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eNews – Week 8, Term 1 2023

Issue no. 8Enews-banner

Choral Night 2023

Oh what a night! The winner of Choral Night for 2023 is… KENNION!

Well done to each and every girl who took part across the four Houses – what an epic showcase of song and dance!

Stay tuned next week for all the amazing video highlights.

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Oarsome Success at Head of the River


The SA Schools’ Head of the River was contested last Saturday, with our rowers achieving historic results. 2023 saw a return to normal, being the first time since 2019 with no spectator restrictions. As such, it was fantastic to have so many of our staff and students at West Lakes to cheer on our rowers. Head of the River is all about school pride, and every member of our community should be proud of the collegiality and compassion that was on show as our students – rowers and non-rowers alike – supported one another.

Throughout the day, it was wonderful to watch all of our crews represent the School and achieve success. To my thinking, ‘success’ is highly contextual and is not always synonymous with winning or an outcome. It takes a lot of courage to challenge oneself, to redefine what you think you are capable of and to truly be your best. Well done to all of our crews for their efforts.

Of course, there are times when being your best also means being the best. These moments are special, moments to be savoured. Two of our crews made history this year: our Year 7/8 A crew won the Anna Tree Cup and our First IV claimed the Diana Medlin Cup. This is the first time that Saints Girls has won any senior division at Head of the River. These two cups will live proudly at the School for the next year, a testament to our girls’ hard work, dedication and courage.

7/8 A Crew – Charlotte Catchpole (Cox), Isabella Huf, Baye Reynolds, Zalia Valmorbida and Cleo Connor; coached by Jamie Becker

First IV – Stella Rasheed (Cox), Pearl Richards, Georgina Wakeham, Georgia Mallick, Georgie Owler; coached by Brynley Millward and Charlotte Parker

Thank you again to all those who attended to support our rowers. Our deepest gratitude also goes to the Friends of Rowing for their tireless work in setting up for the day and making the Saints Girls’ marquee a festive environment for our community. Lastly, well done again to our students on their efforts, and on their historic results!

Brynley Millward
Director of Rowing

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From Our Director of Teaching and Learning

Adelaide SchoolsAs technology has rapidly advanced, its influence has inevitably been seen across all aspects of life, including education. ‘ChatGPT’ is an artificial intelligence (AI) tool that uses natural language processing techniques to respond to user-generated prompts. The ‘GPT’ initials stand for generative pretrained transformer. Put simply, you ask ChatGPT a question or provide a prompt and it replies using natural language.

ChatGPT was launched in late November, and only two months later had amassed over 100 million monthly active users. To put this into context, it took social media giants TikTok nine months and Instagram two and a half years to reach this level. There has been much discussion about the possible implications this has for education and the generation of student work.

As a school, we are aware of the existence and availability of AI tools such as ChatGPT that can generate text for various purposes, including assignment work, and Saints Girls will continue to educate students about the ethical and academic implications of using AI to complete assignments. We are also continuing our investigation into how AI can be integrated into our curriculum in a meaningful and responsible way. This includes a professional learning community focused on researching AI within education to ensure Saints Girls remains the pinnacle of teaching and learning excellence.

While we acknowledge that there are some potential benefits of AI for education, we also expect our students to produce their own original work and demonstrate their learning outcomes. Therefore, we have adopted a position that restricts the use of AI in assignment work, unless explicitly authorised by the teacher. Misuse of AI by a student may be considered academic misconduct and an ICT policy violation. The School has access to plagiarism detection tools that can identify AI-generated text and other forms of copying. Students who are found to have used AI inappropriately will face disciplinary actions such as receiving a zero mark and/or detention, along with parental contact.

As always, we look forward to working in partnership with our families to educate and support our students in striving for academic rigour and integrity.

Kate Fryer
Director of Teaching and Learning

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Inspecting Incredible Invertebrates

The budding entomologists in Year 1 created a living gallery with their backyard invertebrate specimens on Monday as part of our ‘Sharing the Planet’ inquiry.

Each family designed a container and created a habitat for their chosen invertebrate. It was an amazing day of immersive learning as the girls used their observation skills to draw their invertebrate and conduct research to find out about its lifecycle and habitat. We discovered crickets, ants, worms and even crabs! The day ended with both classes releasing monarch butterflies we have been caring for over the past few weeks as we watched their lifecycle stages from egg to caterpillar, and finally, butterflies.

Many thanks to our families for their support and to the Drake and Zappia families for collecting the milkweed for our hungry caterpillars.

Kathryn Clark and Liz Sandercock
Year 1 Teachers

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Saints Unite for Harmony Day

This week, Saints Girls celebrated Harmony Day, recognising diversity and multiculturalism within Australia. In Year 3, it connected to the current inquiry learning through the ‘How We Express Ourselves’ unit and values taught in the URSTRONG program, with inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging at the core.

The girls had the opportunity to uncover their own heritage and discover their ancestry. They displayed a great sense of curiosity, exploring their history, making connections with each other, realising their commonalities and celebrating their differences. As a cohort, they created a display to showcase their diversity, depicting a flag inside a traced outline of their own hand to symbolise their heritage and cultural identity.

Sarah Mulraney and Monique McLeay
Year 3 Teachers

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From Our Sports Administrator

To give you a snapshot of what co-curricular sport has involved during Term 1 up until last week, check out these stats:

• 6090 times our girls have turned up to a sports training or match
• Overall equivalent of 949 participants in co-curricular sport
• 38 separate training sessions from R – 12 across 11 sports each week
• 52 teams competing across seven sports every week from Years 3 – 12
• 47 coaches, 30 staff supervisors, 31 student mentors assisting us to deliver these sporting opportunities to our girls

And we still have two weeks of sport left for the term!

Saints Sport continues to be buoyed by our Old Scholars. We would not be able to offer the number of sports and teams we do without the significant support and expertise of our Old Scholar coaches.

Our coaches this term have included:

• Belle Black – Touch Football (Patteson 2020)
• Corinne Dyer – Aerobics (Kennion 2014)
• Charlie Fishlock – Volleyball, Athletics, Reception Cricket (Kilburn 2022)
• Poppie Goldsmith – Water Polo (Kennion 2021)
• Sarah Gulliver – Rowing (Selwyn 2022)
• Maddi Harmer – Aerobics (Patteson 2022)
• Saskia Jonats – Water Polo (Selwyn 2021)
• Rachel Kameniar – Rowing (Kilburn 2019)
• Georgina Keough – Volleyball (Patteson 2021)
• Nikki Miller – Water Polo (Patteson 2019)
• Charlotte Parker – Rowing (Kennion 2022)
• Alexia Politis – Water Polo (Patteson 2022)
• Steph Smalls – Lacrosse and Touch Football (Patteson 2021)
• Sadie Vikor-Lam – Rowing (Kilburn 2022)
• Eva Young – Tennis (Kilburn 2022)

We have a number of paid coaching opportunities available in Term 2. To see some of our Winter Sport offerings – click here

If you are interested in coaching or would like more information, please contact me via ajohnswood@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or 8334 2288.

Alice Johnswood
Sports Administrator

Alice in Wonderland by Shane Davidson Presents

Next Friday and Saturday, some of our talented Saints Girls will be appearing in the production of ALICE IN WONDERLAND by Shane Davidson Presents. Come with Alice as she ventures through Wonderland and the Looking Glass, meeting a wonderful array of characters.

Venue: Holden Street Theatres, 34 Holden St, Hindmarsh
Dates: Friday 31 March (7.30pm) and Saturday 1 April (1pm, 4pm and 7.30pm)
Tickets: $35 via TryBooking – click here

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Summer Interhouse Meal Deal – Order Now!

The Friends of Sport (FOS) will be cooking up a storm at Summer Interhouse on Thursday 6 April (Week 10). We’re offering delicious cheeseburger Meal Deals and a sausage sizzle (vegetarian option available).

Pre-order your daughter’s cheeseburger Meal Deal before 5pm next Thursday 30 March via TryBooking – click here

Friends of Sport volunteers will hand-deliver the Reception – Year 2 lunches to their classrooms, and Years 3 – 12 will collect theirs from the FOS barbecue area.

There will also be cash and EFTPOS sales on the day for the sausage sizzle.

To get you into the Summer Interhouse spirit, branded keyrings, supporter hats, House hats, water bottles and wristbands can also be pre-ordered, or purchased on the day.

All proceeds raised by the Friends of Sport directly benefit our Saints Girls and their sporting endeavours.

Thank you so much for your kind support.

Friends of Sport

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Sports Day Merchandise and Raffle

The Friends of Sport are selling House merchandise and raffle tickets ahead of Sports Day in Week 1 next term!

The raffle prize includes a $200 voucher from The Athlete’s Foot, sports equipment from Hughes and Loveday including a Sherrin football, Nike soccer ball, Gilbert netball and Shi hockey stick, plus much more!

You can pre-order merchandise and buy raffle tickets via TryBooking – click here

Raffle tickets will also be sold on the day.

Years 4 – 6: all ordered items will be delivered to classrooms
Years 7 – 12: all orders can be collected from the Front Office on Thursday 27 April

Raffle Tickets: 1 for $5 or 3 for $10
House Bundle: $30 (includes House Cap, Drink Bottle, Wristband and ‘Run like a Saints Girl’ Keyring)
Supporter Cap (blue or white): $25
House Cap: $25
House Water Bottle: $5
House Wristband: $2

Thank you for your support.

Friends of Sport

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Junior School Vacation Care – Book Now

Our next awesome instalment of Junior School Vacation Care is almost here. We have some great activities guaranteed to keep the children entertained through the break. With an array of excursions and on-site adventures, there is plenty of fun to be had.

April 2023 Vacation Care Program

Places are limited, so secure your booking now – click here

Please make your booking requests via the link above by 2pm Friday 31 March, as each booking made after this time will incur an additional $5 fee.

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COVID-19 Information

Please find the latest guidance from SA Health:

  • It is strongly recommended that students stay home if they have cold or flu-like
    symptoms, and test for COVID-19.
  • Whether they receive a positive or negative result, they should stay home until symptoms subside (usually five to seven days).
  • It is strongly recommended that parents/guardians inform the School if a student is a
    close contact. For further advice regarding close contacts, click here
  • While face masks are no longer mandated, they are an important physical barrier to help stop the spread of COVID, particularly when indoors.

If your child tests positive to COVID-19, please inform the School. Please also notify the School each day of absence, or provide the expected period of absence.

You can notify us via one of the following methods. Please include the name of the ELC Room, Class or Home Group. If emailing, feel free to ‘CC’ the teacher of the Room/Class/Home Group as well.

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Text: 0428 601 957 (save to phone contacts as SPGS)

Phone: 8334 2200

For more SA Health information, click here

Please note that if your child is unwell, they should remain home until they have recovered, irrespective of the illness.

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2023 School Immunisation Program

The SA 2023 School Immunisation Program will be delivered by Eastern Health Authority (EHA) next Wednesday 29 March (Week 9).

All Year 7 and 8 students will be offered:
1 dose of the human papillomavirus vaccine, Gardasil®9
1 dose of the diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough vaccine, Boostrix®

All Year 10 students will be offered:
2 doses of the meningococcal B vaccine, Bexsero® at 2 separate visits (2 months apart)
1 dose of the meningococcal ACWY vaccine, Nimenrix®

For further information and videos for high school students – click here

Immunisation consent packs were given out at the beginning of the school year with information about the vaccines on offer. It is important that you have read the information supplied in the packs before you give consent for your child to be vaccinated at school. If you did not receive a consent pack from your child, please ask for one at the school’s Front Office.

Please notify EHA if:
– Your child has already started the above program with another provider
– You wish to withdraw your consent
– Your child’s medical condition has changed

Tips for the day of immunisation:
– Encourage your child to have a good breakfast and recess on the morning of immunisations
– Wear sports uniforms to aid easy access to the upper arm and avoid unnecessarily exposing yourself if clothing needs to be removed/undone
– Encourage your child to keep their arms moving and drink plenty of water throughout the day.

If you have any questions, please contact Eastern Health Authority via 8132 3600 or eha@eha.sa.gov.au

Remember: it is your responsibility to notify EHA of any changes or information, particularly in relation to your child’s medical condition. A signed and dated note in your child’s diary from a parent or guardian presented on the day is acceptable. School Immunisation Program records will be available on myGov within 24 hours of the school visit.

Eastern Health Authority

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School Medical Information Reminder

It is imperative that all medical information, including immunisations, is up to date on the School’s myLink parent portal.

Please follow this pathway to check and/or update details: myLink > Community Portal > My Details > select child name

If you have any questions, please email healthcentre@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

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Car Park Protocols

Burnside Council has advised it will be conducting routine street parking patrols to support the safety of all people within the vicinity of the School. For council parking information, please find an information brochure here.

A reminder about the School’s car park protocols:

If the car park is full and you are unable to enter, circle the block until it is clear to enter, find a park elsewhere or, where age-appropriate, meet your daughter in a surrounding street.

Please note that, unless special circumstances apply, parents of girls in Years 2 to 12 should not enter the car park to collect their daughters prior to 3.30pm. Parents of girls in Reception and Year 1 have exclusive use of the pick-up zone prior to this time for safety and traffic reasons.

Please also refrain from turning right into or out of the car park at peak times, and please do not queue in the car park’s lanes as this often prevents drivers who are legally parked from exiting.

We have also previously received complaints about cars being parked too close to or in front of driveways, or across from other vehicles in surrounding streets, making it extremely difficult for residents and other road users to navigate.

We ask all community members to show consideration for others. Thank you for your cooperation.

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School Shop Notices

School Shop Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm (closed for lunch 12 – 12.30pm)

Parents can also order items via our Online School Shop. This is now accessible via the Flexischools platform which also administers our Online Tuck Shop. To sign in or sign up to Flexischools, click here

Winter Uniform Appointments

A reminder that we are scheduling Winter Uniform fittings, and to streamline the process, we operate an online booking system. It shows our available time slots through to 6 April. Click here to access the calendar and select the time that best suits you (please include your daughter’s name).

Appointment times are filling fast, so your prompt attention is appreciated.

Middle and Senior School students are welcome to visit during their recess or lunch breaks.

New ELC Uniforms

Our new ELC uniforms are available to purchase in the School Shop.

This beautiful range is designed for the needs of our youngest community members, giving our ELC children a smart, cohesive look, and simplifying the routine of getting dressed in the morning.

We look forward to seeing the children proudly wear their new ELC attire.

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Absences from School

If your child will not be attending school/ELC due to illness or otherwise, please notify the School via one of the methods below.

Please include the name of the ELC Room, Class or Home Group, along with the reason for the absence as the School requires this for government reporting purposes.

If emailing, feel free to ‘CC’ the teacher of the Room/Class/Home Group as well.

Text: 0428 601 957

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Phone: 8334 2200

It would be appreciated if notifications could be made prior to 9am.

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Sports News


Open A: Saints (39) v Walford A (2)
Best Player: Sophie Ricciuto
Super Women:
Levanya De Silva – made some great steals in the first quarter resulting in scores which lifted the team’s energy and intensity
Ashlyn May – led the team with solid communication on and off the court; created opportunities for her teammates
Open B: Saints (20) v Walford (25)
Best Player: Phoebe Russell
Super Woman: Marcella Tolley – led the team’s comeback with two mid-range shots and a 3 which put Saints only 4 points behind after trailing by as much as 11
Open C: Saints v Wilderness – Saints won on forfeit
Middle A: Saints (33) v Pulteney (25)
Middle B: Saints (31) v Pulteney (0)
Middle C: Saints v Concordia – Saints won on forfeit


Open A: Saints (3/82) v Pembroke (3/101)
Open B1: Saints (2/66) v Pulteney (3/49)
Year 3/4 White: Bye
Year 3/4 Blue: Saints (89) v Wilderness (83)


U13: Saints (25) v Eagles (4)
Best Player: Ruby Kelly – for her skill, determination, interception of balls and reading the game
Super Woman: Lois Burton-Howard – for using her voice in attack around the goal


Open A: Saints (59) v Wilderness (40)
Senior Div 1.1: Bye
Senior Div 2: Saints v Westminster – Cancelled
Senior Div 4.1: Saints (21) v Pembroke (53)
Best player: Olivia Clarke – showed great technique in her ground strokes, and her one-handed backhand is awesome
Super Woman: Sophia Yang – played and won her first ever tie break; she played very strongly and should be proud
Senior Div 4.2: Saints (11) v Pembroke (54)
Best Players: Zoe White and Hannah Beaumont – played top doubles, using their net play really well and working hard while having fun
Super Woman: Phoebe Liu – played her first match when she stepped up to fill in for 4.2 and was super brave
Intermediate White: Saints (2-13) v St Ignatius (4-21)
Beginner White: Saints (0) v Wilderness (6)


Open A: Saints (0) v Wilderness (8)
Open B: Saints (4) v Mercedes (0)
Open C: Saints (5) v Seymour (3)
Middle A: Saints (3) v St Michael’s (1)
Middle B: Saints (1) v Loreto (2)
Middle C: Saints (0) v St Michael’s (10)


Open A: Saints (2) v Westminster (1)
Best Player: Annabel Keough
Super Woman: Bridgette Leach – showing tenacity in defence when the rallies went on for a long time, making great efforts to chase down balls and keep us in the point
Open B: Saints (0) v Westminster (3)
Best Player: Asha Eaton – for some great serving
Super Woman: Ashlyn May – for digging deep in a frustrating string of lost points to lift the team, and her own effort which turned the game around
Open C: Saints (2) v Westminster (1)
Best Players: Januri Wagaarachchi and Ella Warrick
Super Woman: Maddy Lisle – was able to take on feedback and execute; took ownership of the court and encouraged teammates throughout
Open D: Saints (0) v Wilderness (3)
Best Player: Labrini Psaltis – passed the ball very well as practised at training
Super Woman: Amelia Sutherland – worked hard on communicating and getting 3 hits over the net
Middle A: Saints (1/53) v Wilderness (2/65)
Super Women:
Naomi Meng – was chasing everything all match and sparked the team revival in the 3rd set with a great serving run
Imogen Pearce – improved herself and was key in helping win the 3rd set with serving and energy
Middle B: Saints (3/67) v Westminster (0/45)
Middle C: Saints v Wilderness – Cancelled
Middle D: Saints (0) v Woodcroft (3)
Year 6 Blue: Saints (0) v Wilderness (3)
Year 6 White: Saints (1) v Wilderness (2)
Year 6 Sliver: Saints (3) v Seymour (0)
Year 5 Blue: Saints (0) v Seymour (3)
Year 5 White: Saints (1) v Seymour (2)
Year 4/5 White: Saints (0) v Wilderness (3)
Year 4/5 Blue: Saints (1) v Wilderness (2)


Open A: Saints (17) v Immanuel (3)
Best Player: Alice Braithwaite
Super Woman: Ayla Blaskett
Open B: Saints (6) v Wilderness (4)
Best Player: Zara Trim
Super Woman: Sophie Ricciuto
Open C: Saints (3) v Seymour (12)
Middle B: Saints (8) v St Ignatius (3)
Middle B: Saints (5) v Wilderness (13)

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