisu recipe by Gordon Ramsay.

Start reading now-click here

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R-2 Mothers and Treasured Friends’ Breakfast

Dear Reception to Year 2 Families

A reminder that our Reception to Year 2 Mothers and Treasured Friends’ Breakfast is on Monday 13 May from 7.45 – 9am on the Junior Primary Verandah. Following the breakfast there will be a classroom visit.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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Playground Safety Notice

Dear Families

We are excited the Junior School Playground is now open. Please note the Playground is out of bounds before and after school.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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ELC Portfolio Sharing

St Peter’s Girls’ ELC warmly invites families in Week 3 to join us in viewing your child’s portfolio.

Your child’s portfolio offers a representation of the rich tapestry of learning that unfolds each day at the ELC. This is a special time to explore and celebrate your child’s engagement in the inquiries and investigations from Term 1.

The portfolios will be available for you to view in the Piazza during drop-off and pick-up times throughout the week.

We eagerly anticipate the joy of celebrating and sharing in your child’s learning journey with you.

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Oliphant Science Awards – Registrations Closing Soon

What Can You Expect?

🔬 Real-Life Investigations: Conduct and report on scientific inquiries in real-world settings.

🎨 Unleash Creativity: Explore your interests, talents, and creativity through Science.

🧠 Expand Knowledge: Develop a deeper understanding of science concepts and principles.

🌍 Share Your Work: Showcase your projects to a broader audience and inspire others.

Why Participate?

🏆 Prizes Galore: Win a variety of prizes including cash prizes!

🚀 Career Insights: Discover the vast array of career opportunities in Science and Technology.

💡 Innovation & Inquiry: Foster innovation, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

🌐 Tech Integration: Embrace new technologies, including ICTs, to enhance your learning experience.

🎉 Open to All: Any and all students are encouraged to participate.

Categories to Explore:

🌱 Citizen Science: Sponsored by the University of Adelaide, engage in scientific projects that involve the public in data collection, analysis, and problem-solving.

💎 Crystal Investigation: Delve into the fascinating world of crystals and explore their properties through scientific investigation.

🎮 Games: Develop educational games that make learning science fun and interactive for players of all ages.

🛠️ Models & Inventions: Sponsored by the Australian Institute of Energy, design and create models or inventions that address real-world challenges or showcase innovative solutions.

📽️ Multimedia: Combine your scientific knowledge with your creativity to produce engaging multimedia presentations that communicate complex concepts in an accessible way.

📸 Photography: Sponsored by the SA Museum, capture the beauty of science and nature through stunning photographs that tell a story or convey scientific concepts.

🖼️ Posters: Design visually captivating posters that communicate scientific ideas, research findings, or experimental results.

🤖 Programming, Apps & Robotics: Sponsored by Defence Science and Technology Group, showcase your programming skills by creating apps, software, or robotics projects that tackle scientific problems or enhance scientific exploration.

🔍 Scientific Inquiry: Sponsored by the University of South Australia, conduct scientific investigations into topics of interest and present your findings in a clear and concise manner.

📝 Science Writing: Sponsored by Flinders University, hone your writing skills as you communicate scientific concepts, research findings, or personal insights through articles, essays, or creative writing pieces.

Click here for more information on the categories.

How to Get Involved?
Click here to complete the application form and share your project idea and plan by Monday 13 May 2024.

There will be weekly check-ins Mondays at recess in SC304.
Click here to learn more!

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School Shop Notice

School Shop Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm (closed for lunch 12 – 12.30pm).

Parents can also order items via our Online School Shop. This is now accessible via the Flexischools platform which also administers our Online Tuck Shop. To sign in or sign up to Flexischools, click here

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Absences from School

If your child will be absent from school/ELC or is arriving late or leaving early, please notify the School via one of the following methods:

Text: 0428 601 957
Phone: 8334 2200

Please ensure to include your child’s name, the name of the ELC Room, Class or Home Group and the reason for the absence i.e. illness/appointment/family/sport etc.

If notifying via email, feel free to ‘cc’ the teacher of the Room/Class/Home Group as well.

It would be appreciated if notification is received prior to 9am.

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Sports News

Saints Teams Compete at Aerobics Competiton

On Saturday 4 May, our Aerobics Athletes competed in the FISAF Super Series competition at Golden Grove. This year there has been a significant increase in the number of girls participating in Aerobics which is a positive step for the future. It was the first competition of the year, and the perfect opportunity for our teams to get stage practice before the upcoming State Competition in June. All the teams did exceptionally well, it was the first time competing for many, and I am proud of how everyone dealt with their nerves.

We were lucky enough to have a team place in each of the three categories, representing Saints well! Fiesta came first in the Secondary Fitness Team section and is the first Fitness Team to compete for Saints. Additionally, in the Secondary Pre-choreographed Team Phase 1 Intensify came third and in the Secondary Pre-choreographed Team Phase 2 Synergy also came third. Both these sections had nearly 10 teams competing, so we are very proud of their achievements. The girls worked very hard in the lead-up to this competition, and it showed when they were on stage. We are working towards the state competition in June, where some of our teams could be selected for Nationals.

Lara Maione
Aerobics Captain

eNews Week 1, Term 2 2024

Issue no. 21Enews-banner

From Our Principal

The ongoing complexity and uncertainty facing the world mean many people are seeking answers in how to discover or rediscover happiness. This search for happier lives impacts teachers, parents, families and caregivers of girls, who often find themselves battling falsely idealised social media imagery and unrealistic demands from society. Finding reliable answers in the plethora of self-help content can be difficult. How can we be sure we are not falling for another empty trend that will have no genuine effect on long term happiness? Harvard University has been conducting the world’s longest study on what makes us happy (now in its 86th year), looking at how our changing world influences happiness at a time when isolation, loneliness and depression are affecting a record number of people. The most recent findings gathered during the rapidly increasing use of social media, show that close relationships are what keep people happy during their lives, much more so than other factors such as money or fame. This is important for us in the school context as a downward trend in young people’s happiness which began in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, has not abated and in fact, continues to move in the wrong direction.

The Harvard research shows that satisfaction in relationships is the best predictor of a happy and healthy life, and this provides us with a potentially valuable and relatively achievable solution to the stress and loneliness that plagues so many, including girls and adolescents. The benefit of healthy, positive relationships helps regulate stress which in turn provides numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. There is no ‘right’ number of connections or relationships each person needs- these relationships can be from anywhere, such as friends, family, peers, colleagues, staff, at local shops or at part-time jobs. The Harvard research describes developing a ‘social fitness’ similar to physical fitness, where we take deliberate actions to make new connections and to maintain our existing ones. Small, simple actions can still improve our happiness, and the earlier we develop these positive, healthy relationships, the more time we have to enjoy the benefits. Of course, nobody is happy all of the time; life is full of challenges, obstacles and ups and downs, but relationships can form a ‘safety net’ of support that can help during the hard times that all of us have during our lives.

In the second week of the term break I was fortunate enough to have a few days annual leave, taking the opportunity to reconnect with my husband, daughter and friends, and finding space to rest and rejuvenate. It was at this time that the world felt somewhat sombre with the incident at Bondi Junction and continuing acts of violence against women, while wars continue in the Middle East and Ukraine. On reflection my happiness in such distressing times is indelibly linked to the relationships I have with my family and friends, the clear purpose I have as leader of a school and the strong place of belonging I have with the students, staff, families and Old Scholars of our 130-year-old School. I am incredibly fortunate as going to School each day fills me with positivity, interacting with students and staff who care about each other, see the joy in life and come to realise they have the power to make a positive difference to our world. The foundation of a St Peter’s Girls’ education is the meaningful connections our girls are encouraged and supported to make through their studies, co-curricular activities, service, Houses, Home Groups and School camps. The boundless opportunities to make connections enable our students to develop the ‘social fitness’ referred to in the Harvard research and lead to our students having a meaningful connection to their school and a healthy self-worth.

With the commencement of Term 2, a term which includes Sports Day, Mother’s Day Celebrations, National Reconciliation Week, Jazz in the Hills and da Vinci Decathlon, I encourage our students and families to make the most of every opportunity offered to be involved in school life. I look forward to reconnecting with you during the term.

Cherylyn Skewes

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Important Dates

Cyber Safety Education for Junior School Parents: Wednesday 8 May
Sports Day:
Friday 10 May
R-3 House Spirit Day: Friday 10 May
ELC Mothers and Treasured Friends Afternoon Tea: Friday 10 May
School Tour: Saturday 11 May
R-2 Mothers and Treasured Friends Breakfast: Monday 13 May
APY Lands Visit: 20-23 May
R-6 Book Fair: 20-24 May
ELC Photos: 21-23 May
ELC New Families Welcome Evening: Wednesday 22 May
Year 10 Parent Teacher Interviews: Wednesday 22 May
Jazz in the Hills: Sunday 26 May
National Reconciliation Week: 27 May-2 June
IB Expo: Tuesday 28 May
Mid-Year Reception Orientation and Transition Morning: Monday 3 June
da Vinci Decathlon: 4-6 June
Year 11 Parent Teacher Interviews: Thursday 6 June
FUSION Performance: Friday 7 June
King’s Birthday Public Holiday: Monday 10 June

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Patteson Triumph at Summer Interhouse

On the last day of Term 1 our four Houses went head-to-head at the annual Summer Interhouse competition. Congratulations to PATTESON on claiming the shield!

Congratulations to the Sports Captains who planned and coordinated a very successful Summer Interhouse, and well done to all participants, particularly those who gave everything a go, despite not having played those sports before!

See the girls in action as they battle it out in our highlights reel.

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Junior School Girls Go for Gold at Cross Country

Last term our Reception to Year 6 students brought great energy to the Junior School Interhouse Cross Country. We were blessed with perfect weather and parents turned out to cheer on the runners. There were some impressive times and close finishes, with KENNION taking the win!

Year 6 Sports Captains, Violet Tulloch, Vanessa Barnes, Aurelia Tan and Gracie Sheridan had the fantastic initiative of having icy poles at the finish line for all participants, which was very well received!

Well done to all students and staff involved in what was a great day. Thank you to all parents, grandparents and guardians who attended and supported the girls.


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Year 3s Tell the Story of Saints Girls

In Term 1, our Year 3 students presented the wonderful story of our Founding Sisters. The girls did an outstanding job in retelling the inspiring history of our School, which began 130 years ago. Well done girls on a moving and captivating performance.

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Dance Students Attend the Victorian Dance Festival

On the last day of Term 1, some of our senior Dance students set off for Melbourne.

First, we visited Transit Dance, where students can study further education in Musical Theatre or Contemporary courses. The incredible Helpmann Award winning Andrew Hallsworth took a class too! That evening we saw CHICAGO, The Musical, which I highly recommend going to when it hits the Adelaide stage!

Over the course of the weekend, students attended the annual Victorian Dance Festival, taking class with the most influential and respected dance teachers and choreographers in the business. They had the opportunity to take class in all different styles, including Hip Hop, Jazz, Contemporary, Show Girl, Latin, Broadway and Ballet. Some girls even had the experience of auditioning for the prestigious Joffrey Ballet School in New York City! Special mention goes to Zoe Min O’Callaghan and Alexandra Nguyen who received a scholarship to take the five week intensive Musical Theatre course in July!

This was an incredible experience for the dancers, who gained knowledge about the performing arts industry, further studies and potential career pathways. Most importantly, they had a wonderful time.

Immersing themselves all the opportunities presented to them!

At the Victorian Dance Festival we learnt short dance combinations from some incredible teachers who are well known in the performing arts industry such as: Sarah Boulter, Sophie Holloway, Jason Coleman, Paul Malek, and so many others. It was inspiring to learn from some of these prominent choreographers and teachers and try to adapt to their individual dancing styles. It was also fun to participate in classes that were outside of my comfort zone because it meant I could expand my abilities as a dancer and gain new skills that I couldn’t necessarily do before. A more personal highlight for me was being able to watch the musical CHICAGO! Chicago is one of my favourite musicals and getting to see it live for the first time made me very happy. It was fabulous! Overall, the trip was a terrific experience, and it was great to bond with all the girls that came along.
Alyssa Walpole

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ELC Vacation Care Reflection

Learning Community 1 – Exploring Autumn

During the past several weeks, children have become increasingly curious about changes in their environment. The weather is getting a little cooler and the leaves are changing their colours and so, they understand that this season is called Autumn.

During Vacation Care, we took the opportunity to further support their curiosity. We created spaces where children could express their creativity through the language of food and visual art. The children were particularly interested in exploring seasonal fruit and vegetables.

Working with apples and pumpkins as our inspiration, we manipulated playdough to recreate the shapes of the produce and closely observe their characteristics.

Taking inspiration from the book, Tap the Magic Tree, the children recorded their observations through their drawings and reflected on the different shades of colours.

With the assistance of our kitchen ‘heroes’ (tools) such as peelers, mixers, cutters, corers, and spiralisers, we cooked delicious food and explored STEM.

The children were intrigued by the kitchen tools; they wanted to know how the tools operated and were enthusiastic participants in this experience. We will continue to ignite and challenge their curiosity during Term 2.

Valentina Fernandes
Vacation Care Coordinator, Learning Community 1

Learning Community 2
Rich learning opportunities continued throughout Vacation Care as the children were offered a variety of explorative experiences together. These rich experiences were celebrated by all with sweet conversations often overheard, as the children and their families left for the day.

We were so excited to finally be able to get back into our ELC Community Garden! We began the tidying up process: weeding, sweeping the path and cleaning out the plant pots, ready for planting when everyone returned in Term 2. We explored the following questions: What is a garden? What would you like to grow in our garden? How can we all look after it? This took us on a journey of designing and sharing our ideas. These ideas were documented using the children’s drawings, creating a shared agreement, modelling with clay and freshening up our shared bathroom by making a garden of flowers, hung for everyone to enjoy.

Miss Sims was able to source some free produce from a local fruit and vegetable store for us to use for one of our provocation activities. We inquired into, “How many seeds are in an apple and banana? Are the amount of seeds the same or are they different?”

We were able to go on several nature walks in the School grounds and collected special treasures such as leaves and gumnuts. We made these into individual collages that the children were able to take home. Children also made their own gardens to grow at home with their families using containers saved during term time to support our focus on sustainability.

A big thank you to all staff who attended Vacation Care as you made the opportunities, experiences, and memories with the children long lasting. I’m sure they will continue to share the wonderful experiences that they had for the weeks to come.

Liz Ewers
Vacation Care Coordinator, Learning Community 2

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R-2 Mothers and Treasured Friends’ Breakfast – Book Now!

Dear Reception to Year 2 Families

Marika Taylor, Head of Junior School, warmly invites you to our Reception to Year 2 Mothers and Treasured Friends’ Breakfast on Monday 13 May from 7.45 – 9am on the Junior Primary Verandah, followed by a classroom visit.

Book via Trybooking. Hope to see you there!

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Playground Safety Notice

Dear families

We are excited the Junior School Playground is open for the commencement of Term 2. Please note the Playground is out of bounds outside school hours.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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An Invitation to Inspire St Peter’s Girls’ School Students

On Thursday 13 June, St Peter’s Girls’ School will be hosting a Health Careers Expo for Senior School students.

The Expo seeks to offer our students invaluable insights into the real-world applications and opportunities within the diverse Health field. By partnering students with Saints Girls’ community members, such as Old Scholars and parents, we hope to provide students with access to real world insights into vocational fields to inform these far-reaching decisions.

We are inviting our community members who are professionals in the Health sector to share their career highlights and journey, shedding light on what is possible for those embarking on a similar path. Your contribution will be vital in inspiring and informing our students about the varied and fulfilling career options available in the Health industry.

The Expo is scheduled for Thursday 13 June, from 12.00pm to 2.00pm in the School Gym.

To express your interest in participating in the Health Careers Expo please email Carolyn Farr by Monday 6 May.

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ELC Mothers and Treasured Friends’ Afternoon Tea – Book Now!

Dear ELC families

Join us on Friday 10 May at 2pm to celebrate the Mothers and Treasured Friends’ Afternoon Tea in the ELC!

Our Centre will be celebrating Mother’s Day and the inspirational women in the children’s lives including mothers, grandmothers, and aunties.

Click here to book by Tuesday 7 May.

We hope to see you there!

ELC Mothers and Treasured Friends’ Afternoon Tea
Friday 10 May
2pm in the ELC

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ELC Porfolio Sharing

St Peter’s Girls’ ELC warmly invites families in Week 3 to join us in viewing your child’s portfolio.

Your child’s portfolio offers a representation of the rich tapestry of learning that unfolds each day at the ELC. This is a special time to explore and celebrate your child’s engagement in the inquiries and investigations throughout Term 1.

The portfolios will be available for you to view in the Piazza during drop-off and pick-up times throughout the week.

We eagerly anticipate the joy of celebrating and sharing your child’s learning journey with you.

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Sports Day Next Week!

On Friday 10 May (Week 2, Term 2), the Year 4-12 Sports Day will be held at the SA Athletics Stadium. The day will begin at 8.30am and will conclude by approximately 3.15pm.

Students who usually travel on School buses will be transported directly to and from the venue, departing from and returning to their regular stops. School Bus Drivers will inform families of any expected changes to pick-up and drop-off times.

To assist other families, we are offering a special bus service to transport students from School to the SA Athletics Stadium and back. Buses will depart School at 7.45am and return by approximately 4.15pm. All other students will need to be dropped off at the SA Athletics Stadium in the morning and picked up from there in the afternoon.

We encourage all girls to compete in a number of events, with their preferences being discussed in PE lessons and House meetings. Sports Day is to be treated like a normal School day; therefore, attendance is compulsory for the whole day. If a student is unable to participate in their events, a note must be emailed to Miss Katherine Perkas via

The Friends of Sport will be running a raffle with excellent prizes on offer. They will also be selling House merchandise prior to the day. To purchase raffle tickets or pre-order merchandise Click Here. Orders will close at 5pm, Monday 6 May.

Thank you for your support as we count down to another epic Sports Day!

Katherine Perkas
Head of PE, Health and Outdoor Education

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Jazz Concert in the Adelaide Hills

Our national award winning choirs will be singing up a storm at ‘Jazz in the Hills’, Sunday May 26. Treat yourself to a buffet lunch at the beautiful Discovery Convention Centre in Hahndorf as you enjoy listening to over 100 of our talented Saints Girls sing and play. The afternoon will feature Stage Band, Little Big Band, Extension Strings, plus 4 of our Jazz Choirs involving students from Year 6 to 12.

Our special guests include Australia’s premier jazz choir, ‘The Adelaide Connection’, led by multi award winning and renowned jazz vocalist Lauren Henderson. We are excited to make connections with the Adelaide University, and in particular Lauren, who is the Head of Vocal Jazz Studies as well as one of Australia’s best jazz vocalists.

Tickets are $65 per head which includes lunch and 2 hours of amazing music. Both single tickets and full tables of 9 are available via trybooking.

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Junior School Cybersafe Parent Presentation

Dear Junior School Families

You are invited to attend a parent session hosted by Cybersafe Families on Wednesday 8 May at 6.30pm in the Jeffreys Linn Arts Centre.

Please see flyer for more information about this very important session that aims to provide families with useful strategies to help make the home environment cyber safe.

You can confirm your booking via Trybooking.

We look forward to seeing you.

Marika Taylor
Head of Junior School

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It’s Oliphant Science Award Time!

What Can You Expect?

🔬 Real-Life Investigations: Conduct and report on scientific inquiries in real-world settings.

🎨 Unleash Creativity: Explore your interests, talents, and creativity through Science.

🧠 Expand Knowledge: Develop a deeper understanding of science concepts and principles.

🌍 Share Your Work: Showcase your projects to a broader audience and inspire others.

Why Participate?

🏆 Prizes Galore: Win a variety of prizes including cash prizes!

🚀 Career Insights: Discover the vast array of career opportunities in Science and Technology.

💡 Innovation & Inquiry: Foster innovation, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

🌐 Tech Integration: Embrace new technologies, including ICTs, to enhance your learning experience.

🎉 Open to All: Any and all students are encouraged to participate.

Categories to Explore:

🌱 Citizen Science: Sponsored by the University of Adelaide, engage in scientific projects that involve the public in data collection, analysis, and problem-solving.

💎 Crystal Investigation: Delve into the fascinating world of crystals and explore their properties through scientific investigation.

🎮 Games: Develop educational games that make learning science fun and interactive for players of all ages.

🛠️ Models & Inventions: Sponsored by the Australian Institute of Energy, design and create models or inventions that address real-world challenges or showcase innovative solutions.

📽️ Multimedia: Combine your scientific knowledge with your creativity to produce engaging multimedia presentations that communicate complex concepts in an accessible way.

📸 Photography: Sponsored by the SA Museum, capture the beauty of science and nature through stunning photographs that tell a story or convey scientific concepts.

🖼️ Posters: Design visually captivating posters that communicate scientific ideas, research findings, or experimental results.

🤖 Programming, Apps & Robotics: Sponsored by Defence Science and Technology Group, showcase your programming skills by creating apps, software, or robotics projects that tackle scientific problems or enhance scientific exploration.

🔍 Scientific Inquiry: Sponsored by the University of South Australia, conduct scientific investigations into topics of interest and present your findings in a clear and concise manner.

📝 Science Writing: Sponsored by Flinders University, hone your writing skills as you communicate scientific concepts, research findings, or personal insights through articles, essays, or creative writing pieces.

Click here for more information on the categories.

How to Get Involved?
Click here to complete the application form and share your project idea and plan by Monday 13 May 2024.

There will be weekly check-ins Mondays at recess in SC304.
Click here to learn more!

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The Fall Guy – Don’t Miss the Opportunity of Two Chances to Secure VIP Seats



Bring your girlfriends, mothers and sisters and join us for an unforgettable night of action and comedy as Emily Blunt and Ryan Gosling entertain us with an ‘epic story of cosmic proportions’.

You’ll be greeted on arrival with a complimentary glass of bubbles and chocolate, ready to sit back and enjoy the show.

Date: Wednesday 19 June 2024 (Week 8)
Time: 6.30 pm for 7 pm Movie
The Fall Guy
Venue: Regal Theatre, 275 Kensington Road, Kensington Park SA 5068
Cost: $25 per person (includes bubbles and chocolate on arrival)
Raffle tickets: $5 for 1 ticket, $10 for 3 tickets
Early-bird offer: Purchase your movie tickets by 19 May for a chance to win an ‘early-bird-only’ special prize draw.

Our coveted raffle prizes are returning, including tickets to Choral Night 2025 and Carols in the Cathedral 2024. Waltz past the queues straight to your reserved seats with the VIP guests!

Raffle tickets can be purchased online with your movie ticket and will also be available on the night. Get your tickets before 19 May to be in the running for our fabulous EXTRA prize just for early-bird purchasers – a bundle of 2 tickets for Choral Night 2025 and 2 tickets for Carols 2024. Even better, you’ll still be in the draw for all other prizes on the night, including 4 tickets to Carols in the Cathedral and 4 tickets to Choral Night 2025 or one of three $100 vouchers for The Family Cook, generously donated by Victoria Braithwaite (current Year 10 parent).

This wonderful event is hosted by The Friends of The Arts community group. All proceeds go directly to support the many wonderful Arts programs at St Peter’s Girls’ School.

Please join us for an evening to remember.

To book tickets – click here.

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School Shop Notice

School Shop Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm (closed for lunch 12 – 12.30pm).

Parents can also order items via our Online School Shop. This is now accessible via the Flexischools platform which also administers our Online Tuck Shop. To sign in or sign up to Flexischools, click here

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Absences from School

If your child will be absent from school/ELC or is arriving late or leaving early, please notify the School via one of the following methods:

Text: 0428 601 957
Phone: 8334 2200

Please ensure to include your child’s name, the name of the ELC Room, Class or Home Group and the reason for the absence i.e. illness/appointment/family/sport etc.

If notifying via email, feel free to ‘cc’ the teacher of the Room/Class/Home Group as well.

It would be appreciated if notification is received prior to 9am.

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