Introducing Our Next Principal
On behalf of the Board of Governors, it is my great honour to announce the appointment of our next Principal of St Peter’s Girls’ School: Ms Cherylyn Skewes.
Cherylyn has a wealth of educational and leadership experience from ELC to Senior School in both Adelaide and Melbourne. She holds a Master of Education (Curriculum and Administration Studies) and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. With core teaching expertise in Years 7 – 12 English and German, Cherylyn’s career journey boasts breadth and depth. After six years as Head of Middle School in a large metropolitan State school and a regional responsibility for girls in education, she was appointed to St Peter’s College in Adelaide where her leadership roles included Head of Da Costa House and Master in Charge of Athletics.
Following four years as Head of Senior School at Annesley College, she was tasked with creating a new sustainable, educational concept for the Annesley site. In 2012, Cherylyn became founding Principal of Annesley Junior School. In a highly competitive educational environment, Cherylyn’s inspirational vision for a future-focused education that nurtures learner inquiry, student agency and authentic learning drew teachers and families to Annesley, with the reimagined school continuing to grow. A highlight was the World Class Learners’ Project led by Professor Yong Zhao that saw the pedagogical foundation laid for the Innovation Station, providing a dedicated space to create and develop STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Arts Maths) skills.
In 2017, Cherylyn was appointed Principal of Leibler Yavneh College in Melbourne, an ELC to Year 12 Jewish school of 750 students. She was able to inspire the staff with a clearly articulated vision to improve the school’s State VCE ranking from the mid 20s to 7th place in 2021. Cherylyn also led the introduction of a student wellbeing program and a range of popular STEAM subjects. She was appointed as the first non-Jewish President of the Association of Jewish Principals, and was selected to participate in the inaugural Independent Schools Victoria Principals’ Learning Academy in 2021, led by Professor Ethan Bernstein, Harvard Business School.
In 2022, Cherylyn was invited to join the School Improvement Team at Independent Schools Victoria as a Principal Consultant where she works closely with educational experts and the Principals of 25 independent schools in Melbourne, developing and executing future strategies.
Cherylyn has an abiding passion for the holistic and future-focused education of girls, and a strong belief in the important and unique role that committed school communities such as Saints Girls play in the lives of our children. She and her family are extremely excited about returning to their hometown of Adelaide, and we are equally as delighted to welcome them to the St Peter’s Girls’ community, with Cherylyn commencing her role in January.
Cherylyn says, ‘I was struck by the parallels between the Sisters’ courage in leaving England to sail to the other side of the world along with their very modern educational philosophy prioritising creativity, the joy of learning and the ability to think for oneself, with the challenges we face almost 130 years on as we prepare students for an uncertain future. These core aspirations remain: the courage to innovate, the courage to take the lead in girls’ education, and the courage to provide Saints Girls with the 21st century skills and competencies to face the challenges of the future with confidence and compassion, leading lives of purpose and fulfilment. The Sisters’ dreams live on, and I feel honoured to be joining the community and the Saints Girls’ story.’
We once again thank Julia for her immense contribution and her continued leadership as she shares an expert handover with Cherylyn in the weeks ahead. We look forward to introducing Cherylyn to our wonderful community and can’t wait to see the legacy she will create as she leads the next chapter in our School’s remarkable history.
Jeremy Schultz
Chair, Board of Governors
Sports Day – Full Results
Last Friday, our Year 4 to 12 girls travelled to the state-of-the-art Bridgestone Athletics Centre for our annual Sports Day. Despite what started as a wet, windy day, the students brought their energy and positive attitudes, participating in their events and representing their Houses with pride.
Upon hearing Kilburn announced as winners of both the Middle and Senior School Shields in addition to the Spirit Cup, the students wondered if a clean sweep was possible. However, a huge win in the Junior School Shield gave Selwyn the points they needed to take home the overall Page Shield, making this a clean sweep for Selwyn of Cross Country, Swimming and Athletics Shields in 2022.
Page Shield
1st Selwyn (4152), 2nd Kilburn (3805), 3rd Kennion (3577), 4th Patteson (2838)
Junior Shield
1st Selwyn (1478), 2nd Kennion (1241), 3rd Kilburn (1097), 4th Patteson (992)
Middle Shield
1st Kilburn (1485), 2nd Selwyn (1458), 3rd Kennion (1114), 4th Patteson (949)
Senior Shield
1st Kilburn (1223), 2nd Kennion (1222), 3rd Selwyn (1216), 4th Patteson (897)
Spirit Cup
Aggregate Cups
Year 4: Gold – Milli Richardson (100), Silver – Violet Tulloch (91), Bronze – Olivia Ianniello (90)
Year 5: Gold – Bonnie Qu (96), Silver – Emily Robinson (94), Bronze – Matilda Purvis (83)
Year 6: Gold – Lauren Disney (108), Silver – Lucille Trengove (94), Bronze – Jess Woods (90)
Year 7: Gold – Isla Fahey (101) / Gold – Phoebe Lucas (101), Bronze – Aleesha Gray (88) / Bronze – Isabella H (88)
Year 8: Gold – Elodie de Wit (96) /Gold – Chloe Richardson (96), Bronze – Abigail Hawkes (71)
Year 9: Gold – Charlotte McAuliffe (120), Silver – Carys Kinsella-White (96), Bronze – Phoebe Russell (69)
Year 10: Gold – Amelia Lucas (98), Silver – Sophie Ricciuto (89), Bronze – Alice Braithwaite (84)
Year 11: Gold – Chloe Porter (98), Silver – Adelaide Murphy (86), Bronze – Willow Stewart-Rattray (82)
Year 12: Gold – Alexia Politis (96), Silver – Adele Eaton (68), Silver – Chase Hocking (68)
Year 4 Discus – Violet Tulloch (SEL) 16m 50cm
Year 6 100m – Lauren Disney (KEN) 13s 41ms
Year 6 200m – Lauren Disney (KEN) 27s 93ms
Year 7 800m – Isla Fahey (SEL) 2m 24s 30ms
Year 7 Long Jump – Phoebe Lucas (KIL) 4m 45cm
Year 9 100m – Charlotte McAuliffe (SEL) 12s 28ms
Year 9 200m – Charlotte McAuliffe (SEL) 24s 51ms
Year 9 400m – Charlotte McAuliffe (SEL) 0m 56s 91ms
Year 9 Shot Put – Charlotte McAuliffe (SEL) 11m 20cm
Champion Athlete
Junior School: Lauren Disney
Middle School: Charlotte McAuliffe
Senior School: Chloe Porter / Amelia Lucas
Field Champion
Junior Field Athlete: Violet Tulloch
Middle Field Athlete: Phoebe Lucas
Senior Field Athlete: Chloe Porter
Track Champion
Junior Track Athlete: Lauren Disney
Middle Track Athlete: Elodie de Wit
Senior Track Athlete: Alexia Politis
St Peter’s Gift Winner:
Bonnie Qu
From Our Deputy Principal /
Head of Senior School
It’s hard to believe another week has come to an end and there are only two more weeks of school left for Term 3. You could be forgiven for thinking the remaining weeks would be slowing down after a busy term, however the School is still abuzz with events, exams, camps and learning opportunities.
Throughout the term during #EMPOWHER lessons, our girls have investigated themes such as gratitude, leadership, mental fitness, managing anxiety and reducing procrastination. They have then been presented with a multitude of opportunities to test their new knowledge and skills.
Our Year 8 and 9 students have been studying and revising diligently in the lead up to their exams this week. They have learnt how they best study, what stops or distracts them, what they do to procrastinate and ways to avoid or reduce this. The lessons learnt in #EMPOWHER, while useful now as they undertake exams, will stay with them across their schooling journey and will be of immense benefit in their future years.
Another #EMPOWHER topic developed in the classroom and then demonstrated in our wider community has been gratitude. One such example this week was the Year 12 Food and Hospitality class. The students were tasked with planning for and putting on a cocktail evening for their families. When planning, the class reached out to discuss the possibility of also inviting their Home Group Teachers. While increasing their workload, the students still wanted to invite the additional staff as a way of thanking them. The evening was a great success and everyone enjoyed the experience.
Gratitude, along with leadership, was also evident throughout the 2023 Prefect application process. Over 40 Year 11 students put their hands up to lead our School community next year. What struck me as I read through the applications or listened during interviews was the gratitude each student demonstrated for their School, their teachers, peers, and experiences. We will be in very safe hands moving into 2023.
As we prepare for the final two weeks of school, we look forward to camps, Girls in Tech, IB trial exams, Assemblies, Arts performances and excursions. Of course, there will also be tests, assignments and revision, especially for the senior students. We approach these final two weeks confident that our girls are well equipped with the skills and knowledge to undertake all that is asked of them and to flourish while doing so.
Lauren Sutton
Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School
Year 12 Chefs Cook up a Storm
On Wednesday evening, our Year 12 Food and Hospitality class held a contemporary cocktail dinner for parents and staff for our final summative group task. We collaborated as a class, selecting and trialling many canapé options that would be suitable for the night.
A total of 12 canapés were chosen, showcasing contemporary Australian cuisine. The delicious selection included truffle and mushroom arancini, pork dumplings, chargrilled lamb cutlets with chimichurri, and vanilla panna cotta served with raspberry jelly.
The food we presented was a combination of all we have learnt over the past year, displaying our progress throughout the subject. The night was deemed a great success, with fantastic feedback and positive compliments from our guests. As a class, we were very proud of our efforts and hard work, leading up to and on the night.
We also want to thank Saints’ staff and our parents for coming along and supporting us on our culinary journey.
Dayna Petruzzella
Year 12 student
Aerobics Stars Crowned National Champions
Congratulations to our Aerobics teams who were among only 3 schools to represent South Australian in the FISAF Australia National Championships in Brisbane last weekend. We are ecstatic to share that Freaky Friday placed 1st in the Year 7 – 12 Pre-Choreographed (Advanced) division. The girls worked through many challenges during the year, and the team that participated in this prestigious contest was the effort of a merger between Freaky Friday and The Stars. Their high-energy performance put Saints Girls on the National podium for the first time in over a decade.
We had amazing results with Tinkerbells as well, who came 6th in the Year 7 – 9 Pre-Choreographed (Novice) division, demonstrating high levels of flexibility and strength. They received several compliments from judges, coaches and spectators for their stage presence and presentation. All team members worked incredibly hard throughout the 2022 season.
Going to the FISAF National Championships during my last year as Captain of the Aerobics program was something I never thought possible. Throughout my time, we have faced many challenges including the possible discontinuation of the program. But I knew the determination of the small group of 15 girls in 2020 would show the Aerobics program was one to be reckoned with. Fast forward to 2022, and we had more than 40 girls initially enrolled and were thrilled to compete at a National level.
I am so proud of the girls and their sportsmanship between each other and towards other teams. Every girl in our Aerobics program is very talented in what they do, demonstrating high levels of flexibility and strength every training and competition.
Maddi Harmer
Aerobics Captain
Saints Girls Speak Out at State Finals
Communicating clearly and effectively is a skill for life; it sets you up for job interviews, presentations, and provides confidence meeting and talking with new people. Public speaking develops your ability to construct a powerful, coherent argument and challenges you to think on your feet.
So far this year, supported by Ms Smith, the Public Speaking students have competed in the Rostrum Voice of Youth, Plain English Speaking Award (PESA), Legacy Junior Public Speaking Award and UN Youth’s Evatt Competition. The girls have had a very successful year making every State Final!
I had the privilege to proceed to the State Final of Rostrum and compete alongside Chomilka Hattotuwa (3rd place) in the PESA State Final. Alison Francis advanced to the State Final of the Legacy competition, and most recently, two teams consisting of Year 10s Alysa Trinh, Misha Yagnik, Emily McCorley and myself advanced to the State Final of the Evatt Model UN competition.
My participation in Public Speaking has improved considerably and my communication abilities have helped me gain confidence and allowed me to make social connections with like-minded people.
Ms Smith says, ‘I am so proud of every girl who has entered a Public Speaking competition. This form of speaking was a new experience for some, and they courageously stepped outside their comfort zone. They were compassionate, supporting each other, offering advice, tips and a helpful critical ear. They also demonstrated great creativity in crafting diverse speeches with emotion, insight and humour.’
Chloe Richardson, who competed in Rostrum, says, ‘This year, I have really enjoyed learning the many skills involved in Public Speaking and getting to know lots of new people in different year levels. The experience has helped my confidence when speaking to an audience and has taught me how to write an engaging speech.’
Alison Francis also recommends the experience: ‘The Legacy Public Speaking competition was an excellent opportunity for me to improve my confidence and overall ability to speak in front of an audience. It was a very welcoming and friendly environment where I got to know students from other schools across the State. All of their speeches were fabulous, and they were very valuable to listen to and use as inspiration for the future. I am looking forward to competing again next year!’
I highly recommend Public Speaking for all students in Years 7 – 12. It is a useful skill to have and provides you with the opportunity to explore and speak about world issues that interest you. The Un Voice Competition is coming soon for students in Years 7 – 10 (SA | UN Youth Australia). Please contact Ms Smith if you are interested.
2022 Public Speaking students: Ashani Amarathunga, Elodie de Wit, Alison Francis, Chloe Richardson, Jiahui Zhang, Heidi Zhao, Emily McCorley, Neya Titus, Alysa Trinh, Misha Yagnik, Jessica Zhang, Chomilka Hattotuwa
Jessica Zhang
Year 10 student
Numeracy Learning Mushrooms in ELC
In our ELC, we incorporate numeracy into our everyday through vibrant experiences such as map-making using directional language and storytelling.
Watch the rich learning involved as our children plot the locations of fungi found in neighbouring Ferguson Park, and use mathematical thinking to sort and classify the different types of fungi.
Junior School Vacation Care – Book Now
Our next awesome instalment of Junior School Vacation Care is almost here. We have some great activities guaranteed to keep the children entertained through the break. With an array of excursions and on-site adventures, there is plenty of fun to be had.
October 2022 Vacation Care Program
Places are limited, so secure your booking now – click here
Bookings close at 2pm next Friday 23 September. Each individual booking made after then will incur a late booking fee of $5.
Year 5 Production: Set Sail for Our Must-Sea Show!
Our wonderful Year 5 Production is fast approaching. The girls have been preparing to take the audience on this adventure for the past two terms, and are excited to thrill you with singing, dancing and joyful merriment in this wonderful Gilbert and Sullivan operetta.
You can be assured of a fun time as we celebrate beautiful maidens, bumbling policemen and not-so menacing pirates! Please come along and support the Year 5 students!
The performances will be held on Thursday 29 and Friday 30 September at 1.15pm and 7pm.
Tickets now available via TryBooking – click here
Shelley Hampton
Year 5 Teacher
SHANE DAVIDSON PRESENTS is holding auditions for THE WIZARD OF OZ The Musical. Ages 8+.
Join Dorothy, the brainless Scarecrow, the heartless Tinman and the cowardly Lion as they sing and dance their way down the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City to meet the Wizard of Oz.
Auditions: Saturday 17 September 2022 (Drama Room, St Peter’s Girls’ School)
Season: 19 and 20 November 2022 (Holden Street Theatre)
For further information, please email shanedavidson@internode.on.net
Pelican Productions Music Theatre Camp
Each year in January, many of our Music girls head off to Pelican Productions to participate in the annual Music Theatre Day Camp. This is a wonderful experience for students who have a passion for music theatre and a chance to connect and make friendships with others.
Students perform a series of songs from various musicals with full staging, lighting and costumes, culminating in performances at Michael Murray Centre for Performing Arts, Westminster School.
Students have the option of participating in the Spotlight program which runs over six days (Monday 9 January – Saturday 14 January) or the full Music Theatre Camp over two weeks (Monday 9 January with performances on 20, 21 and 22 January).
For more information – click here
Sari Noble
Music Teacher
Out of the Blue Arts Journal – Enter Now
To celebrate the many talented individuals within our School community, the annual Out of the Blue Arts Journal is back on for 2022!
We are inviting all students from ELC – Year 12, Old Scholars and staff to submit their artistic creations for this year’s journal. These submissions can be made individually or collaboratively. The journal features a wide variety of art including photographs, drawings, paintings, poetry, cakes, dances, song lyrics and tapestry. If you think of anything else, feel free to email us.
For any media items such as music or dance, a still graphic of the work with a relevant QR code will be used. Any music or media must be owned by the artist or should use royalty-free music. In order to represent our whole community, your submissions can also be in any language (provided it is submitted alongside an English translation).
Our journal was a huge success last year, featuring over 175 submissions and selling over 180 copies. A celebration launch will be held in the School Chapel on Thursday 3 November.
The closing date for all entries is Friday 7 October (the first week of the school holidays). We are thankful for all entries, but due to the number of submissions that we receive, only our successful applicants will be notified. Your submissions can either be emailed to the Out of the Blue email or placed in the Out of the Blue boxes in classrooms (for Junior School students) or in the Library (for Middle and Senior School students).
The Out of the Blue Arts Journal Committee is looking forward to seeing all of your amazing pieces and celebrating the artists in our community!
Nathara Perera
Arts Journal Student Committee
Old Scholar Musical in Stonyfell Spotlight
Earlier this year, Old Scholar Erin McKellar (Patteson 2013) premiered her very own musical, A Box of Memories at the Adelaide Fringe. The award-winning show is now returning under the direction of international director Narelle Yeo, presented at St Peter’s Girls’ School Arts Centre.
Co-written with her father Duncan and with music composed entirely by Erin, this intimate show features an all-Adelaide line up that presents perspectives on what it means to live with dementia, from diagnosis through to the end-of-life. During a series of vignettes, it follows the story of Lizzy, a woman in her 70s, experiencing changes in memory and at the beginning of a life-impacting diagnostic experience.
The Friends of The Arts will be supporting the event selling refreshments.
Venue: St Peter’s Girls’ School Arts Centre
Dates: Sunday 18 September 7.30pm
Tickets: $45 via TryBooking – click here
Family Day Fun – Save the Date
Join us on Sunday 23 October for the Saints Girls’ Family Day!
From 11am to 2pm, Chiverton Lawns will host a fun-filled afternoon with food trucks, a coffee van and other refreshments. Bring the family, a picnic rug, and catch up with old friends and new.
Save the date in your calendar now and keep an eye out in future editions of eNews for more details.
Road Safety Alert
The School has received reports of concerning driver behaviour on Hallett Road. This includes holding up traffic while waiting for cars to leave in order to park near the ELC, performing risky u-turns and parking in bus zones.
As our staff have no jurisdiction over public roads, the School will be asking the police to conduct regular patrols at peak times.
We implore all of our community members to support road safety and show courtesy to others.
Car Park Protocols
It is important to remind families about our car park protocols, particularly during drop off and pick up.
If the car park is full and you are unable to enter, circle the block until it is clear to enter, find a park elsewhere or, where age-appropriate, meet your daughter in a surrounding street.
Please note that, unless special circumstances apply, parents of girls in Years 2 to 12 should not enter the car park to collect their daughters prior to 3.30pm. Parents of girls in Reception and Year 1 have exclusive use of the pick-up zone prior to this time for safety and traffic reasons.
Please also refrain from turning right into or out of the car park at peak times, and please do not queue in the car park’s lanes as this often prevents drivers who are legally parked from exiting.
We have also previously received complaints about cars being parked too close to or in front of driveways, or across from other vehicles in surrounding streets, making it extremely difficult for residents and other road users to navigate.
We ask all community members to please show consideration for others. Thank you for your cooperation.
School Shop Notices
School Shop Opening Hours
Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm (closed for lunch 12 – 12.30pm)
Parents can also order items via our Online School Shop
Summer Uniform Appointments
A reminder that we are commencing Summer Uniform Fittings, and to streamline the process, we have introduced an online booking system. It shows our available time slots from August through to October. Middle and Senior School students are welcome to visit during their recess or lunch breaks.
Click here to access the calendar and select the time that best suits you (please include your daughter’s name).
Appointment times are filling fast, so your prompt attention is appreciated.
During the school holidays, the School Shop will be open on Friday 14 October from 9am to 4pm.
COVID-19 Information
Under SA Health protocols, asymptomatic children who are close contacts can attend school or ELC, provided they undertake 5 Rapid Antigen Tests over 7 days and receive negative results.
Please also be reminded of these general requirements:
Should your child develop any symptoms, even mild ones, they must not attend school or ELC and should be tested for COVID-19. Those with symptoms who test negative using a RAT must undertake a PCR test to confirm that result. Students who have previously tested positive and have completed isolation in the past 28 days do not need to undertake testing.
If your child tests positive to COVID-19, notify us immediately. Please also advise the type of test (RAT/PCR), the date your child’s test was taken and the date symptoms started (if no symptoms, note ‘asymptomatic’).
Please notify us via email or text:
Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au
Text: 0428 601 957 (save to phone contacts as SPGS)
If you need to notify us over the phone, call the Front Office on 8334 2200.
If your child is too sick to attend school, they are therefore also too sick to be working remotely from home.
Please also note that SA Health strongly recommends face masks in schools when indoors for students across Years 3 to 12. The same advice applies for all adults, including visitors, except if it impedes the ability to teach or interact with children.
General Absences from School
If your child will not be attending school/ELC due to illness or otherwise, please notify the School via one of the following methods and include the name of the ELC Room, Class or Home Group.
If emailing, feel free to ‘CC’ the teacher of the Room/Class/Home Group as well.
Please also provide a reason for the absence as the School requires this for government reporting purposes.
Text: 0428 601 957
Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au
Phone: 8334 2200
It would be appreciated if notifications could be made prior to 9am.
Sports News

On Saturday 24 September, we will host the Georgia Beaton Cup. Georgia (Kennion 2007) is an Old Scholar and the only Netball player on our Sports honour board, representing Australia in U17 to U21 teams from 2005 to 2011.
The Georgia Beaton Cup is a special Netball match played between our Open A team and a team of Old Scholars; however, this year we will also use this day as a Netball break-up event and include the presentation of all Coaches Awards for Middle and Senior teams.
We are thankful to the Saints Sport Support Group who will be cooking up a storm on the BBQ. The menu will be:
• Sausage and bread (with or without onion) – $3
• Bacon sandwich (with or without onion) – $4
• Soft drink – $3
• Water and fruit boxes – $2
The Georgia Beaton Cup will start at 9am. We look forward to seeing our Saints’ community in force for this fantastic spectacle.
Week 8 has seen our staff limber up to take on students in a range of sports to compete for the inaugural Staff v Student Cup. This trophy has been established by the Sport Captains of 2022 to formalise Staff v Student games and to set the legacy of a weeklong Staff v Student competition.
To lift the trophy requires 3 wins from 5, with the 5 sports competed in this year being Touch Football, Netball, Soccer, Volleyball and Basketball.
Touch Football was first up, with the students starting strong and taking a 2 – 0 lead. However, Miss Brennan and Mr Searle started to dominate the ball in the middle and a try by Mr Millward midway through the second half saw the staff pull the game back to 4-a-piece. Unfortunately, whilst the staff’s confidence started to grow, fitness started to dip, and the students hit hard with 4 late trys to finish 8 – 4 winners.
Second up was Netball, and again, the staff fought valiantly against a strong student team. Ms Shea moved the ball well through the middle, feeding debutant Ms Sutton who was consistent with her shooting. This took the staff within 1 point, until the students started to click and accurate shooting from Annie Warrick pulled them out of sight finishing 21 – 15.
Unfortunately, rain postponed the Soccer on Wednesday, which the staff are confident of winning in a rearranged fixture in Week 10.
Yesterday was Volleyball and the students had one hand on the cup, unaware that the staff had assembled a strong team including Mr Keough, a Saints’ parent and one of our coaches. Despite a close game, the students managed to sneak a 2-set win and claimed the trophy with 3 wins from 3.
In the fourth game of the week, Lacrosse was cancelled due to weather with Basketball taking its place. An experienced staff team took out their first game of the week, with key players Mr Matt ‘Kevin’ Durant, Miss Perkas and Mr Coulter leading the way. The staff were quick in attack, moving the ball seamlessly and creating chance after chance. Despite a resilient showing from the students with Wei Ning Khoo showing some fancy skills, the staff held out for a 57 – 13 victory.
We look forward to Soccer in Week 10, with the staff hoping to claim back some respect.
Congratulations to the students, and thank you to all who have been at games watching and cheering us on. The staff have a plan to start pre-season training earlier in 2023!