Issue no. 27
From the Chaplain

This term marks some significant transitions and transformations in the spiritual life of Saints Girls. The most joyous of these was our Baptism and Confirmation Eucharist held on 1 September with Bishop Tim Harris. Our School has a long tradition of offering Baptism and Confirmation to those who feel ready to make that decision. Baptism is an initiation rite that may take place at any age. Water is used as a sign of regeneration, or new birth, and the ritual signifies the promise of God’s love and forgiveness. Confirmation may be undertaken by those old enough to choose their own spiritual path which, at Saints Girls is available to all in Year 6 and above. In Confirmation, those who have been baptised confirm their baptismal promises and join with other candidates to receive the laying on of the Bishop’s hand with prayer.
This year, 11 girls chose to make this significant step and each of them has thought deeply about what it means for them to make the decision to follow Christ, to live lives that are faithful to God and to be members of the Christian community. The group has grown closer through these discussions as they have supported and encouraged each other in their spiritual journey. It has been a privilege to share this journey with them.
A transition of a different kind is taking place on 23 September at our Eucharist for St Michael and All Angels (the patron saint of the Sisters of the Church). This Eucharist will be particularly significant as it will be the last service held in our Chapel until our new library is complete (approximately 18 months – 2 years). During this time, the Chapel will be transformed into a library and our worship services will take place in the Arts Centre. The Eucharist will conclude with special prayers of thanks for our Chapel and a procession of the whole school to the Arts Centre where we will sing the closing hymn.
Another significant transition marked at this Eucharist will be Paul Shillabeer’s transition to retirement. Paul has been our faithful organist since long before I arrived at the School and I’ve had the pleasure of working with him for the past seven and a half years. During this time, Paul has brought endless enthusiasm and energy to his role and has become well known and appreciated by our staff and students. We give thanks for the gift of music he has given to our Chapel services and wish him every blessing and happiness for the years ahead.
Rev’d Natasha Darke
School Chaplain
Sports Day results
After predicted storms threatened Sports Day, the weather cleared to provide yet another wonderful, highly competitive and spirited day. There were 28 new records set on the day which, given the threatening conditions early, was an incredible performance. Some of these records have dated back to 2001!
Thanks must go to all of the staff and many Old Scholars and coaches who assisted on the day in officiating, timing, recording and keeping the day running smoothly.
Page Shield for overall performance: 1st Selwyn (4,267 points), 2nd Kennion (4,172 points), 3rd Kilburn (3,841 points), 4th Patteson (3,528 points)
Junior Shield: 1st Selwyn, 2nd Patteson, 3rd Kennion, 4th Kilburn
Middle Shield: 1st Selwyn, 2nd Kennion, 3rd Kilburn, 4th Patteson
Senior Shield: 1st Kennion, 2nd Kilburn, 3rd Selwyn, 4th Patteson
Year Level Aggregate Cups
Year 4: 1st Molly Dwyer (PAT), 2nd Claudia Pearce (SEL), 3rd Florence Russell (KIL)
Year 5: 1st Noa Goddard (PAT), 2nd Chloe Porter (KEN), 3rd Eleanor Humphrey (SEL)
Year 6: 1st Emily Baldwinson (KEN), 2nd Imogen Elliott (KIL), 3rd Adele Russell (KEN)
Year 7: 1st Portia Maerschel (KEN), 2nd Sophie Barr (KIL), 3rd Olivia Kelly (SEL)
Year 8: 1st Millisent Wilkin (KIL) 2nd Olufunto Komolafe (SEL), 3rd Harriet Maerschel (KEN)
Year 9: 1st Rose Pittman (KIL), 2nd Zoe Wilmshurst (SEL), 3rd Hannah Brown (SEL)
Year 10: 1st Jemimah Simpson (KIL), 2nd Thandi Mirada (KIL), 3rd Katherine Woolley (PAT)
Year 11: 1st Rachael Disney (KEN), 2nd Jasmine Ledgard (KIL), 3rd Shania Morgan (PAT)
Year 12: 1st Madison Bateman (KEN), 2nd Josephine Dal Pra (KIL), 3rd Georgia Howe (KEN)
Champion Runner
Year 4 — 6: 1st Efua Yawson (SEL), 2nd Annabelle Bafile (PAT), 3rd Molly Dwyer (PAT)
Year 7 — 9: 1st Rose Pittman (KIL), 2nd Portia Maerschel (KEN), 3rd Millisent Wilkin (KIL)
Year 10 —12: 1st Rachael Disney (KEN), 2nd Jemimah Simpson (KIL), 3rd Shania Morgan (PAT)
Athlete of the Day
Junior: 1st Molly Dwyer (PAT), 2nd Noa Goddard (PAT), 3rd Emily Baldwinson (KEN)
Middle: 1st Rose Pittman (KIL), 2nd Portia Maerschel (KEN), 3rd Zoe Wilmshurst (SEL)
Senior: 1st Rachael Disney (KEN), 2nd Jasmine Ledgard (KIL), 3rd Madison Bateman (KEN)
Molly Dwyer – Year 4 400m (2:42.12), 1500m (5:38.51), 400m (1:11.89), 200m (32.55)
Efua Yawson – Year 6 100m (13.78), Junior Champion 100m (13.90)
Portia Maerschel – Year 7 Long Jump (4.43m), 100m (13.08), 200m (28.43)
Sophie Barr – Year 7 Discus (36.73m), Shot Put (9.66m)
Olivia Kelly – Year 7 High Jump (1.46m)
Rose Pittman – Year 9 800m (2:16.48), 100m (12.96), 400m (59.08), Middle Champion Runner (13.08)
Zoe Wilmshurst – Year 9 Javelin (30.50m), Shot Put (10.16m), Discus (29.22m)
Amelia Wood – Year 9 High Jump (1.54m)
Rachael Disney – Year 11 800m (2:32.80)
Jasmine Ledgard – Year 11 Javelin (30.48), Discus (29.30), Shot Put (9.34m)
Junior 4 x 100m relay – Selwyn
Middle 4 x 100m relay – Kilburn
Year 9 – 4 x 100m relay – Kennion
Year 10 – 4 x 100m relay – Selwyn
Year 11 – 4 x 100m relay – Kennion
St Peters Girls Gift
In the final event of the day, the fastest 100m runner from each level contested the annual St Peter’s Gift. The race, handicapped based on 100m times run earlier in the day, saw a close finish with Efua Yawson (Year 6) narrowly defeating Molly Dwyer (Year 4) and the ‘backmarker’ Rose Pittman (Year 9) who stormed home to finish in third.
Neil Fuller
Director of Sport
Vacation Care for Junior School students
The next instalment of our Vacation Care program is coming up during school holidays and we’d like to extend a warm welcome to primary school aged children from the wider community to attend. Students are welcome to invite friends or siblings to share in the range of enriching activities for both girls and boys.
Junior School program – for children in Reception to Year 6
Join us for a day in the Adelaide Hills, a trip to the Central Markets or a fun Hawaiian themed day. Learn about Space, Martians and Astronauts, try out classic science experiments, or create some gorgeous spring scents!! Whatever the choice, children can enjoy a range of planned play and leisure activities, practise social skills and solve problems in a safe and relaxed atmosphere.
How it works
Your child can attend as few or as many days as needed, for full or half days, to suit your schedule and commitments. Simply pre-book the days you would like your child to attend and enjoy Vacation Care at St Peter’s Girls.
> Week 1: Tuesday 4 October to Friday 7 October
> Week 2: Monday 10 to Friday 14 October
Download the October Vacation Care Program for details.
To book, visit
Spectacular Results in Debating Quarter and Semi-Final Rounds!
It has been an amazing two weeks for Saints Girls Debating. Competing in the quarter-finals last week, Year 8 Yellow defeated Nazareth Catholic College, and in an all Saints encounter, Year 8 Blue defeated Year 8 White to claim their semi-final spot. Year 9 Yellow defeated Adelaide High and Year 9 Red defeated Pulteney Grammar, with the girls debating at their very highest standards. Continuing their tremendous winning streak, our Senior White team defeated Pulteney Grammar to secure their spot in the semi-finals.
This week, all these teams have competed their semi-finals rounds. Both Year 8 Yellow and Year 8 Blue claimed victory, defeating Adelaide High and Glenunga International High School respectively. In an all Saints semi-finals clash, Year 9 Red defeated Year 9 Yellow, with Amy Carrodus from Year 9 Yellow claiming the Speaker of the Night Award. Finally, in an amazing, high-quality, secret topic debate our Senior White team was unfortunately defeated by Adelaide High, but this certainly does not take away from the fabulous level at which our senior debaters have competed this year despite their busy schedules. The success of the Senior White team remains unprecedented and they have indeed set the standards very high.
On October 1, the Debating SA Grand Finals at The House of Assembly Chamber, Parliament House, Year 8 Blue will compete against Year 8 Yellow at 10am and Year 9 Red will debate against Pulteney Grammar at 11am. We wish all the teams the best of luck and irrespective of the results, we are extremely proud of all their achievements.
Kritika Mishra
Debating and Public Speaking Prefect
Ian Scobie, WOMADelaide Director, visits Year 9 Geography
On Wednesday of Week 6, the Year 9 Geography classes had the privilege of hearing a presentation by Mr Ian Scobie, WOMADdelaide Director. Mr Scobie’s discussion was in relation to our ‘Where is the Music?’ unit on music tourism and sustainability. The students were able to learn from Mr Scobie’s involvement in the event over a 25-year period and how it has evolved to be such a culturally significant, sustainable and popular festival.
During the presentation, some students were able to display their own ‘Virtual Music Festival’ programs as part of their learning and found Ian’s advice on event management, planning, risk assessment and targeting demographics invaluable.
Below are some of the student insights gained from Mr Scobie’s presentation:
“The talk from Ian Scobie was beneficial because we learnt how WOMADelaide creates an event that is environmentally sustainable”. (Marley)
“It is important to have fresh ideas each year to have people continue to come back”. (Rachel K)
“Advertising is one of the most important parts in making a festival work because without people, there is no festival. Ian Scobie said he spent ‘1 million’ dollars roughly in advertising his festival altogether both in SA and in other states”. (Zara)
Gregor Dingwall
Head of Humanities
Classes combine for a Teddy Bear Picnic

As completion of our Unit of Inquiry ‘Water is essential to life and is a precious resource’, the Year 2 girls invited their Year 4 buddies to have a Teddy Bear’s Picnic at school to raise money for a fresh water tap, for water supply for a less fortunate school in Africa. The girls decided to take action after researching water supplies around the world and raised $81. Well done girls! From this, the girls have realised that from such a small action, they can make such a big difference.
Sallyann Bruun
Year 2 Teacher
School Bus update
In March, the School announced that due to low numbers of students using the late bus services each Tuesday and Thursday, it would depart at 3.45pm each day.
Following an initial trial period in Term 2 (subsequently extended to include Term 3), the School has decided the late bus services will not be reinstated and that bus services will continue to depart at 3.45pm each day.
If you have any concerns about this schedule, please contact
We look forward to continuing to provide efficient bus services for all our families.
Your sincerely
Paul Ziesing
Fleet & Facilities Manager
Holiday fun at the Burnside Library
Henny Penny
Tuesday 4 – Friday 14 October
Come into the Library any time during opening hours and you might see some chicks hatching! Bookings are not required.
Junior Maker Space
Tuesday 4 October 10.30 am – 12 noon
A free, unstaffed craft activity for pre-schoolers!
Embroidery Workshop
Wednesday 5 October 10.30 am – 12 noon
Create a simple embroidery project with the Embroiderers’ Guild. Ages 7+ Cost $10 Bookings essential.
Solar Rollers
Friday 7 October 10.30 – 11.30 am
Construct and race solar cars. Ages 7+ Cost $10 . Bookings essential.
Download the Burnside Library holiday program for more information.
Agriculture Careers Expo -“Paddock to Plate, Vine to Glass”
On September 8, Prince Alfred College hosted an Agricultural Careers Expo that was attended by students and parents from PAC, St Peter’s Girls, Wilderness, Seymour and Walford. The Careers Office at Prince Alfred College provided a delicious BBQ and a number of exhibitors and industry associations were available incorporating a focus on women influencing agriculture.
The opening address was by Mr Adrian Pederick MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Regional Development, who made us aware that careers in the Australian agriculture industry are very promising and there is a shortage of university graduates to meet demands. Jobs are diverse and suit a wide range of student interests. Careers could be forged as a Wine Maker, Primary Producer, Food Scientist, Food Production/Food Entrepreneur, Brewer, Research Scientist, Forensic Scientist, Laboratory Technician, Agronomist, Ag Engineer, Innovative Food Designer, Diesel Mechanic and more.
A highlight of the night was an AGQUIZ Competition between PAC, St Peter’s Girls, Wilderness, Seymour, Walford and students on the main stage. I would like to thank our team of Megan Jennsen, Anna Cross, Sophie Caon and Ellen Douglas who represented us on the evening and managed a commendable second place. Special thanks also to Monica Magann PAC Careers Counsellor for inviting us to be a part of this careers evening.
Junior School House Music Eisteddfod
The Junior House Music Eisteddfod will be held on Thursday 29 September in the Arts Centre. Girls are welcome to wear a House ribbon in their hair on this special occasion.
We encourage girls who are taking instrumental lessons to sign up and represent their House in either a solo or small group. Each performer will receive participation points and overall winners will receive additional House points.
This year the event has been divided into two sections.
Section 1: Reception to Year 2 – starting at 11.15am in the Arts Centre
Section 2: Years 3 to 6 – starting at approximately 1.30pm.
The Junior House Music Eisteddfod will conclude by the end of the School day. If students still need to perform or are sick on the day, the competition will be reconvened on Monday during lunchtime.
To ensure all girls get their chance to participate, performances must not exceed two minutes.
Registration forms are available from the Arts Office.
We warmly invite you to support your daughter and her House by coming to watch the performances.
Old Scholars’ Golf Day

The annual St Peter’s Girls’ School Ladies’ Golf Day and Lunch is on Friday 23 September at Kooyonga Golf Club.
It’s a stableford competition with a multi tee start commencing at 8.30am. The day promises to be great fun with prizes on offer including ‘Nearest the Pin’ as well as the Perpetual Trophy for the 18 hole golf champion.
Play 9 or 18 holes or just join us for lunch at 1pm.
Tickets for golf and lunch: $80
Tickets for Kooyonga Golf Club members and those attending for lunch only: $25
All are welcome, so bring a friend!
Contact the Development Office on 8334 2239 for more details.
Megan McCormack
Old Scholar Liaison
Compression Skins at the School Shop!
Due to popular demand the School Shop is now stocking compression skins!
Sizes: XS-X
Colour: Navy blue with School logo
Cost: $90
Sports News
If you have any news items or sporting success stories please email them through to me on:
Junior Soccer
Year 6 – Saints did not play
By Vincent Talladira (Coach)
Year 5 – Saints did not play
By Charlie (Coach)
Year 4 – Saints did not play
By Mark Routley (Coach)
Under 13 – Division 2 Preliminary Final – Saints 10 defeated Glenelg 7
It was a very important game and the girls felt very nervous, but they all rose to the challenge. In centre was Stephanie Smalls (Year 7), who managed to win the ball almost every time and get it down into attack. Saskia Jonats (Year 7) used her quick reflexes well to get the ball off the ground after the centre draw. In attack, Alannah Godfrey (Year 3) and Lara Maione (Year 3) both picked up several ground balls very well and threw them to another player who was in a better position to shoot. At half time the girls were up by three goals but needed to work on catching the ball and shooting at the right angle. Portia Maerschel (Year 7) used her speed and endurance to run the ball continuously down the field. In defence, Stephanie Demmrich (Year 7) did a wonderful intercept. Our goalie, Isabelle Norman (Year 8) showed great confidence and once again saved many goals that helped us win the game. Goal scorers were Dani Cox (Year 4), Saskia Jonats, Maerschel and Stephanie Smalls. All of the girls worked very well together and are in the grand final next Saturday. By Portia Lucy Martin (Coach)
What an amazing end to another fantastic season of badminton. Congratulations to our Open B team, consisting of Catherine Neale, Laura Sivewright, Charlene Lee, Erica Reid, Amy Li and Lola Dimond, who defeated Wilderness 5-1 in their Grand Final play-off on Saturday to win the shield for the fifth consecutive year – what a tremendous winning streak! The girls’ hard work and immense enthusiasm at training has paid off and we are so proud of not only their victory, but the sportsmanship they displayed in their last match of the season. Congratulations also to the Open A team, consisting of Emily Murdock, Kritika Mishra, Alice Powell and Nancy Huang, who have finished the season ranked fourth. These amazing results would not be possible without the support of our amazing coaches; Mrs Sonya Risbey, Rebecca Huang, Stuart Rowlands and Sarah Ienco. We are extremely thankful for the time and effort our coaches have put in to engrain enthusiasm for the sport in all the girls, making this season not only successful, but also enjoyable. Finally, a huge thank you must go to all the girls who have played badminton this year. It has been a privilege to captain such an amazing bunch of girls in our final year at Saints, and we are so honoured to share in their achievements. We wish the girls good luck for next year and hope that badminton continues to be a success at Saints Girls as it has been for so many years. By Kritika Mishra (Captain)
Junior Basketball
Year 6 Blue – Saints – cancelled due to rain
By Amy Wishart & Sophia West (coaches)
Year 6 White – Saints 28 defeated Walford 16
The girls played a great game against Walford yesterday and won the game convincingly. Due to the extreme weather the game only ran for three quarters, but the girls maintained their focus and had a fun game! Special mentions go to Victoria and Isabelle who scored off rebounds in the last quarter of the game! Well done girls! By Abby Davey (coach)
Year 5 – Saints Blue & White 37 defeated Wilderness 13
In the true spirit of cooperation and just to spite the weather gods, Year 5 White and Blue combined to play Wilderness, who could only bring one team. The Saints girls shared the court duties, swapping every five minutes. For the white team Monika Ceplitis (8 pts) and Bridgette Leach (2 pts) showed good skills intercepting the ball and driving hard for the basket. Pearl Richards (5pts) and Ruby Richards (4 pts) made good position under the basket and passed well. Sophie Dansie (2 pts), Emily B (2 pts) and Noa Goddard provided excellent defence, hassling well and provided scoring opportunities in attack. For the Blue team, Eleanor Humphrey was best player for Saints (blue) team, scoring fast breaks, resulting in the maximum number of points scored (12) by half time. Eleanor continued to be an effective playmaker for the remainder of the game. Georgie Owler and Phoebe Black played a great defensive game and also rebounded well to score two points each. Charlotte McKee brought the ball down well and positioned effectively around the key to create scoring shots. Annie Bui and Alicia Toh showed great teamwork. By Sharon Leach and Samantha McKee (Coaches)
Junior Basketball
Year 4 – Saints Blue – cancelled due to rain
Samantha McKee (Coach)
Year 4 – Saints White – cancelled due to rain
By Sharon Tocher-Leach (Blue Coach)
Open Knockout Volleyball
The Open A volleyball team competed in the State Knockout finals. The girls played amazingly well, managing to win one of the two pool games, which put them into the semi-finals. Although the girls played with energy and enthusiasm, they were unable to claim the win and then played off for 3rd and 4th. During the day, the serving among the entire team was strong and covering across the court was excellent. It was great to see some blocks throughout the games and some kill spikes. We look forward to continuing our volleyball season next term. By Georgia Howe and Mila Loechel (Captains)
If you have any news items or sporting success stories please email them through to me on: