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News from Learning Community 2

Using our Connection with Nature to Resource our Learning

It all started when a bird’s nest was discovered in one of the trees near the mud kitchen. What happened next demonstrated children’s active commitment to our Acknowledgement of Country by looking after everything on the land, the people, and the animals.

As the children excitedly told their educators and friends about this discovery, a wave of curiosity to see or hear what was inside the nest rapidly swept across the ELC. This curiosity led children to climb, shake and throw things at the tree in an attempt to catch a glimpse of what lay inside the nest.

Here our oldest Pathway children took responsibility for their environment by creating rules that our Learning Community could follow to ensure the safety of the nest and the birds.

The following rules were created:

  • No touching the tree
  • Gently reminding others to give the tree space
  • Speak quietly around the nest

The Pathway children then collaborated to make a sign and bunting to go around the tree. This signage helped others to become aware of the nest so that we could all work together to protect it.

Since the discovery of the nest, children have been invited to use the graphic language to create observational drawings that reflect its size and shape. Children have also used natural materials alongside play dough and wool to create their own models of the nests. These experiences have provided children with many different opportunities to explore concepts specific to science and engineering, as well as share their theories about what species of bird made the nest.

Chloe Skoss and Tori McDonnell
Pathway Teachers – Learning Community 2

ELC Book Week Parade

The ELC Book Week Parade will be held on Wednesday 21 August (Week 5). This year’s theme is Reading is Magic. 

Book Week is an exciting time for our youngest learners as it celebrates the magic and significance of reading and storytelling. Books transport children to new worlds, fostering creativity and imagination. They play a crucial role in supporting language, cognitive, social, and emotional development, laying the foundation for early literacy and instilling a lifelong love of reading.

All children are invited to dress up as their favourite book character for the Parade!

The Parade will commence at 9.30am on the Chapel Path, behind the ELC in the School followed by a shared story time on Chiverton Lawns. Please ensure your child is signed in and dropped off at their class by 9.00 am if they are attending on the day of the Parade. If your child does not usually attend on this day, they are still welcome to participate in the parade; however, due to staffing requirements, you will need to stay and take your child home afterwards.

Families and treasured friends are warmly invited to join us and enjoy the parade.

We look forward to seeing you there and celebrating the magic of reading together!

Artwork by Jess Raclyeft | © The Children’s Book Council of Australia.

Fathers and Treasured Friends’ Afternoon Tea

Dear ELC Families,

St Peter’s Girls’ ELC is celebrating Fathers and Treasured Friends’ Afternoon Tea on Friday 30 August at 2pm.

We are excited to celebrate Father’s Day and Treasured Friends in the lives of the ELC children.

Make your bookings by Monday 26 August by clicking here.

We hope to see you there!

2025 Enrolments – Current Families

We currently have an extensive waitlist for St Peter’s Girls’ ELC and therefore, as we plan for 2025 enrolments, we are reaching out to our current families regarding any anticipated changes to or increase in days of attendance for 2025. As we progress with the allocation of intake offers for 2025, it is important for us that we ensure that our current families have their designated days in place. We make every effort to accommodate any changes of, or extra days requested; however, this will be based on availability. 

Should you require any amendments to your allocated days for 2025 or anticipate concluding your time at the ELC, we kindly request that you notify Sarah Elliott, ELC Enrolments and Finance Officer, at selliott@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au by Friday 6 September 2024. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated, and we remain committed to providing the best possible care and support for your child’s early learning journey. 

Liz Schembri
Director of ELC