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eNews – Week 5, Term 4 2020

Issue no. 35Enews-banner

From Our Head of Junior School

PE Week

Suzanne HaddyWe’ve enjoyed a fabulous range of events celebrating physical activity at Saints Girls this week. For Junior School students, it started on Monday with a ‘flash mob’-style dance routine on the oval. The Year 6 House Leaders taught their R – 6 House groups a health hustle last week, and to celebrate the beginning of PE Week, this became a dance en masse. It was an absolute delight to see the entire Junior School coming together for a routine in unison.

Sports activities at lunchtimes were organised for students of all ages by our Senior School Sports Captains, and as always, it demonstrated the lovely connections between students across the year levels. The Staff vs Student touch football match on Wednesday drew a huge crowd and was a great demonstration of our students’ skills and fitness, while giving the staff something to work towards next year!

On Thursday, students from Years 4 to 6 enjoyed a presentation by Olympic marathon runner Jess Stenson (née Trengove). Her talk about goal-setting, starting small, persistence, self-belief and aiming high resonated with the students and linked beautifully with the messages learned through our #EMPOWHER sessions.

Today saw the Junior Sports Morning being enjoyed enormously by our Reception to Year 3 students and parents. There was much excitement to begin the day, as our Year 6 leaders led their enthusiastic younger House members in out-cheering the other House groups. A wide variety of activities followed, with Year 6 students overseeing and assisting at each location. Our younger students are to be congratulated for the skills and determination they showed as they moved through each station, throwing, catching, running, balancing and racing. It was a great end to PE Week.

Suzanne Haddy
Head of Junior School

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Good Sports Rally at Saints Girls

W5 - PE Week

PE Week featured girls from a number of year levels participating in a range of physical activities at lunchtimes. This was a great opportunity for girls to stay active during the school day and try some of the different sports offered at Saints. The week kicked off on Monday with Years 4 – 6 in the Gym playing badminton and Receptions to Year 3 out on the oval playing catch with the ball machine. Games of dodgeball, soccer, water polo and even a 100m rowing challenge were also held throughout the week involving girls from Reception right through to Year 11.

On Tuesday, girls in Years 5 – 10 had the expertise of Payneham Aussie Rules coaches to practise their footy skills on the oval. On Thursday, Years 4 – 6 were lucky enough to speak to Olympic marathon runner Jess Stenson (née Trengove) about her experiences.

The most anticipated event of PE Week, Staff vs Student touch footy, took place on Wednesday. The students managed to continue their winning streak, much to the teachers’ disappointment. The week was rounded out on the oval with the Receptions to Year 3s enjoying their Junior Sports Morning.

Sophie Barr
2021 Sport Prefect


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Remembrance Day 2020

W5 - Remembrance Day 2020
The annual Remembrance Day Service at St Peter’s Girls was a wonderful opportunity for students and staff to come together at the end of a challenging year for many in the community. The anniversary of the end of World War 1 affords us the opportunity to pause in our busy lives to give thanks for the sacrifice of Australia’s servicemen and women, past and present. It is also the 75th anniversary of the end of World War 2. In a year when so much attention and concern has been devoted to safety and security at home, it was a timely opportunity to acknowledge the members of our defence personnel currently serving abroad.

Insights From Across the School Community

Year 6 student Holly Robinson read her own poem composition which reflects on the impact of war and is dedicated to her grandparents and extended family. Here is an extract:

I wear this pin,
Upon my chest,
In memory,
Of those who rest.
In poppy fields,
Of red and black,
Who fought in war,
And didn’t come back.

I imagine now,
What it was like to be,
My ancestors,
Who came before me.
Their families,
Who cried and prayed,
For their soldiers,
To come back one day.

So I wear my poppy,
Of red and black,
To remember those,
Who fought back.
To honour the brave,
Who gave their lives,
And to support the souls,
Who selflessly died.

Staff member Michelle Cox also spoke of what Remembrance Day means to her following her more than 20 years’ military service in a number of conflict zones throughout her career. It was a privilege to hear Michelle’s unique insights into the ongoing significance of the occasion. This is an extract of her reflection:

To be a part of these significant services has always been important to me throughout my military career; a time when men and women throughout the world put aside their differences to acknowledge this day.

For me, Remembrance Day is a day I feel indebted. Without the sacrifice of the many men and women who put their lives on the line daily for our proud nations, we would not live in the safety we do today.

I not only remember our fallen, I also remember those who returned home, broken and not the same as when they left. Friends and people close to me who did not get on the plane to come home, or now struggle with day-to-day life due to injury or reliving nightmares from their experiences.

After serving in Iraq, Northern Ireland and other conflict areas, I am glad to be one of the many who returned home, safely to my family. It is important to me to also remember those people whose lives have been affected by wars and conflict, who do not get to welcome home their loved ones.

Our Year 10 Reconciliation Ambassadors Tara Young and Letitia Page-Thompson also shed light on how Remembrance Day coincided with NAIDOC Week for the first time, and how indigenous servicemen were called upon to make an immense sacrifice:

Indigenous servicemen could only enlist in World War 1 by denying their heritage, as non-citizens were not allowed to serve. The flip side of this was that, if someone identified as indigenous, they were denied the benefits given to veterans and their families after the war.

NAIDOC Week allows us to acknowledge that no one should have to deny their proud heritage, especially when they were volunteering to fight and prepared to die for Australia.

As a School community, it is important to reinforce the significance of these occasions to younger Australians and come together in a spirit of reverence and reflection that past sacrifices have helped us to preserve the rights and freedoms of the present day.

Gregor Dingwall
Head of Humanities

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Mind Lab Players at Top of Their Game

W5 - Mind Lab

As part of the Junior School curriculum, the girls participate in Mind Lab sessions, developing their cognitive, emotional and ethical skills through game play. They learn methods and strategies through the problems that arise, building their resilience and challenging their mind. On Monday 9 November, I was fortunate to accompany seven Year 6 girls and a Year 5 student selected to play for St Peter’s Girls after a rigorous tournament involving their peers. The girls represented the School at the Mind Lab Interschool Competition with pride, competing against a number of independent schools from around Adelaide.

As there are four Mind Lab Olympic Games – Abalone, Quoridor, Checkers and Octi – two girls were selected for each game. I am proud to announce that in their respective teams, St Peter’s Girls finished in 4th and 6th position, with individual awards received by Nethushi Ratnayake (Checkers, 1st place) and Jiahui Zhang (Abalone, 3rd place). This is an outstanding achievement as it was an extremely tough competition. All of the girls demonstrated courage, handling themselves with grace in defeat and humility in victory.

Sarah Mulraney
Year 5 Teacher

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Oarsome New Chapter for Saints’ Rowing

On Sunday 8 November, the Friends of Rowing hosted their Season Opening Picnic on Chiverton Lawns. This annual event is an opportunity to celebrate the beginning of the new Rowing season. It is also a great time for us to welcome both new and returning families to the Rowing community. This particular event held special significance, as it doubled as the christening of the School’s first-ever boat, a new 1st VIII boat for our Senior rowers.

The new boat was christened ‘Courage’. Although compassion and even creativity are needed by our rowers, it is courage that resonates most strongly. The Rowing Program at Saints Girls is underpinned by a courageous spirit. We ask our rowers to show courage in so many ways: it takes courage to try rowing for the first time; it takes courage to rely on the rest of your crew; it takes courage to ask your coach for help, to have a tough conversation with a crew mate. We hope that every time our rowers see the name ‘Courage’, they will have the courage to strive, to dare, to be ambitious, and to do everything they can to be their best.

Thank you to the Friends of Rowing and all of the parents who volunteered in preparing for the event and assisting on the evening. It was a fabulous night enjoyed by all, and it would not have been possible without these contributions.

Emma Robinson – Friends of Rowing President
Brynley Millward – Director of Rowing

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Great Job at Year 10 Interviews

W5 - Interviews

As part of their Personal Learning Plan, all Year 10 students took part in a practice interview on Friday 6 November in the Library. This task requires all students to prepare a letter of application and resume and to attend an interview with a potential employer.

Although the girls were nervous and some approached their interview with a great deal of trepidation, the experience is very beneficial and is a life skill that has many other applications. It was noted by all of the employers the impressive way that the girls approached the task.

Thanks must go to our volunteer employers who gave up their time willingly, some year after year, to provide the girls with this most valuable experience. This year, I would like to thank the following people: Geoff Farr, Megan McCormack, Stuart Manson, Melissa McCormack, Beba Brunt, Tami Portakiewicz, Tony Houey, Susanna Anderson, Lisa Hollis, Fiona McGregor and Di Nicholls.

Karen Alderson
SACE Coordinator/Careers Advisor

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EDGE Day Out of this World

W5 - EDGE Day
Yesterday, the girls in the EDGE program were fortunate to be involved in a day full of creativity, ideation and collaboration. Students from Reception all the way through to Year 10 travelled to the planetarium at UniSA where they participated in team-building activities, watched films about space and were given the task of creating a machine to solve the issue of ‘space junk’. We then returned to school where, in teams, we had to present a model of our creation. EDGE Day was a great opportunity to form connections and friendships with girls in other year levels.

Lucy Moten
Year 10 student

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May the Force be with Year 2

W5 - Year 2

The Year 2 scientists participated in a special ‘Motion Mission’ workshop on Tuesday as part of PE Week. They engaged in six activities with everyday toys to investigate the push and pull forces. The girls thoughtfully considered the way each item moved and identified the push or pull force that created the motion. There was some lively discussion about friction and how this causes the motion to stop! The girls love being observational scientists as they develop and test real-world theories.

Kathryn Clark and Rebecca Greenhalgh
Year 2 Teachers

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Senior Drama Girls Wow Crowds

W5 - Drama

On Tuesday, the Year 10 and 11 Drama students presented two plays, Juliet and This Guy Romeo and Oz, both by playwright Don Zolidis. The girls combined to form their own theatre company, ‘10.5 Productions’, which aims to present work that ‘relates, creates and fascinates’. The audience was delighted by the humorous parodies of well-known stories, laughing along to the antics of some much-loved characters delivered with a contemporary twist. The girls would love to thank all of the people who came along to support them as they shared their hard work.

Katherine Kitching
Drama Teacher

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Green Light for Out of the Blue

W3 - Out of the Blue Committee

It is finally reaching that time of the year – no, not Christmas, but the release of our first-ever Out of the Blue Arts Journal! A group of senior students has spent the year bringing this massive project to life, creating a journal showcasing the best of art from ELC to Year 12, and even including some pieces from our esteemed staff and Old Scholars.

This coffee table book contains select poems, photographs, drawings, paintings, songs, and even dances, from across our School community with more than 250 pieces from over 150 of the best artists St Peter’s Girls has to offer. Out of the Blue doesn’t just show the incredible art of our community, it is also a snapshot in time; art reveals our values, and so this journal represents the thoughts, feelings, aesthetics and principles of Saints Girls in 2020. It contains reactions to the coronavirus, the bushfires and feelings of isolation, but also the love, hope, support and joy that many of us have experienced this year.

Parents are able to pre-order a copy via https://www.trybooking.com/BMJWF and a launch will be taking place on 17 November, to which parents of students with showcased art will be invited.

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Step Up to Help Others

On Monday 23 November, we have our new student orientation and ‘step up’ day for students currently in Reception to Year 9. This will be a non-uniform day and students are asked to come to school in neat casual clothes. This year, we would like to extend the invitation to the students in Year 10 and 11 to participate. For the privilege of not wearing uniform and to extend our service to others less fortunate than ourselves, we ask that all students bring an item to put under our Giving Tree.

The Giving Tree will be set up in the Arts Centre foyer for the final three weeks of term. All donations will be given to AnglicareSA. This year, AnglicareSA aims to hand out over 1500 food hampers and gifts to support families and individuals this Christmas who have no one else to turn to. They also provide Christmas lunch to 200 people at the Elizabeth Mission. Students are welcome to bring additional items at any time until the end of term.

AnglicareSA – Food Hamper Ideas
AnglicareSA – Christmas Gift Ideas

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School Shop – Student Transition from Year 3 to Year 4

As current Year 3 students transition to Year 4, they will be required to have a jumper and blazer from the first day of Term 1, 2021.

With the end of term approaching, a high number of new student fittings and health restrictions, it is advisable to contact the School Shop to make an appointment on 8334 2228.

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Meningococcal ACWY – Catch Up Program

The School Immunisation Program for 2020 includes Meningococcal ACWY (Nimenrix) for all Year 10 students only. Young people aged 15 to 19 are eligible for a government-funded Meningococcal ACWY catch up program.

As your School’s immunisation provider, Eastern Health Authority can offer this free vaccination service to students in Year 10 who may have missed vaccination this year, or Year 11 and 12 students who have not previously been immunised. For families residing within our council areas, we are also able to offer this catch up vaccination to adolescents under the age of 20 who may have left the School in recent years.

Meningococcal is a rare but very serious and often life-threatening disease, with adolescents at increased risk. Available vaccination for Meningococcal includes protection from B strain (Bexsero – provided at Year 10 at school) and A, C, W and Y strains (Nimenrix – provided at Year 10 at school). W and Y strains are becoming more prevalent in Australia, with Meningococcal W having a higher fatality rate than other types of Meningococcal disease.

We strongly encourage those eligible for this vaccination to visit one of our clinics to help protect themselves from this disease.

Book online via eha.sa.gov.au or phone 8132 3600 for further information.

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Sports News

W5 - Sport


Year 5/6 Blue – Saints 2.2 – 14 defeated by Walford 5.8 – 38
The girls again tried their best and are consistently improving each time. Maddison Sims played a great game in defence and had some excellent runs to bring the ball up the field. Chyndelle Capobianco also played well, picking up ground balls and never giving up. – Maia Schnaars (Coach)

Year 5/6 White – Saints 3.7 – 25 defeated by Pembroke 6.13 – 49
Pembroke and St Peter’s Girls were evenly matched and were both putting on a very skilled display. Lyra Cox, Charlotte Catchpole, Lucy Tulloch and Izzy Huf all got amongst the ball up forward, before Lucy had to come from the ground after a courageous contest. Cleo Hart, Isabella Blake and Phoebe Lucas all started in defence and were kept busy for the majority of the match. The tackling pressure and the girls’ endurance really impressed. Congratulations to the best players for this match: Elodie de Wit who was willing to be involved in every contest, broke tackles and kicked a huge goal, Emily Bates who rucked the entire game and provided a marking option, and Phoebe Lucas who provided line breaking run and carry. – Mark Routley (Coach)


Middle – Saints 17 defeated Pembroke 15
The girls played an amazing game against Pembroke who also had a strong side, but were unable to obtain the win. Zara Wallace and Elysia Scarr were outstanding in the field, and Mollie Kennett had a strong batting game. Yvanda also had an amazing game, making some great contact with the ball! Nellie Ion and Georgie Williams were both much more confident when batting, an awesome achievement considering Pembroke had the advantage of a State pitcher. Great job to all the girls! – Kellie Bested (Softball Captain)

Year 3/4 Teeball – Saints White 15 defeated Saints Blue 8
The game showed the improvement that has been made this term in fielding and batting skills which will hopefully be beneficial as the girls progress into softball in the future. With just a couple of more games to go, let’s hope we can continue to develop skills and gain confidence. – Payne Sowter (Coach)


This was the last round for Saints’ Open A and Bs. Conditions were harsh for the second week in a row, being extremely hot on the court. However, our girls prevailed with a set score of 4-2 against Concordia. Britney and I had a strong start with a 6-0 win in doubles, whilst Tahlia and Sienna lost 2-6 in a hard-fought game against two very good players. Tahlia showed great fighting spirit in her singles and played some awesome tennis which all the spectators really enjoyed to watch, but ultimately lost 2-6. Fortunately, even after an initial loss in doubles, Sienna went out firing and managed to claim a win, 6-2. Britney also played some great tennis, hitting some amazing winners to take the match 6-2, and I managed to claim a 6-0 win. This was a great end to the season with some fantastic tennis being played and we were able to claim a 4th place finish. Once again, a big thank you and good luck to Year 12 student and 2020 Tennis Captain Annie Baldwinson as she starts her new adventure. – Ruby Deakin (2021 Captain)

Premier League – Saints 4-28 defeated Concordia 2-16
Singles: Tahlia Cahill 2-6, Sienna Glazbrook 6-2, Ruby Deakin 6-0, Britney Korir 6-2

Premier Reserves – Saints 4-28 defeated Concordia 1-13
Singles: Imogen Nienaber 6-3, Grace Beaumont 6-1, Bridgette Leach 6-3

Division 1 Blue – Saints 0-6 defeated by St Ignatius 6-36
Singles: Georgia Mallick 1-6, Ariel Spartalis 3-6, Eva Young 2-6, Adele Eaton 0-6

Division 1 White – Saints 4-27 defeated St Ignatius 2-20
Singles: Bridgette Leach 6-3, Malaika McLeod 6-1, Soph Ryan 2-6, Ayanna Roy 6-3

Division 2 – Saints 5-30 defeated St Ignatius 1-14
Singles: Sapphire Moser 6-2, Sophie Abbott 0-6, Eva Chassiotis 6-1, Alison Francis 6-1

Division 3 Blue – Saints 3-27 defeated St Ignatius 3-26
Singles: Chloe Richardson 6-3, Elodie de Wit 4-6, Shirley Liu 6-2, Olivia Reynolds 1-6

Division 3 White – Saints 0-12 defeated by St Ignatius 6-36
Singles: Gloria Zou 0-6, Zihan Huang 1-6, Tara Nedumaran 1-6, Lydia Tolley 5-6

Division 4 – Saints 1-11 defeated by Wilderness 5-33
Singles: Nathara Perera 0-6, Amy Hu 0-6, Kaylah Park 6-3, Freya Hermann 0-6

Junior Division 1 – Saints 1-6 defeated by Pembroke Blue 5-22
Singles: Sophie Blight 1-4, Emily Bates 4-0, Charlotte Thorpe 0-4, Mia Bennett 1-4

Junior Division 2 – Saints 6-29 defeated St Andrews 1-6
Singles: Sophie Wiggins 4-0, Abbey Phillips 4-1, Chelsea Francis 4-0, Scarlett Parker 1-4, Stella Fuidge 4-0


Open A – Saints 1 defeated by Marryatville 5
It was great to have the Year 12s back for their final game at Saints. Although Marryatville were very talented, the girls remained persistent in defence, stopping many tries. Hannah Freeman dove and scored an amazing try, assisted by Belle Black. Unfortunately in the end, Marryatville were too strong for us, but there was a great feeling amongst our team that we had pushed them throughout most of the game. All the best to our Year 12 teammates with the rest of their exams. – Holly Cardone (2021 Captain)

Open B – Saints 4 defeated Seymour 3

Open C – Saints 1 defeated by Mercedes 3

Middle A – Saints 0 defeated by Marryatville 5
The girls played a hard game. We had some great attacks and stopped a few attempts along the try line. We tried very hard to score through wraps and ‘quickies’, but unfortunately, we couldn’t quite get there. I think we could improve a bit on our line defence by practising this at training, as well as ensuring our positioning is deep enough to cause damage to opponents. – Mathilda Thomas

Middle B – Saints 1 defeated by Mercedes 6
The girls played a really challenging game this week and improved as the match went on. We had great defence on the line but just couldn’t catch some of the other team’s fast runners. Well done to Dani Cox and Poppy Oswald on their efforts throughout the game. Well done to Alice Braithwaite for scoring our try. – Sophie Edwardes

Middle C – Saints 2 defeated by St Michael’s 5


Open A – Saints 0 defeated by Concordia 3 (16-25, 21-25, 8-23)
With both sides going undefeated into the final match of the season and the pennant on the line, the result would be decided by who was able to manage under pressure. We started slowly, struggling to find rhythm in the cauldron that is the Concordia gym. Clair Kao served up a storm, but the opposition did not let up and were strong from the start, taking the first set. The second set began much like the first until Charlie Fishlock and Anna White served us into contention and we led going into the backend of the second. Concordia proved they are a quality team and came back strongly on the back of some powerful hits to win the second. The girls should be proud of their achievements, finishing the season in 2nd place overall and only dropping one match, unfortunately it was the final. We say goodbye to Clair Kao who has proved to be a huge asset to the team, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the girls for all their efforts and wish them good luck for the future. – Alistair Keough (Coach)

Open B – Saints 3 defeated Concordia 0 (25-23, 25-19, 22-13)
Nerves gave Concordia a 0-7 head start after losing the toss. Samantha Keough served brilliantly and got us back to 14-14, and Sophie Norman served out the set under pressure. Again starting slowly, we dropped serve and found ourselves 0-8 in the second. The girls rallied and got themselves back on top on the back of some great control and closed out the second a little more easily. With their tails up and a much more confident start in the third, Sivanthi Sivasuthan served strongly to give the team every chance of retaining 2nd spot on the ladder. A great team effort showed the cohesion and confidence growing in the team. It is terrific to see the girls still learning and challenging themselves and each other right to the last point. An exciting match to finish a great season, 2nd on the ladder with so much promise to come. – Alistair Keough (Coach)

Open C – Saints 0 defeated by Concordia 3 (12-25, 11-25, 6-25)
A tentative start where the girls took a while to find their voice and energy. It was a tough match against a team that had two good servers and we struggled to return. There were some solid set ups and rallies by the girls, but Concordia were are able to close out the sets on the back of their strong serving. A serving run by Rebecca Holloway in the second set and Georgina Devine finding some spark in the third demonstrated a great team effort for the last match of the season. – Alistair Keough (Coach)

Middle A – Saints 0 defeated by Concordia 3 (22-25, 14-25, 18-25)
Saints played a competitive game against a strong opponent who were well organised and clinical in their attack. Saints had to defend tough serves and tried to use 3 hits more effectively. The team impressed with the response against a quality side and tried serving overarm with great improvement. – Milli Gentle (Coach)

Middle B – Saints 0 defeated by Concordia 3

Middle C – Saints 0 defeated by Concordia 3 (10-25, 16-25, 14-25)
The girls played really well, improving in their teamwork and enthusiasm as the game progressed. – Ava Loechel (Coach)

Middle D – Saints 0 defeated by Concordia 3 (13-25, 19-25, 17-25)
Despite the loss, the girls are improving every week. The game saw some good serves and a real enthusiasm for the sport which was great! – Ava Loechel (Coach)

Year 6 Blue – Saints 1 defeated by Saints White 2
The girls had a tough game coming up against their friends and now rivals, the Saints’ Year 6 White team. They started off neck-and-neck with their opponents. Some great serving helped them stay in the game, but unfortunately, the ability of the other team to keep getting the ball up and over the net allowed them to win the first set by 2 points. The second set began with a serving run by the other team. Despite the slow start, great serving, rallies and receives allowed the girls to get right back in contention; however, Saints’ Blue team managed to scrape past for victory. In the third, the girls managed to claw their way back to win the set. Some amazing resilience and skill was displayed and the girls should be proud of themselves. – Ruby Deakin (Student Coach)

Year 6 White – Saints 2 defeated Saints Blue 1
The girls played an outstanding game against the other Saints’ Year 6 side. They displayed great teamwork from the sidelines and communication on the court. Their game play and skills highlighted their improvement since the last game, and their determination led to them winning the first set. Going into the second, the girls had amazing energy and boosted confidence. With strong serves and hits across the court, they were able to seal the second set, which meant they had won the game. With relief and excitement of winning their first game, the girls went into the third set more relaxed. They showed improvement in their sets, digs and spikes over the net which was great to see. However, the last set was taken by the other Saints’ team despite the girls’ wonderful efforts to try win straight sets. They should be incredibly proud of their efforts and hopefully we will be able to bring home another win in the next match. – Dayna Petruzzella (Student Coach)

Year 5 Black – Saints 1 defeated by Seymour Blue 2
Solid effort by the girls! We started strongly by winning the first set, but unfortunately couldn’t maintain the momentum. The girls’ serving was consistent and they were able to dig and set really well throughout. We even managed to get a few rallies which was very exciting for the girls. Our enthusiasm to play and to improve kept the spirits high. Next time, we can improve on our consistency with our digging and to hopefully get some 3 hits. Great job girls! – Sivanthi Sivasuthan (Student Coach)

Year 5 Silver – Saints 0 defeated by Seymour Green 3
Despite this loss, the continued improvement the girls are making each week shows the true progress they have achieved. Iris Ran’s setting and serving showed strong accuracy. Nishka Soodan’s serving and digs were consistent; she is always calling and offering her help to other team members. Emily Shi’s confidence has continued to improve, particularly with her serving. Amy Wang also had strong serving and consistent passing, and she made solid hits over the net. Zalia Valmorbida continues to improve every game. Ella Pearce had excellent serves throughout and was always ready when receiving the ball. The girls should be happy with how they performed, and although they didn’t win, the team dynamics continue to strengthen which is lovely to watch as a coach. – Toni Christiansen (Student Coach)


Open A – Saints 10 defeated Seymour 7
A fantastic ending to the 2020 season with the Open A team going undefeated for four years! After a rough, tiring and exciting game, the girls triumphantly pushed through with a 3 goal win over Seymour. Throughout the game, the girls demonstrated fantastic teamwork, sportsmanship and cheering from the poolside. Their determination was never dull, especially during the 1 goal difference in the final quarter. Congratulations to Lara Wakeham, the best player in the pool, who scored 6 magnificent goals, and to Ashlyn May who played in goals, saving many fast-incoming shots. A special mention to Fiona Lethbridge for being an amazing captain for the past year! Awesome game girls! – Emily Baldwinson

Open B – Saints 9 defeated Seymour 6
Our Open B team had an amazing finish to the 2020 season with a well-deserved win against Seymour. The girls were strong in attack and defence, stealing the ball many times from the opposition and demonstrating excellent teamwork with the numerous counter attacks throughout. Although the girls were down by 2 goals at half-time, their determination and teamwork allowed them to secure victory! The best players were Emily Whittaker who shot an outstanding and strong 4 goals via counter attacks, and Isabelle Tran who demonstrated her dominance in the pool with her excellent swimming and drives in front of goals. Well done girls! – Emily Baldwinson

Open C – Saints 11 defeated Pembroke 4
The Open C team had a tremendous win against Pembroke by 7 goals. The girls showed excellent set up and defence throughout. They displayed wonderful teamwork with many accurate and strong passes. Congratulations to Alice Braithwaite who shot an extraordinary 7 goals! Alice also exhibited her amazing swimming skills in the games via her many counter attacks and drives. Congratulations girls! – Emily Baldwinson

Year 7/8A – Saints 4 defeated by Wilderness 9
The girls played a good game, putting in a strong effort right to the end. Their set up in attack was an improvement on previous weeks, allowing for better opportunities for shots at goal. Best players were Scarlett Dillon who had a great game in goals, saving many shots and making long, safe passes down the pool to ignite the team’s attack, and our new Year 6 recruit Stella Spalvins who created many opportunities in attack. – Nikki Miller (Coach)

Year 7/8B – Saints had a bye

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