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eNews – Week 6, Term 2 2020

Issue no. 17Enews-banner

W6 - Banner Photo

From Our Head of Junior School

Growing Courageous and Confident Girls

A blind man had been waiting at a busy intersection during rush hour for someone to offer to guide him across the road, when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

“Excuse me,” said the tapper, “I’m blind – would you mind guiding me across the road?”

The first blind man took the arm of the second blind man, and they both crossed the road.

Suzanne HaddyThe first blind man was the British-born jazz pianist George Shearing. He is quoted (in Bartlett’s Anecdotes) as saying after the event, “What could I do? I took him across, and it was the biggest thrill of my life!”

This anecdote illustrates that taking a risk can help reduce our dependency on others and lead to the discovery of new capabilities and personal satisfaction.

It reminds me of the wonderful ways in which our youngest students have this term developed their courage and confidence to be dropped off at the car park to walk into school by themselves each morning. The change to this routine wasn’t easy for some, and initially, the support of staff and Prefects was very much required. Several weeks into term now, the confidence of these previously reticent 5 and 6 year olds is palpable.

I am not suggesting that we want our children to step out ‘blindly’, as it is vital that we teach the difference between danger and risk. However, this is a great reminder that allowing children to take calculated risks and encouraging them to step out of their comfort zone allows them to build self-confidence, find success in new areas, test the limits of their physical, intellectual or emotional development and gain mastery over their bodies.

Congratulations to all of our confident and courageous young Saints Girls; we look forward to greeting you each morning as you boldly and independently march into school.

Suzanne Haddy
Head of Junior School

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Warm Reception for Youngest Saints Girls

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Our incoming Mid-Year Receptions are enjoying their first school classroom experiences during orientation visits with their new teacher, Ms Zoe West.

For a taste of what they can expect, watch this video which captures daily life amongst our youngest Saints Girls:

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Year 9 Dance Video – Hip-Hop Hit!

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During Term 1, both Year 9 classes studied the history and style of Hip-Hop dance. As they were unable to perform in front of a live audience due to limitations on gatherings, they instead spent a few weeks adapting choreography for film. They still had to think about expression and performance, but had the benefits of reshooting certain parts as needed. Special shout out to Hayley, who captured the choreography perfectly. I’m really proud of how well all the girls worked as a team to produce this work.

“I had a lot of fun making the Hip-Hop film because it felt very much like we were making our own dance video.” – Isabella Lowry

“Collaboration was key during filming and I tried my best to collaborate with everyone throughout the process.” – Olivia Slivak

“I believe I communicated the choreographic intent well as I did have so much fun performing these routines with the class and my friends.” – Annie Warrick

Kate Burnett
Head of The Arts

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A Message From Our Debating and Public Speaking Prefect

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Flexible Leadership

While everyone misses being in Assembly, streamed Chapel Services and Assemblies have allowed the Prefects to stay connected with all girls from Reception to Year 12. The team has strived to lead the School by incorporating creative opportunities for girls to connect with each other and keep up to date in their areas of interest at both at home and at school.

For the sports enthusiasts, we had the ‘Witness the Fitness’ program which challenged all girls to hit the home gym doing fun sessions of HIIT workouts. Since team sport training is now up and running, girls are once again enjoying the outdoors and getting back into the swing of competition season.

For the Debaters, we had Old Scholar Sophie-Louise Shearwood (Kilburn 2017) come in to talk about some public speaking tips and debating structure. Sophie was the Debating and Public Speaking Prefect and is now studying Medicine at the University of Queensland. She is an adjudicator for Debating SA and was my coach at St Peter’s Girls. Her talk was inspiring as she outlined how the skills of debating and public speaking can be applied across all disciplines. We played some fun debating games where some brave souls volunteered to go head-to-head and argue against each other on topics such as whether teachers should wear school uniforms. The ability to speak in public is a treasured skill and St Peter’s Girls provides girls with the perfect opportunity to take a risk and hone the craft. I encourage girls at all levels of competency and from all year levels to participate in upcoming debating as we all have terrific fun.

Girls who enjoy music didn’t miss out either. We had a special Assembly this week with a focus on the current events of the Music program and the exciting year ahead for our Music girls. Two Year 12 students, Funto Komalafe and Izzy Norman, performed their Solo performance assessment pieces for the Year 12s. They’ve been working hard on perfecting these songs for assessment, and today, their final performances which will go towards their final grades were live streamed for the whole School! It was great to see a live music performance again as we haven’t in so long, and we are glad our girls are able to be back in their element and performing to real audiences again!

Hattie Maerschel
Debating and Public Speaking Prefect

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National Reconciliation Week – In This Together

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This year’s National Reconciliation Week theme has been evident throughout our School community. Our celebrations commenced with a special Assembly streamed across the whole School which opened with Aunty Rosemary Wanganeen, our School’s Aunty, offering us a Welcome to Country. The audience saw our littlest friends from the ELC sharing their special Acknowledgement which was followed by the RAP Ambassadors presenting a timeline of the historical events that mark Australia’s journey to reconciliation. New RAP Ambassadors Charlotte Lorenzen, Eleanor Saies, Grace Richardson-Stevens, Iszabella Lochowiak, Grace Stewart, Levanya De Silva and Sienna Dellapace were presented with their official badges by Aunty and then went on to promote the activities they had planned for the week. The presentation concluded with the ELC friends sharing how reconciliation is part of daily practice in the ELC.

On 26 May, National Sorry Day, the ELC was joined by Kaurna elder Tamaru and our RAP Ambassadors. This day involved the youngest members of our community sharing their Kaurna songs, participating in a Smoking Ceremony, helping create a Wodli shelter and learning how to make red, yellow and black friendship bands.

Classes from Reception to Year 12 also engaged in special activities to mark the week. Students in Year 6 to 12 took part in a Reconciliation Walk in the Library to commemorate the 2000 Sydney Harbour Bridge Walk where over 250,000 people marched as a unified group in support of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ rights and freedoms.

The message from Reconciliation Australia stated the theme, In this together, “reinforces that we all have a role to play when it comes to reconciliation, and in playing our part, we collectively build relationships and communities that value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories and cultures…When we come together to build mutual respect and understanding, we shape a better future for all Australians.”

At Saints Girls, we are growing these traits and finding, as a Year 7 student commented, “the need for humanity in our world.”

Lisa Hollis
RAP Coordinator

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Old Scholar’s Post-School Journey

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Since leaving Saints in 2018, I have been fortunate to travel overseas, meet amazing people and figure out the career path I wish to take. In my first year out of school, I had a desire to take a gap year, travel and experience different parts of the world. In June 2019, I set off to Connecticut, USA to work at a summer camp. This experience involved great responsibilities working on waterskis and living with 13 year old girls. Tasks ranged from parental guidance of the children from morning until night, driving the boat and lifeguarding. I am so grateful for the experience and for all the people I met along the way from all parts of the world. Going into something so unfamiliar on my own was definitely out of my comfort zone but it tested my abilities and turned out to be the best experience. From America, I travelled across to Europe and backpacked around the most beautiful countries for two months. Travelling with close friend Olivia Compare was exciting, entertaining and we had a lot of laughs. The experience of travel certainly opens your eyes to the world and see the bigger picture; however, it also makes you appreciate home and how lucky we are to live where we do.

During my time at Saints, I always had a strong passion for sport. I loved the atmosphere of school sport and miss it greatly. The community of sport at Saints is something I will never forget: friendships between different year levels, great coaches and the enjoyment of exercise. At the end of Year 12, I was interested in the career path of Occupational Therapy or Physiotherapy. Although I was never 100% sure, taking time overseas to work in a different environment helped me realise the degree I wanted to start. At the beginning of this year, I began a Bachelor of Human Movement at UniSA, which will be followed by a Master of Teaching in secondary education to pursue PE teaching.

Starting uni was definitely a change and it was hard to get back into a studious routine. I always found it difficult to stay motivated and continuously wanted to be on the football field or netball court. The flexibility and workload of university was a challenge to conform too and was tougher with the conditions of the past few months. I am immensely grateful for my education to help manage study and extra-curricular activities.

My biggest piece of advice for Year 12s is to not stress too much about the career path you want to take as this can change as you develop. During school, I never imagined myself as a teacher, but a year out, I’m so happy with my choice. Amongst my goals, I wish to begin my career post-graduation with a job here in South Australia.

I am excited for the future and feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity I did last year given the unusual start to this year.

Holly Cunningham (Selwyn 2018)

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Out of the Blue – The Arts Journal

W6 - Out of the Blue

This year, Saints Girls is launching a new annual school Arts Journal: Out of the Blue. It will include art, short stories, poetry and photography from students across all Sub-Schools, as well as pieces from talented staff and Old Scholars. To celebrate our diverse School community, we will also include pieces in other languages from our multilingual students. We encourage all students, staff and Old Scholars to consider submitting pieces for the journal as we begin putting it together in the coming months. So, start brainstorming ideas and we look forward to receiving your submissions!


Submissions can be sent to outoftheblue@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

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Year 6 Parliamentarians Fit the Bill

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In 6KIB, we have spent the past six weeks learning about Australia’s system of government through our Unit of Inquiry. Most recently, we have been focusing on the path a proposed bill takes from conception to becoming an Act of Parliament. This process brought us to the drafting of our bill, ‘6KIB Outdoor Learning Act’, which details that, for at least one lesson per week, 6KIB would have a lesson held outdoors. Before taking this bill to Parliament, the girls were allocated roles in the House of Representatives. From here, the major parties and independents created arguments which were developed into debates for our mock parliament. The girls were encouraged to anticipate what the opposition might say in Parliament and formulate rebuttal to this, and to justify their own arguments with research. Despite some fierce debate, our bill passed through the House of Representatives, was approved by Senator Suzanne Haddy acting as the Senate, and finally was given Royal Assent by Governor-General Julia Shea.

Upon reflection, the girls agree that the processes of lawmaking was made clear through the use of role play.

I have had a wonderful final placement in 6KIB, and will certainly cherish my time here with a great class and teacher!

Hugh Earlam
Pre-Service Teacher

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Food Truck Fun for Year 10 Designers

W6 - Year 10 Art

The Year 10 Visual Arts – Design students have recently finished a unit of work where they re-designed a vintage caravan into a mobile bakery. They were given a design brief including the dimensions of the space, the requirements of the space (furniture and equipment) and a required aesthetic for both the interior and exterior of the caravan. The design process allows students to generate new ideas for further development and evaluate these based on criteria to create meaningful solutions to problems posed. It also encourages students to take responsibility for their learning.

The students successfully worked through the design process to generate original ideas for the caravan re-design. The unit of work culminated in the students choosing the design that best fulfilled the brief. Their final designs were presented as three-dimensional models with a combination of both hand-crafted and laser-cut elements. The students thoroughly enjoyed this task, especially making the three-dimensional models.

Kirsten Mansfield
Art and Design Teacher

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Year 2 Water Explorers Dig Deep

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Friday afternoon in Week 5 provided the perfect weather for the Year 2 scientists to apply their knowledge of water as they designed and created their own water courses. Over the past few weeks, they have been investigating the water cycle as they consider water as a precious resource. They have located water access points and considered the point of need. They have discovered how people collect and use water in everyday life. The sandpit experiment enabled them to consider how the geography of a location impacts the way people can access and use water.

The second science activity was connecting the water source from the sandpit experiment to the water cycle and discovering how the water meets the collection point. The girls described cirrus, stratus, cumulus and nimbus clouds through using language such as puffy, wispy, thin, heavy, soft and dark. This assisted them in creating their very own Cloud Chart which depicted the type of cloud, its texture and its location in the sky. Everyone had an amazing time creating, making and discussing their scientific discoveries.

Kathryn Clark and Rebecca Greenhalgh
Year 2 Teachers

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Year 1s Enjoy Fruits of Labour

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The Year 1 students have been inquiring into money and financial literacies as well as studying the Central Idea that ‘Food can go through stages of production to meet people’s needs.’

The students have been curious about which foods are raw or processed, as well as how different fruits and vegetables are grown. They have investigated some of the different processes that food goes through before we buy it from the supermarket. Each class designed, planned and created their own stall and ‘sold’ their product to the other class. Mrs Liddy’s class made fresh lemonade for their lemonade stall and Mrs Sandercock’s girls set up a fresh fruit salad stall where the girls sold delicious fruit skewers.

The girls worked in pairs to each pay for their purchase as well as receive money and give change for a purchase. This activity proved to be collaborative and engaging for our group of enthusiastic learners!

Liz Sandercock and Michelle Liddy
Year 1 Teachers

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Classic Saints Girls: Portrait Series Now on Instagram

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Photography plays an important role in capturing moments of school life here at Saints Girls, with wonderful imagery featuring across our social media pages, website, eNews, Saints Alive, Yearbook and more. Recently, the Year 9 students were invited to participate in a special black and white portrait series to be showcased on our Instagram page.

The girls were asked, ‘What brings them happiness at school’, and then a photo shoot was held to capture them in their element. They selected a wide variety of activities, from cello and dancing, to soccer, netball and science. The students were given a range of photos to choose from, and we have just published the final seven images on our Instagram page.

Follow us at instagram.com/stpetersgirlsschool to view these special portraits.

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Charm – Senior Drama Production

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The Year 11 Theatre and Year 12 Drama students are in full swing rehearsing for their Senior Drama Production of Charm.

A comic deconstruction of fairytales, the play is full of larger-than-life characters, catchy songs, hilarious plot twists and an occasionally serious message!

For a fun night out, make sure you are free either August 5, 6 or 7 at 7pm. More information about ticket bookings will be forthcoming in future editions of eNews.

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Pyjamas Day Next Friday!

W6 - Pyjamas Day

The SRC has organised a Pyjamas Day next Friday 12 June.

All girls from Reception to Year 12 can wear their pyjamas to school; however, they must wear sensible shoes (sneakers or running shoes are recommended). The SRC has requested a gold coin donation from each student, the proceeds of which will be donated to Anglicare.

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School Shop Merchandise

W6 - School Shop

The School Shop sells a variety of branded merchandise and memorabilia perfect for a gift or as a souvenir.

Items include coffee mugs, china, mobile phone power banks, umbrellas, signet rings, key rings, pens, notebooks, wine and champagne glasses, candles, scarves and more.

Visit us to see what we have in store!

School Shop

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CLOTHES SHWOP: We Need Your Help!

W5 - Clothes Shwop

Did you know that Australians are the world’s second largest consumers of fashion? On average, we each consume 27kgs of new clothing and textiles every year. Most of this ends up in the bin after less than a year. Members of the School’s Environment Club would like to change this!

The Environment Club is focusing on sustainable fashion with our ‘Clothes Shwop’, where students can donate old clothes for tokens, and cash-in these tokens to take new clothes in return! If you have old clothes you don’t want anymore and are happy to donate or exchange for other items, then please support this worthy cause. Any remaining items will be donated to a women’s charity.

Collections will take place outside of the Junior School Library at lunch every Tuesday and Thursday leading up to the actual ‘Clothes Shwop’ where you will be able to choose pieces from the donated clothing. The first ‘Clothes Shwop’ will be held on Thursday and Friday in Week 5 of Term 3 in the Drama Room.

Bring in your old clothes, help the environment and make your wardrobe that bit more exciting!

Sara Peak
Environment Club Captain

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Guest Artist at the Piano Eisteddfod 2020

W1 - Piano Eisteddfod

W6 - Guest ArtistIt is with great excitement that we announce our guest artist at this year’s St Peter’s Girls’ Piano Recital will be internationally-renowned jazz pianist Mr Kym Purling. On completion of the Piano Eisteddfod in Week 8, 10 girls will be chosen to perform at our recital on 23 June. This recital will also include a short set by Kym.

Based in New York City, Paris and Australia, Kym has constantly been stated as world-renowned and world-class. Kym has enjoyed a diverse career spanning almost three decades, making significant contributions in the worlds of jazz and musical theatre. He has established himself as a pianist and entertainer in Australia, Asia, Europe and the United States where he has conducted several Broadway shows, working with some of the biggest names in show business such as Engelbert Humperdinck and Natalie Cole.

Due to social distancing, we will be recording the concert and it will be shared with the Saints Girls’ community to watch at a later date.

Good luck to all girls entering the Eisteddfod!

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Saints Café Full of Beans Once More

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After a short break, Saints Café is back up and running this term. The café team, consisting of 25 dedicated Year 10 students, is working on a rotating roster to serve hot drinks from the Food Tech Deck every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 7.30 to 8.15am.

The café gives the girls a small taste of the hospitality industry and is a great opportunity for them to develop skills that they can carry into casual or part-time work while they finish school and post-school. Each shift, they are required to set up the café, manage the orders and finance and, most importantly, make coffees on our small, but reliable, one group coffee machine.

Please support the girls this term to get your morning coffee fix. We have a range of milk including dairy, soy, almond and lactose-free, and all coffees this term are discounted at only $2 for a small cup and $3 for large.

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Bus Tap Card Reminder

Please note that all School bus students must use their student ID cards to tap on and off each time they board and alight a School bus service to comply with our new tracking system.

Also, a reminder that all students from Years 3 to 12 can now use their student ID cards for point-of-sale transactions at the Tuck Shop and School Shop.

To register for the service and ensure funds are available on the cards, parents need to use the flexischools program, which already facilitates the School’s online Tuck Shop. For instructions on how to set up an account and add funds, watch the first 30 seconds of this video. To access flexischools, log in to the myLink Parent Portal and select the ‘Tuck Shop’ tab on the top menu. When registering, search for the School’s name, remembering to add the apostrophe in St Peter’s.

For information on transaction fees and other costs, click here.

If you have any queries regarding these new systems, please contact our System Business Analyst Bronwyn Ledgard via bledgard@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or 8334 2264.

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Road Safety Appeal

The School has recently received reports of poor driver behaviour including speeding, tailgating and vehicles parked across residential driveways in surrounding streets. Road safety and courtesy is everyone’s responsibility and is of the utmost importance in a school setting. We appeal to all of our families to take extra care in our car parks and on the roads for the safety of our students, parents, staff and the wider community.

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Code Camp – Virtual School Holiday Camps

Bring the excitement of Code Camp to your own home these winter school holidays!

Join today for just $99!

Tried, tested and recommended by over 3,000 Aussie families, learn at your own pace with 10 hours of instructor-led video tutorials and live tech support from our Australian-based team.


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Apply Now – National Youth Science Forum 2021

W3 - Science Forum

Are you in Year 11 and love STEM subjects? If so, you should consider applying for the National Youth Science Forum’s Year 12 Program! The @NYSFoz is a 10-day residential program full of visits to high-tech STEM facilities and hands on-workshops. You’ll get stuck into some serious science and meet industry mentors, all while hanging out with a community of 200 other like-minded science-loving students. Applications close on 14 June 2020. For more information and to apply, go to the NYSF website: www.nysf.edu.au

Saints Girls’ students Faye Ma and Ellen Zhang attended the forum earlier this year. Here are some words from their experience:

“An unforgettable time where you will meet lifelong friends, immerse yourself fully in the world of STEM and come out with a greater understanding of what you want to do in the future.” – Faye Ma

“NYSF has been life-changing for me. Not only have I been inspired by this experience, but I have taken away a wealth of new knowledge and amazing friendships.” – Ellen Zhang

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Do You Have a Connection to Woodlands Girls’ Grammar?

Year 11 Scholarship Information

The Elaine Balfour Ogilvy Scholarship is for girls who are planning to enter Year 12 next year, who attend an Anglican school and whose mother, grandmother or great grandmother attended Woodlands Girls’ Grammar School. It was created by the Woodlands Old Scholars in honour of an old scholar, one of the Australian Army nurses who died in the horror of war after the fall of Singapore.

Applicants need to post an introductory letter and four copies of their CV to:

The President
Woodlands Old Scholars’ Association
39 Partridge Street

Applications close 24 July 2020

Interviews will be conducted in Term 3, giving the panel a chance to have an informal chat with the girls. We will be assessing attributes such as presentation and enthusiasm and will take this opportunity to see certificates and awards which substantiate the CV.

If you have any enquiries, please contact me via sorrell.lou@gmail.com

Louise Sorrell
St Peter’s Woodlands Old Scholars’ Association President

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Apple’s Cleaning Tips for iPads and Laptops

Apple products are made with a variety of materials, and each material might have specific cleaning requirements. To get started, here are some tips from Apple that apply to all products:

  • Use only a soft, lint-free cloth. Avoid abrasive cloths, towels, paper towels, or similar items.
  • Avoid excessive wiping, which might cause damage.
  • Unplug all external power sources, devices, and cables.
  • Keep liquids away from the product, unless otherwise noted for specific products.
  • Don’t get moisture into any openings.
  • Don’t use aerosol sprays, bleaches or abrasives.
  • Don’t spray cleaners directly onto the item.

Is it okay to use a disinfectant on my Apple product?
Using a 70 percent isopropyl alcohol wipe or disinfecting wipes, you may gently wipe the hard, non-porous surfaces of your Apple product, such as the display, keyboard, or other exterior surfaces. Don’t use bleach. Avoid getting moisture in any opening, and don’t submerge your Apple product in any cleaning agents. Don’t use on fabric or leather surfaces.

Here’s the full article from Apple: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204172

Of course, please check your device instructions for specific requirements.

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