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North West Build Latest News

We are committed to keeping you well-informed about the important developments concerning the ongoing North West Build and are excited to announce that we are entering the next significant phase: construction! As this building is on-site, and is large and complex, there will inevitably be some adjustments to our daily routines at the School. We want to bring these changes to your attention so you can be fully prepared. These adjustments are crucial to ensuring our community can operate smoothly and effectively during this period. Your understanding and cooperation are greatly appreciated as we navigate this exciting project stage. 

Fencing Around the Construction Site 

For safety reasons, fencing will be installed around the construction area. This fencing is crucial to keep our students and staff safe while the building work is underway. The fence will include viewing holes, enabling the students to observe and remain engaged with the progress of the construction. 

School Plaques

In preparation for the build, we will be removing and storing the following plaques:

  • Mrs Kathleen Collins (nee Ewans, Patteson 1931)
  • Mrs Noeline Hormann (nee O’Donnell, Kilburn 1952)
  • Mrs Meredyth Sarah AM (nee Woods, Kilburn 1954/55) 
  • Mary Brady Courts
  • The Bowman Gate plaque and gates

Proper handling and storage ensure these valued items, which connect our present and future generations with our shared history, can be integrated back onto our grounds at the completion of the build.

School Bus Route 

Due to the location of the construction site, School buses will be required to enter the School grounds in the morning by turning right from Stonyfell Road. This revised route is due to the Hallett Road entry being closed. To support this change, staff members will be present each morning to manage traffic flow and ensure the safety of students, staff and families. All other vehicles will continue to abide by the no right-hand turn between 8am – 8.45am. 

Hallett Road Entrances 

Adjacent the Chapel 
Due to construction at the Hallett Road entrance and our main School gate no longer being accessible, a new entrance will be provided adjacent to the Chapel. Please see the below image for reference.   

Ferguson Conservation Park  

National Parks and the Friends of Ferguson Park have been kind enough to agree that our students can use the Ferguson Conservation Park main gate entrance on Hallett Road as an alternative access to the School. This entrance is just south of our ELC. Students and families will follow the path alongside our ELC perimeter entering the School via the tennis courts. A staff member will be stationed on the Ferguson side of the tennis courts to provide clear direction for students and families. 

This entrance will also provide our families with an alternative drop off and pick up location (there is a parking lane located here on Hallett Road) to help minimise congestion in our current School car park. 

OSHC Relocation 

The Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) program will be temporarily moved to various locations during the construction period. We will provide further details as soon as possible. This change is due to the relocation of our Property Services Team and their equipment to the OSHC facility. Please contact Marika Taylor at mtaylor@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au for any questions or concerns regarding this relocation. 

All changes will take effect starting day 1, Term 4. 

We understand that these changes may require some adjustments, and we appreciate your patience and flexibility during this time.