Issue no. 36
From Our Head of Junior School
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…
The end of the school year is speeding towards us, and Junior School students and teachers have their feet firmly on the accelerator. Students continue to work hard, refining their understandings and improving their skills while bringing units of work to their conclusions and preparing for the many special moments that are integral to the final weeks of the school calendar.
Last week saw the culmination of the Junior School’s ‘Light Up Vanuatu’ Service Learning initiative, with the Year 6 students assembling 50 portable solar buddy lights which will be gifted to primary students in Vanuatu. They will provide a safe light source for students and their families currently experiencing energy poverty, improving educational outcomes, safety and overall family life. The girls would love you to watch their video below, showing a little more about this vital campaign and the assembly of the lights here.
This week, some of our Junior School girls kick-started another Service Learning project, setting up and decorating a Christmas Giving Tree in the Arts Centre Foyer to support AnglicareSA. Families are welcome to donate toys or hamper items until the end of term.
Today, our Receptions shared the festive spirit with their Christmas Assembly. We never fail to be impressed by how our youngest students learn their abundant lines of dialogue and perform so many complex songs and actions. They were incredibly excited to perform and justly proud of their achievements, and the adults left the Arts Centre with smiles on their faces and joy in their hearts. We now eagerly await the Year 1 and 2 Nativity, telling the story of Christmas, and reminding us all of the Christian messages of hope, love, joy and peace. The Year 2s have been rehearsing their parts, and the Year 1s have been eagerly learning their songs in preparation for next week’s performance.
Our Year 5 students will head off for their camp in the State’s South East next week, staying in Robe and investigating South Australian history and geology. They will undoubtedly enjoy the camaraderie they have built up over the year while they experience first-hand many of the things they have recently learned about in class.
We will thank our Year 6 students and celebrate their contributions to the Junior School at their Graduation and Exhibition in Week 8. They are currently researching an area of interest relating to a concept that will lead to real-world action. They will present their findings and proposed actions to their parents and other students during their final week of school in conjunction with their Graduation. This Exhibition will be the culmination of their studies under the IB Primary Years Programme framework and a valuable opportunity to showcase the skills and attributes they have acquired during their Junior School years.
Each year level will hold a celebration event to mark the end of another successful year of development and achievement, and to express gratitude for the experiences they have shared. I thank our teachers and families for all they have collectively contributed to the Junior School and wider School community in 2021, and I wish everyone well for the final weeks of the school year.
Suzanne Haddy
Head of Junior School
ELC Christmas Giving Tree
This week, the Friends of the ELC decorated the ELC Christmas Giving Tree with the help of some very excited children. The tree is a treasured tradition for our ELC community and is part of our ELC – 12 Service Learning program.
In 2021, we are partnering with AnglicareSA, and families are invited to donate a gift to a child less fortunate. Gifts could include books, board games, craft sets, push and pull toys, footballs, soccer balls, toy cars and dolls. All items must be new, not wrapped and delivered to the ELC by Thursday 9 December.
Maths and English Learners Put to the Test
Earlier this year, many Year 3 to 6 students participated in the Australian Mathematics Competition, and the Mathematics and English papers of the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS).
They were required to resolve unfamiliar problems across all domains of Mathematics, applying skills in reasoning and problem-solving. The English tasks involved thinking deeply about a wide range of texts, interpreting written and visual information, deciphering less familiar vocabulary, and seeking to understand authors’ intent.
We are proud of all students who chose to participate in these challenging experiences, persevere with difficult questions and step outside their comfort zones. Congratulations to the girls, and a special mention of the following students who received Distinction and High Distinction awards:
Suzanne Haddy
Head of Junior School
From Our 2022 Aussie Rules Captain
This term, Lucy White, Adele Eaton and I have had the pleasure of coaching some of the Year 5 and 6 Aussie Rules girls as part of the School’s summer sport program. As keen members of the Senior School team, it was terrific to mentor some of our youngest players and observe how women’s footy has evolved so rapidly since we were in primary school. As coaches, we have been delighted to see how well the girls’ gameplay has progressed over just six weeks. They’ve picked up and improved upon a variety of new skills such as kicking, handballing and tackling, and growing in their ability to work as a team and support one another to succeed. With many of the Year 6 girls considering playing footy for the Middle School team next year, the future of footy at Saints looks bright.
For me, it is absolutely amazing that these girls are already so involved in footy at such a young age, especially considering that I didn’t get the opportunity to play footy until I came to Saints in Year 8. Speaking to Lucy and Adele, I found that we all had very similar experiences: while footy wasn’t necessarily a taboo sport for girls, it certainly wasn’t one that many girls played just a few years ago. In 2005, fewer than 20,000 women and girls played football in Australia. The AFLW was only established seven years ago in 2014, and there remains a huge pay inequality between male and female players today. That said, more than 460,000 women played footy in 2017, representing 30% of all footy players, and this number continues to rise, making footy the nation’s fastest growing sport for women. It remains a real possibility that with the continuous growth of the sport, by the time our Year 5 and 6 girls graduate as Year 12s, they may also have the opportunity to pursue professional women’s footy.
With this in mind, the experience and joy these young girls take out of playing footy are all the more valuable. A massive thank you should also go out to the staff and parents for their support of this program – your enthusiasm has not gone unnoticed. As Captain of Aussie Rules for 2022, I am looking forward to seeing the mark these girls will make on our Middle School footy team next year, and indeed, the impact that programs like this will have on the progression of women’s footy at Saints and beyond for years to come.
Emily Teague
2022 Aussie Rules Captain
Exam Tips from Our 2022 Selwyn Captain
Exams can be stressful for us as students, and alongside the chaos of everyday life, it becomes crucial that we manage as best we can. This means practising wellbeing daily and ensuring that we have a healthy balance of work and play. From personal experience, I have created four key exam tips I have learned over my many years of exams.
Ensure that sleep requirements are met
Aim for 8 – 10 hours of sleep per night, especially around exam time. Cramming the night before will only make you more tired rather than help you retain more knowledge. Having a full night’s sleep can help with your ability to think, concentrate and feel more alert and confident with your knowledge going into an exam.
Guarantee time for exercise during study schedules
I cannot stress enough how important it is to take breaks during exam revision periods. Your brain is capable of so many amazing things, but no break or opportunity to relax can lead it to become overworked, meaning the revision isn’t actually improving your knowledge. One way to take a break is to incorporate regular exercise into your study schedule. Even if it is just 30 minutes outside, in the pool or on a walk with your dog, exercise can relieve stress and improve your mood with the release of endorphins.
Don’t dwell before or after completing your exams
Trust me, it’s not worth it. At Saints, as long as you try your best, there are always different options and pathways for you to have a go at instead. Remember that Year 8 – 11 exams are all learning experiences for your final exams in Year 12, and they are offered as an opportunity to improve. Try to leave the last exam behind you and focus on what you can do in the future.
Maintain perspective!
Ask yourself this: in 10 years, are you likely to remember what grades you got in an exam? It is very unlikely that one grade will reflect your ability to do well in life. Understand that exams are a learning experience and effort isn’t only measured in a grade. And remember, exam time is limited; there is a long, fun and enjoyable summer holiday ahead!
Ultimately, keep in mind that exams are a learning experience, and with a regular sleep schedule, time for exercise, not dwelling on past exams and by maintaining your perspective, you should be mentally, physically and emotionally prepared for the challenges ahead. Good luck to all those girls heading into exams next week, and we wish the Year 12s who have completed their final exams all the best for the future.
Adele Eaton
2022 Selwyn House Captain
Year 9 Drama Out of the Box
This week, the two Year 9 Drama classes combined to present Box by Lindsay Price to a large audience of their peers. This play uses the metaphor of boxes to describe the different experiences each of us has during Middle School.
Some of us are Pandora’s Box – we open our mouths and all the bad things spill out. Some of us are locked boxes, some are open-ended, some are shiny on the outside and plain on the inside, and some are full of secrets.
Made up of a series of vignettes, monologues and movement sequences, the play gave our audience plenty to consider about how we fit in or stand out, and what we choose to make of our ‘box’.
Katherine Kitching
Drama Teacher
Published Poets and They Know it!
Each year, the South Australian English Teachers Association runs a spring poetry competition. Work deemed of exceptional quality is published in an annual journal, and The Friendly Street Poets award prizes to the best three poems in the collection.
Alysa Trinh (Year 9) and Monica Isaac (Year 9) had their poems ‘Song of the Elm’ and ‘Broken Love’ published in the journal. Xingzi Zhang (Year 11) was also published, as well as being awarded 2nd prize for ‘Who’s the best remembered?’ – an outstanding result!
Michael Butler-Wills
Head of English
Who’s the best remembered?
Shapeless, nameless, faceless—
That was you in my memory.
If it helped to know,
You made it into the top fifteen
Without the help of Regret, Shame or
Other big shots that finance the game
(called memory).
No. fourteen.
You were the yellow curly edge
Of a Polaroid.
You were lost in an USB, a Nokia
Or an old computer somewhere.
Among the contestants,
Some will soon be forgotten.
Some forgiven.
The rest will forever bring warmth.
No. two
You will always be the perfect dog.
No. one
(Interestingly enough)
Beating everyone I once loved,
Is a person I hated most.
Xingzi Zhang
Song of the Elm
They approach me, day or night
They are hungry souls by nature
Who believe in the glass crown adorning their brow
They like things that once belonged to the Earth.
Shiny things. Sharp things.
Any things, really.
They like to ask for things that are not theirs.
For sticky sweet apples and solace in my shadow
For fragrant pink blossoms and the beauty of autumn
For branches to build their fruitless houses and wood to make their precious paper and bark
to make their cherished cloth –
They ask for roaring flames that blaze with intensity
They ask to set the world on fire.
And what has taken centuries to grow
Only takes seconds to destroy
They ask too much of me without saying please.
And yet I give and give and give and give.
there is
Alysa Trinh
Language and Lunch for Chinese Learners
On Monday, the Year 8 Chinese students had the privilege of visiting Chinatown, where we put our knowledge from class into practice. We ate lunch at Dumpling King, ordering our food in Chinese. The most popular dish was dumplings (饺子 jiǎozi). We also tried traditional hot Chinese tea (茶 chá). After this, we went on a scavenger hunt around the plaza, where we learnt many new characters. We also explored a Chinese supermarket where we all could try new foods including Hi-Chew, a popular Chinese candy. We were also fortunate to visit Gong Cha (贡茶) where we all had bubble tea. Our outing finished with a visit to a popular Chinese arcade called ‘Million Life’.
This excursion has helped us further increase our confidence in speaking and reading Chinese. We all really enjoyed ourselves and hope we can do something similar again. Thank you to our teachers Wang Lāoshí and Kan Lāoshí for organising such a wonderful excursion.
Alix Douglas
Sports Lunch 2021
Thank you to our wonderful community members who attended our exclusive Sports Lunch last Friday at the Alma Tavern as part of our fundraising campaign to give Saints Girls a new Gym sooner.
It was a fantastic and fun afternoon of hospitality and sporting insights with three very talented panellists connected to our School community. Led by our MC and sports journalist Nicki Barnet, it was a pleasure to host Mark Ricciuto (AFL Legend, Saints Girls’ Parent and Aussie Rules Coach), Olympia Aldersey (Olympic and World Champion Rower – Kennion 2011) and Hitaf Rasheed (Executive Director, Events SA – Selwyn 1986). We’d like to formally thank them for their ongoing commitment to the School and for giving their time so generously on Friday. Thank you also to Principal Julia Shea and Director of Sport Tommy Peak for speaking so passionately about sport and how it plays a huge role in our lives.
Congratulations to Teresa Aldersey, James Kitching, Brad Stolcman, Mark Glazbrook and Chris Wakeham who won some fabulous raffle prizes including signed merchandise from the Adelaide Crows, Adelaide Thunderbirds and the Sturt Football Club, generously donated for this event.
For more information regarding our Gym fundraising campaign or to discuss becoming a Saints Girls All-Star, please get in touch with me at any time via 0407 394 183 or
Melissa Westgate
Foundation Manger
Season’s Feastings from Food and Hospitality
Celebrations of significant events is an important aspect of Food and Hospitality. The Stage 1 Food and Hospitality students recently planned and created 20 Christmas-inspired gift boxes infused with festivity.
Through group work and collaboration, they aimed to present a gift box demonstrating their knowledge of healthy food trends and sustainable food choices. Aussie Christmas-inspired foods, which showcase various flavours, colours, textures and purposes, were selected. This task required the students to demonstrate their understanding of food presentation and packaging, food preservation and portion control. Elements included gingerbread cookies, lavosh, dried oranges and limes, rosemary oil, Monte Carlos, strawberry jam, tomato chutney, breadsticks and cranberry biscuits. They also selected rustic packaging and labelling with festive colours.
The design and creation of the gift boxes was certainly a highlight of the year for the class.
Mrs Manson and the Stage 1 Food and Hospitality girls
Japanese Students on a Roll
This term, the Year 8 Japanese class had the opportunity to make sushi. Sensei supplied us with a variety of ingredients such as rice, seaweed (のり), cucumber, carrot, tuna, mayonnaise and avocado. We had the freedom to choose what to put in our sushi rolls. Sensei showed us the proper technique for rolling the sushi and helped with our chopstick skills.
We learnt about the vocabulary used in Japan when eating food, such as what to say before and after you eat. We had to say いただきますwhich means, ‘I receive this food’, and is a thank you to the person who made the meal. After eating, we said ごちそうさま which means, ‘It was quite a feast.’
Our class had so much fun making sushi and learning about the Japanese food culture, and we can’t wait for our next food unit.
Asha Eaton and Carys Kinsella-White
French Connection for Foreign Filmgoers
This term, both Year 9 French classes went on an excursion to the Prospect Palace Cinema to see the film Of Love and Lies. It told the inspiring story of Théo, a 12 year old boy who was an incredible soccer player. When a chance presents itself for Théo to try out for Arsenal’s youth training program, he wants nothing more than to give his disillusioned father, Laurent, hope. Théo is rejected despite his evident skill because he is too small, so he spontaneously creates a well-intentioned fiction. This ‘fiction’ gradually spirals and consumes not only his life, but all those around him.
We all had a great time watching the movie and learned a lot about spoken French as it was spoken in French with English subtitles. We were all amazed to discover that we could understand many phrases, and that our listening and pronunciation skills have improved significantly. We had a fantastic time learning about how French people speak in real life, and we are grateful for the opportunity!
Zoe Pool
Farewell for Director of Early Learning Kate Mount
Join us for a morning tea on Chiverton Lawns as we farewell our beloved Director of Early Learning Kate Mount after 16 phenomenal years at Saints Girls.
9am, Thursday 2 December
Chiverton Lawns
A light morning tea of scones, coffee and tea will be served.
For COVID-Safe and catering purposes, RSVP via by 5pm, Friday 26 November.
Professional School Photo Offers
Focus School Portraits is offering Saints Girls’ families two special packages to purchase professional photos taken at various School events including House Dinners, the Old Scholars’ Reunion Dinner, The Long Lunch and Valedictory Dinner, as well as upcoming events such as Carols in the Chapel and Presentation Night.
Offer 1 – $88
To view the photos, visit
Select Gallery
To access, use the password: SaintsGirls
Email Mark at quoting the photo numbers and event. He will be in contact with you to finalise the order.
Offer 2
The Special Groups offer includes photos of House Captains, Generations, Originals, Year 12 cohort and the Year 12 image from the Chiverton Balcony
Select School Portraits
Enter access key: AU6Z7HZ5
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Mark via or 8389 9002.
Bushfire Action Plan
As summer approaches, it is timely to remind families about the School’s Bushfire Action Plan.
The policy was developed in consultation with the CFS, MFS, Department for Education and other stakeholders to ensure staff and students are prepared in the event of an emergency.
For more information, you can access our Bushfire Action Plan on the myLink Parent Portal by clicking the ‘School Documents’ menu item, followed by the ‘Whole School’ tab.
Junior School Vacation Care
Our next awesome instalment of Junior School Vacation Care is almost here. We have some great activities guaranteed to keep the children entertained through the break. With an array of excursions and on-site adventures, there is plenty of fun to be had.
December 2021/January 2022 Vacation Care Program
Places are limited, so secure your booking now!
Uniform Requirements for 2022 Year 4 Students
If your daughter will be in Year 4 next year, there are a few different uniform requirements that you will need to purchase before Term 1, 2022.
The junior blazer (cardigan) is no longer worn and is replaced by a navy blue jumper and a wool blazer.
It is advisable to make an appointment on 8334 2228 as the School Shop is currently busy with new student fittings.
School Shop Closing/Opening Dates
The School Shop will be closed from 4.30pm Friday 3 December 2021 until 9am Monday 24 January 2022.
January Opening Dates
Monday 24th: 9am – 4pm
Tuesday 25th: 9am – 4pm
Thursday 27th: 9am – 4pm
Friday 28th: 9am – 4pm
Monday 31st: 8am – 4pm
To help reduce your waiting time, and if you require a full fitting, it is advisable to call the School Shop on 8334 2228 prior to coming in.
New School Shop hours commencing Monday 31 January 2022:
Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm
(closed for lunch 12 – 12.30pm)
School Banking: A Message from Commonwealth Bank
‘For 90 years, our School Banking program has helped children learn about money, reinforced the importance of regular savings and provided structure for parents to support their children to save.
Though the program continues to have strong support from schools, parents and teachers, recent decisions by some state and territory governments because of a review by the corporate regulator mean we are unable to continue providing programs in schools, and we have had to make a difficult decision to close our School Banking program for all government and non-government schools across the country.
Our School Banking program was established in 1931 at a time when having a bank account was not commonplace, and since then we have helped more than 15 million Australians take their first financial steps. This would not have been possible without the wonderful support we have received from schools like yours, including all the parents and volunteers, and for this we are deeply grateful. Thank you.
School Banking has taught so many young Australians, past and present, the value of money and we believe this should be celebrated. We have created a place for you to share your stories, fondest memories and lessons learnt through the program. To share your story, please visit
Even though the CommBank School Banking program will not be returning to your school after this year, you can continue to make deposits into your child’s Youthsaver account through online transfers or at any CommBank branch. If you need further information please phone 132 221 or visit your local CommBank branch.’
Entertainment Membership
To support Saints Girls and secure your Entertainment Membership, click here.
Terms and conditions apply. Visit for more information.
Health Notices
The School has been notified of several suspected cases of viral gastroenteritis.
Symptoms usually last one or two days and include:
- mild fever
- nausea and vomiting
- stomach cramps
- diarrhoea
Viral gastroenteritis is spread through contamination of hands, objects or food with infected faeces or vomit. The virus is then taken in by the mouth. It can also be spread through coughing and sneezing.
People should be excluded from childcare, pre-school, school and work until there has been no diarrhoea or vomiting for at least 24 hours. If the gastroenteritis is known or suspected to be caused by norovirus, the exclusion period is 48 hours.
For further information on symptoms, treatment and prevention, click here. Please note the recommendations regarding hand washing in particular. The School applies strict hygiene protocols for the safety of our community, and we ask families for their cooperation and vigilance.
If your child will not be attending school/ELC, please notify the School via one of the methods listed in the following absences article.
If you have any queries, please contact the Health Centre via 8155 5762 or
Absences from School

If your child is going to be absent, late to school or leave early, please use one of the following methods to notify the School providing student name, class/Home Group and reason:
Text: 0428 601 957
Phone: 8334 2200
Feel free to include the class/Home Group teacher when emailing. It would be appreciated if notifications could be made prior to 9am.
It is absolutely imperative to keep unwell children at home until they have recovered, even if symptoms are mild. This is not only for their own health and safety, but for that of all students and staff.
We thank all of our families for their cooperation.
Sports News
Div 1:
Saints Yellow 6 (36) v Scotch 0 (8)
Saints White 1 (6) v Seymour 3 (19)
Saints Blue 4 (29) v Scotch 2 (21)
Div 2:
Saints 0 (14) v Scotch 6 (36)
Div 3:
Saints 3 (32) v Wilderness 3 (30)
Open A: Bye
Open B: Saints 0 v St Dominic’s 3
Middle A: Saints 1 v Marryatville 6
Middle B: Saints 1 v Pembroke 2
Middle A: Saints 0 v Westminster 3
Middle B: Saints 3 v Westminster 0
Middle C: Saints 0 v Westminster 3
Middle D: Bye
Open A: Saints 15 v Wilderness 3
Open B: Bye
Open C: Saints 8 v Wilderness 3
Middle A: Saints v Pembroke – Cancelled
Open A: Saints 15 v Wilderness 3
The team had a fantastic final match! The girls worked well together, demonstrating strong communication skills and encouraging each other. Best player was Lara Wakeham (Year 12) who shot 5 amazing goals, displaying her counter-attack skills. A special thank you to Saskia Jonats, our 2021 Water Polo Captain, who has been an amazing role model and teammate over many years. Saskia has put a great deal of time and effort into Water Polo this year. A very special goodbye and good luck to our much-loved Year 12 teammates (Saskia Jonats, Lara Wakeham, Stephanie Smalls and Poppie Goldsmith). We are going to miss you. A big thank you to James for coaching us all season and making trainings so much fun. Great job everyone!
Open C: Saints 8 v Wilderness 3
A terrific game against Wilderness. The girls have been training hard in their weekly sessions and it certainly showed. All demonstrated their defence, counter-attack and shooting skills, with a smile on their faces. Best players were Claudia Pearce (Year 9) and Sophie Ricciuto (Year 9). A big thank you to Nikki for coaching the team and making our trainings enjoyable. Amazing work girls!
SwimmingSA recently announced selection of the State Swimming Team, including three Saints Girls: Poppy Marshall, Alyssa Tran and Emma Everitt. Congratulations girls on this outstanding achievement.