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Enews – Week 8, Term 3 2017

Issue no. 28
Enews-banner W8 2018 Prefects

Introducing our Prefects for 2018

St Peter’s Girls’ School is delighted to announce our Prefects for 2018.

They are energetic and dedicated students who uphold our values of courage, compassion and creativity. We are looking forward to watching them grow as leaders who motivate and guide our girls.

They can’t wait to begin their roles and already have a variety of initiatives planned.

Antonia Kirsten-Parsch Head Prefect
Olivia Compare Deputy Head Prefect
Lucy Cox SRC Prefect
Erica Reid International Prefect
Emma Bleby Debating and Public Speaking Prefect
Charlene Lee Music Prefect
Sophie Auricht Selwyn House Captain
Dominique Rigby Community Service Prefect
Alexandra Reade Kennion House Captain
Catherine Neale Chapel Prefect
Ava Loechel Kilburn House Captain
Bethany Cross Patteson House Captain
Holly Cunningham Sports Prefect

Congratulations to our Deputy House Captains for 2018:

Charlotte Kelly Selwyn Deputy House Captain
Jessie Rundle Kennion Deputy House Captain
India Deere Kilburn Deputy House Captain
Amy Steele Patteson Deputy House Captain

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‘Yeah the Girls’ on a Roll

W8 Yeah the Girls

This week in our #yeahthegirls shout outs, we acknowledge the Open A Netball team, the Senior Debating team and the Sports Day record breakers.

A big congratulations to the Open A netballers who played in the inaugural Senior Students vs Old Scholars match on Saturday 26 August. The students won the game 36-23, taking home the Georgia Beaton Cup and ending their school netball era on a high note.

Last week, the Senior Debating team won their quarter final! A special mention to Debating Captain Sophie-Louise Shearwood, who was awarded speaker of the night. An amazing effort girls and we wish you all the best in the final rounds!

And, last Friday, a number of girls broke records in track and field events during Sports Day at the SA Athletics Stadium:

Junior and Middle School
> Molly Dwyer (Year 5) – 100, 200, 400, 800 and 1500m
> Amelia Lucas (Year 5) – high jump
> Sophie Barr (Year 8) – discus and shot put
> Portia Maerschel (Year 8) – 200m and long jump
> Keeley Fahey (Year 8) – high jump
> Ella Byrne (Year 9) 100m

Senior School
> Rose Pittman (Year 10) – 400m
> Milly Wood (Year 10) – high jump
> Charlotte White (Year 10) – discus
> Jasmine Ledgard (Year 12) – javelin, shot put and discus
> Rachael Disney (Year 12) 100m

Congratulations to all girls on these superb achievements.

Yeah the Girls!

Emma Mockridge                   Sarah Richards
Selwyn House Captain        Community Service Captain

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From the Acting Director of Teaching and Learning


Parsons, BrianAs educators, we have a responsibility to help our girls develop the knowledge, understanding and skills that will be needed in the next phases of their lives. In addition, we must also develop their ability to think and act in an entrepreneurial way. Much of their success will come from imagining, creating and pursuing opportunities and by showing dedication, persistence and resilience in order to realise their goals. The success of the development of entrepreneurial thinking at St Peter’s Girls can be seen on the School grounds and in South Australian and national competitions.

Many of you will have taken advantage of Saints Café, a program initiated by Year 10 girls and Ms Sarah Casson, our Futures leader, in 2016. This venture has two important outcomes: fostering the business awareness and creativity of the students, and helping build connections between members of our School community.

In the last edition of Enews, you will have read about the success of our teams in the 2017 ‘Search for the Next Tech Girl Superhero’ challenge. Our Year 9 girls competed in this competition for the first time this year, under the leadership of Mrs Monique Green, Digital Technologies Teacher. In this competition, students needed to create an app, develop a business plan and market their product using a video pitch. All three South Australian finalist teams were from St Peter’s Girls. The students in ‘Fünf Team’ devised a mobile app that connects retirees with volunteering jobs. They not only won the South Australian competition but were also crowned national winners in the secondary schools’ division.

Eleven of our Year 10 students are currently competing in the eChallenge, a competition presented by the Entrepreneurship, Commercialisation and Innovation Centre at the University of Adelaide. It is a 12-week program delivered at the university and supported by planning meetings at school, facilitated by Mr Gabriele Trobbiani, Business and Enterprise Teacher. The program guides teams through the process of conceiving an idea, gaining feedback and ultimately attempting to get a product to prototype stage. As a part of this process, teams test their ideas in the market, creating summary reports of their progress, and ultimately present their ideas in a pitching session to a panel of industry experts who assess the overall commercial viability of their concept. Our current eChallenge teams aspire to recreate the success of last year’s teams. In 2016, our first year in the competition, the St Peter’s Girls’ teams finished first and second in the schools’ division.

Last week, the girls in the Year 10 GEMS (Girls in Engineering, Mathematics and Science) course competed in the State finals of the Subs in Schools challenge, conducted by the Re-Engineering Australia Foundation (REA). Students built a product: a remote-control submarine, ROV (remotely operated underwater vehicle) or a virtual reality walkthrough of an interior space in a submarine. They produced a portfolio of their work, gained sponsorship, marketed their product and brand through a trade display and verbal presentation, and explained the engineering involved in their product.

The SUBS in Schools program also develops the entrepreneurial skills and attitudes of the girls. For example, they became more self-reliant, proactive and innovative and their perseverance increased throughout the project. One perspective on Entrepreneurial Education examines the impact of the emotional demands of activities on students’ development of entrepreneurial attitudes. The challenge of having to develop and market a product, for which they relied on interaction with the ‘outside world’, placed several demands on the students’ emotions. At times, the success gained as a result of the mentoring provided by the SAAB Australia engineers led to happiness and the motivation to continue exploring. At other times, the need to understand the complex concepts and skills required in these mentoring sessions led to feelings of frustration. Likewise, the girls needed to obtain sponsorship (often in the form of products or services) from external organisations and businesses to be able to build their watercraft and prepare for their presentations. Some of their attempts to obtain sponsorship were more successful than others, and the girls learnt a lot about resilience. The positive outcomes of this experience were an increased tolerance of uncertainty, willingness to take risks and perseverance to overcome difficulties. The positive reinforcement that they received from external sources through SAAB Australia and their competition success has enabled them to develop the understanding that they can succeed in this type of challenge, that they want to continue to be involved in this kind of activity and that being entrepreneurial is now part of their identity. The benefits to the students of participation in this program stretch from increased awareness of the opportunities provided by engineering to highly developed entrepreneurial skills and attitudes. They will carry these skills and attitudes with them in their future pursuits.

Brian Parsons
Acting Director of Teaching and Learning, and GEMS teacher

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Wave of Success for SUBS Girls

W8 SUBS in Schools

Last week, Team SALACIA competed in the SUBS in Schools Technology Challenge. Our task was to build a fully- functional, remote-controlled submarine, as well as marketing a brand, creating a portfolio and trade display, and seeking sponsorship from professional companies.

The competition is purely student-run and embodies a variety of skills that cannot be taught within a classroom. The first day of judging was the sea trial. The submarine had to manoeuvre through a course set up in a pool with the ability to dive, surface and turn efficiently. The second day of judging was at the Royal Adelaide Show. Our team was set up at our trade display and, throughout the day, had judging for different categories: verbal presentation, an eight minute presentation outlining our journey and learning outcomes; marketing, judging our trade display and overall marketing of our brand; engineering CAD, the 3D printed parts; engineering manufacturing, the overall building of the submarine.

We came home in first place and have now been invited to compete at the National Finals in Perth in late November. The competition was a great learning experience and has opened up opportunities down the STEM pathway. We thoroughly enjoyed this project and look forward to representing Saints Girls interstate.

Amy Carrodus
Year 10 student

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Sky is no Limit for Saints Girl


Year 11 student Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith has been selected to attend the 2018 HASSE Senior Space School International Study Program. We asked her to tell us a little about what this incredible experience will involve.

“Girls from South Australia will travel to NASA in Houston, Texas USA – a first for this program. HASSE is dedicated to the innovation and promotion of science and space exploration. HASSE provides a forward-looking, unique and experiential-based study program which complements conventional school education and strengthens critical development skills for students.

This immersive program homes in on individual leadership, project management, resource allocation, crisis management and teamwork. I have the opportunity to work directly with NASA astronauts, engineers and scientists across technologically-advanced sites such as Johnson Space Center, Challenger Learning Center and Rice University. Throughout the expedition I will develop teamwork skills and embark on an entrepreneurial mindset with a $600m NASA exploration project. The challenge is to efficiently manage the budget; plan, build and launch rockets; invest in water purification and heat insulation; construct a landing module and rover, plus build a habitat to then live on Mars. At the end of the program, teams will formally present their proposals to a panel of NASA experts for judgement on viability and creativity.

Two weeks… One giant goal… Dream BIG”

Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith
Year 11 student

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Quintet Shines at Hall of Fame Concert

W8 Quintet 1For more images from the event please visit www.flickr.com/photos/petertea/albums/72157689018446955

The Adelaide Music Collective (AMC) is a group of Adelaide artists and associated professionals with national and international experience in the music industry. The South Australian Music Hall of Fame was founded by Adelaide radio legend David ‘Daisy’ Day, and aims not only to celebrate the careers of successful industry personalities, but also to bring them together, creating relationships with the upcoming youth and future of South Australian music.

On Monday 11 September, the Quintet was honoured to be involved in the memorial concert and induction of two outstanding music educators, Eric Bryce and John McKenzie, both of whom have left a lasting legacy in South Australia.

Eric and John have been my personal mentors and have had a profound influence upon my teaching career and musical skill development. For this reason, the Quintet was approached to perform together with some of the best music schools in Adelaide to pay tribute to this pair. It was with great pride that I was able to demonstrate the skills and knowledge I have learnt from these truly great educators through the Quintet at the concert. The girls performed with outstanding flair and were a joy to watch at work.

Special thanks to our dedicated Music girls: Sarah Brownridge, Tiffany Babidge, Emma Bleby, Hannah Brown and Ava Loechel.

Sari Noble
Music Teacher

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High Note at Eisteddfod

On Tuesday 5 September, I accompanied Milana Troon, Isabelle Norman, Annabelle Langley and Jade Leyden to compete in the City of Adelaide Vocal Eisteddfod Competitions.

In each of the sections entered, one of these girls won first prize. They are to be congratulated for their high standard of achievement, and the support and encouragement extended to their fellow competitors.

Wendy Hopkins
Vocal Tutor

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Adventures at Narnu Farm

W8 Year 2 and 3 Camp

On a wild and wintery morning last week, the Years 2 and 3 Saints Girls departed from school full of excitement ready for their camp at Narnu Farm. From the moment we arrived, we enjoyed sunshine and fresh farm air. We fed baby animals, held tiny chicks and learnt all about farming history including making our own butter, which tasted delicious on our freshly baked scones. For many campers, riding horses was exciting and breathtaking. As leaders, the Year 3s enjoyed helping others in their groups and confidently tackled all challenges.

Their ability to take risks, try new things and share W8 Camptheir thinking served to inspire the younger girls to give things a go. Our camp is an integral aspect of our learning program and provides wonderful opportunities for the girls to develop confidence and try new physical activities with the care and guidance of familiar teachers and friends. They all arrived back at school full of stories and ready to share their beautiful memories with their families.

Kathryn Clark and Sallyann Bruun (Year 2 teachers)
Mark Routley and Deb Cope (Year 3 teachers)

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ELC Celebrates Grandparents

This week, our ELC hosted another wonderful event, with Grandparents and Special Friends’ Day.

The Centre was packed to the rafters with guests, and the children couldn’t contain their excitement! A delightful photo booth was set up to capture precious memories, books were on sale for families to donate to the ELC, and warm drinks and nibbles went down a treat.

Thank you to the Friends of the ELC and everyone else involved in staging yet another special occasion to celebrate our community.

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Vacation Care

W8 Vacation Care

Our next instalment of Vacation Care is almost here. We have two weeks of activities guaranteed to keep the children busy and active through the break. With a total of six excursions/incursions, there is plenty of fun to be had.

Some of our home-based days will include personalised bag making, planting our own flowers and our Pirate Party is a must-attend event!

Other activities include the movies at Semaphore with lunch on the foreshore, Little Legends cooking classes and Imagination Kidz Play Café.

Read the full October Vacation Care program here

In recent times, Vacation Care has booked out very quickly and places are limited, so please click here to secure your booking now!

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Year 11s Have a Blast with Rocketry

W8 Rockets

The new SACE Science course contains a new Science as Human Endeavour component, part of which requires understanding that the development of science concepts is a dynamic process involving analysis of evidence which sometimes produces unexpected outcomes.

To this end, students were to compare model rocket flight with the flight of advanced rockets. They designed and built a rocket body out of cardboard and plastic cups, then installed an engine. They then had to measure the parameters that would affect the rocket’s flight – burn time of engine, drag forces, rocket mass, thrust and so on. Measuring drag required some ingenuity; they had to construct a primitive wind tunnel using a leaf blower and electronic force sensors. Then came the Hidden Figures bit: these numbers were entered into a dynamic spreadsheet which used Newton’s Equations to determine the flight path. Particular attention was paid to estimating the maximum altitude the rocket would achieve.

On launch day, the class tracked the rocket’s flight using clinometers on their mobile phones. There was some excitement when the parachute failed to deploy on one launch, resulting in a rather more spectacular recovery of the rocket than was planned. They then compared the actual altitude reached by the rocket to their theoretical estimates. They will now go on to compare how they planned and executed their rocket flight with the way that this is done for actual rocketry. Overall it provided a fun, hands-on way of exploring the human endeavour of rocketry.

David Stuart
Senior Science Teacher

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Count Down to The Long Lunch!

W8 The Long Lunch

LAST CHANCE: Book your ticket for The Long Lunch today – only 20 still available

Join us on a Greek Odyssey at the St Peter’s Girls’ Foundation Long Lunch.

Sunday 24 September 12 noon – 5pm
St Peter’s Girls’ School grounds

Tickets are $120 and include all food, drinks and entertainment.

Book via trybooking.com/PMZS

Auction Items available for bidding NOW!

To view the incredible items on offer at The Long Lunch, click here.

Pre-bids can be made by emailing Melissa Westgate by C.O.B. Friday 22 September via mwestgate@stpetergirls.sa.edu.au
Please provide the Auction Item or LOT #, your name and your mobile number.

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Sports Day Results

W8 Sports Day results

Friday 8 September 2017
Despite the threat of bad weather, Sports Day ran extremely well, with great excitement and enthusiasm shown. It started with our Year 12s entering their final sports carnival ‘dressed to impress’, followed by the colourful House Scramble.

The overall lead changed a number of times throughout the day, but it was Selwyn who prevailed to retain the Page Shield. The future looks hotly contested, with the Sub-School shields all having different winners.

Spirit was shown across all track and field contests, novelty events and House cheers, with Kilburn taking the overall spirit points for the day.

It was great to see the many parents who also got involved, either helping at events or taking part in the House Scramble and Rowing Challenge, which this year went for two hours. Amazingly, at the end, Kilburn edged out Patteson by just 58m.

The final event of the day, the Saints Girls’ Gift, was successfully defended by Efua Yawson from Selwyn.

Page Shield
1st Selwyn (4341), 2nd Patteson (3954), 3rd Kennion (3801), 4th Kilburn (3642)

Junior Shield
1st Patteson (1209), 2nd Selwyn (1141), 3rd Kilburn (969), 4th Kennion (862)

Middle School
1st Kennion (1617), 2nd Selwyn (1454), 3rd Patteson (1183), 4th Kilburn (1333)

Senior School
1st Selwyn (1746), 2nd Patteson (1562), 3rd Kilburn (1540), 4th Kennion (1322)

Year Level Winners
Year 4: 1st Carla Massicci (KIL), 2nd Gabby Howard (SEL), 3rd Lara Maione (KIL)
Year 5: 1st Molly Dwyer (PAT), 2nd Amelia Lucas (KIL), 3rd Mathilda Thomas (PAT)
Year 6: 1st Noa Goddard (PAT), 2nd Willow Stewart-Rattray (PAT), 3rd Grace Richards (KIL)
Year 7: 1st Imogen Elliott (KIL), 2nd Mia Humphrey (SEL), 3rd Emily Baldwinson (KEN)
Year 8: 1st Portia Maerschel (KEN), 2nd Sophie Barr (KIL), 3rd Keeley Fahey (SEL)
Year 9: 1st Millie Wilkin (KIL), 2nd Funto Komolafe (SEL), 3rd Hannah Freeman (KIL)
Year 10: 1st Rose Pittman (KIL), 2nd Milly Wood (SEL), 3rd Charlotte White (KIL)
Year 11: equal 1st Thandi Murada (KIL) & Katherine Woolley (PAT), 3rd Holly Cunningham (SEL)
Year 12: equal 1st Rachael Disney (KEN), Jasmine Ledgard (KIL), 3rd Shania Morgan (PAT)

Track Athlete of the Day
Junior School: 1st Molly Dwyer (Year 5-PAT), 2nd Carla Massicci (Year 4-KIL), 3rd Noa Goddard (Year 6-PAT)
Middle School: 1st Millie Wilkin (Year 9-KIL), 2nd Porta Maerschel (Year 8-KEN), 3rd Imogen Elliott (Year 7-KIL)
Senior School: equal 1st Rachael Disney (Year 12-KEN) and Rose Pittman (Year 10-KIL), 3rd Jemimah Simpson (Year 11-KIL)

Field Athlete of the Day
Junior School: 1st Grace Richards (Year 6-KIL), equal 2nd Amelia Lucas (Year 5-KIL) and Gabby Howard (Year 4-SEL)
Middle School: 1st Anna White (Year 8-KIL), 2nd Sophie Norman (Year 7-PAT), equal 3rd Chelsea Walls (Year 9-PAT) and Charlotte Sellars (Year 9-PAT)
Senior School: 1st Jasmine Ledgard (Year 12-KIL), 2nd Katherine Woolley (Year 11-PAT), 3rd Charlotte White (Year 10-KIL)

Athlete of the Day
Junior School: 1st Molly Dwyer (Year 5-PAT), 2nd Carla Massicci (Year 4-KIL), 3rd Noa Goddard (Year 6-PAT)
Middle School: 1st Millie Wilkin (Year 9-KIL), 2nd Portia Maerschel (Year 8-KEN), 3rd Anna White (Year 8-KIL)
Senior School: equal 1st Rachael Disney (Year 12-KEN) and Jasmine Ledgard (Year 12-KIL), 3rd Rose Pittman (Year 10-KIL)

Year 5 100m – Molly Dwyer 14.43
Year 5 200m – Molly Dwyer 29.98
Year 5 400m – Molly Dwyer 1:07.23
Year 5 800m – Molly Dwyer 2:34.07
Year 5 1500m – Molly Dwyer 5:56.05
Year 5 High Jump – Amelia Lucas 1.26m
Year 8 Discus – Sophie Barr 32.93m
Year 8 Shot Put – Sophie Barr 10.44m
Year 8 200m – Portia Maerschel 27.67
Year 8 Long Jump – Portia Maerschel 4.71m
Year 8 High Jump – Keeley Fahey 1.50m
Year 9 100m – Ella Byrne 12.46
Year 10 400m – Rose Pittman 59.08
Year 10 High Jump – Milly Wood 1.48m
Year 10 Discus – Charlotte White 28.35m
Year 12 Javelin – Jasmine Ledgard 31.21m
Year 12 Shot Put – Jasmine Ledgard 10.79m
Year 12 Discus – Jasmine Ledgard 24.39m
Year 12 100m – Rachael Disney 12.46
Junior School 4 x 100m relay – Patteson 1:02.58
Year 10 4 x 100m relay – Patteson 59.51
Year 11 4 x 100m relay – Selwyn 59.81
Year 12 4 x 100m relay – Kennion 1:01.74

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Summer Uniform Check for Term 4

As the winter terms draw to an end, it’s time to get out those summer uniforms to see if they still fit and are in order. The School Shop will be open during the second week of the holidays on Thursday 12 and Friday 13 October from 9am – 4pm.

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New Ticket Release for ‘Disney The Lion King JR.’

W5 Disney The Lion King JR.

Ticket sales for the Year 5 production of ‘Disney The Lion King JR.’ are now open to the public for the matinee on Friday 29 September at 1.30pm.

This is in addition to the evening performances on 28 and 29 September which are still on sale.

Ticket prices:
Adult $15
Student/concession $10
Family (2 adults/2 children) $35

Book now via www.trybooking.com/RGWU!

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‘You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown’ starring Saints Girls!

W8 Charlie Brown 1

Everyone loves the Peanuts gang and now all of your favourite characters – Charlie Brown, Lucy, Sally, Linus, Snoopy and their friends – come alive in this fun-filled musical produced by SHANE DAVIDSON PRESENTS. We follow the gang as they prepare for assembly, celebrate Valentine’s Day, lose another baseball game and eventually all end up friends and even making Charlie Brown feel good about himself.

Lead roles by Saints Girls are Isabel Burmester as Lucy, Stella Rasheed as Sally, Ruby Richards as Snoopy, all being ably supported by a vibrant cast consisting of Jenna Maione, Stephanie Andrejewskis, Chloe Porter, Pearl Richards, Grace Richards, Aamya Salaria, Georgia Evans, Ruby Kirwan, Maddie Harrex and Madison Liddy.

Performances are this weekend – Saturday 16 September at 7pm and Sunday 17 September at 4pm.

Adults $15
Concession $10

Tickets are available for sale at the box office in The Arts Centre 30 minutes prior to the performance.

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Code Camp at St Peter’s Girls’ School

W4 Code Camp

St Peter’s Girls is now hosting Code Camp Spark AND Code Camp Ignite!

St Peter’s Girls’ School will be hosting Code Camp Spark and Code Camp Ignite for students in Years 2 – 6. Code Camp runs 4 – 6 October from 9am – 3.30pm. Cost for Code Camp Spark or Code Camp Ignite is $350 for three days.

Code Camp Information Flyer
Visit the Code Camp website for more information
Visit the St Peter’s Girls’ School booking page

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Golden Ticket Lottery – would you like to win $15,000 off your School fees?

Golden Ticket Enews Image

Visit www.trybooking.com/PMZS to purchase your ticket in the Golden Ticket Lottery!

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Tech Fun for the Whole Family

W8 Hybrid World Adelaide

Hybrid World Adelaide is thrilled to unleash a public program chockablock with free and ticketed events for all age groups, interests and levels of tech skill!
Head to the Tonsley Innovation District with the whole family from Thursday 5 October through Sunday 8 October, to play and interact with dozens of technology-themed activities.

Learn with the pros at workshops to hone your skills in coding, robotics and critical thinking. Step into another person’s world via an immersive audio-visual portal, chase a zombie, fly a drone, settle in at the Main Stage for talks, Q&A panels, music and live podcasts, or head to the gaming stations in a LAN with the game greats: League of Legends and Minecraft. Entry is free but some workshops require you to purchase a ticket.

Find out more by clicking here.

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Sports News

W8 Sports
All students are once again reminded to check notice boards for team selections and other relevant information pertaining to their sport. If you have news items or sporting success stories, please email them to nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.


Wednesday 6 September
Year 6 Blue – Saints 34 defeated Wilderness White 6
This week we only had six players instead of the usual nine. Zoe Pool then experienced a hefty hip and shoulder that saw her on the sidelines and we were down to five, who worked very hard. Our shooting was much improved, with Sophie Dansie and Matilda Thomas both scoring 12 points, closely followed by Helen Zhang with 8. Matilda showed great anticipation, intercepting at least half of the opposition’s passes. Helen displayed great form, executing some good fast breaks and lay-ups. Emma Pool is swiftly becoming our best long distance shooter, scoring close to the 3-point line. Well done to Georgia Parsons who defended well and set up some great scoring opportunities for others. – Sharon Leach (Coach)

Year 6 White – Saints 15 defeated Wilderness Blue 7
The Year 6 White basketball team had another great win, beating Wilderness. The girls worked hard in defence and rebounded well, particularly against the height of the other team. They created plenty of turnovers and scoring opportunities. – Sarah Matheson (Student Coach)

Year 5 – Saints 27 defeated Pembroke Green 14
Yet another great display of teamwork from the girls against Pembroke Green this week. They improved their defending throughout the game to ensure the opposition wasn’t able to score within the second half. A special mention to Sienna Huxtable for scoring 9 points this week. – Josephine Dal Pra (Coach)


Saturday 9 September
Congratulations to the A and B teams who won their finals matches on Saturday. The B team defeated Woodcroft 6-0 and won the shield for the sixth time in a row. Well done to Laura Sivewright, Lola Dimond, Amy Li and Charlene Lee. The A team defeated Pembroke 3-3 in a close match to finish fifth overall. Congratulations to Emily Murdock, Cate Neale, Nancy Huang and Erica Reid.

A special thanks to Emily Murdock (Year 12) for being an outstanding captain this year and also to Nancy Huang (Year 12), who both finish their time at Saints. Another successful season and I look forward to 2018. – Sonya Risbey


Saturday 9 September
Under 15 – Saints 8 defeated by Brighton 11
Second-placed St Peter’s took on undefeated Brighton in the U/15 girls lacrosse semi-final at Brighton on Saturday, in what was always going to be a big challenge. Brighton started quickly, scoring unanswered goals and our girls looked sluggish, with many showing the effects of a demanding Sports Day on the previous day and taking some time to get going. Brighton held a commanding 8–3 lead at half-time. In the second half, the girls tightened up in defence and started to create more scoring options up forward to outscore Brighton 5–3, giving them a big scare before eventually going down 8–11, which is the narrowest margin between the two teams this year. This gives us much hope and confidence if we can get past Wilderness this Saturday in the Preliminary Final at 10.45am at Norwood Oval. St Peter’s has had the better of Wilderness in the two encounters this year, but anything can happen in finals and we need to play our best lacrosse to win and have another opportunity against Brighton. – Tim Dickson (Coach)


Wednesday 13 September
Open Knockout

The team travelled to Unley High to play in the State Open Volleyball B Division finals. Facing Brighton Secondary College in the opening round, Saints started well, claiming the first set. Brighton fought back to take the second, sending the game into a deciding third set. Some great blocks by Charlotte White and good court coverage by Emily Murdock and Tahlia Towers kept Saints in the game. With the clock ticking down, Brooke Elliott unleashed some solid serves and there was good back court play by Ava Loechel. However, when the clock rang, Brighton claimed victory (23-21) in the third set.

Saints easily accounted for Cornerstone in Match 2 and then faced Immanuel in the semi-finals, with strong play from Charlotte White, Abbey Goodwin and Mikaela Georgiadis, who made some great returns to set up plays. Immanuel won the first set before Saints went on a scoring spree, winning the second set and levelling the match. In the deciding set, Immanuel jumped to an early 6-1 lead but Saints fought back and then at 8-11 again dug deep, with some strong serving by Brooke Elliott to level the game at 13-13, then hit the lead and set up match point. Unfortunately, Immanuel prevailed, as a critical umpiring decision went against Saints – a net touch call setting up a match point, which Immanuel then capitalised on. Saints then faced Blackwood in a play-off for third and fourth, but couldn’t maintain the momentum and were defeated. It was a gallant effort and all girls are to be congratulated on their performance.

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