Reception to Year 1 Dance Concert
Words cannot quite express how proud we are of every Reception and Year 1 student for their amazing enthusiasm, energy and excitement during our dance lessons and the dance concert! Each dance represented the changing seasons as the girls danced through Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring in a beautiful array of rainbow costumes. The dance program is a special part of our learning in Semester 1. Our dance teacher Kirsty built a beautiful and trusting rapport with the girls and developed their ability to connect and collaborate with each other using expressive arts. Each week new dance skills were introduced, and the students had opportunities to experiment, play and respond expressively to music. They worked in partnership and built an understanding of themselves as creative artists. This was such a wonderful way to showcase their learning journey!
Michelle Liddy, Kathryn Clark, Liz Sandercock and Nicole Gibb
Reception and Year 1 Teachers
On the concert day we had to put our leotards on. We did not have shoes on. The ground was cold. Then we were there. First we did skipping. Then we did the right-hand walk. Then we did the left-hand walk. Then the Year 1s went on. There were leaves falling. Then the other Year 1s came on. They were butterflies. Then Ms Clark’s girls came on. They were wearing black skirts with dots on them. They were so beautiful. They huddled together and they fluttered around each other.
Sophia 0MLI
‘When we got on stage I felt happy because I love Kirsty and dance. My favourite part of the whole concert was the end when I did my speech for Kirsty.’
Elin 1LS
‘When we got on stage I felt happy because I saw everyone doing it right so I thought I could do it.’
Lily 1LS
‘When we got on stage I felt happy because I thought the dance would go terribly wrong but it didn’t!’
Olive 1LS
‘When we got on stage I felt like I was flying in the sky because it was so exciting on the stage.’
Faith 1LS
Saints Girls Success at Mind Lab Competition
Eight talented Years 5 and 6 students represented St Peter’s Girls with pride at the recent Interschool Mind Lab Competition, hosted by St Andrew’s School. The competition, which tested strategic thinking and problem-solving, saw our girls rise to the challenge.
We are pleased to share that in the Premier Division Emma Gu placed 1st in Checkers and Jiaen Lu placed 2nd in Quoridor. In Division 1, Amy Liau placed 2nd in Quoridor and Tia Dong placed 3rd in Octi. We are incredibly proud of the effort, sportsmanship, and determination displayed by all our participants.
Kim Butler Nixon
Year 6 Teacher
Junior School Book Week
Dress Up Day will be held on Friday 23 August. This year’s theme is ‘Reading is Magic.’ Junior School students are invited to come dressed as a book character or a character that fits this year’s theme. The students will parade their costumes along the pathway to the Chapel from 8.35am, and families are welcome to come and watch. The students will also be involved in an assembly following the parade, which will have capacity for students only.
We look forward to celebrating Book Week 2024!