Issue no. 26
From the Head of Middle School
Transitioning from Junior to Middle School is an exciting milestone in the educational journey of any student. However, it can be a time of apprehension, for both students and parents. I was delighted, therefore, that the recent transition evening in the Arts Centre was so well attended.
The aim of the evening was for parents to learn about our Middle School Curriculum and the thinking behind it, to consider some of the challenges of transition, and to learn about some key events in Year 7 and beyond. It was also a great opportunity to meet some key people and to welcome new families to the Saints Girls Community.
Some of the key challenges that students face as they transition from Junior School to Middle School are:
- Increase in number of teachers
- Homework expectations
- Movement around the School
- Personal organisation/lockers.
To help students adapt to these challenges, we have a staged transition process aimed at gradually introducing our Year 6 students to the Middle School, our staff, processes and expectations. At the same time, it allows us to get to know the girls ahead of the beginning of the new school year.
Some of the key elements of this transition process are:
- Middle School teacher visits to Junior School classes during Term 4
- Orientation days for new students where they can mix with current students
- A ‘Move up’ day in November, when all Year 6 students will spend dedicated time in the Middle School with their Home Group teacher where possible
- The School Counsellor will meet all Year 7s at the start of the year and talk about her services, as well as the challenges of young adolescence and common difficulties experienced during transition
- Home Group teachers spend extended time at the start of the new year with their new Home Group to get to know the students, as well as to make sure all students are clear about structures and processes
- There will be iPad introductory basic skills sessions to make sure all students can access resources and applications required for Middle School lessons.
Present at the transition evening were a number of parents from families that will be joining the Saints Girls Community in 2017. It was great to see how welcoming our current Year 6 families were after the formal part of the evening concluded. Transitioning to a new school in Year 7 or 8 can often be harder for parents than students, as adult social groups and networks are often less accessible than those of teenage girls. As a consequence, and in response to suggestions from a number of current parents, this year I am looking for community members who are willing to act as ‘Buddy Families’. Their role would not only be for the student to be trained and act as a buddy for new students, but also for the family to help integrate new parents into the Saints Girls Community, meeting occasionally for a coffee, giving ‘end user’ advice on things such as uniform, managing co-curricular commitments and pick-up/drop-off. The role would also be to explain (from a practical, parent point of view), and to act as a point of contact for major school events such as Twilight Cinema, Choral Night and Swimming Carnival. Having mentioned this on the night, I was delighted to hear that some parents had already reached out and invited new families to a ‘Dad and Daughter’ weekend on the Murray later in the year.
We know that when families feel included, they are more likely to ‘give back’ to the School, and their students are more likely to be in a state of comfort to give their best, which is good for everyone.
I’ll be contacting parents shortly with further details of this buddy scheme, but if you are interested in volunteering in advance, please do not hesitate to contact me. In the meantime, I look forward to continuing to get to know our current Year 6 parents over the next term, and meeting parents as the year progresses.
Richard Lisle
Head of Middle School
Head of Senior School and Deputy Principal Appointments
I am delighted to announce that Kate Mortimer will be joining St Peter’s Girls as Co-Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School, and Richard Lisle’s role will be expanded to Co-Deputy Principal/Head of Middle School. Both new roles will commence January 2017.
The traditional Deputy Principal role has been split to allow both Heads of School sufficient time to focus on their sub-schools. Kate will oversee co-curricular activities, staff appraisals and compliance while assuming overall responsibility for the wellbeing program. Richard will oversee the day-to-day running of the school which includes timetabling and the School calendar. I’m confident the School will flourish as a result of this new partnership.
Kate Mortimer
Kate holds a B Ed, graduating with Honours in her chosen discipline of Health and Human Movement Education from The University of Sydney. With 15+ years’ experience as a Head Teacher, Kate brings with her a sound knowledge of curriculum, educations trends, schooling practices and pedagogy. She has spent the past 10 years at Queenwood School for Girls in Sydney, where she held the leadership role of Head of Wellbeing K – 12 and led a highly impressive wellbeing initiative. Based on Australian best practice, this focused on enhancing social interaction, leadership, health, self-discipline and self-confidence. No doubt her expertise will serve our girls well.
Kate’s passion for health and fitness has seen her be an active Surf Life Saving Volunteer. Her athletic achievements include Open Surf Boat National Champion, State Champion, Australian Representative and NSW State Captain. To top it off, she has just completed a six-week cycling trip across Europe – riding alongside professional cyclists to boot!
With passion and determination evident both personally and professionally, coupled with a terrific sense of humour and a genuine sense of empathy when working with students and their parents, Kate is a perfect role model for our girls and I hope you will join me in welcoming her to our School community.
I will be writing to all 2017 Senior School parents shortly with further information about Kate’s commencement and opportunities for introductory meetings with families.
Richard Lisle
Richard will continue as Head of Middle School, overseeing the all-important transition into the new facilities once completed and spearheading the teaching philosophy that has underpinned our design.
Warmest congratulations to both Kate and Richard on their appointments.
Julia Shea
Strings Music Update

The experience of travelling away from school to perform in front of an audience outside of our School community is important for the development of our girls, building their confidence and sense of School spirit.
On Wednesday 24 August the Junior String Orchestra, Senior Strings and Percussion Ensemble travelled to Westminster School to take part in the annual SA School Band and Orchestra Festival (ABODA).
Our Percussion Ensemble, directed by Nick Parnell, made an impact right at the front of the stage, with their dramatic performance including choreographed stick twirls and turns. This impressive turn not only demonstrated their skills, but also their sense of fun. The girls did us proud by receiving a gold award.
For all but two of our Junior String Orchestra girls, this was their very first time performing at an event outside of our School community. This group of young musicians displayed great poise and composure to receive a bronze award in the novice strings section.
This year, as part of our ongoing mentoring program, our Senior Strings combined with members of the Middle School Chamber Ensemble for our ABODA entry. This group received a bronze award and are looking forward to presenting two of the pieces they performed at our up and coming Spring Cabaret on September 16.
Participation in external events is important for the growth and development of the girls.
The excitement and challenge of these new experiences encourages our girls to continue to be risk-takers, while developing their skills and then measuring them against others. These experiences broaden our girls view of their own abilities and allows them to reflect and further develop identity within the string program.
One focus of our ensemble program is to promote a sense of teamwork and community. By further developing our mentoring program and supporting our girls to take on leadership roles, we can build their self-confidence, resilience and ability to flourish under pressure.
We congratulate all the girls on their efforts and look forward to seeing their future performances.
Fiona Patten
Strings Co-ordinator
A Message from the EDGE
Since the launch of the EDGE provision in Term 1, I have had the opportunity to work with a large number of staff in a collaborative role to support the planning of differentiation in the classroom. The time spent with staff has helped us as a school to further improve the learning experience for our students to ensure that all are stretched, challenged and supported to reach their potential.
As we know, the greatest resource and impact on our students’ progress is the time spent in the classroom with supportive teachers who know and plan for the needs of their students. Research highlights that good quality teaching will have the greatest impact on any student above and beyond any other provision.
The EDGE sessions that started in the Junior School in Term 2, seem to have been enjoyed by both students and the staff delivering them. The Year 1 and 2 group explored the basics of fair testing through an investigation into flight. Meanwhile the Year 3 and 4 group were busy using maths and engineering to build a trebuchet, which would outperform Ms Haddy’s attempt! The Year 5s looked critically and creatively through the use of journals at the world and characters of ‘Alice in Wonderland’. Finally, Year 6 got to grips with programming using both Tex our NAO Humanoid Robot and a variety of Apps.
Term 3 has seen the program develop to incorporate Middle and Senior School who have worked with Ms Shea and Ms Farr. Year 7 and 8 EDGE mathematicians worked through the Enrichment Stage of the Mathematics Challenge for Young Australians. They’ve solved some perplexing logic problems, extended their arithmetic prowess to bases other than ten and discovered which polygons will tessellate! Meanwhile the Year 9 girls have been investigating patterns (swiss round), problems (modulus arithmetic and nets) and have engaged in a little light reading of mathematics, including reasoning which explains why you can never walk across the room and reach the door(Zeno’s paradox)! Year 10s have taken their learning beyond the classroom to participate in a Maths Experience Day at Uni SA.
In Junior School we enhanced critical and visual literacy skills, learning the techniques in Years 1 and 2 , whilst Years 3 and 4 used these skills to discover the impact of women on society. Year 5 looked to improve on the Years 3 and 4 efforts to beat the trebuchet building prowess of Ms Haddy, and finally the Year 6s philosophised their way through the tales of the Odyssey.
So what does our final term hold for the EDGE groups? Philosophical questioning and critical thinking has a wonderful ability to open minds and inspire students, so Years 1 – 5 will focus on developing these skills and Years 6 and 7 will delve into the world of Neuro Science with Nicole Letch our School Counsellor. This will support the transition of our junior students into Middle School. The Middle and Senior students will be exploring the representation of women in the media in order to become critical media consumers.
Becca Burton-Howard
Gifted & Talented Teacher
Science and Engineering Challenge
Year 9 and Year 10 students have recently had the opportunity to gain an understanding of the thinking and skills involved in engineering by participating in the Science and Engineering Challenge either at school or on the statewide stage.
On Wednesday 31 August, 30 Year 10 girls represented the school at the Science and Engineering Superchallenge. This was the State Final of this competition, conducted Australia-wide by the University of Newcastle with the help and support of local organisations, tertiary institutions and volunteers from Rotary and Engineers Australia.
Our students earned their place in the final by achieving the outstanding result in the qualifying heats, held at UniSA Mawson Lakes last term. Eight schools from across the state competed in the final, including metropolitan schools and those from the Riverland, Mid-north, South East and Eyre Peninsula. St Peter’s Girls was the only single-sex independent school to reach the final.
This competition required teams of students to design, build and improve their solutions to various engineering-related problems in preparation for testing. Given a brief of the performance requirements, they had to work creatively and collaboratively to develop their best solution to the problem. The categories in the Superchallenge were:
• Bridge: build a model bridge to successfully carry a loaded trolley
• Catapult: build a model catapult to fire a tennis ball the greatest distance and most accurately
• Flat-pack: build a model table and chair to support the greatest mass;
• Hover-frenzy: build a working model hovercraft
• Electracity: connect a working model electricity network for a city and reconfigure it to deal with outages
• Helter Skelter Shelter: build the tallest possible model skyscraper that can support the greatest mass, even when subjected to a simulated earthquake
• Grasping at straws: build and operate a model bionic hand
• Stringways: design an airline network to connect together cities, responding to various design briefs
The first four categories were full-day activities. The last four were half-day activities, meaning two separate competitions were held for each of these. The extra level to the Superchallenge was that students didn’t know their category until they arrived at the venue.
The girls’ performance was again outstanding. They won the Bridge and both sessions of Grasping at Straws, were second in Electracity and third in Catapult. Overall we finished in second place, narrowly behind Immanuel College. They were disappointed to miss out on the opportunity to represent South Australia at the National Final in Hobart next month, however they were justifiably proud of their achievements on the day.
Next year the school will be represented by the current Year 9 students. All Year 9 girls had a taste of the flavour of the competition by taking part in the St Peter’s Girls Interhouse Science and Engineering Challenge on Friday 19 August. It was most pleasing to be helped out on the day by Science teachers, Year 9 teachers and also many of the Year 10 Science and Engineering Challenge team, who provided the Year 9s with the benefit of their expertise.
The Year 9 competition involved four activities; Bridge, Catapult, Helter Skelter Shelter and Flight (building model gliders). After much testing, including that provided by the storm and blackout that plunged the Arts Centre into darkness mid-judging, the final placings were:
1st: Kilburn 1581.36 points
2nd Kennion 1574.74
3rd Selwyn 1412.52
4th Patteson 1286.02
Brian Parsons
Head of Science
Legacy Junior Public Speaking Award State Final Winner
St Peter’s Girls’ School is delighted to announce that Year 9 student Aditi Tamhankar recently won the State Final of the ‘Legacy Junior Public Speaking Award’. The State Final was held at Legacy House on Friday 19 August where eight extremely eloquent students from metropolitan schools competed for the title. Fellow Year 9 student, Hannah Brown, was also a state finalist and delivered a poignant speech on the topic, ‘The Die Hard Australians’. Aditi’s topic was ‘Children of the World’, where she spoke passionately about the underprivileged children in our society and the need to provide equal opportunities for all. Both girls also delivered an impromptu speech of two minutes duration on what they aspire to be when they grow up. Aditi won $500 in prize money, a coveted trophy and a trip the National Final, which will be held in Adelaide in November. Both girls are to be congratulated on their outstanding efforts and for being exemplary ambassadors for our School.
Catriona Davies
Saints Girl excels at Young Writers Awards
Year 8 student Emily Loh, a budding writer, avid reader and a passionate tennis player, has more writing talent in her little finger than some of us have in their whole body. She combined these skills and entered the SAETA Young Writers Awards with a desire to show people that she could a deliver a powerful narrative from a different point of view and an ending with a twist. Emily’s passion is playing tennis and when playing one day a thought came to her, “Why not write a story from the point of view of a tennis ball?” It worked. Very well. Emily’s story, describing the Australian Open from the ball’s perspective, used vivid, sophisticated language and a wide array of literary techniques. In the end, Emily was awarded second place out of hundreds of entrants around South Australia. This is a well-deserved award and we are very proud of this achievement.
By Elise Cornfield
Year 8 student
Stage 2 Physical Education Practical Moderation
On Wednesday of this week, the Stage 2 Physical Education girls completed their practical moderation. This was a chance to display their best performance after practicing two specific practical units across the year. A third unit, windsurfing, was completed earlier in the year. The girls were assessed on their skills and game play within touch football and team handball. All girls displayed fantastic improvement from the beginning of the year and handled the occasion exceptionally well. We were fortunate to have the opportunity to play in touch football and team handball tournaments at times during this year, and this competitive environment allowed the girls to work on their teamwork and individual skills in a pressurised setting. Thanks to Mick and Sharon Gray and Dejan Buhavac for their support during the year. Well done girls!
Dan Searle
Head of PE, Health & Outdoor Education
IPSHA Poetry Recital Competition
Congratulations to Jenna Maione (4RD), Isabel Burmester (5SD) and Sophie Norman (6CM) who represented our School in the IPSHA Poetry Recital competition on Tuesday 6 September. They each recited a set poem provided by IPSHA and a poem of choice. It was so impressive to see the confidence and charisma with which they delivered their poems, and hear their beautiful clear and eloquent voices. We are delighted to announce that Isabel Burmester was the winner of the Year 5 category and Sophie Norman won the Year 6 division. The last time St Peter’s Girls won this competition was in 2003, which emphasises their outstanding performance!
Olivia Coulter
Year 5 Teacher
An update from the Environment Club
On Friday August 26, the Environment Club and Ms Stefopoulos’ Year 8 Geography class spent the afternoon planting tree seedlings in Ferguson Conservation Park. We were joined by some students from the ELC who came to learn about plants and nature. After splitting into three groups the girls, along with members of the Friends of Ferguson Park, planted over 200 native trees. This event aimed to promote the National Tree Day and successfully raised awareness about the importance of restoring Australia’s natural habitats. The Environment Club would like to thank the Friends of Ferguson Park for this fantastic opportunity and for informing us of the park’s long-standing association with the School.
Sophia Casanova Clarke
Environment Club Captain
Junior School House Music Eisteddfod
The Junior House Music Eisteddfod will be held on Thursday 29 September in the Arts Centre. Girls are welcome to wear a House ribbon in their hair on this special occasion.
We encourage girls who are taking instrumental lessons to sign up and represent their House in either a solo or small group. Each performer will receive participation points and overall winners will receive additional House points.
This year the event has been divided into two sections.
Section 1: Reception to Year 2 – starting at 11.15am in the Arts Centre
Section 2: Years 3 to 6 – starting at approximately 1.30pm.
The Junior House Music Eisteddfod will conclude by the end of the School day. If students still need to perform or are sick on the day, the competition will be reconvened on Monday during lunchtime.
To ensure all girls get their chance to participate, performances must not exceed two minutes.
Registration forms are available from the Arts Office.
We warmly invite you to support your daughter and her House by coming to watch the performances.
Old Scholars Golf Day

The annual St Peter’s Girls’ School Ladies’ Golf Day and Lunch is on Friday 23 September at Kooyonga Golf Club.
It’s a stableford competition with a multi tee start commencing at 8.30am. The day promises to be great fun with prizes on offer including ‘Nearest the Pin’ as well as the Perpetual Trophy for the 18 hole golf champion.
Play 9 or 18 holes or just join us for lunch at 1pm.
Tickets for golf and lunch: $80
Tickets for Kooyonga Golf Club members and those attending for lunch only: $25
All are welcome, so bring a friend!
Contact the Development Office on 8334 2239 for more details.
Megan McCormack
Old Scholar Liaison
Mothers Club Entertainment Book Fundraising Campaign
On behalf of the St Peter’s Girls Mothers Club, a big thank you to all community members and families that supported our 2016 Entertainment Book Fundraiser. It has been a rewarding challenge coordinating over 600 books to our ELC and School families!
With the kind support of the Friends of the ELC, we have managed to raise in excess of $2000. All funds raised will go towards projects associated with the Middle School redevelopment.
It’s still not too late to purchase a book if you haven’t already done so. Entertainment Book are offering free delivery with an online purchase for a limited time. So, just in time for school holidays you can order directly with the link on the Mothers Club fundraising page.
Many thanks for all of your support.
Nat Elliott
Mothers Club Vice President
Entertainment Book Coordinator
Combining classes with French exchange student, Marie
In weeks 3 and 4, we had a French exchange student, Marie, join us in Year 10. While a fantastic opportunity for our girls to learn more about the culture of French youths and about the most up-to-date French slang, we also thought it was a chance to run a joint project between Year 10 and Year 11 French classes.
First, Marie gave a short oral presentation on her home town of Agen, covering life, tourism and her school. Then the Year 11s prepared a short oral presentation in French on an aspect of Australian culture or tourism, ranging from an explanation of Aussie sports to the Sydney Opera House. They presented these to Marie, which led the Year 10s to some conversations in French about broader aspects of culture. The Year 11s had an opportunity to speak in front of a larger audience than usual, while the Year 10s were surprised at how much they could understand both from Marie’s presentation and the work of the Year 11s.
Alexandra McKay
Middle/Senior School Teacher
Support Patteson at City to Bay 2016
The city to bay is an annual event, which this year will take place on 18 September. The race starts in the Adelaide CBD and finishes in Glenelg, with the option to walk or run 3, 6 or 12 km. It is a great opportunity to get out in the sunshine with friends and family, whilst also fundraising for very worthwhile causes.
Already, there is a team of Patteson girls registered with the Australian Refugee Association and we encourage all of the Saints community to get involved. It would be great to see the colours of Kilburn, Kennion, Selwyn and Patteson all very prominent on the day – fundraising for the Cancer Council, Kickstart for Kids, the Smith Family or the ARA. Alternatively, there is a St Peter’s Girls team!
The Saints Girls P&F will be hosting a marquee at site number 40, which is the last row adjacent to Adelphi Terrace. Click here to view a map of Wigley Reserve. We encourage everyone to swing by at the end of the race for some delicious bacon and egg sandwiches. However, for this to be possible we need some parents to help out on the day.
If anyone is interested in helping out, please contact Ed Parker (President of the P&F):
2016 Spring Cabaret
Have you booked your tickets yet?
Featuring solo and ensemble performances from our fabulous Junior, Middle and Senior School musicians plus Enchante and Stage Band Old Scholars from the past 10 years.
The evening will also feature solo performances from Saints Girls who have been part of past Adelaide Cabaret Festivals.
Friends of Arts will be at the event selling wine and cheese platters, soft drinks and snacks.
When: 7pm, Friday 16 September
Venue: Arts Centre
Tickets: $10 Adults, $5 Concession
A fantastic night of music not to be missed! Book your tickets today at:
Important dates for the calendar 
Term 3
- Friday 9 September – Sports Day
- Sunday 18 September – Saints Girls Lacrosse End of Season Break Up
- Monday 19 — Friday 23 September – Year 10 camp
- Monday 19 — Thursday 22 September – Year 12 IB trial exams
- Tuesday 20 September – Healthy Relationships Day
- Tuesday 27 September – Years 11 & 12 Academic Conferences
Term 4
- Monday 10 — Friday 14 October – Year 12 SACE trial exams
- Tuesday 18 October & Thursday 20 October – Years 7 — 10 Parent Teacher Interviews
- Saturday 22 October – Summer Sport resumes
- Wednesday 26 October – Leaders’ and Prefects’ Induction
- Friday 28 October – Celebration Day and Valedictory Dinner
- Wednesday 2 — Tuesday 22 November – Year 12 IB exams
- Monday 7 — Monday 21 November – Year 12 SACE exams
- Thursday 10 November, 5.30 — 7.30pm – Community/Family Drinks on the Chiverton Lawns
- Monday 14 — Tuesday 22 November – Year 11 SACE exams
- Friday 18 November – Reception to Year 4 Sports Day
- Wednesday 23 November – Year 10 Swotvac Day
- Thursday 24 — Tuesday 29 November – Year 10 exams
- Thursday 24 November, 3.30pm – Middle and Senior School Sports Awards (all Middle School girls must attend)
- Friday 25 November – ELC Twilight Christmas Event
- Monday 28 November — Friday 9 December – Year 12 2017 Headstart Programme
- Thursday 1 December, 7pm – Carols in the Cathedral (all girls from Years 4 – 12 must attend)
- Thursday 1 December — Wednesday 7 December – Middle School Exams
- Friday 2 December – R — 2 Nativity
- Monday 5 December — Friday 9 December – Year 11 2017 Headstart Programme
- Wednesday 7 December, 2 — 3.30pm – Year 6 Celebration event
- Thursday 8 December, 2pm – Year 9 Celebration (All Year 9 parents, and students Yrs 6-9).
- Friday 9 December, 3.30pm – Classes conclude for all girls in ELC – Year 6
- Monday 12 December, 7pm – Presentation Night at the Adelaide Town Hall (compulsory for all girls in Years 7 — 12 and Year 6 House Captains). There will be no classes on this day but the girls will be involved in rehearsals at the Town Hall.
Sports News
If you have any news items or sporting success stories please email them through to me on:
Summer Sports schedule
Download the Summer Sports schedule.
Congratulations to Zoë Scobie (Year 8) who won a Gold medal in the SA State Aged Teams Fencing Challenge. Well done Zoe!
Under 18 – Saints 6 defeated by Burnside 22
Under 15 – Saints 13 defeated Wilderness 7
St Peter’s U/15 (3rd) matched up against rivals Wilderness (4th) in a knock out semi-final. Saints started well with centre control from Millisent Wilkin and possession to Harriet Maerschel who drove the ball into attack that resulted in a dodge and shot by Chelsea Walls for an early St Peter’s goal. Saints continued to control the centre draws and with 3 first half goals each to Chelsea Walls and Harriet Maerschel, we had handy 6 – 2 break with only minutes to go in the first half. Our solid defence of Kate Reade, Abigail Lisle and Scarlett Hocking was making it tough for the opposition to score, however a slight lapse saw Wildy score 3 late goals to trail by 1 at the break and gain some much needed confidence.
Isabelle Norman in goals made it almost impossible for Wildy to find the net, with many great saves and her clearing of the ball to our defenders. With some good finishing through quality shooting, Saints were able to draw away and win and progress to the Preliminary Final where we will take on Glenelg Lacrosse Club for a right to play in the Grand Final against Brighton. By Tim Dickson (Coach)
Under 13 – Saints 7 defeated by Burnside 13
The girls were all very eager to play against Burnside and play to the best of their ability. Portia Maerschel (Year 7) began the game in centre and throughout the match showed great skill in this position. Saskia Jonats (Year 7) did a great job in stepping in front of her player to get the ball from centre. Both these girls also continuously ran hard throughout the mid-field and into attack to shot goals. Isabel Burmester (Year 5) and Dani Cox (Year 4) both worked hard to get ground balls. At half time it was six all and the girls needed to work on being more aggressive at ground balls as well as spreading out in attack. Isabelle Norman (Year 8) was in goals and did a great job at saving countless shots as well as stepping out of the circle at appropriate times. Unfortunately, the girls lost but they all put in a good fight. Luckily we get another chance to play next week against Glenelg, which we must win to get into the grand final. Goal scorers were Portia Maerschel, Dani Cox and Saskia Jonats. Best players were Portia Maerschel, Saskia Jonats and Isabelle Norman. By Lucy Martin (Coach)
Year 7A – Saints 19 defeated Walford 7
By Michelle Blackburn (Coach)
Junior Basketball
Year 6 Blue – Saints had a bye
By Amy Wishart & Sophia West (coaches)
Year 6 White – Saints had a bye
By Abby Davey (coach)
Year 5 – Saints Blue 24 defeated Walford 19
Walford started strongly, but Saints Blue fought back hard and fast in the second quarter with every player giving her best. Eleanor Humphrey, best player, scored 12 points and put Saints Blue 10 points ahead. Georgie Owler was excellent in defence, rebounding well and scored 8 points. Phoebe Black showed great teamwork and played an excellent zone with Georgie. Helen Zhang was dynamic across the court and scored 4 points. Alicia Toh had her most impressive game this season, defending well and looking for open spaces. Annie Bui and Charlotte McKee brought the ball down well and set up many scoring opportunities. Well done on a fantastic team effort. Samantha McKee (Coach)
Year 5 – Saints White had a bye
By Sharon Tocher-Leach (Blue Coach)
Junior Netball
On Wednesday afternoon our Year 3/4 Saints White netball girls went head to head with our Saints Blue netball team. To makes things slightly different and more enjoyable as coaches we decided to mix up the teams. With their new teams the girls worked extremely well together as the score ended up being even. Our Saints White girls once again showed a great improvement from training. We had been working on correct spacing and passing and the girls put this into play fabulously at both ends of the court. Another Saints White success is that Dani, Arabella and Ayla all scored their first goals for the season. It is safe to say that we are very proud coaches after last night’s match. We are all very excited for next week’s game and best of luck to the girls. By Charlotte Parker
Year 7A – Saints 19 defeated Walford 7
The Year 7 A netball team finished the season tied in second place, equal points with Scotch College. So on Saturday we met with Scotch again in an elimination final to decide who would meet with Immanuel in the Grand final. It was a tight game with Saints securing the first quarter by 4 goals and then dropping back in the 2nd quarter to trail by 1 goal. We fought back in the 3rd quarter with some fresh legs injected with Georgia coming into GD and Liv moving into C and taking the lead again but only by a single goal. The fourth quarter went goal for goal with strong defensive work from the entire team however by the end of the game we were left with a 30 all draw which meant that we had to go into extra time. Saints worked tirelessly for the two 5 minute halves however it was not to be as the Scotch defence was able to make several turnovers which allowed them to creep ahead of us and secure the game 35 to 41 goals. A great game of netball and a dramatic end to the season. Better luck next year girls! By Michelle Blackburn (Coach)