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eNews – Week 9, Term 1 2021

Issue no. 9Enews-banner

From Our Head of Junior School

Celebrating Term 1

Suzanne-HaddyWhile it’s hard to believe, the end of Term 1 is fast approaching. Much has happened in the past nine weeks already, and Junior School teachers are looking forward to sharing student learning with parents during Parent-Teacher Interviews next week.

We are incredibly fortunate that, at Saints Girls, parents are actively engaged in their daughter’s learning. Research confirms the obvious in this space – the result of parental engagement for students is positive self-esteem, motivation to learn, a positive attitude to school and the desire to maintain high aspirations. We see this in our students every day.

We hope that during conversations with teachers, parents enjoy seeing a snapshot of their daughter’s learning and hearing about her social and emotional development. These are opportunities to take pride in the efforts of the girls as they have stretched their thinking and their imagination. It is also a chance to discuss some of the goals that have been set for Term 2 and how these goals can be supported at home.

While waiting for your interview, please take a moment to look at some of the displays of student work presented in the newly renovated Junior School areas. We are thrilled with the redevelopment and the students are benefiting enormously from having additional spaces. The work on display is a lovely celebration of some of the learning from Term 1.

Suzanne Haddy
Head of Junior School

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Oarsome Rowing Season

Congratulations to our rowing girls on completing a fantastic season. It concluded with Head of the River last weekend where our girls represented the School with pride.

Take a look at some of the highlights from the season including Head of the River, the launch of the School’s first-ever boat ‘Courage’, and our record medal haul at the State Rowing Championships:

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Old Scholar’s Powerhouse Performance

One of the spectacular highlights from Choral Night was the powerhouse performance delivered by Old Scholar Izzy Norman (Patteson 2020).

Accompanied by the talented Sue Mears on keys, Izzy received not one, but two standing ovations from the admiring crowd.

Have a listen to this breathtaking performance:

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Fostering a Love of Science

The Year 6 cohort recently had an opportunity to work with our new Scientist in Residence, Dr Nicole Foster.

Following classroom inquiry work into microorganisms, Dr Foster led classes through a safety brief in the Biology lab, followed by a session using microscopes so that the girls could make close observations of microorganisms. The session involved observations of yeast and mould.

This was a great opportunity for the Year 6 cohort to ask questions and discuss implications of learning in the real world. We thank Dr Foster for her time and look forward to working with her again.

Year 6 Teachers

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Sisters’ Circle Set in Stone

On Wednesday, Principal Julia Shea and a special group of donors paid tribute to our founding Sisters by unveiling the inaugural Sisters’ Circle acknowledgement piece.

The Sisters’ Circle is a unique giving circle which commenced in 2019, coinciding with our 125th Anniversary. Our history, and what this giving circle represents, is an integral part of the culture of philanthropy we are all creating here together at Saints Girls.

Set in the Sisters’ Sanctuary near the Chapel, this beautiful bespoke stone art piece was generously donated by our very own Chesini Family, owners of Chesini House located in their new state-of-the-art production facility at Burton. Their expertise is in stone kitchen bench tops. As a School family, they are always happy to help. At past events, you have probably seen Luke and his friends on Chiverton Lawns cooking pizzas with his portable oven. We can’t thank Luke and his family enough for their generous support in making this project and vision a reality.

I’d like to sincerely thank all of our valued donors who have contributed to our ongoing Sisters’ Circle giving campaign. New members are always welcome, and I encourage anyone who is interested in joining this special group to contact me for more information by emailing mwestgate@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or phoning 8334 2244 or 0407 394 183.

Melissa Westgate
Foundation Manager

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Wave of Support for Eco Explorers

On Monday, the Year 11 SACE and IB Biology students went on an excursion to Port Noarlunga Aquatic Centre to see our main topic of ‘Ecosystems’ in real life.

The day comprised of snorkelling, reef walks and learning about the different marine species living within the reef and their contribution to a sustainable ecosystem. We were even lucky enough to see some of these species in real life and learned some new skills such as duck diving!

All students thoroughly enjoyed the day and the educational experiences we gained.

Sivanthi Sivasuthan
Year 11 SACE student

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Poetry Amongst the Pines – A Japanese Journey

On Tuesday, the Year 12 IB Japanese class visited the Adelaide Himeji Garden, the Japanese garden on South Terrace in the city. Himeji is Adelaide’s Japanese sister city, a partnership that allows us to forge cultural connections with Japan despite our geographical distance. Exploring the gardens gave us the chance to understand the importance of connecting to nature in Japan, which links directly to our next unit of study about the environment.

As well as this, we were able to identify intersections between Japanese and Australian culture by discussing the garden’s use of native Australian plants presented with Japanese design. We also had the chance to share Japanese snacks, and were even able to practise our spoken Japanese, as we tried to speak only in Japanese where possible!

The excursion was a great opportunity to understand Australia’s connections with Japanese culture and immerse ourselves in our Japanese learning.

Holly W
Year 12 IB Japanese student

Over the years, poetry has traditionally been recited in Japanese gardens. One form of Japanese poetry is ‘haiku’, which are poems of three lines containing 17 syllables (5-7-5). In the pure form of haiku, the poems are written vertically and contain a reference to the seasons, because an awareness of the changing seasons has always been important in Japanese culture.

After roaming the Adelaide Himeji Garden and answering a range of questions in a booklet, the girls were given time to sit quietly amongst the Japanese pines and bonsai (miniature trees) to compose some haiku of their own. Here are a few:

黄色の葉 – Kiiro no ha – Yellow leaf
心の平和 – Kokoro no heiwa – Peace in the soul
懐かしい – Natsukashii – Feeling nostalgic
– Asha K

暖かい – Atatakai – Warm
柔らかい風 – Yawarakai kaze – A soft breeze
秋の日に – Aki no hi ni – On an autumn day
– Jan T

鳥を聞く – Tori o kiku – Listen to the birds
平和感じる – Heiwa kanjiru – Feel peaceful
休みする – Yasumi suru – Have a rest
– Holly W

Cindy Pitkin
Head of Languages/Year 12 Japanese Teacher

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Year 8 Rock Stars Make Science Discoveries

Last Friday, the Year 8 cohort went on an excursion to Hallett Cove to investigate different rocks and how they were formed.

Accompanied by many knowledgeable teachers, we were able to learn through hands-on experience. We learnt about different eras in which rocks were formed, and about how rocks had been carried by glaciers to the beach. At the top of the boardwalk, there was a beautiful view, and some of us were even lucky enough to spot some dolphins!

It was a very warm day, but we overcame the heat and were able to finish the long walk with smiles on our faces.

Olivia Park

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Fringe Dwellers in on the Act

Last Wednesday, the Year 5 girls had the privilege of venturing to the Adelaide Fringe Festival to see The Alphabet of Awesome Science.

From the moment the girls entered the tent in Gluttony, they were captivated by professors Lexi Con and Noel Edge, who took them on a thrilling voyage through the alphabet. The girls were exposed to enormous words, which were linked to explosive science experiments. Throughout the show, a timer counted down the minutes as the performers raced through the alphabet, sharing a collection of tongue-twisting fabulous surprises alongside the spectacular experiments.

After the show, the girls were treated to a performance by wandering actors who showed off their juggling skills. The students also enjoyed a leisurely stroll through the Botanic Garden before returning to school.

In class, the girls are now working on a review of the show, allowing them to express their thoughts and opinions, as well as providing general commentary on the elements within the performance such as costumes, props, lighting, sound, set and special effects.

Sarah Mulraney
Year 5 Teacher

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Animal Instincts for Year 3 Adventurers

The Year 3 students have started their new unit of inquiry investigating different ways to classify animals. We began with the world of invertebrates, exploring our School playground, hunting under rocks, in the trees and rose bushes. We came face-to-face with a number of local invertebrates that help keep our School’s ecosystem healthy.

We then went on an excursion to Urrbrae Wetlands and learnt more about the macro aquatic invertebrates that help keep our waterways and wetlands working. We collected samples from the wetlands and worked as taxonomists to classify the different invertebrates into their groups.

We also started digging deeper into vertebrates (animals with a backbone) with a very educational trip to the zoo. We learnt about how animals have adapted to live in different habitats as the world around them keeps changing. We also took note of the endangerment level of each species we saw using the IUCN Red List to help classify the animals by their current populations in the world. We were shocked to hear how many are currently struggling due to the impacts of humans on the environment. We are excited to learn more about how we can make a difference!

Lizzy Mitchell
Year 3 Teacher

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Summer Interhouse Meal Deal

Summer Interhouse will be held next Thursday 1 April, the last day before Easter.
Please note: Summer Interhouse is for students in Years 7 – 12; however, the Summer Interhouse Meal Deal is available for all students from Reception – Year 12.

The Saints Sport Support Group (SSSG) will once again be cooking up a storm. Volunteers will hand-deliver the Reception – Year 2 lunches to the classroom, and Years 3 – 12 can collect their lunches from the barbecue area. We’re offering delicious hamburger Meal Deals and a sausage sizzle (vegetarian options available). Parents, give yourself a day off from making the school lunches and let us do it for you!

Please pre-order your daughter’s Meal Deal via https://www.trybooking.com/BOVMR, as there will be no cash sales on the day. Bookings will close at 5pm on Monday.

House hats, water bottles and wrist bands can also be pre-ordered.

All proceeds raised by the Saints Sport Support Group directly benefit our Saints Girls and their sporting endeavours.

Thank you so much for your kind support.

Saints Sport Support Group

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Junior School Vacation Care

Our next awesome instalment of Junior School Vacation Care is almost here. We have some great activities guaranteed to keep the children entertained through the break. With an array of excursions and on-site adventures, there is plenty of fun to be had.

April 2021 Vacation Care Program

Places are limited, so click here to secure your booking now!

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Ladies’ Night Out

The Saints Girls’ community presents: Ladies’ Night Out!

Join us on Friday 7 May from 7pm at the Feathers Hotel.

Tickets are $50 each and include gourmet finger food and a complementary drink on arrival.

Book your ticket via www.trybooking.com/BPUEM

A fundraising raffle will be drawn; tickets can be purchased online or with cash on the night.

Tickets are limited, so book early to avoid missing out!

For more information, contact Melissa Westgate on 0407 394 183.

Supported by the Friends of The Arts

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School Shop Holiday Hours

The School Shop will be open on Friday 16 April from 9am – 4pm during the school holidays.

If you require assistance before Term 2 begins, please don’t hesitate to visit the Shop on this day.

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Entertainment Book

Purchase an Entertainment Membership for 2021!

You can buy your membership and support St Peter’s Girls’ School fundraising here:

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COVID Measures

Please note the following information regarding our continued COVID response.

The School has a QR code tracing system to facilitate the safe return of parents on site, in line with wider government measures. Parents entering the campus to drop off or collect their children need to scan the QR code provided each time. This also applies to parents visiting the School for events such as parent information evenings or sports training/matches.

Parents and visitors with more formal appointments at the School, such as meeting a staff member, are still required to sign in/out at Front Office and also need to scan the QR code as well for SA Health tracing purposes.

Adults who do not have a device to scan the QR code need to write their details on the paper form provided in the Front Office.

Parents who remain in their vehicles in the main car park do not need to scan in, and students do not need to scan in as the School already tracks daily attendance.

Logistics around events will be shared in due course, dependent upon the latest advice. Attendance numbers, particularly for indoor events, will still need to be restricted to facilitate social distancing.

The following general requirements remain in place:

  • Ensure adults maintain a distance of 1.5m from each other.
  • Practise sound hand washing and other hygiene measures.
  • Students should remain at home if they are unwell; please notify the School of absences by texting 0428 601 957, emailing attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au, or calling 8334 2200.

We thank all of our families for your cooperation.

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Keep Unwell Children Home

Now more than ever, it is absolutely imperative to keep unwell children at home until they have recovered, even if symptoms are only mild.

This is not only for their own health and safety, but for that of all students and staff.

If your child will not be attending school/ELC, please notify the School via one of the following methods:

Text: 0428 601 957 (save to phone contacts as SPGS)
Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au
Phone: 8334 2200

Thank you for your cooperation and vigilance.

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Health Notification – Norovirus

The School has been notified of several new cases of Norovirus, a type of viral gastroenteritis.

Please keep unwell children home, particularly if they complain of stomach pains in the morning.

People should be excluded from childcare, pre-school, school and work until there has been no vomiting or diarrhoea for at least 48 hours.

Symptoms include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Headache
  • Low grade fever

Noroviruses are very infectious and can spread easily from person-to-person via faeces and vomit. Symptoms usually begin 24 to 48 hours after ingestion of the virus, but can appear as early as 12 hours after exposure.

For further information on symptoms, treatment and prevention, click here. Please note the recommendations regarding hand washing in particular. The School applies strict hygiene standards for the safety of our community, and we ask families for their cooperation and vigilance.

If your child will not be attending school/ELC, please notify the School via one of the following methods:

Text: 0428 601 957 (save to phone contacts as SPGS)
Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au
Phone: 8334 2200

If you have any queries, please contact the Health Centre via 8155 5762 or healthcentre@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Kind regards

Lara Waltham and Sarah Wilkinson
Registered Nurses, Health Centre

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Sports News


24 March
Open A: Saints 25 v Concordia 25
Middle A: Saints 25 v Concordia 63
Middle B: Saints 38 v Concordia 34

22 March
Middle C: Saints 4 v Seymour 36


25 March
Open A: Saints 4 v Seymour 9
Open B: Saints 8 v SIC 2
Open C: Saints 9 v SDPC 3
Middle A: Saints 12 v Pembroke 5

Our Middle As ended what has been a disrupted season on a high with their best performance of the year to date and a 12 – 5 victory over Pembroke.

Our Open Water Polo teams have had a particularly strong season, with all making finals.

Finals delivered the toughest opposition of the season and, despite a strong start in our Open As, the fatigue of surf camp kicked in late as Seymour saw out the victory for first spot. Our Open Bs had more success, taking out their final 8 -2, finishing the term with an aggregate score of +38, highlighting strengths in both attack and defence. Our Open Cs continued their strong season finishing Term 1 with 5 wins from 5 after a great result against SIC. A particularly impressive result considering they often played against other schools’ A or B teams!


20 March
Open A: Saints 1 v Pembroke 2
Open B: Saints 2 v Pembroke 0
Open C: Saints 0 v Concordia 3
Middle A: Saints 3 v Walford 0
Middle B: Saints 0 v Immanuel 3
Middle E: Saints 1 v Concordia 2


22 March
Open A: Saints 30 v Pembroke 21
Open B: Saints 23 v Pembroke 23


20 March
Open A: Saints 1 v Pembroke 3
Open B: Saints 5 v Seymour 4
Middle A: Saints 3 v Pembroke 0
Middle B: Saints 3 v Marryatville 0
Middle C: Saints 4 v Mercedes 1 


As Saturday IGSSA fixtures are now completed for the season, we finish Term 1 with Basketball games still to play, in addition to Water Polo and Touch Football finals and SSSSA Athletics.

With school holidays around the corner, it is vital that our students focus on rest to aid long-term recovery. Term 1 has been busy with many students competing in two school sports, as well as club sport and swimming or athletics, all on top of everyday life!

Some key guidelines to ensure long-term athlete development and to reduce the chance of burn out or injury are:

  • Two full rest and recovery days per week – ideally not consecutively.
  • Eight weeks per year of downtime. This means time away from organised sport where you can keep active with less intense activity, but no competitions or matches.

From all involved in the Sport Department, I wish you all a period of rest. Students, recharge your batteries and get ready to return in Term 2 for the Winter Sport season!

Tommy Peak
Director of Sport

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