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eNews – Week 8, Term 1 2021

Issue no. 8Enews-bannergym enews banner

Big Announcement – A New Gym!

When you have a small community such as ours, engaged with a shared vision, incredible things can happen. When I arrived, one of the first things we did was put together a vision of what our School would look like in the years to come. For many schools, those visions are purely aspirational. Nice glossy brochures with architectural drawings – in essence, a wish list because we all know a vision without a plan will never come to life.

But, we have a plan and we’ve stuck to the plan. And because we’ve worked together as a community, six of the seven projects on our Master Plan have been completed. And now, I’m excited to launch project number seven:

As highlighted in the video, our new Gym will have two courts running from east to west. It will include a viewing area for spectators, an enhanced weights room, change rooms, storage areas, workspace for our wonderful PE and Sports staff, and a vibrant Tuck Shop facility.

Saints Girls has been the best performing IGSSA school in recent years. We are the current Swimming and Athletics champions, we won six titles at this year’s Rowing State Championships, we recently claimed premierships in Badminton, Water Polo, Lacrosse and Hockey, along with wins in Aerobics, Cross Country and the State Triathlon Championships.

Sport isn’t just about exercise – it’s about mental wellbeing, it’s about collaboration, communication, confidence, and it’s about leadership. And so, it’s an integral part of what we do here at Saints Girls.

In recent years, we’ve delivered an amazing Middle School, a stunning Library and a state-of-the-art Science Centre. Now, it’s time for a new Gym which will be unlike any other, as it draws in the stunning surroundings of Ferguson Park.

And with your help, we can have it sooner.

The last time the School ran a major fundraising campaign was for the Arts Centre well over a decade ago. So now, I lay down a challenge: if we as a community can raise one million dollars over the next financial year, we will bring the build forward by an entire year and commence work in December 2022 – that’s December next year.

We look forward to sharing details of our fundraising campaign with you soon.

So, the ball is very much in your court. Will you be the Game Changer who helps make our shared vision a reality?

Julia Shea

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Electric Blue at Choral Night 2021

Congratulations to our Choral Night winners for 2021: KENNION!

The girls in blue electrified with their heavenly harmonies and magic moves, snaring the coveted shield in what the adjudicators described as an extremely tight contest.

Last night’s event at Influencers Church in Paradise was an arena spectacular for those in attendance and also for those at home as we live-streamed the event to our community for the first time.

A breathtaking highlight was a guest appearance by recent Old Scholar Izzy Norman (Patteson 2020) who was last year’s Music Prefect and Head Chorister. Not surprisingly, her powerhouse vocal performance received a standing ovation from the admiring crowd.

Well done to all of our girls for their hard work and House spirit – it was truly a night to remember!


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The Spirit of Choral Night

Saints is not Saints without its annual Choral Night. This highly anticipated event showcases all the girls’ superb singing and dynamite dance moves. Though all Houses are battling for the shield, the most fundamental part of Choral Night is teamwork. Like any other choir, the girls have to sing collectively by listening out for the other parts and singing equally as loud as the person next to them.

It is such a special moment for the Year 12s. We take a big step up as leaders by arranging the hymn music and teaching girls who have never participated in a choir before how to sing two whole songs. The task is challenging, but all the endless hours of Home Groups and lunches we sacrificed to refine our singing finally pay off on the night.

The atmosphere is a concoction of exhilaration, adrenaline and a hint of anxiety. Such a strong sense of devotion to our Houses is on display when girls cheer and chant for the Year 12 dance. The thunderous cheers encouraging our singing makes the event unforgettable. It is the most memorable night that every Saint Girl looks forward to.

Cheri Wong
Music Prefect

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Great Honour for IB Graduates

Our IB Duxes Ella Liddy and Ellen Zhang were recently honoured during a special reception at Government House for their significant achievements in the IB Diploma.

His Excellency the Honourable Hieu Van Le AC, Governor of South Australia, warmly welcomed the top students from Adelaide IB Diploma Schools and paid tribute to their commitment to academics, community service and cultural awareness through languages.

Ellen accepted her award in absentia as she has already begun her Science degree at the University of Melbourne. Ella, however, enjoyed the kind hospitality of the Governor and his wife, who showed her around the library and gardens. This year, Ella is studying Speech Pathology (Honours) at the University of Adelaide.

Congratulations yet again to Ella and Ellen for their wonderful IB achievements.

Carolyn Farr
IB Diploma Coordinator

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Exceptional Educator Takes the Lead

Just over two years ago, I decided to embark upon my certification to achieve the status of a Lead Teacher which acknowledges educators who have formally demonstrated the ability to meet teaching standards at the highest level. This is a nationally recognised qualification that, as of July, will be included on a teacher’s registration certificate.

It was a challenging process to demonstrate that my practice is consistent, innovative and directly impacts both staff and students. As part of the certification, I had to undertake a lead initiative, which was the development of the EDGE program across the School. The project needed to track the provision from establishment to development, evaluation and improvement over a significant period of time.

The process was rigorous, providing me with the opportunity to critically develop my practice and pedagogy. Reflecting on my practice enabled me to identify a number of ways that I could impact the learning of our students and support the professional development of our staff, reigniting my passion for coaching and designing effective, targeted professional development. Looking at my lead initiative through a critical lens has enabled me to create a sustainable program that is tailored to meet the needs of our community through research and evidence-based data.

It was a long but rewarding two years recording and evidencing my work in detail against the teaching standards. This was supported by a large number of staff from across all Sub-Schools who willingly helped me to provide evidence, be that in the form of observations, completing surveys, filming coaching sessions or providing references. When I was notified last November that I had met the criteria, I was so pleased. It really felt to me that this was the first of many to come for St Peter’s Girls as the School has been such a supportive team around me during the process.

Last Friday, I was invited to the Adelaide Convention Centre to be presented with my certificate by South Australia’s Minister for Education, John Gardner MP. It was humbling to see the passion and dedication of the other four educators who received their certification as Lead Teachers, and the larger number who achieved the Highly Accomplished standard. Here in South Australia, we have one of the highest rates of certification at both levels which is amazing when you consider the size of the State.

Becca Burton-Howard
Lead Teacher/EDGE Coordinator

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Junior Scientists Jump at Shadows

During our latest project, the Year 2 scientists have been measuring their shadow sticks on the hour as part of their ‘How the World Works’ unit of inquiry.

They are noticing how the sun’s position in the sky seems to move, and are discovering that this is part of the Earth’s natural cycles as our planet rotates causing day and night, and the orbit of the Earth around the sun. The shadow sticks provide an experiment where the Earth’s rotation can be observed and measured through the change in shadow length and direction over the day.

Playing with shadows has never been so much fun!

Kathryn Clark and Rebecca Greenhalgh
Year 2 Teachers

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Summer Interhouse Meal Deal

Summer Interhouse will be held on Thursday 1 April, the last day before Easter.
Please note: Summer Interhouse is for students in Years 7 – 12; however, the Summer Interhouse Meal Deal is available for all students from Reception – Year 12.

The Saints Sport Support Group (SSSG) will once again be cooking up a storm. Volunteers will hand-deliver the Reception – Year 2 lunches to the classroom, and Years 3 – 12 can collect their lunches from the barbecue area. We’re offering delicious hamburger Meal Deals and a sausage sizzle (vegetarian options available). Parents, give yourself a day off from making the school lunches and let us do it for you!

Please pre-order your daughter’s Meal Deal via https://www.trybooking.com/BOVMR, as there will be no cash sales on the day.

House hats, water bottles and wrist bands can also be pre-ordered.

All proceeds raised by the Saints Sport Support Group directly benefit our Saints Girls and their sporting endeavours.

Thank you so much for your kind support.

Saints Sport Support Group

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Junior School Vacation Care

Our next awesome instalment of Junior School Vacation Care is almost here. We have some great activities guaranteed to keep the children entertained through the break. With an array of excursions and on-site adventures, there is plenty of fun to be had.

April 2021 Vacation Care Program

Places are limited, so click here to secure your booking now!

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Entertainment Book

Are you planning to purchase an Entertainment Membership in 2021?

You can buy your membership and support St Peter’s Girls’ School fundraising here:

Immunisation Information – Year 8 and 10 Students

The below information is provided by Eastern Health Authority (EHA):

The SA School Immunisation Program will be offered at your school by Eastern Health Authority (EHA).

All Year 8 students will be offered:
2 doses of the human papillomavirus vaccine, Gardasil®9 at two separate visits.
1 dose of the diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough vaccine, Boostrix®.

All Year 10 students will be offered:
2 doses of the meningococcal B vaccine, Bexsero® at two separate visits.
1 dose of the meningococcal ACWY vaccine, Nimenrix®.

Further information and videos for high school students are available at: https://www.health.gov.au/news/school-based-vaccinations-for-teens

Immunisation consent packs will be sent home with all Year 8 and 10 students. It is important that you read the information contained in the packs before you give consent for your child to be vaccinated at school. If you do not receive a pack from your child, please ask at the school’s Front Office.

All parents/legal guardians are to complete, sign and return the Consent Cards, even if you do not consent for the student to be vaccinated at school. Students aged 16 years and above can consent for themselves.

Please notify EHA if:
– Your child has already started the above program with another provider
– You wish to withdraw your consent
– Your child’s medical condition has changed

If you do not want your child to be vaccinated at school, please contact Eastern Health Authority to arrange for your child to receive the free vaccines. If you go to your local doctor for the vaccination, they will need to order the vaccine and may charge a consultation fee.

If you have any further questions about the program, please contact Eastern Health Authority via 8132 3600 or eha@eha.sa.gov.au

Remember: it is your responsibility to notify EHA of any changes or information, particularly in relation to your child’s medical condition, on the day of immunisation or prior. A signed and dated note in your child’s diary from a parent or guardian presented on the day is acceptable.

School Immunisation Program records may be required for future employment or travel.

Eastern Health Authority

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New Student Winter Uniform Fittings

With Term 2 fast approaching, it may be time to arrange a winter uniform fitting for your daughter.

To streamline the process, we have introduced a new online booking system. It shows available time slots through to 26 March.

Click on the link below to access the calendar and select a time that suits you. Please include your daughter’s name.


Students will be required to wear their winter uniform from the first day of next term.

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Winter Uniform Requirements – Year 4 Students

If your daughter is in Year 4, there are a few different uniform requirements that you will need to arrange before Term 2.

With the winter uniform, the pinafore is replaced by a skirt of the same fabric, so if the pinafore still fits, the bib can simply be removed.

The grandpa shirt is replaced by a collared shirt and tie, and the junior blazer (cardigan) is no longer worn and is replaced by a navy blue jumper and a wool blazer.

Please contact the School Shop on 8334 2228 to arrange an appointment.

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COVID Measures

Please note the following information regarding our continued COVID response.

The School has a QR code tracing system to facilitate the safe return of parents on site, in line with wider government measures. Parents entering the campus to drop off or collect their children need to scan the QR code provided each time. This also applies to parents visiting the School for events such as parent information evenings or sports training/matches.

Parents and visitors with more formal appointments at the School, such as meeting a staff member, are still required to sign in/out at Front Office and also need to scan the QR code as well for SA Health tracing purposes.

Adults who do not have a device to scan the QR code need to write their details on the paper form provided in the Front Office.

Parents who remain in their vehicles in the main car park do not need to scan in, and students do not need to scan in as the School already tracks daily attendance.

Logistics around events will be shared in due course, dependent upon the latest advice. Attendance numbers, particularly for indoor events, will still need to be restricted to facilitate social distancing.

The following general requirements remain in place:

  • Ensure adults maintain a distance of 1.5m from each other.
  • Practise sound hand washing and other hygiene measures.
  • Students should remain at home if they are unwell; please notify the School of absences by texting 0428 601 957, emailing attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au, or calling 8334 2200.

We thank all of our families for your cooperation.

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Keep Unwell Children Home

Now more than ever, it is absolutely imperative to keep unwell children at home until they have recovered, even if symptoms are only mild.

This is not only for their own health and safety, but for that of all students and staff.

If your child will not be attending school/ELC, please notify the School via one of the following methods:

Text: 0428 601 957 (save to phone contacts as SPGS)
Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au
Phone: 8334 2200

Thank you for your cooperation and vigilance.

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Health Notification – Norovirus

The School has been notified of some suspected cases of Norovirus, a type of viral gastroenteritis.

SA Health says there have been increased reports of gastroenteritis in South Australia. Symptoms include:

Abdominal cramps
Low grade fever

Noroviruses are very infectious and can spread easily from person-to-person via faeces and vomit. Symptoms usually begin 24 to 48 hours after ingestion of the virus, but can appear as early as 12 hours after exposure.

People should be excluded from childcare, pre-school, school and work until there has been no vomiting or diarrhoea for at least 48 hours.

Please keep unwell children home, particularly if they complain of stomach pains in the morning.

For further information on symptoms, treatment and prevention, click here. Please note the recommendations regarding hand washing in particular. The School applies strict hygiene standards for the safety of our community, and we ask families for their cooperation and vigilance.

If your child will not be attending school/ELC, please notify the School via one of the following methods:

Text: 0428 601 957 (save to phone contacts as SPGS)
Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au
Phone: 8334 2200

If you have any queries, please contact the Health Centre via 8155 5762 or healthcentre@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Kind regards

Lara Waltham and Sarah Wilkinson
Registered Nurses, Health Centre

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Sports News


17 March

Open A: Saints 26 v Immanuel 36
Mid A: Saints 12 v Immanuel 58
Mid B: Saints 28 v Immanuel 26

15 March

Mid C: Saints 11 v Concordia 28
Mid D: Saints 11 v Concordia 32


11 March

Open B: Saints 17 v Mercedes 2
Open C: Saints 12 v SMC 4


13 March

Open A: Saints 3 v Walford 0
Open B: Saints 3 v Walford 0
Open C: Saints 1 v Walford 2
Mid A: Saints 3 v Walford 0
Mid B: Saints 3 v Walford 0
Mid C: Saints 3 v Walford 0
Mid E: Saints 0 v Immanuel 2

Some marvellous matches against Walford resulted in Saints Girls taking home the Volleyball Intercol for a 5th year running. Coaches Shaun and Antonio provide some insight into our Open games:

Open A:
A good win from the Open A girls, claiming all 3 sets. The 1st and 3rd were secured with ease, with the 2nd being a lot tighter. The game provided an opportunity to focus on some key areas of development, namely defence and covering. The excitement and momentum from the win should continue into our next match.

Open B:
The time for Intercol was here, and the Open B girls were ready. Right from the first serve, they showed no flaws and powered against Walford, dispatching aces and killing the ball, with amazing defence to keep the ball up. With all this consistency, the girls gave their Intercol rivals a challenging time, and soon enough, it was a 3-0 sweep. Joss, again, served ace after ace with ease, and her blocking shut off many hits from Walford.

Open C:
The team played a very good brand of volleyball even though they were unable to secure a win after losing the 1st set in a tiebreak 24-26. The girls had to lift their game in the 2nd set, finding ways around Walford’s tricky service, and ultimately winning the set with ease. The deciding set got off to a rough start; the girls were unable to side out for 8 points in a row. However, once they did, they were able to keep up with Walford and regain their confidence. Unfortunately, the 8 points at the start made it too difficult to come back. Despite the loss, from the start of the season, the girls have been consistently improving and applying the things they do at training to games. Serving and hitting were two great components of the match. The girls will be continuing to work on their skills; however, I believe that what allowed them to win the 2nd set with ease was the confidence they had in themselves and their team, so this is something I hope to help them build on.


15 March

Open A: Saints 36 v Scotch 5
Open B: Saints 35 v Scotch 15


13 March

Open A: Saints 0 v Marryatville 7
Open B: Saints 1 v Pembroke 6
Mid A: Saints 1 v Wilderness 4
Mid B: Saints 3 v Mercedes 3
Mid C: Saints 3 v Mercedes 7


Our students also continue to thrive beyond school-based sport as we see success in both Athletics and Swimming. At this year’s Athletics State Championships and Long Course State Swimming Championships, we have had a host of Saints Girls who performed admirably. Congratulations to the students below for the effort and hard work they have put in leading up this this event. Several of them will be representing Saints at the upcoming SSSA Athletics Carnival on 31 March and we can’t wait to see them in action!


Daisy Braithwaite
1st U16 Women’s 3000m Walk; 2nd U16 Women’s 2000m Steeplechase; 2nd U16 Women’s 1500m Final

Carys Kinsella-White
2nd U15 Women’s High Jump; 3rd U15 Women’s 200m Hurdles; 4th U15 Women’s Triple Jump; 9th U15 Women’s 100m; 2nd U15 Women’s 400m; 3rd U15 Women’s 90m Hurdles; 5th U15 Women’s Shot Put; 3rd U15 Women’s 800m

Holly Cardone
2nd U20 Women’s High Jump

Keeley Fahey
3rd U20 Women’s High Jump; 2nd U20 Women’s Pole Vault

Isla Fahey
1st U15 Women’s 2000m Steeplechase; 7th U14 Women’s 1500m

Chloe Richardson
3rd U14 Women’s 1500m; 3rd U14 Women’s 800m

Elodie de Wit
5th U14 Women’s 1500m

Charlotte McAuliffe
1st U15 Women’s 100m; 1st U15 Women’s 400m; 1st U15 Women’s Long Jump; 1st U15 Women’s 200m

Amelia Lucas
3rd U16 Women’s 100m; 2nd 16 Women’s 400m; 3rd U16 Women’s 200m

Lakara Stallan
1st Open Women’s 100m; 1st Open Women’s 200m


Tara Young: 15 Year
3rd 50m Butterfly; 2nd 100m Freestyle; 4th 50m Freestyle; 4th 100m Backstroke; 2nd 50m Backstroke

Poppy Marshall: 15 Year
1st 200m Breaststroke; 4th 100m Freestyle; 1st 50m Breaststroke

Emily Whittaker: 15 Year
3rd 50m Breaststroke

Isabelle Tran: 14 Year
4th 400m IM; 4th 200m Butterfly; 5th 50m Breaststroke; 8th 50m Freestyle; 5th 100m Backstroke

Alice Braithwaite: 14 Year
3rd 50m Backstroke; 7th 50m Freestyle; 4th 200m IM; 4th 100m Backstroke

Emily Tolladay: 13 Year
4th 50m Backstroke; 10th 50m Breaststroke; 7th 50m Freestyle

Alyssa Tran: 13 Year
4th 200m Breaststroke; 4th 50m Breaststroke; 8th 50m Freestyle; 3rd 100m Backstroke; 4th 100m Backstroke

Emma Everitt: 13 Year
1st 400m IM; 1st 200m Butterfly; 3rd 200m IM; 4th 100m Butterfly; 5th 200m Freestyle; 6th 50m Butterfly; 1st 400m Freestyle

Elysia Scarr: 13 Year
8th 50m Backstroke; 9th 200m IM; 9th 100m Backstroke; 9th 100m Butterfly; 8th 50m Butterfly; 4th 200m Backstroke

Ella Pearce: 11 Year
8th 200m IM

Meg Paul: 11 Year
50m Freestyle; 50m Butterfly; 50m Backstroke


Hot Shots Tennis will continue in Term 2, led by Coach Matt Ford.
This is a fun and engaging program for students in R – 3.
In Term 2, all communication goes through Matt, so if your daughter is interested in playing, please contact him via the details below:

Matt Ford
Mobile – 0412 855 073
Email – ford.matt@bigpond.com


The countdown to Summer Interhouse has begun! On the last day of term, Thursday 1 April, the Houses will competed across Volleyball, Basketball, Tennis and Touch Football for the Interhouse Cup. For Junior School students, we will have some games of Softball.

Captains should start getting teams ready for a day of competitive fun. For the first time, we will also be introducing Interhouse Rowing to the carnival. A 90-minute time limit will apply, with individual student times capped and the winning House covering the greatest distance on our School ergos. It looks set to be a challenging and exciting event!

Tommy Peak
Director of Sport

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