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Enews – Week 6, Term 2 2016

Issue no. 17

From the Head of the Middle School

da Vinci Decathlon Image 3


In 2013 teams from 13 schools entered the inaugural Year 7 South Australian da Vinci Decathlon at St Peter’s Girls. Last week we hosted the event over three days, running an event for Year 7 students, Year 9 students and, for the first time, students from Years 5 and 6. In all, 56 teams entered the competition this year, with over 400 of Adelaide’s brightest minds battling it out in the School’s Arts Centre.

The da Vinci Decathlon is an initiative of Knox Grammar School in Sydney and we are proud to be the South Australian Chapter School, allowing us not only the privilege of hosting the event each year, but also the opportunity of taking a team across to Sydney for the four-day National da Vinci Decathlon at the end of June.

Designed as a test for academically able students, the day consists of ten events. In the first sessions, each team of eight students tackles Science, Art and Poetry and Philosophy tasks all at the same time. One of the St Peter’s Girls Year 5/6 teams started the day well by coming third in the Art and Poetry task. During this session, students are also given 10 minutes to prepare a one-minute dramatic performance in response to a previously unseen stimulus. Our Year 9 team flourished at this event, with their ‘sub team’ of four students coming second in the event.

After a well-earned cake and fruit break, the students returned to tackle high-level Mathematics, English, Cartography and Engineering tasks. It was pleasing to see our girls continue our growing reputation in the area of Engineering, with our two Year 7 teams coming 2nd and 3rd in the category, only topped by our two Year 5/6 teams who placed 1st and 2nd in the Engineering category during their event. Our Year 9 team also finished 2nd in the Maths category.

After a chance to demolish a pizza lunch and mix with students from the other schools, the students returned for the final two challenges – Code Breaking and General Knowledge. In this homage to the code breakers of World War Two, many of them women working at Bletchley in England, recently chronicled in the movie, The Imitation Game, and the ABC/BBC series, The Bletchley Circle, students were confronted with 8-10 codes to crack, using a variety of strategies, as well as being asked to create their own cypher. Our students did well at this, one of the hardest tasks, on each day of the event, with our Year 5/6 team coming 4th and one of our Year 7 teams winning the category.

Whilst each day ended without a Saints team on the podium, our girls certainly enjoyed the challenges they faced and are keen to return in subsequent years to ‘do battle’ once again. In the meantime, our Year 7 team are ready to take on the nation’s best in Sydney at the end of June.

As hosts, it was a pleasure to have seen so many able, excited and active young students purposefully engaged at such a high level for the three days of the event.

As Leonardo da Vinci is alleged to have said, “Learning never exhausts the mind”.

Richard Lisle
Head of the Middle School

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Saints Cafe is now open for business!

Saints Cafe pngStarting all the way back in the first few weeks of Term 1, the Saints Café has been a long process to implement. At the start of the year Ms Shea stood in front of the School and talked about leadership and encouraged students to be innovative in their studies and think about the qualities of an entrepreneur. Together, our teacher, Ms Casson, Freya Ware, Holly Steer and I came up with the idea of making a Saints Café. In the Café we were going to sell smoothies, hot chocolates, cookies, croissants, coffee, and tea. However, we then realised that we may have been reaching too high, too fast. We then brought the idea down slightly and made it so we would sell three beverages (coffee, hot chocolate, and tea) and then slowly add more items, like cookies, as we become more successful through the year.

Many meetings later with senior staff, Freya, Holly and I hired ‘staff’ members from Year 10 to help with the café. In return, ‘staff’ get up to 10 pocket points by the end of the year, depending on the number of sessions they attend.

We have had three sessions of the Saints Café, one in Week 5 and now two this week. We are proud to say that the sessions have been very successful and all our hard work is paying off.

We are currently putting all our profits towards paying for the coffee machine, grinder and coffee bin. Then we will discuss which charity we would like to help.

The Saints Café is also planned to help support local farmers by buying our milk from them. We are also planning from next term to use biodegradable cups, as they are better for the environment.

We encourage all parents, students and staff to come and support us and have a coffee, hot chocolate or tea.

Amira Shahin

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Book now! ELC Ladies Day Out

ELC Ladies Day Out Email blast

Mothers of the ELC are invited to attend the ELC Ladies Day Out.

This annual get-together will be held on Sunday 19 June at the amazing Barristers Block Winery, Woodside. We hope many can join us for what will be an enjoyable and relaxing day out!

Event Details:

Date: Sunday 19 June 2016
Time: Bus departs from St Peter’s Girls at 11am and returns at 4pm
Price: $60 (Includes a glass of bubbles on arrival, platters and pizza for lunch, and a bus to and from the venue)

Tickets can be purchased at www.trybooking.com/HSMW.

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Save the date: Saturday 3 September

P and f image e news

Please save the date for the premier Parents and Friends (P&F) fundraiser of the year. On September 3 the P&F will be hosting a 1920s party to raise funds for the Middle School redevelopment. The party will fittingly be held at the Art Deco Burnside Ballroom and will feature a prize casino and live music from the Flaming Sambucas. Dressing the part is encouraged but not compulsory; feather boas and other 1920s styles will be available on the night to help you accessorise.

The feature fundraising initiative will be a giant silent auction for which the P&F will gratefully accept donations. A notice will shortly be going out to the Year level reps with more information as to how you can make donations to the silent auction.

Tickets will go on sale early in Term 3 so save the date and make it a night to remember!

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Celebrating the Musical Success of an Old Scholar

Head Shot Erin enews

A large proportion of our music students from the Saints Senior Music Program go on to further their musical careers and, upon return, often talk of what Music at Saints has meant to them.

I was delighted to hear of the outstanding success of Old Scholar Erin McKellar who recently won one of the most highly coveted international jazz awards, the 39th Annual Downbeat Award for Outstanding Performance in Latin Jazz. Only five Australians have previously won this award, with Erin being the first to win the Latin Jazz category. I asked Erin to share her thoughts on her music education at Saints:

“I am now in my final year at university, studying jazz voice at the Elder Conservatorium of Music. I would not be where I am today without the support, education and opportunities that arose during my time at St Peter’s Girls’ School. The wide array of musical ensembles caters for a dynamic variety of styles. From a young age I was exposed to a diverse range of musical genres and it was through ‘Enchante’ that I developed my passion for jazz music. Not only was my musical interest nurtured, but I was also given opportunities to develop and gain performance experience such as competing in Generations in Jazz and various Eisteddfods. A particular highlight was the chance to travel to Melbourne and partake in the Julliard Jazz Winter School, a priceless opportunity to learn from some of the world’s greatest jazz musicians. However, whilst Saints provided countless opportunities, it was the teachers that made the biggest impact. Throughout my schooling experience I was always supported by my music teachers; they created an environment for all to experience the wonders of music, to learn, to grow, to feel and create. They brought the best out of me, allowing me to reach higher potential and instilling confidence. I can undoubtedly say that my music experience at school gave me the tools to pursue music further. Since school I have mentored at the New York Jazz Symposium, been accepted into a summer course at Guildhall in London, performed in various touring shows and won an international Downbeat Jazz Award. I intend to move overseas next year to pursue my music career further and I know I wouldn’t have achieved all these things without the encouragement and education of the St Peter’s Girls’ music program.”

One of the great joys of teaching is the cyclical nature of learning. Having taught Erin for many years, it has been wonderful to sit and watch Erin at work during workshops with ‘Enchante’ and the Vocal Quartet and, in turn, to learn and grow from her experience.

Sari Noble
Music Teacher

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Debating: Round 2 Update

Debating-2Congratulations to all the debaters on another extremely successful round of debates. All of our Middle School teams, Year 7 Blue, Year 7 White, Year 8 Yellow, Year 8 Orange, Year 8 White, Year 8 Blue, Year 9 Yellow and Year 9 Red and the Senior White team won their Round 2 debates. A special mention must go to Grace Dodson and Tiffany Zhou from Year 7, Charlotte Bleby from Year 8 and Teegan Lindsay from Year 9 who were given Speaker of the Night awards by the adjudicators. Furthermore, Debating SA has updated the Round 1 rankings, and we are proud to announce that the Year 7 White and Senior White team are currently ranked Number One. The debaters are certainly benefiting from the revised coaching scheme and many improvements can be observed in the content, structure and presentation of the girls’ debates. We wish the girls luck for Round 3 commencing on 21 June 2016.

Kritika Mishra
Debating and Public Speaking Prefect

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School Shop update

Second Hand Uniform items – Due to space restrictions, the School Shop is only able to take winter uniform items at the present time. Please ensure that all items are freshly laundered and blazers dry-cleaned. It is also preferable that items are ironed and on clothes hangers. Only current uniform items are able to be accepted.

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Last chance to book, closing on Friday 17 June!


Join us for the first ever St Peter’s Girls Shopping Trip to Melbourne!

In conjunction with Peregrine Travel, parents are invited to join this fabulous trip to Melbourne.

This all-inclusive package includes return flights, transfers and five-star accommodation located in the heart of the city. Stroll to theatres, restaurants and laneway bars. Docklands, the Paris end of Collins Street, Southbank and South Melbourne are all close by.

Also included is an exclusive ‘Money Can’t Buy’ after-hours shopping experience at Myer, with drinks, food and a private stylist!

Event Details:

Date:      13 – 14 August 2016
Price:     Only $695 per person.

Funds raised will go towards the redevelopment of the Middle School Redevelopment Project.

Tickets can be booked via www.trybooking.com/LEPB or contact Blaga on 0448 650 130 for more information.

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Sports News

Sporting Header image

If you have any further news items or sporting success stories, please email them through to me on: nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Hockey Coaching Clinic – July School Holidays

The aim of this popular clinic is to encourage skills and knowledge of the game of hockey in a fun environment. Open to boys and girls aged 7 to 14 years of age and of all abilities from all clubs and schools. Beginners are welcome

Date:    11–15 July 2016
Time:   9am to 12 noon daily.
Venue: Adelaide Hockey Club. Artificial Surface (corner Greenhill and King William Roads)

Clinic coaches will also include several ex-international players, along with current SASI and State hockey players

Click here for more information.


Keeley Fahey (Year 7) won a Gold Medal in the U/15 Trampoline event at the National Championships in Melbourne. Keeley also competed in the double mini tramp.

Wanted – Junior Basketball coaches

In Term 3 we have enough interest in running four Junior Basketball teams (Years 5 and 6). If you have any experience in coaching and would like to get involved, please contact me via email: nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Junior Netball

Year 6 Blue – Saints 17 defeated by Walford Gold 29
It was pleasing to the girls put in such a great effort this week. The best players for this week were Sophie Abbott and Adele Eaton. Chanel Stefani and Ava Loechel (Coaches)

Year 6 White – Saints 11 defeated by Pembroke Blue 33
A fantastic game by the girls! Our highest score yet and some brilliant passages of play were seen both up and down the court. They are playing more as a team and helping each other out down the court. The girls who are new to netball are improving every week and it’s showing in their play. Well done to all the players and student coaches. Grace Russo (Coach)

Year 5 Blue – Saints 23 defeated Wilderness Red 8
The girls had a tougher match this week, which required them to focus and work hard the entire game. They all played extremely well in positions that they were not used to playing. Their teamwork and communication on the court have been keys to maintaining their winning streak and they will continue working on this at training to ensure they are always improving. They should all be very proud of their efforts. Georgia Naughton (Coach)

Year 5 White – Saints 4 defeated by Seymour 14
The team played an amazing game and, despite the loss, all the girls played their best game. Thanks to Adelaide Murphy for filling in, and well done to Olivia Slivak and Montana Melisi for their excellent intercepting through the centre court. Special mention must go to  Isabel Burmester and Noa Goddard for their great defence in the circle. Excited for next week’s game! Eve Habel and Rachel Kameniar (Assistant Coaches)

Open Soccer

Open A – Saints 0 defeated by Seymour 1
The Open A Soccer team had a tough game against Seymour this week. Despite having the majority of the possession, we couldn’t quite get on the scoreboard. Special mention to Isabella Villani who won every ball in the midfield and had an incredible work rate. We hope to continue working hard and score some goals next week! Krystina Dianos (Captain)

Open B – Saints 0 defeated by Seymour 1
Everyone did a great job of keeping Seymour under pressure in what was another very close game this week. Unfortunately, though, we conceded a goal in the last five minutes and didn’t quite manage to reciprocate. Special mentions to Sarah Matheson and Anneliese Thomas for their excellent effort tackling and using the space in the midfield. Well done and a huge thank you to Alice Tyson who stepped up and played goalie for the first time. Christine Gayen (Coach)

Middle A – Saints 1 defeated Seymour 0
For the second week in a row the girls played in a tough match. Defences on both sides controlled most of the game and the ball moved from one end of the pitch to the other as the attacking players found it difficult to create opportunities to score. Our backline, led by Ellie Anderson, Siena Kulinski, Rachel Banham and Millisent Wilkin, were able to rebound the ball and set up many drives up the ground for our forwards to try to take advantage of. Our forwards were able to combine well to keep the Seymour defenders under constant pressure, until Olufunto Komalafe, playing her first Middle A game, was able to run down the ground and kick the winning goal. Best Players: Eleanor Anderson, Siena Kulinski, Olufunto Komalafe. Mr Morton (Staff Supervisor)

Middle B – Saints 0 defeated by Seymour 4
The girls played their hearts out the whole game and never gave up. They strung some nice passages of play together often making multiple passes and were unlucky not to score and despite the pressure Seymour’s defence stood strong. By Taylor Garrett (Coach)

Year 7 – Saints 0 defeated by Seymour 10
The girls came up against a very strong Seymour side, being down 8-0 at half-time. In the second half the girls showed more determination, only conceding two goals. Special mention to Grace Dodson and Sophie Kameniar who both put in a tremendous effort in goals! Peter Krantis (Coach)

Minkey Hockey

Year 4/5 – Saints 22 defeated Walford 1
The girls worked extremely well together to dominate the opposition. Our attacking efforts were very strong, while our defence aimed to push up and assist the girls in the forward line. Overall, the team efforts and passing were a great improvement from previous weeks and the girls all played an amazing game! Best players were Molly and Mabelle, who both made use of great passing opportunities and had great strength in the field. Great win, girls! Alice Tyson (Coach)


Congratulations to all the girls this week, particularly the C1 team who won each of their games. The girls all showed great enthusiasm this weekend and their commitment to training hard during the week to play their best on Saturday mornings is hugely appreciated. They continue to show improvements in their technique and tactics and we hope they keep working hard throughout the season. By Kritika Mishra & Alice Powell (Co-Captains)

A – Saints defeated by Pembroke 3-3 Best Player: Kritika Mishra

B – Saints 3 defeated Westminster 3 Best Players: Laura Sivewright, Erica Reid

C1 – Saints 6 defeated Westminster 0 Best Players: Amy Li, Nicola Jones

C2 – Saints 2 defeated by Wilderness (C1) 4 Best Players: Amelie Dunda, Sophia Casanova Clarke

D1 – Saints 0 defeated by Wilderness (D1) 6 Best Player: Helen Han

D2 – Saints 2 defeated by Pulteney 4 Best Player: Jiayi Wang

E – Saints 3 defeated by Pembroke (F) 6 Best Players: Helen Xiong, Millie Han


Open A – Saints 5 defeated Seymour 0
This is the first time for a long period that Saints have defeated Seymour. Goal scorers were Rachel Disney (2), and Tash Hammond (3). The game consisted mainly in our attacking half, with only a few break-throughs from the opposition, which our defence were able to shut down. Gracie Edwards saved an excellent goal shot by Seymour in the second half, which was worked back into our attack by defensive players, Carla Lawrence, Paris Dudley and Olivia Teh. Saints will continue to work on our attacking skills to ensure more balls are in the back of the net in our next game. Natasha Hammond (Captain)

Open C – Saints 7 defeated St Dominic’s 0
The girls restricted the opposition to limited space on the pitch, making it difficult for them to cleanly drive into the circle. At the other end, Saints were able to use their skills to earn some short corners and put away two goals, resulting in a 2-0 lead at half-time. The girls’ confidence grew throughout the game and, just like always, they came out harder and stronger in the second half. Well done to Katherine Woolley, Holly Cardone, Poppy Goldsmith and Aroha Munroe for scoring the goals but the whole team had a great match. Sophie Fry (Coach)


Under 18 – Saints 5 defeated by Wilderness 23
Facing a strong Division 1 team, the girls remained focussed and determined, which showed throughout the game by chasing groundballs and playing great defence. In the second half we saw more ball possession and the team played more cohesively. The team is improving week by week and there’s still more to work on. Many players are improving weekly and trying new positions. Best player goes to Abigail Lisle for her hustling, sliding defence and reaction to groundballs. Other best players include Alice Petchey, Sophie Auricht, Olivia Compare and Portia Reppucci. Adelle Craig (Coach)

Under 15 – Saints 6 defeated by Wilderness 10
The team started confidently and Isabelle Norman in goal saved quick shots and cleared them easily to our girls, which then led us to attack with our goal shooters, Portia Maerschel (1), Harriet Maerschel (2), Steph Smalls (1) and Millie Wilkin (2). Every player showed good dedication and effort to get the ball back in our possession. Portia Reppucci (Coach)

Under 13 – Saints 14 defeated Wilderness 10
Stephanie Demmrich (Year 7), Jenna Maione (Year 4) and Isabel Burmester (Year 5) were terrific in defence, not allowing the Wilderness girls to pass to someone free. Isabel also did a wonderful intercept, which caused a turnover. Mabel Cook (Year 3) and Stephanie Smalls (Year 7) showed great persistence when trying to get the ball out of the centre and Dani Cox (Year 4) was formidable playing in centre. At half-time the girls were up by five goals and needed to work on maintaining possession of the ball. Saskia Jonats (Year 7) and Willow Stewart-Rattray (Year 5) did well to get free in the midfield and shoot some very good goals. Finally, Isabelle Norman (Year 8) showed wonderful confidence when running out of the goal circle to pick up the ball. Goal scorers were Portia Maerschel (Year 7), Saskia and Willow. Best players were Saskia and Jenna. Lucy Martin (Coach)


Open A – Saints 45 defeated Concordia 42
A great all-round effort with consistent pressure down the court forcing Concordia to make mistakes that we used to our advantage. There were some skilful plays including a great give and go from Holly Cunningham that allowed strong feeds into the shooter. Josephine Dal Pra and Fiona Dawson also worked extremely well. Once again, there was outstanding work from Sophie Freeman in defence. Josephine Dal Pra and Madison Bateman (Co-Captains)

Open B – Saints 37 defeated Concordia 32
What an incredible game to participate in! Throughout the four quarters, the girls maintained consistency of working the ball down the court and it was this teamwork which allowed us to win. The defenders brought the ball down the court and the centre court players gave many offers, ensuring that we could get the ball into the goal circle. Then the shooters finished off the hard work with their exceptional shooting. Therefore, there was no distinction in best players, as it was a brilliant game by all players. I’m very proud of the girls for winning their first game of the season and hopefully this will be the start of more success. Alexandra Murray (B Captain)

Open C – Saints 20 defeated by Concordia 35
The team had a strong game against Concordia; they put up a strong defence and even stronger offence. In one of our most competitive games yet, we gave the opposition a good scare and nearly came away with a win. This week saw a committed effort from the girls, which showed on court in a strong, cohesive team. It’s wonderful to see the girls playing and working together. Grace Russo (Coach)

Year 10 – Saints 17 defeated by Woodcroft 28
The girls started well but were up against a strong team. They played well as a team and their movement down the court was excellent. In defence, the girls applied a lot of pressure, making it as hard as possible for their opponents to score. The attack line had an amazing game, executing set plays and ensuring their passing was strong. Despite the score, all girls showed great persistence and determination, giving 100% for the entire game. Amy Wishart and Sophia West (Fill-in Coaches)

Year 9A – Saints 30 defeated by Concordia 45
On Saturday all girls played well and kept the score close for the majority of the match. Our defence was very tight and in the attacking half everyone worked together to get the ball down the field. Well done, girls, and hopefully we can record a win in our next game! Eve Habel (Year 9)

Year 9B – Saints 50 defeated Concordia 11

Year 9C1 – Saints had a bye

Year 9C2 – Saints 4 defeated by Seymour 35
This week the girls showed significant improvement, playing their best game. Their ability to connect the ball from the defensive half to the attacking half was much better and their strong passes and leads allowed the girls to have more of the play. The girls should be very proud of their efforts this week; after this week’s game the coming weeks are looking very promising. A special mention goes to Annabelle Langley, Anneliese Thomas and Amy Carrodus for all stepping outside their comfort zones and playing positions they don’t normally play to help the team out. Chelsea Stamato (Coach)

Year 8A – Saints 24 defeated by Concordia 38
Another tough game this week. We played our best netball in the second quarter but couldn’t maintain this throughout the rest of the match. Fantastic defensive work from Sarah Wishart and Hannah Freeman for the duration of the match, especially on a much taller opponent. Thank you to Lucy White and Charlotte Sellars for coming up to play from the Bs and then playing their game straight afterwards. Vanessa Brooks (Coach).

Year 8B – Saints 33 defeated Concordia 21
The girls played a fantastic game, with the first three quarters being close in before Saints broke free, creating many scoring opportunities in the final. As a team, the girls displayed the new tactics we have been perfecting at training, especially in the attacking end. This made every goal seamless and each path to the goal was easy. Best players for the week were awarded to Olufunto Komolafe for her brilliant scoring, and Lucy White and Zara Stefani for their ability to bring the ball into our attacking end from defence and applying copious amounts of pressure in the centre third and the opposition’s goal third. Emily Wishart (Coach)

Year 8C – Saints 17 defeated by Walford 20
The girls played a strong game for the first three quarters and used their strong passing that was practised in training. The girls showed determination in defence and the centre passing was strong. The team couldn’t maintain this in the last quarter but the girls still persisted all game. Overall, the players showed positive efforts on court. Best players go to Paris Greene and Elise Cornfield, who both improved and played an amazing game on court. Amy Wishart and Sophia West (Coaches)

Year 7A – Saints 26 defeated Concordia 12
The team had a convincing win on the weekend, with strong teamwork and tight defence again being our main assets. A big thank you to Harriett Gilroy for filling in for us from the Bs and Steph Smalls for stepping into goals for the second half. A big win and Happy Birthday to Kellie! Michelle Blackburn (Coach)

Year 7B – Saints 9 defeated by Concordia 30
The girls started slowly this week, and were unable to recover the score-line from a 14-0 first quarter. To their credit, however, after the first quarter the girls came together as a team and fought out the rest of the match. They maintained their effort until the end, and matched Concordia in the third term. Again the defence stood up under a lot of pressure, and our attacking players made the most of their opportunities. Roger Mills (Coach)

If you have any further news items or sporting success stories, please email them through to me on: nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.