Issue no. 8
From Our Principal
New COVID-19 Notification Protocols
Due to the high volume of classroom contact notifications across the education sector and recognition of this by SA Health, the School is transitioning to a more effective notification system.
From Monday, instead of regular individual classroom contact email notifications, parents will be able to access a dedicated page on the myLink parent portal providing the number of reported cases in 24 hours (weekdays only) of children who have recently attended the School and tested positive to COVID-19. The case numbers will be listed across year groups and ELC Learning Communities and will be updated each weekday in the early afternoon. Parents will be able to visit the page as frequently as they wish. The link to this page will be emailed to parents next week.
Students in year groups/Learning Communities with cases listed should be treated as classroom contacts. SA Health has advised that classroom contacts without symptoms can continue attending school/ELC.
Should your child develop any symptoms, even mild ones, they must not attend school or ELC and are required to be tested for COVID-19. Students with COVID-19 symptoms require a PCR test and receipt of a negative result before return to school can be considered.
If there are case clusters as deemed by SA Health, the relevant parents will be notified of this via email including any additional measures (e.g. PCR testing, targeted closures, etc.). As such, it is vital for parents to read emails sent by the School. In addition, we must all continue to be vigilant by exercising health precautions and closely monitoring for symptoms.
If your child tests positive to COVID-19, notify us immediately. Please also provide the date your child’s test was taken and the date symptoms started (if no symptoms, note ‘asymptomatic’).
Where possible, to help limit the amount of telephone traffic, please notify us via email or text:
Text: 0428 601 957 (save to phone contacts as SPGS)
If you do need to notify us over the phone, please call the Front Office on 8334 2200.
COVID-19 Close Contact Changes
This afternoon, the State Government announced a series of changes to South Australia’s COVID-19 policies. Of particular note for families is that:
- Quarantine for household close contacts has been reduced from 14 days to 7 days, subject to a negative RAT result.
- From midnight, the close contact definition rule will be extended from 15 minutes of exposure to 4 hours.
- Also from midnight, the length of time a recovered COVID-positive person will not be considered a close contact will be extended from 8 weeks to 12 weeks.
For detailed health information about COVID-19, please visit the SA Health website: click here
We once again thank you for your ongoing cooperation in supporting the health and safety of our families, staff and the wider community.
Julia Shea
From Our Head of Junior School
There is a widely held belief, backed by research, that investing in early learning, by both governments and families, promotes children’s development, lays strong foundations for future learning, develops positive wellbeing, and from a community perspective, reduces later expenditure on health, welfare and justice. What is not as widely communicated is that these benefits are often only realised if children are participating in learning opportunities that are of sufficiently high quality. Not all early learning experiences are created equal.
The evidence is clear that effective teaching by educators who can skilfully combine explicit teaching of skills and concepts, along with teacher-child interactions that are sensitive, kind and respectful, are central to quality early education.
Through carefully constructed learning opportunities, and sustained and reciprocal interactions, educators nurture children’s communication skills, extend their thinking, develop their ability to manage emotions and relationships and instil the skills and confidence to be effective learners. Designing the right learning opportunities at the right time requires skill and expertise. Educators require deep knowledge of the learning capabilities and processes of children through their different development stages.
We pride ourselves on the consistency and excellent quality of the learning environments, educator expertise, carefully constructed educational opportunities, and the genuine and warm relationships that children experience through our ELC and Reception programs. Children’s joy for learning, connection with their School and educators, social and emotional development, and their strong foundations in Literacy and Numeracy are tangible benefits for children fortunate to begin their educational journey through this route. These benefits are strengthened through the wonderful transition experiences the children enjoy in the months before they move seamlessly from the ELC, up the path, to the Junior School classrooms, and the ability for our teachers to regularly share knowledge about the children before, during and after they start school.
Quality in early education has many components, but ultimately, it’s the attributes of our educators, their depth of knowledge and our self-driven high expectations that see our children flourishing in those crucial early years and beyond.
Suzanne Haddy
Head of Junior School
Warm Reception for Our ELC Graduates
One of the most treasured traditions in both the ELC and Junior School calendar is the ELC Reception Transition program. At the beginning of a new year, students, staff and families comment on just how quickly the newest Reception students have settled into school life. They are amazed at how comfortable and confident our youngest Junior School students are, whether they are walking up to school independently alongside the Prefects, participating in co-curricular activities or navigating their way past the older girls to collect Tuck Shop orders.
There are many reasons these ELC students are so ready for the next step in their schooling journey. The most important will always be the strong transition program which includes classroom sessions, visits to the Junior School throughout the year, established relationships between students and staff, and the cherished ELC Hat Ceremony. When the girls finally arrive for the first day, they are filled with the kind of excitement and confidence that comes from such a strong foundation developed over their years at the ELC.
This year’s Reception girls have continued to impress everyone as they have fully embraced school life and being Saints Girls. In class, they are already working independently during Literacy groups which focus on building their THRASS knowledge and phonological awareness. In Mathematics, the girls are continuing to develop their number sense through Number Talks concentrating on subitising and the concept of more and less. They have also started their inquiries into commemorations around the world and their own personal histories.
The Reception girls recently commenced their weekly dance lessons with Kirsty Battersby, which is always a highlight. Hopefully, they will be able to share their amazing dance moves with their ELC friends at a performance later in the year. It has been a very exciting start to 2022 and we are so proud of the girls’ confidence and sense of agency. We can’t wait to see what they achieve in their first year of school because it has been a remarkable first eight weeks!
Meg Jordan and Alana Lesiw
Reception Teachers
Staffing News
After more than four years of valued service as Director of Teaching and Learning, Nigel Scoggins will leave Stonyfell at the end of next term as his family relocates to Mount Gambier.
In his time with us, Nigel has made a significant contribution to our teaching and learning platform across the Middle and Senior Schools, as well as providing expert advice for our Early Learners’ Centre and Junior School to enhance the ELC – 12 educational journey. Highlights include overseeing the introduction of Continuous Reporting to provide our parents with more up-to-date student assessment feedback, and the development of a sophisticated data dashboard that allows our teachers to better track the progress of each girl and constantly improve classroom practice.
The search for our next Director of Teaching and Learning is underway and we will share news on that front in the not-too-distant future. In the meantime, we look forward to Nigel’s continued contribution to Saints Girls, and we wish him and his family all the best for their adventures to come in the State’s stunning South-East.
Julia Shea
Saints Girls’ Rowers Represent with Pride
Last Saturday’s Head of the River event marked the culmination of an inspiring season for Saints Girls’ Rowing Program.
Our rowers displayed courage, determination and clean rowing on the day in a tremendous show of their hard work throughout the season. All our crews made A-Finals in their events, with our Year 7/8 C and D crews coming home with Bronze and Silver medals respectively.
Congratulations to the entire Saints Girls’ Rowing community!
Oarsome Old Scholar Rowing Achievement

There was some exciting Old Scholar news from the Rowing SA State Team presentation on Sunday where the Queen’s Cup (QC) Crew was announced. The QC crew is the Open Women’s 8+ that will represent South Australia at the 2022 Australian Rowing Championships next week. Three Saints Girls’ Old Scholars are in the crew – that’s one third of the crew from a single school – what a phenomenal achievement!
These girls found their love of rowing at Saints Girls and continued on to be the best in the State. Congratulations to Carys Jones (Kennion 2017), Sophie Barr (Kilburn 2021) and Amy Carrodus (Selwyn 2019). In addition, Clare Romaniuk (Patteson 2021) was selected for the U21 Youth crew.
We are extremely proud of these Old Scholars as they promote a lifelong passion for sport.
Old Scholars Take Plunge with Water Polo
This year, we have been excited to launch an Old Scholars’ Water Polo team. The season runs February to April and the team, which has a close association with SPOC Water Polo, plays every Sunday afternoon in the social competition for Water Polo SA with training on Mondays from 6.45 – 7.45pm at St Peter’s College.
Last Friday, the inaugural Lynne Spry Cup was held at St Peter’s College between our current Open A Water Polo team and the Old Scholars’ Water Polo team (SPGS V SPGOS). In a terrific contest, the Open As claimed victory 5 – 2. The cup is named after Old Scholar and current staff member Lynne Spry (Selwyn 1974) in recognition of her long-term commitment to the Water Polo program at Saints Girls.
If you are interested in joining the Old Scholars’ Water Polo team, please contact Community Relations Manager Megan McCormack via
Caring for Our Planet in the ELC
At St Peter’s Girls’ ELC, we are committed to exploring and actioning sustainability every day, and we want to help the children develop a strong relationship and appreciation for the world they will soon inherit. We believe, through our commitment to sustainability in the ELC, we are helping the children to build a foundation of skills and knowledge they can use as they grow into environmentally responsible adults.
As part of our ongoing sustainability journey, we engage the children in many different activities including growing fresh produce in our ELC Community Garden, preparing and cooking our ELC-grown food, exploring our neighbouring Ferguson Conservation Park and the native flora and fauna it contains, and engaging children in games and discussions about waste and recycling.
As educators, we believe it’s important to teach our children about waste, landfill, and the lifecycle of our rubbish. Through our intentional learning experiences, our goal is to help children understand that after we throw something in the bin, it does not just disappear – this rubbish has a life and ends up somewhere on our planet.
By exploring this concept, we are educating our community to understand that, together, we can generate change by composting, recycling and reusing as much waste as possible. The children are empowered and feel proud when they can put their knowledge into practice by placing their leftover lunch or food waste into the right bin, or using something recycled when making their creations.
Watch our video to see how we have been exploring ways to sustainably manage waste.
Nell Tierney
ELC Teacher (Learning Community 2)
Choral Night – New Date
Friday 29 July (Week 1, Term 3)
Influencers Church, Paradise
Please save the date for our rescheduled Choral Night which we hope will be an electrifying way to start Semester 2.
Further details will be provided next term.
Stirring Strings Honour at Cathedral
It was an honour for the Emily Strings to play at the 30th anniversary of the Ordination of Women as Priests in the Anglican Church of Australia this week.
The group consists of our most extended players and is named after Mother Emily Ayckbowm, the founder of the Community of the Sisters of the Church which established our School.
The service was held in St Peter’s Cathedral, and church members expressed their deepest gratitude for our girls’ beautiful music.
Senior Strings’ Brush with Visiting Virtuoso
On Monday, our Senior Strings ensemble girls were treated to an exceptional rehearsal session with gifted soloist and educator Elizabeth Layton. Elizabeth has performed at a variety of recitals and chamber music throughout the country and overseas. Appearing regularly as guest concertmaster with major symphony orchestras, she combines performance with her position as Head of Classical Performance at the University of Adelaide’s Elder Conservatorium. The girls loved the experience, sharing:
‘Working with Elizabeth was so motivational. I loved soaking up all the new information I could then apply to the style we were playing. I am so grateful we could have a session with Elizabeth that really brought the best out of our Senior Strings ensemble.’ – Caitlin Middleberg (Music Prefect)
‘Elizabeth Layton is an inspiration. Our string group’s one-hour rehearsal was both stimulating and extraordinary. The improvement we made in this short time was amazing. I have been energised into expressing myself by playing my musical instrument.’ – Emily Kim (Year 6 Music Captain)
Lunchtime Music Concert – Next Tuesday
Join us in the Arts Centre for our first Lunchtime Concert of 2022 on Tuesday 29 March. Our Musician in Residence David Goodwin will be showcasing his talent, providing guests with a mix of jazz, contemporary and classical piano music accompanied by rhythm section. The concert will be held from 1 to 1.40pm. All students are encouraged to attend, especially those who play piano.
Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music
Global Mission for Linguistic Learners
Following Saints Girls’ recent success at the inaugural South Australian Computational and Linguistics Olympiad (SACLO), we entered two Year 10 teams in the official national version of the competition – the Australian Computational and Linguistics Olympiad (OzCLO). This is an exciting opportunity for students, involving languages, code-breaking skills and teamwork.
Despite having only two lunchtimes to practise and no prior linguistic experience, both teams (Emily, Kaylah, Jessica and Lily, and Angelina, Ruby, Alysa and Neya) made it through to the National Round, which was held on Wednesday afternoon. With our reserve Heidi stepping in at the last minute, the teams approached the problems with enthusiasm and a collaborative attitude.
The girls declared the experience to be challenging and lots of fun. The results will be announced in coming weeks.
Cindy Pitkin
Head of Languages
Golden Opportunity on Exciting Excursion
Year 5 students recently visited Jupiter Creek Goldfields at Echunga, as part of their study of the Gold Rush in Australia. Jupiter Creek is a significant site in South Australian history, and the girls enjoyed exploring the remains of what was once a vibrant hub for mining from 1868 to 1930 and in its time produced up to 50,000 ounces of gold.
The students were asked to not only look at the historical remains but to also prepare a letter to the Department of Mines and Energy with suggestions on the site’s preservation and improvement.
To read some excerpts from the student letters, click here
Shelley Hampton
Year 5 Teacher
National Nod for Social Strategist Old Scholar
We congratulate Old Scholar Natalie Paraskevopoulos (nee Koutsikas, Kilburn 2009) on being named in The Australian Business Journal’s Top 20 Australian social media managers to work with in 2022.
Natalie is the Director at Digitale AU Social Media and Creative and has a passion for crafting social media strategies that truly work. After studying social media trends for years, Natalie has leveraged her rich experiences to help brands send their powerful messages. It was her background in real estate where she harnessed her skills to implement effective content marketing and social media strategies that also saw her recognised as Adelaide’s most influential agent on social media for two years running.
Natalie has directed some of the largest influencer marketing campaigns nationally and has worked with some of the biggest influencers in the world. Her mission in creating the agency Digitale was to help business owners achieve online marketing success in this ever-changing industry.
Starry Night Gala Ball – Secure Your Seats Now!
Saturday 18 June
Saints Girls is over the moon about our Starry Night Gala Ball to celebrate and support our fundraising efforts for a new Gym, including our ‘Saints Girls All-Stars’.
Don’t miss out on this amazing evening with our Saints Girls’ community.
7pm, Saturday 18 June
Adelaide Convention Centre
Tickets: $200 per person
Includes three-course meal, beverages and live entertainment
To book your tickets, click here
Star Struck Major Lottery
As momentum builds for our Gym fundraising campaign featuring our ‘Saints Girls All-Stars’, we are thrilled to launch our Star Struck Major Lottery.
Ticket sales are now open, so get in quick!
First Prize: Toyota Yaris Ascent Sport from Northpoint Toyota (valued at $27,811)
+ a personalised car park at St Peter’s Girls’ School from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023.
This stunning new car could belong to you or someone in your family! Spread the word and feel free to share this opportunity with your friends and relatives.
To buy your tickets: CLICK HERE
Lottery Licence No: M14175
COVID-19 Reminders
To help protect the health of our families, staff and the wider community, we must all work together to minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission. Please be reminded of the following:
Children are to be kept home if they are unwell, even mildly. Students with COVID-19 symptoms require a PCR test and receipt of a negative result before return to school can be considered.
If your child tests positive to COVID-19, notify us immediately. Please also provide the date your child’s test was taken and the date symptoms started (if no symptoms, note ‘asymptomatic’).
Where possible, to help limit the amount of telephone traffic, please notify us via email or text:
Text: 0428 601 957 (save to phone contacts as SPGS)
If you do need to notify us over the phone, please call the Front Office on 8334 2200.
Please note that if your child is too sick to attend school, they are therefore also too sick to be working remotely from home.
SA Health has advised that COVID-Safe QR code check-in is no longer required at children’s centres, preschools and schools. However, parent movements on campus are still limited at this time, and those with formal appointments at the School should continue to perform the routine visitor sign in/out at Front Office.
With current restrictions on parents entering the School grounds and to assist our staff, please ensure your daughter has all of the items she needs for the day to reduce the amount of items being dropped off at the Front Office.
We thank all of our families for your continued support and cooperation.
2022 School Immunisation Program
1st Visit Reminder for Parents of Year 8 and 10 Students – Wednesday 30 March
The information below is provided by Eastern Health Authority
Year 8
• 1st dose human papillomavirus vaccine, Gardasil®9
• diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough vaccine, Boostrix®
Year 10
• 1st dose meningococcal B vaccine, Bexsero®
• meningococcal ACWY vaccine, Nimenrix®
Eastern Health Authority will soon be visiting the School to commence the above vaccinations for those students with parent/guardian consent.
Immunisation consent packs were given out at the beginning of the school year with information about the vaccines on offer. It is important that you have read the information supplied in the packs before you give consent for your child to be vaccinated at school. If you did not receive an Immunisation Consent Pack from your child, please ask at the school’s Front Office. All parents/legal guardians are to complete, sign and return the Consent Cards, even if you do not consent for the student to be vaccinated at school. Students aged 16 years and above can consent for themselves.
SA Health advises that students who may be receiving a COVID-19 vaccine have a minimum interval of 7 days between receiving a COVID-19 vaccine and any other vaccine. Therefore, if your child has either had a COVID-19 vaccination OR is booked for a COVID-19 vaccination 7 days prior or 7 days after our visit, school immunisations will need to be rescheduled.
Please notify EHA if:
• Your child has already started the above program with another provider
• You wish to withdraw your consent
• Your child’s medical condition has changed
• Your child is due to have or has had a COVID-19 vaccine in the previous/next 7 days from the date of scheduled school vaccinations
Tips for the day of immunisation:
• Encourage your child to have a good breakfast and recess on the morning of immunisations
• Wear sports uniforms to aid easy access to the upper arm and avoid unnecessarily exposing yourself if clothing needs to be removed/undone
• Encourage your child to keep their arms moving and drink plenty of water throughout the day
If you have any questions about the program, please directly contact Eastern Health Authority on 8132 3600 or email
Remember: It is your responsibility to notify EHA of any changes or information, particularly in relation to your child’s medical condition, on the day of immunisation or prior. A signed and dated note in your child’s diary from a parent or guardian presented on the day is acceptable.
School Immunisation Program records may be required for future employment or travel.
Car Park Reminders
Unless special circumstances apply, parents of girls in Years 2 to 12 should not enter the car park to collect their daughters before 3.30pm. Parents of girls in Reception and Year 1 have exclusive use of the pick-up zone prior to this time for safety and traffic reasons.
Furthermore, if the car park is full and you are unable to enter, circle the block until it is clear to enter, find a park elsewhere or, where age-appropriate, meet your daughter in a surrounding street.
Please also adhere to the 10kmh speed limit and refrain from turning right into or out of the car park during peak times as this causes further congestion.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Saints Sport Support Group New Merchandise
The Saints Sport Support Group is delighted to announce our new merchandise range for the 2022 school year. In addition to our House merchandise, we now have the following items available for purchase:
- White and navy supporter hats for parents and friends
- ‘Play like a Saints Girl’ sport keyrings (Tennis, Swimming, Football, Volleyball, Hockey and Athletics designs available)
To get your hands on these fabulous new items, and to order House merchandise for Swimming Carnival, click here
Thank you so much for your support.
Katie Lucas
Saints Sport Support Group President
Swimming Carnival – New Date
Swimming Carnival – New Date: Tuesday 5 April (Week 10), Adelaide Aquatic Centre
We are hoping that the new date may be met with reduced restrictions and a greater chance of parents being able to attend. As always, we will be guided by the latest SA Health advice and will communicate any further changes as well as logistical details closer to the date.
Be Involved in ‘Our Saints’ Community
Would you like your daughter’s Grandmother, Grandfather, Aunts and/or Uncles to receive our biannual Saints Alive magazine and our weekly eNews updates? Sign up for the free ‘Our Saints’ membership for Grandparents, other treasured family members and friends.
For more information and to join this unique group, please click here and email the completed form to Foundation Manager Melissa Westgate via
Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm
(closed for lunch 12 – 12.30pm)
Winter Uniform Appointments
A reminder that we are commencing Winter Uniform Fittings, and to streamline the process, we have introduced a new online booking system. It shows our available time slots from March through to April. Middle and Senior School students are welcome to visit during their recess or lunch breaks.
Click here to access the calendar and select the time that best suits you (please include your daughter’s name).
Appointment times are filling fast, so your prompt attention is appreciated.
General Absences from School
If your child is going to be absent, late to school or leave early, please use one of the following methods to notify the School, providing the student name, Class/Home Group and reason:
Text: 0428 601 957
Phone: 8334 2200
Feel free to include the Class/Home Group Teacher when emailing. It would be appreciated if notifications could be made prior to 9am.
Sports News
Senior A: Saints (36) v Pulteney (36)
Senior B: Saints (3) v Immanuel B2 (96)
Middle A: Saints (79) v Pulteney (11)
Middle B: Saints (40) v Immanuel (26)
Senior A: Saints (6/53) v Scotch A (1/74)
Senior B1: Saints (4/53) v Concordia B (2/64)
Senior B2: Saints (1/50) v Walford B (2/106)
Congratulations to Meg Paul, Lauren Pearce and Ella Pearce who participated in the SA State Swimming Trials held from 10 to 14 March. The girls competed in several races, with Meg claiming personal bests in all her events.
Well done also to the girls who participated in SAPSASA Swimming. Our team consisted of Mimi Birmingham, Milly Richardson, Elise Fuller, Caitlyn Sam-Ling, Erin Liau, Sophie Wiggins, Sasha Connor, Bonnie Qu, Meg Paul, Lauren Disney, Chelsea Francis, Lucille Trengove and Gabby Davi. The girls listed below achieved top 4 finishes and we are hoping many will now go on to represent East Adelaide.
Caitlyn Sam-Ling
4th – 50m Butterfly (11yo)
Chelsea Francis
2nd – 50m Breaststroke (12yo)
Lauren Disney
1st – 50m Backstroke (12yo)
Meg Paul
2nd – 50m Backstroke (12yo)
3rd – 50m Butterfly (12yo)
4th – 50m Freestyle (12yo)
Sophie Wiggins
2nd – 50m Backstroke (11yo)
4th – 50m Breaststroke (11yo)
Open A: Saints (59) v Pulteney (30)
Division 1.1: Saints (7) v Seymour 1.2 (2)
Division 1.2: Saints (3) v Walford (6)
Division 2: Saints (2) v Walford (7)
Division 3: Saints (0) v Seymour (9)
Division 4: Saints (1) v Wilderness (3)
Open A: Saints (3) v Wilderness (0)
Open B: Saints (3) v Pembroke (2)
Middle A: Saints (2) v Pembroke (0)
Middle B: Saints (4) v Pembroke (3)
Open A: Saints (3) v Wilderness (0)
The Open As have continued their strong start to the season with an excellent win against Wilderness. The team worked well together with solid defensive pressure and communication. Mathilda Thomas was a standout in attack, using her speed to break the Wilderness defence. We will continue to improve our attack in the coming trainings and look forward to trying out some new plays in future games. – Ellie Humphrey
Open B: Saints (3) v Pembroke (2)
The girls displayed a consistent effort throughout the match, and unfortunately just fell short towards the end. Charlie Piper and Dani Cox showed excellent rucking through the middle, incorporating other players into this. Improvement could be made by closing the gaps more efficiently in defence, and being deeper in attack, but overall, the girls fought hard until the end of the match. – Sophie Edwardes
Middle A: Saints (2) v Pembroke (0)
The team had a great game against Pembroke. Our defence was strong and allowed us to have the ball in our attacking end for most of the match. We did well to ruck the ball down the field while under pressure with Pembroke fiercely defending. Some things we could improve on is our communication, especially in attack when quickies are needing to be set up to create scoring opportunities. Well done to Chloe and Elodie for scoring and our whole team for putting effort in which contributed to the outcome. – Nellie Ion
Senior A: Saints (2) v Woodcroft A (1)
Senior B: Saints (0) v Woodcroft B (2)
Senior C: Saints (2) v Woodcroft C (1)
Middle A: Saints (3) v Woodcroft A (0)
Middle B: Saints v Immanuel (Immanuel forfeit)
Middle C1: Saints (1) v Woodcroft C (2)
Open A: Saints (9) v St Michael’s (7)
Open B: Saints (3) v Pembroke (10)
Open C: Saints (1) v Immanuel (13)