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eNews – Week 5, Term 3 2023

Issue no. 21Enews-banner

From Our Head of Junior School

Book Week is a much-anticipated event for our Junior School students, and I extend a very special and heartfelt ‘thank you’ to every parent and grandparent who contributed to our children’s enjoyment of the annual dress-up parade. It once again provided a delightful finale for our Book Week activities and was a wonderful celebration of books and reading.

On the topic of Book Week, what better opportunity to promote reading? We all know that reading aloud to babies and very young children develops spoken language and important pre-reading skills. However, reading aloud shouldn’t stop once children become independent readers.

Here are 10 good reasons why adults should continue reading aloud to older kids:

Improve vocabulary
Children who are read to develop stronger vocabularies and learn how to pronounce a wider range of less-frequently used words. Having a larger vocabulary has a positive correlation with other success markers throughout school and beyond.

Build comprehension
When children are engaged in listening to a shared story, they often understand it more deeply than they would if they read it themselves. As the adult reading the story, you can check in, ask questions about the story and share predictions about what might happen next. Helping your child build mental images as you read will improving their ability to later comprehend complex written language.

Positive modelling
Reading aloud enables children to hear what language sounds like. They benefit from hearing you reading smoothly and with intonation that matches the text, and from listening to you model how to analyse a story and find out the meanings of words using the clues in surrounding words and sentences.

Shared book reading provides opportunities for calm and connection. The positive feelings associated with reading together can last a lifetime and instil a lifelong love of reading.

Better listening skills
Reading aloud helps children appreciate rich language and trains their ears and brains to listen for extended periods. With the current predominance of visual stimulus and immediate visual feedback, children of all ages can find listening (to spoken instructions or information) quite difficult. Increased practice is vital.

Discover the classics
The language of classic literature can be difficult for children of the 2020s to understand, appreciate and enjoy, yet the classics offer a wealth of rich vocabulary as well as perspectives on life through different historical periods. Listening to a loved adult read these stories, take on the characters’ voices and fill in the historical context brings them to life and enables children to access all that they offer.

Introduce different genres
Reading aloud enables adults to introduce children to different types of books and stories, helping them learn which kinds they’d like to choose for themselves.

Dealing with difficult issues
Reading stories aloud opens opportunities to discuss the characters and themes within them. Children and adults alike can learn more about themselves and others through the eyes of a story’s characters and the situations they experience. Books can provide a conduit for talking about complex, topical issues, or personal troubles.

A portal into your child’s interests
Reading books on subjects or in genres your child loves (fantasy, mysteries, graphic novels, mythology, pets, Minecraft, whatever!) gives you something to share and discuss, and helps put you on a level playing field.

It sparks curiosity and a thirst for learning.
Nonfiction books make great read-alouds. For older children and teens, try books or articles by journalists covering current or recent events and world issues.

So, PLEASE don’t stop reading aloud to your older daughters and sons once they can read independently. Let’s turn off our devices for a while and reclaim the power and enjoyment of sharing and exploring the written word together.

Suzanne Haddy
Head of Junior School

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Science Week Extravaganza at Saints

During Week 4, Saints Girls was transformed into a science spectacular as girls across the School celebrated National Science Week! This year’s theme was Innovation: Powering Future Industries and girls were treated to science-themed activities throughout the whole week.

Mid-Year Receptions – Intro to Science!
Our newest members of the Saints Girls community were treated to their first venture into the world of science! The girls conducted their own experiment, making magic fizzing colours using vinegar, food colouring and water. They also saw a sky-high elephant toothpaste explosion!

Receptions – Binary Keyrings
The Receptions were introduced to the world of computer languages and code. After learning that computers speak in zeroes and ones, the girls used their binary code sheets to make a keyring showing their initials! Each coloured bead represented either a zero or a one in binary code. The girls had a blast!
Amelia – ‘I loved making the keyring.’
Riley – ‘There were different colours for the zeroes and ones. I had blue and red beads.’

Year 1 – Make your own Kazoo!
The Year 1s explored sound waves and vibrations by constructing their own kazoos. The girls were able to make ‘buzzing’ sounds with their new instruments and could feel the vibrations and sound waves being made on the waxed paper end. The girls said the vibrations ‘tickled’ on their hands and they loved that they could make their voice sound like a robot!

Year 2 – Aquilibrium with RiAus
The Year 2 scientists worked hard on a problem-solving activity with Michelle from RiAus. The girls were given the task of ensuring a water source could flow to all corners of a town. The girls analysed each of their designs methodically, making changes along the way until the whole town was covered!

Year 3 – Bottle Rockets
The Year 3s transformed into budding rocket scientists. The girls used plastic bottles, vinegar and baking soda to create rockets that shot into the sky! We launched the rockets on the oval, some going 5cm and others reaching 4m high! A special shout out to Helena from 3SMU who’s rocket nearly touched the stars!

Year 4 – Kaleidoscopes
The Year 4s came along to the Science Labs to construct a light-bending, colour-reflecting kaleidoscope! Using only paper, an acrylic mirror and tape, the girls created their captivating kaleidoscopes and learned about the ways light can reflect to make crazy patterns. The girls used their kaleidoscopes to explore the science labs and the playground on their way back to their classroom.
Parker – ‘I could see a million eyes!’
Ella – ‘It was like my vision was doubling!’

Year 5 – DIY Water Filtration
The Year 5s put their design and creativity hats on for this National Science Week activity. The girls were given a range of materials, from coffee filters to cotton balls, activated carbon and even rice! The aim was to create the most effective design to filter a dirty water sample.

Year 6 – Matchbox Rockets
The Year 6s unleashed their inner aerospace engineers and constructed matchbox rockets. They explored rocket design and aerodynamics, constructing a rocket that when combusted, would fly across the classroom! The girls battled it out to see which class had the rocket that flew the furthest, with 6RRI reigning victorious!

Lunch-time Activities
The science extravaganza continued into lunch times throughout the week, with daily activities for the girls to enjoy! On Monday the girls combined technology and art, making scientific artworks using robots! On Tuesday we learned all about hydrogen power and the possibility of it being used in our cars. The technology was then put to the test as girls used hydrogen power to run their very own race cars with the University of Adelaide. Wednesday saw us take a journey into the world of drones, learning how they could be used in our everyday lives. Squeals of awe and delight could be heard echoing through the gym as the girls gave drone flying a go with the help of the APEX club. On Thursday we had another visitor from the University of Adelaide STEM Academy who introduced the girls to artificial intelligence, taking them on a deep dive into how AI will be a very powerful tool for innovation into the future. The week wrapped up on Friday with the problem-solving ‘Aquilibrium’ activity during lunch facilitated by RiAus.

Every year National Science Week is an important opportunity to foster the scientific curiosity of our girls as we aim to foster the next generation of scientists. The girls were able to see how science is applied in the real world, further enriching their classroom learning and love for all things science!

Sophie Dolling
Scientist in Residence

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Year 9 Arts Night ‘Collab’

The annual Year 9 Arts Night ‘Collab’ was performed in the Arts Centre on Monday evening.

This event showcased self-devised plays in various styles of drama including Epic Theatre, Greek Chorus and Musical Theatre. The students were responsible for writing the script, directing the production and working out lighting and costuming. The results were highly entertaining pieces of theatre!

The Dance students presented group routines in the style of lyrical and hip hop, as well as performing their own choreography which expressed a creative theme or storyline.

Additionally, Eliza Brill Reed and Abigail Hawkes sang outstanding solo performances and Beverly Hii amazed audiences with her piano playing. The Visual Art students set up an exhibition in the foyer, it was the perfect celebration of all the Arts coming together for a night of entertainment! Most importantly, the way the girls cheered and encouraged their peers was inspiring. Their support for each other and excitement for performing was obvious to all who came to watch ‘Collab’.

Kate Burnett
Head of the Arts

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Selwyn Spirit Week Reflection

In Week 4, the School community came together and filled the School with green to celebrate Selwyn Spirit Week. Throughout the week every Selwyn student displayed great pride by wearing a green ribbon to school. On Friday, Selwyn students also wore a green accessory of their choice and the Year 12s showed off their favourite green outfits. In keeping with Selwyn tradition, ‘Dino the Dinosaur’ our Selwyn mascot, was hidden in various locations around the School all week. Selwyn students had the opportunity to scavenge to find Dino as soon as they arrived at School each morning and the winner received a special prize.

On Wednesday, the annual House Chapel was held to celebrate the year as a House. As House Captain, it is tradition to present a speech about Selwyn to the School during the service. I was honoured to reflect on Selwyn’s most memorable moments and successes for 2023 and focus particularly on the sense of community that we have as a House. We were also lucky to hear from Junior School Selwyn House Captains Bonnie Qu and Victoria Hii. Both students shared their most treasured memories and what they love about being in Selwyn. Our extremely talented Selwyn musicians consisting of Stella, Charlie, Alex, Abigail, Ellie, Neya, Lady and I performed I’ll Be There For You by The Rembrandts, which was a bittersweet way to conclude the service. At the conclusion of the service, the Year 7-12 Selwyn students received a delicious green cupcake baked by the Year 12s.

Finishing off the emerald green week, the Year 7 – 12 Selwyn girls attended their annual House Dinner which was Disco themed. The Year 11s worked tremendously hard to organise this event which was a brilliant success and a night I am sure every ‘Selwynite’ will look back on. It was great to see everyone dressed up and the effort that staff, students, and Year 12 parents went to, to fit the theme and celebrate how successful the year has been so far as a House.

Overall, the week was jam-packed with celebrations, and I wish every Selwyn girl the best of luck for the years to come, I know Selwyn will continue to flourish.

Go Selwyn!

Cartia Lanzoni
Selwyn House Captain

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ABODA Music Festival Success

A huge congratulations to the students from Years 3 – 12 who participated in the ABODA Band and Orchestra Festival last week. We achieved some outstanding results including Gold for Stage band, Senior Strings and our combined group from Intermediate/Developmental Band. Congratulations also to Little Big Band who achieved a Silver at their first ever Band Festival. Silver also went to our Intermediate String Ensemble.

Well done to all our ensemble directors for their support of our ensembles including Louisa Giacomini, Warren Heading, Thomas Marlin, Sarah Byron and Cheri Wong.

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Young Writers Prize – An Amazing Achievement

Each year, the South Australian English Teacher’s Association runs a writing competition into which students enter either poetry or prose. There are a range of categories, the winners of which are published in a magazine printed by the Association. This year Maddie Battye (Year 9) was awarded first prize in the Year 9 and 10 prose category for an experimental prose work entitled ‘Keys’. She was also awarded the Elizabeth Butler Prize. Usually this prize is awarded to a Year 11 or 12 student, the category from which the overall winner is selected, but the judges deemed Maddie’s work to be of such an exceptional quality that they decided to split the two top awards and thereby acknowledge the quality of Maddie’s writing.

There were also a number of our students who were shortlisted for the competition: Angelina Tran (Year 9, Prose), Angelina Hii (Year 11, Poetry), and Charlotte Norman (Year 11, Prose). In addition to this,  Nishka Soodan (Year 8) was awarded second place in the Year 7/8 poetry category for her poem, “Bebe:  बेब”– a remarkable achievement.

Michael Bulter-Wills
Head of English

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SACE Dance 2023 – Book Now!

The SACE Dance students have been preparing all year for their performance ‘Welcome to Oz’ which follows Dorothy and her friends down the yellow brick road towards the weird and wonderful Emerald City. Come along on 6-7 September at 7pm for a spectacular evening and see our talented Senior Dance students in action! Tickets are on sale now and close at 5pm on the day of each performance, click here to book.

An enthusiastic audience always helps our dancers to reach their full performance potential. Thank you for your support!

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Live Stream Saints Girls at the Canberra Music Festival

This week our musicians are attending the 2023 Sisters of the Church Music Festival in Canberra.

Staff and students from participating schools from around Australia and New Zealand have gathered at the host school Canberra Girls’ Grammar for the festival.

The final concert for this music festival is being live streamed on Saturday 26 August at 6.30pm. Click here to watch our girls in action.

The concert will feature individual school performances in addition to the combined Festival Jazz Band, Wind Ensemble, Choir and Symphony Orchestra. There will also be a premiere of Australian composer Paul Jarman’s latest work which has been commissioned for the festival.

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Road Safety Reminder

A reminder to parents to be extra vigilant when parking their car on Hallett Road, Stonyfell Road and in the School car park during drop-off and pick-up times. The health and safety of our community is our highest priority, and we ask parents to park their vehicle in a safe and designated parking space and abide by the speed limit on these roads and neighbouring streets. With a constant flow of traffic on the main roads surrounding our School, and families and children present in this vicinity, it is crucial for all drivers to move in and out of parking spaces with caution.

Please supervise children closely when getting into and out of the car. Families are reminded to use the pedestrian crossings to safely cross Hallett Road and Stonyfell Road and model appropriate road safety behaviour. Please do not leave siblings or other children in the car when dropping off or collecting your child.

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2023 Year 5 Production – Aladdin!

Aladdin Jr. is a wonderful tale based on the story of Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp. This was one of the tales told by Scheherazade in the 1000 Arabian Nights.

The Year 5 students have been enthusiastically preparing to share this colourful story of adventure and romance with audiences. What’s not to love – heroes and heroines, an amazing genie and a magic carpet?!

Save the Date – Thursday 28 and Friday 29 September, St Peter’s Girls’ Arts Centre
Tickets go on sale on Monday 4 September.

We can guarantee a fun night out which will have you toe tapping, clapping and leaving with a big smile on your face!

Shelley Hampton

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From the Arts Journal Student Committee

Dancing with Colours: The Soulfulness Through Canvas Chronicles

Many years ago, I embarked on a journey into the world of art with little more than a spark of curiosity. When I was three and picked up my first paintbrush, a whole new realm of creativity unfolded before me. The act of mixing colours, shaping lines and capturing emotions on canvas felt like a dance of the soul.

Each stroke of paint was an expression, a story waiting to be told. With every piece I created, I discovered a part of myself I never knew existed. The process was both cathartic and invigorating—a way to communicate without words and connect with others on a deeper level.

One of the most enchanting aspects of art is its boundless freedom. There are no right or wrong answers; every stroke holds the potential for beauty. It is a playground of imagination where mistakes transformed into unexpected masterpieces.

As I honed my skills, I found myself seeking inspiration everywhere—in the colours of a sunset, the textures of nature, and the stories of people around me. Every moment became an opportunity to capture life’s essence on canvas. And when my first artwork was chosen to be part of an art exhibition, it felt like a dream come true.

Every time I walk into the galleries, seeing my creation displayed alongside others is a moment of immense pride and humility. The artworks told tales of diverse experiences, cultures, and emotions, each inviting viewers to immerse themselves in a world of artistic wonder. Every single piece in the exhibition is a celebration of human creativity and a reminder that visual art is a universal language that transcends boundaries.

So, if you’ve ever felt the tug of curiosity or the call of your inner artist, I encourage you to take that first step. Let your imagination run wild, let your heart guide your brush, and let your unique perspective shine. Submit your works for the Out of the Blue Arts Journal; they’re not just displays of creativity; they’re portals to a world where colours breathe life into emotions and stories are told without words. Embrace the charm of art and express yourself on the canvas.

Please send all submissions and enquiries to outoftheblue@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Do not dither; it is time to make a splash!

Lynne Qi
Arts Journal Student Committee

Submissions for the 2023 edition of our community Arts Journal, Out Of The Blue are closing next week.

Submissions can be emailed to outoftheblue@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or can be placed in the Out of the Blue boxes in classrooms (for Junior School students) or in the Library (for Middle and Senior School students). Please download a Cover Sheet and submit one with each entry. Entries are due no later than Friday 1 September (Week 6).

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Junior School Art Trail: 5 – 8 September

Artwork by Eliza Phillips (Year 6)

The 2023 Junior School Art Trail will launch on Tuesday 5 September (Week 7). Grandparents and treasured friends are invited to join us for this magical journey through our School, showcasing the imagination and creativity of our Reception – Year 6 artists.

Artworks include giant treasure maps, coiled ceramic plates, sustainable bird sculptures, abstract painted flags, upcycled chairs, hanging lanterns, ceramic cultural buildings and a collection of collaborative paintings.

The exhibition will be staggered across the day. Visitors are invited to arrive at the time scheduled for their youngest Junior School student in the family. Older Junior School students will join the tour scheduled for their younger sister’s year level:

• 8.45am – 10am: Mid-Year Reception and Reception (and older Junior School sisters)
• 10.30am – 11.45am: Year 2 and 5 students (and older Junior School sisters)
• 12pm – 1.15pm: Year 3 and 6 students (and older Junior School sisters)
• 1.45pm – 3pm: Year 1 and 4 students (and older Junior School sisters)

Parents are invited to view the trail with their daughters between 8 – 8.30am and 3.30 – 5pm, Wednesday 6 – Friday 8 September. We can’t wait to see you there!

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Ladies’ Night Out

Date: Wednesday 20 September, Week 9
Venue: Regal Theatre, 275 Kensington Road, Kensington Park
Time: Foyer opens at 6.30pm (movie starts 7.30pm)
Movie: My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3
Cost: $25 per person
Raffle tickets: $5 for 1 ticket, $10 for 3 tickets

Grab your girlfriends, mothers and sisters and get ready for a fabulous night celebrating the power of family and laughter at our ‘Ladies’ Night Out’ with the highly anticipated My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3.

You’ll be welcomed onboard with a complimentary glass of bubbles and chocolate bar, ready to transport you to Greece with the hilarious Portokalos family as they embark on another antic-filled adventure.

Raffle tickets are available to purchase online with your tickets. Prizes include tickets to Choral Night 2024 and this year’s Carols in the Cathedral – waltz past the queues straight to your reserved seats with the VIP guests! We also have 4 x one month OSX Outdoor Group Fitness Training vouchers (each voucher is for one person and valued at $160 each) kindly donated by Susanna Parkinson (current Year 9 parent).

This wonderful community event is hosted by The Friends of The Arts group with all
proceeds going directly to support the many wonderful Arts programs Saints Girls enjoy.

Join us for an evening to remember.

To book tickets – click here

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Annual House Dinners

This term all Middle and Senior School girls have the opportunity to enjoy a night away from homework to get creative and colourful at our annual House Dinners.

The Year 11s have been working hard organising decorations, food and games for each event. We’ve seen some spectacular colour and camaraderie at Kennion, Patteson and Selwyn’s House Dinners, so we’re anticipating a fun Kilburn night ahead!

This is a compulsory event for all Year 7 – 12 students. Visit the TryBooking links below to book your daughter(s) a ticket for the night.

Kilburn House Dinner – Next Week! Friday 1 September (Week 6)

Theme: Disney

Everyone is encouraged to dress up as their favourite Disney character for the night. It can be anything from princesses, to villains, to your favourite characters from Disney channel. We look forward to seeing everyone at our Kilburn Disneyland!

Book now: trybooking.com/CJBAL
Bookings close at 9am on Monday 28 August

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School Health Centre Notices

It is imperative that all medical information, including immunisations, is up to date on the School’s myLink parent portal.

Please follow this pathway to check and/or update details: myLink > Community Portal > My Details > select child name

If you have any questions, please email healthcentre@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

COVID-19 Information

Please find the latest guidance from SA Health:

  • It is strongly recommended that students stay home if they have cold or flu-like
    symptoms, and test for COVID-19.
  • Whether they receive a positive or negative result, they should stay home until symptoms subside (usually five to seven days).
  • It is strongly recommended that parents/guardians inform the School if a student is a
    close contact. For further advice regarding close contacts, click here
  • While face masks are no longer mandated, they are an important physical barrier to help stop the spread of COVID, particularly when indoors.

If your child tests positive to COVID-19, please inform the School. Please also notify the School each day of absence, or provide the expected period of absence.

You can notify us via one of the following methods. Please include the name of the ELC Room, Class or Home Group. If emailing, feel free to ‘CC’ the teacher of the Room/Class/Home Group as well.

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Text: 0428 601 957 (save to phone contacts as SPGS)

Phone: 8334 2200

For more SA Health information, click here

Please note that if your child is unwell, they should remain home until they have recovered, irrespective of the illness.

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School Shop Notice

School Shop Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm (closed for lunch 12 – 12.30pm)

Parents can also order items via our Online School Shop. This is now accessible via the Flexischools platform which also administers our Online Tuck Shop. To sign in or sign up to Flexischools, click here

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Absences from School

If your child will be absent from school/ELC or is arriving late or leaving early, please notify the School via one of the following methods:

Text: 0428 601 957

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Phone: 8334 2200

Please ensure to include your child’s name, the name of the ELC Room, Class or Home Group and the reason for the absence ie illness/appointment/family/sport etc.

If notifying via email, feel free to ‘cc’ the teacher of the Room/Class/Home Group as well.

It would be appreciated if notification is received prior to 9am.

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Sports News

Sport Results


Open A: Saints (8) v Concordia (30)
Best Player: Willow Stewart-Rattray.
Superwoman: Ella Ridge.
Year 7-10: Saints (13) v Wilderness (10)
‘Great team effort coming out against another much bigger opponent. The girls tackled ferociously throughout the game and had some beautiful passages of play. Down by a couple of points with 1 minute to go, Gracie C laid a monstrous tackle to win possession before Izzy H took a beautiful mark and converted from the top of the goal square. Other notable performers were Phoebe Lucas, Elodie De Wit, Olive Dawson, Grace Mayen and Emily Ketteridge.’ – Dan Searle, Coach.


Open A: Saints (4) v Wilderness (2)
Open B Blue: Saints (1) v Pembroke (5)
Open B White: Saints (5) v Walford (1)
Open C Blue: Saints (3) v Woodcroft (3)
Open C White: Saints (3) v Walford (3) 


Year 4 – 6 Blue: Saints (10) v Wilderness Yellow (33)
Best Player: Violet Tulloch.
Superwoman: Maggie Will, and a special thanks to Amelia Bartter for being Team Manager and scoring!
Year 4 – 6 White: Saints (6) v Pembroke Yellow (54)
Best Players: Clementine Christo and Grace Lin.
Superwoman: Issy Wright for getting a great goal after finding the space and leading to the ball, which were things we practiced at training!


Open A: Saints (1) v Wilderness (4)
Best Player: Leah Huynh (a.k.a. ‘The Great Wall of Leah’) who was immense in defence!
Superwoman: Maddie Oborn, who played a new position and scored her first goal for season!
Year 3/4: Saints (2) v Pembroke Blue (4)
Best Player: Hazel Bigg.
Superwoman: Emma Brooks.


U13 Blue: Saints (15) v North Adelaide (3)
Best Player: Neela M.
Super Woman: Chelsea Francis for consistently running the midfield from defence into attack and encouraging the players to pass the ball to free players to score goals.
U13 White: Saints v Brighton – FORFEIT LOSS
Best Players: Grace Marschall for a great effort in goals saving many shots, and Sophia Baker for her determination in defence and ability to run the ball into attack.


Senior School
Premier League: Saints (44) v Seymour (38)
Best Player: Annie Warrick.
Superwoman: Chloe Porter.
Premier League Reserves: Saints (34) v Seymour (45)
Best Player: Phoebe Russell.
Superwoman: Olivia Reynolds.
Open A: Saints (9) v Seymour (35)
Best Player: Airlie McCabe.
Superwoman: Georgie Williams.
Open B: Saints (28) v Seymour (40)
Best Players: Asha Eaton and Zara Wallace.
Open E: Saints (11) v Immanuel 10 C1 (22)

Middle School
Year 9A: Saints (21) v Seymour (21)
Year 9B: Saints (5) v Seymour (46)
Year 8A: Saints (16) v Seymour (37)
Best Player: Imogen Pearce.
Superwoman: Phoebe Lucas.
Year 8B: Saints (19) v Seymour (14)
Best Player: Annabelle Birdsey.
Superwomen: Zoe White, Kay Jang, and Ruby Marschall – great talk and contribution during the breaks from Grace Mayen!
Year 8C: BYE
Year 7A: Saints (37) v Seymour (22)
Year 7B: Saints (21) v Seymour (12)
Year 7C: Saints v Pulteney 7C – FORFEIT LOSS
Year 7D: Saints (3) v Woodcroft 7C (17)

Junior School
Year 4 – 6 Silver: Saints (12) v Concordia (21)
Best Player: Eliza Phillips for clean passing and strong defensive efforts for 4 quarters.
Superwoman: Poppy Davidson for her accurate goal shooting.
Year 4 – 6 White: Saints (6) v Westminster White 1 (40)
Best Player: Sophia Curry.
Superwoman: Christie Psaromatis.
Year 4 – 6 Navy Blue: Saints (10) v Westminster White 2 (18)
Year 4 – 6 Royal Blue: Saints (4) v Concordia (10)
Best Player: Colette Palmieri.
Superwoman: Mikayla Rundle for her strength and determination on the court.
Year 4 – 6 Sky Blue: BYE
Year 4 – 5 Blue: Saints (2) v Seymour Green (20)
Best Player: Nour Sandhu.
Superwoman: Yolanda Zhang.
Year 4 – 5 White: Saints (5) v Seymour Blue (17)
Year 3 Blue: Saints (0) v Westminster (14)
Best Players: Mia Sarunic and Advika Desai.
Year 3 White: Saints (0) v Pembroke (17)
Best Players: Matilda Mollison and Angela Shi.
Superwoman: Liv Matthews.


Middle School
Middle A Final: Saints (1) v Wilderness (0)
Best Player: Aleesha Gray.
Superwoman: Chloe Richardson.

Junior School
Year 4 – 6 Blue: Saints (3) v Loreto Gold (0)
Best Player: Indy Stankiewicz.
Superwoman: Carissa Lush.
Year 4 – 6 White: BYE