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Swimming Carnival (Years 4-6)

Swimming Carnival (Years 7-12)

ELC Twilight Family Picnic

School Tour

Girls in Tech

Dad’s Night on the Green

Head of the River

Choral Night

Years 2 to 12 Music Day Camp

St Peter’s Cathedral Performance

ELC Coffee Van

Term 1 Concludes


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Old Scholar Inspires at High-performance Sports Panel Assembly

Last week, as part of Saints Sports Week, our Middle and Senior students attended a Sports Panel Assembly, where we were thrilled to welcome Old Scholar Eleni Vosnakis (Kilburn 2011), as well as two other women in high-performance sport: Lily Foster, a former 10m Platform Diver and now a coach at SASI and Hockeyroo Lucy Sharman. 

Eleni gave inspiring insights to the girls about her journey and reflected on the amazing opportunities that have arisen from her involvement in high performance sport. She described how her passion and involvement in school sport during her time at Saints Girls led her to study a Bachelor of Health Science Honours (Exercise Science and Physiology), which saw her appointed to lead the Strength and Conditioning program at Adelaide United Football Club (AUFC). Eleni is now the Operations Coordinator at AUFC and has had the opportunity to travel internationally and work with some of the best football players in the world. Eleni spoke passionately about how rewarding her role is, how she responds to challenges, the importance of female role models, and acknowledged that Saints Girls is an environment where students have these role models in all areas of their education.

We thank Eleni, Lily and Lucy for sharing their experiences and inspiring our girls in their sporting endeavours, and congratulate Sport Prefect, Amelia Lucas and the Sport Captains on planning and executing a wonderful celebration of sport.

Year 12 Food and Hospitality Dinner

On Wednesday 4 September, the Year 12 Food and Hospitality students had the opportunity to hold a European themed dinner in the Senior School Art room for family members and staff. Each student was responsible for the preparation, presentation and service of at least one European themed dish. The room was transformed into a welcoming and beautifully decorated contemporary restaurant. The students worked collaboratively choosing the theme, designing invitations, trialling dishes, creating the final menu and selecting the order of service for the evening. The menu included a broad range of European inspired dishes. The Year 12s planned the dinner for many weeks beforehand, which resulted in a successful and enjoyable night for all who attended.

Saints Rock Band Rocks Soccer

The Saints Rock Band put on a fantastic concert for the students during lunchtime last Thursday. The band performed on the Middle School deck next to the oval where the Staff VS Student soccer match raged on! Rock Band’s set began with the well-known hit ‘Back to Black’ by Amy Winehouse, featuring soulful vocals and a great bass and drum groove. This was followed by ‘Linger’ by The Cranberries, with its lilting vocals and definitive guitar sound. The set finished with the rousing ‘Viva La Vida’ by Coldplay, featuring that great piano and strings riff. The audience, made up of students and staff, cheered loudly for the Band, and enjoyed the Music and Sports collab – a first for Saints! Thank you to everyone who helped make this concert possible, and to all who came along to support Rock Band’s performance.