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News – Week 10, Term 3 2016

Issue no. 29

From the Principal

Last Friday, at the conclusion of the St Michael’s Eucharist, the School processed from the Chapel to the Arts Centre where we sang our final hymn. This was a way of symbolising that our place of worship will move to the Arts Centre until the new Middle School and Resource Centre are completed. Whilst I appreciate that this is not ideal, it’s important to remember that the meaning of ‘church’ is not that of a building but of people. The messages and values that underpin our Chapel services transcend both the building and the day. If those messages were to exist exclusively in our Chapel, we would miss the point of the very belief that they represent. We are currently reviewing an ambitious timeline for the building works and hope that the period out of the Chapel will be shorter than originally anticipated.

During the upcoming two-week break, the Library will be relocated to the Chapel. The Chapel will be air-conditioned prior to the move. It’s imperative that the School has a functional Library whilst the girls are present. Hence, delaying this move until later in Term 4 was unfortunately not practical. We are still on track for the builders to move onsite in Week 6 next term, with the noisy demolition works to be carried out over the Christmas holidays. Further information in regard to access and student flow whilst the building works progress will be communicated at the start of Term 4.

I have heard many mums that are Old Scholars comment that the classrooms haven’t changed since they were here. Those buildings have served us well. But we’ve reached an impasse – we are now at the stage where the physical spaces inhibit our girls from engaging optimally in their learning and with each other. Our spaces must be rejuvenated and reflect the kinetic teaching and dynamic learning which our girls and parents rightly demand. There will be significant challenges over the next 12 to 18 months but at the conclusion we will see the quality of our facilities match the excellent teaching that we provide. This Masterplan along with the significant improvements to our curriculum offerings and well-being programs will see Saints Girls firmly cement itself as the number one girls’ school in Adelaide.


I’m delighted to announce that Miss Abby Davey has been appointed to the role of Head of Arts. Abby hails from Adelaide but has spent recent years working in two international schools in the USA and Austria. She has held examiner roles with both the SACE Board and the International Baccalaureate Organisation. She has extensive experience in teaching the IB Theatre Arts course and has directed numerous productions across a range of year levels and genres. As an experienced Head of Department, Abby will work closely with Sally Rounsevell, Head of Music, to take our academic and co-curricular Arts programs to a new and exciting level.

After 15 years of wonderful service, Miss Heather Jones has announced that she will be finishing her time at Saints Girls at the end of this year. We will have an opportunity to farewell Heather towards the end of Term 4 but in the meantime I thank her sincerely for the passion and professionalism that have underpinned her practice.

Following the Year 12 Celebration Day in Term 4, the Rev’d Natasha Darke will be taking some well-earned long service leave. During her absence the Rev’d David Bassett will conduct our Chapel services and key events, including Carols in the Cathedral. As David is a current parent and with much experience in School chaplaincy, we are indeed fortunate to have him step into this role.

Presentation Night

Those of you who attended the Spring Concert would have marvelled at the extraordinary talent of our students. As was the case last year, Presentation Night will be compered by our girls and will provide the opportunity for each and every one of our girls to be involved in a mass musical finale. Please make sure you keep the evening of Monday 12 December free as it will be a night to remember.

Best wishes for a safe and relaxing holiday. I look forward to welcoming the girls back to School on Monday 17 October.

Julia Shea

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Year 5 Production – The Little Mermaid


St Peter’s Girls’ Year 5 classes will present the Disney Classic, The Little Mermaid early next term. The Year 5 students, the team of teachers and technical crew are working very hard on bringing this amazing production to life.

The Little Mermaid tells the story of Ariel, the mermaid, who desires to be human. The show features many big song and dance numbers including Under the Sea, Kiss the Girl, She’s in Love and the romantic Part of Your World.

The stunning colourful costumes bring to life the creatures from the sea, as the audience is taken on a journey below the ocean’s surface, a storm and a shipwreck with many special effects. Lively song and dance numbers will have people tapping their toes and singing along. It’s guaranteed to be a real crowd pleaser for all ages!

When: 7pm, Thursday 3 and Friday 4 November 2016
Where: Arts Centre
Tickets: Adults $10 Concession $5.

Tickets will open on Thursday 6 October at trybooking.com/NGVL.

Olivia Coulter & Shane Davidson
Year 5 Teachers

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Year 10 Camp


Camp was a successful week overall; we learnt many new things and overcame many challenges. The camp was held at a private property called ‘The Argadells’ in the Southern Flinders Ranges. We maintained a positive attitude despite the weather on Tuesday when a storm came through. Everyone was able to successfully complete each activity with a positive outcome.

We can all agree that abseiling and rock climbing was a new and memorable experience that allowed us to overcome our fears and step out of our comfort zone. It was ‘challenge by choice’ and many girls enjoyed scaling Warren Gorge with picturesque scenery.

Mountain biking was another challenging experience but came with a rewarding view of the Flinders Ranges. We also enjoyed exploring the natural beauty without too much physical struggle, unless we reached an uphill area. Hiking was fun for many groups, especially when reaching mountaintops with views on one side to Port Augusta and the other side around the Flinders. All groups enjoyed the return trip on Friday, with a bakery stop in Crystal Brook.

Year 10 High Performance class

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Year 9 Camp – Kayaking


The Year 9s started bright and early on Monday morning and travelled to Hindmarsh Island for the start of our camp. We gathered all of our kayaking gear and learnt how to pack our dry sacks. Our first challenge was trying to fit all of our belongings into the bags and then with a lot of pushing and shoving, fit all of our gear into the kayaks. We set off paddling through the Mundoo channel and across the Coorong to our camp site. The paddle was challenging as we had to try to stay together as a group and heading in the right direction. Our landing occurred early afternoon and we unpacked our gear amidst many mosquitoes and then walked through the sand dunes to the ocean. We cooked our dinner together and after clean-up set off into the sand dunes to pitch our tents for our solo night. The paddle back to our starting point seemed easier the next day and after unpacking our gear and cleaning the kayaks, we were driven to Deep Creek Conservation Park for our bushwalk.

Jessica Schaedel
Year 9 Student

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Year 9 Camp – Rock Climbing, Abseiling and The High Ropes Course

The adrenaline fuelled Rock Climbing, Abseiling and High Ropes course at Woodhouse was an outstanding addition to our Year 9 camp this year. Participating in these challenging activities was as a highlight for many of our campers as an exciting conclusion to the Camp. The challenges required the girls to function outside their comfort zone, overcome fear, take calculated risks, work together as a team, trust their classmates, and dare to imagine completing things that most had never done before. The elation and pride in successfully completing these activities was almost tangible. The girls will certainly look back with great fondness at their time spent at Woodhouse on Year 9 camp.

Student insights:

“When rock climbing I sometimes felt frightened and couldn’t keep on but I still climbed to the top. At that time I felt very happy and had satisfaction. The other activities were very exciting to challenge myself.”

“I loved all the activities at Woodhouse but my favourite would have to be high ropes because I tried to push past my fear of falling off and trust that my team members would belay well. I also liked high ropes because it’s something that I’ve never tried before and when I first saw the high beam I backed out but I just thought if I don’t do it I’ll regret it and I did it.”

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Year 9 Camp – Bushwalking


The bushwalk was one of mixed emotions – some of us were sore due to ongoing injuries, whilst others were finding it easy. As a class we came together to make sure that no one felt left behind. We played games to distract us from any pain we might be feeling and to help us ignore it and feel better. We ended up stopping so that we could look at the views and along the way we saw a range of wildlife from kangaroos, lizards and kookaburras. When we arrived at the campsite on the first day we were all relieved to have gotten there before it was dark, unlike other classes who didn’t. On the second day when we arrived we were greeted by a stunning view of the ocean and some wildlife. After we set up camp we went on a short walk to a viewing point and listened to many riddles. On the last day we were all were quite relieved to be finally finishing the walk and on the way back we played a round of ‘Ambush’. Overall the bushwalk was enjoyable, even with the heavy rucksacks that we had to carry!

Rachel Banham
Year 9 Student

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Student Voice: PYP Exhibition

In Week 8 the Year 6 students presented their group projects to their families as part of the PYP Exhibition. This project is the final step in the PYP programme, which runs from the ELC through to Year 6. So even if you have only been here for one year or have been here from ELC, we have all benefited from the PYP programme and learnt a lot as we begin to exhibition-photo-2develop into more independent learners and thinkers. Our Central Idea for this unit is ‘People’s beliefs and feelings can inspire action’ and we expanded our thinking as we began to undergo some tasks under this unit.

At the very start of this learning journey the class wrote five things on a sticky note that we thought were not fair. We then shared our ideas and put our notes on a large poster that was divided into the sections of individual, local, national and global. These notes were divided into the sections that we thought best suited the statement. A discussion then followed about what we thought was not fair and the importance of the points we raised got us thinking.

To create a mindset of putting yourself in others shoes we undertook many immersion activities, looking at issues that impact people’s lives and the ways they are taking action to help.

In our French and Japanese lessons, our teachers taught us about issues affecting these countries and the action that is being taken to solve them. We talked from both sides of the issue and completed some reflections about what we were thinking. In Japanese we have been inquiring into the action that was taken after the earthquake and tsunami in Fukushima – not just the action that happened immediately but how they are working with the people of the area to develop an understanding of what is safe.

The biggest part of the inquiry unit was when we brainstormed and chose some real world issues that are currently affecting society, including homelessness, poverty and animal conservation. We then formed groups with other girls who had an interest in our preferred topic. Some big issues were tackled such as preventing homelessness, native animal conservation, responses to natural disasters and children’s rights. We formed our own essential agreements to follow and then went on to think of some questions we wanted to investigate.

We researched these topics by calling or emailing an organisation requesting information that we could then incorporate into the exhibition presentation. We also sourced information on a website or read a book related to the topic.

Despite some initial challenges, the experience has been rewarding and positive overall.

Charlotte Adams and Annabelle Bradshaw
Year 6 students

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The Debating season ends on a victorious note!

Last Saturday marked the end of Saints Girls’ most successful debating season so far and we have so much to be proud of. The success in debating this year has been known not only to the Saints Girls’ community, but also to many schools around South Australia. Every time I walked into a debate I heard someone from another school saying, “considering Saints Girls has just joined the competition this year, they are doing very well” and “Saints Girls are the school to defeat in debating”. So, to our amazing debaters, you have set the standards very high!

This year we entered eleven teams into the Debating SA competition. Congratulations to our two Year 7 teams for finishing the season ranked second and third consecutively on the ladder and to members of all the six teams from Year 8 to Year 12 who competed in the finals series. From these six teams, Year 8 Yellow and Blue and Year 9 Red qualified for the grand finals held at the House of Assembly Chamber, Parliament House. In an all Saints final, Charlotte Stratton-Smith, Siena Kulinski and Eleanor Anderson, coached by Nicola debating-imageJones, spoke well but were defeated by Jessica Stratton-Smith, Harriet Maerschel and Abigail Lisle, coached by Sophie-Louise Shearwood and Grace Callen – proving that Gary the Goat should be moved to make way for development. Following the Year 8s’ phenomenal grand final round, speakers from Year 9 Red, coached by Sarah Richards and Georgia Bateman – Isabella Villani, Asha Short and Aditi Tamhankar – defeated a team from Pulteney, convincing the adjudicators that Steve Irwin has no place on the Australian currency. Congratulations to members of the winning teams for these amazing results – you have created debating history!

The unprecedented success of this season, however, would not be possible without the support of our student coaches, supervising teachers and Old Scholar coaches. On behalf of all your teams I would like to thank you for engraining enthusiasm and passion for debating in the girls. Most importantly, however, thank you to our spectacular debaters. It is your passion, dedication and commitment that has taken debating to new heights this year. The manner in which you have taken on board your coaches’ advice, sacrificed your recess and lunch times to attend debating meetings week after week and, of course, won debate after debate must be acknowledged. And, finally, thank you to our Head of Debating, Ms Emily Cohen, who has spent so much time behind the scenes supporting the student coaches, and supervising teachers and Old Scholar coaches whilst simultaneously coaching my amazing Senior White Team. Debating would not be where it is without you so on behalf of all the debaters, thank you very, very much.

To finish off I would just like to say that it has been a pleasure captaining such an amazing bunch of debaters in my last season. And to those who missed out this year, everyone is welcome to join our winning squad next year to help us make the 2017 season even better than this one!

Kritika Mishra
Debating and Public Speaking Prefect

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Potential employers required to conduct interviews

Every year as part of their Personal Learning Plan, Year 10 students take part in a practice interview. They prepare a letter of application and resume to apply for a job and are then interviewed by a potential employer.

This year, because of the large Year 10 class group, I am looking for a few more people to help with the interviews. The interviews are being held on Monday 31 October from 1 – 3.30pm in the Senior Resource Centre. I will supply you with your potential employees’ letters and resumes prior to the day and will also provide some possible interview questions.

If you would like to be involved or have a family member who might be able to help, please contact me on kalderson@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Karen Alderson
Careers Advisor

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High School Musical 2

It’s summer at East Side High and the Wildcats are keen to get summer jobs in High School Musical 2 presented by ‘Shane Davidson Presents!’

What a great way to start the holidays – come and join Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay, Ryan and Chad as they head to the Lava Springs Country Club and end up performing in the Talent Night contest. Competition is high and friendships are tested but it all ends up on a positive high note. The show features all-time favourites such as ‘What Time is it?’, ‘All for One’, ‘Work This Out’, ‘Bet on It’ and, of course, ‘Fabulous!’

Dimity Pittman from Year 11 stars as Sharpay Evans, the totally self-absorbed, musical theatre star who is set on getting Troy and winning the Star Dazzle Award. Jade Leyden boogies on down as the hip-hopping Martha Cox and Carla Lawrence is one of the Sharpettes. The 70 strong cast exude energy and enthusiasm.

The pre-show features songs from musicals such as ‘Cats’, ‘Les Miserables’ and ‘Wicked!’.  Tickets are available at the door before each performance.

When: Friday 30 October at 7pm, Saturday 1 October at 1.30pm and 7pm, and Sunday 2 October at 3.30pm.
Where: St Peter’s Girls Arts Centre.
Tickets: Adults $25, Concession $20. 

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Holiday Activities

Come ’n Try sport


South Australian sporting and recreation bodies come together to provide a coordinated program of Come ’n Try sessions for 5 to 16 year olds. It all takes place in and around the centre of Adelaide and the next series takes place in the second week of the Spring holidays, from Monday 10 to Friday 14 October, with sessions starting from 9am.

It’s a perfect opportunity to try a sport or activity for first time or have another go at an activity you’ve done before.

For more information and bookings visit comentry.com.au.

TAFE SA Kids Day Out

October school holiday fun for the budding chefs of the future!

Come and join Chef Danielle for a fun-filled morning as she turns two classic dishes into tasty tiny treats – mini chocolate banoffee pies and mini apple and cinnamon loaves. You will learn how to make chocolate pastry, chocolate caramel filling, rich butter cakes topped with apple and cinnamon and a spiced honey cream.

Where: Regency Campus, TAFE SA, 137 Days Road, Regency Park SA 5010
When: Thursday 6 October and Friday 7 October 2016

Bookings can be made via eventopia.co/RGA.

Dare to Dream Athletics Holiday Clinic

dare-to-dream-athletics-holiday-clinic-flyer-with-guests2Has your daughter enjoyed watching the Australians compete at the Olympics? Would they like to give Athletics a go and meet some of South Australia’s Olympic athletes that competed in Rio 2016? Our holiday clinic in the October school holidays would be perfect for them!

Little Athletics South Australia and Athletics South Australia would like to invite any child or teenager between the ages of 5 and 17 to be involved in our Dare to Dream Athletics Holiday Clinic.

The clinic involves the opportunity to participate in all run, jump, throw and walk athletic events that are offered at Little and Senior Athletics, a special guest presentation from Olympians Kurtis Marschall and Jess Trengove, and much more!

If you would like to know more, please visit daretodream.com.au.

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Sports News


If you have any news items or sporting success stories please email them through to me on: nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Junior Basketball

On Friday the 23rd of September, 8 Year 6 students attended the Harry Long Invitational Basketball Tournament held at Prince Alfred College. The girls were chosen from the current Year 6 Basketball teams after demonstrating focus and drive in their weekly games. The girls played teams from all over the city including St Johns, Westminster, Pembroke and Wilderness. Whilst the team placed 5th overall, they played some very strong matches, coming within 1 point of beating Wilderness and standing strong against Pembroke, getting within a few goals of this very good team! The girls had a wonderful time and were able to learn some new skills during their game play. We look forward to playing next year, and attacking the game with more experience! By Abby Davey (Coach)

Year 5 Basketball St Peter’s White 30 d St Peter’s Blue 14

It was the final game of the season and what better way to finish than with the Saints Girls derby.  The teams were evenly matched going into this game and warmed up eagerly.  Then the unimaginable happened – the power went out.  Whilst some were concerned we wouldn’t be able to use the electronic scoreboard others were worried about the lighting!  Thankfully, the designers of the gym had the foresight to have skylights and we agreed to play.

The blue team got off to a flying start through Eleanor Humphrey (6 pts) and Phoebe Black (6 pts).  Eleanor provided great drive for the blue team, with Phoebe playing well under the basket. Charlotte McKee had a great game bringing the ball into the attacking half and passing well to team mates.  Georgie Owler played her usual key role, rebounding strongly both in attack and defence. Annie rebounded well and was strong in the mid court. Helen (2pts) was fierce all game, helping team mates in defence and providing good drive going forward into attack. The blue team led 14 to 12 at half time.

The white team, who had been working their way back into the game came into their own in the second half.  Monika Ceplitis (8 pts) and Bridgette Leach, worked tirelessly to double team the blue players with good results. Monika provided excellent drive into attack.  Noa Goddard (2 pts) played an excellent game marking her players well and intercepting loose passes.  Sophie Dansie (2 pts) provided her usual fight, double teaming and rebounding well.  Pearl Richards (6 pts) defended exceptionally well and provided great passes into attack to sister Ruby (12 pts) who took advantage of these great passes scoring 10 of her 12 points in the second half.  Thank you to all the girls for their hard work and cooperation. You have all improved significantly which you showed in a very exciting and close match this week. Sharon Tocher-Leach (White) and Sam McKee (Blue) Coaches

SAPSASA Athletics – Tuesday 27 September

Saints Girls had 10 students selected to represent East Adelaide in the State Primary School carnival. All students are to be congratulated on gaining selection with Molly Dwyer winning a Gold in the 10 year 800m and a Silver in the 200m. Olivia Kelly Bronze in the 12 Year High Jump, Portia Maerschel Gold in the 12 Year 100m and Silver in the 200m, Sophie Barr Gold in the 13 Year Shot and Discus. Other competitors included Emily Baldwinson, Imogen Elliott, Keeley Fahey, Efua Yawson, Stephanie Smalls and Sivanthi Sivasuthan.

IGSSA Athletics Carnival – Wednesday 28 September

Despite the threat of a cancellation and the carnival facing the impact of the threatening storm, the carnival got under way in sunny conditions. Saints had a terrific start on the track collecting places in the 300m, hurdles, high jump and triple jump events. As the skies darkened events were started early to try and get as many events completed as possible and the Saints athletes continued to perform exceptionally well. When the thunder and lightning started every headed for the stands before the carnival was abandoned. It was decided that the results would stand as 60 events had been held and it is with the greatest pleasure to announce that we were declared the overall winners for what I believe is the first time!

Age Group Pennant Winners:

U13 – St Peters
U14  – Wilderness
U15  – Westminster
U16  – St Peters
Open – Immanuel

Field Events Shield

Just over a half of the Field events were finished. If events had finished at least one round (where all competitors had an attempt) the results were included.

This now means Saints Girls have won both the IGSSA Swimming and Athletics shields in the same year!


The Comets are IGSSA’s representative lacrosse team and will take part in their fourth Australian Lacrosse Association Under 15 National Tournament, which will be played during the upcoming school holidays at the Glenelg Lacrosse Club, Barratt Reserve, West Beach, from 2nd – 8th October. The Comets are one of three South Australian teams entered into this year’s Girls’ U15 Nationals, and will compete against teams from Victoria (two teams), Western Australia (two teams), as well as a team from Waikato in New Zealand. Saints Girls’ representatives are: Harriet Maerschel, Kate Reade, Chelsea Walls, Millie Wilkin


Congratulations to Brooke Elliott who has been named the Vice Captain for the SAUCNA (SA United Church Netball Assoc) State Div 1 Rep Team for 15 & Under.  This is Brookes third year that she has been selected in this State Team (two as Vice-Captain and once as Captain). These teams have taken her to Hobart and Townsville and in 2014 she was selected in the Championship team and travelled to NZ for a week of netball against the Kiwis. This year the carnival is being held in Adelaide at the Anzac Highway courts from Saturday 1 October to Saturday 8 October.  Anyone is welcome to come, watch & cheer on some of the best netball the State has to offer.

IGSSA Years 7-12 Interstate Challenge

This year’s event was the fourth time the event had been staged, and was IGSSA South Australia’s first ever participation in the event. The event was held at Monash University in Clayton and SA sent a team of 11 to Netball, 14 to Soccer and five to Tennis with everyone staying at the Melbourne Grammar School Boarding House.

Netball – represented by Sophie Freeman

We played a game against each of the other four associations present at the tournament. We won two and lost two of our matches. The losses were in our first two matches, and were against the eventual top two schools. We did however match it extremely well with these two associations (Girls Sport Victoria and IGSSA NSW) and had we played them at the end of the tournament (once our girls had got a little more used to playing with each other) rather than in our first two matches, the results may very well have gone our way. South Australia ended up finishing 3rd of the five associations in Netball.

Soccer – represented by Dominique Rigby, Taylah Simpson and Beth Cross

We were by far the youngest squad of the five associations in the competition. We also had the toughest draw, having to play three matches on day one and just the one on day two (with a bye on day two also). Each match was a full 2 x 40 minutes affair, and as a result our girls were (understandably) exhausted late on day one. We ended up losing each of our four matches, but scored impressive goals in three of the four matches, and in two of the matches were level at half time, just fell away late. Only three of our 14 team members will be ineligible next year (Year 12’s), which gives us great hope for next year and beyond. South Australia ended up finishing 5th of the five associations in Soccer.

Tennis – represented by Tiana and Yasmin Glazbrook

We had just the four girls available to play, with our 5th team member spraining her ankle the day before we were due to leave. Each of the fourth girls therefore had to take part in each of the matches against the three other associations entered in this sport (Queensland didn’t send a team for this sport). On day one we played the three other associations, winning two of the three matches and narrowly losing the 3rd (to IGSSA NSW) in a ‘tie-break’ after scores were tied at four sets, 22 games each. It eventuated that after the semi-finals on the start of day two, we then had to play IGSSA NSW again in the final. We beat them! We won five sets to three, winning two of the four singles, and three of the four doubles matches. This was a tremendous result and a real credit to our girls, who came up against slightly higher ranked opposition. South Australia ended up finishing 1st of the four associations in Tennis.


At our first participation at the IGSSA Interstate tournament we have finished a remarkable 3rd of the five associations. IGSSA NSW have won the tournament on five points (tallied via the finishing positions in each of the sports), Girls Sport Victoria (GSV) have finished on eight points, and South Australia close behind on 9 points. ISA NSW came in 4th, and QGSSSA came in 5th.

For the next two years the event will be hosted by QGSSSA, with 2017 likely to be at St Peter’s School in Brisbane, and 2018 likely to be on the Gold coast, utilising facilities that have been built/upgraded for the Commonwealth Games. By Shane Thiele (IGSSA Executive Officer)


This season Kensington District Cricket Club is very excited to launch an Academy for girls. The Academy will provide keen young female cricketers with the skills required to start their cricket journey. The Academy will be open to girls from 9-18 years in two divisions, and will be coached by former state player and coach, Carolyn Dittmar. There will be 12x 90 minute sessions, from 4pm on Friday nights at Parkinson Oval, Kensington, with additional internal and external trial games.

The program will start on 28 October, with six pre-Christmas sessions, and recommence on 10 February , running for another six weeks. Cost of the entire Academy program is $200 and covers coaching, equipment, facility hire and insurances.

We will also be holding a “Come and Try” session on Friday, 7 October from 4pm at Parkinson Oval. To enrol, or find further information, please refer to the club website kensingtonbrowns.com.au or contact Academy Co-ordinator, Jane Lowe, at girls.coord@kensingtonbrowns.com.au.

If you have any news items or sporting success stories please email them through to me on: nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.