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eNews – Week 6, Term 3 2019

Issue no. 26Enews-banner

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Food for Thought from Gourmet Guest

This week as part of our #EMPOWHER wellbeing program, we had the privilege of meeting professional nutritionist and ‘food detective’ Rosie Mansfield. She has been the good chef on Channel 10’s popular show Good Chef Bad Chef. Rosie published her debut book Food Hacker in July 2018, in which she explains her philosophy of eating simply by stripping down recipes to the bare essentials. Rosie explained to us the importance of having a healthy body and mind, and shared some useful tips on how to do so, using catchy phrases such as, “Scrolling? Go strolling” to help us remember to put the phone down and do some exercise.

She emphasised the importance of not restricting certain groups of foods, rather controlling our intake of those foods. Her favourite foods are cheese and pizza, so she loves to have a ‘pizza night’ on Fridays and then wake up early on a Saturday morning to go to the gym to ensure that her calorie intake matches calorie expenditure. She also taught us about the different body types and gave examples of famous women with those body types; each healthy, successful and happy. At the end of her talk, we were given the opportunity to ask her some questions, which allowed us to gain a deeper insight into her personal and business life, and learn about nutrition. Rosie explained how through her work, she is able to travel interstate and internationally, meet new people and try new foods, which she loves. Before the talk, she also held some insightful and entertaining cooking demonstrations in the Food Technology Centre.

Rosie inspired us, as students, to eat healthy, have a growth mindset and practise positive self-talk.

Ammi Yagnik
International Student Prefect

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SACE Dance Presents: Generation Z

Next week, SACE Dance 2019 presents Generation Z – an exploration into the lives of these ‘screenagers’ who, while more digitally connected and independent than previous generations, face many of the same challenges, choices and defining moments.

Come along and support the girls who have been working so hard in preparation for these performances.

When: 4 and 5 September, 7pm
Where: Arts Centre

Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased via www.trybooking.com/BEUGQ

Kate Burnett
Head of The Arts

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On Song with Hugh Jackman

W6 - AGC Hugh

Three lucky Saints Girls are still on cloud nine after having the incredible honour of performing with showbiz legend Hugh Jackman in Adelaide recently. Anushrii Nair (Year 12), Madison McGregor-Simms (Year 11) and Victoria Thorp (Year 10) sang with the Australian Girls Choir in The Man. The Music. The Show.

“I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of Hugh Jackman’s world tour and work in such an exciting and professional environment. As the youngest chorister involved, I’m very lucky to have been a part of such an awesome show, and loved being able to share songs and memories with my friends and such a large audience. Working in the performing arts would be my dream job, and this experience showed me what it’s like to be a part of something so big, professional and fun.” – Victoria Thorp (Year 10)

“Hugh Jackman was one of the most amazing and eye-opening experiences I have had! It was a really fantastic learning opportunity to work with such talented staff, whether they be musicians, dancers or even the management team, and we were very lucky to be given different pieces of wisdom! Furthermore, the exposure to show business and all the details and procedures required to run a show, both onstage and behind the scenes, was super engaging and I have learnt many invaluable lessons through this. My highlight was definitely on the last night, when I got to hug Hugh Jackman on stage! It was a moment in my life I will never forget!” – Anushrii Nair (Year 12)

“Performing alongside the one and only Hugh Jackman for five shows at the Entertainment Centre was an incredible experience. One of my highlights was sharing the stage with world-class dancers (not to forget Hugh Jackman!) and learning about the inner workings of a professional production. I would do it again in a heartbeat and it was an experience that I will never forget.” – Maddy McGregor-Simms (Year 11)

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Winter Intercol Victory!

W6 - Winter Intercol

Saints Girls have claimed overall victory against Walford to bring home The Winifred Fenner / Bernie Whitington Winter Intercol Trophy.

Walford won the Soccer before Saints evened the ledger in emphatic style with two comprehensive wins in the Friday night football at Payneham Oval in front of a great crowd. Heading into Saturday with three trophies on the line, Saints dominated the Badminton for back-to-back wins and Netball was very close early with Saints prevailing with a 9-3 total. The Hockey finished in dramatic style after Saints drew the Open A and won the Open B, but due to low numbers and needing the support of additional A grade players for the game to proceed, Walford were declared the winners.

Congratulations to all students who represented Saints Girls!

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Women in STEM at Saints Girls

Last Friday, Saints Girls enjoyed a special visit from two globally-renowned women in STEM: health and medical research expert Dr Michelle Perugini and space engineer Flavia Tata Nardini.

Their message: the sky’s no limit for our girls!

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Fathers and Friends’ Breakfast at the ELC

On Wednesday, our ELC children celebrated the beautiful people in their lives during our breakfast for fathers and special friends.

At these times, we stop to recognise the significance of our community and the possibilities for building relationships around the children.

Take a look at some of the heartwarming moments:

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Saints Girls Talk of the Town

W6 - Debating

This year, the Debating season has been highly successful with St Peter’s Girls nominating 11 teams in the the Debating SA competition. As the season comes to a conclusion, it is terrific that we have one team from each year level into the Quarter Finals.

This is truly a fantastic effort and a testament to the dedication of our debaters and student coaches. The girls have tackled difficult topics with expertise and faced challenging competition from the other schools, ending the season with fantastic argumentative skills.

We wish the five teams competing in the Quarter Finals the best of luck and congratulate all girls for a great year!

Aditi Tamhankar
Debating and Public Speaking Prefect

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Kennion House Dinner

W6 - Kennion House Dinner

Earlier this month the Kennion girls took a step back in time to travel ‘Through the Ages’ of fashion. Dating all the way back to the 60s with knee high boots and mini dresses, to the 2000s with the return of low rise jeans paired with double denim, it was a wonderful night enjoyed by all.

A barbecue dinner, games and a playlist filled with old school classics completed the night, as well as some incredible efforts by the staff and parents!

Matilda Braithwaite
Year 11 student

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School Shop Reminder – Summer Uniform

With only four weeks left in Term 3 and a change from winter to summer uniform imminent, it’s time to dig out those summer dresses to ensure they still fit, or to upgrade if necessary.

The School Shop will be open on Thursday and Friday of the second week of the school holidays (10 – 11 October) from 9am – 4pm.

Summer uniform is required from the first day of Term 4.

Please call the School Shop on 83342228 or email schoolshop@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au to book a uniform fitting appointment.

School Shop

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Fundraising for Cambodia

W6 - Fundraising Banner

This December, a group of Year 11 girls in collaboration with a group of Year 11 PAC boys will have the opportunity to travel to Cambodia for Service Learning. This program provides an experience inclusive of cultural awareness and community service activities. Participants of previous trips have often expressed their heightened sense of self-awareness, community mindedness and an appreciation for living in a first world country such as Australia.

The Service Learning Trip involves visiting the New Hope for Cambodian Children Village and teaching the children English literature, which is essential for their current and future education. Furthermore, this trip offers the opportunity to construct houses for families in Cambodia and present them to the families in person, which has been a memorable and emotional experience for many past participants.

This trip could not be possible without the extensive fundraising being undertaken this year. We are inviting all friends and families of the St Peter’s Girls’ community to have dinner at the Feathers Hotel on 23 September (Monday, Week 10). For every pizza sold on the night, $10 will go towards the Cambodia Service Learning Trip. You are now able to book a reservation for the night either online or over the phone. During the night, you will be able to purchase raffle tickets for the chance to win a great prize.

The Cambodia Service Learning team is also selling portable chargers, which have proven to be extremely useful when access to a power point and charger is not available. Currently at stores across Adelaide, portable chargers are sold on average for between $50-$80. Fortunately, you are able to purchase a portable charger via www.trybooking.com/BEYTR for just $40.

Ultimately, the generous donations from charitable events and projects such as the above have the power to positively change and influence the lives of so many Cambodian children and families. We are all very excited to take part in this trip, making life-long memories and seeing the impact of our fundraising in a community where we can improve the quality of life.

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House Charity Day Success

W6 - House Charity Day

Last Friday, the Year 10 Kilburn girls showcased their incredible scooping, decorating and money calculation skills to serve delicious ice-cream for a great cause. A large number of vanilla dixie cups were also sold to some of the younger children in the Junior School. The girls organised this event to support and raise money for the Kilburn House Charity, Cancer Council SA – an organisation that works across every area of cancer: cancer research, cancer prevention, cancer support and advocacy.

Over the past few weeks, the girls had to collaborate with many people including the Tuck ladies, Ms Haddy, Ms Mortimer, Dr Barclay and Mrs O’Brien. We had to work together, problem-solve, communicate clearly within our team and with others, design posters and work on our leadership skills. It was an amazing experience to support a vital organisation.

Lily-Rose Spartalis
10 Kilburn

The Year 10 Kennion girls sold over 400 sausages and 50 litres of iced tea, raising over $1000 of profit. This money will go towards Kennion’s House Charity, KickStart for Kids – an organisation dedicated to providing free breakfast and lunch at school for disadvantaged children.

This experienced was valued not only by KickStart for Kids, but also all of us, as we had the opportunity to raise money for a worthy cause and actively help to make a change.

Sara Peak
10 Kennion

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Science and Engineering Challenge

W6 - Science and Engineering

The Science and Engineering Challenge gave the Year 9 students the opportunity to celebrate Science Week by designing, building and refining problem-solving machines.

Each House was divided into four teams and given a task based on real-life situations. The team solving the problem of air dropping medication to those in remote areas had to devise a method to allow an egg to be dropped from the top of the St Michael’s Wing without breaking. Earthquake-proof buildings were explored by building a tower as tall as possible that would stand up to a ferocious shaking. Transportation designs were made for both gliders and boats, which were constructed, tested and upgraded.

The trick was that each team only had limited materials; once they were used up, there were no more available. The participants showed great ingenuity in their designs – boats were propelled by sail, paddles and jet propulsion! The designs were tested and points awarded according to how well they fulfilled the design criteria.

In the end, Kennion won the day, largely through perseverance and carefully refining their designs after testing. They claimed the coveted inaugural place on the Science and Engineering Cup. Well done girls!

David Stuart
Senior Science Teacher

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OSA Movie Afternoon Fundraiser

W3 - OSA Movie Night_eNews Banner

The OSA is delighted to be hosting a movie fundraiser – ‘Downton Abbey’ – on Saturday 14 September at 1.30pm at The Regal Theatre.

Please join us for a relaxing afternoon watching the movie which picks up in 1927, about a year and a half after the series finale was set, and revolves around the good folks at Downton preparing for a very special visit from the King and Queen of England.

Tickets are $20 via www.trybooking.com/BDMQT; the price includes a drink (soft drink or bubbles) on arrival and chocolates.

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Year 5 Production Tickets on Sale!

W4 - eNews Banner

Secure your tickets to see this wonderful show: St Peter’s Girls’ School’s production of Ian Fleming’s Chitty Chitty Bang Bang JR.

Tickets are now on sale to the School community and will sell fast, so book early to snap up great seats.

There is a limit of six tickets per family. Should seats still be available closer to opening night, families will be able to purchase additional tickets. Grandparents who would prefer to attend a matinee performance will be invited to buy tickets to the School session on Friday 27 September at 1.15pm, which our Junior School students will be attending.

26 – 27 September 2019 at 7pm
St Peter’s Girls’ School Arts Centre

Ticket prices:
Adult $17
Student/Concession $12
Family (2 Adults/2 Children) $42

Visit www.trybooking.com/BDZQK

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Prop Needed for Year 5 Production

The Year 5 Production creative team is in need of a lampshade – preferably made of material and no smaller than 30cm in diameter. We need to cut a hole in it, therefore, the lampshade will not be returned.

If anyone has a suitable lampshade they are willing to donate to the Year 5 Production, please contact the School.

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Save The Date – SACE Music Concert

W3 - SACE Music Concert

Our senior Music students are steadily working towards their SACE Solo and Ensemble Performance Summative Assessments which will form the basis of our upcoming SACE Music Concert at 7pm on Thursday 12 September. Stage Band, Chamber Choir, Concert Choir, Concert Band and Enchante will perform as many of our students use these ensembles to gain 10 SACE credits in Ensemble Performance. We will also hear many solos. Entry is free and we encourage audience members to bring their own drinks and nibbles.

Please come along and support our senior Music students from 7pm on Thursday 12 September (Week 8).

Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music

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Could You be a Stallholder at The Garden Of Saintly Delights in 2020?

Although it’s still more than six months away, a great event takes planning, and The Garden of Saintly Delights is certainly one that captures the heart of our School community. With rides, food, entertainment and more, there is something for everyone, including shoppers with our ever-growing market place.

This year, I have taken on the role of coordinating our Market Stalls and am looking to gather as many different and varied stalls as possible. When thinking about where to source these from, I realised that we have so many families in our own community who may like the opportunity to display their business products on the day, not only to our School but the surrounding community as well. What better way to showcase the amazing talents of our school families than at our Garden of Saintly Delights Market?

So, if you have a business or sell a product that would suit being a part of our market, please get in touch via my email scarrie@senet.com.au as I would love to have as many of our families exhibited as possible.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Lorraine Scarr

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Planning Ahead: The US & UK Application Timeline

W3 - Crimson Education

10 September

If you are in Years 9 – 11 and want to have the option of studying in the US or UK straight after high school, we encourage you to learn as much as you can about the application process as early as possible. This information session, run by Crimson Education, will show you how to prepare for overseas admission and will provide tips on how to apply alongside your SACE or IB.

Click here for free group tickets.

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Wool Donations Needed

W9 - Environment Club 2

The Environment Club is collecting any spare wool that you may have at home and no longer wish to use. Members will be taught how to crochet squares, which will be sewn together to make blankets for the homeless. We would greatly appreciate any wool to help us reduce costs. If you do have spare wool, please send it to school with your daughter and she can deposit it in the box at Student Services.

We thank you in advance for your support.

Lucy White and Lucy Young
Environment Club Leaders

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Upcoming House Dinners

W1 - House Dinner

During Term 3, all Middle and Senior School girls have the opportunity to enjoy a night away from homework to get creative and colourful at the House Dinners.

The Year 11s have been working hard organising decorations, food and games for each event. Visit the Trybooking links below to purchase your daughter’s ticket for the night as this is a compulsory event.

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone’s creative costumes and enjoying a fun night with our Houses.

Patteson House Dinner
Theme: American High School
13 September (Week 8)
Book now: https://www.trybooking.com/BDYLU

Year 12 House Captains

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Would You Like to Join Our Amazing Team of Volunteers?

W3 - Star Program

Our Learning Strategies volunteers are all enormously valued within the department and the broader School community. Our girls LOVE working with them, and the teachers are so appreciative of their generous donation of energy, expertise and enthusiasm. We have some exciting developments within our department in 2019 and we’d love you to join us.

Our volunteers work with our girls on areas such as literacy anywhere between a couple of lessons a week through to a couple of days per week. They include parents, grandparents, Old Scholars, retired staff and university students who are keen to gain further experience working with children.

Please make contact ASAP to register your interest via:

Catherine Kelly – Junior School ckelly@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au
Susan Bassett – Middle and Senior School sbassett@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

We will send you a volunteer information sheet to fill out and then invite you in for a chat. We will also provide training for some of our Junior School programs.

Learning Strategies Team

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Sports Day Information for Years 4 – 12

Next Friday 6 September, St Peter’s Girls will stage the annual Years 4 – 12 Sports Day at the SA Athletics Stadium (previously Santos Stadium) at Mile End. The day will begin at 8.30am and will conclude by approximately 4pm. This event is to be treated like a normal school day, therefore attendance is compulsory. If a student is unable to participate in their events, a note must be provided to PE staff.

Students who travel on school buses will automatically be taken to the stadium in the morning and will depart on buses from there in the afternoon. In addition, we are offering bus services for registered students which will depart from school at 7.30am and return by approximately 4.45pm. To book your child’s seat, visit www.trybooking.com/BETPJ; bookings close at 5pm on Monday 2 September. All other students will need to be dropped off and picked up from the stadium, as the girls will be dismissed directly from the venue.

Girls are reminded to wear their complete PE uniform with a House top and hat (Year 12s have separate standards). We encourage the girls to display their House spirit, but please be aware body paint is not permitted in the stadium. Girls are able to wear spikes up to 7mm in length. The Saints Sport Support Group will be running a raffle with excellent prizes on offer. They will also be selling House wristbands for $2, water bottles for $10 and caps for $25, which can be purchased at the gate.

We encourage you to come along and support your daughter during the day. Parents are invited to join their daughter’s House in the first event at 9am, the House Scramble. The objective is for each House to get as many participants across the line over 300m in 70 seconds. Parents are welcome to join in the egg and spoon race with their daughter’s year level in a separate parent team. This will take place from 1.45pm, beginning with the Year 4s.

Students can bring their recess and lunch or use the canteen. Girls are advised to bring water bottles. Attendees should prepare according to the weather forecast, applying sunscreen early in the day. Sunscreen will be available at the First Aid station.

Event start times are approximate and some may run earlier or later than indicated in the program.

Dan Searle (Head of PE, Health & Outdoor Education)
Neil Fuller (Director of Sport)

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Sports News

W6 - Sport

With the conclusion of winter sports except teams who have successfully made finals including Open A and B Badminton, Year 8A Netball and the U13 Lacrosse team, it has been a long season that finished on a high with victory over Walford to claim the Winter Intercol Trophy.

Our U13 Lacrosse team plays in the semi-finals this weekend. If they win, they will proceed straight to the Grand Final on Saturday 14 September at Norwood Oval. If not, it’s a Prelim Final on Saturday 7 September, also at Norwood Oval.

In next week’s edition, we will provide overall placings for senior and middle teams.


National Championships
Saints Girls had two representatives in the School Sport SA Cross Country team that competed in Wollongong, NSW. Isla Fahey (Year 4) finished in 22nd place in the 10 Year 2km event and Chloe Richardson (Year 5) finished in 35th place in the 11 Year 3km race. To make State selection is an outstanding effort, so congratulations to you both.


Congratulations to Charlotte White (U19), Anna White and Georgina Keough (U17 State Development team), Ruby Deakin and Lucy White (U15 State Development team).


Open – Saints 5.3-33 defeated Walford 0.0-0
As the last game of the season, it is more than fair to say that it was our best one yet. For our first win (33-0), it was a fantastic achievement by all of the girls and the crowd was incredible. It proved that all our hard work did eventually pay off. Special mention has to go to Hattie Maerschel and Bella Parton who kicked some amazing goals, and Liv Kelly who demonstrated some outstanding footy with strong kicks, tackles and disposals. It’s been an amazing year with these girls and although I’m sad to say it’s over, we can’t wait for next year to see what more we can bring to the sport. Thanks to the coaches Mr Mills and Sam Boots for always supporting us and teaching us throughout the season, it’s been pretty amazing! – Isabella Bernardi (Captain)

Middle – Saints 6.11-47 defeated Walford 0.0-0
The girls were fired up to perform in the last game of the season for our annual Intercol against Walford. We went out there to display the improvement that has occurred across the season, and the girls didn’t disappoint. It began with a beautifully-taken mark and set shot from Eva Young, and the goals continued from there. We were able to hold the ball in our forward half for much of the game and although we became too congested in patches, the girls always strived to kick to the open side and use handball to cut through the opposition. It was a case of ‘all played well’, but special mentions go to Imogen Nienaber and Chloe Porter for some sparkling attacks on the ball and runs that left the opposition looking flat-footed. Also, Astrid Teague and Emily Bryce for clever play in the forward pockets, looking for space and attacking the ball with skill. Goal scorers were Grace Richards (2), Eva Young (2), Emily Bryce (1), Chloe Porter (1), Adele Eaton (1).

It has been a pleasure to coach the Middle team this year, seeing their progress which has come from an enjoyment in playing together as a group and listening to the feedback provided. Every time they have been asked to change something, whether that is game style or technique, it has been obvious they have attempted to do it. Their confidence has grown and hopefully this is just the beginning of their footballing journey and it would be great to see them out next year raring to go. – Dan Searle (Coach)


Last Saturday was Intercol, and the Saints’ Badminton A, B and C teams all had clean and convincing wins, successfully retaining the trophy. Every player from all teams played exceptionally and showcased excellent skills and tactics. Though the Open D and E girls unfortunately lost their matches, there was some very smart badminton shown. It was great to see the girls getting the right ideas about how to win a game and learning to adjust their strategies. Also, a huge congratulations to the Open A and B girls who made the finals; they have been performing with great consistency throughout the season and demonstrated excellent techniques. Moreover, the cooperation between doubles partners has improved so much and has really showed the strength of teamwork. All the girls have displayed huge improvement compared with the start of the season. Congratulations and thank you to everyone, and all the best to the girls who will be playing in the finals this weekend! – Amy Li (Captain)

Open A: 6 – 0 defeated Walford
Open B: 6 – 0 defeated Walford
Open C1: 4 – 2 defeated Walford
Open C2: 3 – 3 defeated by Walford
Open D: 2 – 4 defeated by Wilderness
Open E: 1 – 7 defeated by Walford


Open A – Saints 2 drew with Walford 2
The game started off very well, with many attacking opportunities and constant pressure in our forward half. We did extremely well to come back from being 1-0 down to tie 1-1 at half-time, thanks to a deflection goal by Amelie Eaton! In the second half, the intensity lifted and we were able to score another goal. The final result was 2-2 at full-time, however, the girls fought very hard throughout the whole game and should be proud of their improvement since the beginning of the season! – Olivia Goldsmith (Captain)

Open B – Saints 1 defeated Walford 0
The girls had good spirit heading into the game, which led to many early chances. As the game progressed, Walford created a couple of chances but Alice kept them out. The defence from the girls meant Saints controlled major parts of the game and created many chances, resulting in Tilly scoring the only goal, which would be the winning one.

The girls finished the season strongly and have come a long way from the start of the year. It has been great coaching them and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for the team. – Will Stapleton (Coach)


Under 13 – Saints 4 defeated by Glenelg 12
We played our biggest rivals this season, Glenelg. It was a tough game with Glenelg winning possession out of the centre most of the game. Although our girls were consistently turning the ball over in transition through midfield, we couldn’t turn it into goals. We will regroup and come out hard against them in the finals. – Caitlyn Grayson (Coach)

Under 11 Blue – Saints 10 defeated East Torrens/Payneham 2
All of the girls played a really great game. Lilly Meo (Year 3) displayed her improving stick skills by catching the ball many times and being able to pass it quickly in attack. Neela (Year 3) also impressed everyone with her long throws and was our awesome goalie in the second half. Once again, Claris Stolcman (Year 3) scored many goals as she shot around the goalie. At half-time, the girls were winning by 6 goals and needed to continue to work together. Enya Ouyang (Year 4) did well at keeping her stick up in defence and running quickly to get ground balls. Matilda Wilkin’s defence was also great as she stopped a number of opposition goals and did well at looking for open players to pass too. Eliza Burmester (Year 4) showed some great defence and was our goalie in the first half. Goal scorers were Matilda (3), Claris (5) and Lily (2). Best players were Neela, Claris and Matilda. – Lucy Martin (Coach)

Under 11 White – Saints 7 defeated Eagles 3
This was by far the team’s most outstanding performance, culminating from hard work this season! Every team member played an incredible game – Amelia Lively and Ruby Kelly bravely blocked almost every goal whilst goalie. Lois Burton-Howard worked hard to gain ground with the ball and make space for passes. Matilda Birmingham played an awesome game, smoothly picking up ground balls and covering her player. Anvika Singh really helped the team in both attack and defence transitions. Chelsea Francis was our main goal scorer with 4 to her name – although everyone had an opportunity to score! We used the goal circle well, spread out to get clear and accurate passes, and intercepted the opposition. What a wonderful way to end the season with one game remaining – you should all be so proud of how far you’ve come and the confidence you’ve developed. It was a pleasure coaching you all in this game – I loved your teamwork and incredible enthusiasm towards lacrosse! – Sophie Auricht (Coach)


Open A – Saints 44 defeated Walford 31
Saints A played an amazing game against the fierce and powerful Walford team, coming away with a win and retaining the Intercol shield for another year. We started strongly by swiftly transitioning the ball mid-court to the goal third, allowing goalies to score quickly. The girls performed all strategies learnt throughout the season and did their absolute best to stick to structure. All girls executed short, sharp and smart passing, with Maggie Bailey and Alexia Politis showing great patience in throwing the ball to Sivi Sivasuthan and Nicolette Miller in the ring. Sivi and Nicolette worked well together, while Ehi Oyugbo and Hannah Freeman rebounded all of Walford’s missed goals assisted well with Anna White and Sarah Wishart in WD. Although Saints did not place in the top two, the development of the team has been absolutely amazing to watch. Last Saturday not only marked the end of the 2019 Netball season, it was also the last game for me and Nicolette at the School after being involved for several years. A big thanks to our Coach Sue for all the commitment and effort she has put in. The team would be nothing without her constant support and encouragement. – Sivi Sivasuthan (Captain)

Open B – Saints 36 defeated by Walford 43
Walford were quick to score 3 goals in the first 5 minutes of the game by having strong shooters and set plays. The girls rebounded quickly, picking up intensity across the court and putting pressure on Walford’s attack by tightening up on defence. Although Walford came away with the pennant, Saints demonstrated a high level of sportsmanship throughout, keeping their heads up high and staying focused, which is to be commended. The girls should be congratulated on their efforts this term. They have participated with diligence and have been exceptionally committed throughout the season, which has been evident in their improvement across games and trainings. Congratulations girls! – Eve Habel

Open C – Saints 2 defeated by Walford 91
Despite our defeat by a tough opposition, the Open Cs – with a number of fill-ins – put up a strong front and made sure they enjoyed the game as it was the last for the season. Ellen Zhang played especially well and greatly helped in attack. Faye Ma was one of the most persistent players. All girls worked well together, reading the court and maintaining a strong attacking position. – Stella Clark

Open D – Saints 12 defeated by Walford 70
Even though Saints only had 6 girls make it to the game, we still had fun playing Walford. Most of the girls played mid-court, so it was great of Annie Bradshaw, Sophie Abbott and Amelie Gray-Combe to all play defence at some point. We were all very proud of Charlotte Parker and Lucy Moten for managing to score goals, and even though we didn’t win, it was still heaps of fun to end the season. Thanks girls! – Charlotte Adams

Open E1 (Year 12) – Saints 20 defeated Walford 13
The team gave it their all, keen to finish the season on a high! We started the first quarter strongly, with Amy Rice consistently shooting great goals despite the strong winds. Anna Pryor was a standout centre player, helping to bring the ball out of defence as well as being a great asset around our goal circle. Jessica Schaedel also brought her A-game, making a number of intercepts and creating excellent defensive pressure. The 2nd and 3rd quarters continued to showcase Saints’ strength, with particularly strong defence in the opposition’s goal circle. The loud enthusiasm and great teamwork created an awesome atmosphere, making the successful last game even more meaningful! At the end, we were so sad the season was over and we decided to try make an Old Scholars’ social team for next year! – Annabelle Langley

Open E2 (Year 12) – Saints 34 defeated Walford 20
The girls played well with a strong start, resulting in a good half-time lead. They worked hard in defence to turn the ball over and moved the ball effectively in attack, scoring on almost every opportunity. The shooters worked well, rebounding their missed shots allowing the lead to continue. – Sarah Matheson

Year 9A – Saints 50 defeated Walford 14
Congratulations to our 9As who had a great Intercol in which we finished off the season with a win. It was an exceptional victory where we dominated in all positions. It is difficult to nominate players as we all excelled. It was a fast-paced game where each girl played her best, and the team dynamics showed. The game reflected our improvement throughout the season with strong mid-court, defence and goal ring work. The momentum remained consistent and all players were dedicated to win. The game reflected each player’s love for netball and demonstrated how close and strong we are as a team. Every player deserves to feel proud of the contribution they have made to this season, and how they performed in the match. – Toni Christiansen

Year 9B – Saints 69 defeated Walford 9
Everyone played really well, especially the main shooters, Ella Dnistriansky and Dayna Petruzzella. Walford had very solid ball skills. Our defenders did a good job at bringing the ball back to our attacking end. It was a top game to end the season. – Chase Hocking

Year 9C – Saints did not play

Year 9/10 – Saints did not play

Year 8A – Saints 71 defeated Walford 8
The 8As had an amazing game against Walford to contribute to the Intercol shield. Everyone played well with the defenders sticking tight to their players and blocking them out of the circle, the mid-court feeding well and making strong leads, and the shooters moving perfectly within the circle. Everyone had a strong game and we are looking forward to finals! – Ellie Humphrey

Year 8B – Saints 47 defeated Walford 3
The girls were put under a bit of pressure early in the game, however handled it very well. Emma Pool played an exceptional match (best of her season). The girls also loved the return of Georgie Owler in GA and GS. We worked well together, slowing the ball down and making sure we made minimal mistakes. As always, the defence was very strong. I am proud of the girls and their season, and have loved this group. This season would not have been the same without Coach Nikola Carr and her expertise. – Charlotte Staples

Year 8C – Saints 27 defeated Pembroke 12
It was nice to finish the season on a high. The best quarter was the 4th, as the ball frequently flowed down the court towards Saints’ end. The defence got stronger as the game progressed. With one shooter missing, the girls had to pull through and show bravery, confidence and leadership to step up to the role with Isabella Lowry and Eleanor Saies, who had never shoot but gave it a go. Lydia was exceptional, scoring most of our goals. The best players were Lydia Tolley, Isabel Burmester and Isobel Yelland. With teamwork, the girls pulled through with a 15-goal win. – Eleanor Saies

Year 7A – Saints 36 defeated Walford 3
The team didn’t qualify for finals but this game demonstrated that the girls had all learnt so much and improved to the max. With Mathilda Thomas out with a fractured wrist, we had the determination to win for her as she was desperate to play. The team put in so much effort with amazing leads and drives and fabulous passing, and winning our last game was awesome. Being a player on the court, I know that having a cheer squad there for you is the best feeling and really motivates you, so thank you to everyone who came out. I am really proud of the way we all supported each other and am going to miss this amazing team. – Sophie Ricciuto

Year 7B – Saints 29 defeated Walford 7
We were excited for our first-ever Intercol. We started off with a strong warm up which intimidated the opposition. In the first quarter, we were up by 5 goals which gave us confidence to maintain the standard. In the 2nd and 3rd quarters, Marcella Tolley and Ayla Blaskett worked really well together in the goal circle, scoring lots of goals. The team did a great job at intercepting and driving down the court. We kept our heads up through the second half and managed to pull out a fantastic win. – Ayanna Roy

Year 7C – Saints 11 defeated Pembroke 8
The girls played exceptionally well. Special mentions go to Ishita Chellaboina and Emilia Libri. Emilia was excellent at shooting our goals, and Ishita played really well in WD with strong defence. Overall, great job girls and thanks to the coaches and players for a terrific season. – Naadiya Ishaq

Year 4 Blue – Saints 12 defeated Walford 10
The girls were really challenged in this game. Walford came out very strongly in the 1st quarter, but with determination, the girls settled and started putting pressure on the ball, intercepting and making space, which resulted in Saints coming home with the win. Great work girls. – Karen Braund (Coach)

Year 3-4 White – Saints 9 defeated Wilderness Red 6

Year 3 – Saints 1 defeated by Pembroke 18


Year 6 – Saints 3 drew with Pembroke Blue 3
Great game on Friday. We were down 2-1 during the first half, and the girls fought back to a 3-3 draw. We had excellent attacking play and many changes at goal. Thanks to Anna and Shirley for being goalkeepers. – Sebastiano Mazzarolo (Coach)

Year 5 – Saints 2 drew with Pembroke Yellow 2
The team worked hard throughout the match, managing to score 2 goals. A special mention to Stella who played for the opposition with some of our other girls, and also listened and tried to put in play everything she had been learning. The team did very well and showed good sportsmanship with the end result being a draw. – Lucy Benn (Student Coach)

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