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Enews – Week 6, Term 4 2017

Issue no. 36Enews-bannerW6 Sports Awards

Sports Awards 2017

Yesterday afternoon, students from Years 7 – 12 who participated in sport in 2017 came together in the Arts Centre to celebrate Saints Girls’ outstanding year. The School was fortunate to have Adelaide Crows AFLW player Sarah Perkins provide insight into her journey from a junior netballer to becoming a premiership-winning footballer in the inaugural season of the AFLW. Awards included Most Improved, Best Player and Coaches Award. Year 12s who participated in sport were given a memento in recognition of their service. Many students also volunteered their time to be Student Mentors, and they were also acknowledged for this valuable contribution.

Check out the Sports Awards recap video here:

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From the Head of Junior School


Suzanne HaddyWhile change has always been an inevitable part of living, many would argue that the age in which we are living currently is experiencing a rate of change that is unprecedented. Change can contribute to varying degrees of stress, which will differ for each individual. Helping our young people learn positive and constructive ways to view and manage change, and to be resilient through periods of change, is perhaps one of the most useful gifts we can leave them.

We want our students to leave school having developed skills and attitudes that will enable them to be resilient, courageous and robust through times of change. We can do that by allowing them to experience safe levels of discomfort and uncertainty, and encouraging them to practise using useful coping strategies and thinking routines during these times. While it may be tempting to shelter children from all potential discomfort, to use avoidance as a way to deal with difficult situations, or continually smooth the road ahead for them, the end result is unlikely to be the young adults we hope for.

As it is that time of the year when we are reflecting on the year that is coming to an end, and thinking towards the next, it is a particularly good time to consider the ways in which we can collectively prepare our children for change – whether that be at the individual, or global level.

At an individual level, all of our students will soon embark on a change of year level, change of teacher, and a different mix of students. For some, this change will provide a level of stress. This is an ideal opportunity to teach skills and attitudes to assist them to flourish during a transition or change. The messages we give them about useful and positive ways to think about these changes and deal with the associated stress will help set them up for success when they deal with more significant changes or stressors later in life.

In assisting our students to deal with the uncertainty of change at a global level, our Year 6 students are currently investigating the ways in which change is affecting society and the environment, in preparation for The PYP Exhibition. In doing so, they are encouraged to adopt a positive outlook and growth mindset, as they investigate some of the incredible advancements in technology aimed at combatting current issues or problems, or improving the world in which we live. They are also being encouraged to understand their potential as agents for change as they engage in ideation activities to create possible future solutions.

Our teachers have also shown themselves to be wonderful role models by being resilient, positive and open to change, as we progressed our plans of continual improvement to teaching and learning in the Junior School this year. I am incredibly proud of and grateful for the ways in which they have adapted to the changes we introduced for the benefit of our students, and for the attitudes they outwardly demonstrate to the students when navigating through these changes.

Further to this, at a personal and school level, a number of our Junior School teachers have chosen to embark on significant changes for next year, and we wish them well, as they manage the mixed feelings of change with courage and optimism. Cassandra Moore has resigned from full time teaching, but will continue to be involved at Saints Girls in various capacities; Anne Kruger will be on leave having her second child; and Louise Davies has accepted a leadership position as founding Director of the newly established ELC at Investigator College, Victor Harbor. These are all significant milestones and life-changing events, and we look forward to knowing that they are flourishing as they transition into their different roles.

Suzanne Haddy
Head of Junior School

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Junior School R – 3 Sports Morning

W6 Junior School Sports Morning

The Reception to Year 3 girls enjoyed a very warm day at their Sports Morning recently. They were able to show their parents some of the skills which they had learned during the year. Skipping, throwing, catching and jumping were amongst many of the the skills they had been learning and the Year 3 girls also learned how to throw a shot put and discus in preparation for the 2018 Years 4 – 12 Sports Day.

The girls had a wonderful day and especially enjoyed the water carry event where they had fun splashing in the cool water.

Pauline Noblet
Physical Education Teacher

As a Year 6 leader, we were to choose an activity that was a fun, collaborative and active way to get the R – 3 girls involved, while they are practising their skills and learning new things. I was involved in the skipping activity and my partner and I had to organise games using skipping ropes. We completed some relays and fun games to keep the girls involved. I really enjoyed working with all of the Year 6 leaders and the younger students and seeing the smile on their faces when they achieved something new! Maybe they will even get to have a turn at leading their own activity when they are older!

Mary Stavrou
Year 6 student

Check out the video below to see some of the highlights of the Junior School Sports Morning:

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Years 7/8 Futures Entrepreneurial Expo

W6 Futures 1
The Futures Entrepreneurial Expo on Tuesday evening was a fantastic opportunity for 33 student companies to showcase their entrepreneurial work, network with the wider community and further advertise their business.

The evening kicked off with an award presentation. The Futures teaching team presented three process awards, based on their observations from the year.

Congratulations to
STE Baskets (Genevieve Lochowiak and Deepali Asundi) and Enviro Wrappers (Catie Walker, Charlie Fishlock and Amelie Gray-Combe) on both receiving the ‘Responding to Failure and Building Resilience’ award.
Big Girls (Adele Eaton, Charlotte Parker and Mia Humphrey) on receiving ‘Most Impressive Business Plan’.
Green Walls Made Eezy (Ailani Cox, Lucy Steele Scott, Saskia Jonats and Emeshe Robson) on receiving ‘Most Thorough Prototyping Process’.

W6 Futures 2Our guest panel included five experts in the entrepreneurial field: Mary Hudson (Director of the Association of Independent Schools in the South Australia Leadership Institute), Noel Lindsay (Director of the Entrepreneurship, Commercialisation and Innovation Centre at The University of Adelaide), Dr Eva Balan-Vnuk (State Director for Microsoft in South Australia), Anna Dimond (CEO and designer of Palas Jewellery), and Yong Zhao (Distinguished Professor at the School of Education, University of Kansas).

Each panellist highlighted the importance of adopting an entrepreneurial mindset in our school.

“What I love about the Futures program is that it is offering them the experience of what an ‘entrepreneurial spirit’ is all about and the potential for them to bring that attitude and fearless approach into their school work and ultimately their profession. An entrepreneurial spirit demonstrates drive, work ethic, risk-taking and learning from the many failures and challenges in business. It is fostering innovation by developing a company from the ground up, something that did not previously exist but has been created and based on a need/purpose fuelled by passion and the desire to succeed.” – Anna Dimond.

“I want to commend Saints Girls on their Futures program. It is a very important step in enriching the current educational opportunities available to the girls and in preparing students for their life beyond school. This type of learning enables students to understand what it means to be an entrepreneur, and provides them with real world skills and knowledge and the opportunity to create an operating company – with all the successes and failures that might bring. We all know the world is changing exponentially and these skills and capabilities are an essential part of a quality education.” – Mary Hudson.

The panel presented five awards, judged from each student company’s video pitch.

Congratulations to

Writers4Rights (Victoria Thorp, Sara Peak, Asha Krywanio and Alice Reid) receiving the ‘Most Likely To Have Real World Impact’ award.
Offshore Surf (Primrose Robinson, Imogen Elliott, Charlotte Adams and Imogen Nienaber) on receiving ‘Most Innovative And Creative (Commercial)’.
The Students’ Word (Charlotte Stewart, Jodi Papendorf and Katija Franchi) on receiving ‘Most Innovative And Creative (Not-For-Profit)’.
Writers4Rights (Victoria Thorp, Sara Peak, Asha Krywanio and Alice Reid) on receiving ‘Most Worthwhile Problem Being Solved’.
Bandanas for Kidz (Ruby Bruun and Indya Dodd) on receiving the ‘Most Likely To Attract Investment’ award.

Well done to all our student entrepreneurs. You are to be congratulated on your ability to take charge of your own learning, persistence and hard work.
As a whole, I believe the course has begun to redefine what success actually is, and that success does look different for each individual.

We look forward to seeing what new and exciting ideas 2018 brings.

Take a look at the video below to see some highlights from the Years 7/8 Futures Entrepreneurial Expo:

Sarah Casson
Futures Coordinator

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Team Salacia Travels to Perth for National SUBS in Schools Challenge

W6 SUBS in Schools

Team Salacia did St Peter’s Girls proud at the national SUBS in Schools challenge held in Perth this week. The girls were crowned runners up after three days of judging which included sea trials, verbal presentations and visual analysis. The team received awards for best marketing and most outstanding industry collaboration. For all of their efforts over recent months, the girls were rewarded with a tour of ASC and they were even lucky enough to clamber inside a real submarine, HMAS Sheean.

The team relished the experience and have taken away many new skills and insights.

One of the highlights was the girls’ incredibly professional trade display; have a look at the time lapse as they set up the booth on arrival:

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Vacation Care

W6 Vacation Care

Our next instalment of Vacation Care is almost here. We have just over five weeks of activities guaranteed to keep the children busy and active through the break. With a total of 10 excursions/incursions, there is plenty of fun to be had.

Some of our home-based days will include crafts, Christmas cooking, mask making and a high tea fit for royalty!

Read the full December/January Vacation Care program here

In recent times, Vacation Care has booked out very quickly and places are limited, so please click here to secure your booking now!

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Upcoming Events in Term 4

W4 Upcoming Events

Term 4 is a time where the School celebrates many significant events. We encourage you to mark these dates in your diary and keep an eye out for invitations via email.

Year 6 Graduation and PYP Exhibition

The Year 6 Graduation and PYP Exhibition will be held in the Arts Centre at 2pm on Wednesday 6 December 2017.

Year 9 Graduation

The Year 9 Graduation will be held in the Arts Centre at 2.15pm on Friday 1 December 2017.

Presentation Night

Presentation Night will be held at 7pm in the Adelaide Town Hall on Friday 8 December 2017. All students in Years 7 – 12 are expected to attend.

Carols in the Cathedral

Carols in the Cathedral will be held at 7pm in St Peter’s Cathedral, North Adelaide on Monday 11 December.

Please note that students have their final school day of Term 4 on Friday 8 December, however all students in Years 3 – 12 are expected to attend Carols in the Cathedral on Monday 11 December.

We look forward to welcoming the School community to these events.

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Receptions Celebrate the Festive Season

W6 Reception Assembly

The festive season is in full swing in the Junior School. To conclude their year at School, the Reception students showcased their magical assembly ‘Children around the world at Christmas time’.

All the girls displayed amazing confidence with their speaking, dancing and singing parts. Pure joy was beaming off every child’s face as they enjoyed every minute on stage. Their individual comments are a testament to their enjoyment of the assembly;

“We loved dancing and we were all confident speakers” Lola – RLD
“We enjoyed dressing up in our costumes and showing our special visitors what we can do on stage” Anisha – RLD
“We had lots of fun practising. We are very proud of ourselves. The teachers all did a very good job organising all of us!” Georgia – RLD
“I enjoyed learning all the moves for the Elf dance” Maddie – RML
“I felt really proud of myself” Lily – RML
“I loved the part when Santa took off his trousers!” Sophia – RML
“I think I improved when I was dancing. It was a little bit tricky but then I got better”. Natalia – RML
“I like the part where we got to talk on the microphone” Olivia RMK
“I found it exciting when we were twinkling like stars!” Aoni – RMK
“I loved our pretty costumes and dancing to Christmas music on stage” Violet – RMK
“I enjoyed wearing sparkly Christmas skirts and dancing like a princess” Ava – RMK

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone in the School community for helping to make this event so special for our beautiful Reception girls.

Louise Davies
Reception and Year 1 Coordinator

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Year 4s Celebrate Physical Education Week

W6 Year 4

As part of our participation in PE Week, on Wednesday 15 November the Year 4 classes attended a ‘Come and Try’ day organised by ACHPER (Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation) at Park 25.

The classes participated in golf, rugby, touch football, lacrosse, basketball, netball and cricket as well as ‘Life. Be in it’ activities.

“I found out that I am better at different sports.” – Zoe

“The coaches tried to make it as fun as possible and they were really good at the sports; they knew what they were doing because they were knowledgeable. They took the sports step by step which helped.” – Alannah and Carla

“I found rugby surprisingly enjoyable because you run around and get lots of exercise, and you get to learn new techniques and new rules and new ways of doing things. You also get to know all of the positions, how each and every position works, and what to do if you are in a specific position.” – Siobhan

Rebecca Riley Dillon and Louisa Mitchell
Year 4 Teachers

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Christmas Giving Tree at St Peter’s Girls

W6 Giving Tree

On Monday 27 November, we have our new student orientation and ‘step up’ day. This will be a non-uniform day and students are asked to come to School in neat casual clothes. For the privilege of not wearing uniform, and to extend our service to others less fortunate than ourselves, we ask that all students bring either a gold coin donation or an item to put under our giving tree. The casual day is for students in Reception – Year 9.

The Giving Tree will be placed in the Arts Centre Foyer and will remain there for the next 2 weeks. All donations will be given to AnglicareSA. This year, AnglicareSA aims to hand out over 1,000 food hampers and gifts to support families, adults and individuals this Christmas who have no one else to turn to. They also provide Christmas lunch to 200 people at the Elizabeth Mission. Students are welcome to bring additional items at any time until the end of term.

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Year 11 IB Spanish ab initio Welcome Guest Speaker

W6 IB Spanish ab initio

Every year the celebration of “El Día de los Muertos” (The Day of the Dead) takes place in Mexico and in other places around the world during the first two days of November.

On Thursday 16 November our IB Spanish students had the opportunity to learn about the origins and reasons of this vibrant and colorful tradition from Mr Evaristo Barrera, a native Mexican who explained to them how Mexicans celebrate and remember the lives of their loved ones by making “altares” for them at home. This tradition is shared with family members with some sense of humour, by eating “pan de muerto” -“bread of the dead”- and by making “calaveritas de azúcar” -sugar skulls-, apart from many other things.

“I have grown up with the “Día de los Muertos”; however, I learnt so much from ‘la presentación de mi abuelo’ -my grandfather’s presentation-! I believe that this celebration is a fantastic way of honouring the dead, and provides fantastic principles to live by; death is inevitable, so don’t be afraid. My favourite part was learning about how this tradition is a way of mocking the rich, and I enjoyed learning about the genuine celebration, underneath the commercialised version that most people are familiar with.” – Erin Barrera

“The presentation from Señor Evaristo Barrera about “El Día de los Muertos” was extremely interesting and quite funny. I thoroughly enjoyed learning how death in Mexico is celebrated as a time to reminisce a person’s life in a jovial but thoughtful way as compared to mourning the loss of someone. The celebration brings family together, and provides a chance for people to remember and share stories after the death of a loved one. His eagerness and enthusiasm to share the history as well as the modern celebration with us was wonderful.” – Sindhu Nedumaran

“I found Señor Evaristo Barrera’s presentation very interesting and informative! It allowed me to make connections between my culture and the Mexican culture and I learnt that Halloween and the Day of the Dead are two completely different events, although somehow related. The highlight was being able to see the way he celebrates the event with his family in Adelaide! I also loved seeing the skull he brought in and getting to know that there are shops here in Adelaide which sell sugar skulls made of “azúcar”! (I didn’t know this!) I also didn’t know that people celebrated “El Día de los Muertos” in Australia but they do! Finally, I loved learning about the history of Mexican culture and how this has developed over time.” – Sophie Auricht

“I quite enjoyed Señor Evaristo’s presentation as I learnt a lot about “El día de los Muertos”. I learnt a lot about the history of Mexico as well as about their cultures and traditions. I found it interesting how instead of mourning the deaths of their loved ones, they celebrate what they did while they were alive. I also never realised that there were 2 days – 1 for the children and one for the adults. I look forward to learning more about Hispanic celebrations and traditions.” – Georgia Bowden

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Sports News

W6 Sport

Imogen Elliott again carves up the waves in surfing, winning the U14 girls division of the Woolworths Wahu Grom Comp on Saturday. This is a national competition open to local and interstate surfers, and in tough conditions at Middleton ‘Imi’ convincingly took out her heat with scores in the excellent range. She also took out the Woolworths Fresh Wave of the day with a score of 9, the highest scoring wave in the competition. Imi has now been invited to attend the AIS Hurley High Performance Centre on the Gold Coast in 2018 for an U14 Girls development camp for the top U14 girls in AU.


Year 8/9 Knockout – Tuesday 14 November
Saints travelled to West Beach on a hot day to take part in the State finals. Playing 3 games and finals Saints got off to a great start defeating Seaton and then also accounting for Brighton and Unley to clean sweep the round games. Aroha Munroe was in fantastic form pitching with Tesse Parker in equally good form behind the plate. When these were provided rest, Amelia Pudney and Stephanie Smalls stepped in to help maintain Saints’ good fortune. Across all games all players made contributions, either with bat or via great fielding to obtain many outs.
In the Grand-Final play-off against Seaton, Saints led early 2-0 from a great hit from Aroha Munroe before the Seaton pitcher succumbed to the heat. The umpires and coaches agreed to finish the game early, ensuring Saints won the game and the final.

Saturday 18 November
Open B – Saints 13 defeated Pulteney 6
The team’s final game was close, but ultimately successful, as Saints finished their season with a win to claim the B grade shield. Against a more experienced side, the girls stepped up and put their new skills to good use in a difficult game. Mia Nicholls batted confidently and Kellie Bested’s batting provided two great hits, including a home run. Amelia Pudney pitched well and Portia Maerschel was very reliable at first base. The game was a fantastic culmination to the season, and secured the year’s Shield for the second time in a row. Well done, girls – back-to-back champions! – Beth Cross (Year 11)


Wednesday 15 November
Year 5-6 – Saints 14 defeated Seymour 4
Saints had a very strong turn at batting, getting 7 runs in the first innings and limiting Seymour to only 2. There were some great plays by the team and excellent team batting and running all round. Strong hitting by Chloe Porter and Georgia Mallick was a highlight of the game, with lots of runs being batted in each time. With the last game next week, the girls have shown great improvement over the past 4 games. – Claire Hale (Coach)

Year 4-5 White – Saints 2 defeated by St Andrew’s 14
Despite the wet weather, the girls played a great game against St Andrew’s. Although we didn’t receive the result we were hoping for, the team worked well together to lift themselves back up in the final two innings! Many great catches were taken, so well done to those who caught those fantastic balls. Bad luck this week, girls, but let’s get another win next week. – Lulu Tierney (Student Coach)


Thursday 16 November
All three senior teams won their games this week, concluding this term undefeated! I am incredibly proud of all the girls and I have seen significant improvements in all of the players and I cannot wait to see how they perform next year. Fantastic results from all teams, which could not be achieved without the skill and dedication of the players. Thanks to all the Year 12s who have played water polo and provided this great opportunity for us to follow; they will be sorely missed. I look forward to next year and the exciting opportunities! – Erin Barrera (2018 Captain)

Open A – Saints 12 defeated Wilderness 6
The A team won their game against Wilderness, with Nicolette Miller and Fiona Lethbridge playing incredibly in attack, and Saskia Jonats was a phenomenal goalie, as always. – Erin Barrera (2018 Captain)

Open B – Saints 9 defeated Mercedes 6
The B team won against Saint Michael’s 9-6, Lara Wakeham and Hattie Maerschel demonstrating skill and determination. – Erin Barrera (2018 Captain)

Open C – Saints 14 defeated St Michael’s 3
This week the team played really well against St Michael’s. The teamwork was impressive, enabling the girls to pull away from even scores at half-time to win convincingly. Good work to Lucy Young who put in a great effort in the swim up, Rose Pittman who showed improvement in both defence and attack and Matilda Braithwaite who was a strong player throughout the game. Great finish to the term, girls! – Nicolette Miller and Kate Woolley

Year 7/8 – Saints 5 defeated by St Aloysius 8
For our last game for the year we encountered a tough opponent but everyone played a great game, especially our highest scorers, Holly Cardone and Adele Eaton, both scoring 2 goals. Georgie Wakeham played a great game, finding lots of opportunities to pass to her teammates for goals, and Charlotte Parker and Emily Baldwinson played very well in goals, stopping many of the opposition’s goals. Lucy Benn and Emily Elston were great in defence, putting lots of pressure on the opposition. – Gemma Schaedel (Year 8)

The 12s, who have played Water Polo and provided this great opportunity for us to follow, will be sorely missed. I look forward to next year and the exciting opportunities! – Erin Barrera (2018 Captain)


Friday 17 November
Year 5-6 – Saints 1 defeated by Wilderness 2
The girls started off extremely strongly with a 25-10 set win. Chloe Porter and Grace Richards had a great game with some amazing saves along with spikes that won points immediately. The whole team placed a big focus on setting up their ‘dig, set, spike’ approach, in order to attack the ball and win points. The girls kept their heads up the whole game and didn’t give up, which showed as they persisted to fight back and put lots of pressure on Wilderness. It’s been amazing to watch the girls grow and progress as athletes with their determination to improve and win games. These girls show immense potential and we look forward to next week. – Tahlia Towers and Charlotte White (Student Coaches)

Saturday 18 November
Open C – Saints 3 defeated Immanuel 0 (25-13, 25-8, 25-13)
The Open Cs had an excellent win against Immanuel. The girls had an excellent game and demonstrated great skills in rallying and teamwork. In the 3rd set they were given the opportunity to try new shots and tactics, which they all tried. The determination in the team was demonstrated by Sivi Sivasuthan who raced for every ball and playing some amazing shots. This team has improved incredibly over the season and they should all be very proud of themselves. – Georgia Howe (Coach)

Middle A – Saints 3 defeated Pembroke 0
Saints finished off a fantastic year with a great team effort again. Without key player, Anna White, each girl showed the improvement they have made with strong serving and teamwork. Players’ desire to win showed with the enthusiasm and energy on the court. We hope all girls stay involved and progress into the senior teams next year. – Alistair Keough (Supervisor)

Middle B – Saints 3 defeated Pembroke 0
Middle B played an amazing game against Pembroke, winning all three sets. They played with enthusiasm and determination to win. Keys to their success were good rallies, calling to each other on court, strong teamwork and excellent consistent serves. The team has improved dramatically this term. It was a very well-deserved win and all the girls should be extremely proud of themselves. – Neil Fuller (Supervisor)

Middle C – Saints 3 defeated Immanuel 0
The Middle Cs played an incredible game against Immanuel, winning 3-0. The girls displayed great skill and team spirit during this game, highlighting the improvement they have made from the beginning of this season. The girls should be very pleased with their efforts. – Georgia Howe (Coach)


Saturday 18 November
Division 1 – Saints 1-22 defeated by Seymour 5-33
Singles: Imogen Nienaber 4-6, Mahala Truscott 5-6, Taj Shahin 6-3, Adele Eaton 2-6

Division 2 Blue – Saints did not play

Division 2 White – Saints 1-14 defeated by Pulteney 5-30
Singles: Renee Lawrence 0-6, Issy Harker 6-0, Annabelle Langley 3-6, Amelie Eaton 1-6

Division 3 Blue – Saints 2-25 defeated by Pulteney 4-29
Singles: Tiffany Zhou 5-6, Milly Wood 6-1, Olivia Zito 6-4, Siena Zito 2-6

Division 3 White – Saints 0-17 defeated by Pulteney 6-36
Singles: Georgia Langley 3-6, Orla Clayton 2-6, Funto Komolafe 5-6, Sophie Abbott 1-6

Division 4 Blue – Saints 0-8 defeated by Pulteney 6-36
Singles: Louisa Reid 2-6, Yujia Sun 1-6, Shunem Josiah 4-6, Ammi Yagnik 0-6

Division 4 White – Saints 1-20 defeated by Wilderness 5-32
Singles: Eva Young 1-6, Hilary Clark 4-6, Chase Hocking 6-2, Charlotte Adams 1-6


Saturday 18 November
Middle A – Saints 0 defeated by Mary Mackillop 2
After a lethargic start to the first half, Saints started to control the game, but unfortunately could not get a score on the board. In a physical encounter, Siena Kulinski and Olivia Goldsmith gave a full game effort. Holly Cardone, Annie Black and Poppie Goldsmith were strong on the wings, and Chelsea Walls, Ella Liddy and Hannah Freeman strong through the middle. With only 1 game left in the season, it is great to see the determination which the girls have to finish off with a win. – Ben Goldsmith (Coach)

Middle B – Saints 3 defeated St Ignatius 2
The girls played a great game on Saturday and should be really pleased with the way they played. With some additional players available, the girls were able to sub more often enabling them to put in 100% effort when on the field knowing that they would get a rest.

During the game the team worked hard with their rucking and really put the opposition to the test tiring them out. We demonstrated some good ball skills with safe passes and less dropped balls. On two occasions Annie Black made a break through on the wing which resulted in two tries. In the second half we talked about some strategies to keep pressure on the opposition and playing to our advantage when awarded penalties. Olivia Goldsmith put this into play when she took a penalty tap and played through the defenders who were still off-side resulting in another try.

The defensive play from the team was outstanding and they were put under a lot of pressure on the try line on several occasions. Kate Reade, Adele Russell and Tilly McCormack committed to making the ‘touch’ and managed to chase down a few runaway players. St Ignatius started to show signs of frustration, dropping the ball frequently and gave away a lot of penalties. All of the girls played exceptionally well and their communication and listening was a big key to their success this week. – Tracey Hunt (Coach)

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