Home / Newsletters / Week 8, Term 3 2024 / EARLY LEARNERS’ CENTRE

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Swimming Carnival (Years 4-6)

Swimming Carnival (Years 7-12)

ELC Twilight Family Picnic

School Tour

Girls in Tech

Dad’s Night on the Green

Head of the River

Choral Night

Years 2 to 12 Music Day Camp

St Peter’s Cathedral Performance

ELC Coffee Van

Term 1 Concludes


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Wellbeing in the Park: Exploring the Impact Ferguson Conservation Park has on our Feelings and Emotions

Wellbeing is related to resilience, providing children with the capacity to cope with day-to-day stress and challenges. Managing emotions, developing self-regulation and building perseverance and persistence are all parts of developing executive function which are higher order cognitive functioning processes in the brain.” Early Years Learning Framework

Ferguson Conservation Park is a special space that provides us with such a rich array of learning opportunities. Over many years, this space has inspired us with investigations from fungi identification to mapping the park.

This term, the Erindale children have been using the park as a space to explore their wellbeing. Current research tells us about the significance of children using and regularly accessing the outdoor environment and natural spaces to support their mental health, resilience and risk taking.

The Erindale children have been regularly accessing the park and are spending extended periods of the morning in this space. We are having morning tea and then offering the children the opportunity to use the park how they choose. Educators are providing a selection of materials for the children to further extend and investigate the park. The Erindale children are also being supported to track their feelings before and after being in the park as well as being able to express how being in Ferguson Conservation Park made them feel.

Laura Reiters
Learning Community 2 Teacher – Erindale Room

ELC Vacation Care

Bookings Now Open for ELC Vacation Care!

Dear ELC Families,

School holidays are around the corner, so if you would like your child to attend ELC during this time, please click here to access our online booking form.

ELC Vacation Care will run from Monday 30 September to Friday 11 October. (Monday 7 October is a public holiday; therefore, the ELC will be closed).

Our holiday planning builds and expands on the learning that has been happening across the term. Our Vacation Care leaders, Catherine Jiang, LC2 and Valentina Fernandes, LC1, plan closely with our Pedagogical Coordinator and classroom teachers so that they can implement engaging learning experiences that transition seamlessly into Vacation Care.

During Vacation Care, children are required to wear their ELC uniform to support consistency and continuity throughout the school year. Our ELC uniform provides a smart and cohesive look, simplifies the routine of getting dressed in the morning, and promotes a sense of belonging. Children will need to bring their own packed lunch, hat, water bottle, and a change of clothes each day. Due to allergies, we kindly ask that you do not pack nuts or nut products in your child’s lunch box. A healthy morning and afternoon tea and late snack will continue to be provided to children.

As ELC Vacation Care staffing and catering are based on bookings, please make your bookings by Thursday 26 September 2024 (Week 10). Due to limited spaces during ELC Vacation Care, please book early!

*Please note that ELC Vacation care is strictly for ELC-enrolled children.

Sun Smart in the ELC

As spring arrives and the weather warms up, it’s important to stay sun smart. Following the Cancer Council’s advice, our Centre has clear guidelines for sun protection, especially on days when the UV index reaches 3 or above. Recently, the UV levels have been higher during certain parts of the day, so we ask families to be mindful of the following:

Please ensure your child’s hat is returned to the ELC so we can be prepared for warmer days throughout the rest of this term and into Term 4. Outdoor activities, including visits to Ferguson Conservation Park, are an important part of our program, and children need their hats to enjoy these spaces safely.

To help us keep everything organised, please label your child’s hat clearly with their name. Thank you for supporting our sun safety practices. For more information, please visit the Cancer Council website.

End of Year Christmas Celebration 

Dear ELC Families,

Do you play a musical instrument? We are preparing for our ELC End of Year Celebration and would love to include some musically talented parents to provide a simple accompaniment to a few of our traditional Christmas Carols.

If you are interested in sharing your musical skills to help make this event extra special, please reach out to Mrs Nicola Black at nblack@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

We look forward to hearing from you!