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2024 November West Lakes Regatta

The ‘West Lakes Regatta’ series combine a mixture of school and club events, providing different formats of racing, and opportunities to race in different boat classes than normal as well.

Our Year 8/9 crews raced in a combined 8/9 division, with all crews able to progress to any final from their heat. All crews progressed to the A or B Finals, placing 2nd and 3rd in the A Final and 1st, 2nd and 5th in the B Final. Even more impressive was that these crews ended up with the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 6th fastest times across all finals! An awesome achievement and an incredible display of strength and depth in our 8/9 squad!

Meanwhile, four of our Senior rowers – Mollie Kennett, Matilda Powell, Alison Francis and Grace Jones competed in the Small Boat Combine (WSBC). This event combines singles and pairs, from U19 up to Open Age categories, with all crews racing heats and progressing to Finals based on raw time. The idea is that this creates close racing in the finals. The WSBC was entered by high-performance athletes from SASI, clubs and schools. Both of our crews learnt from the experience, with Mollie and Matilda progressing to the A Final; an achievement in itself.

The remainder of the racing saw our Senior and Intermediate crews racing a variety of Schoolgirl, Under 17 and Under 19 events. The highlight was our Intermediate Squad racing for the first time in an Under 17 Eight – their first race over 2000m. Knowing that this event was coming up, the Intermediates have spent one session a week preparing for this event for the last three weeks. The preparation paid off with a strong 2nd place and, more importantly, a lot of smiling faces after the race!

Schoolgirl 8/9 Coxed Quad – Heat 1       
8/9 C    1st

Schoolgirl 8/9 Coxed Quad – Heat 2       
8/9 A    3rd
8/9 D    4th

Schoolgirl 8/9 Coxed Quad – Heat 3       
8/9 B    1st
8/9 E    3rd

Women’s Small Boat Combine – Heat 3 
Matilda Powell, Mollie Kennett    3rd
Alison Francis, Grace Jones       4th

Schoolgirl 8/9 Coxed Quad – B Final      
8/9 A    1st
8/9 D    2nd
8/9 E    5th

Schoolgirl 8/9 Coxed Quad – A Final      
8/9 C    2nd
8/9 B    3rd

Women’s Small Boat Combine – B Final 
Alison Francis, Grace Jones       6th

Women’s Small Boat Combine – A Final 
Matilda Powell, Mollie Kennett    7th

Schoolgirl Eight
1st 8+   5th

Under 17 Women’s Eight           
Intermediate Squad       2nd

Schoolgirl Coxed Four   
1st 4+   4th

Under 19 Women’s Eight           
1st 8+   2nd

Under 17 Women’s Coxed Quad
9/10 B   6th

Under 17 Women’s Double Scull
Matilda Wilkin, Zara Perrone       5th

Year 5/6 School Sport SA Knockout Tennis State Final 

After a dominating performance in the first State Tennis knockout competition, our Year 5/6 Tennis team progressed through to the State Final. Playing in sweltering conditions, our girls had a tight tussle in the first round but managed to take the win. In the second round-robin round, the girls had a 5 sets to 1 victory which placed them top of their pool and through to the Grand Final. Temperatures soared upwards of 35 degrees, and the heat policy was implemented, the two sides agreed to deem the match a tie; making our girls joint Year 5/6 State Champions! 

The girls put on a gallant display, in really trying conditions. What a spectacular achievement for themselves and the School being named state champions! They should be very proud of their efforts. Well done and congratulations to Amelia Bartter, Cynthia Fong, Ishana Roy, Victoria Teo, Emily Wang and Isabella Zhu for their incredible achievement! 

Ambrose Golf Day

Last week, 47 Year 7 to 9 students attended the School Sport SA Ambrose Golf Day at North Adelaide Golf Course. It was a huge day for the girls, with most having never picked up a club, competing in an 18-hole golf competition. Two of our twelve teams completed the course and finished the day with a net score of 52.8, which saw them place 1st overall!

Well done to all students who attended, and thank you to the many staff who went along to supervise our teams.

U16 National Championship Cricket Squad

Congratulations to our 2025 Cricket Captain, Lucy Lowry (Year 10) on her selection in the U16 State Cricket Squad. This is the second year that Lucy has been selected, she will travel to Ballarat in early January to compete in the National Championships.

Great job, Lucy. Go well!

World Para Surfing Championships  

Annie Goldsmith (Year 10) recently donned the green and gold and headed to Huntington Beach, California to compete in the World Para Surfing Championships. Annie joined over 180 athletes and 27 national teams and helped the Australian Irukandji’s to third place! Para surfing has seen significant growth over the past several years and is currently under consideration for inclusion in the 2028 Los Angeles Paralympic Games. 

Year 5/6 SAPSASA State Tennis Championship 

Congratulations to Cynthia Fong (Year 6) and Victoia Teo (Year 5) who represented the East Adelaide District in the recent SAPSASA State Championship. Participating in Division 1, East Adelaide remained undefeated after five rounds and were awarded the Gold Medal! 

Has your daughter achieved something spectacular at a state or national level? We would love to hear about it! Follow this link to submit an eNews acrticle: eNews Sport Submission.