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Book Week Magic: A Celebration of Imagination and Reading

Book Week is a time of magic and wonder, and this year at St Peter’s Girls’ ELC, it was no exception. The excitement in the lead-up was palpable, with children eagerly anticipating the chance to immerse themselves in the wonder of books. In these moments, we see just how deeply books resonate with our children; we observe how books spark their imagination, fostering creativity, and laying the foundation for critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Books have a magical way of laying the foundation for early literacy.

As the week unfolded, it was a joy to witness the enthusiasm of our students, particularly in the way they dressed up as their favourite book characters. Each costume reflected a unique connection to the stories they love, deepening their understanding and appreciation of the characters and narratives they embody. The creativity on display was truly inspiring, and it was clear that these young readers had a deep engagement with the literature that fuels their imaginations.

The turnout for Book Week was nothing short of spectacular. It was heartwarming to see the entire School community come together to celebrate the joy of reading. We were especially delighted to welcome the Junior School students who came to watch our Book Week Parade, which added to the vibrant and joyful atmosphere.

Throughout the week, we were fortunate to have a number of staff members from across the School come and share their love of reading with the children. Among them were Author and Old Scholar Bronwyn Lindsay (nee Clarke, Patteson 1995); our Principal, Cherylyn Skewes; Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School, Lauren Sutton; Head of Junior School, Marika Taylor; Becca Burton-Howard, our EDGE (Reception to Year 12) and Learning Strategies Coordinator (Years 7 to 12); and our Junior School Librarian, Louisa Mitchell. Each of them brought their favourite books to life, captivating the children with stories that ranged from whimsical and funny to thought-provoking and inspiring.

In addition to the readings, students were encouraged to interact with our Book Week display, where they could match teachers to their favourite books—a fun and engaging way to deepen their connection with literature. We were also thrilled to receive a number of book donations from families, which have now been added to our treasured ELC book collection, ensuring that the joy of reading will continue to grow within our community.

Book Week is a special time at St Peter’s Girls’ ELC, reminding us of the magic that books bring into our lives. It’s a week that not only celebrates our love for reading but also strengthens the bonds of our school community through the shared joy of storytelling.

Dental Health Week

During Dental Health Week, our Pathway children were treated to an engaging and educational experience, courtesy of Kexiah and Parwin from Burnside Dental Practice. The children participated in an informative and interactive session, learning about the vital role of good oral health habits in a fun and memorable way.

Establishing positive oral hygiene habits early on is crucial for setting our young learners on a lifelong journey of good oral and overall health. By fostering these habits in a supportive and engaging environment, we help ensure that our children carry these practices into adulthood. Good oral health isn’t just about a bright smile—it’s intrinsically linked to overall well-being. 

Through this engaging session, our children also learned to view dental care as a routine part of their lives, free from fear or anxiety. When children understand what to expect at the dentist, they approach dental visits with confidence and positivity. During this visit, the children learned about the importance of taking responsibility for their own health—a lesson that will serve them well throughout their lives.

Liz Schembri
Director of ELC

News from Learning Community 2 – Pathway

Building a Strong Sense of Identity

“A self-portrait is an intimate bold declaration of identity. In her self-portrait, a child offers herself as subject and artist. When we look at her self-portrait, we see a child as she sees herself. The story of self-portrait work is a tender story to tell.”

– Malaguzzi and Musatti (1996) and Pelo (2007)

Knowing who you are and where you belong is an integral part of a child’s existence. The Pathway children are given many opportunities to express aspects of their identity, share their experiences and make meaning of their world. We support children in feeling recognised and respected for who they are through creating their own self-portraits. These experiences allow children to represent themselves graphically, develop their observational drawing skills, understand the human form, and develop a strong sense of identity and worth. The children have also started to explore self-portraiture using loose parts, providing the children with endless ways to represent themselves and share aspects of their identity with us. These precious pieces of art give us a rare glimpse into how each child sees themselves and honours their uniqueness as learners. We look forward to continuing our explorations of self-portraiture this term.

Chloe Skoss and Tori McDonnell
Learning Community 2 – Pathway Teachers

Parent-Teacher Conversations

Dear ELC Families,

Bookings for ELC Parent-Teacher Conversations are open and will be held on Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 September for all rooms and Monday 23 September for Stonyfell, Bell Yett and Pathway Hallett rooms only.

There are designated 15 minute face-to-face time slots to meet with your child’s teacher. Bookings can be made via myLink and will close at 5pm on Friday 13 September.

We strongly encourage you to book a meeting as it provides us with the opportunity to share your child’s learning journey and significant moments, and the documentation we have supporting this. From these discussions, future goals for your child may be created to ensure they reflect the perspectives of parents and educators.

How to access myLink for bookings:

• Log in to the myLink parent portal using your username (your ID number) and password. Your ID number was sent to you in a previous email. If you don’t know your password, use the link provided on the login page.

• Once you have logged in and arrive on the Welcome page, click the ‘Community Portal’ tab in the top menu, then click the ‘Interviews’ tab and select the required cycle. You can log in and change your booking any time up to 5pm on Friday 13 September.

If you require myLink assistance, please contact the IT Helpdesk via helpdesk@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or 08 8334 2227.

The Importance of Signing In/Out at the ELC

To ELC Families,

A friendly reminder to please sign in and sign out your child/children each morning and afternoon when entering and departing the ELC. 

This is part of our regulatory obligations as an early learning service and ensures our Centre has a record of your child’s attendance in the case of an emergency or evacuation. 

If you forget to sign in or sign out, please call, or email our Centre at your earliest convenience with your child’s full name and room/teacher. 

We appreciate your cooperation. 
Centre phone number: 8155 5733
Centre email: Wolita Harding, ELC Manager: wharding@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au