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Swimming Carnival (Years 4-6)

Swimming Carnival (Years 7-12)

ELC Twilight Family Picnic

School Tour

Girls in Tech

Dad’s Night on the Green

Head of the River

Choral Night

Years 2 to 12 Music Day Camp

St Peter’s Cathedral Performance

ELC Coffee Van

Term 1 Concludes

Enews – Week 6, Term 1 2018

Issue no. 6Enews-bannerW6 Banner

Girls in Tech Expo 2018

St Peter’s Girls’ School created some wonderful connections during our inaugural Girls in Tech Expo here at Stonyfell yesterday.

This special event was an incredible opportunity to further expose girls to technology and the rewarding career paths associated with the field.

It was also a fitting way to celebrate International Women’s Day and to launch the 2018 Search for the Next Tech Girl Superhero, a STEM entrepreneurship competition that encourages girls to tackle real-life problems with technology solutions. Last year a group of our Year 9 students won the secondary schools’ division in the national challenge for an app they devised.

In partnership with the Department for Education and Child Development (DECD), we were delighted to welcome Years 6 and 7 girls from local schools to join us for a day of dynamic seminars and workshops hosted by a variety of facilitators, including industry experts.

From virtual reality to drone technology and driverless cars to humanoid robots, there was something for everybody, and the event was hailed a tech-tacular success! Thank you to all of the facilitators and local schools for joining us; we are also extremely grateful for DECD’s support.

Well done to Monique Green for being the driving force behind this fabulous event – we look forward to seeing our girls continue their tech journey!

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From the Head of Junior School

W6 Suzanne article

For all of us who are invested in constructing a positive trajectory for girls and women, International Women’s Day (8 March) provides a great focus point for celebrating women, promoting equality, fostering individuality, highlighting issues, and reflecting on our individual and shared roles in creating our preferred future and that of our students.

Suzanne HaddyAs educators of girls and young women, we are particularly invested in doing all of these things on a daily basis, through the implicit and explicit messages we give our students, our subject offerings, and through special events and occasions such as yesterday’s incredibly successful launch of the ‘Search for the Next Tech Girl Superhero’ competition.

While our Years 6 and 7 students were enjoying an “awesome day” (their words!) using drone technology, playing in virtual reality, creating 3D objects, coding our humanoid robot, making a movement tracker or challenging others with Sphero ‘chariots’, the R-4 students also celebrated the day with a feast of learning through digital technologies.

Students were engrossed in a range of computational thinking and coding activities using both ‘plugged’ and ‘unplugged’ methods. Our Reception students designed and built a new paper and cardboard ‘community’, which covered the floor of their classroom. They then planned journeys a vehicle might take to get from one place to another. They first used a series of arrows and paper-based algorithms (unplugged), before testing their theories by programming the BeeBots (plugged) to do what their algorithms said.

Year 1 students enjoyed a rotation of activities. They programmed in Apple’s Swift coding language using Swift Playgrounds, created a Tellagami animation, followed instructions to construct Lego Technic models, and explored their understanding of simple programming by instructing a partner to play Hopscotch with the use of visual coding blocks.

Our Year 2s investigated technologies used in Space exploration and delved into a programming language that they hadn’t yet tried so that they could access the ‘Hour of Code’ activity ‘Space Quest’.

The day was filled with algorithmic thinking for our Year 3s, as all of their instructions for the day were presented to them as a series of coding blocks! What a great way of learning the importance of being very specific with the use of language in order to program successfully.

The Year 4s continued to hone their teamwork skills as they worked in partnerships to construct Lego We-Do robots and then program them to achieve specific challenges.

So why the focus on technology? Careers increasingly demand technology-related skills, yet women are significantly underrepresented in technology-related fields, and in technology-related university courses. It is through the daily messages we give our students as well as the intentional opportunities that we provide, that Saints Girls is positively impacting the statistics. Research tells us that “girls in girls’ schools do better across a wide range of measures and feel free to pursue academic excellence in any area they choose, including in the ‘gender atypical’ areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).” Alliance of Girls’ Schools Australasia (www.agsa.org.au).

Our Girls in Tech Day was a wonderful celebration of using technology in context, and whether or not a current Junior School student ends up following a technology-related career path, she certainly had a wonderful day exploring technology as part of International Women’s Day yesterday.

Suzanne Haddy
Head of Junior School

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A Message from our International Student Captain

W6 International Students

What does it mean to be international? It is a question that is guaranteed to have you pondering for a few moments, a question that challenges our view on the world and the people around us who make it. Now, consider this, where would the world be if we just had one culture? The world we live in welcomes and possesses a huge range of cultures. Together, we are culturally diverse; there is no other way of putting it. Australia considers itself to be a multicultural country and after the 2016 census, one might agree:

“49 percent of Australians were born overseas or have at least one parent who was.”
“Since 1945, more than 7.5 million people have migrated to Australia.”
“Apart from English, the most common languages spoken in Australia are Mandarin, Arabic, Cantonese and Vietnamese.”
“The number of people identifying as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin increased from 2.5 percent in 2011, to 2.8 percent.”

It was also revealed that 85 percent of Australians believed that multiculturalism has been good for Australia.

At St Peter’s Girls we pride ourselves in multiculturalism, having students and staff who associate themselves with China, Korea, Japan, Great Britain, America, Germany, Italy, Greece, Spain, Malaysia, Russia, Lebanon, France, New Zealand, plus many more. Our School is an example of just one school in South Australia out of thousands across the country. This is why I believe the statement, released in June 2017 for Australia’s Multiculturalism Policy, “Multicultural Australia – united, strong, successful”, is so important. A nation is where one resides, a culture makes us who we are – our identity. This year I am going to be following this motto and I encourage each and every one of my fellow students to do so as well.

On Wednesday 7 February our international students from across the Junior, Middle and Senior Schools and I got together for a lunch. The food, as well as great company, meant the afternoon was a success. However, there was one moment that I will cherish and remember for the rest of my life. I asked one of our girls what it felt like living in Australia, to which she replied and I quote, “Australia has opened its arms to accept me into its country; it respects me and my culture”. To me this summarises what internationalism is all about. It takes just one person to accept and respect another for who they are and where they come from – everyone else will follow. Our wider international community at Saints will only grow stronger from here on; united and successful as one.

We asked a couple of our international students to tell us about their time so far at Saints Girls. Michelle and Hannah are pictured above with Erica Reid, our International Student Captain.

“My name is Michelle Cheung and I am in Year 11. This is my first year at Saints Girls. I’m doing cross country and learning Grade 5 piano currently in School. Also, I volunteered to be part of Concert Choir as well as Environment Club. I love being at Saints because it gives me a lot of opportunities to figure out my interests and strengths. In addition, the teachers here are friendly; the Saints girls here are lovely and kind; the environment of the School is safe and modern. This has motivated my learning in this cohesive learning community.” – Michelle Cheung

“My name is Hannah and I am in Year 10. I have been at Saints Girls for about a month. The teachers and girls here are so nice and friendly and they have helped me a lot. At the end of the February we had the Swimming Carnival, and I did breaststroke and the tyre relay. I am glad to have been involved in a lot of teamwork with other girls. I enjoy swimming and the Swimming Carnival!

During Home Group we do some interesting activities in the gym where I can talk with the girls from different grades, and I really enjoy it. I enjoy my time at Saints Girls. I am so glad to meet the teachers, the staff and the girls here!” – Hannah Shao

Erica Reid
International Student Captain

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Choral Night 2018

theater sign on curtain

‘Broadway Musicals’

Choral Night is a highlight on the Saints Girls’ calendar. Please join us for a night of great entertainment at 7pm on Wednesday 28 March at the Adelaide Convention Centre.

Tickets can be purchased from 9am Tuesday 13 March 2018 via www.trybooking.com/UNUE.

Time: 7pm
Date: Wednesday 28 March 2018
Venue: Hall L, Adelaide Convention Centre, North Terrace
Tickets: $10 each

We hope to see as many parents as possible join us for what is sure to be a fun and entertaining evening.

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Summer Interhouse Meal Deal

W5 Summer Interhouse Meal Deal

The Summer Interhouse will be held on Thursday 29 March 2018, the last day before Easter.

Please note the Summer Interhouse is for students in Years 7 -12, however the Summer Interhouse Meal Deal is available for all students from Reception – Year 12.

The Saints Sport Support Group (SSSG) will once again be cooking up lunch for all of our hungry Reception – Year 12 students on the day. Volunteers will hand-deliver the Reception – Year 2 lunches to the classroom for lunch time and Years 3 – 12 can pick up their lunches from the barbecue area. We’re again offering delicious Hamburger Meal Deals (vegetarian option available). Parents, give yourself a day off from making the school lunches and let us do it for you!

Please pre-order your daughter’s Meal Deal via www.trybooking.com/UGLN, as there will be no cash sales on the day. House water bottles and wrist bands can also be pre-ordered.

All proceeds raised by the Saints Sport Support Group directly benefit our Saints Girls and their sporting endeavours. Some of our recent purchases included awards for our 2017 volunteer coaches at our Sports Awards. We also funded an entire year group of girls to complete their Bronze Medallion in 2017, and plan to do the same in 2018.

Thank you so much for your kind support.

Saints Sport Support Group

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Olympic Guest Speaker for Head of the River Dinner!

W5 Rowing

Friends of Rowing are delighted to announce that Hannah Campbell-Pegg will be our guest speaker at the Head of the River Dinner on 17 March 2018.

Hannah made her Olympic debut at the 2006 Torino Winter Games and followed this up as Australia’s first luge dual-Olympian, competing in Vancouver at the 2010 Games. Prior to her involvement in the luge, Hannah was a member of the Australian bobsleigh team from 2002 to 2004. Since her retirement from competition, Hannah has coached for Australia at the 2012 Youth Olympics and the 2014 and 2018 Winter Olympics.

Hannah is well-known for her energy and fearless approach to a dangerous and demanding sport. Throughout her career, she suffered various crashes and is familiar with the need to manage stress and expectations prior to elite performances. She is a teacher at Ravenswood School in Sydney and is passionate about empowering young women to reach their potential.

Join us in listening to Hannah and enjoying a delicious two-course meal at the 2018 Head of the River Dinner.

$55 per person (parents and rowers)
$20 per child 11 years and under


Please note that bookings close 9am on Tuesday 13 March 2018.

Dr Jane Webb-Williams
President – Friends of Rowing

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Year 8s Explore Kangaroo Island

W6 Year 8 Camp
In Week 5, our Year 8 students went to Kangaroo Island for their camp. A few of the campers provided us with a recap of their experience away. It sounds like the camp was a great success!

“In Week 5, the Year 8s went to camp at Kangaroo Island. Even though we had to arrive at School at 6am, everyone had lots of fun over the week doing activities that challenged us all in different areas. On the Monday, after a rocky ferry trip, we all made our way to Little Sahara where everyone got covered in sand. We were then fortunate enough to see a bird show with some very large birds. The next day my class went on the 12km hike which challenged us all. Everyone carried their food, clothes, tents and trangias (which weighed a lot altogether) during the walk that took us through bushes and rivers. We stayed the night at a separate camp and cooked our own meals before going back to base camp the next morning for a day of caving and sightseeing.

We went adventure caving in the Kelly Hill Caves. This was quite fun for me as I found it very interesting. We also went to Remarkable Rocks and Admirals Arch during the day, which were both beautiful sites. On Thursday, we had a beach day. This would’ve been many of the classes’ favourite part of camp as it was very fun to unwind and rest and finally get clean. We started at a beach where some people snorkelled and after lunch we made our way to a beach where everyone was boogie-boarding and jumping through waves that were twice our height. By the Friday, everyone was exhausted and couldn’t wait to get home after not having showers or flushing toilets for a week, but camp was extremely fun and one of the best camps we’ve been on.” – Charlotte Adams

“Camp for 8AST was filled with fun and song. Every bus ride we would brutally punish the tired students and deafen Ms Stefopoulos & Mickey, our driver and camp leader, by singing our hearts out. We did many things on Kangaroo Islands, the best being the 15 km hike (though some would not agree), Remarkable Rocks, Admirals Arch, boogie boarding & snorkeling on our aquatics day.

The food was pretty good too, from bucket lunch to bacon and egg sandwiches and scroggin, we were all well fed. We were all pushed out of our comfort zone and challenged, while meeting and bonding with many new and “old” students and staff. Overall it was a great camp, a learning and bonding experience for all of us.” – Emily Teague and Indya Dodd

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Reception Classes Visit Fire Station

W6 Reception

Last week the Reception girls attended their first class excursion to the Adelaide Metropolitan Fire Station, in connection with our Term 1 central idea ‘People play different roles in the communities to which they belong’.

Before visiting, the girls were curious about the role of firefighters in our community and they were provided with the opportunity to think of questions they wanted to ask to deepen their knowledge.

The girls in OMK were excited to witness two official emergency callouts, and watched the firefighters slide down the fire pole and enter the fire trucks in under 60 seconds!

We all had a special tour around the fire station. We learned about the different types of trucks at the station, and where they store all the special fire fighting equipment.

We learned about the protective clothing and equipment that firefighters use when they are called out to an emergency. We also explored inside two fire trucks, and were lucky enough to have a turn at squirting the fire hose.

Thank you to the parents who came along and helped us on our excursion, and a big thank you to all of the firefighters who play an important role in helping to keep our community safe.

Michelle Liddy and Meg Karvonen
Reception Teachers

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Year 11 Spanish ab initio

W6 Spanish ab initio
What have our Year 11 IB Spanish ab initio students been doing during their first 6 weeks learning Spanish from scratch?

Starting to learn a language from scratch is always a surprising and exciting adventure.

Our Year 11 students have been doing so by singing songs, playing interactive language games, researching and presenting orally about some of the 21 Spanish-speaking countries and even by filming a finger puppet show speaking only in Spanish!

Here is what our Spanish students are experiencing so far:

“The Spanish ab initio course is helping me learn a new language, but it is also showing me that there are so many differences and occasionally, similarities between different languages and their cultures. It is incredibly fun to see the differences between English and Spanish and see how sometimes Spanish is a lot easier than English!” – Anushrii Nair

W6 Spanish ab initio 2“So far, what I have really enjoyed about Spanish is learning the different pronunciations of words and letter combinations. The songs are great because they’re really catchy and fun to try and remember with my friends who learn Spanish with me. The lessons are always really fun, fast paced, and engaging which suits my learning style really well. I like to be able to hear and absorb information quickly in a way that I can relate to, which Profe supports really well. We’ve learned a lot in Spanish so far: the alphabet, basic conversational phrases, adjectives, sentence structure, verbs and about Spanish-speaking countries and their culture. When we were learning about the countries I learned that llamas and alpacas come from Peru and that they are actually completely different animals (I used to think they were the same thing!).” – Isabelle Reynolds

“I find Spanish really interesting because it bears many similarities to French although, at times, it can be challenging due to the order of the words in comparison to English. Where in English we would say, “Have you seen the black cat?”, in Spanish you say, “Have you seen the cat black?” So, understandably, there are a few differences. I have also really enjoyed the songs that we have tried to learn so far.” – Rachel Banham

“I am really enjoying Spanish. We have done many different activities online and in class that help build our understanding of the language and the Hispanic culture. I really enjoy using ‘Duolingo’ to practise my Spanish vocabulary and learn new words and it can be addictive – so it is easy to do more than the allocated homework. Our lessons are always fun and energetic and the time seems to fly by; we enter the classroom and seem to go out minutes later!”– Ammi Yagnik

Ammi also created a video of a puppet show spoken entirely in Spanish. Click here to check it out!

Carolina Barquero Masero
IB Spanish ab initio Teacher

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Order Your 2018 | 19 Entertainment Book

W5 Entertainment Book

The 2017 | 18 Entertainment Membership is expiring on 1 June 2018. Pre-order your NEW 2018 | 2019 Entertainment Membership NOW!

As a St Peter’s Girls’ School Parents’ and Friends’ Association Fundraiser, part-proceeds from every book sold will go to a special element of our Master Plan which will be announced soon.

You can order via the form at the Front Office or pre-purchase online: Order your Entertainment Book here!

The Entertainment Book and new phone app offer our community members a great way to try out new restaurants and activities around SA, save money and, at the same time, support our girls.

Thank you in advance for your kind support and consideration.

The Parents’ and Friends’ Association

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Code Camp at St Peter’s Girls’ School

W5 Code Camp

St Peter’s Girls’ School will be hosting Code Camp Spark and Code Camp Ignite for students in Years 2 – 6 on 23, 24 and 26 April 2018, 9am – 3.30pm. The cost is $349 for three days.

Visit the Code Camp website for more information
Visit the St Peter’s Girls’ School booking page

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Coles Sports for Schools

W3 Sports for Schools

Until 15 June, those who shop at Coles will receive one Sports for Schools voucher for every $10 they spend (terms and conditions apply). We invite the Saints Girls’ community to bring the vouchers to the School and place them in one of two collection points: one by the gym and one at Student Services. Vouchers can then be redeemed for a variety of different sporting equipment.

The School is planning to donate the majority of sporting goods received from St Peter’s Girls’ vouchers to New Hope for Cambodian Children, where the Cambodia Trip students intend to visit at the end of the year.

Further details are available here.

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Sports News

W6 Sport

Many students currently have an opportunity to nominate for State school teams in a wide variety of sports and ages. Details on these can be found on the School sport website: https://www.decd.sa.gov.au/teaching/sport/sports-and-competitions. Just a reminder that students nominating for State teams, must be representing Saints in that sport to be eligible.


In Week 3 of Term 2 we will be again running our Interhouse Cross Country ‘Fun Run’. This event is also a major fundraiser and we will be raising money to go towards having a synthetic running track to our long jump pit. The ‘Fun Run’ promotes healthy and active lifestyles while helping us raise funds. It is about participation with students having an enjoyable day. Family support is the key to our fundraising success and although it is not compulsory we do encourage everyone to get involved.

In the coming weeks students will come home with further information about the day and will be able to create a student profile page. Students who raise just $10 will receive a reward for their effort, and the more they raise the better their reward.


Open A – Saints 33 defeated Seymour 28
The team came away with another win against a physical Seymour side. Missing a couple of players all the girls lifted which enabled the team to control the game on the offensive end. Captain Ella Robinson lead by example making some clutch shots towards the end of the game and was assisted by Sivanthi Sivasuthan who made some huge three pointers. The team also welcomed young Year 8 Anika Bruin who fitted into the team very well. The team is now on a three game winning streak. Well done girls. – Peter Krantis (Coach)

Middle A – Saints 15 defeated by Seymour 45
Another tough game with a few regulars out due to illness and we had to play two of the B grade girls to help with numbers. The team played well but could not make the most of our opportunities and score. Sophie was great grabbing plenty of rebounds and blocking shots and Caitlyn top scored coming up from the B Team. – Brenton Davies (Coach)

Middle B – Saints 23 defeated Seymour 22
A great win by the team. After getting out to a 10 point lead at half time and then seeing Seymour catch up and take the lead with only a couple of minutes remaining. The girls stayed calm and focused to get the lead back which was a tremendous result for these girls. We only had 6 and everybody contributed to the win against the much taller team. Willow top scored with 11 and Ellie shot well with 6 points. Well done girls it’s on three out of three. – Brenton Davies (Coach)

Middle C – Saints 10 defeated by Woodcroft 31
The team suffered their first loss of the season coming up against a much physically stronger side in Woodcroft. The game started extremely late which had an adverse effect on our girls. They created lots of shots but could not convert their chances and the good thing was their attitude and never gave up. – Peter Krantis (Coach)


Year 9A Rowing: Crew – Keely Flannagan, Ella Waltham, Olivia Kelly, Sophie Barr and Jodi Papendorf. The School Premiership series #3 was held at West Lakes last Saturday. We placed second in the heat, and with a very tight finish, second in the final to Pembroke making it a very exciting race. – Jodi Papendorf (Cox)


Open A – Saints 18 defeated Walford 0
Last weekend for our Open A girls we were prepared to beat Walford for this year’s Intercol shield. The team was enthusiastic and ready to face the Walford side. With a great win for another week the girls were proud of their efforts and are looking forward to have more wins in the future. Saints continued their recent good form with a great win against Cornerstone College. The girls played a really fantastic game with some great outs, especially Millie Wilkin’s amazing catch from left field. Overall the girls played a really great game and we are looking forward to heading off to the Knockout finals on 27 March. – Lulu Tierney (captain)

Open C – Saints 12 defeated Walford 6
Another outstanding by the team will combine experienced players with those new to the sport. All girls are playing well and showing signs of improvement and confidence. Keep up the great work. – Lulu Tierney (captain)

Year 5/6 Blue – no game due to camp

Year 5/6 White – no game due to camp

Year 5/6 Silver – no game due to camp

Year 5/6 Gold – no game due to camp

Year 3-4 Blue – Saints 17 defeated by Seymour 19
It was a great game from the girls giving lots of support to their team mates especially when our team was batting. The girls put up a good fight with special mention to Hayley for her excellent fielding and catching. – Kate McKellar-Stewart and India Deere (coaches)

Year 3-4 White – Saints 14 defeated Wilderness 2
This weeks game was really great for the year 3/4 white team. As the Wilderness team were short of three players, Summer, Rishita and Maddy courageously walked their way over to the opposition and played an outstanding game for Wilderness. Despite Wilderness losing to our team with a score of 14-2 the girls who played for the Wilderness team showed great sportsmanship when shaking hands at the end. Overall it was a great game by all the players and congratulations on the win girls! – Lulu Tierney and Alice Tyson (coaches)


Saints took the first step in qualifying for the State Secondary final with a comfortable 6 set to 0 win against Birdwood High. Saints will now face Henley High with the winner proceeding to the State Finals.

Premier League – Saints 6-36 defeated Immanuel 0-11
The Open A’s had an impressive win over Immanuel 6 sets to 0. Olivia Harby had a convincing win at number 4 of 6-0. The Open A’s securing another win to keep them in the running for the shield at the end of the year. – Yasmin Glazbrook (Captain)
Singles: Tiana Glazbrook 6-3, Yasmin Glazbrook 6-1, Sienna Glazbrook 6-2, Olivia Harby 6-0

Premier League Reserves – Saints 1-22 defeated by Immanuel 5-32
The open B’s lost with Annabel Baldwinson winning the only set. Number 4 Mia Dodd had a close loss of 5-6. Mia Dodd and Annabel Baldwinson paired up in doubles having a close loss followed by Maiya Jakupec and Imogen Nienaber. – Yasmin Glazbrook (Captain)
Singles: Annabel Baldwinson 6-2, Maiya Jakupec 3-6, Imogen Nienaber 2-6, Mia Dodd 5-6

Division 1 Blue – Saints 2-27 defeated by Walford 4-33
Singles: Mahala Truscott 6-4, Lily-Rose Spartalis 3-6, Chelsea Staples 6-5, Charlotte Staples 3-6

Division 1 White – Saints 4-30 defeated Walford 2-19
Singles: Taj Shahin 6-2, Ella Dnistriansky 6-2, Bridgette Leach 2-6, Willow Stewart-Rattray 6-1

Division 2 Blue – Saints 3-25 defeated by Walford 3-26
Singles: Tiffany Zhou 6-1, Adele Eaton 6-5, Georgia Langley 5-6, Stella Clark 0-6

Division 2 White – Saints 6-36 defeated Walford 0-13
Singles: Issy Harker 6-1, Annabelle Langley 6-1, Amelie Eaton 6-3, Lilly Alexander 6-1

Division 3 Blue – Saints 5-35 defeated Walford 1-13
Singles: Louisa Reid 5-6, Cheri Wong 6-0, Sophie Abbott 6-3, Siena Zito 6-0

Division 3 White – Saints 2-25 defeated by Walford 4-29
Singles: Shunem Josiah 5-6, Anneliese Thomas 1-6, Orla Clayton 6-2, Eva Young 4-6

Division 4 Blue – Saints 3-20 defeated by Saints Blue 3-23
Singles: Hattie Xu 1-6, Yujia Sun 0-6, Jialu Si 6-5

Division 4 White – Saints 3-23 defeated Saints White 3-20
Singles: Chase Hocking 6-1, Hilary Clark 6-0, Amy Hu 5-6

Junior – Division 1 – Saints 6-28 defeated Wilderness Green 0-6
Singles: Mathilda Thomas 4-2, Molly Dwyer 4-2, Marcella Tolley 4-0, Winnie Vartuli 4-0

Junior Division 3 – Saints 3-17 defeated Pulteney 3-15
Singles: Alexandra Nguyen 4-2, Jerrie Wu 3-4, Gloria Zou 4-0, Charlize Lim 0-4


Open A – Saints 3 defeated by Seymour 4
Starting off round 3 for Touch Football was Saint’s A team who were defeated by Seymour 3-4. Girls performed well in the middle by drawing players which forced gaps and allowed Holly Cunningham to score two tries and Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith one. In defence, everyone worked hard on initiating the touch, getting onside and talk to limit gaps made proving difficult for Seymour to get through. In attack, the girls rucked consistently and made ground effectively for the majority of the game. – Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith (Captain)

Open B – Saints 7 defeated Seymour 1
After a disappointing start where Seymour scored a try in the first minutes, Saints re-gained their composure and worked together well to score the next 7 consecutive tries. Strong rucking through the middle, and disciplined defence put the team into a number of try scoring positions, where our agile wingers were able to convert (Jemimah Simpson 3 and Hannah Freeman 4.) We also welcomed Eghihe Oyugbo to the team, who showed great promise to be a successful contributor in the weeks ahead. – Ben Goldsmith (Coach)

Open C – Saints had a bye

Middle – Saints 0 defeated by St Dominic’s 1
Throughout the game, Saints gained confidence and became stronger in defence preventing the opposition making ground. To further improve the team’s dynamics and skills, girls will focus on initiating the touch and rucking to gain ground, get the ball moving and in hope to get the opposition offside. Despite the results, all teams and players have worked hard at training and improved this week which is evident when playing competitively. Great work girls! – Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith (Captain)


Open A – Saints 3 defeated Walford 0 (25-12, 25-22, 25-18)
Brooke Elliott got the match off to a great start with a serving run winning 8 points in a row. Charlotte White returned to captain the team this week finding some great touches early with some strong net play. Chloe Deieso, while still learning the setting role, was also able to get a number of kills at the net leaving Walford reeling in the first set. Walford fought back in the second set but struggled to get past Isabella Villani playing a fantastic role as Libero chasing down and covering in defence. The team closed out the match in 2 sets but played out a 3rd set to ensure a winning start to the Intercol competition. – Alistair Keough (Coach)

Open B – Saints 1 defeated By Walford 2 (24-26, 16-25, 25-22)
This was an exciting match that had both coaches and supporters on the edge of their seats. Isobel Tan captained the team with enthusiasm and fun that kept the team focus and energized. After playing some of the Open A match to cover illness, Sivani Sivasuthan was influential in stopping balls at the net with good anticipation. Ankita Rajbhoj put up some great sets for Nicolette Miller to dominate at the net that left Walford scrambling in defence.
Some great combinations by the girls showed the promise is coming but we lost our way in the 2nd set struggling with defence and the better side won on the day. We played a 3rd set with the time left and were able to display some of the new skills the team has learnt so far this term and win the consolation set. – Alistair Keough (Coach)

Open C1 – Saints 2 defeated Walford 1 (22-25, 25-3, 25-21)
The Open C1’s played a nail biter of a game this week. After a slow start the girls unfortunately lost the first set but lifted their heads and fought back hard in the second set. Spectacular serving from Kate McKellar-Stewart secured us the second set, bringing us back into the game. The deciding third set was fantastic to watch. The enthusiasm was high and the girls didn’t let the pressure get to them. A joint team effort from every single girl won them the match. – Victoria Neale (Coach)

Open C2 – Saints 3 defeated Walford 0 (25-17, 25-10, 25-8)
The team showed great enthusiasm from the start and got away to a good lead before some late errors gave Walford a hope in the first set. Serving again featured well and when this was executed Saints won many points especially from Sarah Wishart, Ellen Zhang and Lola Dimond. After claiming the first set, Saints poured on the pressure with some good ground balls and setting from Paris Greene, Tilly McCormack and Jess Wishart. With the game won Saints continued to dominate claiming the 3rd and deciding set. – Neil Fuller (Coach)

Open D – Saints 3 defeated Walford 0 (25-19, 25-16, 25-6)
The Open D’s had a comfortable win over Walford this week. The girls came out hard from the start, gaining more and more confidence as the game went on. Georgina Bafile and Poppy Kirwan played particularly well, moving around the court well and had an attacking presence at the net, hitting any loose balls back at the opposition to win the point. – Victoria Neale (Coach)

Middle B – Saints 3 defeated Walford 0 (25-15, 25-14, 25-20)
Despite the year 9s only returning from camp the day before, the girls rocked up to the game excited and ready to play. It was a comfortable win for the girls, continuing to improve every week. Martha McCormack had a great game at the net finishing off some crucial points. Dayna Petruzzella also had a great game, although nervous as it was one of her first games with the Middle Bs, she proved she deserves her spot in the team. – Victoria Neale (Coach)

Middle C – Saints 3 defeated Walford 0 (25-20, 25-23, 25-13)
Due to work at training the girls are all improving each week and this was evident on Saturday. With more serves going in it increases the pressure on the opposition and this was best demonstrated by Sissi Jiang, Emeshe Robson and Jenna Bowden. In saying that all aspects of the game have improved with Lucy Moten, Eliza Monaghan, Grace Reynolds, Georgina Devine and Ayshviina Nair all contributing to the amazing win. – Neil Fuller (Coach)


Open A- Saints 17 defeated Pembroke 3
An absolutely incredible game from the girls defeating Pembroke where the mercy rule was implemented. The mercy rule is a rule that makes it a little bit more fair when a team is winning significantly, allowing the other team to play with an extra player, often implemented when one team is 10 girls ahead. Fantastic play from Nicolette Miller, who scored five of the goals. Undisputed highlight of the game was when Saskia Jonats scored a goal from the other side of the pool, from the Saint’s goal. Our team really demonstrated our strength last week and I am excited to see how we perform in the approaching finals. – Erin Barrera (Captain)

Open B – Saints had a bye

Open C – Saints 17 defeated Walford 2
The open C team managed to win their intercol game against Walford. A special mention to Holly Cardone who managed to score on multiple occasions while also playing exceptionally well in defence. Fortunately, with the open B team having no game that week, there was an enjoyable amount of reserves meaning that the girls were able to swap whenever they felt necessary – generally when out of breath. Overall, the open C team played to their best ability and highlighted their amazing cooperation and team work. Well done to the open C team!! – Lucy Young and Annie Baldwinson

Year 7/8A – no game due to camps

Year 7/8B – no game due to camps