Home / Newsletters / Week 7, Term 3 2024 / EARLY LEARNERS’ CENTRE

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ELC Parent Teacher Conversations

Year 5 Production

Last Day of Term 3

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News from Learning Community 1

This term, our mathematical focus is pattern and number sequencing. Patterns are all around us and can be a fantastic starting point for introducing mathematical concepts to our youngest learners. Understanding patterning is foundational for the development of mathematical concepts. It involves recognising, copying, creating and describing. Patterns can be visual, such as colours, shapes, objects, or auditory, such as sounds or rhythms. 

In early years, children explore and work with patterns to understand relationships, make predictions, and develop problem-solving skills. Patterning helps children develop a strong foundation for mathematical thinking and logical reasoning. It also lays the groundwork for more advanced concepts such as algebra and functions.

Through hands-on experiences like creating patterns with objects, using pattern blocks or exploring symmetry in nature or artwork, children engage in mathematical thinking and problem-solving. They develop their ability to identify, describe and copy as we engage in experiences using loose parts and natural materials.

Our hook for the children has been the interactive book ‘Pete the Cat and his Four Groovy Buttons’. The story is very repetitive with catchy rhythms and rhymes and opportunities to recognise, match and sequence numbers. Our classrooms have been curated with inviting experiences for the children to develop and extend learning dispositions including curiosity, persistence and creativity. By incorporating patterns and numbers 0-5 into playful experiences, you help build a strong mathematical foundation while nurturing curiosity and a love for learning.

Nell Tierney, Annabelle Redmond, Dot Kelly, and Kathy McCabe
Learning Community 1 Teachers

Our ELC Fathers and Treasured Friends’ Afternoon Tea

On Friday 30 August, St Peter’s Girls’ ELC was filled with joy and warmth as we hosted our annual Fathers and Treasured Friends’ Afternoon Tea. This special event was eagerly anticipated by both our children and their families, and it was wonderful to witness such a strong turnout.

Excitement filled the air as the children enthusiastically greeted their guests. Our ELC children took great pride in guiding them through the Centre, showcasing their rich learning environment. The afternoon was designed to foster connection and creativity through a variety of meaningful experiences.

Together, the children and their guests embarked on a series of thoughtful and artistic projects that celebrated the special relationships they share. These activities included the creation of personalised bookmarks, the painting of portraits, and the design and decoration of cards. These special keepsakes made for their fathers and treasured friends were heartfelt tokens of love and gratitude.

The Fathers and Treasured Friends’ Afternoon Tea was more than just an event; it was a celebration of the relationships that help shape our children’s lives. The day was filled with laughter, creativity, and connection—a true reflection of the spirit of our ELC community. We look forward to many more moments like this, where we can come together to celebrate the people who make a difference in our children’s lives.

Liz Schembri
Director of ELC

Parent-Teacher Conversations

Dear ELC Families,

Bookings for ELC Parent-Teacher Conversations are open and will be held on Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 September for all rooms and Monday 23 September for Stonyfell, Bell Yett and Pathway Hallett rooms only.

There are designated 15 minute face-to-face time slots to meet with your child’s teacher. Bookings can be made via myLink and will close at 5pm on Friday 13 September.

We strongly encourage you to book a meeting as it provides us with the opportunity to share your child’s learning journey and significant moments, and the documentation we have supporting this. From these discussions, future goals for your child may be created to ensure they reflect the perspectives of parents and educators.

How to access myLink for bookings:

• Log in to the myLink parent portal using your username (your ID number) and password. Your ID number was sent to you in a previous email. If you don’t know your password, use the link provided on the login page.

• Once you have logged in and arrive on the Welcome page, click the ‘Community Portal’ tab in the top menu, then click the ‘Interviews’ tab and select the required cycle. You can log in and change your booking any time up to 5pm on Friday 13 September.

If you require myLink assistance, please contact the IT Helpdesk via helpdesk@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or 08 8334 2227.

End of Year Christmas Celebration 

Dear ELC Families,

Do you play a musical instrument? We are preparing for our ELC End of Year Celebration and would love to include some musically talented parents to provide a simple accompaniment to a few of our traditional Christmas Carols.

If you are interested in sharing your musical skills to help make this event extra special, please reach out to Mrs Nicola Black at nblack@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

We look forward to hearing from you!