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eNews – Week 6, Term 4 2022

Issue no. 36

From Our Acting Head of Middle School

Adelaide SchoolsThere have been a number of amazing events and programs which have occurred this year. Our Year 9s dazzled on the stage during the Arts Performances, our musicians boogied the night away with their Cabaret Disco Evening, our Year 7 and 8 entrepreneurs showcased their business skills and ideas by setting up shop in our Gym, and various other year levels have participated in co-ed days. But it doesn’t end there. In the next fortnight, we have the Futures Expo, and a crowd favourite, ‘Carols in the Cathedral’. None of these events could be as successful as they are without our girls pushing themselves outside their comfort zone, moving away from the tried and true and taking risks.

It is part of everyday life here at Saints that we challenge our girls to take risks, to push beyond what they think is possible and to realise their true potential. But taking risks is not just about challenging yourself in the classroom. It is about signing up to a sport you’ve never done before because it looks like fun, it’s going along to choir despite not being the best singer, but you love singing. A large part of taking risks is about doing what’s right, not what’s easy.

As parents, it is important that we model this quality for our girls too. Regardless of which Sub-School your daughter is in, there are many opportunities for us to demonstrate that it is not only okay to push beyond what is comfortable but that it is beneficial. None of us would be in the positions we are today without putting ourselves in uncomfortable situations such as exams, job interviews, performances or competitions to mention a few. Progression and self-development require us to take risks. It is a skill which can be developed and refined over time when we are encouraged to do so in a safe environment. This is an environment which we provide at Saints Girls. Had I never taken the risk of emigrating, without securing employment, with a two year old in tow, I would never have had the opportunities to grow and develop as I have here at Saints. I would never have had the chance to share in the journey of so many inspirational young women. I am so proud to have the opportunity to work every day with an incredible group of staff who challenge me to better myself and refine my skills, but also a wonderful group of girls who challenge my thinking on a daily basis and who inspire me to be the best I can be; for them.

Moving through the next fortnight and into the holiday period, I ask our families to start conversations around the risks you take, the challenges you have experienced, and how taking risks and making mistakes have shaped your success. Then challenge your girls to do the same.

‘Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.’ – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Samantha O’Brien
Acting Head of Middle School

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Introducing Our New ELC Leadership

To our wonderful ELC community,

It is my great pleasure to announce the appointment of our new St Peter’s Girls’ ELC Director, Liz Schembri.

Liz is a highly-skilled teacher, successful leader and advocate for early childhood education. Her career includes teaching appointments at St Andrew’s School, Emmaus Christian College and Holy Family Catholic School here in South Australia, in addition to spending 10 years at the Beijing City International School where she trained in the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) and was involved in the development of the school’s new Early Childhood Centre.

Upon her return to Australia, Liz spent two years teaching at St Francis de Sales College at Mount Barker before leading the team as a Professional Pedagogy Coach, mentoring and working alongside staff to implement inquiry learning into classroom practice. She then led the building and development of the new Alive Catholic Early Learning Centre and was appointed as the Head of Early Learning, Alive (Mount Barker).

Liz has a diverse range of experiences as a leader and educator across early learning to Year 7 with roles such as Professional Pedagogy Coach (R – 6), Years 3 – 6 Leader and Literacy Coordinator. She brings an incredible dedication and skillset to the role of ELC Director, and a strong belief in the important relationship between indoor and outdoor learning experiences and the way these lend themselves to inquiry and nature play, based on the Reggio Emilia approach. She has a passion for developing quality future-focused education programs for our youngest learners and recognises the importance of each child’s unique learning journey.

Liz says, ‘My experiences have helped me to develop a deep understanding of current methodologies and practices in education and what a learner needs to be successful now and into the future. In the early years of development, it is crucial that we understand and implement a holistic program planned with purpose and intent that honours a child’s need for connection and belonging, and nurtures and builds on their natural curiosity and capacity to learn.’

I am equally delighted to announce Sera Boccaccio (Selwyn 2013) has accepted the position of ELC Manager. Sera has been a part of our community since she was 10 years old, coming down to the ELC to volunteer while she was a student at St Peter’s Girls’ School. Over the years, she developed a passion for working with young children and consequently chose this area as a career pathway, first studying a Certificate III in Children Services and then completing a Diploma in Early Childhood and Care. Sera has been a pivotal part of our ELC team since 2014, and we are extremely honoured to have such a passionate and experienced Old Scholar to help guide and support our ELC team.

Whilst we look forward to the wonderful work Liz and Sera will perform within our ELC community, we also take the time to thank Henrietta Balnaves and Caterina Pennestri for their immense contributions to our ELC this year as ELC Manager and ELC Educational Leader respectively. They have been dedicated mentors to the rest of the ELC team, constantly striving for educational excellence, best practice and teamwork of the highest calibre. Under their guidance, the children’s learning has continued to be of an incredible standard as demonstrated in our fantastic ELC News videos and articles, and we thank them for this as they prepare for a detailed handover with Liz and Sera. We will continue to enjoy Caterina’s educational expertise as she returns to her role of ELC Atelierista. Henrietta will spend Term 1 working alongside Liz before embarking upon a new adventure for the remainder of next year.

We congratulate Liz and Sera on their appointments, and look forward to introducing Liz to our amazing community in the near future.

Suzanne Haddy
Head of Junior School

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Year 8s Deliver Wondrous Production

Last night’s Year 8 Production The Real Story of Alice in Wonderland was a true showcase of student talents in Drama, Dance, Music and Visual Arts. The audience was taken on a magical journey of Alice in Wonderland twice, interweaving between Lewis Carroll’s sweet Alice and a much more argumentative, sulky and rude teenage version.

With the girls devising the choreography, selecting the songs, directing the scenes, and organising the costumes and sets, this really was a celebration of collaboration and creativity! Giving the students this opportunity is a highlight of my year, as they perform and work behind the scenes over a short period of time to make amazing things happen. They should feel very empowered to have their own ideas up on the stage!

A huge thank you to the dedicated Arts team – it wouldn’t be possible without your support and positivity. And congratulations to the Year 8 students!

Kate Burnett
Head of The Arts

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High Drama for Year 9 Performers

Our Year 9 Drama students presented The Audition in matinee performances this week.

The one-act play is set in a high school with characters auditioning for roles in A Chorus Line. Audiences were treated to a frazzled stage manager, students who wouldn’t sing, ones who wouldn’t stop dancing and egos to boot.

There was drama, comedy and so much talent on display. Well done to all involved!

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Year 9/10 Dance Choreography Evening – Next Week

6pm, Monday 28 November (Week 7)
Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls’ School
Free Admission

During this term, the Year 9 and Year 10 Dancers have been deepening their understanding of the choreographic process by using research to generate movement concepts. They have creatively explored a number of themes and experimented with how to communicate these ideas with audiences.

Student-devised work, supported by their teacher, enables meaningful opportunity for collaboration, communication and problem-solving. Creative possibilities are endless!

Most importantly, the dancers are all very proud of their work and look forward to sharing this at our Year 9/10 Choreography Evening where Year 9 Dancers present Raising Awareness and our Stage 1 Dancers present Trapped. Please come along and support our talented dancers. Free admission and no booking necessary.

Kate Burnett
Head of The Arts

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Receptions Sparkle for Christmas Assembly

Congratulations to our Reception girls who welcomed in the festive season by lighting up the stage at their Christmas Assembly this morning!

Well done to all students and teachers involved, this sweet tradition is always an end of year highlight.

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Magical Moments at Christmas Pageant

For one lucky girl, this year’s Christmas Pageant was extra special. Year 1 student Sofia La Vista was chosen to be a fairy on the Stardust Castle float. It was a very exciting experience for her, and she was the envy of many children in her class as well as those watching the pageant. Sofia shares:

‘I had to get up really early so I was a little tired but I felt happy and special being a fairy on the Stardust Castle float. The best part was when I saw my dad and cousins in the crowd when I went past!’

Liz Sandercock
Year 1 Teacher

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R to 3 Sports Morning Highlights

Our R to 3 girls are still jumping for joy following their Sports Morning last Friday.

They participated in a variety of events including relay games, running races and long jump.

Check out our vibrant video highlights!

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Rocking Adventures for Year 4

This term, the Year 4 students have been learning about how the Earth’s surface can change. They have been focusing on the three different types of rocks that make up the rock cycle, and how the processes of weathering and erosion impact on the way rocks are formed. To enrich our understanding of the concepts of form, function and causation, we visited the South Australian Museum and Morialta Conservation Park.

Whilst at the Museum, we marvelled at the variety of minerals on display in the Minerals Gallery. This sparked the interest of many to learn more about how minerals are formed and what minerals are used for. We worked in groups to investigate Ediacaran and Cambrian fossils (fossils which are over 500 million years old), and explored the Australian Polar Collection, learning about the work of famous South Australian explorer and geologist, Sir Douglas Mawson.

Continuing to advance our understanding about how the world works, we walked to Morialta Falls, collecting evidence of the different types of erosion and weathering on the cliffs and the valley floor. We were delighted to see the Second Falls flowing in its full glory! As a special treat, we played at the Morialta Mukanthi Nature Playground before travelling back to school.

Both excursions gave us a deeper understanding of geology and the processes that shape our world. We thank our parent helpers for assisting on these days.

Olivia Coulter and Rebecca Riley
Year 4 Teachers

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Taste of Culture on Chinese Outing

Earlier this term, the Year 10 Chinese class and Year 11 IB Chinese class went on an excursion to visit Chinatown, the Museum of Discovery and the Chef Dong Chinese Restaurant.

We began the day with a scavenger hunt in Chinatown where we had the task of finding stores from as many different cultures as we could to explore the multiculturalism of Adelaide city. We found businesses with origins such as Italy, Japan, Mexico, China, France and so many more.

Next, we departed for the Museum of Discovery on the tram. Once there, we were led on a guided tour by our fellow Background Chinese classmates. They took turns to talk us through interactive activities from ancient artworks to modern technologies in Chinese.

To conclude this excursion, we headed to Chef Dong for lunch where two of our classmates ordered a range of traditional food in Chinese for us including Peking duck wraps, fried rice and dumplings.

During this excursion, we were not only given numerous opportunities to practise our oral Chinese, we also learned so much about Chinese culture. Thank you to our teacher Liu Laoshi for organising this trip and Wang Laoshi for coming along with us.

Jessica Zhang
Year 10 Chinese student

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Month of Movember for Fundraising Saints

From humble beginnings in Australia in 2003, the ‘Movember’ movement has grown to be a truly global one, inspiring support from over six million Mo Bros and Mo Sisters around the world. An official charity, all funds raised go towards a range of men’s health support services and initiatives. A dedicated band of Saints’ staff have once again accepted the challenge of carrying the cause of men’s health on their top lip for the month of November.

You may have seen these brave souls around the campus, so please take the time to have a chat with them about their individual reasons for participating in Movember this year if you get the chance.

Taken from the Movember website:
‘Men’s health is in crisis. Men are dying on average 5 years earlier than women, and for largely preventable reasons. Movember is uniquely placed to address this crisis on a global scale. We fund ground-breaking projects all over the world, engaging men where they are to understand what works best and accelerate change.’

Please get behind the Saints’ Movember team via this link as we raise funds to better support men’s health: Movember.com

Craig Byrne
Head of Science

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Old Scholar’s Breaking News

Congratulations to Old Scholar Isabel McMillan (Selwyn 2016) who recently attended her first SA Press Club Awards as a finalist for Young Journalist of the Year.

Isabel completed a double degree in Journalism and Law and currently writes for News Corp Australia, with her work published in The Advertiser’s news section, SA Weekend and more.

Pictured with The Advertiser’s Chief Court Reporter Sean Fewster, Isabel has a keen interest in the legal system, in particular the court process and its impact on victims of crime.

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Middle and Senior School Textbook Reminder

Booklists for 2023 were released online by Box of Books (for Years 7 – 12) on Wednesday 16 November for parents/guardians to complete and submit by Friday 9 December.

Ordering before the due date ensures your daughter’s order is prioritised for delivery prior to the commencement of the 2023 school year.

Steps in ordering textbooks:

  1. Visit Box of Books Shop to log in to your existing parent/guardian account or create a new account if it is your first purchase.
  2. Add each student, including school email as well as nominating the school and year group.
  3. Select the items you wish to purchase from the booklist shown.
  4. Use the checkout to organise postage direct to your nominated address and complete payment.

If you have any problems accessing booklists, please phone the Box of Books Customer Support Line: 1800 326 657

For all Middle and Senior School curriculum-based enquiries, please contact the relevant staff member.

Lisa Hollis
Head of Library and Information Services

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Generous Soles at Athlete’s Foot Burnside

We are pleased to announce that Director of The Athlete’s Foot Burnside, Byron Davis, recently presented 2023 Prefects Emma Pool (SRC Prefect) and Annie Warrick (Sports Prefect) with a cheque of $1825 for the School. We warmly thank Byron for his ongoing support.

This fantastic community initiative will see The Athlete’s Foot Burnside donate over $20,000 back to local schools this year.

All members of our community are invited to support The Athlete’s Foot Burnside with this ongoing promotion. When purchasing shoes in store, please let the staff know that you are from St Peter’s Girls and $5 from every pair of shoes purchased will be donated back to the School.

Jess Geraghty
Director of Enrolments, Marketing and Advancement

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Treasure Box Donation Drive

This term, the Year 10 Kilburn cohort is hosting a donation drive for our new House Charity, Treasure Boxes. This South Australian not-for-profit organisation provides vital essentials to babies, children and teenagers living in disadvantage in our community.

We are launching a campaign to help this charity to provide further support this holiday season. It will run in Week 6 and Week 7, and there will be a collection bin in the Middle School where donations can be placed. Treasure Boxes has provided a list of sought-after items:


We encourage everyone to bring in at least one item from this list so that we can make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate in our community this Christmas.

Alysa Trinh
Year 10 student

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Carols in the Cathedral

St Peter’s Cathedral, North Adelaide
Tuesday 6 December
Students to arrive at 6.30pm unless advised otherwise by Music Department
Doors open at 6.45pm, event commences at 7pm and concludes at 9pm

Carols in the Cathedral is a compulsory event for students in Years 5 – 12

Illustration by Isabella Ding (Year 9 student)

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Presentation Night

Adelaide Town Hall
Friday 9 December
Students to arrive at 6.30pm (unless advised otherwise by the Music Department)
Doors open at 6.45pm, event commences at 7pm

Presentation Night is a compulsory event for students in Years 7 – 12

Further details including ticket information will be communicated to families shortly.

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Friends of Rowing – Christmas Dinner


Sunday 11 December
Lakeside Function Room, Lakes Resort Hotel
141 Brebner Drive, West Lakes
5pm arrival for 6pm start

The Friends of Rowing invite the Saints Rowing community to attend our ‘Christmas Dinner’ on Sunday 11 December, from 5 – 8.30pm at the Lakes Resort Hotel. Traditionally, this is held in Renmark as part of the Riverland Regatta, but with the relocation of that event to the Port Adelaide River, so too has this function been relocated.

The Christmas Dinner is an opportunity for the Rowing community to socialise and celebrate the end of the year. The event will include a two-course meal, with grazing platters on arrival. Beverages and refreshments will be available for purchase.

Tickets can be purchased via TryBooking: click here

Ticket sales close 5pm Monday 5 December

Brynley Millward
Director of Rowing

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Friends of Rowing – Wine Fundraiser

Support the development of the Rowing Program at St Peter’s Girls’ School by purchasing from a fantastic selection of wines:

  • Lambert Estate – Barossa Valley
  • The Lane – Adelaide Hills
  • Bird in Hand – Adelaide Hills
  • d’Arenberg – McLaren Vale

Vintages are subject to change. In the event of wines being in short supply, we will contact you. Prices are only available for this fundraiser. Each wine can only be ordered by minimum purchase. Prices are inclusive of GST.

Purchases can be made via TryBooking – click here

The campaign runs until 11 December 2022 (no orders after this date can be accepted). Orders to be collected on Sunday 18 December from 11am – 3pm at St Peter’s Girls’ School. Wine can be collected after Sunday 18 December by prior arrangement; please contact Fiona McGregor, Community Relations – Events Officer via 8334 2225 or fmcgregor@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Liquor Licence: #203237

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SLIC Reviews – New Edition Out Now!

The final issue for 2022 of the Student Libraries Initiatives Club’s Magazine is now available: SLIC reViews Issue 4.

In this edition, the girls are excited to share their favourite romance books. Last month, Adam Silvera, author of smash hit They Both Die at the End, released a prequel, The First to Die at the End. This story celebrates the lasting impact that people have on each other and proves that life is always worth living to the fullest.

These books and many more are available in the Library and on the Wheelers for Schools website.

Start reading SLIC reViews now – click here

Kate McBride
Library and Information Services

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Professional School Photo Offers

Offer 1 – $88 digital package (unlimited number of photos)
To view the photos, visit events.focusschoolportraits.com/gallery/18679717/
Select Gallery
To access, use the password: SaintsGirls
Email Mark at orders@focusschoolportraits.com.au, quoting the photo numbers and event. He will be in contact with you to finalise the order.

Offer 2 – $27 per printed photo
The Special Groups offer includes photos of House Captains, Generations, Originals, Year 12 cohort and the Year 12 image from the Chiverton Balcony
Visit www.focusschoolportraits.com
Select School Portraits
Enter access key: 7XE7K6YB

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Mark via orders@focusschoolportraits.com.au or 8389 9002.

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Junior School Vacation Care – Book Now

Our next awesome instalment of Junior School Vacation Care is almost here. We have some great activities guaranteed to keep the children entertained through the break. With an array of excursions and on-site adventures, there is plenty of fun to be had.

December 2022 / January 2023 Vacation Care Program

Places are limited, so secure your booking now – click here

Please make your booking requests via the link above by 2pm Friday 2 December, as each booking made after this time will incur an additional $5 fee.

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COVID-19 Information

As you may be aware, a number of COVID-19 requirements have been lifted including mandatory isolation for those who test positive. Notwithstanding this, SA Health encourages anyone who is ill to stay home until the symptoms have cleared (usually five to seven days).

As there is no longer a set COVID isolation period, you must notify the School each day your child will be absent, or provide the expected period of absence.

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

0428 601 957 (save to phone contacts as SPGS)

Phone: 8334 2200

The School is no longer required to record details of COVID-19 cases for SA Health; however, there is still a requirement for South Australians who test positive using a RAT to report their result to SA Health online.

Close contacts with symptoms should get tested and stay home until well.

For more information, click here

As always, we will keep you informed of any updated advice.

Please note that if your child is unwell, they should remain home until they have recovered, irrespective of the illness.

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School Medical Information Reminder

It is imperative that all medical information, including immunisations, is up to date on the School’s myLink parent portal.

Please follow this pathway to check and/or update details: myLink > Community Portal > My Details > select child name

If you have any questions, please email healthcentre@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

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Road Safety Alert

The School has received reports of concerning driver behaviour on Hallett Road. This includes holding up traffic while waiting for cars to leave in order to park near the ELC, performing risky u-turns and parking in bus zones.

As our staff have no jurisdiction over public roads, the School will be asking the police to conduct regular patrols at peak times.

We implore all of our community members to support road safety and show courtesy to others.

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Car Park Protocols

It is important to remind families about our car park protocols, particularly during drop off and pick up.

If the car park is full and you are unable to enter, circle the block until it is clear to enter, find a park elsewhere or, where age-appropriate, meet your daughter in a surrounding street.

Please note that, unless special circumstances apply, parents of girls in Years 2 to 12 should not enter the car park to collect their daughters prior to 3.30pm. Parents of girls in Reception and Year 1 have exclusive use of the pick-up zone prior to this time for safety and traffic reasons.

Please also refrain from turning right into or out of the car park at peak times, and please do not queue in the car park’s lanes as this often prevents drivers who are legally parked from exiting.

We have also previously received complaints about cars being parked too close to or in front of driveways, or across from other vehicles in surrounding streets, making it extremely difficult for residents and other road users to navigate.

We ask all community members to show consideration for others. Thank you for your cooperation.

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School Shop Notices

School Shop Holiday Opening Hours

Thursday 15 December – Friday 20 January: Closed
Monday 23 January: 9am – 3pm
Tuesday 24 January: 9am – 3pm
Wednesday 25 January: 9am – 3pm
Thursday 26 January: Closed
Friday 27 January: Closed

Normal Hours resume from Monday 30 January
Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm (closed for lunch 12 – 12.30pm)

To help reduce your waiting time, and if you require a full fitting, it is advisable to call the School Shop on 8334 2228 prior to coming in.

Parents can also order items via our Online School Shop

Uniform Requirements for 2023 Year 4 Students

If your daughter will be in Year 4 next year, there are a few different uniform requirements that you will need to purchase before Term 1, 2023.

The junior blazer (cardigan) is no longer worn and is replaced by a navy blue jumper and a wool blazer.

With only two weeks until the end of term and a high volume of new student fittings, it is advisable that these items are purchased before the end of year.

School Shop

New ELC Uniforms

We are excited to announce our ELC will be rolling out a new custom-designed uniform from December 2022. This beautiful new range takes into consideration the unique sizes, proportions and needs of our youngest community members, giving our ELC children a smart, cohesive look, and simplifying the routine of getting dressed in the morning.

2023 will be a phasing-out period, where children can continue to wear pieces of the old ELC uniform to supplement their outfits, giving families time to purchase the new garments.

From 2024, the new ELC uniform will be compulsory for all children to wear during their time at the ELC. Children will need to wear both the top and bottom pieces (t-shirt; shorts; long sleeve top; long pants). A plain navy-coloured long sleeve top will be permitted to be worn underneath the t-shirt. For summer and high UV periods, children will wear the new ELC bucket hat, and for cooler periods, there will be new ELC vest and jacket options to replace non-ELC jackets, jumpers and vests.

These new items will be available for purchase from our School Shop in mid-December, and we look forward to seeing the children proudly wear their new ELC attire.

Suzanne Haddy
Head of Junior School

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Absences from School

If your child will not be attending school/ELC due to illness or otherwise, please notify the School via one of the following methods and include the name of the ELC Room, Class or Home Group.

If emailing, feel free to ‘CC’ the teacher of the Room/Class/Home Group as well.

Please also provide a reason for the absence as the School requires this for government reporting purposes.

Text: 0428 601 957

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Phone: 8334 2200

It would be appreciated if notifications could be made prior to 9am.

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Sports News


Open B: Saints (3/39) v Scotch (2/40)

In the inaugural season of the IGSSA Cricket competition, our Open B team were successful in making it to the Grand Final against Scotch College. Having already played the Scotch Open B team twice through the regular season, this third re-match was the most closely contested fixture yet. With rain delaying the start of play, and moisture in the outfield, Scotch won the toss and elected to bowl first. Linna Song and Phoebe Lucas led the batting performance, both excelling at communicating and finding singles.

With a total of 3/39 to defend, all of the girls worked hard in the field to restrict runs and showed great awareness to find two run-outs. Izzy H and Aurelia Weidenbach bowled with great economy to restrict Scotch, despite which Scotch managed to chase down the total. Well done to all of the girls not only on their performance this match, but on the vast improvements from everyone throughout their first season of IGSSA cricket! – Brynley Millward (Cricket Coach)


Div 1: Saints (1) v Seymour (8)
Div 2: Saints (0) v Pulteney (9)
Div 3: Saints (0) v Pulteney (9)


On Tuesday, a select group of Year 6/7 students participated in the Year 7/8 IGSSA Touch Football Carnival. We all enjoyed the challenge of playing against other schools that we don’t usually get to play against in school matches. We used our skills developed in training and worked together to achieve a great outcome. Out of 7 games, we put up a fight, unfortunately lost 2, tied 1 and had 4 great wins. At the end of the day, despite being young and after a close draw, we managed to come out 4th overall. Thanks to the Year 6s for taking the initiative and stepping up to fill in for our team. Congratulations to all of us for the great effort and results on the day. – Yashika Agarwal


This year, our Water Polo teams have had great success in the pool with all our Open teams winning the pennant and each remaining undefeated all season. It has been amazing to see the amount of improvement from all teams and watching newcomers develop into strong and confident players in the pool.

Our Open C team started off this term with an incredibly close game against skilled opposition Sacred Heart, but managed to scrape the win with a score of 11 – 10. These close games continued throughout the season, leaving all supporters sitting on the edge of their seats. Seeing the girls improve their defensive abilities and develop their confidence in the pool made me so proud, and the future of Water Polo at Saints Girls is bright.

Our Open B team had an immensely dominant season, managing to win all games with close to no competition. This group played really well as a team as all players assisted in the victories. Whether it be scoring goals or making turnovers in defence, the girls put in 100% effort with a smile on their face and a positive attitude. I have been amazed by the level of skill in this team as all players are actively involved in every game and are not afraid to step out of their comfort zone.

Our Open A team once again showed that we are the best school in the State. No other school came close to beating this incredibly talented group of girls. As a team, we excelled in our ability to score off fast breaks and apply pressure to the other teams. This pressure won us so many games as our opposition struggled to keep possession of the ball and move into attack.

I would like to thank Ms Spry, our number 1 Water Polo fan; not only has she watched all our games, she has also assisted with scoring and shown unrivalled passion this term. Of course, thank you to all of our Open girls. You should be so proud of what you have achieved this year because of the tremendous effort you have put in this season. I am so lucky to be the Captain of this incredibly kind and committed group of girls and cannot wait to see what next season has in store for us! – Sophie Dansie (Water Polo Captain)

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