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Enews – Week 3, Term 1 2017

Issue no. 3

From the Director of Teaching and Learning

Meredith BeckOn Monday morning all girls from Years 5 – 12 attended an assembly to celebrate the excellent academic achievements of the 2016 SACE Stage 2 and IB Diploma students. The successful IB and SACE students are most deserving of our congratulations. Their results were outstanding.

However, before commending the graduates and merit recipients, I invited the girls in the audience to reflect on the many forms of success. I suggested that it was not just in reaching the top of the field, but also in striving to reach the next level, in persevering when it seems too hard, in taking responsibility rather than providing excuses, and in adopting a can do attitude while acknowledging that I can’t do it yet. Success is in being the best we can be.

We do look to the elite in the field, be it sportsmen and women, accomplished artists and musicians and those who are making a difference in the local or global domain to inspire us to reach the next level. In listening to the achievements of our graduates and merit winners, I invited the girls to think about the approaches to learning, and the dispositions and attitudes of graduates and draw on this reflection for personal growth.

We were privileged to hear the wise words of our guest speaker, Ms Margaret Gayen (Patteson ’11), Old Scholar and Dux of the School in 2011. Margaret is a Mechanical Engineer, currently working on the design of opthalmic lasers. In 2015 Margaret graduated with First Class Honours in a Bachelor of Mechanical and Sports Engineering and throughout her schooling and university studies balanced achieving high academic results with being a top athlete. In 2014 she became a dual finalist at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. We eagerly anticipated hearing Margaret’s experiences and insights and she did not disappoint.

As parents and teachers, we have all asked someone, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” In essence, this is a question from the last century when pathways for the future were a little clearer.

As Margaret so eloquently said,

“In Year 10 I did Community Service in an old folks’ home … One of the ladies there had dementia and would ask us what we wanted to do when we grew up, every half an hour. Each time she asked, we told her something different: scientist, teacher, author, sports hero, even going so far as garbage collector. We said all sorts of things. All the jobs we could think of.

Do you know what never came up? A laser design engineer, an embryologist, or a health care worker in England. And guess what? That’s what we became. I help design medical lasers that treat eye diseases, my best friend is a research scientist investigating embryo development and IVF, and another friend is a psychology graduate helping those who can’t help themselves, on the other side of the world. There are so many jobs out there that we don’t know about until we stumble across them by doing things we love, trying new things, and working hard. …

But the fact is, you don’t have to have your life planned out. In fact, it’s probably better that you don’t, because you never know what flying flock of kookaburras is going to come and swoop across your path, spin you around and leave you facing a completely different future. We have no idea of what’s ahead of us! But that’s ok!
Instead of worrying about where we’ll be in 20 years, it is far better to apply ourselves completely and fully towards short term goals. Do you like school? Apply yourself! Do you not like school? Apply yourself anyway! Do that Health assignment with rigour, even if you can’t see yourself ever using that again in your life! Do better here and it makes it easier when you escape! For those starting university, whether you’ve picked the right course for you or not, do the best you can in the course you’re in, and keep your eyes open for the next opportunity.

We can’t know what that opportunity will be, but in the meantime, we can learn as much as we can about anything we can. We can work hard, we can be enthusiastic, we can try things, and we can have fun.

So, to the girls who are receiving merits today, congratulations! To all the girls in the audience today, good luck. The options you have ahead of you are terribly exciting.“

I could not have said it better.

Meredith Beck
Director of Teaching and Learning

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Years 7 and 8 Curriculum Information Evening

Thursday 23 February, 6.30 – 8pm, Arts Centre

You are warmly invited to the Years 7 and 8 Curriculum Information Evening on Thursday 23 February, beginning in the Arts Centre at 6.30pm.

The evening will comprise general information from Mr Richard Lisle, Head of Middle School, Ms Sarah Casson, Futures Coordinator, and then an opportunity to meet with the Year 7 and 8 Home Group teachers.  We hope that you will be able to join us for this important opportunity to communicate information relating to your daughter’s education and we look forward to seeing you on the night.

Richard Lisle
Deputy Principal/Head of Middle School

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Uniform Policy Reminder

Please note that the updated Uniform Policy will come into effect next week.

What changes should I be aware of?
> Summer uniform: the length of the dress must sit no higher than mid-way through the
kneecap when standing upright and no longer than mid-calf.
> Earrings: one per lobe. Earrings must be plain, small, non-offensive metal studs or
sleepers. Middle or Senior students may wear a small diamond or pearl stud.
> Nail polish: only clear nail polish is permitted.
> Make-up is not worn at school.
> Mobile phones: not on show or in top pocket.

All policies are available from the Senior and Middle School Canvas page if you would like to review these with your daughter.

Students have had three weeks to ensure that their uniforms meet the required standards.

From Monday 20 February, students who do not meet the revised standards will be sanctioned. Friday detentions, which are a sanction within our current Code of Conduct, will be utilised in ensuring that the new standards are met.

Detentions will be held from 3.30 – 4.30pm on Fridays and take precedence over all other school events. You will always be contacted in a timely manner should your daughter receive a detention.

Our uniform is a common thread that links all Saints girls together and is a symbol of the high standards the School sets for its students. The support of our parents as we work to implement the Uniform Policy is crucial and we greatly appreciate your assistance in coming weeks

Kate Mortimer
Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School

Richard Lisle
Deputy Principal/Head of Middle School

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OSHC is now available for all Reception to Year 6 girls both before and after School.
OSHC enables the girls to complete homework, participate in a variety of fun activities, including craft and cooking, in a safe and relaxing environment on the School Campus.

For further details please refer to our Parent Information booklet at the link below or contact Director Beck Kranz at RKranz@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

OSHC Policy and Procedures 2017

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Guest speakers inspire Futures entrepreneurs

Futures Event

On Tuesday 14 February Years 7 and 8 Futures students were lucky enough to hear from some innovative and entrepreneurial women in our community.

The Futures program is unique to our Middle School and introduces the concept of Entrepreneurialism. The students engage in personalised learning experiences, so that each girl can pursue her passions and talents to excel in her own unique way. The program is based on creativity, innovation and the entrepreneurial mindset. The girls are encouraged to seek out an authentic problem or issue worth solving. Being exposed to real experts and mentors in our community is an important step in the journey.

The morning began with Year 11 students, Lucy Cox, Charlene Lee, Felicia Mi, Khandee Swaeney, Antonia Kirsten-Parsch, Thandi Murada, Ashleigh Rogers and Sara Possingham sharing their successes at the Australian eChallenge, where they won 1st and 2nd place with their business pitches at the University of Adelaide last year.

Amongst the speakers were Old Scholars, Tiffany Young (nee Hooper, Kilburn ’86) – Business Director of the Jodi Lee Foundation, and Rebecca Farquhar (Selwyn ’88) – Owner of Pin Source – Promotional Merchandise. We also heard from Jessica Bond (Executive Director and Founder of Captain Courageous), Tiff Manuell (CEO and Designer of Tiff Manuell) and Anna Dimond (CEO and Designer of Palas Jewellery).

Our guests all shared stories about their challenges, perks, successes and failures of starting and maintaining a company or business. There was a common thread amongst our speakers of following your passion and working hard to turn it into a viable profession. “Inspiring!” and “I can’t wait to start working on my idea!” were some comments from our students.

We look forward to the next steps in our journey, where students will be encouraged to set up companies and produce a product, service or social action of their choice, that will benefit local and/or global communities.

Sarah Casson
Futures Project Leader

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Year 9 Aquatics Camp

Yr 9 Aquatic Camp Enews

We headed off to Murraylands Aquatic Centre with the threat of extreme weather. On arrival we realised that the forecast was incorrect and the weather was going to be perfect for aquatics. The girls also realised what a beautiful setting we had for an amazing couple of days of challenges and accomplishments.

Everyone had the opportunity to learn how to handle a boat, sail a catamaran, knee board, kayak and ski on the River Murray. Constant sunscreen reminders could not dampen the girls’ spirits; with many girls achieving things they didn’t think were possible. A visit from Mr Lisle, with ice-creams in tow, was a welcome respite from the heat.

The evening was spent playing good old Aussie cricket, tip and go. After much laughter and some cracking shots, we were assembled for dinner. Once our bellies were full we got into our Home Groups and conducted a debrief of the day, participated in ‘getting to know you’ activities and played games. Everyone was exhausted after a day full of activities in the sun and we were all asleep by 10.30pm.

We woke up bright and early on Friday to begin The Rite Journey. After taking a pledge with their Home Group, the girls had breakfast and started their first activity at 8am. The day was packed of water-filled fun, until it was time to return to school. Many napped on the bus home – a sign of a great time.

“I absolutely loved all the activities but my favourites would have to be knee boarding and waterskiing; they were so much fun and everyone had a go even if they didn’t get it the first time. I hadn’t done either of them before so it was a new experience for me, and I would definitely like to do it again!” Ella L.

“This was the best camp! I loved every second and everybody had a great time.” Amelie E.

“The camp was a great chance to bond with my Home Group.” Matilda B.

Emma Smerdon
on behalf of Year 9 Home Group teachers

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All Year 10 – 12 girls recently brought home consent forms to sign regarding the Meningococcal B Vaccine Herd Immunity Study 2017. Below are the links to the Eastern Health Authority outlining any concerns parents may have or where to source information regarding this study.

Additional Information for Parents

Please call the Health Centre on 8155 5762 with any other queries.

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Parenting SA Seminar

Middle and Senior School parents, please find attached a flyer for a free Parenting SA seminar on 22 March 2017 at the Adelaide Convention Centre, 7-9pm.

Parenting SA Seminar Flyer

The seminar will be presented by Kirrilie Smout, an Adelaide psychologist working with children, teens and their parents.

Register to attend in person or view the live webcast at

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Master Plan Update: From the construction zone

Enews Master Plan Update

It is pleasing to be able to report that the demolition phase is progressing well, and overall the project is running to schedule. In exciting news for the Junior School students, the finishing touches are being put on the new playground on the oval.

An update will be provided regularly in the Enews.

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Drinks on the Lawn

Drinks on the Lawn Enews

The heat was certainly turned up for our annual Drinks on the Lawn last Friday evening. Despite the soaring temperature, the lush Chiverton lawn happily played host to more than 300 parents and friends from our wonderful Saints community. We all eagerly anticipate this terrific event each year put on by the Parents’ & Friends’ Association as a chance to catch up, have a relaxed drink and engage with teachers, staff, parents and friends, both old and new. Thank you to the many volunteers who worked tirelessly to make the event a success. Be sure to keep an eye on the Enews for details of all the P&F’s upcoming events!

All current and past parents are automatically considered members for our P&F Association. As an active advocate for our School some of your very important roles may focus on attending, communicating and promoting our community events, and also helping us to foster an inclusive and fun School culture for our girls, families and our various community members. We believe that positive advocate involvement and support through School functions, events and service learning activities can further enhance the well-rounded development of our girls and fosters treasured connections within our School.

Thank you in advance for your wonderful support and kind consideration for the coming School year.

Parents’ & Friends’ Association Committee

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An outstanding IB Diploma achievement!

Jaida Award Ceremony

On Monday 6 February, our graduating IB Diploma students attended an Awards Ceremony at Adelaide Town Hall.

2016 Dux of the School, Jaida Bouhamdan (Kennion ’16), won a Certificate of Distinction with merits in: English A Literature SL, Economics HL, Biology HL, Chemistry SL, Mathematics SL, Theory of Knowledge and Extended Essay (Biology). She also received a Certificate of Outstanding Creativity, Activity and Service.

Jaida worked on a number of diverse significant projects which ensured she met the learning outcomes to a high degree. Jaida led and organised a Summit to Sea walk from the Mt Lofty ranges to Kingston Park. This was a warmup for the Overland trek in Tasmania which she planned and organised where she implemented numerous bird watching opportunities and then shared this knowledge with the Tasmania Parks & Wildlife Service, where she also volunteered to ensure the longevity of native flora.

Jaida developed new skills, which emphasised commitment to support others, by writing letters to an elderly person to value her wellbeing, undertook surf lifesaving patrol volunteering, served at the Mary Magdalene Centre and coached a junior debating team.

Jaida led the Environment Club at School and during her leadership she initiated a recycling program for the collection of cans. She organised guest speakers which enabled the community to understand issues of global importance and raised the community’s awareness through campaigns and celebrations of national days. Year 10s undertook the Cool Australia’s Enviroweek challenge in her efforts to have young people implement lasting habits.

Jaida furthered her commitment to understanding more about the environment by attending the inaugural Roots and Shoots National Youth Leadership forum, and hence designed, planted and maintained a sustainable vegetable patch. To encourage the native bee population to pollinate and thrive in this garden Jaida built a bee hotel. The longevity of this outcome was a result of thorough research.

Jaida also completed her surf lifesaving bronze medallion, undertook surf ski training, and learnt to play water polo. After an extremely busy year completing IB Diploma requirements, Jaida has been rewarded with outstanding results. Well done!

Carolyn Farr
IB Diploma Coordinator

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We’ve done it again!
Five Tennyson Medals in a row!

Tennyson Image

The SACE Merit Ceremony was held recently at Government House with another outstanding achievement by St Peter’s Girls’ School. 23 of our students from the Class of 2016 received awards, including Kritika Mishra who received five merits and has been awarded a Governor of South Australia Commendation.

Ashleigh Jones was awarded the Tennyson Medal, recognising the highest mark in English Studies in SA. Congratulations to Ashleigh on her remarkable achievement, and also to Michael Butler-Wills and the entire English Department for inspiring our students to excel.

The achievement is an exciting one, as it’s the fifth time in a row that the Tennyson Medal has been awarded to a student from Saints. This is the first time that has been achieved since the Medal was first awarded over 100 years ago.

Congratulations once again to the 2016 SACE and IB cohort on their fantastic results, continuing Saints Girls’ long history of consistently strong academic results. For further analysis, including tertiary placements, visit stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au/student-results.

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Calling for volunteers – we need your help!

Our students are really enjoying participating in the Commonwealth Bank School Banking Calling all volunteersprogram and to keep this program running we need your help.

The program requires a volunteer School Banking Coordinator to facilitate the banking and distribution of School Banking rewards. This only takes a small amount of your time one day a week and the Commonwealth Bank will provide support in how to run the program. Your help with the program will greatly benefit students as they develop vital saving skills and also help our School with fundraising.

Currently, School Banking day is Wednesday.

If you are interested in volunteering for this great program, please email Lesley or Sarah FrontOffice@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au in the Front Office with the below details:

    • Name
    • Phone
    • Email
    • Availability

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Swimming Carnival

Swimming Carnival

On Friday 24 February, St Peter’s Girls’ School will be holding the annual Swimming Carnival for Years 4 –12 at the Adelaide Aquatic Centre, North Adelaide. Students are expected to be at the Aquatic Centre no later than 8.30am, with the carnival concluding at 3.30pm followed by presentations. The day is to be treated like a normal school day; therefore, attendance is compulsory for the whole day.

2017 Swimming Carnival Program (Draft)

Students who travel to school on school buses will automatically be taken to the Adelaide Aquatic Centre in the morning and will be taken home in the afternoon.

As the girls will be dismissed directly from the venue, all other students will need to be dropped off at the Adelaide Aquatic Centre in the morning and picked up in the afternoon. To assist parents, we will be offering a special bus service to transport students from school to the aquatic centre and back. Students must pre-register their place for this service. These buses will depart the School at 7am and will return by 4.45pm. To register your daughter’s place on this bus service, please visit trybooking.com/OWHJ before 4pm Wednesday 22 February.

Students are reminded to wear their complete PE uniform with bathers underneath, as well as their House swimming cap that can be purchased from the School Shop. Extra House-coloured ribbons are encouraged, but coloured zinc and body paint are not permitted in the pool. House tattoos will be sold on the day of the carnival. We ask that the tattoos are not visible outside the girls’ school uniforms when returning to school (tea tree oil works well to remove them).

There will be no specific lunch break but girls can eat during breaks between their races. Students have the option of bringing money for the pool canteen for their recess and lunch on the day; otherwise, they will need to bring their own food. Water bottles should be brought for the day.

We encourage all girls to compete in a number of events, with their preferences being discussed in PE lessons and House meetings. A program for the day will soon be given to the girls and placed in the School eNews, outlining all event times and records. We will be using both 25m pools in the morning session and only the deep-end pool in the afternoon session. School teams for SAPSASA (Years 4 to 7), SSSSA (Years 8 to 12) and IGSSA (Years 7 to 12) will be selected from the Swimming Carnival results.

We encourage parents to come out and support the School on one of the most exciting events in the calendar.

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Sports News

As Term 1 sport has now commenced it is an important time to remind everyone to ensure they check teams and venues to ensure they arrive at the correct venue at the correct time.

Term 1 Sports draws are available and all parents and students should receive a copy. These will also be placed on the sports notice boards for Junior, Middle and Senior girls and will be uploaded onto the school website. It is very important that students check the boards, and especially the teams and venues as these can change.


Little Athletics Enews

State Little Athletics Championships
Congratulations to a number of Saints students who competed at the State Little Athletics Championships last weekend. Eastern Districts, for whom many of our students compete, won the relay day overall.

Carla Massicci – Silver medal in the 4x200m relay.
Amelia Lucas and Florence Russell – Silver in the 4x100m relay.
Amelia Lucas – Silver in the 4x200m relay.
Molly Lucas and Nicolette Miller – Gold in the 4x100m and 4x200m relays and won both.
Molly Dwyer – Silver in the 4x100m and 4x200m
Portia Maerschel and Olivia Kelly won both events and ran in the age division higher than their age and were the 2nd fastest relay team on the whole day
Emanuelle Russell and Charlotte Sellers competed in the field relays finishing 4th
Katherine Woolley and Bethany Cross – Silver in the 4x100m and the 4x200m in Under 17.


Well done to Matilda Braithwaite (Year 9) who has been busy competing in a range of events over the summer break. Over the break Matilda competed in the Sam White Memorial Aquathlon winning a team event, the Moana Triathlon Surf, finishing third, the State Swim Championships (winning 4 medals) and recently won the Kingston SE Come and Try Triathlon.


Saturday 11 February
The Intermediate A Crew (Olivia Habel, Olivia Law, Zoe Vine Hall and Sarah Carrodus) did an exceptional job on the weekend considering the circumstances. From Seymour and Wilderness colliding into each other to being lined up a boat length behind all the other crews, this regatta was a good learning experience. We’re looking forward to smashing the next super series. Amy Carrodus

Inter B – This week Isabella Bernardi, Paris Robinson, Hannah Freeman and Hannah Keough competed in two races. In their first race the girls did really well finishing third and progressing to the finals where they rowed really well and came fifth. Abbie Lisle

Year 9A – This week I had the pleasure of coxing Anna Pryor, Amy Rice, Brooke Weymouth and Neve McCormack. The crew came first in their heat. The girls then came second in their final. But then there was a turnaround with the winner of the race getting disqualified; the girls then came first. The girls should be really proud and happy with what they achieved. Abbie Lisle

Year 8/9B – The crew of Eleanor Anderson (stroke), Imogen Parkinson (3 seat), Emma Carrodus (2 seat) and Sophie Johnson (bow) rowed really well. In the first race, they were all very strong and were in front by three boat lengths. In the final they rowed well until the last 100m when everyone tired to finish third overall. Charlotte Creek

Year 8B – We had smooth conditions for our coxed quad race on Saturday at West Lakes. Molly Bond, Sara Peak, Gemma Schaedel and Rose Young all rowed consistently well finishing a close third. Everyone is trying really hard to prepare for the Head of the River coming up in March. Trinity Nelson


Saturday 11 February
Division 1 Blue – Saints 5-32 defeated Seymour 1-9
Singles: Annabel Baldwinson 6-0, Chelsea Staples 2-6, Daveena Dhillon 6-2, Shamilla Dhillon 6-0

Division 1 White – Saints 2-23 defeated by Seymour 4-33
Singles: Mia Dodd 6-4, Lily-Rose Spartalis 1-6, Imogen Nienaber 6-5, Mahala Truscott 4-6

Division 2 Blue – Saints 1-17 defeated by Seymour 5-34
Singles: Tahlia Louca 5-6, Emily Baldwinson 3-6, Taj Shahin 6-4

Division 2 White – Saints 3-22 defeated by Seymour 3-26
Singles: Renee Lawrence 6-5, Stella Clark 6-1, Amelie Eaton 1-6, Faye Ma 0-6

Division 3 Blue – Saints 2-16 defeated by Seymour 4-31
Singles: Annabelle Black 0-6, Anneliese Thomas 2-6, Amelia Wood 6-2, Olivia Zito 1-6

Division 3 White – Saints 3-23 defeated by Seymour 3-25
Singles: Mia-Rose Taliangis 1-6, Orla Clayton 1-6, Emily Downie 6-0, Aleisha Elliott 6-5

Division 4 Blue – Saints 5-33 defeated Seymour 1-14
Singles: Sophie Abbott 3-6, Hilary Clark 6-2, Eva Young 0-6, Charlotte Adams 6-0 (forfeit)

Division 4 White – Saints 2-23 defeated by Seymour 4-30
Singles: Adele Eaton 3-6, Letitia Page-Thomson 0-6, Charlotte Stewart 6-3, Siena Zito 5-6

Monday 13 February
Saints got off to a winning start in the defence of the A Grade Tennis Shield with a convincing win against Seymour. The B Grade also got off to a winning start as they hope to go one better than their second placing last year. Well done to all players.
Jade Leyden and Tiana Glazbrook (Captains)

Premier League – Saints 6-36 defeated Seymour 0-11
Singles: Tiana Glazbrook 6-3, Yasmin Glazbrook 6-0, Jade Leyden 6-1, Olivia Harby 6-5

Premier League Reserves – Saints 6-37 defeated Seymour 0-16
Singles:  Sienna Glazbrook 6-2, Violette Maris 6-2, Emily Loh 6-0, Clair Kao 6-1


Saturday 11 February
Open A – Saints 7 defeated Immanuel 1
Saints Girls Open As had a well-deserved win against defending IGSSA Shield holders, Immanuel. The highlight of the game was the way everyone worked well as a team, with good fielding and hitting by everyone, in particular, the two home runs hit by Lucinda Tierney and Jasmine Ledgard in the first innings. It was an amazing effort and a great start to the new season. Jasmine Ledgard (Captain)

Open B1 – Saints 21 defeated St Johns 3
This was a strong team effort from all the girls in the season’s first game. Millisent Wilkin pitched consistently well and Kellie Bested took a great catch at short stop. India Deere had some good hits and Olivia Goldsmith was steady both batting and fielding. Thank you to Harriett Gilroy, Holly Cardone, Stephanie Smalls and Poppie Goldsmith for filling in for us and all playing a very strong game. Well done to everyone for a well-deserved win. Beth Cross

Open B2 – Saints 15 defeated Westminster 13
The girls were not daunted by a much older opposition, but showed patient batting and level-headed fielding. Kellie Bested and Amelia Pudney both pitched well with Stephanie Smalls working really hard as catcher. Holly Cardone and Poppie Goldsmith put together some good combination fielding plays, and Harriet Maerschel batted strongly and made a great outfield play for an out at second. Harriet and Portia Maerschel were both consistent fielding at their bases, with good back up from Louisa in the outfield. Overall, a terrific first game for the season. Beth Cross


Saturday 11 February
Open A – Saints 3 defeated Immanuel (A2) 0
This was the first week back for the Open A volleyball team and the girls successfully defeated Immanuel A2 team. Winning all three sets, the girls showed great signs of cohesion in the newly bonded team. Brilliant setting skills were shown by Brooke Elliott, Charlotte White impressed everyone with her amazing spikes and Dominique Rigby held the team together with her active footwork and great reception skills. A good win for the girls to start their volleyball season with and looking forward to more successes. Abbey Goodwin (Captain)

Open B – Saints 3 defeated Immanuel (B2) 0
The Open Bs played consistently throughout their first game to defeat Immanuel. The girls were still adjusting to a new game plan and rotations but displayed their improved understanding by Set 3. Hallmarks of this team were their fight, working to retrieve every ball close to the floor, as well as excellent front court defence with some wonderful blocks. Best players were Georgia Bateman, Grace Dawson and Charlotte Carney. Dan Searle (Supervisor)

Open C – Saints 0 defeated by Seymour 3
The Open Cs had a good game but were defeated by Seymour. Their calling improved significantly throughout the game, resulting in more three hits and better rallies. Serving throughout the game was also great, particularly by Isabella Villani. Chloe Deieso had a great game overall, setting up play and covering loose balls around the court. Amy Li also had a great game, excelling in spiking and finishing the play. For their first game of the year, the girls played an excellent game and put up a strong fight. Georgia Howe and Victoria Neale (Coaches)

Open D – Saints 3 defeated Seymour 0
Seymour forfeited the game against the Open Ds due to a lack of players, so the girls played a scratch match. Despite being the first week back, the girls all played well and had a good hit. In particular, Molly Lucas and Nicolette Miller played excellently, chasing loose balls around the court, setting up 3 hits often and consistently serving to a high standard. As coaches, we look forward to working with the girls in the future weeks, developing their skills and watching the team grow.
Georgia Howe and Victoria Neale (Coaches)

Middle A – Saints 3 defeated Immanuel 0
The Middle As played their first game of the season with many new players and were able to play three excellent sets to take out the game. The girls served superbly to place Immanuel under pressure and the girls enjoyed connecting on a few spikes when the set was high. Anna White passed the ball well while Sarah Wishart served the first 14 points of the game to provide us with a fantastic start. Dan Searle (Supervisor)

Middle B – Saints 3 defeated Immanuel 0
The Middle Bs also enjoyed a convincing win over Immanuel. The girls once again served well and ensured the opposition always had to play an extra pass. Often the girls put the ball deep in the court which made it difficult for their opponents. Best players were Charlotte Cohen, Clair Kao and Lola Dimond. Dan Searle (Supervisor)

Middle C – Saints 0 defeated by Seymour 3
The Middle Cs played well; however, were unfortunately defeated by Seymour. The girls displayed great team spirit throughout the game, which helped to improve their calling and therefore their play. All the girls served well, which earned us many points. Charlie Fishlock played a great game, displaying confidence and great serving. Candy Feng, Jenna Bowden and Ellen Zhang covered the court well throughout the game, enabling us to play some great rallies. The girls showed a lot of potential and we look forward to developing the girls’ skills and watching how the team grows. Georgia Howe and Victoria Neale (Coaches)


Monday 13 February
Middle C1 – Saints 6 defeated by Concordia 28
The girls worked hard in the heat against an experienced side to get some points on the board. The girls were able to get the ball down the court with confidence, which was great to see.  A special mention to Annabelle Bradshaw and Emanuelle Russell who both were able to score on the day. Josephine Dal Pra (Coach)

Middle C2 – Saints 9 defeated by Concordia 10
Working well together, the C2 team were able to keep up with Concordia and lead at half-time. The girls were able to pass the ball around quickly in attack to find a perfect position to shoot. A special mention to Chi Chi Zhao for her excellent shooting on the day. Josephine Dal Pra (Coach)

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