Issue no. 26
Exciting Chapter at Book Week 2021
Book Week is always a favourite chapter of Term 3 to celebrate our love of literacy. Today, the Junior School girls brought their favourite characters to life at our Annual Dress Up Assembly and Parade.
The Student Library Initiatives Club wrote and presented an engaging play including the shortlisted books, under the expert direction of Lisa Hollis. A Saints Girls’ tradition for the Junior School, staff took to the stage to perform Little Red Gingerbread. The girls loved the performance and were thrilled to share the limelight by parading their colourful and creative costumes.
Each day at lunchtime this week, the Year 6 Library Leaders organised and supervised special activities which were enjoyed by students of all ages. The theme for Book Week this year is Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds. It has provided wonderful scope to explore the shortlisted books in the Junior School Library as all of them contain at least one of these worlds and act as a portal to them.
Helen Smith
Deputy Head of Junior School / Junior School Librarian / PYP Coordinator
Book Week Buddies Sharing eBooks
As part of this term’s Science unit on animal adaptations, Year 5 students wrote and illustrated their own electronic story books using Keynote. This afternoon they shared their creations with their Mid-Year Reception buddies. It was a great way to end Book Week!
Game On for Mind Lab Masters
St Peter’s Girls proudly hosted the annual interschool Mind Lab Competition last Friday, with our girls achieving fantastic results. Two teams of four students from each school competed in the hands-on strategy board games of Checkers, Abalone, Quoridor and Octi. Perseverance and resilience came to the fore, as students pitted their skills and strategies against each other, earning points for themselves individually as well as for their team.
The competition was strong, and we were incredibly proud of the way our students approached the event. Our Blue Team, comprised of Nishka Soodan, Victoria Zou, Phoebe Fan and Xielan Ouyang, achieved 3rd place overall, and our White Team, made up of Yashika Agarwal, Zalia Valmorbida, Scarlett Parker and Anika Vaidya, finished a very creditable 5th. In addition, Nishka won a Gold medal in Abalone, Phoebe claimed Gold in Checkers and Anika took out Silver in Octi.
Mind Lab aims to develop cognitive, social, emotional and ethical thinking skills that span all learning areas. The methodology encourages risk-taking and flexible thinking, teaching students how to work interdependently, apply a wide range of problem-solving strategies and reflect upon their effectiveness. Our girls are encouraged to transfer the learning from their game playing sessions to situations they encounter in the classroom and their daily lives.
Congratulations to all of our competitors.
Suzanne Haddy
Head of Junior School
From Our Director of Teaching and Learning
As I mentioned in an earlier edition of eNews, the three main local universities now offer a range of different pathways into many of their courses.
The University of Adelaide launched an early entry pathway last year and has decided to extend this to the current Year 12 cohort. This gives students access to many undergraduate degrees based on Year 11 grades. It is a condition of this pathway that Year 12 studies are completed, and a traditional selection rank is received. Some degrees are excluded from the scheme. More information is available on the university’s website, and there is an extensive list of FAQs there.
UniSA offers some guaranteed places for tertiary study based on Year 12 grades, as opposed to selection rank (which is ATAR and adjustment factors). Interested students should take a look at the Guaranteed Entry Calculator on the UniSA website for further details.
Flinders University uses a range of admission pathways. They too have a Year 11 grades scheme which our current Year 12s can access. Flinders University looks favourably upon sound SACE Research Project grades. Students can also choose to sit a uniTEST, the results of which can be used in conjunction with other results data to determine offers. Further details on these processes are available on the university’s website.
All the universities will continue to use the traditional selection rank system as well, but, as you can see, this is now being supplemented with a range of alternative pathway options.
For International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme students, the University of Adelaide has launched a pioneering IB recognition scheme. It acknowledges the range of learning, critical thinking, academic preparedness and rigorous assessment completed through the IBDP. The scheme aims to avoid unnecessary repetition of content once degree studies are underway. Once at university, IB graduates may be eligible for exemption from or credit for a university course(s), providing more flexibility/time. Again, some degrees are excluded, and further information should be sought via the website.
Nigel Scoggins
Director of Teaching and Learning
Talented Musicians Add Strings to Bows
Several of our Music students recently took part in the Adelaide Eisteddfod, displaying outstanding technical and stylistic skills in their respective sections.
Praise goes to Samantha Li who competed in several string divisions above her age level, achieving remarkable results. The adjudicator commented that Samantha is an excellent soloist and has strong stage presence demonstrating great potential. Samantha said, ‘I performed in three challenging sections and won a prize in all of them. I received 2nd prize in the 14 years and under division, a 3rd prize in the 25 years and under division and an honourable mention in the 16 years and under concerto division.’
Reception student Grace Guo participated in her first Adelaide Eisteddfod, winning 3rd prize in the Grade 1/2 violin division. Well done Samantha and Grace, we are very proud of your achievements!
If you or someone you know at Saints Girls also participated in the Adelaide Eisteddfod and received an award or honourable mention, please email me via and we can publish your results in upcoming eNews editions.
Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music
Kennion House Charity Day
Today, the Year 10 Kennion girls hosted a sausage sizzle to raise money for our House charity, KickStart for Kids. Members of our Home Group have been volunteering every Tuesday morning through the KickStart for Kids Breakfast Program, which has allowed us to see the difference the money raised today will make. KickStart for Kids is devoted to providing free breakfast and lunch to disadvantaged children across South Australia.
To arrange today’s sausage sizzle, the Kennion girls organised meetings, designed posters and communicated with many people throughout the School. The event proved to be highly successful, with all girls stepping up to the challenge of organising and executing an effective fundraiser.
Georgia Mallick
Selwyn House Charity Day
The Year 10 Selwyn girls sold sweet treats today, raising funds for our House Charity, The Smith Family. It was fantastic to see the wave of support from the girls today. Many items such as our chocolate cupcakes and meringues were snapped up, and it is terrific knowing that our Saints Girls’ community is so charitable and supportive!
Through this opportunity, we have realised how much of an impact we can make in our society, and it has been invaluable. The money we have raised today will be donated to The Smith Family to help create a better future for young Australians in need, with emphasis on long-term participation in education.
Genevieve Leong
iChampions Engineer Biomed Solution
The Year 6 iChampions visited the University of Adelaide as part of its Girls in STEM Program. The focus was on engineering, with the girls learning about the many different fields including biomedical engineering.
The students were asked to design a prosthetic leg using simple materials. They were judged on how quickly they could walk a short distance on the leg, as well as the cost of the materials they used to create it. Despite finding the activity challenging, the girls were able to complete the task.
Monique Green
Digital Tech Teacher & STEM Coordinator
SACE Music Concert
Don’t miss our SACE Music Concert at 7pm on Thursday 9 September featuring performances by Emeshe Robson and Georgie Raftopoulos. Also performing are many of our outstanding music ensembles including Stage Band, Concert Band, Enchante, Chamber Choir and Senior Strings.
It’s sure to be a hit!
Book your tickets via
Adults $10
Students/Concession $5
Year 5 Production – Singin’ in the Rain JR.
Our students are excited for another show-stopping Saints Girls’ Year 5 Production: Singin’ in the Rain JR.
The girls will be performing on Thursday 23 September and Friday 24 September.
Tickets are now open to the wider School community! Secure your booking here.
We look forward to another incredible production!
SACE Dance Performance – Wonderland
Our SACE Stage 2 Dancers are thrilled to present Wonderland, a moving performance that’ll leave you spellbound and mad for more!
Allow Alice, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, Mad Hatter, the Queen of Hearts and all your favourite characters to take you on a whimsical journey with compelling movement and melodies to match.
The girls are very excited to showcase their creative and technical abilities. They will be supported by the incredible Stage 1 Dancers, a huge cohort with a genuine love for dancing and performing.
1 – 2 September, 7pm
Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls’ School
Book your tickets here.
Kate Burnett
Head of The Arts
Junior School Art Trail Exhibition
Our Junior School girls have been harnessing their creativity as they prepare to stage a captivating Art Trail exhibition later this term. Artworks include laser-cut creatures, a doughnut wonderland, abstract sculptures, imagination machines, nature paintings, upcycled dolls and stencilled street art.
The Art Trail will be held in stages due to density requirements.
Grandparents and Treasured Friends
Friday 10 September
Book via
Visitors will tour at the time scheduled for the youngest Junior School student in the family. Older Junior School students will join the tour scheduled for their younger sister’s year level:
• 8.45 – 10am: Year 5 and 6 students
• 10.30 – 11.45am: Reception students
(and older Junior School sisters)
• 12pm – 1.15pm: Year 3 and 4 students
(and older Junior School sisters)
• 2 – 3.15pm: Year 1 and 2 students
(and older Junior School sisters)
For more information, please click here.
Parents and Daughters
Monday 13 – Friday 17 September
Reception – Year 2 students:
7.45 – 8.20am, Monday 13 September
to Friday 17 September
3.45pm – 4.30pm, Wednesday 15 September
and Friday 17 September
Year 3 – 6 students:
Students can escort their parents around the Art Trail during the afternoon/evening of their Student-Led Conference on Monday 13 and Tuesday 14 September.
For more information about this session, click here.
Annual House Dinners
During Term 3, all Middle and Senior School girls have the opportunity to enjoy a night away from homework to get creative and colourful at the House Dinners.
The Year 11s have been working hard organising decorations, food and games for each event. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone’s creative costumes and enjoying a fun night with our Houses.
Selwyn House Dinner
Theme: Welcome to Wonderland
10 September (Week 8)
Book now:
The Long Lunch – Sunday 19 September
Seeking Volunteers
There are several opportunities to get involved and volunteer at The Long Lunch.
We are seeking parent/grandparent volunteers for set up on Saturday 18 September, and are also looking for assistance in the kitchen and for the auctions during the event.
Saturday 18 September, 10am – 3pm
Two shifts: 10am – 1pm and 12 – 3pm
Sunday 19 September, 9am – 6pm
Two shifts: 9am – 1pm and 1 – 6pm
If you are interested in volunteering your time, please contact Melissa Westgate in the Community Relations Office via 8334 2244 or It is a lot of fun and a great way to meet and work with others from our community.
Sports Day 2021
St Peter’s Girls will stage the annual Years 4 – 12 Sports Day at the SA Athletics Stadium (previously Santos Stadium) at Mile End on Friday 3 September. The day will begin at 8.30am and will conclude by approximately 3.30pm.
At this stage, parents should be able to attend, but must follow COVID protocols including scanning the SA Health QR code upon arrival, socially distancing, and avoiding the main grandstand. The smaller grandstand to the north of the main stand is a parent viewing space, as well as the general perimeter of the stadium. Parents are not permitted on the infield. As with all events, parent attendance is subject to change and will depend upon the latest health advice.
Students who regularly travel on school buses will automatically be taken to the stadium in the morning and will depart on buses from there in the afternoon. To assist other families, we are offering a special bus service for registered students which will depart from school at 7.30am and return to school by approximately 4pm. To book your daughter’s seat, visit Bookings will close once the maximum limit is reached. All other students will need to be dropped off at and picked up from the stadium, as the girls will be dismissed directly from the venue.
Girls in Years 4 to 11 are reminded to wear their complete PE uniform with a hat and a House top. We encourage the girls to display their House spirit, but please be aware body paint is not permitted in the stadium. Girls are able to wear spikes up to 7mm in length.
Students can bring their recess and lunch or use the canteen. They are advised to bring water bottles. Attendees should prepare according to the weather forecast. Sunscreen will be available at the First Aid station.
The girls are looking forward to Sports Day 2021 and we can’t wait to see all four Houses in full flight!
Sports Day Merchandise and Raffle
The Saints Sport Support Group is selling House merchandise and raffle tickets for Sports Day!
You can pre-order online via TryBooking and students can collect items from the Sport Support Group table as they enter the stadium on Sports Day.
House Hat: $25
House Water Bottle: $5
Wrist Band: $2
Raffle Tickets: 3 for $5
Items and raffle tickets can also be purchased on Sports Day (cash only). Raffle tickets will be $2 each or 3 for $5 at the event.
Thank you for your support.
Melissa Westgate
Foundation Manager
Father’s Day Virtual Gift Stall – Last Chance!
The Friends of the ELC are holding a Father’s Day Virtual Gift Stall where all of our students from ELC to Year 12 are able to purchase gifts online for dads, grandfathers, uncles or other treasured people in their lives.
We have a variety of wonderful gifts available for $5 each. There is limited stock, so get in early to avoid disappointment. Gifts will be wrapped and delivered to classes on Thursday 2 September.
To order, visit the TryBooking link.
Purchases close at 5pm today.
If you have any queries, please contact Fiona McGregor in the Community Relations Office via
School Blazers – Half Price Clearance
The School Shop has a half price clearance of remaining stock of wool flannel blazers. They are now $120 each (down from $240 and $250).
Get in quick as there are limited sizes available: 70, 110, 115, 120 and 125.
Share the Dignity Campaign
We are supporting ‘Share the Dignity’ again this August to help the many women who cannot afford sanitary items. We are a collection point for this amazing charity. We encourage students to bring along packets of pads and/or tampons and place them in the pink boxes located in the Library, Middle School area, or give them to Mrs Risbey in the PE Office. Let’s get behind this charity and fill the boxes over and over.
Share the Dignity collects thousands of personal hygiene products every year for women experiencing homelessness, poverty and domestic violence. Small dignities make a big difference.
Thank you in advance on behalf of the many women and young girls who will benefit from your kindness.
Entertainment Membership
To support Saints Girls and secure your Entertainment Membership, click here.
Terms and conditions apply. Visit for more information.
Absences from School

If your child is going to be absent, late to school or leave early, please use one of the following methods to notify the School providing student name, class/Home Group and reason:
Text: 0428 601 957
Phone: 8334 2200
Feel free to include the class/Home Group teacher when emailing. It would be appreciated if notifications could be made prior to 9am.
It is absolutely imperative to keep unwell children at home until they have recovered, even if symptoms are mild. This is not only for their own health and safety, but for that of all students and staff.
We thank all of our families for their cooperation.
Sports News
The competitive nature of sport means that we inevitably often end up talking about winning and losing. It’s usually the first question I ask our coaches after a game, ‘How did they get on?’, and I’m sure it is often the first question family members will ask our girls when collecting them from sport, or later that night at the dinner table.
Yet, whilst it seems impossible to get away from this question, when listening to high performing athletes talk about their experiences, they almost exclusively discuss process over outcome, about the journey, rather than the destination. Research into growth mindset suggests that our relationship with winning and losing can have a huge impact on our growth and performance, with players who are fearful of failure less likely to commit to a challenge, be creative or learn from feedback. It’s therefore important for all of us, as our girls’ support networks, to consider our own approach to winning and losing, how we pass this mentality on to the girls and the link that these two have with success and failure. We must help our girls understand that how we handle the result is more important than the result itself. We can all gain huge growth from failure. Once we switch our mindset to appreciate that outcome, failure or a loss can contain unlimited amounts of process successes and opportunities for growth, and we will be in a happier and more positive learning environment.
This simple approach not only impacts the learning environment, but also effects dropout rates in sport, athletic identity and general happiness. Research by the Women’s Sports Foundation lists one of six reasons for dropout as social stigma, often stemming from negative performance evaluations, constructed due to an outcome-focused environment. As support networks, I’d encourage all of us to think about the conversations we have with our girls. Can the first question we ask be, ‘Did you have fun today?’, or, ‘How did you improve today?’ When reading the results in eNews, can we look at the bigger picture? Consider the girl who showed courage to compete against a more experienced opponent, the girl who showed compassion by helping an injured opponent, and the girl who showed creativity by trying a newly learnt skill or play in a match setting. By changing our conversation and approach to success and failure, we can take the first step in creating a happy, process-driven, playing environment that will assist in developing a lifelong passion for physical activity.
Open: Saints 39 v Walford 0
Middle: Saints 66 v Walford 6
Last Friday night, the Open and Middle teams took on Walford for our annual Intercol. Amazingly, both teams were able to come away with outstanding wins, which was assisted by our pre-game enthusiasm! It was fantastic to see so many of our senior players out supporting our Middle team from the sidelines, along with other students from the School community. Everyone brought so much energy to the games and even though our seniors only won one match this season, it was the most important one. Great job to all the girls, I can’t wait to come out and watch you play next year! – Kellie Bested (Aussie Rules Captain)
Open A: Saints 6 v Walford 0
Open B: Saints 5 v Walford 1
Open C: Saints 4 v Walford 2
Open D: Saints 5 v Walford 1
Open E1: Saints 5 v Walford 4
Open E2: Saints 7 v Walford 2
Open F1: Saints – Bye
Open F2: Saints – Bye
What an amazing match day with Saints taking home another year of wins and retaining the Intercol Badminton Shield. With our last fixture of the season this weekend, I wish all the best to the players. Thanks everyone for your outstanding contributions. – Candy Feng (Badminton Captain)
Open: Saints 0 v Walford 1
Last week, the Open A Hockey team played their Intercol against Walford. The girls always love playing Walford as there’s such a strong and friendly rivalry. We started well, getting the ball down to our attacking 25. Walford scored the first goal in the second quarter. The girls did not drop their heads and continued to fight until the end, but unfortunately, were not able to get any goals. Well done girls on a good game! – Poppie Goldsmith (Hockey Captain)
Year 6: Saints 34 v Seymour 2
Year 5: Saints 4 v Seymour 23
Year 4: Saints White 3 v Wilderness 15
Year 4: Saints Blue 12 v Wilderness 6
Year 3: Saints 4 v Wilderness 14
Year 6: Saints 1 v 2 Wilderness
Year 5/6: Saints 6 v 1 Loreto
Year 4/5: Saints 0 v 10 Pembroke
Year 3/4: Saints 0 v 13 Walford
Year 3/4 Report: Saints 0 v 13 Walford
On yet another beautiful day, the girls assembled full of anticipation for their first home game of season 2021. They had trained well at lunch and were keen to put into action their new skills for the day. However, they hadn’t foreseen the might of their Walford opponent. Walford were relentless, scoring 13 goals for the game. Mika Valmorbida played another amazing match, both as the general of defence and as second half goalkeeper. Arya Bhinder dribbled freely and attacked well, played her best game of the season, and showed real promise for the future. The girls will all need to practise their ball skills if other opponents are as exceptional as Walford. – Mark Routley (Coach)
Year 6 Report: Saints 1 v 2 Wilderness
During the last two games, the girls have been working on bringing the skills from our conditioned games/training exercises into matches, and tactically have been focusing on formation, using space (marking or finding space) and transition. The girls all made impressive improvements from the previous game, which was demonstrated by the closeness of the contest this week. We are trying to challenge the girls to play in different positions and will continue to try put people in new positions in the coming weeks. Aleiyah Abraham has shown flair up front in the last two matches, finding space and netting 3 goals from doing so. Romana Walsh had an excellent game in goals, saving shots and moving off the goal line with confidence and courage. If the girls continue to make these big improvements in their process, I am certain that it will be reflected in the outcomes they achieve over the coming weeks. – Brynley Millward (Coach)
Year 6/7
This week, the girls competed in the SA Year 6/7 basketball competition at Lights Community and Sports Centre. They played 6 games throughout the day and finished in 3rd place. It was a fantastic effort by all, but unfortunately, they will not advance to the finals. They had 3 wins, with an especially fantastic effort in 2 of those games, leaving the opposition scoreless. They had 2 narrow loses against Gulview Heights (6 – 12) and Golden Grove (8 – 16). All the girls worked hard every game and played as a team; they should be proud of their efforts. – Kat Perkas (Coach)
Players: Alyssa Piantedosi, Eloise Keller, Liz Osei-Tutu, Wei Ning Khoo, Mack Atkinson, Chyndelle Capobianco
Open A: Saints 54 v Walford 32
Open B: Saints 32 v Walford 23
Open C: Saints 37 v Walford 33
Open D: Saints 26 v Walford 25
Intermediate A: Saints 38 v Walford 30
Intermediate B: Saints 32 v Walford 29
Year 10C: Saints: Bye
Year 9A: Saints 73 v Walford 24
Year 9B: Saints 65 v Walford 12
Year 9C: Saints 26 v Walford 4
Year 8A: Saints 56 v Walford 15
Year 8B: Saints 49 v Walford 8
Year 8C: Saints 22 v Immanuel 8
Year 7A: Saints 16 v Walford 17
Year 7B: Saints 32 v Walford 15
Year 7C: Saints 1 v Seymour 27
Last week, the Saints Girls’ Netball squad played their Intercol matches against Walford. Playing Walford is always a game to look forward to, with the strong rivalry and competitiveness between the teams. This brings out the best netball and a great spectator atmosphere. Saints Girls showed determination and courage as they tried to defeat their opponents. In the Open As, Saints had to fight to keep up with Walford as they came out with a bang. 13 – 13 was the score in the first quarter. As the game went on, Saints kept their composure and lengthened their lead to a final score of 54 – 32. Whilst the Open Bs were playing, the Open Ds were on the next court over and their game was intense to say the least. With 1 minute remaining, the scores were even…30 seconds to go and Saints scored… 15 seconds to go and Walford moved down the court into the attacking line. But our defence was too good, and Saints came away with a thrilling win. I am so proud of all Saints Girls who competed against Walford. This weekend, teams will compete against Seymour for the final round of the 2021 season. – Olivia Kelly (Netball Captain)
Open: Saints 2 v Seymour B 0
Middle: Saints 0 v Pembroke 2
Congratulations to Imogen Lindh, who competed at the Kadina Ag Show on the weekend and won the SA Junior Show Jumping Country Championship on her horse Nightwish.
Congratulations to the Saints Girls who worked so hard in the recent State Cross Country Carnival.
U14: Elodie de Wit (2nd), Isla Fahey (7th), Chloe Richardson (12th)
U16: Daisy Braithwaite (11th), Alice Braithwaite (12th), Carys Kinsella-White (14th)