Issue no. 37
Farewell From Deputy Principal Kate Mortimer
When I consider what I will miss the most about Saints Girls, the answer is immediate and clear: the wonderful sense of community. On the day of my interview for my current role, I first noticed the strong relationships between the staff and the girls. As a teacher, you get a great sense of the culture of a school from walking through the corridors, visiting classrooms, and watching and listening to staff and students interact. What was evident on that first visit, and what remains true to this day, is that Saints is a community where people take care of each other.
My thanks to the staff, who always give above what is required. Not only to the girls, but to each other. There is rarely a recess or lunchtime when teachers are not meeting with girls to offer further educational or pastoral support. I have watched our IT staff dedicate time to working on projects with students and our Tuck Shop ladies advise the girls undertaking Service Learning, dedicating their time before, during and after school – all the while embodying a positive attitude and a delightful sense of fun. Their caring nature also extends to how they treat each other. There is compassion and empathy, and the Saints’ staff will always step up to support each other.
Undoubtedly, I will miss the girls. Every day, they live the School values of courage, creativity and compassion. They are advocates for social justice, they challenge societal norms and they participate in every facet of School life. I will miss the candour and humour of the senior girls, and the hairstyle advice of the Reception students. I have appreciated their openness and value their ability to help when they see another girl in need, to offer support and advice. My advice to them, which they have embraced, has been to be brave, take risks and back yourself.
Finally, my thanks to the many parents I have spoken with over the past five years. I have valued their feedback and willingness to communicate. If the School is one side of the coin, parents are the other. Our currency is stronger together and Saints would simply not be the School it is without their support and, most importantly, their trust.
Kate Mortimer
Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School
‘Good-Goodbye’ From Director of Early Learning Kate Mount
As my time with St Peter’s Girls’ ELC comes to an end, I have had the chance to pause and reflect on what I would like to say to this wonderful community – one that I have been heavily involved in for the past 16 years. Unsure how I could possibly say goodbye to everyone I treasure so dearly, I have thrown myself into my work these past few months. But in the back of my mind, I have been well aware the end of term is fast approaching. This moment is bittersweet, to say the least.
My final message is one of immense gratitude, pride and togetherness. We are stronger together, and without this beautiful community of families, children and teachers, we could not have achieved the incredible milestones we have. They say it takes a village to raise a child, and together we have built a village that has guided so many children through our ELC, starting in Playgroup, and on through their educational journeys as they begin school. I have seen it first-hand as I guided my daughter Lucy through the School, which was one of my greatest joys.
My passion for the early years and my advocacy for early childhood has been the driving force behind my work. I have been privileged to become a leader in the early childhood sector, being recognised at local, State and National levels. I have advocated for our children and ensured they have access to the highest quality environments, educators and opportunities, including the ELC expansion in 2015. Dear to my heart is our work with reconciliation, and it was truly humbling for the Centre and my teaching team to be the only South Australian school or early learning centre shortlisted at the 2021 Narragunnawali Awards. This honour has proven that, while there is still work to do, we are forging the path towards reconciliation together.
My teaching team has grown tremendously over the past 16 years, and I’ve had the privilege of sending staff to Reggio Emilia in Italy for study tours. The growth they have displayed and shared with us when they return has been incredible. Together, we place great emphasis on research in practice and shifting perspectives, ensuring a culture of continued professional growth is at the heart of everything we do.
I’m grateful for everything we have learned and achieved together during my time at Saints Girls, including the incredible support I’ve had along the way from families and our parent group, the Friends of the ELC. I’m grateful to have been part of the School’s Senior Leadership Team, advocating for the children while working alongside such incredible leaders in the School and in our wider professional community.
It’s been an absolute privilege to share this time of my life with such a wonderful community. This truly is a good-goodbye, as each and every one of you holds a special place in my heart.
Kate Mount
Director of Early Learning
Hats Off to Our Year 9 Graduates!
Congratulations to our Year 9 girls on their graduation, marking their transition from Middle to Senior School.
This event is a chance for parents, staff and fellow students to celebrate the achievements of every Year 9 throughout their Middle School journey. The audience was entertained by excellent musical performances from Year 9 students Zoe Pool and Jasmin Baker, as well as pieces by our largely Middle School choir, In-Ta Jazz.
The following video was also played during the ceremony, featuring some of the highlights of Year 9 in 2021.
Career Ready with Media Professional Rosanna Mangiarelli
As part of our #EMPOWHER wellbeing and Career.Ready platforms, our Year 11 girls were fortunate to hear from Seven Network journalist and presenter Rosanna Mangiarelli who has launched her own program to help inspire and embolden young people.
‘Paratus’, which is Latin for ‘ready and prepared’, aims to instil knowledge, tools and confidence across vital areas such as public speaking, job interviewing, social skills, personal presentation and online etiquette.
After the one hour group session, our 2022 Head Prefect Sophie Norman and Deputy Head Prefect Chi Chi Zhao interviewed Rosanna for some sage advice:
Stroke of Brilliance at Visual Arts Exhibition
Our incredibly talented Year 12 Visual Arts students have showcased stunning pieces of work at their final exhibition which was recently held in the Elizabeth Pike Art Centre.
The pieces represent hours of hard work, dedication and creativity. For some of the students, this is the first time that their work has been publicly displayed. There was a range of media on show with the students presenting their final pieces and an artist statement explaining their concept, inspiration, process and personal reflection. Both SACE and IB Visual Arts pieces were exhibited.
Thank you to the families, friends and staff who supported the students on the night.
Kirsten Mansfield
Visual Arts Teacher
ELC Shares Festive Joy
Our ELC End of Year Celebration was a truly delightful occasion last Friday night as our youngest children performed some of their favourite Christmas songs for their families on Chiverton Lawns.
Watch our video to see the joy!
Warm Reception at Christmas Assembly
Congratulations to our Reception girls who welcomed in the festive season by lighting up the stage at their Christmas Assembly!
Take a look at some of the heart-warming highlights:
Positive Reaction to Our First Scientist in Residence
It’s nearly the end of the year, but my lunchtime science activities are still in full swing. The last couple of weeks we have tried our hand at making bottle rockets and crushing cans without using our hands! I have a group of regular attendees from Years 3 – 11 for activities every Monday which gives an opportunity for the older girls to look after the younger, enthusiastic scientists.
The girls learnt the process of chemical reactions by looking at reactants and products when we combined baking soda and vinegar in the bottle rocket experiment. The production of carbon dioxide occurs so rapidly that the cork shoots out of the bottom of the rocket and propels the bottle into the air. Like all science experiments, they do not always go to plan, and the girls had an opportunity to think like a scientist and use their problem-solving skills to get the rocket to launch.
We also examined how rapid temperature shifts can cause a change in pressure large enough to crush an empty can without applying any force at all. The girls were enthralled with this experiment and had a lot of fun and laughs setting this up and getting it to work.
I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the girls and getting to know them this year. I am very grateful to witness their interest in science grow and am excited to see what the future holds for these young scientists.
Dr Nicole Foster
Scientist in Residence
Once Upon a Time…Year 8 Arts Night
Last week, audiences were treated to an all-singing, all-dancing, dramatic display of The Arts! The Year 8 cohort spent seven weeks planning, creating, rehearsing and performing Once Upon a Time – a series of four fairytales with some unexpected and unusual twists. The production was delivered through Project-Based Learning, which is an educational approach where students take the lead, guided by the teachers as mentors.
All costumes and sets were designed and made by our Visual Arts students, choreographers were responsible for some incredible dance routines, and the directors and producers managed the actors. In addition, there was an amazing crew backstage running the show from the wings, and musicians on stage showcasing their talents in a variety of ways.
The most heart-warming part of this entire process was the way the girls worked together, supported one another and committed their time and energy, making this a fantastic show. Special thanks to Kirsten Mansfield, Robyn Habel and Katherine Kitching for all their guidance and efforts in inspiring these students to appreciate and enjoy The Arts.
Kate Burnett
Head of The Arts
Old Scholar’s Class Act
The Year 9 students were privileged to have Old Scholar Julia Vosnakis (Kilburn 2015) visit the School to speak about her latest role in the Windmill Theatre production of Amphibian. After studying Drama at Flinders University, she is now working in theatre and television, and recently won the role of Chloe in Amphibian, a show that has toured Australia in the past five months and which the students were fortunate to see in Term 3.
Julia spent a lesson with all of the Year 9 students answering a broad range of questions including those about the process of becoming an actor, what it is like to work in the industry, how actors develop characters and how the rehearsal process works, as well as questions about the show itself. It was a delight to have Julia back in the School and exciting to hear where her career is taking her.
Michael Butler-Wills
Head of English/Drama Teacher
Great Escape for EDGE Girls
A group of Saints Girls from Reception to Year 10, along with staff and Year 12 volunteers, recently headed to the Adelaide Gaol to research the best way to escape! The girls split into small groups to explore and gain evidence for their plans and then had to use the information provided to support their ideas for the most effective and ethical escape from the gaol.
On return to school, after a pizza lunch, the girls presented their ideas. It was great to see the relationships build between the older and younger girls, as well as the development of skills such as time management, ethical thinking, problem-solving and critical thinking.
Becca Burton-Howard
EDGE Coordinator
Upcoming Events
Carols in the Chapel
St Peter’s Girls’ School Chapel
7pm, Monday 6 December
Once again, due to capacity restrictions in St Peter’s Cathedral, our annual Carols service will be held in our School Chapel. As such, student attendance is only compulsory for Music students, and parent attendance is limited to Music parents and Year 12 parents, who have received details separately.
This event will be live-streamed to our School community. A link will be provided in next week’s eNews.
Presentation Night
Influencers Church, Paradise
Tuesday 7 December
Students arrive at 6.30pm (unless advised otherwise by the Music Department)
Doors open at 7pm
Presentation Night is a compulsory event for students in Years 7 – 12.
Be Involved in ‘Our Saints’ Community
Would you like your daughter’s Grandmother, Grandfather, Aunts and/or Uncles to receive our biannual Saints Alive magazine and our weekly eNews updates? Sign up for the free ‘Our Saints’ membership for Grandparents, other treasured family members and friends.
For more information and to join this unique group, please click here and email the completed form to Foundation Manager Melissa Westgate via
Farewell for Director of Early Learning Kate Mount
Join us for a morning tea on Chiverton Lawns as we farewell our beloved Director of Early Learning Kate Mount after 16 phenomenal years at Saints Girls.
9am, Thursday 2 December
Chiverton Lawns
A light morning tea of scones, coffee and tea will be served.
For COVID-Safe and catering purposes, RSVP via by 5pm, Friday 26 November.
Professional School Photo Offers
Focus School Portraits is offering Saints Girls’ families two special packages to purchase professional photos taken at various School events including House Dinners, the Old Scholars’ Reunion Dinner, The Long Lunch and Valedictory Dinner, as well as upcoming events such as Carols in the Chapel and Presentation Night.
Offer 1 – $88
To view the photos, visit
Select Gallery
To access, use the password: SaintsGirls
Email Mark at quoting the photo numbers and event. He will be in contact with you to finalise the order.
Offer 2
The Special Groups offer includes photos of House Captains, Generations, Originals, Year 12 cohort and the Year 12 image from the Chiverton Balcony
Select School Portraits
Enter access key: AU6Z7HZ5
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Mark via or 8389 9002.
Bushfire Action Plan
As summer approaches, it is timely to remind families about the School’s Bushfire Action Plan.
The policy was developed in consultation with the CFS, MFS, Department for Education and other stakeholders to ensure staff and students are prepared in the event of an emergency.
For more information, you can access our Bushfire Action Plan on the myLink Parent Portal by clicking the ‘School Documents’ menu item, followed by the ‘Whole School’ tab.
Junior School Vacation Care
Our next awesome instalment of Junior School Vacation Care is almost here. We have some great activities guaranteed to keep the children entertained through the break. With an array of excursions and on-site adventures, there is plenty of fun to be had.
December 2021/January 2022 Vacation Care Program
Places are limited, so secure your booking now!
Uniform Requirements for 2022 Year 4 Students
If your daughter will be in Year 4 next year, there are a few different uniform requirements that you will need to purchase before Term 1, 2022.
The junior blazer (cardigan) is no longer worn and is replaced by a navy blue jumper and a wool blazer.
It is advisable to make an appointment on 8334 2228 as the School Shop is currently busy with new student fittings.
2022 Swimming Requirements for Years 4 – 10
In preparation for the 2022 school year, we ask parents to check that their daughters have correctly-sized bathers for swimming in the new year. Swimming activities will commence in Week 1 of Term 1 for all girls in Years 4 – 10.
If your daughter requires new bathers, we highly recommend making an appointment with the School Shop on 8334 2228 and purchasing before the end of Term 4.
School Shop Closing/Opening Dates
The School Shop will be closed from 4.30pm Friday 3 December 2021 until 9am Monday 24 January 2022.
January Opening Dates
Monday 24th: 9am – 4pm
Tuesday 25th: 9am – 4pm
Thursday 27th: 9am – 4pm
Friday 28th: 9am – 4pm
Monday 31st: 8am – 4pm
To help reduce your waiting time, and if you require a full fitting, it is advisable to call the School Shop on 8334 2228 prior to coming in.
New School Shop hours commencing Monday 31 January 2022:
Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm
(closed for lunch 12 – 12.30pm)
Entertainment Membership
To support Saints Girls and secure your Entertainment Membership, click here.
Terms and conditions apply. Visit for more information.
Absences from School

If your child is going to be absent, late to school or leave early, please use one of the following methods to notify the School providing student name, class/Home Group and reason:
Text: 0428 601 957
Phone: 8334 2200
Feel free to include the class/Home Group teacher when emailing. It would be appreciated if notifications could be made prior to 9am.
It is absolutely imperative to keep unwell children at home until they have recovered, even if symptoms are mild. This is not only for their own health and safety, but for that of all students and staff.
We thank all of our families for their cooperation.
Sports News
Middle A: Saints 1 v Wilderness 8
Middle B: Saints 0 v St Dominic’s 4
I started water polo in Year 7 after finishing up swimming the previous year and had never heard of the sport before. In just my second season in Year 8, I was fortunate to be selected in the U14 State team alongside fellow Saints Girl Lara Wakeham. Since then, I have played several games at club and State level, and even had the opportunity to play in the National League against current Olympians.
Now, at Saints Girls, we have over 40 players across 5 teams from Years 6 to 12. All teams have been very successful this season, with the 3 Open teams finishing top of the ladder in Term 4, and I hope that this success continues as we develop our Water Polo program at Saints in the coming years. During my time as Captain this past season, I have really enjoyed passing on my knowledge by coaching younger teams and encouraging the girls to pursue the sport at a higher level.
A big thank you to our Coach James Powers who has led the Open A team through an undefeated winning streak over his four seasons of coaching. His enthusiasm and knowledge surrounding the game is infectious, and we will always be grateful for his support and dedication to our team. – Saskia Jonats (Water Polo Captain)
In October, our U16 girls took out 1st place at the VIVA SA All Schools Games. The team was made up of Charlotte McAuliffe, Amelia Lucas, Carys Kinsella-White, Malaika McLeod, Daisy Braithwaite, Elodie de Wit (U16 3000m Runner Up) and Isla Fahey (U16 3000m Runner Up, 2000m Steeplechase Runner Up).
In addition to this recent success, last weekend was the SA Relay State Championships where Saints had fantastic representation with the following results:
Amelia Lucas
4×4 Medley Relay – 2nd
4x100m Relay – 3rd
Charlotte McAuliffe
4x100m Relay – 3rd
4x400m Relay – 1st
Field Relay – 2nd
Chloe Richardson
4x800m Relay – 4th
Phoebe Lucas
4x100m Relay – 4th
4×4 Medley Relay – 4th
Isla Fahey
4×4 Medley Relay – 4th