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Enews – Week 9, Term 1 2018

Issue no. 9Enews-banner

The Next Challenge: Science

Science at St Peter’s Girls’ School is on the edge of a new frontier, unlocking a world of opportunities.

The latest project in our Master Plan, The Next Challenge: Building for Tomorrow, the Science upgrade and expansion has all the elements for success.

A new Science Centre between the Stott Wing and the Visual Arts building will feature:

  • 7 Science laboratories
  • A large preparation area
  • Breakout and collaboration spaces

In addition, our existing Science facility will be transformed, resulting in new classrooms and a dedicated Junior School Science laboratory.

Works will begin this year, with the opening planned to coincide with our 125th anniversary late next year.

It follows the successful completion of our first five Master Plan projects: expanding our Early Learners’ Centre, increasing parking spaces and access to additional sporting facilities in Bell Yett Reserve, installing high speed network services to boost online learning, building a new Middle School and opening a new Library.

Project number six will cement Saints Girls as a national leader in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), allowing the next generation of students to experiment, explore and excel.

Problem-solving and critical thinking will come to the fore as the facilities enhance a range of contemporary learning styles, blending theory and practice.

Science at St Peter’s Girls’ School will make every day a new discovery.

We can’t wait to take up the challenge and hope you will join us on this journey.

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Choral Night Proves a Hit!

W9 Choral Night
Choral Night burst to life at the Adelaide Convention Centre yesterday, delighting our School community as only Choral Night can do.

With the theme of ‘Broadway Musicals’, our four Houses lit up the stage, delivering an electric and eclectic catalogue of famous numbers.

Voracious vocals and dynamite dance moves played out, alongside the traditional hymn performances.

By the end of the night, after a close contest, acclaimed adjudicators Libby O’Donovan and Rosanne Hosking crowned Kennion the 2018 Choral Night champions.

We look forward to seeing some of the incredible stage work being replicated during our staff dance on Celebration Day at the end of the year! Check out the dance moves here:

Kennion House

Kennion started off their performance with a beautiful arrangement of David Haas’s hymn We Are Called, which was arranged into a gospel choir score by the very talented Dominique Rigby, Michelle Yeoh and Carla Lawrence. The girls followed with an energetic and crowd-engaging performance of Come So Far from the musical ‘Hairspray’. The title Come So Far really defines our journey throughout Choral Night this year, and how our collaboration, determination and hard work paid off. The Years 12s finished off the night clapping along to a very hair-raising ‘Hairspray’-inspired dance to Will.i.am’s That Power, Rhianna’s Pon De Replay and finally, in tribute to the late George Michael, Wake me up before you Go Go. The dance was choreographed by Sophie Girdler and Kate McKellar-Stewart.

I’d like to thank my fellow Year 12s as this is our last Choral Night and I am so grateful for how much work you put in. Much appreciation also goes out to the amazing girls of Kennion House! Thank you for being the best girls a House Captain could ask for. We really have come so far. You all made it a night to remember for me and the Kennion Year 12s, and I couldn’t be prouder!

All the Houses sang, played and danced so well, and the evening truly showed incredible talent, strength and team spirit. It was a night that we will never forget! #gotheblues

Ally Reade
Kennion House Captain

Kilburn House

After singing a transformation of David Haas’ hymn We are Called, conducted by Kilburn’s Deputy House Captain India Deere, Kilburn brought the house down with their passionate rendition of Queen’s Somebody to Love. It was the perfect choice for Kilburn as it is an iconic song, with great harmonies and an energetic backing. The Kilburn Year 12s then performed our dance, featuring Cyndi Lauper’s hit, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Fergie’s A Little Party Never Killed Nobody, and a nod to the night’s theme of ‘Broadway Musicals’, Nicest Kids in Town from ‘Hairspray’. Our dance was choreographed by Lulu Tierney, as well as Charlotte Parker, India Deere, Alice Tyson, Willo Fowler and Eleanor Pyne. I am incredibly proud of my gorgeous yellow Kilburnites, and would like to thank them for their patience and confidence throughout the two weeks we had to learn the songs. I would like to thank Tiffany Zhou, Charlotte White, Aleisha Elliot, Rachel Banham, Eleanor Pyne, Anna White, Lucy White, Faye Ma, Candy Feng and Sophie Johnson for their work as the musicians for Kilburn. Over the past two weeks, I have definitely found Somebody to Love in Kilburn House.

Ava Loechel
Kilburn House Captain

Patteson House

Choral Night 2018 provided a chance for the Patteson girls to display their determination, enthusiasm and dedication. The highly-anticipated night was a massive success for the girls who gave their best performance yet. Thank you to our choreographers: Amy Steele, Grace Packer, Emma Vaughan-Roder and Shaelyn Bischoff; our instrumentalists: Cate Neale, Clair Kao, Ellen Zhang, Stephanie Smalls, Ebony Lohe and Georgina Keough; the girls who taught parts: Sophie Norman, Isabelle Norman, Therese Kemp and Katherine Woolley; and our arranger Cate Neale.

We began our set with an upbeat version of the hymn We Are Called, written by David Haas and arranged by Cate Neale. The combination of our talented band and angelic choir produced a fantastic performance. It was followed by our rendition of Seasons of Love from the award winning rock musical ‘RENT’. The girls delivered the powerful lyrics with passion and intensity, and, combined with our phenomenal soloists, this number was truly incredible. Finally, the Year 12s took to the stage to perform the much-anticipated Year 12 dance. Beginning with LMFAO’s engaging Party Rock Anthem, continuing through Rihanna’s dynamic Don’t Stop the Music and ending with the thoroughly entertaining Rock This Party, the girls managed to earn the honour of “most smiles in the dance”. This is a testament to the Year 12s’ incredible commitment to and love for our dance: we were unbelievably excited to perform it!

In fact, Patteson’s entire performance illustrates the amazing devotion each girl displayed towards producing a sensational show. Congratulations to all, the standard was incredibly high on the night – indicative of the amazing work of all Houses.

Bethany Cross
Patteson House Captain

Selwyn House

Choral Night is a challenging yet rewarding experience. In order to reach deadlines and to meet our expectations, incredibly tight time constraints meant that our rehearsals had to be productive. Whilst it can sometimes be challenging, daunting and overwhelming in terms of trying to meet those deadlines, Choral Night does allow each House to become united and to truly showcase their talent.

Selwyn began with a gospel rendition of David Haas’s hymn We Are Called. It was conducted by our gifted Music Prefect, Charlene Lee, who was accompanied by a group of incredibly talented musicians including Amy Carrodus, Thuhansa Hattotuwa, Chi Chi Zhao and Charlotte Bleby. The song was a beautiful piece and highlighted breathtaking harmonies.

For our House song, we chose You Will be Found from the Broadway musical ‘Dear Evan Hansen’. It is the story of a lonely teenager with social anxiety who becomes a social media sensation and a symbol of kindness. The powerful message from this song is that being the way you are is enough, and that no matter how alone you feel, there is always someone there for you. Even when you’re broken on the ground, YOU WILL BE FOUND. We chose to perform this song as we believe that Selwyn House is both inclusive and accepting of all differences, and we wanted to share this special message with the School community. The piece was conducted by our sensational Head Chorister Tiff Babidge, and again our amazing musicians including Mary Brownridge, Charlotte Bleby, Charlene Lee, Saskia Jonats, Ailani Cox, Nicola Jones and Amy Carrodus showcased their talents beautifully. Selwyn soloists Emma Bleby and Hannah Brown were absolutely superb.

The dance provided an opportunity for all 22 Selwyn Year 12 girls to spice up the stage with their graceful green moves and sparkly green sequin bike shorts. The dance was choreographed by Charlotte Kelly, Ella Robinson and Holly Cunningham, and featured Aqua’s Barbie Girl, PNAU’s Chameleon and All in This Together from ‘High School Musical’. The choreographers spent countless hours dedicated to producing a brilliant dance routine.

The Selwyn girls should be incredibly proud of themselves! We performed two stunning songs, having learnt them in just 14 days. I would like to thank Mrs Gough, my fellow Year 12s, every one of the wonderful girls in Selwyn, my Deputy House Captain Charlotte Kelly, and all of the absolutely brilliant musicians for their unwavering support. Both Tiff and Charlene worked incredibly hard to put the arrangements together, to conduct and to patiently teach the songs.

Our heartfelt congratulations go to Kennion House for a well-deserved win this year!

Sophie Auricht
Selwyn House Captain

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From the Director of Teaching and Learning

Work-life balance. At the sharp end of Term 1, one of the busiest times of the school year, the idea of achieving any kind of work-life balance seems fanciful at best. In fact, reading back over that sentence, I’m not sure when the quieter times of a school year are anymore! Looking after ourselves and our families and friends seems to get just a little bit harder all the time – our work goals and deadlines take priority. For students and teachers alike, busy weeks towards the end of busy terms can test our mettle, force our priorities to change and necessitate compromises.

N Scoggins - webAccording to respected contemporary philosopher Alain de Botton, “There is no such thing as work-life balance. Everything worth fighting for unbalances your life.” Another interesting point that de Botton makes is that we as humans try our best to be all-rounders – we want to be good at everything or at least give everything our best shot. Machines and gadgets are generally designed to do one thing really well, whereas we can have a go at lots of things and can often do well at lots of them, too. There are two ways, he concludes, in which work-life balance therefore becomes an impossibility: we are engaged in lots of different activities and endeavours that combine to take up lots of our time, but we also want to be really good at the ‘life’ bit of work-life balance as well, creating unrealistic expectations and aspirations.

Perhaps de Botton is right to some extent, but I’m not sure that we should worry too much. Schools are places of opportunity and, yes, hard work. In his eNews column last week, Richard Lisle reminded us of the many wonderful events that occur at this time of year at St Peter’s Girls and the sense of a thriving community that they bring. He concluded by saying, “Thank you for doing.” Our students set ambitious academic goals for themselves and they also want to be involved in the wider life of the School. These are all good things. And they do not have to mean that all balance gets lost. The #EMPOWHER program focuses on wellbeing and the strategies that we can use to work smarter and stay healthy. Furthermore, in the midst of this busy time, we are presented with one of those wonderful opportunities to re-charge: the Easter weekend, which provides us with the perfect excuse to re-connect with the ‘life’ part of the equation, focusing on family, friends, some relaxation, some reflection, and maybe going for a walk or reading the rest of the book that has sat by the bed for two months.

Wishing you a happy and restful Easter long weekend.

Nigel Scoggins
Director of Teaching and Learning

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Water Polo Players Scoop the Pool

W9 Water Polo

Congratulations to our Open A and Open C Water Polo teams who won the shield in their respective divisions. We asked Water Polo Captain Erin Barrera to give us a recap on the season:

W9 Water Polo 2The past term of Water Polo has been incredibly successful and I am very proud of all the players. Every single one has improved and constantly supported each other during training and games. All girls play to the best of their ability every game and are continuously looking for ways they can improve the following week. The A team and C team won their grand finals, 9:5 against Saint Ignatius and 10:3 against Sacred Heart respectively, and the B team lost their game by one point against Seymour. Every team has maintained the rigorous work ethic of St Peter’s Girls and have proved that they are a force to be reckoned with in the pool. I am looking forward to playing with these girls again in Term 4 during my final games as a Saints Girl, and I could not ask for better teams of which to Captain.

Erin Barrera
Water Polo Captain

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Vacation Care

W8 Vacation Care

Our next installment of Vacation Care is almost here. We have two weeks of activities guaranteed to keep the children entertained through the break. With a total of four excursions, there is plenty of fun to be had.

Some of our home-based days will include a teddy bears’ picnic and alien day!

Read the full April Vacation Care program here!

Places are limited, so please click here to secure your booking now!

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Winter Uniform

11 Winter uniform

As we are approaching the end of term, it is time to think about arranging a winter uniform fitting for your daughter. Students will be required to wear their winter uniform from the first day next term.

For Year 4 students there are a few different uniform requirements that you may need to purchase before Term 2.

The School Shop will be open the second week of the School Holidays, Monday 23, Tuesday 24 and Friday 27 April 9am – 4pm. Please contact the School Shop on 8334 2228 regarding availability as appointment times are filling fast.

School Shop

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Success Sticks with Hockey Star

W9 Hockey2
Year 10 student Olivia Goldsmith recently competed in the U18 State hockey team. We asked her to tell us about her commitment to the sport:

I became involved in hockey at the age of 10 through friends who started playing. I enjoy it because it is a team sport which is extremely fast and dynamic. From 11 – 22 March, I was lucky enough to compete in the National U18 Hockey Tournament in Launceston, Tasmania, representing SA. The journey to go over consisted of training twice a week as a team, as well as pre-season fitness for club. We not only do hockey and fitness training, but also learn how to have a good team culture and review game footage. During our time in Launceston, our team had two well-earned wins including 4-1 to Tasmania and 9-1 to Northern Territory. As the year progresses, I look to further improve my individual skills, game knowledge and continue to enjoy playing at school, club and State level. Ultimately, I commit to five trainings and up to four games a week during winter because I love the sport and have the hope of playing at a higher, professional level in the future.

Olivia Goldsmith
Year 10 student

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Saints Girl Makes a Splash

W9 Water Polo - State

It’s been a great period for our Water Polo players, with Year 11 student Nicolette Miller competing for SA at the 18&U National Club Championships in Canberra this week.  We asked her to tell us a little about her journey:

“I joined the School’s Water Polo team in Year 7. Although I had some idea of what the sport was like, I had no idea of the rules and was unsure whether I would really enjoy it. However, I loved it from the moment I played my first game. I have continued every year since, and, at the beginning of last winter, I decided to join Eastern Saints Water Polo Club where I was encouraged by the Coach to join the U16 State development squad. Last October, I travelled to Hobart with the U16 State team, which was a great experience where my skills developed throughout the week. At the beginning of this year, I began training with the U18 State development squad, which also trains with the Women’s National League team, providing exposure to our States best players who are very encouraging and provided me with helpful tips. Each week in Term 1, I played three games (two club and one school game) in addition to attending four training sessions. Training with the State squad enabled me to be considered for selection in the U18 team competing in Canberra from 27 March – 2 April. It will expose me to a tough competition which I’m sure will result in my skills developing further and should be another great experience.”

Nicolette Miller
Year 11 student

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SACE Dancers Come Along in Leaps and Bounds

W9 Dance

The annual SACE Dance day ‘Leaps and Bounds’ hosted by the Adelaide Festival Centre on Monday provided our Dance students with many new and relevant experiences to help further their understanding of key course concepts.

Firstly, the choreography workshop with Martine Quigley unpacked the question, “Where does inspiration come from?” Each dancer was given a keyword and asked to put that word into their body, exploring where the movement would be felt. Students shared their words with others, creating a longer movement phrase. The key concept of building dance from a stimulus will be helpful as the dancers begin creating their own composition next term.

Next was Contemporary with Lewis Major. This consisted of dynamic floor work, a fast warm up, traveling exercises, introduction to handstands, and extreme weight transfer. The students will be able to apply the new skills they learnt to their technique work.

W9 Dance 2For years, digital technology has been meaningfully embedded in all subject areas and Dance is no different. The last session focused on Dance Film which is a platform SACE dancers can use to communicate their own composition. Framing the subject, angles, lighting, zoom were all included as well and how to create choreography for screen. Stage 1 students will be given opportunities to experiment with our new digital camera and create a dance film later this year.

A couple of the girls provided some reflections on the day:

“I really enjoyed the SACE Dance day because it was very helpful, relevant and eye-opening. My favourite session was the choreography workshop because I learnt many strategies to stay inspired and creative, which was very useful for someone like me, who doesn’t have an extensive dance background.” – Emma Carrodus

“The Contemporary technique workshop was definitely the most enjoyable, as we learnt a diverse range of exercises consisting of movements that are imbedded in our performance repertoire. The aspect that I found particularly beneficial to our SACE subject was the choreography workshop. Throughout this class, we were introduced to specific techniques to help us when creating movement. As this is one of the most challenging sections of our course, it was incredibly helpful.” – Zara Stefani

The day was extremely worthwhile for students and teachers, all gathering to learn and dance within the amazing facilities at the Adelaide Festival Centre.

Kate Burnett
Head of Arts

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Junior Students Hatch Operation Easter Egg

W9 Easter Eggs

Rather than give chocolate Easter eggs to each other at School this year, our junior students had the opportunity to donate them to Anglicare instead. The eggs have been given to children at Anglicare’s childcare centres, and will be handed out to families accessing Anglicare’s meal services over coming days. Thank you to the Junior School girls and families who helped celebrate this Lenten season by thinking of others less fortunate than themselves.

Suzanne Haddy
Head of Junior School

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Commonwealth Day Honour

Last year, after winning the State Finals of the Plain English-Speaking Award (PESA), the Royal Commonwealth Society kindly sponsored my membership to the association for a year. I was lucky enough to be invited to its Commonwealth Day celebrations on 19 March, where His Excellency the Honourable Hieu Van Le AC, Governor of South Australia was special guest. I had the opportunity to discuss my PESA speech about Eddie Mabo, and my Research Project. We heard the Queen’s 2018 Address and met members from other Commonwealth-affiliated organisations, such as the English-Speaking Union and the Australia Canada Association. It was both an honour and a unique experience which provided me with the opportunity to meet new people and be part of these celebrations.

Aditi Tamhankar
Year 11 student

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Friends of Rowing Sausage Sizzle

W9 Friends of Rowing2Come along and support our Friends of Rowing fundraising sausage sizzle.

Sunday 8 April
9.30am until early afternoon
Glynde Mitre 10 – 8 Glynburn Rd, Hectorville

If anyone would like to volunteer on the day please contact Emma Robinson: emmarob@bigpond.net.au

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Share the Joy at our ELC Festival!

W6 ELC Festival Invite

ELC Festival
Friday 6 April
4.30 – 7.30pm
Chiverton Lawns

There will be many fantastic experiences for the children including:

      • Create your own plate
      • Make a crown
      • Print your own bag

There will be entertainment on Chiverton Lawns, as well as food and drink available for purchase. We hope you will join us!

Kate Mount
Director of Early Learning

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Taste Test at the Tuck Shop

Email Banner

Mouth-watering Chinese food options are on offer at the Tuck Shop.

Stir fry is available at lunch on Mondays, while dumplings and pork buns are on sale at recess on alternate days.

Noodle bowls are available at recess and lunch each day for Years 11 and 12 only, as the bowls need to be heated in common room microwave.

Day Food Cost Availability
Everyday Noodle Bowls
Prawn Wonton (frozen)
Udon Noodles (dry)
$5.50 Recess and Lunch
Available to Years 11 and 12 students only.
Monday Dumplings (Beef, Pork or Vegetarian) $2 Recess
Stir fry (vegetarian) $5.50 Lunch
Tuesday Pork Buns $2 Recess
Wednesday Dumplings (Beef, Pork or Vegetarian) $2 Recess
Thursday Pork Buns $2 Recess
Friday Prawn Dumplings $2 Recess

Please note, some items contain prawns, so any students with prawn allergies must be made aware.

The items will only be available for purchase from the Tuck Shop (not for order), and stocks may be limited.

As this is part of a trial for foods to be added to the menu in Term 2, your feedback would be greatly appreciated, simply email: tuckshop@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Tuck Shop

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Ladies’ Night Out

Ladies' Night Out Trybooking Banner

If you’re up for a great night out, why not book a ticket to the Ladies’ Night Out? To be held on Friday 18 May from 7 – 10.30pm in the Arts Centre at St Peter’s Girls’ School, tickets are $50 each and include bubbles on arrival, finger food and a gift bag.

Join other like-minded community members for a night of fun, whilst playing a key role in supporting our Master Plan!

A fundraising raffle will be drawn on the night and bar facilities will be available.

Tickets via www.trybooking.com/UFUW

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Saints Girls and All That Jazz

Winter Cabaret Enews Banner

On Friday 11 May, the Music Department will present a stunning cabaret-style concert with internationally-renowned jazz singer Emma Pask and award-winning trumpeter Ross Irwin. The concert will feature a broad range of styles from traditional jazz to beautiful ballads, funk to acid-jazz, some Cuban Latin, a bit of Beyoncé pop, and for fun, we’re even going to throw in some rap!

The following ensembles from Saints Girls will be performing on the night:

Vocal Quintet
Chamber Choir
Junior Jazz
In-ta Jazz
Junior Choir
Concert Choir
Stage Band
Extension Strings

W7 MusicOur students will have the privilege of working hand-in-hand with our guests as they present workshops in music craft, arranging, performance and presentation as part of a week-long Artists in Residence program.

Here’s some background on our accomplished guests:

Emma Pask in “The Voice”

Ross Irwin from “Cat Empire”

Having guest artists of this calibre is an all-time first for Saints Girls, so make sure you get behind the Music Department and save the date! That’s Week 2, Term 2 on Friday 11 May!

Tickets can be purchased via www.trybooking.com/UUMN.

Sari Noble
Music Teacher

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Code Camp at St Peter’s Girls’ School

W5 Code Camp

St Peter’s Girls’ School will be hosting Code Camp Spark and Code Camp Ignite for students in Years 2 – 6 on 23, 24 and 26 April 2018, 9am – 3.30pm. The cost is $349 for three days.

Visit the Code Camp website for more information
Visit the St Peter’s Girls’ School booking page

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Order Your 2018 | 19 Entertainment Book

W5 Entertainment Book

The 2017 | 18 Entertainment Membership is expiring on 1 June 2018. Pre-order your NEW 2018 | 2019 Entertainment Membership NOW!

As a St Peter’s Girls’ School Parents’ and Friends’ Association fundraiser, part-proceeds from every book sold will go to a special element of our Master Plan which will be announced soon.

You can order via the form at the Front Office or pre-purchase online: Order your Entertainment Book here!

The Entertainment Book and new phone app offer our community members a great way to try out restaurants and activities around SA, save money and, at the same time, support our girls.

Thank you in advance for your kind support and consideration.

The Parents’ and Friends’ Association

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Saints Girls Teams Up with BankSA

W2 BankSA

BankSA has partnered with St Peter’s Girls’ School in offering our community a great fundraising opportunity. If you’re keen to take your support to the next level while potentially saving yourself money, then this program is for you. We’ve made it really easy to further support the School, while also making sure you’re getting the best possible service and a great deal on your home loan.

If you’ve been thinking about a new place for your home loan – either to get a better rate or if it’s just time for a change – then using your home loan to support St Peter’s Girls’ School is a great option.

Not only will you get a great rate with BankSA, but you’ll also be supporting St Peter’s Girls’ School, as each BankSA home loan allows us to make a charitable donation in your name of between $1,000 and $6,000. As the SPGS Building Fund has DGR status, you may be entitled to claim a tax deduction.

It’s that simple

        • The more home loan referrals, the more money BankSA will donate to the School
        • Donation paid at settlement of the home loan
        • Unlimited donation potential

Both St Peter’s Girls’ School and BankSA have a proud history in South Australia and a strong sense of community. Fostering partnerships like this enables us to support our School community and our School.

To discuss further how BankSA can assist you and make a charitable donation in your name, simply call our BankSA Partnership contact:

Jasper Ooi
0401 717 894

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Coles Sports for Schools

W3 Sports for Schools

Until 3 April 2018, those who shop at Coles will receive one Sports for Schools voucher for every $10 they spend (terms and conditions apply). We invite the Saints Girls’ community to bring the vouchers to the School by early June 2018 and place them in one of two collection points: one by the Gym and one at Student Services. Vouchers can then be redeemed for a variety of different sporting equipment.

The School is planning to donate the majority of sporting goods received from St Peter’s Girls’ vouchers to New Hope for Cambodian Children, where the Cambodia Trip students intend to visit at the end of the year.

Further details are available here.

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Sports News

W9 Sport


SA Little Athletics State Championships
Carla Massicci: 1st in 400m, 4th in 800m, 5th in 200m, 6th in 100m, 6th 70m
Molly Dwyer: 1st 400m, 1st 800m
Amelia Lucas: 1st Javelin, 3rd 200m, 5th 100m
Portia Maerschel: 1st 200m hurdles, 1st 80m Hurdles, 2nd 200m, 4th in Triple Jump
Olivia Kelly: 3rd High Jump, 5th 200m, 4th Shot Put
Nicolette Miller: 1st Discus and 2nd Javelin
Molly Lucas: 2nd 300m Hurdles
Hannah Brown: 2nd Triple Jump


Open Knockout
Saints regained the title of State School Champions, last won in 2016 when they successfully defeated Trinity College, Unley High and Seaton High at the Softball headquarters at West Beach. The team impressed in all three games, led by consistent and accurate pitching by Aroha Munroe to get Saints off to great starts in each game. Led by Captain, Lulu Tierney, she was supported by all girls at bat throughout the day with many hits causing base runs and scores. Saints also fielded well with Tesse Parker as catcher working extremely well with Ruby Oliver at 1st base, along with some great throwing from the in-field by Kellie Bested. All girls should be proud of their contributions.

Open A – Saints 12 defeated Immanuel 7

Open C – Saints 13 defeated Concordia 9

Year 5/6 Gold – Saints 7 drew with Saints White 7
The final game of the season showed some great skills from the Gold team. Great stealing of bases meant that the team got 7 runs in the game, as well as excellent team batting. Emilia Libri took an excellent catch at Short Stop to get the first out in the fielding innings, and Elysia Scarr pitched very well to Charlotte Udall who caught for the first time this season. The team has improved their skills immensely over the season, many of the team hadn’t played a game of softball before! The girls are to be commended for putting in a great effort over the season to improve their skills! By Claire Hale (Coach)

Year 3-4 White – Saints had a bye


Congratulations Lauren Pearce, Poppy Marshall and Georgina Wakeham who were members of the East Adelaide SAPSASA Swimming team that won the metro swimming championships by over 100 points. All 5 state records broken at the championships were broken by East Adelaide swimmers.

Lauren Pearce – 10 YO 50m Backstroke – 1st, 50m Butterfly – 7th, 50m Freestyle – 5th
Poppy Marshall – 13 YO 50m Breaststroke 1st, 50m Butterfly 8th
Georgina Wakeham – 12 YO 50m Breaststroke 7th, 50m Backstroke 5th, 50m Freestyle 9th and congratulations also to Georgina who was a member of the 4x50m free relay who broke the 12yr girl’s record.


Premier League – Saints 6-36 defeated Concordia 0-5
Singles: Tiana Glazbrook 6-1, Yasmin Glazbrook 6-0, Sienna Glazbrook 6-2, Olivia Harby 6-0

Premier League Reserves – Saints 4-31 defeated Concordia 2-14
Singles: Annabel Baldwinson 6-1, Mia Dodd 6-0, Imogen Nienaber 2-6, Ruby Deakin 6-0

Division 1 Blue – Saints did not play

Division 1 White – Saints 3-25 defeated by Wilderness 3-28
Singles: Ella Dnistriansky 2-6, Taj Shahin 6-3, Bridgette Leach 2-6, Willow Stewart-Rattray 3-6

Division 2 Blue – Saints 4-24 defeated Wilderness 2-21
Singles: Tiffany Zhou 6-4, Adele Eaton 6-1, Cheri Wong 6-2, Georgia Langley (injured)

Division 2 White – Saints 2-23 defeated by Wilderness 4-32
Singles: Annabelle Langley 1-6, Amelie Eaton 3-6, Lilly Alexander 6-5, Stella Clark 2-6

Division 3 Blue – Saints 3-28 drew with Wilderness 3-28
Singles: Hattie Xu 6-3, Anneliese Thomas 5-6, Siena Zito 6-4, Louisa Reid 0-6

Division 3 White – Saints 6-36 defeated Wilderness 0-10
Singles: Orla Clayton 6-4, Eva Young 6-1, Chase Hocking 6-0, Yujia Sun 6-1

Division 4 Blue – Saints did not play

Division 4 White – Saints did not play

Year 6/7 Knockout
Saints played the first round of the State Primary knockout and recorded a very easy 6 set to 0 win over Norwood Primary.
Maiya Jakupec and Charlotte Staples won the opening doubles 6-0, followed by Bridgette Leach and Willow Stewart-Rattray with a 6-1 win. The singles followed with Maiya 6-0, Charlotte 6-1, Bridgette 6-1 and Ariel Spartalis 6-0.


Open A – Saints 7 defeated Mercedes College 0
Scorers were Holly Cunningham 2, Hannah Brown 2, Chelsea Walls 1, Charlotte Kelly 1 and Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith 1. Everyone worked hard in defence using skills learnt in training, which limited Mercedes’ attack and prevented them from gaining ground. This led to more turnovers, giving Saints more opportunities to find gaps in the opposition defence and score. The girls rucked effectively and quickly throughout the game, which allowed them to move the ball cleanly across the field. All girls’ fitness has improved remarkably throughout the season and this showed as they were able to run out the game strongly. The girls should be extremely proud of their efforts. Best of luck for the play-offs after Easter. – Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith (Captain)

Open B – Saints 5 defeated Mary MacKillop 4
After a slow start, the B Grade girls were lucky to come in at half time 2-2. After the break Mary MacKillop scored the first try, and our team found themselves behind for the first time this season. Pleasingly we converted some great rucking to score the next 3 tries, eventually winning in a close game…one where we were obviously the better team but playing poorly. Improved intensity, talk and focus on the “1%’ers” will be required if we are to continue our winning streak in the play-offs after Easter. – Ben Goldsmith (Coach)

Open C – Saints 2 defeated by Marryatville 3
The girls worked well as a team and generated a lot of talk but unfortunately went down to Marryatville in a tight contest. We dominated possession in the first half and scored through Poppie Goldsmith but a couple of defensive errors gave Marryatville tries. We had some excellent rucking with Kate Reade and Lucy Young which made space on the wings to score and Ehi Oyugbo was able to do this in the second half. We have one more play-off game to finish off the season. – Dan Searle

Middle – Saints 1 defeated by Seymour 2
The Middle team played a fantastic defensive game against a fast Seymour side, eventually being defeated. A beautiful wrap in the first half allowed Holly Cardone to sprint over the line and score the first try for Saints. Many of the girls looked to ruck the ball through the middle but could not gain enough ground to put pressure onto our opponents and eventually they opened the game up with 2 tries to win. Ashleigh Piper worked hard defensively and Ellie Humphrey passed the ball with confidence out to our wings. – Dan Searle


Open A – Saints 2 defeated Concordia 1 (26-24, 25-19, 20-25)
A tough hit-out was always expected but the girls stood strong against a hard serving opposition.

The first set was back and forth on the scoreboard with no one really gaining the ascendency until right at the end when Charlotte White closed out the set on serve. Anna White opened the 2nd set with a 6 blistering serves in a row that left Concordia a little shell shocked. Concordia fought back but could not close the gap and we took the match.
The team switched off in the 3rd with the game in hand and we tested players in different positions looking for different combinations. Thanks to Charlotte Carney and Ankita who stepped up from the B’s. All played well in a team effort. – Alistair Keough (Coach)

Open B – Saints 2 defeated Concordia 1 (15-25, 26-24, 25-18)
Slow out of the blocks, with a lot of confusion in player combinations, we gave Concordia the first set a little too easily.

We settled in the second set, found our voice and rhythm, but Concordia weren’t giving up without a fight. We stood strong to take the 2nd set with good combinations and Nicolette Miller blocking well to close out the set and keep us in the match.

Sivanthi Sivasuthan stepped it up in the 3rd set to dominate all over the court with Charlotte Carney setting up spikes for her to smash and we came away with a win. – Alistair Keough (Coach)

Open C1 – Saints 3 defeated Concordia 0 (25-18, 25-23, 25-12)
After a slow start, the energy picked up and the girls began to communicate more, resulting in much better play. Great work at the net throughout the game, particularly blocking by Kate McKellar-Stewart and Cate Neale. Bethany Cross played a terrific game, showing vast improvement in covering and passing. Overall, the team as a whole played very well and showed that their hard work during training is paying off. – Georgia Howe (Coach)

Open C2 – Saints 3 defeated Concordia 0 (25-7, 25-22, 25-11)
The girls started and finished this game with a bang, displaying great energy, smart playing and applied learning from training sessions. Best players go to Jess Wishart and Lola Diamond who served overarm throughout the game, enabling us to get many run-ons. Siena Kulinski also played very well, covering the court attentively and picking up any free balls. Overall, the girls played terrifically and are showing much improvement. – Georgia Howe (Coach)

Open D – Saints did not play

Middle B – Saints 1 defeated by Concordia 3 (16-25, 9-25, 25-20, 19-25)
This week wasn’t one of our best performances on the court, however every girl put in a lot of effort and still managed to have fun which, as a coach, I love to see from my team. Great serving from Chloe Venning secured us a win in the third set but, unfortunately, wasn’t enough to get us the win we were hoping to go home with. Despite the girls’ first loss in a while, each of them left with a smile on their face and the same positivity they arrive with every week. – Victoria Neale (Coach)

Middle C – Saints 1 defeated by Concordia 2 (25-22, 14-25, 16-25)
The team got off to a very determined start and deserved a hard-fought first set win. Once again serving continues to improve. Unfortunately the girls may have become complacent  in the second set where energy levels and movement seemed to drop. Despite the girls’ best efforts they could not maintain the pressure in the third set, but nonetheless have shown considerable improvement throughout the term. – Victoria Neale (Coach)


Open A – Saints 9 defeated St Ignatius 5
A fantastic start saw Saints jump to a 3-0 early lead against the previously undefeated St Ignatius. The pressure in defence was fantastic with many turnovers setting up chances. Players supported one another and kept possession of the ball to deny the opponent and maintained pressure throughout the game. The team all contributed to an incredible performance, particularly from Saskia Jonats in goal and Nicolette Miller. – Erin Barrera (Captain)

Open B – Saints 4 defeated by Seymour 5
The B team started well and set up an early lead but, unfortunately, Seymour used their strength to get back even late in the game. The girls fought their hardest against a much older and more physical team and were very unlucky with a number of misses and good saves from the opposing goalie. It was a great game from all girls and they should all be congratulated for an outstanding term, especially Lara Wakeham. – Erin Barrera (Captain)

Open C – Saints 10 defeated Scared Heart 3
The C team won their final against Sacred Heart, ending the season undefeated with a great effort from all players, particularly Stephanie Smalls and Kellie Bested. – Erin Barrera (Captain)

Year 7/8A – Saints 7 defeated by Mercedes 17
Despite the loss the score line doesn’t show just how close and hard fought that the game was. At times the match was very physical with a couple of our players sustaining injuries, including Charlotte Adams who was hit in the face but, to her credit, after a little time to recover she then got back into the water. Lucy Benn and Adele Eaton were both kicked under the water, which can unfortunately happen in Water Polo and both girls showed great determination to continue with Lucy playing a great game. The girls have learned many rules this term and hopefully the experience will work in their favour into the future. – Gemma Rowe (Coach)

Year 7/8B – Saints did not play

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