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Enews – Week 6, Term 2 2018

Issue no. 17Enews-banner

W6 Banner

From the Director of Early Learning

Beyond Just an Event: Reconciliation Week in the ELC

K MountReconciliation Week in the ELC provided us with a platform to continue our work on sharing culture. We believe it is our responsibility to educate our children about the past, present and future. As we share the land of Ferguson Park with the Kaurna people, we are able to discuss heritage, building shared understandings about our land.

We are fortunate to have a strong connection with our Kaurna friend Tamaru who regularly visits us in the ELC. He has been so impressed by the children’s understandings and ability to further develop their curiosities through their questions and provocations. Recently, the Hallett children asked him about his ancestors; they were wanting to know about the past. On walks through Ferguson Park with Tamaru, he shares with us his bush knowledge, traditions, culture, sustainability and survival. We have learnt so much about language, listening carefully to the Kaurna words and making meaning of these in a natural context. With one piece of knowledge shared, a new question arises.

Tamaru says he is truly humbled by the children of our ELC. He visits us so regularly that the children now expect and anticipate his visits, hearing his clapsticks from afar as he announces his arrival. Friendships have been made with children, educators and families. Our authenticity around sharing culture will impact on people’s lives and we are so proud of the foundation we are building.

Every day we acknowledge the Kaurna people as the custodians of the land, a special acknowledgement written by a group of children from the ELC who are now in Year 1. This was shared in a video at a special Assembly held at the School for Reconciliation Week. Other celebrations included the building of a wodli in our ELC gardens, with all children being involved in the construction of this traditional shelter. Tamaru shares his narratives and draws maps of symbols and understandings to represent this with our children.

Our inquiry, framed by the PYP, is the perfect vehicle for us to connect this learning with ecological and cultural understandings. Our practice has deepened as we benefit from such authentic learning that we can do in our own backyard. The beauty and opportunities Ferguson Park provides us with are endless. We have been delighted to hear that many families choose to visit this space and share their child’s learnings on the weekends.
ELC Path Email Banner-1
Please join us in the park next Thursday morning at 8.45am as we share morning tea to launch our special new path in the ELC representing special memories of our park through symbols sandblasted onto slate by our Artist in Residence Christine Cholewa.

Kate Mount
Director of Early Learning

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Successful Verdict for Mooting Students

W6 Mooting

Mooting, the mock trial competition, is a predominately university-based activity. But Emma, Kiruthika and I were lucky enough to have the opportunity to enter the challenge at a national high school level. Run by Bond University on the Gold Coast, it requires teams of three (two barristers and a solicitor) to create two ten minute submissions arguing the case of either the appellant or the respondent in an appellate court. Barristers must know their case well enough to answer an array of questions from judges and be able to adhere to court formalities to the standard of a real court proceeding.

When we entered the preliminary round, we had no idea what to expect in regard to the standard of competition. After our moot and the other Saints’ team’s moot, we realised that the standard was extremely high, and that our hours of work preparing our case and practising were crucial to our success.

After an enjoyable weekend on the Gold Coast, we were promptly informed that we were to head back to Bond University for the Final and Grand Final round, and that I had received a Best Oralist award. We were ecstatic. We immediately began to practise our case again and prepare ourselves for a tough competition against some of the best schools in the country. We became aware of how high the stakes were and how scrutinising the judges in this round were. We mooted and, following an afternoon of suspense and making friends with other students, we learnt that we had come third. We were the second best appellant team in the country, and I had received another Best Oralist award. This outcome was incredible for us. We had learnt an invaluable amount over the course of the competition; preparing a case, using case law, using court formalities and legal language, public speaking and thinking on your feet. As three legal studies students, this experience has already been incredibly valuable in our class assignments, and we have each started to consider how this experience may affect us in our careers. All the hours of work and practising paid off and we are incredibly proud of our achievements in this competition of such high standards, and look forward to using the skills we learnt throughout our studies.

Sara Possingham
Year 12 student

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Business Leaders Share their Wisdom

W6 Busines Forum

The Year 12 Business and Enterprise Forum was held at the School on Friday 1 June, where students had the opportunity to question a panel of business leaders to gain their views on topics ranging from dark marketing to the implications of reducing payroll tax and penalty rates.

The panel was made up of:

  • Hon Christopher Pyne MP, Minister for Defence Industry, Leader of the House of Representatives and Federal Member for Sturt
  • Dr Eva Balan-Vnuk – Executive Director, ICT and Digital – SA Government
  • Mr Nick Reade – CEO Bank SA
  • Ms Jenny Paradiso – Managing director and co-founder Suntrix Solar, Telstra Business of the Year, Telstra Businesswoman of the Year
  • Professor Yong Zhao – Foundation Distinguished Professor in the School of Education at the University of Kansas
    Girls will use the information from the forum as a valuable primary source in completing their investigation assignment. The School thanks the participants for their time and excellent contributions.

    Gabriele Trobbiani
    Business and Enterprise Teacher

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    Four-Legged Friends Visit Reception

    W6 Reception2
    On Thursday 31 May, Simon, Cyndi and Lina visited from the Royal Society for the Blind with their Guide Dogs Spada and Lulu to help explore our central idea ‘We experience and learn about the world using our senses.’ They talked about how they help people in the community who are blind or have a vision impairment.

    Simon showed us some clever devices that help people with poor vision know the time, weather and different colours. Cyndi talked about her life with a vision impairment and how she uses a special cane to assist her in moving around her environment. She also spoke about times she had guide dogs to help her. Lina talked about her role as a guide dog trainer, and the special tasks they train the puppies to do to assist people, like helping them know when stairs and busy roads are coming.

    “When Lina says ‘Busy busy’, the dog will go to the toilet.” – Sophia

    “I learned that when the dogs have their coats on, you can’t pat them.” – Gabriella

    “This connects with our inquiry from Term 1 too!” – Charlotte S 

    The girls were very curious during the session, asking some interesting questions and gaining knowledge about what life would be like without their sense of sight. At the end of the session, the girls loved having a pat of Spada and Lulu after the dogs’ special purple jackets were taken off!

    Meg Karvonen and Michelle Liddy
    Reception Teachers

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    Ultimate Frisbee at Saints Girls

    W6 Frisbee

    This week, the girls came together for an Interhouse Ultimate Frisbee tournament. It was planned as a way to promote friendly House spirit outside of the highly anticipated and competitive Interhouse competitions already on the calendar. With no shield and no pressure, all girls were able to enjoy participating, both watching and playing, in a more relaxed environment. The tournament was a great opportunity to promote interaction between year levels and simply allow girls to have a great time outside. The House Captains’ challenge to the students was, ‘Dare to…Participate’, and the girls came through.

    Those not in teams cheered and watched animatedly, and certainly brought a much appreciated energy to the event. The Year 9 House Leaders organised a range of smaller activities in the Middle School to cater for girls not involved in the tournament, and these were also a success. Students from 7 – 12 gathered in classrooms for fun, easy entertainment including musical chairs, Just Dance and the creation of some fantastic new Kennion House banners! The girls travelling to Fiji and Cambodia this year also held a cupcake stall to raise money for materials and donations to their respective charities. The girls’ level of involvement in every aspect of the event was admirable, and their energy and eagerness to participate meant an enjoyable time was had by all.

    Bethany Cross
    Patteson House Captain

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    Totally 80s Trivia and Disco Night

    P&F 80s Trivia Night Enews

    Join us for our ‘Totally 80s Trivia and Disco Night’ on Saturday 16 June at 7pm in the St Peter’s Girls’ School Gym.

    Tickets – $25 per person (includes welcome drink)

    Paella • Raffle • Trivia • Games • Prizes

    • DJ playing 80s Disco • BYO food only

    Tickets via www.trybooking.com/VGUH

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    Round 2 Debating Results

    Round 2 was very successful for Saints Girls, with nine teams taking out wins!

    7 Blue – Win
    8 Blue – Win
    8 White – Win
    8 Black – Win
    9 Blue – Win
    9 White – Win
    10 White – Win
    10 Blue – Loss
    10 Green – Win
    Senior White – Win
    Senior Blue – Loss

    Karen Alderson
    Debating Coordinator

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    Sports Uniform Reminder

    W4 Sport Uniforms

    Currently, a number of students are continuing to wear outdated PE/Sports uniform items including culottes and polo tops. This clothing has not been stocked in the School Shop for five years and is not part of our current uniform guidelines. Please ensure your daughter is not wearing these items at the commencement of Term 3. We thank you for your support in this matter.

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    Young Women in Technology Experience

    W6 E Tech

    On 7 June, the 11 girls in the Year 9 E-Tech class went to the ‘Young Women in Technology Experience’ event hosted by the University of Adelaide. We were given the opportunity to partake in a number of activities including coding the EV3 robots, creating aerodynamic cars, making efficient water-ways and designing our own perfumes. These activities used components of various types of engineering including software engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering and chemical engineering.

    The activities were engaging and provided us with the opportunity to learn about many different scientific fields. We worked in groups to find solutions and used many different technologically-based skills to solve real-world problems. The day gave us an insight into not only the lives of university students, but also the possible STEM careers girls such as us could pursue.

    Sara Peak
    Year 9 student

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    Year 7s’ Wild Time at Adelaide Zoo

    W6 Zoo

    On Wednesday, the Year 7 cohort went on an excursion to the Adelaide Zoo as part of the Classification module in Science. We were very lucky to have beautiful weather and the girls enjoyed wandering around the zoo as they completed their assignment.

    Students observed a wide range of animals and studied the ways in which their adaptations help them to survive in their habitat. This was an opportunity to apply the knowledge they have built within the classroom to the real world.

    Clare Gaskell
    Science Teacher

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    Year 5s Look to the Skies

    W5 Planetarium

    On Monday 21 May, the Year 5 cohort travelled to a planetarium at Mawson Lakes to further explore our solar system and the universe. Applying the knowledge they have already gained from our current Unit of Inquiry about Science, the girls were able to connect our central idea, ‘understanding of scientific knowledge is constantly evolving and has an impact on people’s lives’, with the information presented to them about space. The girls enjoyed looking up at a virtual replica of our night sky, which illustrated the constellations that can be seen from the southern hemisphere, identifying the location and position of the planets in our solar system. We viewed a short film about astronauts, enabling the girls to understand the challenges, risks and opportunity involved in travelling to outer space.

    “We learnt a lot of interesting facts about the dangers that astronauts encounter in space.” – Ella Lawes

    “I liked learning about the constellations and all of the different names for the stars in our galaxy.” – Anna Venning

    “I really enjoyed looking up at the big dome, looking at the location of all the planets in our solar system.” – Lauren Pearce

    Sarah Mulraney
    Year 5 Teacher

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    Year 11 IB CAS Excursion

    W6 CAS

    On Wednesday 6 June, the Year 11 IB group went to the CAS Service Fair at Woodcroft College as part of the Creativity, Activity, Service experience. It was a great opportunity for students to gain an insight into how charities and not-for profit organisations contribute to our community.

    Students were heavily involved in discussions with the staff and were willing to collect useful brochures for their own interests. Many service programs are appealing including health care, landcare and learning support programs. This excursion provided the IB students with very useful resources to complete their CAS experiences and project.

    Jiayi Wang and Millie Han
    Year 11 students

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    Twilight Concert

    W6 Twilight Concert

    Last night, a large proportion of our Junior and Middle School Music students took to the stage to entertain and refine their performance skills. The Twilight Concert is designed to be a more relaxed event to gently introduce our up and coming young musicians to the art of performance.

    With learning and performing comes those all-important life skills: Leadership, Teamwork, Cooperation, Responsibility, Initiative and Confidence. These attributes came to life as students assumed responsibility in setting up the stage, mentoring and assisting younger students backstage, ensuring all equipment was where it needed to be, organising music, sound-checking, stage managing and packing down. To their credit, the students waited quietly backstage and learnt how to get on and off stage quickly without any teacher assistance.

    There is no doubt that these young students were able to entertain and refine their performance skills last night, but of even more importance were the life skills and the camaraderie that comes with being part of the Music Department. Congratulations to the Intermediate and Senior Percussion Ensembles, Intermediate String Ensemble, Guitar Ensemble, Rock Band, Senior Strings and Combined String Orchestra.

    Sari Noble
    Acting Director of Music

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    SACE Solo Performance Concert

    The SACE Stage 2 Music Solo Performance course is extremely challenging, sometimes confronting, and more often than not, the culmination of a student’s lifetime of intensive music study. By this stage of their development, students are expected to have developed the resilience it takes to work through performance anxiety, and to be able to present in a confident and professional manner.

    Aural perception, musical sensitivity and an underlying understanding of style, structure and historical significance must underpin the interpretation of every work regardless of style. Technical expertise is a must.

    On Wednesday 13 June, five extremely talented musicians will take to the stage to each perform a set from their selected repertoire. This will form the first of their summative assessment public performances. Please join us in the Arts Centre at 5pm for what will no doubt be a delightful and inspiring musical evening.

    Sari Noble
    Acting Director of Music

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    Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea

    W6 Morning TeaOn Wednesday, staff were happy to part with their dollars all in the name of charity for the Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea.

    Thank you to all of those who brought in goodies to eat and to everyone who supported the event. We raised $115.

    Pauline Noblet
    Physical Education Teacher


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    Code Camp at St Peter’s Girls’ School

    W3 Code Camp

    St Peter’s Girls’ School will be hosting Code Camp Spark and Code Camp Ignite for students in Years 2 to 6 on 10, 11 and 12 July from 9am – 3.30pm. The cost is $349 for three days.

    Visit the Code Camp website for more information
    Visit the St Peter’s Girls’ School booking page

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    Order Your 2018 | 2019 Entertainment Membership

    W5 Entertainment Book

    Order your NEW 2018 | 2019 Entertainment Membership and continue to support St Peter’s Girls’ Parents’ and Friends’ Association.

    Your 2017 | 2018 Entertainment Membership is about to expire. If you haven’t already, please continue supporting our School by purchasing the 2018 | 2019 membership from us today. Hurry, they’re selling fast!

    As a St Peter’s Girls’ School Parents’ and Friends’ Association fundraiser, part-proceeds from every book sold will go to a special element of our Master Plan which will be announced soon.

    You can order via the form at the Front Office or pre-purchase online: Order your Entertainment Book here!

    The Entertainment Book and new phone app offer our community members a great way to try out restaurants and activities around SA, save money and, at the same time, support our girls.

    Thank you in advance for your kind support and consideration.

    The Parents’ and Friends’ Association

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    Sports News

    W6 Netball

    AFL (Aussie Rules)

    Open – Saints 4.9 = 33 defeated Concordia 2.1 = 13
    The Open A football team defeated Concordia 33-13. Holly Cunningham scored two goals with Olivia Goldsmith and Millie Wilkin scoring one each. Lulu Tierney was best on ground, playing a strong game in defence. Saints’ attack worked hard throughout the game. The midfield consistently played well together to bring the ball down the field. – Holly Cunningham (Captain)

    Middle – Saints 2.2 = 14 defeated by Concordia 3.5 = 23


    The girls had a tough couple of matches this week but they stepped up to the challenge and achieved some fantastic rallies and points against their opponents. They worked on movement around the court throughout training and it seemed to pay off with our A1, A2, B1 and B2 teams defeating their opponents comfortably. I look forward to seeing each and every girl improving and enjoying themselves throughout the season.

    A1 – Saints 6 defeated Seymour 0
    Best players – Amy Li, Cate Neale, Laura Sivewright, Gloria Gao

    A2 – Saints 4 defeated Walford 2
    Best players – Amelie Dunda, Mahala Truscott

    B1 – Saints 6 defeated Woodcroft 0
    Best players – Georgia Bowden, Tiffany Zhou, Candy Feng, Amanda Fang

    B2 – Saints 6 defeated Seymour 0
    Best players – Yujia Sun, Cheri Wong, Michelle Yeoh, Aleisha Elliott

    C – Saints 0 defeated by Wilderness C1 6
    Best players – Charlotte Stewart, Helen Han

    D – Saints 6 defeated Woodcroft 0
    Best players – Isabelle Reynolds, Christina Song, Vanessa Pols

    E – Saints 3 defeated by Wilderness E2 6
    Best players – Holly Wallman-Craddock, Charlotte Stewart


    Figure skater Charlotte Farley (Year 6) heads to Sydney this week to represent SA in the Elementary Ladies Division. She has also successfully auditioned to be a cast member for the Disney on Ice pre-show on Saturday 23 June. We wish her the best of luck in these wonderful experiences.


    Congratulations to Olivia Goldsmith who has been selected to represent South Australia in the National Schools Championships and will travel to the Gold Coast from 4 to 11 July.

    Open A – Saints had a bye

    Open B – Saints 0 defeated by St Dominics 2
    The girls put up a good fight and had multiple attacking circle entries but were unable to convert. Both Renee and Aroha were very strong in the back lines defending many shots taken by the opposition. Charlotte and Bridgette played extremely well in the midfield creating lots of play up forward and continuous efforts of running back to defend. The game was very competitive and Saints Girls are continuously improving each week. – Tash Hammond (Coach)


    Under 18 – Saints 12 defeated by North Eagles 16
    The U18s played a highly competitive game and, despite a small margin during the second half, our team unfortunately was not able to match the Eagles’ fierce determination. During training, we will focus on skills that will help us become a stronger team coming into the next few games. Our defence will need to work on better communication and attack will need to focus on shooting strategies, including cutting and feeding. Best players were Stephanie Smalls (Year 10), Hattie Maerschel (Year 10), Millie Wilkin (Year 10) and Kate Reade (Year 10). Well done girls, I’m sure we can all agree that this game has taught us valuable skills we can use as we move forward. – Sophie Auricht (Captain)

    Under 13 – Saints 12 defeated St Aloysius 9
    The girls started off well with Ashlyn May (Year 6) in centre getting the ball. Alannah Godfrey (Year 5) did a great job at being the backup on ground balls when the girls did not catch the ball. In defence, Maddy Lisle (Year 7), Lucy Schirripa (Year 7) and Elysia Scarr (Year 5) worked well together and picked up ground balls cleanly. It was 6-all at half-time and the girls needed to work on leading to the ball and sliding to the girl with the ball in defence. Dani Cox (Year 6) had some great shots in attack and Mathilda Thomas (Year 6) ran hard into space to get the ball. In addition, Jenna Maione (Year 6) did an excellent job at attacking the goal hard. Our goalies Emma Pool (Year 7) and Zoe Pool (Year 6) saved a number of goals to help us win the game. Goal scorers were Dani Cox (8), Jenna Maione (1) and Mathilda Thomas (3). Best players were Jenna, Zoe, Mathilda, Maddie and Ashlyn. – Lucy Martin (Coach)

    Under 11 – Saints 3 defeated by Wilderness White 6
    What an excellent game the girls played last Saturday. Despite losing to Wilderness by 3 goals, the team showed incredible determination and skill. Every player is beginning to understand the game play and are each becoming more confident, aggressive players. Our competitiveness was shown particularly with ground balls, “buddying-up” defence and more forceful goal shooting. At three quarter time, we were only down by 2 goals, an amazing effort against strong competition. Well done to Grace and Savannah as goal keepers this week. Scorers were Emily Bates and Savannah Walls. It has been a pleasure coaching such a cohesive and enthusiastic group of girls over the past few weeks. – Sophie Auricht (Coach)


    An exceptional result at the SAPSASA netball carnivals last week, with East Adelaide A winning Division 2 and East Adelaide B winning Division 6. Saints representatives were Grace Richards, Willow Stewart-Rattray and Sophie Dansie. A fantastic achievement and, on top of this, all players represented the district and the School admirably.

    Open A – Saints 37 defeated Concordia 31
    From a slow start and behind 7-13 in the first quarter, Saints had to dig deep and go back to playing their textbook netball. Anna White moved into centre making a big difference to the dynamics and increasing accuracy across the court. All players placed good defensive pressure on Concordia, forcing errors and turning over the ball many times. Saints won the quarter 13-3 to lead by 3 at half-time. Throughout the third quarter, Saints continued application of strong pressure in defence and attack to lead 33-22. In the final term, Concordia intercepted many balls but we were able to maintain the lead until the end. Best player was Charlotte White for her continuous efforts in defence and her numerous amount of reject shots which helped keep Concordia’s scoring to a minimum. Second best was Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith who fulfilled the role of WA. Saturday’s match was a true example of a team game and an individual effort by every player. – Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith

    Open B – Saints 32 defeated by Concordia 62
    The Open Bs played a tough game on Saturday morning, losing to Concordia. Well done to Sarah Wishart who had a brilliant match as GD and C. A big thanks to Chelsea Walls and Tesse Parker for filling in. We’re looking forward to our first win. – Brooke Elliott

    Open C – Saints 48 defeated Concordia 31
    The Open Cs did an amazing job, coming back after last week to record a very good win. The players had really strong chemistry and showed a high level of versatility, adapting to different positions when needed. The attack did a great job in finding space, using the skills which we focused on at training, while the shooters had excellent precision with their shots, getting almost all of them in. The mid-court played well, moving the ball from the defensive third to our attacking third and turning the ball over in tense situations. A special mention to Lucy White, who was able to fill in at last minute, for her amazing efforts. The defensive players did a great job in applying pressure and getting rebounds. It was a great game and it’s exciting to see what we can bring to the rest of the season. – Ehi Oyugbo

    Open D – Saints 20 defeated by Concordia 28

    Open E – Saints 15 defeated by Immanuel 63
    The Year 12 team had a tough game this week. Despite the loss, the girls showed determination and energy throughout and are constantly showing signs of improvement and working better as a team each week. Hopefully they can come away with a win in the next game! – Dominique Rigby

    Year 10C – Saints 30 defeated by Westminster 56
    The girls played a competitive game and didn’t give up. They challenged Westminster in defence and tried their hardest in offence. Ellen Zhang played an amazing game in GK and Clair Kao did great in GA. Although we lost, the score does not reflect determination shown and how well all players fought. – Emma Matheson

    Year 9A – Saints 45 defeated Concordia 24

    Year 9B – Saints 4 defeated by Concordia 33

    Year 8A – Saints 37 defeated Concordia 13

    Year 8B – Saints 21 defeated Concordia 20
    Throughout the whole game, the defence was terrific at stopping plenty of the opposition’s goals. Efua Yawson and Adele Russell played especially well, managing to get lots of intercepts and turning the ball over. The game was very close throughout with the lead changing many times. Saints moved the ball well through the mid-court and goal circle, working well as a team to create many shots on goal. It was a great game as it was also our first win. – Ruby Bruun

    Year 8C – Saints 21 defeated Concordia 19

    Year 8D – Saints 14 defeated by Concordia 31
    We played our best in a very physical game. Saints had a strong third quarter but it wasn’t enough to take the win. Caitlin Middelberg did an excellent job in creating leads and moving the ball quickly down the court in WA. Well done girls, looking forward to next week! – Caitie Walker

    Year 7A– Saints 23 defeated Concordia 19
    Despite having players missing, the team played a tough match on Saturday. We worked well together to record a well-earned victory. As a team, we need to continue to practice our shots and attacking skills. – Chloe Porter

    Year 7B – Saints 4 defeated by Concordia 27
    The team showed an amazing effort throughout the game and we worked as a team, especially in the third quarter. We intercepted many passes and got in front of our player, which our Coach taught us at training. We had some really good moments, especially when Scarlett came up from the Year 6s to help fill our team. Overall, I think we did a great job and worked as a team really well! – Isabella Lowry

    Year 6 Blue – Saints 18 defeated by Wilderness Blue 21

    Year 6 Silver – Saints 5 defeated by Wilderness White 6
    The team played a tough and close game, defeated narrowly by Wilderness. Well done to Stephanie Andrejewskis who shot brilliantly and Maddie Penley who passed and led very well. We’re looking forward to another great effort in the next game. – Brooke Elliott

    Year 6 White – Saints 0 defeated by Wilderness White 41
    The girls’ effort during this game is to be commended. No matter how hard the opposition was trying, we always tried harder. Throughout the game, passing skills and spreading out was a recurring issue. However, this was made up for by the incredible shadow defense and hands over the ball that all of the girls demonstrated. – Mia Humphrey

    Year 5 – Saints 9 defeated Wilderness 0
    The girls are trying to play all positions on court and, for many of them, this will be the first time ever playing those positions. All of them need to be commended on their efforts. Saints played an amazing game with solid defence. The girls worked the ball down the court, sharing it around and finding shooters. Kate Thomas, Jerry Wu and Nellie Ion made sharp leads and were consistent shooters, all enjoying the experience of playing in goals; although they are some of the shortest in the team, they couldn’t be stopped. The defence was tight with Gabby Howard and Sophie Bafile intercepting many balls with their long arms. Anna Venning and Mollie Kennett’s long passes and front leads also helped win the game. The team had a great, fun game and kept on showing the Saints Girls’ sprit we like to see. Next week, all the girls need to try come in front and dodge to improve the passage of play down the court. – Chloe Venning


    Open A – Saints 3 defeated Immanuel 0
    The team played their best game of the season so far. From the kick-off to the final minute, the girls played with intensity and determination. A big thank you to Taylah Simpson who stepped up and played keeper for us, and who was vital in keeping a clean sheet. Olivia Law and Funto Komolafe were our goal scorers, and the girls were assisted with an own goal from Immanuel. Lucy Benn has been a consistent stand out player since joining the As, and was one of the strongest players on the pitch. Great game girls! – Dom Rigby (Captain)

    Open B – Saints 0 defeated by Seymour 7
    Saints found the going tough against a strong opposition and struggled defensively to clear the ball from dangerous areas, allowing Seymour to capitalise. Down by 6 goals at half-time, Saints’ attitude and commitment was challenged and they responded wonderfully well in all aspects of their play. It was only until late in the second half when Seymour scored, which reflected the improved second half effort. – Neil Fuller (Acting Coach)

    Middle A – Saints 0 defeated by Immanuel 3
    Saints had plenty of play and created a number of good opportunities but were not clinical enough in front of goal. The girls showed a high level of commitment and the structure is improving along with the pressure. As long as the girls are patient and continue to listen, I am confident better results are not far away. – Dion Bonifazio (Coach)

    Middle B – Saints 2 drew with Wilderness 2

    Year 6/7 – Saints 1 defeated Walford 0

    Year 5 – Saints 0 defeated by Walford 7
    It was a tough game and the girls tried their best until the end. The girls in goals, Elizabeth McKernan and Grace Stevens, were outstanding in their efforts and saved quite a few goals. In the end, Walford had the upper hand and we hope to improve next time we play them. – Siena Kulinski

    Year 3/4 – Saints 5 defeated Seymour 1
    This season has been very successful so far and the girls continued their unbeaten form with a quality win over Seymour at Seymour. The game started with its normal high level of energy. Emily Bates kicked three first half goals. Iszabella Lochowiak and Jiahui Zhang both provided many passes and run in the forward line. Lyra Cox this week’s captain, played her best game for the season; she was determined to not let the ball past her and was instrumental in defence. Sophia Holoviak enjoyed being released from her normal role as team goalie and slotted in nicely as the commander of defence. Diya Bhinder made some impressive progress with her confidence, taking the ball for short bursts showing that she has responded to feedback from training. Rose Downie collected the most possessions for the season and looked to really enjoy herself. Chloe Richardson provided the game with her trademark run, scoring a goal in each half. She really took the game on and attempted many shots at goal when moved up forward in the second half. Lucy Tulloch enjoyed playing as the team’s goalie; she got her hands on the ball a few times and showed she has a strong clearing kick. Well done again to all girls who played for the other team: Emily Bates, Iszabella Lochowiak, Rose Downie and Sophia Holoviak. It is never easy to play against your teammates and the body contact Emily Bates showed on Chloe Richardson was a fine example of how dedicated we are when playing for the opposition. The pressure is on, let’s continue our undefeated season! . – Mark Routley (Coach)


    On Friday 1 June, Saints competed in the State Finals for Touch Football, coming 8th overall. This is a fantastic achievement as this was the first time St Peter’s had advanced through to the final round. Across the day, Saints played five games in which all girls put in great effort. We played Grant losing 0:1, Loreto 1:3, Marryatville 0:5, Golden Grove 1:2 and Faith 1:2. Every opposition team made it challenging for Saints to score but, by the final game, each and every player had improved from the first match and should be proud of their continuous efforts. Saints Girls have increased their awareness of the rules and strategies learnt across the summer season as well as picking up new tactics on the day. We never gave up and played extremely well against many State players during the day. Saints should be congratulated on their hard work and effort. – Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith (Captain)

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