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Year 10 Forensic Scientists

Week 4 has been National Science Week and Saints Girls has been busy with many activities and experiments planned across ELC to Year 12.

The Year 10 girls practiced their analytical chemistry techniques through hands-on titration practicals. Our Forensic Science students explored real-world applications of titrations and other analytical chemistry techniques used every day by scientists. Thank you, Lene, our Scientist in Residence, for leading this activity.

Student Exchange Reflection

When I first found out about an opportunity to be a part of an exchange, I was super excited. When I got to Perth, I felt like the experience was completely different compared to life at Saints Girls. The daily schedule was different, so it was a bit hard to adapt at the beginning, however I soon was able to. Even though it was different, it was fun. The Exchange was a good opportunity to experience something different. Two weeks apart from my family was hard because I felt like it was the longest I’d ever been away from them however, my exchange family treated me like their own daughter. We shared meals together and laughed at the dinner table. We also went out for dinner and brunch together which was really fun.

When we came back to Adelaide, I was super excited to be home. My exchange buddy was a little nervous at first but after the first day, she settled in nicely. I made sure that I was by her side and never left her alone. We hung out with Grace, Matilda and their buddies one night and we went to Norwood to eat which was fun. Throughout the school weeks, Olivia (my exchange buddy) was able to listen to some classes and she said that it was different to what she was used to and that she thought had benefited her. Overall, it was such a good experience!

Jana Song
Year 9 Student