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Enews – Week 9, Term 3 2018

Issue no. 29Enews-banner

ELC Showcases Robot Ada to South Korea

There was a buzz of excitement this week as a South Korean media giant visited our ELC to produce an article and video showcasing children interacting with our humanoid robot Ada. JoongAng Ilbo, a newspaper that operates in association with the New York Times, embarked on the story after approaching the company that owns the technology, SoftBank Robotics.

This unique opportunity was facilitated by the Association of Independent Schools of South Australia (AISSA), which shared the visit on its website and Twitter account. The children enjoyed doing their morning yoga with Ada, as well as coding her to say their names and using voice recognition to ask her to stand up.

“It is really awesome to be able to share with South Korea how we are finding humanity through technology while working alongside Ada,” Acting Director of Early Learning Kirsty Porplycia said.

Natalie Lockwood, one of the ELC educators who works closely with the Hallett Room children and Ada, says “Through using Ada, we’ve seen a lot of different aspects of learning such as empathy, collaboration and problem-solving, as well as valuable skills such as coding.”

The newspaper is producing a series of international stories on the latest developments in technology in education, and our ELC is expected to feature in print and online next month.

The robot technology has played an immense role in enriching our teaching and learning, and we are pleased to share our knowledge both locally and globally.

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From the Head of Junior School

W9 - Concert 3
One of the things that is incredibly special about a St Peter’s Girls’ education is the breadth of experiences in which our students can be involved. There are seemingly endless opportunities for our students to live our School values of courage, creativity and compassion, and during the last two weeks of this term, we see them in large measure in the Junior School.

The Reception and Year 1 students are putting together the work they have done over the past two terms during their weekly dance lessons, in preparation for a showcase at the beginning of next term. Our Year 2, 3 and 4 students impressed us yesterday afternoon during a concert celebrating the progress they’ve made in music lessons this year. From students who have been learning an instrument for several years, to those who are embarking on their first instrumental experience, they delighted their audience with their skill and obvious enjoyment of working in their ensembles. A demonstration of our Year 6 students’ creativity is currently on show in the Junior School corridor with a fabulous exhibition of visual art works which were painted during investigations into Expressionism and Impressionism. To end the term, next week we will enjoy the much-awaited climax of the work our Year 5 students have been engaged in through their preparations for the Year 5 Production, Disney and Cameron Mackintosh’s Mary Poppins JR. This has been a rich unit of work, both in the classroom and on the stage, and the quality of the near-final rehearsals belie the students’ ages. if you haven’t yet bought a ticket, you’d be wise to do that right now!

All of these endeavours have required the students to demonstrate a little, or perhaps a lot, of courage. They have needed to be compassionate towards each other and, most importantly, themselves as they’ve taken risks in expressing themselves creatively in new ways. I’m sure that they have grown from their involvement in these experiences, and we, as their supporters, will enjoy the fruits of their labour.

Suzanne Haddy
Head of Junior School

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Tech Girls Triumph Yet Again

W9 - Tech
This year, four Year 9 teams and one Year 7 team entered the 2018 Search for the Next Tech Girl Superhero challenge, a youth STEM entrepreneurship opportunity for girls. They worked tirelessly with support from an Industry Mentor to design, develop and market an app that addresses a problem aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. ‘SHEROES’ were named State winners for their app, HerStory, in the Secondary division and ‘FLOW’ were crowned State champions in the Primary division with their app, Unite.

HerStory aims to educate and empower minority groups, as well as magnifying their voices across Australia and the world. The application has various features including articles about equality, quizzes and other dynamic content. Through the utilisation of these features, the app is highly accessible, making it ideal for a wide range of people who learn through the use of different techniques, creating a larger market. The speech-to-audio element of the app fundamentally shows what it is all about – available and accessible to everyone, giving any user the equal opportunity to enjoy HerStory.

W9 - Tech2Unite’s mission is to improve the lives of children with a disability, mental or learning difficulties through social connection and inclusion by providing a unique crowdsourced information resource. The idea is to provide a way for children to connect with each other and provide support through an anonymous moderated posting system, which allows them to ask and answer questions about the challenges they face everyday. The team will seek government and community sponsorship to fund the development, monitoring and marketing of the app, as well as providing opportunities to access professional care where required.

SHEROES also competed for the National Secondary title, receiving the National STEM Award. The girls will submit their app in the global Technovation Challenge later this year where they will have the chance to pitch their idea to a global audience.

Monique Green
Digital Technologies Teacher


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Students Master Legal Challenge

W9 - Mooting

The Adelaide Law School hosted a mooting competition exclusively for high school Legal Studies students to learn more about the law, its application in practice and advocacy skills. It was judged by lawyers from national firm Piper Alderman and provided a taste of what can be experienced when studying law, as well as invaluable feedback on how to improve advocacy skills.

The competition involved arguing a case in contract law against other teams and writing submissions to the court on the case.

Our Year 11 Legal Studies students earned a spot in the Grand Final and, in a split decision, were awarded second place, winning $800.

Congratulations to our girls who now look forward to competing on the national stage in the Bond University High School Mooting Challenge next year.

Lynne Spry
History / Legal Studies Teacher

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From Ballet to Book Publisher

W9 - Book Launch

“A Year 6 student has written, illustrated and published a picture book based on the life of Anna Pavlova. The journey of writing this book in some ways mirrored the story of the ballerina, with the student demonstrating creativity, persistence and resilience through the authoring process.” – Helen Smith, Deputy Head of Junior School/PYP Coordinator

“This week, I launched Dancer which is a short picture book about Anna Pavlova, a Russian ballerina from the 1880s to the 1900s. I have written and illustrated this book myself and began the process near the end of 2017. My enjoyment of doing ballet and performing as well as writing was the inspiration for this project. A book I read about Anna Pavlova also played a big part. Dancer will be able to be borrowed from the Junior School Library soon.” – Zara Chessell (Year 6)

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Last Chance For Tickets – Mary Poppins JR.

W9 - Year 5 Production PHOTO
“Childhood is a step in time, parenthood’s the same. Never miss a chance to get it right.”
“Who looks after the fathers when things go wrong?”
“When will you learn to look past what you see?”

These are but a few of the gems of wisdom from the Year 5 Production of Disney and Cameron Mackintosh’s Mary Poppins JR. I have always loved the movie since I was taken to see it as a little girl at the old My Fair Lady Theatre in the city with my nanna. I knew every song by heart. I loved Julie Andrews and I loved Dick Van Dyke, despite his terrible cockney accent!

As I grew up and had children of my own, the movie and subsequent musical took on a whole new meaning. I realised it was about “being there” for your children, capturing childhood as the precious and fleeting time that it is. It is about caring for people, seeing past exteriors and finding the good beneath. I must confess to sniffling as an adult watching George Banks finally take Michael kite flying.

Many believe this musical is about Mary Poppins but as the recent movie Saving Mr Banks asserted, it is about George – showing him how to enjoy and give his time to those he loves; finding what is really important in life.

With this in mind, I wanted to show the rigidity of Edwardian England by ensuring the Banks’ house is dull in colour and the Bank, likewise, is a dour place to be. The nursery, by contrast, is the place where Mary Poppins and the children spend much of their time and is one of joy and colour. The colour palette for much of the show is based on the colours of the Union Jack – royal blue, red and white.

I am very grateful for the support of my very talented colleague Sarah Mulraney for her joyful big dance choreography and Mark Wickett for his video projections which capture exactly all of my rambled ideas. The girls have worked closely with Tim de Jong and Sally Rounsevell in the Music Department and I thank them for their expertise. I am also very grateful for the support of the parent group and our Maintenance crew, who have rallied to sew, make and paint the costumes, set and props you will see on stage.

Lastly, I thank the girls. Without them and their passion and enthusiasm, we wouldn’t have a show. Please come join us for this wonderful production.

27 – 28 September 2018 at 7pm
St Peter’s Girls’ School Arts Centre

Ticket prices:
Adult $15
Student/Concession $10
Family (2 Adults/2 Children) $35

Tickets are available via www.trybooking.com/WNBL.

Shelley Hampton

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Summer Uniform Reminder

W8 - Summer Uniform

As there is only one week left of Term 3, it’s time to dust off those summer uniforms to check whether they still fit in readiness for Term 4.

The School Shop will be open on Thursday 11 and Friday 12 October from 9am – 4pm.

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Junior School Vacation Care

W7 - Vacation Care

Our next installment of Vacation Care is almost here. We have some great activities guaranteed to keep the children entertained through the break. With an array of excursions and on-site adventures, there is plenty of fun to be had.

Vacation Care – October 2018 Program

Places are limited, so please click here to secure your booking now!

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UN Women Fundraiser Concert Success

W9 - Concert 4
What started off as a small idea a couple of months ago, turned into an event that not only raised funds for UN Women Australia but also left the audience feeling inspired and empowered.

With the incredible support of the School community and Music Department, in particular Sari Noble, the vision of developing a concert that showcased an array of talent, ages and genres was brought to life. From Inta-jazz, to Girl Nation, the stage was lit up with life, strength and girl power, which left the audience blown away. Laughter was heard, tears were shed and cries of amazement filled the room as each performance delivered an act of excellence.

The evening did not shy away from addressing the problems women and girls face around the world, and Olivia Rogers shared a personal and encouraging testimony of overcoming her struggles as a young woman.

Ultimately, we were able to raise over $2000 for UN Women. The funds will go towards developing the Safe Bus service in Papua New Guinea, which will provide women and children safe access to employment and education. Thank you to all involved and those who took the time to come along and support this drive. It was a truly special night celebrating womanhood. Women Have Every Right to be equal.

Erin McKellar (Patteson ’13)
Concert Organiser

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Enjoy a Ladies’ Day Out!

W9 - ELC Ladies Day Out_Enews-2

Join us for a relaxing day out especially for mums on Sunday 21 October at S.C. Pannell Wines, McLaren Vale. The bus departs School at 10.45am and returns around 4pm.

The cost is $68 per person and includes a five course share menu for lunch, and the bus to and from the venue. Drinks can be purchased on the day.

Book your ticket via www.trybooking.com/XGNJ.

This year, the Friends of the ELC encourage you to donate a pre-loved handbag filled with essential items for the Share the Dignity campaign, which supports homeless women and fights for domestic violence victims.

Choose a handbag, fill it with items you think would make a woman feel special and write a thoughtful note. Handbags and backpacks must be in good to excellent second-hand condition or new. Please bring your donation bag on the day.

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Code Camp at St Peter’s Girls’ School

W4 - Code Camp

St Peter’s Girls’ School will be hosting Code Camp Spark, Ignite and Blast AR (a new offering at Saints Girls!) for students aged 7 – 13. The camps are held from 2 – 4 October from 9am – 3.30pm. The cost is $349 for three days.

Visit the Code Camp website for more information
Visit the St Peter’s Girls’ School booking page

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City of Burnside Holiday Activities

If you’re looking for some activities to keep the kids busy these school holidays, click here!

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Friends of Rowing Season Opening BBQ

W6 - Rowing BBQ

Friday 19 October at 6pm on the School grounds

$25 per adult
$20 per rower/child
(included: yummy yiros, soft drinks and nibbles)

Bubbly, white/red wine and beer will be available for purchase. This family fun night is open to the whole School community.

Join us as we welcome all of our new and returning rowers and their families.

Tickets available via www.trybooking.com/XYGL

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Sports News

W9 - Sports News


Girls involved in Aerobics have again performed remarkably well, competing in a local winter competition at the Golden Grove Recreation Centre.

Ignition – Maddie Harrex, Ruby Kirwan and Lauren Parker – 1st
Blue Illusion – Madeline Harmer and Sophie Abbott – 1st
Allegiance – Ruby Croston-Melling and Annabel Ryan – 2nd
Bittersweet – Madison Liddy and Phoebe Black – 3rd


Congratulations to the following students who gained selection and will represent East Adelaide in the metropolitan Athletics carnival at Athletics SA on Tuesday 25 September:

Chloe Richardson 4LMI – U10 200m, 800m and 4 x100m
Amelia Lucas 6KBN – U12 100m and 4 x 100m
Molly Dwyer 6KBN – U12 800m
Willow Stewart-Rattray 7KAKI – U12 Discus
Chloe Porter – 7VBR U13 Long Jump


Year 6 Blue – Saints 24 defeated Saints White 5
The girls played great all game. We passed the ball around well to each other. The girls have all improved over the season and it has been a pleasure to coach them. – Harrison Petkovic (Coach)

Year 6 White – Saints White 5 defeated by Saints Blue 24
It was the battle of the two Saints’ teams and Saints Blue came out on top. The score does not really reflect how even general court play was, but Saints White just could not make the most of the scoring opportunities. The game was played in good spirits despite finishing in the rain. As coach of the White team, I have been really happy with the improvement shown by the girls over the term and hopefully will see them back next year playing basketball. – Brenton Davies

Year 5 – Saints 25 defeated Walford Gold 4
The girls had a fantastic last game. All of them have shown such great improvement and I would like to thank them for such a terrific season. Thanks also goes to all the wonderful parents who have supported their daughters each game and driven them to away games. – Sarah Turnbull (Coach)


Year 5/6 – Saints 7 defeated Seymour Green 0
Lauren Parton and Mathilda Thomas played an amazing game, both scoring 2 goals each. Freya Hermann made a great tackle which resulted in a free for our team. Marcella Tolley and Gloria Zou were excellent in defence, stopping Seymour scoring any goals. Daisy Kennett did well at fullback, feeding the ball to our forwards. A special thanks to Coco Dimond and Francine Stavrou for volunteering to play with Seymour as they didn’t have enough players. – Ruby and Marcella


Under 13 Grand Final – Saints 14 defeated by Glenelg 16
The match began well with Ashlyn May (Year 6) winning a majority of the centres and making sure to pass to girls who were getting away from their defenders. Jenna Maione (Year 6) often found herself free and called for the ball to provide the next pass. Alannah Godfrey (Year 5), Mathilda Thomas (Year 6) and Dani Cox (Year 6) did a good job at keeping their defenders busy in attack. In defence, Lucy Schirripa (Year 7) worked hard for ground balls that helped cause turnovers. At half-time, the girls were down by 1. Emma Pool (Year 7) played a great game as she fought hard for the ball and took an extra second to place it around the goalie, resulting in many goals. Our defenders Phoebe Black (Year 7), Lauren Pearce (Year 5) and Elysia Scarr (Year 5) did well at making sure their players did not get the ball. Zoe Pool (Year 6) made sure to get the back-ups in attack. Maddy Lisle (Year 7) and Lara Maione (Year 5) were our goalies and they made several great saves. Unfortunately, the girls lost but they put up an amazing fight, especially since it was the first season playing lacrosse for six of them. Goal scorers: Dani (3), Jenna (1), Emma (6) and Mathilda (4). Best players: Emma, Jenna, Ash and Lucy. – Lucy Martin (Coach)


Year 4 – Saints 13 defeated Seymour 2
After a slow start in the first half due to cold and wet conditions, the girls fought back and played an excellent second half. They should be congratulated on a fabulous season being undefeated! Every week, great enthusiasm and effort was displayed both at training and matches, which paid off convincingly. Thank you girls for another great season of netball – and also to Karen for helping me coach this season! – Chelsea Walls

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