From Our Chair and Principal
Following our meeting on Wednesday night, the Board of Governors is pleased to advise that St Peter’s Girls’ School will be proceeding with our plans to build a new Gym, with works due to begin as originally scheduled in November next year. Featuring two indoor courts, an elevated viewing platform and revamped weights area, our new Gym will be a jewel in our sporting crown, lifting girls and women in sport to new heights.
We dearly thank all of you who have donated to our extensive fundraising campaign to date. As a result of your generosity, we were able to raise approximately $600,000, enabling the continuation of early critical preliminary works. We also applaud our girls for their inspirational sporting and physical efforts in their overwhelmingly successful push to ‘Move a Million Metres’ earlier this year. Whilst we had contemplated commencing works even sooner, budget expense projections have increased sharply due to external factors such as supply chain disruption and soaring building and labour costs, in an unprecedented period of global volatility during COVID-affected times. Notwithstanding these challenges, we are fiercely committed to providing our girls with a first-class Gym of which we can all be proud. Your contributions, financial or otherwise, are immensely valued and have supported us to maintain momentum with this significant development.
Behind the scenes, the Board of Governors, members of the Senior Leadership Team and other passionate staff have spent years developing the project, with exhaustive preliminary works already completed. This means that once we are shovel-ready, we will be able to hit the ground running. With an estimated construction timeframe of 12 months, the completion of our new Gym will be a most fitting crescendo to the School’s 130th Anniversary. We look forward to celebrating these remarkable milestones with our wonderful community, honouring the past and opening a new chapter at Saints Girls.
Jeremy Schultz Chair, Board of Governors |
Julia Shea Principal |
From Our Deputy Principal / Head of Middle School
We always expect Term 4 to be a busy time as we celebrate both the end of the year and the festive season. However, Term 3 is also proving an excellent opportunity to reconnect with the Saints Girls’ community in a host of different arenas.
Last week, I enjoyed catching up with parents at the Intercol Australian Rules matches at Payneham, and at the Intercol Netball at school on Saturday morning, whilst Year 12 parents have enjoyed being guests at the four House Dinners we’ve had this term. Yesterday, there was a healthy, appreciative and vocal audience at the Year 9 Arts Collab Night, entertained in fine style by our students who were clearly having a terrific time showcasing their work to such a warm and welcoming crowd.
It would be wonderful to see as many of you as possible tomorrow morning at school for Winter Interhouse. Always a colourful and well-supported event, feel free to don your House colours, dress up the dog, and head in for a barista coffee and BBQ breakfast. Events start at 8am.
Next week sees talented Arts students centre stage for the SACE Dance Performance. These are always productions of the highest calibre, and deserving of a positive and supportive audience. It’s an excellent opportunity for students in Junior and Middle School, and their parents, to witness what the outcome of curriculum Dance here at Saints looks like. Watching a full program will help to form a fuller understanding of not only the complexity and deep thinking behind each piece, but also the joy and sense of achievement that our girls gain through the program. Senior students also love to come and support their peers, so please encourage them to attend, and consider staying yourself.
Of course, next Friday is our annual Years 4 to 12 Sports Day! Greater detail is provided further below. This vibrant event provides another excellent opportunity to see live entertainment, support the girls and continue to build your links within the community.
Whatever it is you choose to attend over the next week, I know the girls will thrive on and appreciate your support, and I look forward to catching up with as many of you as possible.
Richard Lisle
Deputy Principal/Head of Middle School
SACE Dance Performance: Next Week!

7 – 8 September, 7pm
Arts Centre
Tickets: BOOK HERE
Our SACE Dancers are thrilled to present CONNECT, a performance highlighting the central theme of connection through diverse styles of choreography. The performance explores the importance of human connection, especially during a global pandemic, to environment, history, others and ourselves.
The Stage 2 Dancers, supported by Stage 1, have dedicated much time and effort preparing for their performance assessment and would love the School community’s support in celebrating their creative talents.
To book your tickets, click here
Kate Burnett
Head of The Arts
From Our Sport Prefect
Our Intercol against Walford last week celebrated the end to another successful Winter Sport season. Congratulations to everyone who participated in games, as this led to us defending the Netball, Badminton and Aussie Rules Shields. In Soccer, the girls were able to win the annual match for the first time since 2018, finishing with an exciting penalty shoot-out after a 1 – 1 draw.
We commend the Hockey girls’ efforts as they fought hard in a 2 – 2 draw, unfortunately meaning Walford keeps that shield for another year. However, these girls were triumphant in the coveted Saints Girls vs Trinity College Hockey Cup, winning 4 -1. Congratulations to the team, especially to goal scorers Bridgette Leach and Amelia Lucas.
It’s currently Winter Interhouse, and after a decade-long drought in Soccer, Kilburn struck gold on Wednesday by claiming the title. Today is Aussie Rules, while tomorrow morning is Netball and Badminton Interhouse. And of course, next Friday is Sports Day! Good luck to all the Houses. Finally, throughout lunchtimes in Week 8, the staff will be taking on the Open A teams in our much-loved Staff vs Student matches. Teams will compete in Netball, Soccer, Touch Football, Volleyball and Lacrosse, and the winner of the majority of games will receive the first-ever Staff vs Student Shield. Thank you to the staff who have put their hands up to play in these games!
I hope everyone is excited for the upcoming Summer Sport season, with trainings commencing in Week 9. Best wishes to all involved, particularly the Year 12s as this will be their final opportunity as students to wear the School colours in the sporting arena.
Charlie Fishlock
Sport Prefect
Sports Day – 1 Week to Go!
Next Friday 9 September, St Peter’s Girls will stage the annual Years 4 – 12 Sports Day. Due to major refurbishment works at the SA Athletics Stadium at Mile End, this year’s event will take place at the state-of-the-art Bridgestone Athletics Centre on Frost Road, Salisbury.
The day will begin at 8.30am and will conclude by approximately 3.15pm. Parents are able to attend. Please note that shelter and seating are limited; however, you are welcome to bring your own chairs.
Travel Arrangements
Students who usually travel on School buses will be transported directly to and from the venue, departing from and returning to their regular stops. School Bus Drivers will inform families of any expected changes to pick-up and drop-off times.
Due to the extra distance involved, we have made arrangements for all other students to be taken by bus to and from the venue. These buses will leave school at 7.45am, and will return by approximately 4.30pm. If you have requested for your daughter to be on one of these buses, please ensure she is at school well before departure time for roll-marking purposes. Each bus will have teacher supervision. Further details will be provided to students leading up to the event.
Schedule of Events
Please find below links with approximate event timings. Year 4 – 6 High Jump and Year 4 – 12 1500m events will occur during lunch times next week prior to Sports Day.
Years 4 – 6: click here
Years 7 – 9: click here
Years 10 – 12: click here
Sports Day Merchandise and Raffle
The Saints Sport Support Group is selling House merchandise and raffle tickets for Sports Day!
The raffle prize includes a $200 voucher from The Athlete’s Foot and a Polar M400 Heart Rate Monitor plus much more! You can pre-order online via TryBooking. Raffle tickets can also be purchased on the day.
Years 4 – 6: all ordered items will be delivered to classrooms
Years 7 – 12: all orders can be collected from the Front Office on Thursday 8 September
House Bundle: $30
(includes House Cap, Drink Bottle, Wristband, Temporary Tattoo and ‘Run like a Saints Girl’ Keyring)
Supporter Cap (blue or white): $25
House Cap: $25
House Water Bottle: $5
House Wristband: $2
Raffle Tickets: 1 for $5 or 3 for $10
Thank you for your support.
Saints Sport Support Group
Esperanza Strike at Chamber Music Competition
Last weekend, Esperanza set off for Melbourne to perform in the ‘Strike A Chord’ Musica Viva National Chamber Music championship. It was a great honour to be included as Grand Finalists in this prestigious competition, as we were the only school from South Australia, as well as the only choir to be selected nation-wide. Thus, you can imagine how ecstatic we were when the compere announced us as 3rd prize, winning $2500 for the School!
We knew the competition would be tough, but never expected the extraordinary concert that unfolded before us. Esperanza found themselves amongst child prodigies, many of whom had been learning since 3 or 4 years of age. Regardless, the girls took to the stage in the beautiful Melbourne Recital Centre with confidence and poise. The ensembles performing at this concert displayed true virtuosity, and as a result, we certainly did not expect to place.
A special shout out to Samantha Keough who sang a high sustained C# into our key change, an incredible feat in itself. We heard via the grapevine that the first thing the adjudicators discussed when they went to pontificate was this incredible high note.
Congratulations Esperanza, we are incredibly proud of you all.
Sari Noble
Music Teacher
Photo credit: James Grant Photography
Disco Cabaret Evening – Book Now!
Friday 16 September, 7pm
Arts Centre
It’ll be a case of Friday Night Fever at our upcoming Cabaret, with disco the theme this year. The evening will feature our Junior Choir, Concert Choir, Just Jazz, In-Ta Jazz, Enchante, Chamber Choir, Concert Band, Senior Strings and Stage Band. In addition, our Artist in Residence David Goodwin will be on keys, Old Scholar Erin McKellar (Patteson 2013) will be a feature vocalist and we’ll even have a dance floor for attendees to strut their stuff!
Tables of 8 will be available as well as regular auditorium seating, with tickets $10 for adults and $5 for children. The Friends of The Arts will be supporting the event selling refreshments and nibbles.
To book your tickets – click here
ELC Fathers and Friends’ Breakfast
On Wednesday morning at the ELC, we celebrated the inspirational people in the children’s lives including fathers, grandfathers and uncles at our Fathers and Special Friends’ Breakfast.
Thank you to everyone who attended. The children cherish any opportunity to share their treasured ELC spaces, and it’s always so wonderful to connect with our community.
Early Learners Embrace Physical Challenge
At our ELC, we offer children a range of specialist lessons to challenge and refine gross motor skills such as walking, running and climbing.
We promote a lifelong healthy mindset, encouraging physical literacy and a love of natural and outdoor environments such as neighbouring Ferguson Park. This in turn boosts children’s confidence, self-esteem, their ability to assess risk in the world around them, and assists in school readiness through improved core strength.
Book Week Highlights – Chapter 2!
Our Junior School girls are still on cloud nine following Book Week 2022!
With the theme ‘Dreaming with eyes open’, our girls were proud to showcase their colourful and creative costumes to parents and peers. Here are a few more highlights from another sensational Dress Up Day Parade to celebrate our love of books!
Toy Testers Turn Back the Clock
The Year 2 Australian Museum of Childhood visit on Monday brought an array of colourful, interactive and creative toys from the past for our unit of inquiry ‘Who We Are in Place and Time’. This amazing experience enabled our inquisitive inquirers an opportunity to explore objects from the past and compare them with toys of the present day.
Students engaged in scientific wonder as they investigated toys with push and pull movements. They captured their investigations through taking photographs and time lapse movies. This is an exciting provocation to our next science unit of inquiry, ‘Motion Mission’.
Kathryn Clark
Year 2 Teacher
Saints Girls Show Way with Words
Earlier this term, a group of Saints Girls attended the IPSHA Junior Orator Competition at Prince Alfred College, achieving outstanding results. The team was made up of Year 5 students Grace Marshall, Georgia Baghurst and Annabel Lok, along with Year 6 students Caitlyn Sam-Ling, Aarcha Rakesh, Emily Kim and Maria Prakash.
Congratulations to Maria and Georgia, who placed 1st and 2nd respectively in the final competition. Maria waxed eloquently with her speech about ‘Words’, while Georgia proclaimed, ‘The world needs more great inventors.’
Judges commented on how wonderfully our girls engaged the audience, which is the key ingredient of the Junior Orator Competition. Well done girls!
Shane Davidson
Competition Coordinator
Out of the Blue Arts Journal – Enter Now
To celebrate the many talented individuals within our School community, the annual Out of the Blue Arts Journal is back on for 2022!
We are inviting all students from ELC – Year 12, Old Scholars and staff to submit their artistic creations for this year’s journal. These submissions can be made individually or collaboratively. The journal features a wide variety of art including photographs, drawings, paintings, poetry, cakes, dances, song lyrics and tapestry. If you think of anything else, feel free to email us.
For any media items such as music or dance, a still graphic of the work with a relevant QR code will be used. Any music or media must be owned by the artist or should use royalty-free music. In order to represent our whole community, your submissions can also be in any language (provided it is submitted alongside an English translation).
Our journal was a huge success last year, featuring over 175 submissions and selling over 180 copies. A celebration launch will be held in the School Chapel on Thursday 3 November.
The closing date for all entries is Friday 7 October (the first week of the school holidays). We are thankful for all entries, but due to the number of submissions that we receive, only our successful applicants will be notified. Your submissions can either be emailed to the Out of the Blue email or placed in the Out of the Blue boxes in classrooms (for Junior School students) or in the Library (for Middle and Senior School students).
The Out of the Blue Arts Journal Committee is looking forward to seeing all of your amazing pieces and celebrating the artists in our community!
Nathara Perera
Arts Journal Student Committee
Yang Yang’s Artistic Odyssey
I have taken art classes since I was 8 years old, so much of my life has revolved around art. Originally, I began these classes to fill up the weekend. However, it has become an activity with more meaning rather than just passing time. But what makes art so important?
Visual Art has been present throughout human history, from the clay paintings in limestone caves to the contemporary abstract art. Visual Art extends from paintings, sketches and sculptures to multimedia projects. It is recognised as a fundamental part of human experience. Art can reflect the environment around us and records our history in a visual form. It is a creative form of communication that can express the artist’s experience and emotions, which cannot be achieved through other means.
I enjoy art not only because it allows me to share my thoughts and opinions through a visual manner, but it is also an escape from study and gives me perspective on the experiences of other individuals. The freedom of expression is the main motivator that artists appreciate.
To celebrate the artists at our School, the Out of the Blue Arts Journal is an amazing opportunity. If you have a piece of art that you wish to enter, do not hesitate! Please email us via outoftheblue@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au for submissions and any queries.
Yang Yang Gu
Arts Journal Student Committee
High Drama for Shakespeare Students
On Thursday, our Year 7 – 10 students had the privilege of attending one of two performances by Bell Shakespeare. The troupe of three actors – Chrissie, Laurence and Ruby – travel the country performing plays that educate students about The Bard’s works.
They presented Shakespeare is Dead, a 45-minute exploration of the historical context, language, themes, style and value of Shakespeare’s plays. The second performance entitled The Human Condition examined the way in which Shakespeare’s plays capture a range of human qualities: love, delight, grief, anger, ambition, guilt, revenge, courage and mercy to name just a few!
The performances were vibrant, enthusiastic and versatile, where the actors made complex literature accessible to all students as they immersed them in the history and texts of the world’s most reputed poet/dramatist. The quirky nature of the presentation style, with an emphasis upon humour, audience involvement and a resourceful use of props, meant that the performances were appealing to all students, providing both an educational and entertaining experience.
‘The performances were very engaging and entertaining. I learnt a lot about the different types of plays Shakespeare wrote and the language and rhythms he used. The actors explained everything in terms that were easy to understand and follow.’
– Malaika McLeod (Year 9 student)
‘Bell Shakespeare presented immersive, thought-provoking performances. I learnt that whilst the language that Shakespeare used is not common in today’s society, the themes and emotions experienced by the characters are still very relatable.’
– Ashani Amarathunga (Year 9 student)
Michael Butler-Wills
Head of English/Drama Teacher
Kennion Spirit Week
This week is the fabulous Kennion’s Spirit Week. It has been fantastic to witness a sea of blue ribbons around the School. I am so proud of how well the Kennion girls have represented the House, not only this week but every day. To top off the Kennion spirit by adding more blue to the campus, the Kennion Year 12s dressed up in blue outfits today.
On Wednesday, our Spirit Week Chapel Service featured the theme of what it means to be a Kennion girl, and brought attention to the determination and perseverance of the House. Our Deputy House Captain Sivanthi Sivasuthan shared what she loves about leading Kennion and the qualities of the House which stand out in the School atmosphere. We were also fortunate to have our Junior School House Captains Millie and Ros sharing what they love about Kennion and what it means to be a Kennion girl. The very talented Emma Pool and Helen Zhang performed ‘Bad Habit’ by Ben Platt, accompanied by the amazing Annie Bui, Tammy Tang and Amy Wang. It was an amazing performance that showcased some of the wonderful talent within Kennion House.
The girls are looking forward to our annual House Dinner tonight as an opportunity to celebrate being in this fantastic House and the year we have had so far. The Year 11s have worked incredibly hard to organise this special event and did a great job choosing the 2000s theme. I look forward to seeing everyone dressed up and enjoying the evening.
This has been an amazing Spirit Week showcasing our House pride, and I look forward to seeing what the rest of the term holds for Kennion.
Toni Christiansen
House Captain
Kennion House Charity Day
The Kennion Year 10 Home Group hosted a sausage sizzle on Chiverton Lawns last Friday. We were fundraising for our House Charity, KickStart for Kids, and ended up doing so well, we sold out of sausages!
We began preparing for this fundraiser in Term 2 and have been responsible for the full event. We all had so much fun assembling this sausage sizzle and working together towards a shared goal!
KickStart for Kids provides a breakfast and lunch program for underprivileged children in South Australia. The Kennion Year 10s have been volunteering at a school in Adelaide’s north-west, helping provide breakfast for the children and preparing their lunch.
We all had so much fun running this fundraiser together and are so glad we can contribute to helping our House Charity!
Zoe Pool
Year 10 student
Patteson House Charity Day
Last Friday, the Year 10 Patteson girls held a bake sale with a variety of sweet treats to raise money for our House Charity, the Moore St Drop-In Centre, which helps people experiencing homelessness.
Each and every girl took pleasure in serving the School community and working together as a cohort. We were very successful in selling all of our baked goods and raising over $600 for the Moore St Drop-In Centre! Thank you to everyone who contributed.
Ishita Chellaboina
Year 10 student
KickStart for Kids Period Poverty Drive
At Saints Girls, we know the importance of health and wellbeing and recognise that, unfortunately, not all individuals have access to the same support, services and products. As such, Community Service Prefect Emily Teague and I have decided to support KickStart for Kids’ Period Poverty drive where girls can bring sanitary products to school which will be donated to individuals who don’t have access to these essential items.
The collection bins for these products will be located in the Middle School next week. The campaign is aiming to collect over 25,000 packs of sanitary pads to donate to 2000 young South Australians to help manage their periods for 12 months.
We have been supporting KickStart for Kids for many years as one of our House Charities and see this as a great opportunity not just for the Kennion girls but our whole School to partner with this amazing organisation. As part of our School-wide Service Learning Program, we want to support this event with the greatest enthusiasm, so that ‘together, we can help end period poverty in South Australia’.
If you wish to find out more information about this event, please visit Period Poverty – KickStart for Kids
Tia Bailey
SRC Prefect
Social Entrepreneurs Support Brighter Futures
In Term 2, the Year 8 Futures students were challenged to establish and run their own social enterprise. This involved identifying a social problem and developing a product that would generate a profit to assist a charitable organisation. A group of girls – Rose Downie, Izzy Bonett, Mithi Sharma, Isobel McArthur and Eve Dillon – created heat bags in a variety of colours, patterns and sizes. Last week, Eve visited the Hutt St Centre and donated 15 heat bags which were gratefully received.
‘We really enjoyed the process and helping the cause. It felt empowering giving something to those who don’t have the same privileges as us.’ – Eve
Congratulations to all Year 8 Futures students for your creativity, hard work and interest in making a difference in our local community.
Joni Combe
Futures Teacher
Afternoon Tea for a Cause
One of our subjects in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is CAS which stands for Creativity, Activity and Service. Part of CAS involves undertaking a project that aids the community. Our chosen project is to hold a fundraising afternoon tea where all profits raised will go to making care packages for women who are admitted to the Women’s and Children’s Hospital following a pregnancy loss.
Many women who present at the hospital for care are transferred from the country or interstate. Often the diagnosis of pregnancy loss is unexpected, and they do not have personal items with them. They may also feel very distant from their loved ones and their community.
With the profits from the afternoon tea, we will make care packages which will include personal hygiene items and small touches to help women know that they are cared for.
The afternoon tea will be held at the Glenunga Hub. The link below can be accessed to purchase event and raffle tickets or to make a donation. There will also be other fundraising opportunities on the day, so please bring some gold coins!
Venue: Glenunga Hub Community Centre, 70 Conyngham Street, Glenunga
Dates: Sunday 11 September 1.30 – 3.30pm
Tickets: click here
Ticket purchases and donations close on Monday 5 September.
Grace Beaumont and Jasreet Mavi
Year 11 IB students
Year 5 Production: Set Sail for Our Must-Sea Show!
Save the date and come along for a rollicking time at the Year 5 Production Pirates of Penzance JR. in Week 10! The girls have been preparing to take the audience on this adventure for the past two terms, and are excited to thrill you with singing, dancing and joyful merriment in this wonderful Gilbert and Sullivan operetta.
The performances will be held on Thursday 29 and Friday 30 September at 1.15pm and 7pm. Tickets for Year 5 parents will will be available via TryBooking from Week 6, and for the wider community from Week 7. You can be assured of a fun time as we celebrate beautiful maidens, bumbling policemen and not-so menacing pirates!
Shelley Hampton
Year 5 Teacher
Old Scholar Musical in Stonyfell Spotlight
Earlier this year, Old Scholar Erin McKellar (Patteson 2013) premiered her very own musical, A Box of Memories at the Adelaide Fringe. The award-winning show is now returning under the direction of international director Narelle Yeo, presented at St Peter’s Girls’ School Arts Centre.
Co-written with her father Duncan and with music composed entirely by Erin, this intimate show features an all-Adelaide line up that presents perspectives on what it means to live with dementia, from diagnosis through to the end-of-life. During a series of vignettes, it follows the story of Lizzy, a woman in her 70s, experiencing changes in memory and at the beginning of a life-impacting diagnostic experience.
The Friends of The Arts will be supporting the event selling refreshments.
Venue: St Peter’s Girls’ School Arts Centre
Dates: Sunday 18 September 7.30pm
Tickets: $45 via TryBooking – click here
Road Safety Alert
The School has received reports of concerning driver behaviour on Hallett Road. This includes holding up traffic while waiting for cars to leave in order to park near the ELC, performing risky u-turns and parking in bus zones.
As our staff have no jurisdiction over public roads, the School will be asking the police to conduct regular patrols at peak times.
We implore all of our community members to support road safety and show courtesy to others.
Car Park Protocols
It is important to remind families about our car park protocols, particularly during drop off and pick up.
If the car park is full and you are unable to enter, circle the block until it is clear to enter, find a park elsewhere or, where age-appropriate, meet your daughter in a surrounding street.
Please note that, unless special circumstances apply, parents of girls in Years 2 to 12 should not enter the car park to collect their daughters prior to 3.30pm. Parents of girls in Reception and Year 1 have exclusive use of the pick-up zone prior to this time for safety and traffic reasons.
Please also refrain from turning right into or out of the car park at peak times, and please do not queue in the car park’s lanes as this often prevents drivers who are legally parked from exiting.
We have also previously received complaints about cars being parked too close to or in front of driveways, or across from other vehicles in surrounding streets, making it extremely difficult for residents and other road users to navigate.
We ask all community members to please show consideration for others. Thank you for your cooperation.
School Shop Notices
School Shop Opening Hours
Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm (closed for lunch 12 – 12.30pm)
Parents can also order items via our Online School Shop
Warm Up with Saints’ Scarves and Beanies
Saints Girls’ Supporter Scarf – perfect for staff, coaches and parents
Saints Girls’ Beanies – can be worn by students during their sport training sessions and warm ups, and also available for staff coaches and parents
To get your hands on these fabulous new items, please visit the School Shop.
Junior Rain Jackets
School Shop End-of-Season Sale (while stocks last):
Dry & Cosy Polar Fleece-Lined Rain Jackets $25
Waterproof Rain Jackets $15
Summer Uniform Appointments
A reminder that we are commencing Summer Uniform Fittings, and to streamline the process, we have introduced an online booking system. It shows our available time slots from August through to October. Middle and Senior School students are welcome to visit during their recess or lunch breaks.
Click here to access the calendar and select the time that best suits you (please include your daughter’s name).
Appointment times are filling fast, so your prompt attention is appreciated.
During the school holidays, the School Shop will be open on Friday 14 October from 9am to 4pm.
COVID-19 Information
Under SA Health protocols, asymptomatic children who are close contacts can attend school or ELC, provided they undertake 5 Rapid Antigen Tests over 7 days and receive negative results.
Please also be reminded of these general requirements:
Should your child develop any symptoms, even mild ones, they must not attend school or ELC and should be tested for COVID-19. Those with symptoms who test negative using a RAT must undertake a PCR test to confirm that result. Students who have previously tested positive and have completed isolation in the past 28 days do not need to undertake testing.
If your child tests positive to COVID-19, notify us immediately. Please also advise the type of test (RAT/PCR), the date your child’s test was taken and the date symptoms started (if no symptoms, note ‘asymptomatic’).
Please notify us via email or text:
Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au
Text: 0428 601 957 (save to phone contacts as SPGS)
If you need to notify us over the phone, call the Front Office on 8334 2200.
If your child is too sick to attend school, they are therefore also too sick to be working remotely from home.
Please also note that SA Health strongly recommends face masks in schools when indoors for students across Years 3 to 12. The same advice applies for all adults, including visitors, except if it impedes the ability to teach or interact with children.
General Absences from School
If your child is going to be absent, late to school or leave early, please use one of the following methods to notify the School, providing the student name and Class/Home Group.
Please also provide a reason for the absence as the School requires this for government reporting purposes.
Text: 0428 601 957
Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au
Phone: 8334 2200
Feel free to include the Class/Home Group Teacher when emailing. It would be appreciated if notifications could be made prior to 9am.
Sports News
Open A: Saints (30) v Walford (12)
Middle A: Saints (16) v Walford (6)
Last Friday, our Middle and Senior School Aussie Rules teams played our Intercol matches against Walford, winning both games to end the season on a high. The support shown by the School community was amazing, with signs, chants and even a jazzy saxophone tune from the sidelines. Everyone played amazingly and put up a great fight to retain the Intercol Shield. Some highlights in the Middle As game were the incredible courage and confidence exhibited by the girls as they fearlessly took on a physical, muddy game to turn the score around in the third quarter. Our Open A girls were also fantastic, with each and every player on the field contributing to the win.
At the end of our season, I feel incredibly proud to be part of our School Aussie Rules teams, which have become more competitive year by year, a growth driven by our wonderful coaches Ms Moxon, Mark Ricciuto, Mr Mills and Mr Searle. While Middle and Senior Aussie Rules signs off for now, we look forward to the upcoming Junior School Aussie Rules season, and many great years of Saints Girls’ footy to come! – Emily Teague (Captain)
Open A: Saints (6) v Walford (0)
Open B1: Saints (2) v Wilderness (4)
Open B2: Saints (4) v Walford (2)
Open C1: Saints (6) v Walford (0)
Open C2: Saints (2) v Wilderness (4)
Open D1: Saints (4) v Walford (2)
Open D2: Saints (6) v Wilderness (0)
Middle E: Saints (6) v Pembroke (2)
This season, we welcomed many new players who participated in competitive games for the first time. It’s always amazing seeing the girls try their best against their opponents. If one word can be used to describe the Badminton girls, it would undoubtedly be ‘resilient’. We faced many challenges, including low coach numbers at the beginning of the season. However, our girls were determined and consistently attended training sessions with a positive attitude. The hard work they have put into the sport is reflected in the Intercol results.
I extend a massive thank you to Mrs Risbey and Miss Brennan for providing immense support for the Badminton community at Saints. Not only focusing on the logistics and planning behind the scenes, they also stepped up to be coaches and ran training sessions throughout the season. The program could not have begun and ended as smoothly as it did without their constant support. Our deepest gratitude also to Meng Sam-Ling who volunteered to run Thursday morning trainings; your support is greatly appreciated. Finally, I want to thank all the Badminton girls for your participation; I am so proud of everyone and I am delighted to have been your Captain for 2022! – Yang Yang Gu (Captain)
Open A: Saints (2) v Walford (2)
On Friday morning, we fielded a team of 9 for the annual Intercol against Walford. A shoutout to Abbey who volunteered to play in goals for the first half and to Kiera in the second! Both girls demonstrated great persistence for their first time, saving multiple shots. It was a tough match, presenting many challenges to our team; however, the girls stood strong, maintaining a 2 – 2 draw. Well done everyone!
Open A: Saints (4) v Trinity College (1)
On Saturday, we had our annual interschool competition against Trinity College and finished with a 4 – 1 win. An incredible game by Amelia, scoring 3 goals with great speed and vision. She was also named best player by the Trinity team – congratulations! Leah played her usual fast game, turning up everywhere just as we needed her. Ayla enjoyed five times as many touches in this match as she has had for the whole season – amazing work!
To the girls, I am so proud of all your efforts and the flexibility you demonstrated throughout the entire season. Finally, a huge thank you to our Manager Sharon and to our coaches Liv and Tash for their continuous support and commitment to the team. To all girls at Saints, come out next season and give hockey a go! We are a friendly and supportive bunch who want everyone to love hockey as much as we do! – Bridgette Leach (Captain)
Open A: Saints (62) v Walford (29)
Open B: Saints (19) v Walford A (54)
Open C: Saints (72) v Walford (28)
Open D: Saints (20) v Walford B (61)
Open E: Saints (12) v Walford C (41)
Year 9A: Saints (85) v Walford (5)
Year 9B: Saints (69) v Walford (17)
Year 8A: Saints (58) v Walford (26)
Year 8B: Saints (43) v Walford (5)
Year 7A: Saints (32) v Walford (21)
Year 7B: Saints: Bye
*Some matches for our Opens/Year 10 had to switch their opponents due to coach/umpire availability
Our Intercol Netball kicked off on Tuesday when our Open Bs took on Walford Open As. It was a tough loss for our girls, but they went down fighting and never gave up.
On Saturday morning, our remaining teams faced off against our Walford rivals. We had great support across all courts with teams coming out early or staying later to cheer on their schoolmates. We had some dominant wins and some losses; however, we were able to come out on top, winning the Netball Intercol 7 to 3.
It was a wonderful way to finish our season, with the girls showing true Saints’ spirit during all of our matches. Thank you to the parents/guardians for their support and to our amazing coaches and umpires who have worked tirelessly all season.
– Alice Johnswood (Netball Director)
Our first Winter Interhouse fixtures saw our Houses compete in a round robin Soccer competition on the Oval on Wednesday. In Round 1, the scores were close in both games, with Selwyn defeating Patteson 3 – 0 and Kilburn coming out on top in a close 1 – 0 victory over Kennion. In Round 2, the goals started to flow, with Kennion putting 6 past Patteson and Kilburn sneaking a 2 – 1 win against Selwyn.
So, we went into the final round with Kilburn undefeated, and Kennion needing a Patteson victory. Patteson worked hard and showed great spirit scoring their first goal of the day, but couldn’t keep out the goal-hungry Kilburn who roared to victory with an 8 – 1 win. Selwyn took out 2nd place after a 1 – 0 win against Kennion.
1st – Kilburn (9 points)
2nd – Selwyn (6 points)
3rd – Kennion (3 points)
4th – Patteson (0 points)
Well done to all the girls who represented their House with pride.
Tommy Peak
Director of Sport
Chloe Richardson, Isla Fahey, Alice Braithwaite and I were fortunate to represent South Australia in the Cross Country National Championships over the weekend at Oakbank Racecourse. More than 1200 runners took part, coming from all around Australia and New Zealand. We competed in a 4km race in very tough conditions, but it was a great experience. We were all very proud of our efforts and we learnt many lessons along the way. On Monday, we also had the opportunity to race in the National XC relay. Chloe and my team placed 3rd and Isla’s team placed 4th. – Elodie de Wit (Year 8 student)
Last weekend, I represented South Australia and competed in the U12 girls Australian Cross Country National Championships. I was proud to be selected as their team Captain, and we took home the Bronze medal for the first time in a long time, beating Victoria by a few points. The conditions at Oakbank on Saturday were cold and muddy but it was super fun! – Audrey Fox (Year 6 student) | ![]() |
Congratulations to Jess Woods and Claris Stolcman for representing SA in the School Sports U12 Hockey Championship in Canberra. | ![]() |
Well done to Phoebe Lucas, Abbey Phillips, Yashika Agarwal and Claris Stolcman who have made the U13 State Hockey Team, travelling to Tasmania this month for Nationals. The girls competed in the State Zones Championships and three individual trials to be selected in the team of 16. | ![]() |
Last week, Isabelle Tran, Alyssa Tran, Alice Braithwaite, Emma Everitt and Summer Bament competed in the Australian School Sport Swimming competition in Brisbane. This trip gave the girls the opportunity to meet new people, not only in their team but also interstate, and experience a new racing environment. The swimmers had a successful week of racing, with all qualifying for finals and finishing in the top 10. A special mention to Alyssa Tran for placing 3rd in the 50m Breaststroke. Congratulations to all the girls on their achievements! – Isabelle Tran (Swimming Captain)
Elodie de Wit, Chloe Richardson, Mathilda Thomas, Eleanor Bartter and Julia Yang have been selected to represent School Sport SA at the forthcoming School Sport Australia Girls Touch Football Championships.