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Dad’s Night on the Green

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Term 1 Concludes


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Sport Results

Wednesday 11 – Tuesday 17 September


Year 3-4 Blue: Saints (24) v Pembroke (12)
Best Players: Aashna Bhatt, Advika Desai, Claire Lucas, Rebecca Xia, Issy Perry
Superwoman: Aashna Bhatt has deservedly earned another Superwoman shoutout. Instigating and initiating our play with her defence, rebounding, passing and scoring; Aashna also has learnt to use great communication with her teammates and helping position them on the court.

Year 3-4 White: Saints (18) v Wilderness (36)
Best Player: Cindy Zhang scored 8 points with some amazing outside shots! Showed some great basketball skills with her dribbling and tenacious defence.
Superwoman: Rania Gao has improved so much this term! She always gives 100% effort and her defence was outstanding.


Year 4 White: Saints (7) v Seymour (8)

Year 5-6 Blue: Saints (4) v Seymour (21)

Year 5-6 White: Saints (17) v Concordia (13)
Best Player: Cindy Su
Superwoman: Poppy Bo

Year 5-6 Silver: Saints (6) v Walford (13)

Year 5-6 Sky: Saints (11) v Pembroke (6)


Year 3-4 Blue: Saints (9) v Loreto (1)

Year 3-4 White: Saints (1) v Wilderness (1)

Alex Makes Waves at State Competitions

Last weekend Year 3 student Alex He competed at the Swimming State Relay Championships in the 11-12 year-old age group where her team came 5th overall.

Alex, who is also a gymnast, recently won a ribbon of achievement and a Bronze Medal in level 3 at the State Gymnastics Championships.

Well done Alex, on your sporting achievements. Your dedication, hard work and passion have paid off!