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eNews – Week 5, Term 4 2021

Issue no. 35Enews-banner

From Our Deputy Principal / Head of Middle School

Adelaide Schools

Yesterday was the 11th of November, Remembrance Day. As has become our tradition, the whole School gathered to commemorate the official end of World War 1. This year, due to weather not untypical to that which the soldiers of World War 1 faced so regularly, we had to move the service to the Chapel. It never fails to impress me how respectful our students of all ages are at this moving commemoration, but also how keen they are to learn more about the struggles of serving women and men, past and present, and to pay their respects to those who have suffered as a consequence of conflict around the world. At a time when many students’ thoughts might be consumed by upcoming exams, the looming long summer break and perhaps an interstate or even international trip, this short time to reflect upon and give thanks for our own current state of relative safety is particularly poignant. I thank all those students and staff who prepared material for and contributed to this special service.

Whilst it is right to look back and reflect, it’s also impossible not to look forward to what the next few weeks bring by way of diverse artistic entertainment, before the more formal events that conclude the year are upon us.

In the next week alone, our students will be involved in the following showcase events:

– Year 9 – 11 Choreography Evening
– Year 9 Drama Production
– Year 8 Arts Night

Details of these events will be circulated via eNews or email as appropriate, and I hope to see you at one or more of these events as we celebrate the progress of those girls who have chosen to study curriculum Arts subjects. Always featuring high levels of student agency with opportunities for girls to design and direct performances, they are a great way for us to appreciate the physical, philosophical and artistic freedoms we are lucky and proud to have available to us.

Richard Lisle
Deputy Principal / Head of Middle School

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Fun Morning for Young Sports

Today’s R to 3 Sports Morning was a fantastic opportunity for our youngest students to enjoy their first taste of Sports Days to come. The girls worked tirelessly to prepare for the various activities and were super excited to showcase all they have learnt.

The events are based on different FUNdamental movement skills to build the girls’ physical literacy and inspire our future athletes to enjoy being physically active. They work in House groups to develop teamwork while fostering healthy competitiveness and respect to carry into all of their future sporting endeavours.

Alastair Eglinton
PE Teacher

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PE Week Flexes its Muscle

This week, Saints Girls celebrated PE Week. All year levels came together to participate in different sporting activities.

On Monday, the Junior School girls challenged themselves by taking on the ninja warrior obstacle course in the Gym. Tuesday saw a rock, paper, scissors game for girls in Reception to Year 3, while on the Oval, middle and senior students challenged staff in Touch Football. The students ran away with a 6 – 1 victory! It was great to see many of our girls on the Oval again on Wednesday as the tennis ball machined fired balls in the air for ‘classic catches’.

Yesterday, Years 4 to 6 enjoyed ‘capture the flag’ on the Oval, while the middle and senior volleyballers lined up for a friendly match against staff in the Gym. The atmosphere was buzzing, and the students secured a 2-set win. Today, our younger girls participated in the R to 3 Sports Morning, and we ran an energetic dodgeball competition for Years 4 to 12, concluding a successful week of friendly competition, fun and unity.

Thank you to the students and staff who contributed to PE Week, particularly the Year 6 Athletics and T-ball Captains, Year 9 Sport Captains and the Captains of individual sports.

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From Our 2022 Patteson House Captain

Every House plays an important role at Saints Girls. Throughout each year, all four Houses come together and compete in events such as Swimming Carnival, Sports Day and Choral Night. Beyond competition, however, that role is all the more important, providing an amazing opportunity for girls from Junior School to Senior School to work together and support each other. Another critical aspect of our House system is that teamwork and participation are key to success. For example, at Sports Day and Swimming Carnival, Houses with the best results usually have the highest participation rates. The novelty events require excellent communication and collaboration amongst the House members competing.

House meetings are also a great opportunity for girls from Years 7 to 12 to connect and establish relationships across year levels. The Houses provide a platform for Senior School girls to mentor and become role models for the younger girls, enabling the older girls to develop their leadership skills whilst helping younger students. These interactions create a great environment where everyone is comfortable and can achieve their very best, especially in House events.

In the Senior School, Houses become especially important for the girls, with House-based Home Groups for all three years. In Home Group sessions, girls plan events such as the House Dinner, House Charity activities and the biggest night of the year, Choral Night. This planning teaches the importance of organisation and working together efficiently to get the best results possible.

Without the House system, I would not have become as close to girls from across the year levels. Seeing so many girls give everything a go and then being supported by fellow House members is amazing. Next year, I look forward to watching the girls demonstrate their wonderful House spirit and seeing everyone come together in support of each other.

Ruby Deakin
2022 Patteson House Captain

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Volleyballers Net IGSSA Glory in 3-Set Thriller

Congratulations to our Open A Volleyball team who took out the IGSSA Shield with a nail-biting 3-set win!

After dropping the 1st set, the girls showed courage and resilience, making a tremendous comeback to seal victory.

Read the match report in our Sports News section below.

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Choreography Countdown to CREATE21

Our Year 9 – 11 Dance students are counting down to their Choreography Evening on Monday in our Arts Centre where they’ll present their routines in CREATE21.

Using the contemporary dance form to express ideas and concepts, the Year 9s will explore social, environmental and political issues, while the Year 10 and 11s will unpack the theme of ‘trapped’, each with different interpretations.

We hope to see you at our Choreography Evening; secure your free tickets via TryBooking

In the meantime, take an exclusive look behind the scenes:

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Final Act for Year 10/11 Drama in 2021

This week saw the Year 10 and 11 Drama classes deliver their final performances for the year. On Tuesday evening, the Year 10 class presented two plays in ‘A Night of the Absurd’. The Real Inspector Hound and The Bald Soprano were co-directed by students Zara Blight and Astrid Teague, giving the girls an opportunity to step into a leadership role and support their actor classmates. The surreal scenarios and absurd situations provided lots of laughs.

On Thursday evening, the Year 11 class, performing as production company ‘LimeLight’, presented the self-devised play Eve. It was a product of the girls writing and workshopping around themes of sexism, inequality and gender stereotypes. The piece used a variety of theatrical forms such as musical theatre, naturalism, film, puppetry and physical theatre to engage the audience in the life of ‘Eve Everywoman’, a character who represents the experiences of women in our society.

I am incredibly proud of the girls and their hard work over the past semester. Having the opportunity to present work to a live audience is an incredibly important part of the Drama experience, so thank you to all who attended!

Katherine Kitching
Drama Teacher

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Golden Opportunity for Global Science Olympian

Congratulations to Heidi Gong for winning a place at the UNESCO-sanctioned International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO). Heidi is one of six Science students selected for Australia’s first national team. We wish her all the best for next month when she’ll venture to Canberra to compete.

‘Over the course of my involvement in the IJSO program, I have been inspired by the possibilities for science moving into the future. The work has been difficult but highly rewarding. I am looking forward to going to Canberra and meeting my teammates in person.’ – Heidi Gong

‘Heidi has done the School proud in her efforts this year. To gain a High Distinction in the Junior Science Olympiad, be invited to the inaugural Junior School Olympiad Spring School, and then be selected to represent Australia in the international team is an incredible achievement in just over six months. She has shown commitment to her scientific studies and is a great role model to other students.’ – Craig Byrne

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Year 11s Shown the Ropes at Retreat

Last Thursday, the Year 11s set off on their group dynamics and leadership retreat to Glenhaven Park, just out of Roseworthy. After a warm welcome, they began activities, splitting into Home Groups and out into the beautiful weather.

The girls participated in assorted activities such as initiative games, high rope elements, the ‘giant swing’, the ‘leap of faith’, and low rope elements including the Mohawk Walk. They were exhilarated to try the giant swing and had to work collaboratively during other rope elements. Many attempted the leap of faith where they jumped off a high post hoping to catch hold of a swinging bar.

At night, the girls enjoyed a lovely meal and some time to organise Year 12 events in 2022. It was a fun evening followed by more activities on the Friday before returning to school in the afternoon. The girls felt it was a thoroughly worthwhile retreat with a range of activities maintaining high motivation levels across all House groups.

Dan Searle
Head of PE, Health & Outdoor Education

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Out of the Blue Arts Journal Launch

Congratulations to the Arts Journal Student Committee and Ms Burton-Howard for launching the 2021 edition of the Out of the Blue. On Wednesday, students, staff and parents attended the launch which was held in the School Chapel. Guests were fortunate to hear from artist and Old Scholar Jill Allen (nee Pavia, Patteson 1959). Jill spoke of her love and passion of The Arts, and students took the opportunity to ask questions about her exciting journey.

Students, Old Scholars and staff contributed incredible works to this year’s journal such as photographs, art, poetry and song lyrics.

To order your Journal and for more information, please email outoftheblue@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Well done to everyone involved in this special publication!

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Practice Makes Perfect for Aspiring Applicants

As part of their Personal Learning Plan, all Year 10 students recently took part in practice interviews. They were required to prepare an application letter and resume, and attend an interview with a potential ’employer’. Although the girls were nervous, and some approached their interview with a great deal of trepidation, the experience was certainly beneficial and is a life skill with many other applications. The guest ’employers’ were impressed by how the girls approached the experience.

Thanks must go to our volunteers, all of whom gave up their time willingly, some year after year, to provide the girls with a valuable experience. This year, I would like to thank the following people: Megan McCormack, Stuart Manson, Beba Brunt-Lawes, Fiona McGregor, Melissa Westgate, Susanna Anderson, Geoff Farr, Lisa Hollis and Tami Portakiewicz.

Karen Alderson
SACE Coordinator/Careers Advisor

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Saints Star in Hating Alison Ashley – Shows Tomorrow!

We’re excited for Saints Girls who’ll be appearing in the production Hating Alison Ashley by Shane Davidson Presents.

Stella Fuidge plays Alison, while Maggie Cannon and Lola Storer are sharing the role of Erica Yurken. Erica is destined for a glittering career on the stage, that is until Alison Ashley arrives. Alison is a talented, rich and beautiful girl – the sort of person many people hate! This production is based on the famous Australian novel by Robin Klein, and this hilarious comedy will entertain audiences of all ages.

Saturday 13 November – TOMORROW!
1pm and 7.30pm
Holden Street Theatres, Hindmarsh

Tickets via TryBooking

Shane Davidson
Year 5 Teacher

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Bushfire Action Plan

As summer approaches, it is timely to remind families about the School’s Bushfire Action Plan.

The policy was developed in consultation with the CFS, MFS, Department for Education and other stakeholders to ensure staff and students are prepared in the event of an emergency.

For more information, you can access our Bushfire Action Plan on the myLink Parent Portal by clicking the ‘School Documents’ menu item, followed by the ‘Whole School’ tab.

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Community at Saints Girls

Parents are a vibrant and integral part of the St Peter’s Girls’ community. Many opportunities are available to become involved with the School, connect with other community members, and build strong and lasting friendships.

Friends of Rowing Meeting – Next Week

Tuesday 16 November
Senior Art Room

Contact: Ed Parker – edontheroadagain@hotmail.com

Melissa Westgate
Foundation Manager

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School Banking: A Message from Commonwealth Bank

‘For 90 years, our School Banking program has helped children learn about money, reinforced the importance of regular savings and provided structure for parents to support their children to save.

Though the program continues to have strong support from schools, parents and teachers, recent decisions by some state and territory governments because of a review by the corporate regulator mean we are unable to continue providing programs in schools, and we have had to make a difficult decision to close our School Banking program for all government and non-government schools across the country.

Our School Banking program was established in 1931 at a time when having a bank account was not commonplace, and since then we have helped more than 15 million Australians take their first financial steps. This would not have been possible without the wonderful support we have received from schools like yours, including all the parents and volunteers, and for this we are deeply grateful. Thank you.

School Banking has taught so many young Australians, past and present, the value of money and we believe this should be celebrated. We have created a place for you to share your stories, fondest memories and lessons learnt through the program. To share your story, please visit commbank.com.au/schoolbanking.

Even though the CommBank School Banking program will not be returning to your school after this year, you can continue to make deposits into your child’s Youthsaver account through online transfers or at any CommBank branch. If you need further information please phone 132 221 or visit your local CommBank branch.’

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Entertainment Membership

To support Saints Girls and secure your Entertainment Membership, click here.

Adelaide Schools

Terms and conditions apply. Visit www.entertainment.com.au for more information.

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Health Notices

The School has been notified of several suspected cases of viral gastroenteritis.

Symptoms usually last one or two days and include:

  • mild fever
  • nausea and vomiting
  • stomach cramps
  • diarrhoea

Viral gastroenteritis is spread through contamination of hands, objects or food with infected faeces or vomit. The virus is then taken in by the mouth. It can also be spread through coughing and sneezing.

People should be excluded from childcare, pre-school, school and work until there has been no diarrhoea or vomiting for at least 24 hours. If the gastroenteritis is known or suspected to be caused by norovirus, the exclusion period is 48 hours.

For further information on symptoms, treatment and prevention, click here. Please note the recommendations regarding hand washing in particular. The School applies strict hygiene protocols for the safety of our community, and we ask families for their cooperation and vigilance.

If your child will not be attending school/ELC, please notify the School via one of the methods listed in the following absences article.

If you have any queries, please contact the Health Centre via 8155 5762 or healthcentre@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

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Absences from School

If your child is going to be absent, late to school or leave early, please use one of the following methods to notify the School providing student name, class/Home Group and reason:

Text: 0428 601 957

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Phone: 8334 2200

Feel free to include the class/Home Group teacher when emailing. It would be appreciated if notifications could be made prior to 9am.

It is absolutely imperative to keep unwell children at home until they have recovered, even if symptoms are mild. This is not only for their own health and safety, but for that of all students and staff.

We thank all of our families for their cooperation.

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Sports News


Middle A: Saints 25 v Walford 21
Middle B: Saints 37 v Wilderness 26
Middle C: Saints v Wilderness


Saints 7/39 v Seymour A 2/83
Saints 3/55 v Seymour B 6/77

The girls made big improvements from their previous fixtures, batting first, and putting on a score of 55/3 – their highest tally so far in this short season. Carys Kinsella-White top-scored with 17, including 3 pull shots that went to the boundary. All the girls who batted improved in finding singles, putting the fielding team under pressure, and rotating the strike. They also placed a high value on their wickets, conceding only 3 to Seymour. There were improvements in the field as well, taking 6 wickets, including 4 catches. The bowlers improved, restricting the runs in the later overs, but unfortunately, the opponent’s openers had done the damage early. A strong performance that showed substantial improvement and promise for the future.


Div 1: Saints Yellow 3 (22) v St Ignatius 3 (21)
Saints Blue 2 (24) v St Ignatius 4 (30)


Open A: Saints 2 v Pembroke 1
Open B: Saints 2 v Woodcroft 0
Open B1: Saints 2 v Woodcroft 1
Middle A: Saints 0 v Concordia 3
Middle B: Saints 0 v Concordia 3

Our Open As finished what has been a fantastic year of Volleyball with a dramatic victory against Pembroke. Our 1st set was not ideal. The girls were so nervous, they weren’t playing their game, and instead playing to Pembroke’s pace, which led to a quick 7 – 25 loss. In the 2nd set, we were down 5 points early, which did not help. However, as if a switch had clicked in the team’s chemistry and performance, the girls suddenly started playing amazingly, from perfect communication, well placed serves, and just tons of support for each other, whether they won or lost the point. The 2nd set was close, but we managed to narrowly win after another great Joss Forster serve from a spot one of the players struggled to reach, resulting in us winning the set 25 – 23. We had the momentum, so I was confident that we could pull ahead and claim victory. The 3rd set was almost the same as the 2nd where the girls were struggling, but at 9 – 15 down, Lucy White came out firing with bullet quick serves and a massive block against one of Pembroke’s biggest hitters which turned the tables. From there, the score was dead even, with us securing a point or 2, then Pembroke winning it back until it was 24 – 23 to us, match point for the IGSSA Shield. I told the girls to relax and treat this last point like any other, and to not rush, or else we lose the pace that we made Pembroke play against and could lose the game. The last few points were too close for comfort, where it was 24 – 25, and a hit just went out which helped us tie the score 25-all. Toni had the right idea to serve the ball safe and force Pembroke to make the mistakes, and it worked. Our defence was stronger which helped us transition better to offence, and because of that, we managed to take out the last set 27 – 25, winning us the game and the Shield. The last and only time that we won the Shield was in 2015 in the 3-way draw with Concordia and Westminster. I can’t express enough how happy I am of the team, overcoming the odds in typical Saints’ fashion. – Shaun Lee (Volleyball Coach)


Open A: Saints 14 v St Mary’s 7
Open B: Saints 12 v Pembroke 1
Open C: Saints 11 v Mercedes 1
Middle A: Saints 16 v Wilderness 2



In Week 4, from Monday to Thursday, I played 7 twenty matches of SAPSASA Cricket as part of the Eastern Metro Girls’ team. I was very grateful to be selected and had a wonderful experience meeting many new people. Our team was undefeated and won the competition for the third year in a row. – Lucy Lowry (Year 7 student)


Recently, I participated in Football SA’s trial process which includes eight days of selection. I was chosen to be a part of the U15 FFSA State Squad 2022. This program is part of the National Talent Player Pathway which identifies players from each State, providing a direct link to National team programs. This year, I played in the U14 team and had a blast, as well as learning many new things from my amazing coaches and teammates. Sadly, Nationals was cancelled this year due to COVID, so I’m really looking forward to it next year. I am super excited to be a part of this team and to start pre-season next week! – Chloe Richardson (Year 7 student)

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