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eNews – Week 9, Term 3 2023

Issue no. 21Enews-banner

From Our Head of Junior School

We’ve seen many wonderful examples of the arts embedded in learning across the School this term. One of the many advantages of creating transdisciplinary units of learning, as we do in the Junior School through the IB PYP, is the ability to provide opportunities for students to build strong, meaningful connections and deep understandings through multiple lenses. Often this is done by learning through a variety of modes, and by linking learning across curriculum areas. Learning in connected ways through the arts certainly nurtures specific skills within the arts subjects themselves, but it simultaneously allows students to experience different perspectives of a topic, creatively express their understanding, problem-solve, represent ideas in a variety of ways, and collaborate with others. The arts can challenge us, provoke us to respond, and enrich our understanding of ourselves, our history, cultures and communities. They contribute to the development of confident, active and engaged citizens.

Most recently, we enjoyed a fabulous artistic expression of classroom learning at the Year 1-led Assembly where the students took us through the seasons of the year with a musical and dramatic performance of the story ‘Hats Off’. Girls confidently presented their lines, worked together in groups to share accounts of their learning, and used songs and movement to entertain.

Our stunning Junior School Visual Arts Trail that delighted family members a couple of weeks ago, has continued to provide talking points through student-led conferences and parent teacher interviews this week. Watching and listening to the girls share their pride in their own work and the work of other students has been tremendous, as has hearing them explain the transdisciplinary learning that was attached to each year level’s artworks.

The benefits of learning a musical instrument are wide-reaching, with positive effects on other areas of learning and on our holistic social, emotional, and personal development. Our Year 2, 3 and 4 students demonstrated their learning through music on Monday afternoon with a concert showcasing their growth and talents playing recorder, string or band instruments, and we witnessed the joy that comes with collaborating and making music with others.

We are looking forward to a significant culmination of learning through the arts next week with the Year 5 production of Aladdin Jr. Students have shown persistence and determination as they have learned lines, stage directions and dances, while developing a deep understanding of the team-work and self-management required to perform large-scale musical theatre. Their understanding of different forms of theatre through history, and their individual character studies have enriched their appreciation of creative forms of expression and ways that different perspectives can be shared and celebrated.

The arts play a vital role in a Saints Girls’ education, and our students are richer for the experiences and learning they provide.

Suzanne Haddy
Head of Junior School

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Students Shine at SACE Music Concert

The SACE Music Concert last week was a wonderful celebration of our Stage 1 and 2 musicians. Not only was the evening filled with beautiful music but it also gave the music staff and students a chance to thank and honour the wonderful Year 12 musicians as they finish up their time at Saints.

Congratulations to all students involved.

Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music

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Junior School Musicianship on Display

It takes 10,000 hours of practice for someone to be considered an expert in a particular skill. Our Junior School girls have achieved around 50 hours of music making this year as they presented the Years 2, 3 and 4 Music Concert on Monday. The Year 2 recorder, Year 3 string and Year 4 band program concluded with its annual concert to parents and friends in the Arts Centre. As usual, the girls blew us away with their courage, creativity and compassion for their music, peers and themselves. Congratulations to each and every girl for their outstanding achievements.

Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music

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Charlotte Named IGSSA Sportswoman of the Year

Congratulations to Charlotte McAuliffe, who has been voted by all of the IGSSA Schools as the Sports Woman of the Year! A fantastic achievement for Charlotte, who was up against some tough competition from girls across other schools.

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Yang Yang Awarded IGSSA Badminton Player of  the Year

Congratulations to Badminton Captain Yang Yang Gu who finishes off her school badminton career at Saints undefeated in all singles matches since she commenced at the school in 2019. This is an unbelievable achievement and one that will be difficult to beat!

To top off Yang Yang’s outstanding year, she has been awarded the IGSSA Senior A Badminton Player of the Year award. Well done Yang Yang, so well deserved.

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Willow Recognised for her Contribution to Sport

Congratulations to Willow Stewart-Rattray who has been awarded the IGSSA Contribution to Sport award.

As a new award in 2023, the Contribution to IGSSA Sport Award is awarded to a Year 12 student recognising an individual who has made a significant and valuable contribution to school sport throughout their time at school.

Willow is a talented netballer, however, she has participated in 8 different school sports during her time at Saints Girls. She is a fierce competitor and is always willing to put her hand up to help with playing, coaching, umpiring and mentoring.

Willow has consistently been appointed to leadership roles at Saints, has received embroidery for Netball, Football and Touch Football, and was selected as Year 12 Netball Captain this year.

Willow has balanced school sport with external sport, featuring in State netball teams, pathway programs and development squads, as well as receiving a number of academic awards and embroidery for music. She strives to be her best and is an outstanding role model for her peers and younger girls at Saints.

Well done Willow!

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Year 5 Production – Next Week!

Step into a world of wonder and adventure at this year’s Junior School Production of Aladdin Jr!

Our Year 5s have been enthusiastically preparing to take the stage in their dazzling performance including heroes, heroines, a genie and a magic carpet.

Come along to see the Year 5s in action – we guarantee a fun night out which will have you toe tapping, clapping and leaving with a big smile on your face!

Thursday 28 and Friday 29 September
St Peter’s Girls’ Arts Centre

Click here to book your tickets now!

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Enchante Originals – Final Teaser Track

We are thrilled to share this tantalising teaser of Enchante Originals’ final track ‘Memory’, composed by Year 9 singer/songwriter, Abigail Hawkes.

Abigail shares, ‘When first tackling this song, I wanted to write about how I had always looked forward to the future, not realising I would later miss the past. As a child I remember looking up to older students, wishing I could be one of them but not fully understanding the burden of responsibilities that can come with growing up. It was complicated to filter through my ideas and thoughts during this process, but I am really happy with the final product. Working with Enchante to produce this original song has been such an incredible experience and I am so grateful for this opportunity.’

The countdown is now on to the full E.P. release! Keep your eye on the School’s social media accounts next week for an exciting showcase of the girls’ work.

Choral Director: Sari Noble
Vocal arrangement: Sari Noble
Instrumental arrangement : David Goodwin/Rod Ennis
Audio: David Goodwin

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Thursday Club Performance – Book Now!

Our annual EDGE Program ‘Thursday Club’ performance will be held at the Q Theatre on Halifax Street next Thursday 28 September, 5.30-7pm. Come along and enjoy beautiful contemporary vocal solo performances from students in Years 7 to 12,  accompanied by renowned Adelaide guitarist Mike Bevan.

Tickets are $10 – click here to book.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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Q & A with Samantha Keough (Music Prefect, Head Chorister)

What do you love about music/the arts?
What I love most about the arts is the opportunity for self-expression and storytelling. Everyone is able to create art or indulge in music at some level whether it be composing, performing or simply observing. The expression of emotion, society, politics and relationships can open minds to new perspectives, ideas and values, provoking communication and bringing people together. The sense of community that the arts can provide is also something I love – being surrounded by people who are as passionate and enthusiastic about the same things is such a great feeling and can be so inspiring!

What has your journey in music and the arts looked like over the years?
I started dancing when I was four, and my love for performing grew from there as I discovered that I loved to sing, act and draw. Both Junior and Senior School have given me chances to engage in these various art forms and improve my abilities. Now I sing and act in classes and co-curricular activities, but I draw only for fun – both situations bring me so much joy because it is a part of this passion for the arts I have fostered for years.

Why do you believe music is important both at school and more broadly?
The arts spark passion and channel it in a creative way which I think is extremely necessary in terms of having an outlet for emotions. This applies to both inside and outside of school. As school can be a stressful space for some people, the arts can be an escape from that. Teaching music to children is essential for their development as well as their entertainment. Music and the arts are stimulating, motivating, and can offer other pathways and activities for people who may struggle with academics. The arts have become ingrained into my daily routine and have given me so many opportunities to thrive and explore.

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School Shop: Summer Uniform Appointments

Summer Uniform Fittings are well underway. Our online booking system shows available time slots through to October. Middle and Senior School students are welcome to visit during their recess or lunch breaks.

Click here to access the calendar and select the time that best suits you (please include your daughter’s name).

Appointment times are filling fast, so your prompt attention is appreciated.

During the school holidays, the School Shop will be open on Friday 13 October from 9am to 4pm.

Parents can also order items via our Online School Shop. This is accessible via the Flexischools platform which also administers our Online Tuck Shop. To sign in or sign up to Flexischools, click here

Regular School Shop Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm (closed for lunch 12 – 12.30pm)

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Vacation Care – October Holidays – Book Now!

Our next exciting instalment of Junior School Vacation Care is almost here! We have some great activities guaranteed to keep the children entertained throughout the October school holidays. With an array of excursions and on-site adventures, there is plenty of fun to be had.

Click here to view the program.

Places are limited, so secure your booking now – Click here

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School Health Centre Notices

It is imperative that all medical information, including immunisations, is up to date on the School’s myLink parent portal.

Please follow this pathway to check and/or update details: myLink > Community Portal > My Details > select child name

If you have any questions, please email healthcentre@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

COVID-19 Information

Please find the latest guidance from SA Health:

  • It is strongly recommended that students stay home if they have cold or flu-like
    symptoms, and test for COVID-19.
  • Whether they receive a positive or negative result, they should stay home until symptoms subside (usually five to seven days).
  • While face masks are no longer mandated, they are an important physical barrier to help stop the spread of COVID, particularly when indoors.

If your child tests positive to COVID-19, please inform the School. Please also notify the School each day of absence, or provide the expected period of absence.

You can notify us via one of the following methods. Please include the name of the ELC Room, Class or Home Group. If emailing, feel free to ‘CC’ the teacher of the Room/Class/Home Group as well.

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Text: 0428 601 957 (save to phone contacts as SPGS)

Phone: 8334 2200

For more SA Health information, click here

Please note that if your child is unwell, they should remain home until they have recovered, irrespective of the illness.

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Absences from School

If your child will be absent from school/ELC or is arriving late or leaving early, please notify the School via one of the following methods:

Text: 0428 601 957

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Phone: 8334 2200

Please ensure to include your child’s name, the name of the ELC Room, Class or Home Group and the reason for the absence ie illness/appointment/family/sport etc.

If notifying via email, feel free to ‘cc’ the teacher of the Room/Class/Home Group as well.

It would be appreciated if notification is received prior to 9am.

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Sports News

Sport Results

Wednesday 13 September – Friday 15 September


Year 4 – 6 Blue: Saints (6) v Seymour Purple (16)
Best Player: Edwina Cannon for great positioning and effort on a hot day.
Superwoman: Mathilda Begg defensively fantastic and helped repel many attacks.

Year 4 – 6 White: Saints (0) v Pembroke Yellow (46)
Best Player: Clementine Christo
Superwomen: Ming Hei (Sophia) Lau for playing excellent defence throughout the game and Jingyao (Esther) He for great rebounding especially against much taller opposition and dribbling.


Year 3/4: Saints (3) v Seymour (5)
Best Player: Emma Brooks
Superwoman: Hazel Bigg


Year 4 – 6 Silver: Saints (19) v Westminster White (25)
Best player: Anisha Pahuja for limiting the influence of the tall GA and her 4 quarter drive up the court.
Superwoman: Sasha Connor for sharing the load of standing on the tall GA.
Year 4 – 6 white: Saints (9) v Immanuel (22)
Best player: All players, we only played with six in the team, and everyone tried new positions.
Year 4 – 6 Navy Blue: Bye
Year 4 – 6 Royal Blue: Saints (9) v Concordia (12)
Best Players: Michelle Zurauskas, Mikayla Rundle and Colette Palmieri.
Superwomen: Christie Psaromatis and Eliana Clifford for outstanding effort and continuous commitment.
Year 4 – 6 Skye Blue: Saints (6) v Westminster White (19)
Best Player: Yeuying Ouyang
Superwoman: Nishka Juneja
Year 4 – 5 Blue: Saints (0) v Pembroke Blue (20)
Year 4 – 5 White: Saints (N/A) v Wilderness Blue (N/A)
Year 3 Blue: Saints (7) v Saints Year 3 White (7)
Coaches comment: Draw, it was a fun game as both teams didn’t have enough players.
Year 3 White: Saints (7) v Saints Year 3 Blue (7)
Best Player: Matilda Mollison
Superwoman: Anya Khosa


Year 4 – 6 Blue: Saints (N/A) v Pembroke (N/A)
Year 4 – 6 White: Saints (0) v Wilderness (6)
Best Player: Samaira Soodan as she was stoic as always in defence.
Superwoman: Arabella Morgante for terrific effort and attitude, particularly as goalkeeper.


On Saturday 16 September, the Saints Under 13 Blue team competed in the South Australian Lacrosse Under 13 Grand Final against undefeated minor premiers Brighton. The girls fought exceptionally hard throughout the whole game but unfortunately didn’t take the win over Brighton, with the game ending at a score of 8-5.

This game was the best I have seen any of our girls play, no one ever gave up! I am beyond proud of every single girl as we wouldn’t have been able to get to the grand final without everyone’s enthusiasm and determination. The girls had an amazing season finishing third on the ladder and second overall, compared to last year where they finished seventh and didn’t make finals.

Our goal scorers for this match were Lois Burton-Howard (2), Ivy Pratt (1) and Tilly Birmingham (2) and our MVP for the Grand Final was our fantastic goalkeeper Willow Chong. I can’t wait to see all the girls improving throughout the off-season and next year! Thanks for an amazing season girls.

Dani Cox
Lacrosse Captain


Congratulations to the following girls on being selected to represent South Australia across a variety of different sports:

  • Jess Woods and Claris Stolcman: Under 13 Hockey
  • Mathilda Thomas: Under 18 Touch Football
  • Olivia Reynolds and Isabella Howie: 15 and Under Water Polo
  • Alice Braithwaite, Daisy Braithwaite and Claudia Pearce: Under 17 Water Polo
  • Cleo Hart: Under 15 Lacrosse
  • Caitlyn Sam-Ling: Under 13 Badminton

Good luck to you all as you head off to represent the state in your respective sports.