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Year 11 and 12 Formal

Swimming Carnival (Years 4-6)

Swimming Carnival (Years 7-12)

ELC Twilight Family Picnic

School Tour

Girls in Tech

Dad’s Night on the Green

Head of the River

Choral Night

Years 2 to 12 Music Day Camp

St Peter’s Cathedral Performance

ELC Coffee Van


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News from Learning Community 2

Our Theatre of Possibilities – An Exploration into Artistic Expression

The Pathway children have excitedly begun to explore a new avenue of artistic expression, a new language to demonstrate their ideas, thoughts and theories, the language of theatre. They have been discovering the power of how ordinary pieces of fabric, often recycled can be transformed into costumes and props to help retell a story.

To support their understanding of the history and origin of Christmas, the children have been exploring the text ‘The Extra Special Baby’ by Antonia Woodward. After familiarising themselves with the storyline, the children have begun to utilise different characters, props and costumes to accurately retell the story behind the very first Christmas. An area of the Ferguson room has been transformed into a theatre with a stage, a backdrop and even a spotlight, to support children to take on these acting roles.

The children have enjoyed these opportunities to retell traditional Christmas stories, taking turns with the costumes to explore the various characters, as well as the narrator. Taking on the role of a narrator allows children to explore how a narrative is structured, practice sequencing events and use descriptive language, which is crucial for later literacy skills such as reading and writing.

The opportunity to retell a story through acting enables children to expand their vocabulary and further enhance their story comprehension as they recall the beginning, middle and end parts. These theatrical experiences add to children’s developing love of literacy and passion for storytelling. Delving into this particular story also allows children to deepen their knowledge of the significant history behind the celebration of Christmas.

Chloe Skoss and Tori McDonnell
Pathway Ferguson and Pathway Hallett Rooms

Mosaic of Marks, Words and Material

Engaging in Learning Opportunities

Mrs Caterina Pennestri (Atelierista and Pedagogical Coordinator) and Mrs Elina Qian (Erindale Co-educator), as members of the committee of the Reggio Emilia Australia Information Exchange (REAIE), recently travelled to Singapore to participate in a unique professional development opportunity hosted by Reach (Reggio Emilia in Asia for Children). The course was led by two distinguished Reggio Emilia professionals: pedagogista Maddalena Tedeschi and the atelierista Mirella Ruozzi.

The focus of the course was to engage participants with the exhibition Mosaic of Marks, Words, and Material—an interactive exploration of graphic language and the principles of the Reggio Emilia Approach. This exhibition, which is traveling around the world, invites educators to reflect on the complexity of visual communication in young children’s learning and the deep connections between marks, words, and materials. Through hands-on experiences and reflective dialogue, educators gained a deeper understanding of how these elements contribute to the educational process, offering new insights into children’s expressive languages and cognitive development.

Caterina and Elina represented REAIE at this event as part of their ongoing commitment to fostering professional growth and understanding of the Reggio Emilia Approach. Their participation was particularly significant as the Mosaic of Marks, Words, and Material exhibition / Atelier will be showcased in Adelaide in July 2025 hosted by the State Library of South Australia, as part of the REAIE Biennial Conference, Landscapes of Collaboration: new possibilities for education in complex times.

This innovative professional development opportunity not only deepened their understanding of the Reggio Emilia Approach but also reinforced their role in creating spaces for ongoing research and collaboration within the Australian educational landscape.

The ELC is grateful for the chance to participate in such a transformative learning experience, which continues to inform and enrich the work of educators, providing a foundation for ongoing exploration and innovation in early childhood education.

AnglicareSA Christmas Food Hamper Drive

Bookings Open for ELC Vacation Care

Dear ELC Families,

School holidays are around the corner, so if you would like your child to attend ELC during this time, please click here to access our online booking form.

ELC Vacation Care will run from 9 to 20 December 2024 and 6 to 28 January 2025. The Centre will be closed over the Christmas and New Year period, from 23 December 2024 to Friday 3 January 2025.

Our holiday planning builds and expands on the learning that has been happening across the term. Our Vacation Care leaders, Valentina Fernandes, LC1, and Catherine Jiang, LC2, plan closely with our Pedagogical Coordinator and classroom teachers so that they can implement engaging learning experiences that transition seamlessly into Vacation Care.

During Vacation Care, children are required to wear their ELC uniform to support consistency and continuity throughout the school year. Our ELC uniform provides a smart and cohesive look, simplifies the routine of getting dressed in the morning, and promotes a sense of belonging. Children will need to bring their own packed lunch, hat, water bottle, and a change of clothes each day. Due to allergies, we kindly ask that you do not pack nuts or nut products in your child’s lunch box. A healthy morning and afternoon tea and late snack will continue to be provided to children.

As ELC Vacation Care staffing and catering are based on bookings, please make your bookings by Thursday 5 December 2024 (Week 8). Due to limited spaces during ELC Vacation Care, please book early!

*Please note that ELC Vacation care is strictly for ELC-enrolled children.

Important Upcoming Dates

Monday 2 December: ELC Hat Ceremony
December 9 to 20: ELC Vacation Care commences
ELC will be closed from Monday 23 December 2024 until Friday 3 January 2025. The Centre will reopen on Monday 6 January 2025.

ELC Room Contacts

  • Stonyfell – 8155 5778
  • Bell Yett – 8155 5780
  • Ferguson – 8155 5776
  • Hallett – 8155 5775
  • Pathway – 8334 2250