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Swimming Carnival (Years 4-6)

Swimming Carnival (Years 7-12)

ELC Twilight Family Picnic

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Girls in Tech

Dad’s Night on the Green

Head of the River

Choral Night

Years 2 to 12 Music Day Camp

St Peter’s Cathedral Performance

ELC Coffee Van

Term 1 Concludes

eNews – Week 9, Term 2 2022

Issue no. 20

From Our Principal


Since the start of 2020, we have navigated our way through five COVID-effected school semesters, and without a doubt, this has been the most challenging of all five. The staggered start to the School year was tricky for new girls and staff in particular as they tried to establish relationships online with those they had yet to meet in person. And as the girls returned, COVID cases across the State hit a peak, leading to high rates of absenteeism for both staff and students. It’s very hard to plan when you don’t know who will be turning up! With the easing of restrictions, particularly the removal of the requirement for asymptomatic close contacts to isolate, we now find ourselves in the ‘new normal’. It brings with it new pressures and patterns of behaviour, with the days of soldiering on through the sniffles long gone. As the call to ‘pivot’ constantly reverberated through the media, our amazing staff adapted, reassessed and adapted again. I hope you will indulge me for a paragraph or two as I publicly acknowledge the wonderful team here at the School.

Our teachers have been magnificent, stepping in to cover the classes of an absent colleague at just a minute’s notice, assisting a larger than normal group of girls to catch up on work following their absence from School and taking the time to support those students who have found the pressures of the past semester somewhat overwhelming.

The non-teaching staff have played a crucial role. There was a significant administrative burden placed on the School, given the reporting requirements introduced by SA Health. Our IT team and Front Office staff have been brilliant and continue to modify reports as the directives change. Our Registered Nurses have been front and centre, maintaining a sense of calm whilst assisting an ever increasing number of girls with the care and professionalism for which they are renowned. Our bus drivers have altered routes daily, our Property Services team has ensured a steady delivery of masks and RATs to keep us safe, and our administrative gurus have juggled staffing, room allocations, co-curricular changes, the calendar of events and more, all with smiles on their faces.

I’m certainly not suggesting that we’ve got it right all of the time, but I’m fortunate to work with an amazing team of people who have worked incredibly hard to manoeuvre their way through an extraordinary situation. Every single member of staff has played a vital role and I offer them my sincere thanks. I hope that they, and you, enjoy a wonderful break and we look forward to welcoming the girls back for Term 3 on Tuesday 26 July.

Julia Shea

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Shark Tank eSchool Champions

Congratulations to Stage 1 Business Innovation students Emily Whittaker and Lydia Tolley on winning 1st place at Shark Tank eSchool! 

Shark Tank eSchool is a national school-based program, modelled on the TV show ‘Shark Tank’. Students are tasked with identifying a problem and developing a solution. Then they turn their solution into a desirable, feasible, and viable business before pitching it to ‘sharks’ (or judges).

Emily and Lydia developed the company, ‘Happy Teeth’. Their product is a silicon cap that clips onto the brackets of braces to prevent cutting and irritation of the cheeks. Many people who have or have had braces can relate to this problem, and the silicon caps are a unique and well-developed solution.

The girls made it to the final round in the competition where they then placed 1st in the General category! Congratulations to Emily and Lydia on their excellent achievement.

Kyle Martelle
Economics, Business, & Humanities Teacher

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Science Olympiad Trailblazer


Last week, I travelled to Canberra with my parents to attend the 2022 Olympiad Blazer Ceremony, where the Australian teams for the International Science, Maths and Informatics Olympiads were officially announced. I was very excited to be selected as part of a four-person team to represent Australia at the International Biology Olympiad (IBO).

The IBO is a competition for high school students that consists of both a theoretical and practical exam, and includes topics such as animal and plant physiology, biochemistry, biotechnology, ecology and microbiology. Unfortunately, due to safety concerns, Australia and several other countries could not participate in the IBO this year as it is being held in Armenia. Instead, I will be participating in the Asian Science Camp this month with the rest of my IBO teammates, which I’m really looking forward to.

As part of the selection process for the IBO team, I participated in the Australian Science Olympiads Summer School and April Training Camp, which was held in Canberra. I learned so much during these camps, and I also made some incredible friends along the way. There were theory and practical exams at the end of both camps, and while the exams were quite stressful, I had a fun time challenging myself and just doing the best that I could.

I’ve been involved in the Science Olympiads program since Year 10, and since then, I’ve participated in the International Physics Olympiad and many other training camps. I highly recommend the Olympiads to everyone who is interested in science – it’s an amazing opportunity and an experience that you’ll never forget. I’m so grateful to my teachers, my School and the tutors from the Biology Olympiad for all their support in my Olympiad journey.

Chi Chi Zhao
Year 12 student

Photo: Dr Cathy Foley  AO PSM (Australia’s Chief Scientist), Hon Ed Husic MP (Minister for Industry and Science), Chi Chi Zhao and Grady Venville (Deputy Vice-Chancellor of ANU)

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Ethics Students Speak Out

The Year 6 Ethics girls recently took part in an online competition against schools from all over Australia and New Zealand, tackling issues such as war, animal testing and refugees. Well done to both teams on their fantastic results, with 1st and 6th places!

Working collaboratively in teams of five, the girls incorporated critical thinking and creativity to come up with well-structured and creative solutions, whilst building on suggestions made by the other teams.

During Week 1 of Term 3, the Senior Ethics team will be participating in the National competition online. Good luck seniors!

Becca Burton-Howard
EDGE Coordinator

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Our ELC Hat Ceremony – A Treasured Tradition

A treasured tradition for our ELC girls entering Reception or Mid-Year Reception at St Peter’s Girls’ School is the Hat Ceremony. They are formally welcomed into the School community at a special Assembly where they are presented with their School hat and bag by Head of Junior School Suzanne Haddy and the Prefects. When communicating with parents and families of children involved, they emphasise the sense of community and belonging that this tradition creates.

On Monday, we were thrilled to share this special moment with our newest Saints Girls, and as you can see in the video, they were beaming with pride. We wish all of them a wonderful start to school next term and look forward to hearing more about their continued journey at St Peter’s Girls.

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Reception Transition Program

It is vital that the transition process into school provides ample time and experiences for children to become familiar with their new environment and teachers. A successful transition allows our youngest learners to feel confident and comfortable as they begin school, and in the long-term provides competency and courage for future transitions.

Girls entering Reception or Mid-Year Reception from our ELC spend months in the lead up experiencing and exploring our School facilities and becoming acquainted with Junior School staff.

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Happy 108th Birthday to Our Oldest Old Scholar!

Our oldest Old Scholar, Lorna Henstridge (nee Paterson, Selwyn 1932), recently celebrated her 108th birthday! Lorna marked this very special occasion with family and friends, complete with flowers, balloons and cupcakes.

Congratulations to Lorna, a true inspiration and a beloved Old Scholar who continues to ‘Keep the School flag flying!’

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Music for Peace Strings Concert

On Monday night, our String musicians took to the Arts Centre stage to present Music for Peace. The concert featured Karl Jenkin’s magnificent work ‘Benedictus’ from his Mass for Peace which was played beautifully by our Senior Strings. Extension Strings presented ‘Water Lily’, a symbol of peace, hope and rebirth, followed by a stunning piece, ‘More Hearts than Mine’, sung by Daisy Kennett and accompanied by Extension Strings. Both Intermediate and Junior Strings held their own, presenting at a very high standard for this level of their musical development.

Our guest artist Zhao Liang wowed the audience on the Chinese Harp or Gu-Zheng with her own composition ‘Small Hearts Find Each Other’ accompanied by Hilary Kleinig, and students Caitlin Middelberg and Jasmin Baker.

Thanks go to our accompanist Won Jung Lee, Sue Mears, Ethan Hurn and Robyn Habel, as well as directors Hilary Kleinig, Tommy Ng and Georgina Price.

Sari Noble
Acting Director of Music

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Year 4 Students Dive into Politics

This week, the girls from 4OCO and 4RRI visited the Mayor of Burnside, former staff member and Old Scholar Anne Monceaux (nee Harrington, Kennion 1966) in her parlour and the Council Chambers to learn about local government.

In the Mayor’s Parlour, they heard about the first Mayor, Margaret Bond, and what Mayor Monceaux first did when she became Mayor which was to put in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags.

In the Council Chambers, the girls learned that the crest of Burnside represents the Penfolds winery, olive oil and the old toll gate, along with the piping shrike State emblem. Other things they discovered were that meetings are held every Tuesday but not during December and January, and that the Councillors press a button to talk and can only speak for three minutes. The Mayor’s favourite thing about being Mayor is the success she has had, and the most frustrating thing is when she can’t talk during a debate!

During the outing, the girls also visited the Town Hall to do waste management, sorting cards into mini bins in as little time as possible.

The Year 4s would surely agree that this was an excellent excursion that helped them to understand local government even more.

Charlotte Di Giorgi
Year 4 student

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Farm Fun for Year 1 Explorers

In connection with their central idea that ‘Food can go through stages of production to meet people’s needs’, the Year 1 students visited Urrbrae Agricultural High School where they were guided through the Trails Farm Tour by the school’s Year 10 students.

This was a unique opportunity for them to explore a working farm in Adelaide. What a fabulous day of learning and fun!

Here’s what some of the girls thought:

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Enterprising Minds Host Futures Market

Our fantastic Futures Program continues to go from strength to strength, following the success of our recent Market Day. This year’s theme for our businesses is ‘PLAY’. The market stalls were exclusively offered to the Junior School cohort in a new lunchtime format.

Unique to our Middle School, the Futures Program exposes students to the concept of Entrepreneurship. With advice from industry mentors, girls create mini-companies to develop products or services, often to help solve a real-world problem. Most of the funds raised will go towards the House Charities and a celebration event for our young entrepreneurs.

Randal Irvine
Technology Teacher & Junior Curriculum Technologies Facilitator

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Young Scientists Help Bear Bare the Elements

Our Year 2 classes have been immersing themselves in discovery lessons as part of the School’s STEM program.  With ‘Little Teddy’ planning to move the woods, the Year 2 girls created waterproof coverings to keep him warm and dry. They hypothesised and tested a range of materials to see whether they were waterproof and chose materials based on their findings. They then designed their waterproof covering for Little Teddy, measuring and refining along the way.

Finally, it was testing day! Whilst Little Teddy did get a little wet, the girls learnt a lot about the design process using scientific findings as a starting point. And Little Teddy has decided to come and live with us instead!

Kathryn Clark and Rebecca Greenhalgh
Year 2 Teachers

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Building Bonds at Teddy Bear’s Picnic

During lunchtime on Wednesday, the Reception, Year 1 and Year 12 students all gathered together for a Teddy Bear’s Picnic! As part of our Term 2 Prefect initiative, ‘Not Saints, but Sisters’, we have been trying to promote the importance of inclusivity and create stronger bonds between year levels.

The Year 12 students invited the younger girls to bring their favourite cuddly toys and their lunch for an enjoyable picnic in the School Gym. The girls all had a wonderful time and were treated with some special teddy bear cupcakes! It was great seeing them get out of their comfort zone and be brave to chat with the older girls. This was an excellent experience to create friends and try something new for the younger girls and the older girls too!

Sophie Norman
Head Prefect

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Year 11 Artists Unearth Clay Creativity

This week, the Year 11 Visual Arts students attended Urth Clay Studio at the Burnside Arts and Craft Centre in Hubbe Court. Urth Clay is a community-based studio that offers clay workshops, giving visitors the opportunity to slow down and experience the therapeutic benefits that come with working with clay.

The girls were taken through the process of working on a pottery wheel, which they found challenging but very enjoyable. They also took the opportunity to finalise the hand-built elements of their final pieces, inspired by the theme of ‘Botanical’, where they were able to discuss their projects with the studio teachers and listen to their valuable advice.

Kirsten Mansfield
Visual Arts Teacher

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New Student Libraries Initiatives Club Magazine: SLIC reViews

Introducing the new Student Libraries Initiatives Club magazine: SLIC reViews.

One approach to knowing what to read next is to access reviews written to promote new and interesting books. The SLIC girls often make recommendations based on reviews they access on a regular basis. Motivated by other people’s reviews, the girls have commenced a new project which enables them to share their most recent reads or favourite titles. Our first issue is all about fantasy books, including contributions from Year 10 students, staff and an Old Scholar.

Start reading now – click here

Kate McBride
Library and Information Services

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SchoolTV Special Report: Celebrating NAIDOC Week

St Peter’s Girls provides our parents with access to many innovative resources, such as ‘SchoolTV’, a world-first digital wellbeing platform. With fresh content from leading experts in the field, it features clear, relevant and fact-based information around raising safe, happy and resilient young people.

SchoolTV’s latest Special Report focuses on NAIDOC Week, which celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. Its origins can be traced back to the Aboriginal rights movement, when on Australia Day 1938, protestors marched through the streets of Sydney to highlight the status and treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. Today, it is a week-long celebration held in July that consists of a range of traditional and contemporary activities.

This Special Report offers suggestions on how families can celebrate NAIDOC Week together. To access it – click here


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Choral Night – Week 1, Term 3!

With Term 3 fast approaching, our middle and senior girls are gearing up for our rescheduled Choral Night 2022 on Friday 29 July (Week 1) at Influencers Church, Paradise.

Choral Night is one of the most anticipated events on the Saints Girls’ calendar, and this year’s spectacle carries the theme ‘Power Ballads’.

Ticket information has been provided to Years 7 – 12 families. Please note that all previously booked tickets for the original Choral Night event have been cancelled and tickets will need to be re-booked.

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Save the Date – STEM Careers JobChats

The School is providing a special opportunity to meet and hear from women in STEM careers.

In conjunction with the University of Adelaide, parents and students will be able to learn from women in STEM industries and studies. More details to follow next term.

Tuesday 16 August
5.30 – 7.30pm
Arts Centre


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Native Tree Giveaway

Burnside Council invites locals to help grow its Urban Forest. It’s giving away free advanced native trees for City of Burnside residents to plant in their garden.

To get your free native tree:

      • Visit the Customer Service Desk at the Civic Centre on Greenhill Road to collect your voucher (voucher must be collected by the property owner only), or email with your name, the address of the property and mailing address (if different from the property address), and a voucher will be posted to you.
      • Take your unique voucher to one of the participating nurseries to get your native tree.

Valid from 15 April to 30 September 2022, voucher limits apply per rateable property. For more details – click here

Nathara Perera
Environment Club Captain

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School Shop Holiday Hours

Regular Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm (closed for lunch 12 – 12.30pm)

School Holiday Hours

Closed, except for:
Monday 25 July: 9am – 4pm (closed for lunch 12 – 12.30pm)

Parents can also order items via our Online School Shop. Online orders can be collected from 9am, Monday 25 July.

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Warm Up with Saints’ Scarves and Beanies

With the cooler weather, the School Shop has some branded winter warmers:

Saints Girls’ Supporter Scarf – perfect for staff, coaches and parents

Saints Girls’ Beanies
– can be worn by students during their sport training sessions and warm ups, and also available for staff coaches and parents

To get your hands on these fabulous new items, please visit the School Shop.

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COVID-19 Information

SA Health has advised that asymptomatic COVID-19 close contacts no longer need to quarantine. Therefore, asymptomatic children and students can attend school or ELC despite being a close contact, provided they undertake 5 RATs over the subsequent 7 days and receive negative results.

Please also be reminded of these vital requirements:

Should your child develop any symptoms, even mild ones, they must not attend school or ELC and should be tested for COVID-19. They require a PCR test with receipt of a negative result and resolution of symptoms before return to school/ELC can be considered. Students who have previously tested positive and have completed isolation in the past 12 weeks do not need to undertake testing.

If your child tests positive to COVID-19, notify us immediately. Please also advise the type of test (RAT/PCR), the date your child’s test was taken and the date symptoms started (if no symptoms, note ‘asymptomatic’).

Please notify us via email or text:

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au
Text: 0428 601 957 (save to phone contacts as SPGS)

If you need to notify us over the phone, please call the Front Office on 8334 2200.

Please note that if your child is too sick to attend school, they are therefore also too sick to be working remotely from home.

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Health Notification – Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

The School has been notified of several cases of hand, foot and mouth disease.

Symptoms include:

    • blisters in the mouth and on the hands and feet
    • a sore mouth before ulcers/blisters appear
    • fever
    • tiredness
    • loss of appetite

The disease is generally spread by person-to-person contact and it usually takes three to five days before blisters appear. Blisters are infectious as long as they contain fluid. Faeces can remain infectious for several weeks.

Generally, no specific treatment is required but people with the disease should be excluded from childcare, preschool, school or work until all blisters have dried.

For more information – click here.

If your child will not be attending school/ELC, please notify the School via one of the methods listed in the absences article.

If you have any queries, please contact the Health Centre via 8155 5762 or healthcentre@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

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General Absences from School

If your child is going to be absent, late to school or leave early, please use one of the following methods to notify the School, providing the student name and Class/Home Group.

Please also provide a reason for the absence as the School requires this for government reporting purposes.

Text: 0428 601 957

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Phone: 8334 2200

Feel free to include the Class/Home Group Teacher when emailing. It would be appreciated if notifications could be made prior to 9am.

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School Medical Information Reminder

It is imperative that all medical information, including immunisations, is up to date on the School’s myLink parent portal.

Please follow this pathway to check and/or update details: myLink > Community Portal > My Details > select child name

If you have any questions, please email healthcentre@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

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Sports News


Last weekend, the Saints’ Aerobics girls competed in the Federation of International Sport Aerobics and Fitness (FISAF) State Championships. We again had brilliant results in a very competitive year, with 3 teams qualifying for the FISAF National Championships in September!

Congratulations to The Royals who placed 5th and The Tinkerbells who came 2nd in the Secondary Pre-Choreographed Teams Years 7 – 9 (Novice) division. The girls in The Tinkerbells are ecstatic to have qualified for the National Championships, with it being a first for many of them.

Congratulations to The Stars and Freaky Friday who placed 2nd and 1st respectively in the Secondary Pre-Choreographed Teams Years 7 – 12 (Advanced) division. Both teams have proudly qualified for Nationals in a strong division.

I was unable to make the State Championships, so I asked a few of the senior girls how they felt about Saturday’s contest:

‘The Stars’ competed against some tough competition and managed to place 2nd out of some amazing teams. This means we have qualified for Nationals and will hopefully not miss out on the trip like last year due to COVID. A highlight from State Championships would have to be watching all the other teams. Everyone sat at the front of the audience and were cheering each other on, it was just a great atmosphere. – Alyssa Walpole (Year 9)

The highlight for me was cheering on the younger girls and watching everyone perform. We were all very supportive of each other and had a great time together whilst giving it our best go. – Lara Maione (Year 9)

Again, well done to all the girls who competed, I can’t wait to hear how you go at the FISAF National Championships. – Maddi Harmer (Captain)


Open A: Saints (19) v Concordia (21)
Middle A: Saints (9) v Concordia (63)


Open B1: Saints (6(10)) v Woodcroft (0)
Open D1: Saints (4) v Woodcroft (2)
Open D2: Saints (3(96)) v Wilderness (3(93))
Middle E: Saints (4) v Wilderness (4)


Saints (11) v Wilderness (0)

We were back at Seacliff this week and had a win against Wilderness School. Every girl in the team wore a pink ribbon for the Pink Round, raising awareness of breast cancer. Great work by our strong defensive players, especially Winnie and Leah who worked well to stop the strikers breaking through to their attacking circle. It was great to see the girls making good use of transfers. Amazing speed was displayed by Phoebe in our attacking 25, working the ball into the circle. A special mention to Amelia who scored from a very fast and skilful tomahawk! Thank you to the girls and our coaches Liv and Tash for a great first term of hockey in the 2022 season. – Bridgette Leach (Captain)


Open A: Saints (44) v Concordia (29)
Open B: Saints (34) v Concordia (29)
Open C: Saints v Immanuel (Immanuel forfeit)
Open D: Saints v Immanuel (Immanuel forfeit)
Open E: Saints (9) v Westminster (57)
Year 9A: Saints (53) v Concordia (49)
Year 9B: Saints (20) v Concordia (55)
Year 8A: Saints (33) v Concordia (28)
Year 8B: Saints (18) v Concordia (31)
Year 7A: Saints (8) v Concordia (30)
Year 7B: Saints (4) v Concordia (34)

The Open A Netball team has had a challenging yet extremely promising start to the season. This year’s team consists of Sophie Ricciuto, Mathilda Thomas, Willow Stewart-Rattray, Chloe Porter, Annie Warrick, Sadie Vikor-Lam, Joss Forster, Milly Brett and Alexia Politis.

So far, we have played against Immanuel, Scotch, Pembroke and Concordia. Unfortunately, we were defeated in our first 3 games, however the scores were close, only losing to Immanuel by 12, Scotch by 13 and to Pembroke by 2 goals. We continued to persevere and recently defeated Concordia. The team has improved so much, each week continuing to take on feedback and implementing it on court. We are looking forward to building on our success next term, including Intercol against Walford. – Alexia Politis (Captain)


Adelaide SchoolsThis was the final week of Year 5 and 6 Junior Netball for the year, with Monday seeing the hotly contested Junior Interhouse Netball. We were incredibly proud of all the girls, who played the game in the right spirit and rotated positions to ensure everyone had time on court.

In the end, it came down to the last game between Kilburn and Patteson. Both were undefeated going into the last round which Kilburn won to take out the Interhouse Shield.

Thank you to coaches Cimone, Sadie, Karen, Neil, Lara, Sarah and Jess, and to scorers and umpires Laurie, Charlotte, Issy, Ellie, Beverley and Soph. A real team effort to make such an event happen!


Adelaide SchoolsCongratulations to Dani Cox and Ashlyn May who have been selected to represent South Australia in Lacrosse. In addition to their playing success, they have also been wonderful mentors to the U11 team this year, coaching and umpiring the next generation of Lacrosse players who have gone undefeated in Term 2.