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eNews – Week 5, Term 4 2019

Issue no. 35Enews-banner

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From the Head of Junior School

Suzanne HaddyKnowing the parts of a piano and how they work doesn’t make me Mozart! Likewise, knowing facts, formulae, and rules of Mathematics, while useful, does not make someone a mathematician.

I read an article a while ago by a university mathematics professor, who suggested that knowing the formulae or techniques to apply in particular mathematical situations can be likened to erecting the scaffolding of a building project. The scaffolding is an important part of the process. It enables workers to move around at height and provides a place for materials and tools, but it has no purpose by itself. The building is the real project. And the ‘building’ in a mathematical sense is the mathematical understanding – the ability to understand mathematical ideas, transfer knowledge into new situations, apply it flexibly to new contexts and justify one’s reasoning.

We don’t want our students believing that they are learning and ‘doing’ Mathematics when, in fact, they are only erecting scaffolding. We want them to build the whole building. We want them to understand the complexities of each project, consider the possibilities, the potential problems to be solved, have flexibility in their thinking as they go about their work, and be able to justify their reasoning with the understanding that their approach and that of another student are unlikely to be identical. With this, we need to strengthen the flexibility with which they can manipulate numbers and provide them with opportunities to see the important place that Mathematics plays in understanding and explaining our world.

We are all born with an innate curiosity about the Mathematics of the world around us. As babies and infants, we were fascinated by blocks – we would arrange them, line them up, create patterns, count them, then count them again and be in awe that the resulting number was the same! We were constantly thinking mathematically. With our continued focus on delivering quality foundations in Literacy and Numeracy, it is our aim to keep that mathematical curiosity alive and to develop students with positive mathematical mindsets, deep mathematical understanding and flexibility in their approach to mathematical situations.

The attached video explains a little more about Mathematics in the Junior School.

Suzanne Haddy
Head of Junior School

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School Song Pride

Earlier in the year, we invited some Old Scholars back to the School to participate in a special video celebrating the School Song, which was written in 1920 and has been sung with pride ever since.

In the video, each line of the School Song is spoken by a former student, beginning with our oldest Old Scholar, 105 year old Lorna Henstridge (nee Paterson, Selwyn 1932). She’s followed by Old Scholars from the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and finally ending with Lauren Zwaans (Patteson 2004). Year 1 student Amelia Bartter also played a special role that she was very excited about!

As we celebrate our 125th year, “Let’s keep the School flag flying, with its colours white and blue.”

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PE Week Flexes its Muscles

W5 - PE Week

PE Week 2019 involved a number of year levels participating in a range of activities. It began on Monday with the Year 2s attending the Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation’s fun skills day, experimenting with various sports and activities. The Year 4s enjoyed a similar day on Tuesday. On Thursday, The Year 6s ran a health hustle for the Junior School during Home Group. Each lunchtime throughout the week featured activities organised by the Sport Captains and led by Sport Prefect Millie Wilkin. Games of dodgeball, a mini-Olympics, and classic catches involved many younger year levels, and activities concluded today with a Staff vs Student Ultimate Frisbee match. Many students watched an entertaining contest, with the staff eventually coming out on top against the Sport Captains.

Today also saw the R – 3 Sports Morning, where the girls developed skills and competed in games. Many parents were on hand to spectate and then take part in the parent/daughter egg and spoon event; see highlights below.

“PE week is a great way for kids to stay active during the school day. Each day at lunch, activities were run for girls of different age groups to come out and try. Overall, this week has been great and has given the girls opportunities to play a new sport while learning new skills.” – Millie Wilkin (Sport Prefect 2020)

With the Year 5s and 6s beginning a self-defence unit next week, Middle School students involved in group dynamics activities, and the pool looking fantastic, a variety of learning activities building the girls’ physical literacy will continue through to the end of term.

Good luck to the Year 12 PE students also, who had their exam on the final afternoon of PE Week!

Dan Searle
Head of PE, Health and Outdoor Education

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Young Composers Find Winning Notes

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This semester, a number of our Middle School students submitted compositions to the Young Composers’ Award competition. We are proud to announce we have won an award in the Rock/Pop R – 7 category!

Year 7 students Scarlett Dillon, Apurva Ichalkaranje and Naadiya Ishaq were recognised for their group composition of an original Rock/Pop song entitled ‘That’s the Key’. The awards are very competitive and there are hundreds of entries, so congratulations girls!

The Year 7 Music classes have been studying songwriting this year. The unit involves the students writing lyrics, creating a harmonic backing track of piano, bass and drums on an iPad, and recording the song’s vocal melody to the backing. The girls have learnt a great deal about songwriting and composition in general.

“Writing and recording this song was an interesting process, which I really enjoyed.” – Apurva Ichalkaranje

“During the songwriting process, we all took on different roles which helped us to be successful. I really enjoyed writing this song and would recommend younger students to give this a try.” – Scarlett Dillon

On 25 November, the winning Year 7 group will be performing their song live at the Young Composers’ Award ceremony at St Mary’s College at 6.45pm.

Robyn Habel
Music Teacher

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Year 1 Connections Talk About Their Generation

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As part of our ‘Who we are’ inquiry, the Year 1s have explored how ‘Family relationships contribute to shaping our identity’ by having each girl invite a family member or friend who is two generations older than themselves to visit and share what life was like when they were six years old. Through a presentation from each girl’s grandparent or friend, the cohort identified similarities and differences with their own life.

The diversity of presentation styles was a highlight of this year’s inquiry, with some grandparents being interviewed via Skype or FaceTime as they were overseas. Our International Student Coordinator Ann Li acted as a translator for some guests, and we even had one Chinese-speaking student ask the questions of her grandfather in Chinese and then translate his answers into English. Our study concluded with an afternoon of sharing learning in our classrooms followed by a delicious afternoon tea.

Liz Sandercock and Michelle Liddy
Year 1 Teachers

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Junior School Vacation Care

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Our next awesome instalment of Junior School Vacation Care is almost here. We have some great activities guaranteed to keep the children entertained through the break. With an array of excursions and on-site adventures, there is plenty of fun to be had.

Vacation Care – December 2019 / January 2020 Program

Places are limited, so please click here to secure your booking now!

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OSHC Temporary Relocation

Parents of R – 6 students are advised that the OSHC program, which was based in the Food Tech building, has been temporarily relocated to the transportable on the Oval.

To access the transportable, please use the main staircase outside the Stott Wing (with the St Peter’s Girls’ sign). Children will need to be dropped off and collected from the transportable.

Beck Kranz
OSHC Supervisor

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PE Excursion Proves a Hit

W5 - Year 4

As part of PE Week, the Year 2 and 4 classes attended a ‘Come and Try’ day organised by ACHPER (Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation) at Park 25.

The girls participated in golf, rugby, hockey, lacrosse, baseball, bowls, netball and volleyball activities.

“I enjoyed playing Rugby League because it was competitive and we got to do a lot of running around.” – Zara

“I really liked trying golf for the first time.” – Grace

“I enjoyed the rugby because it was really fun when we got to pull the tags off when tackling and doing a touchdown.” – Sasha

“My favourite activity was the tennis because we got to see how many we could get in a rally.” – Charlotte

Rebecca Riley
Year 4 Teacher

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Cambodia Service Learning Trip

On 7 December, 20 Saints Girls will travel to Cambodia for our Service Learning Trip, along with the PAC boys. We will be building houses and volunteering at the New Hope for Cambodia Village, an orphanage for children who suffer from HIV and AIDS. Over the past few months, we have been raising money at Bunnings barbecues and a Feathers Hotel pizza night, as well as selling Jolly Socks, portable chargers and raffle tickets – all of which can still be purchased before we leave! All funds go towards building supplies and donating to the orphanage so they can purchase food and educational tools for the children. We have had an amazing response from the Saints Girls’ community, which will be greatly appreciated. This would not have been possible without the generous donations from our numerous sponsors, including those listed below – we thank you for your contribution and we know that it will go a long way.

Clark Property Group
Northpoint Toyota
Corporate Mechanical
Younger Optics
Remedy Drinks
Johnston Withers Lawyers
Holyoake Air Management Solutions
Foodland Norwood
Braithwaite Family Garden Care and Home Maintenance

Matilda Braithwaite
Year 11 student

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Year Level Representatives for 2020

We are now recruiting and looking forward to receiving nominations for Year Level Reps for 2020!

We thank our 2019 Year Level Reps for their amazing efforts and dedication to the role in our 125th year! There have been so many fantastic year level events over the past year which wouldn’t have been possible without our valued volunteers.

In early 2020, Melissa and Fiona from the Community Relations Office will be holding a meeting in which Year Level Reps will be invited to attend, along with the presidents of our community groups at the School. This collaborative information session will set the scene for our 2020 events and give our Year Level Reps the opportunity to appropriately plan their year level events.

If you are interested in becoming a Year Level Rep in 2020 or you would like to nominate someone in your year level, please contact us as soon as possible.

Thank you in advance for your kind consideration.

Melissa Westgate

Fiona McGregor

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School Shop Reminder – Year 3 Parents

Parents/Guardians of Current Year 3 Students:

As your daughter will be in Year 4 next year, there are a few different uniform items you will need to purchase before Term 1, 2020.

The junior blazer (cardigan) is replaced by a navy blue jumper and a blazer. The rash vest and solar pant is replaced by the School bathers.

It is advisable to make an appointment on 8334 2228, as the School Shop is currently working through new student fittings.

School Shop

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Barefoot Bowling

Friends of Rowing - Barefoot Bowling

Join us for an afternoon of barefoot bowling! This is a fundraising event hosted by the Friends of Rowing, and all School community members are welcome to attend.

Sunday 1 December 2019
3pm onwards
Sturt Bowling Club

Corner of Trimmer Tce and Edmund Ave, Unley
Tickets: $25 via www.trybooking.com/BGOGO

Includes entry, bowling fees, BBQ and nibbles. Drinks available for purchase at the bar.

Bookings close 9am Friday 29 November.

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Charging for Charity – Cambodia Service Learning Trip

W10 - Fundraising

To support fundraising for the Cambodia Service Learning Trip, the fundraising team is selling portable chargers for just $40 via www.trybooking.com/BEYTR.

We are all very excited to take part in this trip, making life-long memories and seeing the impact of our fundraising in a community where we can improve the quality of life.

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The Athlete’s Foot – School Rewards Program

The Parents’ and Friends’ Association is excited to be collaborating with the amazing team at The Athlete’s Foot, Burnside by joining their School Rewards Program.

This is a great fundraising opportunity, with $5 from every pair of shoes purchased being donated back to our School. This applies for each pair of shoes purchased for the whole family, across the complete in-store range of sports, school, work and casual shoes.

So head on down to The Athletes Foot at Burnside and check out their exclusive MyFit 3D fitting technology.

Please check the School’s uniform policy to ensure shoes are approved before purchasing.

The Athlete’s Foot – School Rewards Program Information

Bronwyn Bartter
Parents’ and Friends’ Association President

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Sports News

W5 - Sport


Year 5-6 Blue – Saints 2.0 – 12 defeated by Immanuel 11.1 – 67
This was our best game so far with all players showing immense improvement. The results does not reflect how well the girls played, with tackling, pressure and skill development improving. – Millie Gentle (Coach)

Year 5-6 White – Saints 2.6 – 18 defeated by Walford Gold 7.8 – 50
With Walford kicking the first few goals, our back lines worked hard to prevent as many goals as possible. Valerie Ng, Lucy Shigeno and Alannah Godfrey all made some great tackles to stop Walford running into open goals. Smothers were made by both Lyra Cox and Kate Thomas which we then got the turn over and moved the ball towards our forward line. It wasn’t until the third quarter that our hard work turned into goals as Januri kicked our first goal for the match followed by a second moments later. Well done to all the girls, you are improving out of sight. Keep up the good work! – Lane Trenorden (Coach)


Middle C1 – Saints 12 defeated Immanuel 10
Saints led for much of the game and worked hard to create opportunities. In the final minutes, Immanuel edged closer but Bella Sanders-Wills managed to score the last bucket, securing the team the win, but, of course, it was a great team effort. Lilli Bennett was a standout at both ends of the floor, as was Emily McCorley. Everyone is improving in leaps and bounds and I am really proud to coach all of these girls! – Sharnee Jones (Coach)

Middle C2 – Saints 20 defeated Concordia 0
Unfortunately, Concordia did not have enough players and forfeited the game. The girls had fun playing a scratch match and were able to continue to work on their individual and team skills. – Louise Neale (Coach)


Division 1 – Saints 2-26 defeated by Wilderness 4-26
Ella Dnistriansky 6-0, Grace Beaumont 4-6, Adele Eaton 2-6, Bridgette Leach 3-6

Division 2 – Saints 3-30 drew with Seymour 3-30
Ariel Spartalis 5-6, Eva Young 2-6, Sophie Abbott 6-4, Chase Hocking 6-3

Division 3 Blue – Saints 2-12 defeated Wilderness 0-5
*only doubles was played

Division 3 White – Saints 3-25 defeated by Seymour 3-26
Astrid Teague 6-2, Helen Zhang 2-6, Amy Hu 3-6, Gloria Zou 6-4

Division 4 – Saints 4-30 defeated Seymour 2-17
Ayanna Roy 6-0, Nathara Perera 6-1, Lydia Tolley 6-5, Jasmine Baker 1-6

Junior Division 1 – Saints 3-16 defeated by Pembroke 3-18
Chloe Richardson 0-4, Sophie Blight 1-4, Nicole Wang 4-2, Alison Francis 4-1

Junior Division 2 – Saints 6-28 defeated Pembroke 0-7
Alexandra Nguyen 4-0, Jerrie Wu 4-2, Shirley Liu 4-0, Charlotte Thorpe 4-1

Junior Division 3 – Saints 1-10 defeated by Scotch 5-21
Lily Forby 1-4, Lilly Michelon 4-1, Abbie An 0-4, Amelia Olesen 1-4


Open A – Saints 2 defeated by Wilderness 6
Another tough game for the girls, playing yet another one of the top teams in the competition. The team had an amazing first half, defending extremely well and restricting Wilderness to only two tries. Goals scorers were Olivia Goldsmith and Hannah Freeman. Olivia was able to break away and catch them offside, enabling her to score a try. Best player goes to Ella Liddy for her constant defending and attempts at setting up plays. – Hannah Freeman (Captain)

Open B – Saints 2 defeated by Marryatville 3
Saints had a great game against Marryatville. We started off strongly with solid rucking up the field, and the half-time score was 2-2. It was great to see the set plays we have been working on in training, allowing Maggie Bailey and Poppie Goldsmith to score 1 try each. Towards the end of the game, we began to miss opportunities which restricted our chances of a draw. – Poppie Goldsmith

Open C – Saints 1 defeated St Aloysius 0
The team played very well in defence, applying what we had learnt in training. With improvement still required in attack, the team is progressing in this area. Kendra Ware scored the try. Overall, the team has a good basis of improvement from trainings this term, which is evident in our games. – Imogen Parkinson

Middle A – Saints 1 drew with Seymour 1
The girls played a great game. Grace Richards scored a try within the first minute with the help of Ruby Richards and Annie Warrick. In the first half, the girls were rucking really well and working together in defence with 1-3-5 and 2-4-6. In the second half, the team began to make silly mistakes, so we had to go back to basics with the normal 3 rucking to find our rhythm again. The girls did a great job at stopping Seymour from scoring multiple tries. – Charlie Piper

Middle B – Saints 4 defeated St Aloysius 1
All the girls played really well and, with only one sub, our teamwork and determination was great across the whole game. Our defensive tactics worked really well and we gained lots of ground in attack. Special shout outs to Apurva Ichalkaranje, Amy Dillon and Jasmine Segredos who scored the tries. Well done to the team for a well-deserved win. – Jasmine Segredos


Open A – Saints 1 defeated by Pembroke 2 (24-26, 24-26, 15-14)
With everything on the line to get to the Grand Final for both teams, it was always going to be a hard-fought contest and it did not disappoint. Featuring a line up of State representative stars in both teams playing opposite each other, it started as a slugfest of epic proportions and did not let up. Playing at the Saints’ ‘dome’, the crowd gathered and were appreciative with their cheering but often silent with anticipation. Power serves and monster spikes had both teams marking their line in the sand, with neither giving an inch and neither able to gain ascendency. Volleyball Captain Charlotte White, Isabella Villani (libero), Brooke Elliott (setter) and Ankita Rajbhoj (hitter) put everything on the line in what was possibly their last match in Saints’ colours. All played out of their skins and were exceptionally backed up by Clair Kao, Anna White and Georgina Keough. The first set went down to the wire 24-26. Saints stepped it up in the second with good serve and block pressure. Pembroke countered with their own onslaught of serves and we battled hard. Again, Pembroke finished the set in front 24-26. Having lost the match, the girls kept at it in the third and enjoyed their last school match together and, with time completed, finished 15-14 in front. It has been a privilege to coach this fantastic group and I wish the Year 12s all the luck for the future. – Alistair Keough (Coach)

Open B – Saints 2 defeated Pembroke 1 (25-23, 25-23, 10-15)
Pembroke, coached by 2019 State League Women’s Coach Greg Lehmann, were always going to be a tough ask. A number of players away for the beach competitions allowed Milly Brett and Joss Forster to join the team. Both added height and depth with Milly having a great serving run to ensure we stayed in the match. The girls played well as a team, fought hard and were able to close out both sets in front to win. Communication and match play improved as the game progressed. Having won the match, the girls enjoyed the third and final set for the year. All girls played outstandingly well, improving their individual skills and coming together as a team. – Alistair Keough (Coach)

Open C – Saints 2 defeated Pembroke 1 (17-25, 25-19, 15-10)
The difference in players from the start of the match and the end was phenomenal. It took the first set to get organised and work on some match play and communication. Putting it together in the second set, along with some great serving runs by Ellen Zhang and Candy Feng, the team’s confidence grew and they won the second set. They stepped it up in the third with great net-work, and the match was closed out with great joy and fervour. Thank you for allowing me to coach; it was great to see the team hungry to learn and willing to try new options. A great way to finish the season. – Alistair Keough (Coach)

Middle A – Saints 2 defeated Pembroke 1
This was the last round game for the year, and the Middle As needed to win to secure their spot in finals. Pembroke is a very competitive team who really challenged us, coming out strongly and winning the first set. This threw our girls off and made them realise that it was going to be a hard match that would require a big effort to make a comeback. After a rocky start, the girls finally got into the groove, just beating Pembroke in the last two sets. This win allows these girls the chance to play in finals and hopefully come away with a trophy. – Victoria Neale (Coach)

Middle B – Saints 1 defeated by Pembroke 2
It was pleasing to see principles covered at training applied to games, with Yang Yang making some impressive spikes. MVP was Efua Yawson for strong serves and consistent passes. – Vicki Dent (Coach)

Middle C – Saints 1 defeated by Immanuel 2
The girls won the first set in a nail-biter round. The next two sets were close calls, only losing by 2 points in each. Lilli Bennett scored from an impressive spike, while Stephanie Andrejewskis put her blocks to the test to score 2 consecutive points. Alysa Trinh served 3 successful balls in a row, and Monica Isaac dominated close to the net. Overall, a game to be proud of. – Alana Glapa (Coach)

Year 5/6 Blue – Saints 1 defeated by Seymour Yellow 3
The team started off strongly, winning the first set, but were overcome by a consistent opponent. All the girls put in such a great effort and continue to gain experience. – Ava Loechel (Coach)

Year 5/6 Silver – Saints 2 defeated Seymour White 1
A good performance from the team. Anna Venning’s passing was great, as she was able to direct the ball to her teammate to hit it over. Abiola Ajao served really well. – Georgie Keough (Coach)

Year 5/6 Black – Saints 3 defeated Seymour Pink 0
Annabel Keough, Sophia Langley, Ellie Tosolini and Evelyn Gautier worked together as a team, supporting each other and communicating well. In the first two sets, the girls were put under pressure, only winning by 2 points in each. They demonstrated a great ability to stay calm. Throughout the game, the girls’ serving started to improve and we were serving balls that Seymour struggled to return. The highlight was when the girls managed to get their first 3 touches, dig, set and spike over the net to win the rally. – Anna White (Coach)

Year 5/6 White – Saints 2 drew with Seymour Green 2
Tina Xiao, Asha Eaton, and Alannah Godfrey used their height to their advantage, learning to jump and even spike. Charlize Cameron-Chilver, Chanel Palmieri and Eala Arther-Slattery have all developed their serves. One of our biggest challenges has been communicating and calling for the ball, and the more we work together, the better this has become. The girls all really seemed to be enjoying the sport and are supporting each other throughout the matches. – Jess Drewick (Coach)


Open A – Saints 8 drew with St Ignatius 8
The girls had a tough game, resulting in a draw against Ignatius. They worked hard to recover from many attacks on goal and turn them into successful attacks for Saints. Best player was Alexia Politis for her constant work in defence where she completed many turnovers. Top goal scorer was Nikki Miller with 4 goals. Good work girls! – Fiona Lethbridge (Captain)

Open B – Saints 17 defeated Walford 0
In the girls’ Intercol match against Walford, the team worked tirelessly in defence, intercepting many passes and using their skills to turn these into successful attacks on goal. Best players were Emily Baldwinson and Sophie Dansie for their amazing work in attack. Sophie, a left-hander, used that to our advantage by aiding many of the girls to score goals, as well as scoring a goal herself. Emily showed her skills in attack, scoring 4 goals. An excellent effort girls! – Fiona Lethbridge (Captain)

Open C – Saints 16 defeated Wilderness (C3) 4
The last game of the season for the Cs saw the girls pull through with an incredible win. They managed to score an average of 4 goals each quarter, while keeping Wilderness to 1 for each. Best players were Lila Gosse and Mathilda Thomas for their outstanding work in attack. Lilia managed to score 8 goals from many successful counter attacks and assists from other team members. Mathilda had an amazing game, constantly assisting the girls in attack and defence, while managing to score 4 goals. Overall, a brilliant way to finish the season! – Fiona Lethbridge (Captain)

Year 7/8 – Saints 11 defeated Seymour A 4
With the season coming to a close, the team has shown significant improvement. The girls played exceptionally well with almost all players scoring. Claudia Pearce played another terrific game with 4 goals. Charlotte Norman and Lauren Parton have shown incredible improvement throughout the season, with both scoring multiple goals. The girls played with excellent sportsmanship and determination. Very proud of their efforts! – Gemma Rowe (Coach)

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