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Year 2, 3 and 4 Music Concert

School Tour

SAPSASA State Athletics Carnival

ELC Parent Teacher Conversations

Year 5 Production

Last Day of Term 3

Vacation Care and ELC Vacation Care

Public Holiday – Vacation Care Closed


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Health Centre Notice

Spread kindness, not cold and flu! We appreciate everyone’s ongoing efforts in continuing to avoid the spread of illness within the Saints community as we aim to protect our immunocompromised students, staff, and families. In the winter months, colds, flus and Covid-19 are circulating heavily. A reminder that it is strongly recommended your child stays home if they have any cold or flu-like symptoms and should stay home until all symptoms subside irrespective of the illness

Car Park Protocols

An important reminder to families about our car park protocols, particularly during drop off and pick up.

If the car park is full and you are unable to enter, circle the block until it is clear to enter, find a park elsewhere or, where age-appropriate, meet your daughter in a surrounding street.

Please note that, unless special circumstances apply, parents of girls in Years 2 to 12 should not enter the car park to collect their daughters prior to 3.30pm. Parents of girls in Reception and Year 1 have exclusive use of the pick-up zone prior to this time for safety and traffic reasons.

  • Reception pick-up at 3pm
  • Year 1 pick-up at 3.15pm
  • All other Years from 3.30pm  

We ask families to remain in their vehicles at the Kiss and Drop to allow for the safety for all our community members.

Please refrain from turning right into or out of the car park at peak times, and please do not queue in the car park’s lanes as this often prevents drivers who are legally parked from exiting.

We have previously received complaints about cars being parked too close to, or in front of driveways, or across from other vehicles in surrounding streets, making it extremely difficult for residents and other road users to navigate. We ask all community members to show consideration for others.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Annual House Dinners – Book Now!

During Term 3 all Middle and Senior School students have the opportunity to enjoy a night away from homework and get creative and colourful at the annual House Dinners.

The Year 11s have been working hard organising decorations, food and games for each event. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone’s creative costumes and enjoying a fun night with our Houses. Each House’s Year Level categories can be found on the posters located around the School so keep an eye out.

This is a compulsory event for all Year 7 to 12 students. Visit the TryBooking links below to book your daughter(s) a ticket for the night.

Kennion 30 August (bookings close Friday 23 August at 5pm)
Theme: High School Cliques

Book now

Kennion House Charity Day

On Friday 23 August (Week 5), the Year 10 Kennion girls are hosting a sausage sizzle to raise money for KickStart for KidsKickStart for Kids is a South Australian not-for-profit organisation providing breakfast and lunch to underprivileged children. The charity currently serves around 60,000 breakfasts per week in 360 SA schools.

Sausage in bread – $2
Sausage with onion – $3
Soft drinks and juice boxes – $2

Meal deal options include:

1 sausage + 1 drink – $3
2 sausages + 1 drink – $5

Vegetarian sausages are also available at the same price.

Reception to Year 2 parents click here to pre-order. Bookings close on Monday 19 August at 9am.

Students from Years 3 to 12 can purchase items from our stall on Chiverton Lawns during lunch. Please note it will be with cash only.

We look forward to seeing you there and helping us make a difference by supporting our charity KickStart for Kids!

Year 10 Kennion

Patteson House Charity Day

The Year 10 Patteson girls have been working hard in preparation for the highly anticipated Patty Bake Sale! We will be raising money for Mary Mags Dinners on Friday 23 August (Week 5). Mary Mags Dinners provides free, 3 course meals on Saturday evenings for people in need of a good meal and company.

The bake sale will have a variety of different baked treats ranging from $1- $3. We have gluten-free and vegan options so everyone can have a sweet treat!

Reception to Year 2 parents, click here to pre-order. Bookings close on Monday 19 August at 9.00 am.

Students from Years 3 to 12 can purchase items directly from the stall on Chiverton Lawns during lunch. We will accept cash only!

We look forward to seeing you come and support the girls and the Mary Mags foundation.

See you there!

Year 10 Patteson

School Shop Notice

School Shop Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm (closed for lunch 12 – 12.30pm).

Parents can also order items via our Online School Shop. This is now accessible via the Flexischools platform which also administers our Online Tuck Shop. To sign in or sign up to Flexischools, click here

Absences from School

If your child will be absent from School/ELC or is arriving late or leaving early, please notify the School via one of the following methods:

Text: 0428 601 957
Phone: 8334 2200

Please ensure to include your child’s name, the name of the ELC Room, Class or Home Group and the reason for the absence i.e. illness/appointment/fa