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Enews – Week 9, Term 2 2016

Issue no. 20

From the PrincipalJuliaShea_web

“Maybe this will become, like, a cool thing, living with your parents”.

George Costanza’s line in an episode of the 1990s sitcom, Seinfeld, has proven to be prophetic. Living with your parents has become ‘cool’. The boomerang generation made up of millions of Georges across the world is refusing to move out of their parents’ homes. Almost a quarter of the Australians aged between 20 and 34 are currently living at home with their parents. The perceived need to complete postgraduate qualifications in order to secure employment is often stated as one of the main causes for children to boomerang back into the family home. But many social commentators now proffer the argument that boomerang kids have an employee mindset that sees them look for jobs that no longer exist, rather than an entrepreneurial mindset that sees them create opportunities and jobs for themselves and others.

You’d be unlikely to find a school strategic plan at the moment that doesn’t mention innovation and entrepreneurship. But what is entrepreneurship and what paradigm shift is happening in schools to assist students to develop an entrepreneurial mindset?

Professor Yong Zhao, the Presidential Chair and Director of the Institute for Global and Online Education in the College of Education, University of Oregon, defines an entrepreneurial mindset as a ‘critical mix of success-oriented attitudes of initiative, intelligent risk-taking, collaboration and opportunity recognition’. He goes on to say that ‘entrepreneurship is fundamentally about the desire to solve problems creatively. Our potential can be suppressed or enhanced by our experiences. Some experiences enhance our creativity while others suppress it. Some experiences encourage risk-taking while others make us risk averse. Some experiences strengthen our desire to ask questions whilst others make us compliant. The experiences we have play a significant role in what we become.’ And so it is that the school experience becomes critical.

Problem-solving has been all the rage in education for years. Those skills are very important. The issue is that the problem has always been defined by the teacher. In the real world, individuals first need to identify the problem. So our girls need to learn to identify and solve the right problem. If a student identifies a problem incorrectly or solves the wrong problem, the solution to the problem has no value. Furthermore, we want our girls to identify and solve problems that will genuinely make the world a better place. Saints Girls must continue to foster within its students the desire to truly make a difference.

Personalisation and student autonomy are essential elements of a learning paradigm that cultivates entrepreneurial students. Product-oriented learning is a second key element. Our unique Futures Program in Years 7 and 8 meets each of those requirements. But at this point, the ideas and ultimately the products generated by our girls aren’t necessarily meeting a need. So in 2017, under the mentorship of Professor Yong Zhao, the Futures Program will be re-launched with an overriding theme of entrepreneurship. The girls will identify a need, generate an idea, assess strengths and resources, convince their teacher and fellow students of the brilliance of their idea, make the product or generate the service, market the product and finally review and improve their process. The entrepreneurial process is both demanding and uncertain. This project will require them to display genuine grit. But most importantly, it will give the girls an opportunity to create, innovate and collaborate with members of our community (so many of our parents are ideally placed to be mentors within this program) and demonstrate mastery in a real life context.

In Semester 2, a group of girls from Year 10 will participate in the University of Adelaide’s eChallenge. This is a competition-based learning experience that develops strategic business thinking for early-stage entrepreneurial ventures. Participants pitch their venture concepts to potential investors from the local business community. As part of this program the girls will attend a series of specialised workshops conducted by experts in their field (alongside undergraduate students), work with dedicated business mentors and connect with members of the business and research community.

These are just two ways in which the School will trial and develop entrepreneurial programs in the coming years. Innovation and entrepreneurship will not just be words on a strategic planning document. All our goals will be underpinned by detailed strategies allowing measurability and, most importantly, accountability.

Bus Coordinator

Brian Caire has announced his retirement and will drive his bus route for the final time on Friday 19 August. Brian started with Saints Girls as a casual bus driver in March 2005 and moved into the role of Bus Supervisor in December 2006. He has been an integral part of the School community for 12 years and I sincerely thank him for his commitment and professionalism over such a long period. Brian has recently purchased a caravan and we wish him well as he joins the fleet of ‘grey nomads’ circumnavigating the country.

With Brian’s imminent retirement I wish to advise that Paul Ziesing will assume the role of Facilities and Fleet Manager, effective from 1 August 2016. Paul will continue to oversee our Property Services Department with the addition of supervising the School buses.

Election news

After an extraordinarily long campaign, election day has finally arrived. The Association of Independent Schools has provided a summary of the education policies released by all the major parties during the campaign. Click here to view this summary.

I wish all of you a safe and enjoyable holiday and look forward to welcoming the girls back on Tuesday 26 July.

Julia Shea

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St Peter’s Girls Senior Drama Presents…

Silver Lining Enews Graphic

The Arts is a field in which students have the opportunity to take risks, extend themselves and develop work that has a broad audience. This is challenging, nerve-wracking and exhilarating! In this pursuit of innovation and risk-taking we do something unique in Senior Drama at Saints Girls: we create original works that are written, workshopped and designed completely in-house. The plays that we make are often then performed by other companies and schools and so we are creative ground-breakers. In this spirit the Years 11 and 12 Drama students are currently working hard on another world premiere, The Silver Lining.

Using four distinct theatrical styles – Classical Greek Tragedy, Realism, Expressionism and Musical Theatre – The Silver Lining re-tells the story of King Midas from four different perspectives. Through this, the play explores the nature of human desire, human folly, regret and redemption. Rehearsals have involved complex ensemble work, careful blocking, choreography and character development…and learning a suite of new songs. The production will be a dynamic whirlwind of storytelling in various dramatic forms, from thought-provoking reality to expressionistic symbolism to toe-tapping showstoppers!

Performances will be on 10, 11 and 12 August at 7.30pm. So mark those dates in your diary and make sure you don’t miss out on the innovative work of which our talented girls are capable.

Bookings: trybooking.com/ILVF

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2016 National da Vinci Decathlon

da Vinci Image

On Tuesday our team of eight Year 7 students returned from Knox Grammar School, Sydney, where they had been representing South Australia in the National da Vinci Decathlon.

Competing against teams from all states and Canberra, they pitted their skills, knowledge and creativity against some of the brightest minds in the land from their age group.

As well as engaging in the usual 10 Decathlon events, the girls also took part in a ‘race around Sydney’, visited Fort Dennison and attended a lecture on Quantum Physics from a Professor from the University of Sydney. They also had time for some sightseeing and shopping along the way!

The girls showed their creative skills, placing second in the drama and interpretation based ‘Creative Producers’ task. They displayed excellent teamwork and creative and reflective thinking by placing second in the new ‘Ideation’ task – an impressive achievement!

On the final day, they also found out that they had won the Art and Poetry task, one of the most highly regarded of the 10 events.

Congratulations to the whole team, who were exceptionally well behaved at all times and who represented the school and the State with aplomb.

Richard Lisle and Becca Burton-Howard

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 A Taste of Magill Estate – Year 12 Food and Hospitality Tour

Magill Estate Tour V2On Tuesday the Year 12 Food and Hospitality students travelled to Magill Estate to view the kitchen and dining facilities. The tour was designed to assist the students with their understanding of food technology, service and menu development. This will provide vital information to their upcoming assignment to prepare a dinner for a group in the School community. The students toured through both kitchens at Magill Estate and were able to compare the service style and atmosphere of both restaurants.

We also were shown the underground cellars and considered possibilities for functions in these unique areas. The students were given an opportunity to sit down to sample local cheeses and an Almond Berry tart, whilst discussing various issues in the industry such as changing seasons and the use of local produce. During this time the Head Chef and Sous Chef explained various aspects in the process of menu development in both of the restaurants and discussed many features of a career in hospitality.

We really appreciated the time and attention offered to us and the information gained will be invaluable for the activities we are still to undertake this year.

Jenni Manson and the Year 12 Food and Hospitality students

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Saints Girls Star at the Science and Engineering Challenge

Science and Engineering Challenge 1

Engineering is the ‘E’ in STEM and involves the application of science, technology and mathematics knowledge and understanding to solving problems. As an enrichment activity to help students become more familiar with the nature of engineering, all our Year 9 students will participate in an Interhouse Science and Engineering Challenge next term.

Year 10 students in the GEMS (Girls in Engineering, Mathematics and Science) class as well as other selected students recently represented Saints Girls in a heat of the South Australian Science and Engineering Challenge, run by the University of Newcastle. Students were divided into eight teams of up to four students and issued with some materials and a brief to meet within a time limit. Scores were allocated based on the materials used and how well the design met the brief. This allows scores in one heat to be compared with those of schools in different heats.

Our students competed against seven other schools in our heat. Of the eight activities, we won five:

  • Electracity: Connecting a simulated electrical network for a city and responding to challenges as parts of the networks and/or the power stations fail.
  • Grasping at Straws: Building a ‘bionic hand’ that can pick up objects and reproduce sign language.
  • Hover Frenzy: Building a working model of a hovercraft.
  • Mission to Mars: Assembling a model vehicle to successfully negotiate the rough surface of a planet.
  • Flat Pack: Constructing a model table and chair to successfully support the most weight.
  • Bridge: Building the lightest possible bridge to carry the greatest load without breaking.

The Saints girls showed outstanding teamwork, problem-solving and perseverance. The other schools to compete in the State Final in August have not yet been decided since there are still more heats to come. However, by virtue of our girls’ excellent score, we have already been invited to compete in the State Final. I look forward to sharing the results of this next stage of the competition with you.

Brian Parsons
Head of Science

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Year 7 RMI Geography Field Trip

Geography Excusrion

On Friday 17 June, 7RMI participated in an excursion to Lochiel Park as part of their study on the unit on Liveability and Sustainability. Students were able to observe and collect data on how Lochiel Park has been designed to allow residents to live in a sustainable, self-sufficient environment, with specific attention given to minimising human impact.

Students were able to tour the communal garden, where composting and artwork from recycled materials abound. Water retention sites, where native species of trees and wildlife thrive, are central to the community. The design of houses in Lochiel Park allows for solar and wind-generated power and standardised storage of rainwater.

The key aspect of accessibility to services such as public transport, shops and health care was also investigated by students, who are now challenged to develop a promotional campaign to target a specific demographic about the benefits of sustainable living. Informal conversations with local residents also allowed students to gain insights into the liveability of this unique urban community.

A special note of thanks must be given to pre-service teacher, Miss Amelia Hoffmann, for co-ordinating the field trip and guiding the students along our tour of Lochiel Park.

Here are some of the students’ insights into the field trip:

I learnt how Lochiel Park collects stormwater and transferred it into wetlands. I enjoyed walking around the parks and seeing the artwork”. Gemma Schaedel

Something I learnt from the Lochiel Park excursion was some different types of sustainable energy like the whirligigs (wind generators) and I learnt about the wetlands and retention pond”. Sophie Barr

“The Lochiel Park excursion was extremely informative. Many of us learnt more about the local park, including how the park uses 100% recycled concrete in all areas of the serene park”. Georgia Davidson

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Round 3 Debating and Public Speaking update


Our final round of Term 2 debates ended on a great note, with eight of our eleven Middle and Senior teams claiming victory. Congratulations to Year 7 White and Blue, Year 8 Yellow, Orange, White and Blue, Year 9 Yellow and the Senior White teams for their wins last week. Well done to Portia Maerschel from Year 7, Abigail Lisle and Eleanor Anderson from Year 8, Alice Tyson from Year 10 and Jaida Bouhamdan from Year 12 who were awarded speaker of the night awards by the adjudicator. A special mention must also go to the Senior White Team who have maintained their number one position on the Debating SA ranking list throughout the entire season. Last week was also crazy hair day at Debating SA, as can be seen in the image of one of our Year 7 teams sporting their crazy hair look!

Congratulations to Aditi Tamhankar, who for the second consecutive year has become the Rostrum Voice of Youth State Champion and will now progress to the National Finals. We wish her the best of luck as she represents our school on a national level.

We look forward to the continuation of the debating season and public speaking in Term 3 and the progression of our debating teams into the final rounds.

Kritika Mishra

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An update from the Chess Club

Chess Club Photo

It has been a very exciting term for the Chess Club 2016. This is due to the large number of girls involved in the St Peter’s Girls team. So many young girls are enthusiastic about participating every Monday lunchtime, especially the Year 3s.

“Chess is awesome; it’s the best” – Catitlin Walker

“It’s a lot of fun” – Charli Young

“It’s a great experience” – Georgia Barclay

Our senior chess team consists of Glenda Hanson, Rachel and Marley Banham, Jenna Bowden, Michelle Yeoh and Helen Xiong.

We had a great night on Friday 13 June and were eager to get back into the chess routine. On 24 June, St Peters’ Girls played against St Ignatius Lupi and unfortunately lost 0.5-4.5.  However, we made up for the loss when we played against Pembroke, where we won 3-2. Congratulations to Glenda Hanson, Michelle Yeoh and Helen Xiong.

We give a special thanks to our fantastic and talented Chess coach, George Howard, and our dedicated Chess Club leader, Mrs. Moore. I am sure this year will be eventful.

From your proud and thrilled Chess Captain, Glenda Hanson.

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UniSA Year 11 Maths Experience Program
Year 11 Maths Experience

Five Year 11 girls took a day out of exam week to attend the UniSA Year 11 Maths Experience program. We spent the day mixing with other maths enthusiasts, building our skills and broadening our knowledge of where a passion for science and maths can take us in life. We heard presentations from a chemical engineer, a pilot, a nano-particle scientist, a biologist and an academic who is solving questions about population growth and telecommunication challenges with pure mathematics. The best part of the day was being divided into pairs and designing our own bridge which we then printed using the university’s 3D plastic printers. These were then tested for load bearing capacity and even though the Saints Girls bridges didn’t take out the prize, each of them took a remarkably large load. I found it such a unique experience and would highly recommend it to girls in future years, even if it does mean you have to do your physics exam a day early!

Olivia Habel

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Medieval History – A Student’s Perspective

Medieval History Image

During Ms Stefopoulos’ History class this term, we studied the topic, the Black Death. One of the assignments that we had to complete involved making a board game about the Black Death. The board game had to provide information about the Black Death in regard to causes, symptoms and remedies. The final games were played by the Year 7s and they assessed us on how easy our instructions were to understand and follow and whether or not they got any information out of playing the game about the Black Death.

During this task I learnt quite a few things about the Black Death that I didn’t know before, such as some of the things that the people of the medieval times thought would cure them of the Black Death. I really enjoyed making this game!

Emma Matheson (8ESM)

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Creativity, Canvas and Coffee:

Reflections of a Pre-Service Music Teacher
RH Portrait 2

I have just spent five amazing weeks as a pre-service teacher at Saints Girls. My time in the Music Department was under the mentorship of the wonderful Sally Rounsevell and Sari Noble, and with the ongoing guidance of the ever efficient Jeanne Phillips (my Synergetic guru). I have been performing and teaching music for over 20 years as an independent provider at the Elder Conservatorium and at various secondary and primary school organisations, but I can honestly say that in the five weeks I was at Saints Girls I have never worked so hard, or achieved so much, in such a short space of time, in my entire life! The pace at which the Music Department works and the amount that they accomplish are nothing short of what I call ‘super-hero’ level.

Many mornings started at 7.30am with Stage Band, Concert Band and Choir practice (and lots of coffee), and many nights finished after 9pm with live performances. I enjoyed teaching the stage band about improvisation and experienced my first taste of conducting. Sally and Sari make conducting look easy but, as I found out, it is not! I now have a new level of respect for all conductors and everything they contend with.

I taught and helped out with various classes from Year 6 right through to Year 12. The Year 8 class created their own ‘School of Rock’ performance. By the end of my time with them every girl could play the drums, bass, guitar and piano to the song, All About That Bass, and with choreographed dancing to boot. The Year 9s composed and performed an original song on the Indonesian gamelan. Members of the group, The Gameladies, joined us for a specialist workshop. A big thank you to the Property Services staff who ‘enjoyed’ moving the gamelan orchestra for us many times! I also spent time with the Years 11 and 12, discussing performance and their research projects (and life, the universe and everything else!), and accompanied them on double bass at various assessments and performances. Time spent with the senior girls was delightful.

The maturity and quality of character I observed in these Saints girls was nothing short of inspiring.

The highlight for me was writing the new school song with the Year 10 class. The Year 10s initially spent time researching the School’s background and surveying the school community for their thoughts on the new song. Following this, they each wrote and submitted their own original school song. Armed with all this information, I then finalised the new school song and the class performed it for the school leadership. I was so proud of the Year 10 class when the leadership gave the song the thumbs up. It is now to be arranged for full orchestra and choir, and will be professionally recorded for all to hear.

In my last week at Saints, the Winter Concert was performed. This extraordinary event involved the organisation and performance of over 170 girls, ranging from Year 4 to Year 12. Choirs, Stage Band, Concert Band, Strings Orchestra, Rock Band, Guitar Band, Percussion Ensemble and more all took to the stage and performed brilliantly. With the help of the stage team and under the cool and capable guidance of Sally and Sari everything went well.

Finally, I would like to thank Julia Shea and Kerry Skinner for allowing me to join your amazing team at Saints Girls for my placement. I am grateful for the experience. Thank you also to the students who made my stay memorable and fun, and to the IT staff for helping me navigate Canvas. My biggest thanks I reserve for my mentor, Sally Rounsevell, from whom I learnt so much. I was not just impressed by her teaching; her ability to remain calm, upbeat and forever energetic, even after 15-hour days and five cups of coffee, was inspirational. Thank you, girls, and thank you, Saints.

Robyn Habel

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Term 3 Arts Event Schedule

Term 3 Arts schedule

Week 1

  • Full School Assembly Performance – Tuesday 26 July 

Week 2

  • FOA Meeting – Wednesday August 3, 7.30pm
  • Year 10 Music: recording School song – August 2 & 3, Sody Pop studios, Norwood

Week 3

  • Yr 12 Drama Production – August 10, 11 and 12,  Arts Centre
  • Anglican Schools Australia Conference Opening – Friday 12 August
  • Chapel Dancers, Chamber Choir, WA girls – Convention Centre

Week 4

  • Sisters of the Church Music Festival – August 16-21, Perth
  • ABODA Junior Orchestra rehearsal – Friday 19 August, 3.30 – 5.30pm

Week 5

  • ABODA – SA School Band and Orchestra Festival – Wednesday 24 August
  • Junior Orchestra, Senior Strings, Chamber Strings and Senior Percussion Ensemble

Week 6

  • Strings recital – 5.30pm, exam prep for Fiona Patten’s exam students 120

Week 7

  • FOA Meeting
  • SACE 1 & 2 Dance performance exam –  Wednesday 7 September, 7.30pm, Arts Centre
  • Sports Day

Week 8

  • Stage 2 Music Performance Summative –  Wednesday 14 September, 7 – 9pm, MB 120 and Arts Centre
  • PYP Exhibition – Thursday 15 September
  • Spring Concert-  Friday 16 September, various ensembles
  • School tour

Week 9

  • Year 3 Strings and Year 4 Band Concert: Monday 19 September, 3pm,  Arts Centre

Week 10

  • Music performance at James Evans Court retirement home – Monday 26 September, L4 to end of lunch
  • Strings Trio and Flute Ensemble
  • Junior House Music Eisteddfod – Thursday 29 September, 1 – 3.30pm, Arts Centre

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Sports News

If you have any news items or sporting success stories, please email them through to me on: nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Sports Leadership Breakfast
Trengove Image

On Thursday 23 June the Sports Captains were invited to attend a Sports Leadership Breakfast with Olympic Marathon Runner, Jess Trengove, as guest speaker. The Captains were able to sit with captains from the same sport from other schools and share their experiences. Jess finished 39th from 118 runners at the London 2012 Olympics and then won the Bronze Medal at the 2014 Commonwealth Games. Jess shared her experiences growing up and being involved in a range of sports in Naracoorte before boarding at Annesley College where she was Head Prefect in 2005.

Jess inspired those in attendance by encouraging them to have a strong desire to do well, enjoy their journey, dream big and set small goals. She also told them to embrace challenge and to nurture important relationships (such as family and close friends who can provide much needed support), to maintain a balance between sport and social life, to be determined and work hard, but above all to ‘do it with a smile’. Neil Fuller (Director of Sport)

Cross Country

Congratulations to Anna Cross (Year 12) and Matilda Braithwaite (Year 8) who have both been selected to represent SA at the National Cross Country Championships in Canberra from August 19-22nd.

 Junior Netball

Year 6 Blue – Saints

Chanel Stefani and Ava Loechel (Coaches)           

Year 6 White – Saints

Grace Russo (Coach)

Year 5 Blue – Saints 18 defeated Seymour 6

The girls had another great game, finishing off with win. All of the skills they have learnt over the term have improved each of the girls’ skills greatly. As coaches we have noted positions that girls have shown to excel in, so have played the girls in these particular positions. Throughout the game all girls participated to their full extent, gaining many turnovers to score goals. Hopefully next week the team finishes off with a win making it an undefeated season. Georgia Naughton

 Year 5 White – Saints

Eve Habel and Rachel Kameniar (Assistant Coaches)

Open Soccer

Open A – Saints 2 drew with Concordia 2

The team put in a strong performance to come back from 2-0 down at half-time to draw. The girls fought well in the second half, especially Charlotte Kelly in defence. Special mention to goal scorers, Dominique Rigby and Layne Beveridge. We hope to continue our fighting spirit and improve our form going into Term 3. Krystina Dianos (Captain)

Open B – Saints 2 defeated Concordia 0

Well done, girls, for the fantastic win over Concordia last week! Ball movement up front was better, evident in the number of scoring opportunities we had. Emma Mockridge and Alice Petchey were the goal scorers. Great work also to Tahlia Towers who was very reliable in defence. Hopefully, we can finish off the term with another excellent game this week! Christine Gayen (Coach)

Middle A – Saints 1 defeated Woodcroft 0

On a cold, windy afternoon and on a waterlogged pitch, our girls played the return match against Woodcroft. For the first 10 minutes a lack of teamwork and a lack of decisive passing created quite a bit of chaos, with neither team taking control. After that, things started to fall into place and we began to make better use of the strong wind that was favouring our team. Our defensive players began to kick the ball longer to the wings where our forwards, Sophie Barr, Amy Carrodus, Eleanor Anderson and Millisent Wilkin, could run onto the ball and put the Woodcroft backline under immense pressure. Between them they set up many opportunities to score and this resulted in a fine running goal by Sophie Barr. Our defensive players, Harriett Gilroy, Matilda Braithwaite, Kendra Ware, Michelle Rupert, Shamilla Dhillon, Siena Kulinski and Rachel Banham were able to intercept every Woodcroft attack and drive the ball down the field to our forwards. Craig Morton (Supervisor)

Middle B – Saints 2 defeated Pembroke 0

Thanks to Julie Robertson for coaching the team! Congratulations to the players for being organised and playing so well as a team to ensure a great win.

Year 7 – Saints 0 defeated by Concordia 3

The girls put in their best performance of the season, narrowly losing to Concordia. In muddy conditions the girls tried their best but were very unlucky not to score. Playing with only 10 players, they kept fighting to the end. Well done, girls, and keep working hard in every game. Peter Krantis (Coach)

Minkey Hockey

Year 4/5 – Saints 9 defeated Seymour 7

Saints Girls put in a comprehensive team effort this week. The improvement made by the Saints girls over the term was very impressive, as seen in this match. They were able to hold Seymour up and dispossess them with tackles, and showed a willingness to get back and help out in defence. The ball was shared around, with the most experienced and highly skilled players willing to pass to the others so that all players were involved. Brian Parsons (Supervisor)


Open A – Saints had a bye

Open B – Saints 4 defeated Pulteney 2 (8-3)

Best Players: Laura Sivewright and Charlene Lee

Open C1 – Saints 4 defeated Woodcroft 2

Best Players: Georgia Bowden, Amy Li

Open C2 – Saints 3 defeated Seymour 3 

Best players: Amelie Dunda and Sophia Casanova Clarke 

Open D1 – Saints 1 defeated by Pembroke 5 

Best player: Maddison Tiley-Brooks

Open D2 – Saints 1 defeated by Wilderness 5

Best players: Natasha Lau and Aleisha Elliott

Open E – Saints 3 defeated by Pembroke 6

Best Players: Mahala Truscott, Natacha Zisos Troupakis and Vanessa Pols


Open A – Saints 3 defeated Loreto 0

Rachael Disney and Lara Khoury were often in perfect positions up front, with strong midfield links from Grace Packer, Olivia Goldsmith and Alice Tyson. Saints had at least 15 very good opportunities in the goal circle but were unable to convert more regularly. The scorer of all three goals was Natasha Hammond. The girls are ready to come back after the holidays to continue improving our conversion rate through displaying calmness in the circle. Natasha Hammond (Captain)

Open C – Saints 4 defeated St Dominic’s 0

At the beginning of the game the girls found it difficult to find space and link together strong passes, but as the game went on they made numerous smart leads, creating many counter attacks. The quick, skilful midfield play resulted in us being able to score four fantastic goals put away by Poppyie Goldsmith and Katherine Woolley. Sophie Fry (Coach)

Hockey – SAPSASA DSCN6115 v2

Congratulations Year 7 students Alyssa Woolley, Holly Cardone, Poppie Goldsmith and Lucy Steele Scott who represented East Adelaide at the State Primary School Hockey tournament. Despite some cold and Wintery conditions, the girls helped East Adelaide to finish second in their division.


Under 18 – Saints did not play 

Under 15 – Saints 12 defeated Sturt 10

An aggressive game was set out in the midfield from Millisent Wilkin and Chelsea Walls, which helped create space in attack to help shoot on goal and this improved towards the end of the game. Scarlett Hocking was courageous and went in goals and this helped decrease Sturt’s score line. After discussing shots at half-time, Saints began to place their shots a lot better and showed a lot of determination on ground balls. Defensively, none of the girls gave up on getting possession of the ball. A close score but a well-deserved win from hard work and team leadership. Portia Reppucci (Lacrosse Captain)

Under 13 – Saints 14 drew with Burnside 14

Saturday’s game started off slowly; energy and intensity were not seen in the girls. The half-time group huddle helped the girls to understand what we needed to improve on and which opposition players we needed to cover. Stephanie Smalls helped change the performance, showing leadership in attack. Isabel and Lara took risks and tried a new position on the field as goalies for each half; both enjoyed it and didn’t want to take the gear off. Burnside gave the girls a good and challenging game, which made the girls even more interested and set to go for a successful finish. Lucy Martin (Coach)


Open A – Saints

Josephine Dal Pra and Madison Bateman (Co-Captains)

Open B – Saints 37 defeated by Pulteney 49

The girls started the game with only six players but managed to keep up with Pulteney with perseverance and a lot of running. It was a relief when the Year 9 girls arrived and we were able to play with a full team, and the girls played even better as a team. This high scoring game reflects the excellent shooting by Brooke Oliver and Nicolette Miller. Chelsea Marchetti did a great job playing a variety of unfamiliar positions and Charlotte Parker did an excellent job in defence. I’m sure the girls will appreciate the holiday break and we will continue to improve in Term 3. Alexandra Murray (Open B Captain)

Open C – Saints

Grace Russo (Coach)

Year 10 – Saints 48 defeated Wilderness 7

The girls started out very strongly in the first quarter and this continued throughout the game, with the girls causing many turnovers and the shooters rarely missing. An excellent way to finish off the term. Looking forward to seeing what the girls bring to the court next term! Best Players: India Deere and Alexandra Reade. Alana Coppock (Coach)

Year 9A – Saints 41 defeated Pulteney 25

The team finished off the term with a great win. The first half was tight but everyone played very well, taking intercepts and keeping the pressure in defence and attack. We still need to work on accuracy of passes and staying strong throughout the game. Overall, one of the best games we have played as a team; well done! Brooke Elliott

Year 9B – Saints 29 defeated Pulteney 27

This week all girls played extremely well in a very close game. At quarter-time, the score was tied but at half-time Saints were down by five goals. A great effort in the third quarter bought the scores back even and in a tight last quarter we were able to give it our everything to edge ahead by two goals! With no reserves, everyone put in an incredible effort through the entire match, with all playing a full game and hopefully continuing this effort into next term. Zoe Wilmshurst

Year 9C1 – Saints 21 defeated Westminster 20

Another great game from the girls this week just coming out on top in a close match. With a shaky start the girls pushed forward and fought back with their excellent determination and enthusiasm. We began to clear up our game and had great passage of play from the defence to the attacking end. Overall, the girls should be very proud for rising to the challenge for another win, keeping our undefeated reign. Congratulations, girls! Ellana Welsby and Chelsea Stamato

Year 9C2 – Saints 17 defeated Concordia 16

The girls have finished off the term with a one goal win! They had a very strong first quarter with tight defence, letting Concordia only score one goal. As the game went on the girls kept their lead, despite constant pressure from the opposition. The girls should be incredibly proud of their efforts from the start of the term to now, as they have improved so much. A special mention to Zara Sadri for helping out and playing for us, as we were short of a player. The girls should now enjoy their well-earned break and be ready for more wins next term! Ellana Welsby and Chelsea Stamato 

Year 8A – Saints had a bye

Year 8B – Saints had a bye

Year 8C – Saints 20 defeated Wilderness 13

Well done to all the players on a good match. The first quarter didn’t go well, due to not passing in front. However in the last three quarters the girls came back with a strong defence and accurate shooting. The girls played well together as a team and maintained a consistent level of play for all quarters. We were impressed with their determination and positive attitude to secure a win. Best players go to Emma Matheson and Stella Clark, who both played an amazing game in attack. We were very pleased with the win and the girls should be proud of their achievement. Amy Wishart and Sophia West (Coaches)

Year 7A – Saints 33 defeated Pulteney 21

Despite suffering a drop in intensity and concentration in the second quarter, we came away with a good win. Gemma Schaedel played brilliantly as goalkeeper, squaring up on the opposition perfectly and ensuring few opportunities for Pulteney to score. Great work from Keeley Fahey also in goal defence. Michelle Blackburn (Coach)

Year 7B – Saints 13 defeated by Pulteney 18

The girls played an outstanding first half, controlling play and making the most of their scoring opportunities. Unfortunately, we were unable to sustain our intensity through the second half and Pulteney eventually ran out winners. Best Players: Harriett Gilroy and Sara Peak. Roger Mills (Coach)

If you have any news items or sporting success stories, please email them through to me on: nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.