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Enews – Week 9, Term 3 2016

Issue no. 28

From the Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School

KerrySkinner_webThis week our Year 11 students and Home Group teachers participated in a joint initiative between Walford Anglican School and Saints Boys in a full day seminar  on ‘Healthy Relationships’. Healthy relationships are a vital component of health and well-being. The transition from adolescent to adult relationships can present challenges and our young people are faced with complex and often confusing social messages. This day encouraged students to thoughtfully examine their own values and actions and provided them with valuable information about establishing safe and healthy personal relationships.

The day comprised of sessions from experts who work with youth in this field. It was followed by small group sessions with students mixed from all three schools to discuss issues and voice opinions. The day concluded with a question and answer forum where students asked for advice and posed questions to a panel of experts.

Experts included:

  • Reverend David MacGillivray, Chaplain Trinity College
  • Sergeant Peter Winter, SAPOL Crime Prevention Supervisor
  • Arman Abrahimzadeh, 2016 SA Young Australian of the Year/Zahra Foundation.

The students truly valued the collaborative nature of this approach to being challenged with understanding what constitutes a healthy relationship and acknowledged the diversity that each individual brought to the group discussions.

 “With today’s sessions, I found that the time we had in groups with the boys and girls mixed was worthwhile as we were able to hear what everyone’s opinion was on the matters at hand, such as domestic violence and rape. We also listened to a guest speaker who spoke to us about what a healthy relationship really means and what are the key signs and factors to a healthy relationship” – Lara Khoury

 “I found the Healthy Relationships Day gave me valuable information. It was interesting to learn the other gender’s ideals in a co-ed environment. It also allowed us to break down those stereotypes and learn how relationships are made through a balance of qualities shared by everyone involved. I found that hearing form Arman Abrahimzadeh, a representative for the White Ribbon Campaign, provided me an insight as to what is not a healthy relationship. He answered questions posed by the audience on how to intervene in these instances. The day was a great way for all schools involved to learn about healthy relationships, consent and how to help others.” – Abbey Goodwin

 “I found that the day was a great opportunity to broaden my understanding of modern relationships in society today and how technology has impacted on how we communicate our thoughts and feelings. I especially valued listening to the different speakers as we were able to learn from these experiences and acknowledge the reality of such problems.” –  Uthpala De Silva

This inaugural well-being event provided our girls an opportunity to learn valuable life lessons in a safe and supportive environment.

Kerry Skinner
From the Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School

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What a night at the Spring Cabaret!


Last Friday night Friends of the Arts welcomed in the beginning of the spring season by proudly supporting our talented girls to create the Spring Cabaret Concert.

The evening was a showcase of our current students’ musical skills, coupled with performances from our amazing Old Scholars. After a week of wild weather and rain our girls provided a little bit of sunshine with their smiling faces and wonderful musical skills, which continue to astound all who watch them perform. The finale, showcasing both current and past students, highlighted the true depth of musical talent we have at St Peter’s Girls.

During the night, audiences were able to sit in a relaxed cabaret environment amongst scattered candlelit tables, enjoying food and wine purchased from Friends of the Arts. This helped to create a wonderful atmosphere for all to enjoy the variety of music provided on offer.

Money raised from items sold by Friends of the Arts goes directly back to our girls. This year we are hoping to purchase new Music Banners for our musical stands.

A big thank-you goes to the Friends of Arts committee and parent volunteers who worked as a great team to ensure the night was a big success. Another thank-you must go to the teachers, tutors and the entire music department for helping our girls to shine at their very best!

Friends of the Arts are a group of parents who support our artistic students at different events throughout the year. We are always welcome to new members who are passionate about helping the artistic pursuits of our girls.

Donna Fitzgerald
FOA President

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Red Cross – ‘Even Wars Have Laws’ excursion

On Friday 5 September, the Year 11 IB History and Year 10 Philosophy and Ethical Thinking classes participated in the Red Cross’ ‘Even Wars Have Laws’ workshop at Parliament House, to investigate how International Humanitarian Law (IHL) applies to civil and global conflicts.

The students were able to hear directly from panellists with vast experience in global conflicts, from refugees, trauma surgeons, humanitarian and defence lawyers. This was followed by a tour of Parliament House.

The students were also able to debate the application of IHL in real life situations through Youth Parliamentary Committees with students from other schools, current state parliamentarians and Red Cross representatives. Each group’s findings on issues, such as the protection of civilians and cultural property, were then formalised into a report to be tabled in the Legislative Council.

Students found the workshop extremely informative, which is highlighted in the following insights:

“Overall the experience opened my eyes to how conflict is planned and how easily the war laws can be broken, this is probably why many of them are not followed in the case of actual war time.” – Olivia Compare

“This worthwhile day deeply explored the utilisation of the Red Cross symbol and initiated meaningful conversation relating to the use of the symbol whilst in War scenarios.” – Alice Tyson

“The ‘Even Wars have Laws’ seminar was very insightful into what happens in a war and what laws are put in place to set boundaries; for example, if somebody is wearing a red emblem, it is presumed that the enemy would know not to shoot that person as they are there to help.” – Amira Shahin

Mr Gregor Dingwall
Head of Humanities

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City to Bay marquee


St Peter’s Girls Parents’ and Friends’ Association once again hosted a marquee in the post-race village to cater for those hardy souls that braved the cool wind and intermittent rain to take part in this year’s City to Bay event. On a day where the BBQ was popular as much for its heat as the bacon and egg rolls that were served, the weather was not conducive to hanging around and chatting. However, despite the conditions, runners, walkers, family and friends were all made welcome as they swapped stories from the race.

The Saints marquee has now become a regular feature in the City to Bay village and provides great exposure for the School. We are already looking forward to next year’s event!

Please contact Ed Parker on 0400 236 099 if you would like to be involved with next year’s events. When next year’s date is announced, we encourage everyone to put this in their calendar and run for the St Peter’s Girls team.

Many thanks to all the P&F volunteers and students, particularly Kate Brooks and Richard Auricht, that helped set up and run the marquee.

Ed Parker
P&F President

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Holiday Activities

Come ’n Try sport


South Australian sporting and recreation bodies come together to provide a coordinated program of Come ’n Try sessions for 5 to 16 year olds. It all takes place in and around the centre of Adelaide and the next series takes place in the second week of the Spring holidays, from Monday 10 to Friday 14 October, with sessions starting from 9am.

It’s a perfect opportunity to try a sport or activity for first time or have another go at an activity you’ve done before.

For more information and bookings visit comentry.com.au.

TAFE SA Kids Day Out

October school holiday fun for the budding chefs of the future!

Come and join Chef Danielle for a fun-filled morning as she turns two classic dishes into tasty tiny treats – mini chocolate banoffee pies and mini apple and cinnamon loaves. You will learn how to make chocolate pastry, chocolate caramel filling, rich butter cakes topped with apple and cinnamon and a spiced honey cream.

Where: Regency Campus, TAFE SA, 137 Days Road, Regency Park SA 5010
When: Thursday 6 October and Friday 7 October 2016

Bookings can be made via eventopia.co/RGA.

Dare to Dream Athletics Holiday Clinic

dare-to-dream-athletics-holiday-clinic-flyer-with-guests2Has your daughter enjoyed watching the Australians compete at the Olympics? Would they like to give Athletics a go and meet some of South Australia’s Olympic athletes that competed in Rio 2016? Our holiday clinic in the October school holidays would be perfect for them!

Little Athletics South Australia and Athletics South Australia would like to invite any child or teenager between the ages of 5 and 17 to be involved in our Dare to Dream Athletics Holiday Clinic.

The clinic involves the opportunity to participate in all run, jump, throw and walk athletic events that are offered at Little and Senior Athletics, a special guest presentation from Olympians Kurtis Marschall and Jess Trengove, and much more!

If you would like to know more, please visit daretodream.com.au.

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A safety reminder from OSHC

OSHC is a wonderful service that provides safe, engaging and enjoyable activities and care for students in Reception to Year 6 before school, after school and during school holidays.

We are always extremely vigilant about ensuring the safety of our students and I would like to take this opportunity to remind families of the importance of booking in and cancelling for OSHC to assist us with our duty of care.

Knowing the number of girls that will be attending helps maintain legislated child:staff ratios as well as providing appropriate food and program opportunities.

If we are unaware that your daughter is expected to attend OSHC, we aren’t able to try and locate her if she hasn’t arrived in a reasonable time frame. Similarly, if a booking that is no longer required is not cancelled, we can spend unnecessary time trying to locate a student in an avoidable panic.

If your daughter will be participating in an after-school activity, please advise this when you make your booking so we can ensure they are collected from their activity in a safe and timely manner.

We look forward to your support in helping us to provide the best possible care for your daughter by assisting us in this matter.

For all OSHC inquiries or bookings, please contact Beck Kranz (OSHC Coordinator) on 8334 2299 or rkranz@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

OSHC – Reception to Year 6 students
7.30 – 8.15am
3.30 – 6pm

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Junior School classes are seeking Lego!

legoDo you or your friends have Lego lying around at home no longer being used? If you are looking to unclutter your home and would like to donate your children’s pre-loved Lego to the School, we would be very appreciative!

All Lego donations can be left at the Student Services desk.

Many thanks,

Junior School teachers and students

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Vacation Care for Junior School students

Group of children exercising in the park surrounded by beautiful nature. [url=http://www.istockphoto.com/search/lightbox/9786766][img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/40117171/sport.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.istockphoto.com/search/lightbox/9786682][img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/40117171/children5.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.istockphoto.com/search/lightbox/9786738][img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/40117171/group.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.istockphoto.com/search/lightbox/9786750][img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/40117171/summer.jpg[/img][/url

The next instalment of our Vacation Care program is coming up during school holidays and we’d like to extend a warm welcome to primary school aged children from the wider community to attend. Students are welcome to invite friends or siblings to share in the range of enriching activities for both girls and boys.

Junior School program – for children in Reception to Year 6

Join us for a day in the Adelaide Hills, a trip to the Central Markets or a fun Hawaiian themed day. Learn about Space, Martians and Astronauts, try out classic science experiments, or create some gorgeous spring scents!! Whatever the choice, children can enjoy a range of planned play and leisure activities, practise social skills and solve problems in a safe and relaxed atmosphere.

How it works

Your child can attend as few or as many days as needed, for full or half days, to suit your schedule and commitments. Simply pre-book the days you would like your child to attend and enjoy Vacation Care at St Peter’s Girls.


> Week 1: Tuesday 4 October to Friday 7 October
> Week 2: Monday 10 to Friday 14 October

Download the October Vacation Care Program for details.

To book, visit stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au/vacationcare.

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Junior School House Music Eisteddfod


The Junior House Music Eisteddfod will be held on Thursday 29 September in the Arts Centre. Girls are welcome to wear a House ribbon in their hair on this special occasion.

We encourage girls who are taking instrumental lessons to sign up and represent their House in either a solo or small group. Each performer will receive participation points and overall winners will receive additional House points.

This year the event has been divided into two sections.

Section 1: Reception to Year 2 – starting at 11.15am in the Arts Centre
Section 2: Years 3 to 6 – starting at approximately 1.30pm.

The Junior House Music Eisteddfod will conclude by the end of the School day. If students still need to perform or are sick on the day, the competition will be reconvened on Monday during lunchtime.

To ensure all girls get their chance to participate, performances must not exceed two minutes.

Registration forms are available from the Arts Office.

We warmly invite you to support your daughter and her House by coming to watch the performances.

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School Bus update

In March, the School announced that due to low numbers of students using the late bus services each Tuesday and Thursday, it would depart at 3.45pm each day.

Following an initial trial period in Term 2 (subsequently extended to include Term 3), the School has decided the late bus services will not be reinstated and that bus services will continue to depart at 3.45pm each day.

If you have any concerns about this schedule, please contact bus@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

We look forward to continuing to provide efficient bus services for all our families.

Your sincerely

Paul Ziesing
Fleet & Facilities Manager

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School Shop update

With only one week until a change of uniform in Term 4, could parents of Mid-Year Reception students please contact the School Shop on 8334 2228 to arrange an appointment for a summer uniform for your daughter.

School Shop holiday opening hours

The School Shop will be open during the first week of the school holidays on Tuesday 4, Wednesday 5 and Friday 7 October between the hours of 10am and 4pm. We will be closed for the second week of the holidays, resuming normal trading hours on Monday 17 October. For any enquiries or uniform appointments please call the School Shop on 8334 2228 or email schoolshop@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

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Sport News


If you have any news items or sporting success stories please email them through to me on: nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Winter Sport – Final Standings:


A Grade – 4th
B Grade – 1st (retained the IGSSA shield for 5th year in a row)


Open A – 5th


Under 18 – 8th
Under 15 – 3rd
Under 13 – 1st (were minor premiers)


Open A – 4th
Open B – 9th
Year 9A – 3rd
Year 8A – equal 6th
Year 7A – 3rd


Open A – 6th
Open B – 6th
Middle A – 3rd


This season Kensington District Cricket Club is very excited to launch an Academy for girls. The Academy will provide keen young female cricketers with the skills required to start their cricket journey, and ready them for their cricketing future.

The Academy will be open to girls from 9-18 years in 2 divisions, and will be coached by former state player and coach, Carolyn Dittmar. There will be 12 x 90 minute sessions, from 4pm on Friday nights at Parkinson Oval, Kensington, with additional internal and external trial games.

The program will start on October 28th, with 6 pre-Christmas sessions, and recommence on February 10th, running for another 6 weeks. There will be a “Come and Try” session on Friday, October 7th from 4pm at Parkinson Oval.

Cost of the entire Academy program is $200 and covers coaching, equipment, facility hire and insurances.

To enroll or find further information, please refer to the club website kensingtonbrowns.com.au or contact Academy coordinator, Jane Lowe, at girls.coord@kensingtonbrowns.com.au


Saint’s Girls’ gymnastics teams ranging from Years 3 – 6 travelled to the Marion Leisure Centre to compete in the annual Gym For All Challenge, hosted by Gymnastics SA. After weeks of preparation for the events, the girls were nervous yet extremely excited to see what would occur as the day unfolded and get a real taste of what a gymnastics competition is like. Throughout the day the girls competed on various apparatus such as Bars, Vault, Beam, Mini Tramp and Floor and were up against both girls and boys from Saint Andrew’s, Immanuel, Ascot Park and Myponga. The events concluded with each school’s group dance, which they had been working on from the previous term and this gave all the participants an opportunity to showcase their skills and actively support one and other in highlighting all the hard work that went into the lead up of the competition. The results of the competition managed to reflect the hard work which the girls put in, with many of our teams placing first in multiple events. Overall the girls loved getting involved in the overall experience and are looking forward to returning next year with even more new skills to showcase. By Alice Petchey (Captain)

Junior Soccer

Year 6 – Saints 1 defeated Walford 0

A difficult game for the girls due to the size of the pitch being much bigger than what we usually played on but that didn’t stop them from working hard and getting the win. There was a lot more work to be done and each of the girls adapted very well. We had plenty of shots in the first half which were saved by the opposition goalkeeper but we still pushed for a goal. The second half was much of the same with the opposing defence keeping out many great shots but through perseverance we finally broke through and scored a goal late in the game. Thanks to all the girls for stepping up to the occasion and we will work to another win next week. By Vincent Talladira (Coach)

Year 5 – Saints 7 defeated Wilderness 0

The team played exceptionally well not allowing Wilderness to get the ball out of their half as the girls maintained possession very well. The team worked well together to set up goals for Georgia Evans (3), Emily Bryce (2), Grace Richards (1) and Lucy Schirripa (1). Let’s finish the season with another good performance. By Charlie (Coach)

Year 4 – Saints 0 defeated by Pembroke Blue 7

This week the girls came up against some really strong opposition. They tried their best after some initial reminders about the game plan. Anna Venning played really well up forward narrowly missing a few opportunities. Our defence had plenty of the ball throughout the game and Levanya De Silva’s efforts need a mention as she continually improves each week. The two best players who were constantly in the thick of the action were Grace Richardson-Stevens and Elizabeth McKernan these girls were our goal keepers and saved many more shots than they let through. One game to go girls, let’s get a win on the board! By Mark Routley (Coach)


Under 13 – Division 2 Grand Final – Saints 9 defeated by Burnside 19

All of the girls were very excited to play and were up for the challenge against Burnside. Portia Maerschel (Year 7) took the centres and Saskia Jonats (Year 7) managed to get the ball from centre almost every time. These two girls also ran down the field and worked well together to get several goals. Dani Cox (Year 4) managed to get a couple of ground balls in attack and used her pace to quickly run towards the goal to have a shot. At half time the girls were down by four goals and needed to work on being aggressive at ground balls plus passing to girls who were the best option that will lead to a goal. Alannah Godfrey (Year 3) did well in attack as she listened to instructions and was in the right positon to get the ball if it missed the goal. Isabelle Norman (Year 8) in goals did some wonderful clears. Goal scorers were Portia, Saskia and Dani. Given how young some of the players were it was a terrific season to be minor premiers and to finish runners-up to a much older and more experienced team. All of the girls should be extremely proud of themselves, especially those who played their first season this year. By Lucy Martin (Coach)

Junior Basketball

Year 6 Blue – Saints 10 defeated by Seymour 24

The girls played a great game and put in a lot of effort, working hard to ensure their passing was strong and dribbling was accurate. During the game the girls were down but they still had their heads up high. Despite the score the girls should be proud because they never gave up, they showed determination on court. Best players go to Annabelle who played a great game and Bridget for always be there as an option. By Amy Wishart & Sophia West (coaches)

Year 6 White – Saints 30 defeated Seymour 26

In a great game, Saints 6 faced Seymour for the second time. 30-26! After being beaten in the first encounter, Saints showed some great determination and resilience after a few weeks of skill development the team responded and proved they were a powerhouse team who played with heart and focus! By Abby Davey (coach)

Year 4 – Saints Blue 24 defeated by Wilderness Blue 26

The girls gave it their best to overcome Wilderness’ significant height advantage. With only two points behind in the last minute, the score didn’t go our way. Saints had many more shots for goal, which unfortunately rolled around the ring. Georgie Owler and Eleanor Humphrey were the best players and scored the maximum amount of points (12) each. Charlotte McKee fought hard for the ball and had many scoring opportunities against an opponent twice her height. Eleanor and Helen Zhang accomplished many fast breaks and Alicia Toh defended well. Samantha McKee (Coach)

Year 4 – Saints White 26 defeated by Seymour 35

In what was a very tough match, with the taller and more experienced Seymour team taking the honors. The Saints team found it difficult early, but rallied well in the second half playing a great man to man defence and making stronger rebounds. Monika Ceplitis (4 pts) and Bridgette Leach (4 pts) battled hard to steal the ball in defence and provide opportunities in attack. Ruby Richards (10 pts) made excellent position under the basket and was accurate. Pearl R (4 pts) fought hard and defended well but unfortunately had to come off due to injury. Noa Goddard worked well to find good position on the court to receive the ball and intercept. Emily Bryce (2 pts) chased and defended with her usual speed and determination. Thanks to Sophie Dansie (2 pts) for playing despite being unwell. There is one match to go and the team would prefer not to lose any more players to injury – Willow (Broken wrist) and Grace Richards (broken finger)! By Sharon Tocher-Leach (Blue Coach)

Junior Netball

Year 4 Blue – Saints 12 defeated Seymour Green 2

The girls understood that practicing the correct technique now will benefit them when they are bigger. A great effort all round in the attacking end with some terrific dodges and drives into space from all players. Many turnovers were achieved by the team too with Marcella Tolley, Scarlett Dillon, Amy Dillon and Charlotte Norman all contributing with watchful eyes but top marks go to Claudia this week for an outstanding 9 intercepts for the game. Molly Dwyer scored the majority of our goals (10) which was an outstanding effort, however Coach was also very impressed with Charlie Piper and Florence Russell, who followed the instructions given and tried to correct their shooting technique – something we had spent much time on at Practice. With only one round left it is a shame the girls will be finishing their season soon but they have all achieved so much and left their Coaches very proud. By Sue Jones (Coach)

If you have any news items or sporting success stories please email them through to me on: nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.