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eNews – Week 5, Term 3 2020

Issue no. 25Enews-banner

W5 - Banner 2

From Our Head of Junior School

One of the wonderful things about being a teacher is having a thirst for learning. We have a desire for knowledge and a keen aspiration to constantly improve our own practice. We strive to find new ways to help students learn concepts with deep, lasting understanding, and challenge the surface-level ‘know it today, forgotten by tomorrow’ results of weaker approaches.

Suzanne HaddyAs such, Junior School teachers are continuing to commit their time to ongoing professional learning in Literacy and Numeracy, attending internal, external and online opportunities. Some of our most recent work in Mathematics has been around improving students’ flexibility and fluency in manipulating numbers. There is a long-held and harmful myth that suggests to be successful in Mathematics, you must be a ‘fast’ thinker. However, it is not speed that creates a good mathematician, it is flexibility. Letting go of the notion that speed is the most important thing, and valuing deep and flexible thinking instead, liberates us to approach Mathematics entirely differently and leads to long-lasting conceptual understanding.

High achieving Mathematics students engage with numbers flexibly and use multiple strategies when approaching a mathematical situation. While being good at memorising facts is useful, we know that good memorisers often find they can be successful by following teachers’ methods, but this is often at the expense of developing true understanding.

Strong mathematical thinkers have learned to visualise numbers in alternative groupings and regroupings, and can talk about what they see. Jo Boaler, British education author and Nomellini-Olivier Professor of Mathematics Education at the Stanford Graduate School of Education, explains this point by asking you to work out 18 x 5 in your head and she then shares a variety of approaches frequently used. There are many approaches to this problem and different people will break the components apart in different ways, making them into ‘friendlier’ numbers to work with, such as seeing 18 x 5 as 9 x 10 or perhaps (18 x 10) ÷ 2. Others may struggle with a less flexible approach of 18 + 18 + 18 + 18 + 18. When students believe that there is only one way to solve a mathematics problem, or that they must rely on memorisation or speed-recall alone, they can very quickly come to believe that they are ‘no good at maths’. When they learn that flexibility is the key, the door to Mathematics opens. It is our job to teach our students ways to consider numbers flexibly.

Accordingly, Junior School students will be frequently engaged in visualising numbers and using ‘number talks’ as ways to consider their own and others’ approaches to manipulating numbers. They will be making, sharing and testing conjectures and developing deep, lasting understanding.

Suzanne Haddy
Head of Junior School

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KALEIDOSCOPE – SACE Dance Performance

W4 - Kaleidoscope

The 2020 Stage 2 Dancers have been working tirelessly all year to present to you KALEIDOSCOPE. This year, audiences are in for a colourful treat as we show off not only the immense talent of our dancers but also the new state-of-the-art lighting equipment in our Arts Centre. I’ve always been very interested in the impact lighting has on dance and how the fusion of the two, when timed perfectly, helps communicate a mood, story or experience. For me, it is certainly an integral part of the creative process. Thankfully, Wesley our Arts Centre Manager, is a genius at making the wild ideas in my head a visual reality on the stage!

This show includes a variety of dance styles, each linked in some way to a specific hue, exploring the feelings and emotions it evokes. The commitment and support of the remarkable Stage 1 Dancers has helped bring KALEIDOSCOPE to fruition and I’m excited to give our Year 10 Dancers a formal performance experience, which I hope helps to deepen their enjoyment of dancing.

So fortunate to be performed in our Arts Centre to a live audience, let KALEIDOSCOPE be your outing to the theatre. See you there!

When: 2 and 3 September, 7pm
Where: Arts Centre

Adult $10
Student/Concession $5

Tickets can be purchased via www.trybooking.com/BKYRV

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Hollywood Royalty at Patteson House Dinner


You could have been forgiven for thinking you were on the set of a Hollywood movie on Friday of Week 4, as Patteson held its annual House Dinner. The theme was ‘Classic Movies’, with each year level dressing up as famous characters. Year 7 went to ‘infinity and beyond’ with their Toy Story-inspired costumes. It was a case of ‘we have a Hulk’ and most of the other characters from The Avengers in Year 8. We had ‘more than a donkey’ from the Year 9s, with their theme movie being Shrek. ‘The Force’ was certainly with the Year 10s with their Star Wars-inspired outfits. Every Year 11 was a ‘Golden Ticket’ winner with their Charlie and the Chocolate Factory-themed costumes. Year 12 were far from ‘clueless’ with their Clueless-inspired attire. Finally, the staff were ‘shaken but not stirred’, dressed as characters from the James Bond films.

The costumes that all the girls and staff put together were amazing and very creative, and a best dressed individual and group from each year was awarded at the end of the night. We also had a delicious feast including wedges, pizza, donuts and ice cream, as well as lolly and popcorn bags. Throughout the night, we played lots of fun games including ‘guess the song’ and a ‘Kahoot’. Thank you to all the teachers, parents and, of course, Patteson girls for making the night so enjoyable and one that will go down in history. Go Patty!

Lara Wakeham
Year 11 student

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Receptions Delve Deep into Science Week

W5 - Reception 2

As part of our explorations into National Science Week – Deep Blue: Innovations for the future of our oceans – the Reception students have been learning about the many oceans around our world, how oceans have different zones, as well as identifying living things that exist in the ocean.

On Wednesday, the girls inquired into how waves are formed, linking with the physical science concept of displacement. The girls created their own wave bottles by using water, food colouring and oil, and noticed how the oil and water repel one another.

Meg Karvonen and Alana Lesiw
Reception Teachers

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Environment Club Branches Out with Ferguson Friends

W5 - Environment Club 2

On Wednesday, a small group from the Environment Club (EC) were lucky enough to help out our neighbouring Ferguson Conservation Park. Geoffrey Bishop, President of the Friends of Ferguson organisation, was invited to speak to us about the biodiversity of Ferguson Park. EC members volunteered to participate in the restoration of the natural habitat, which will be ongoing throughout the semester. We are looking forward to helping plant native species, categorise the different species growing in the park, as well as weeding and taking photographic records of the native orchids.

On this occasion, we planted native grass. We had to find areas where there was very little introduced grass as this competes with native grass, then dug shallow holes in which we planted the seeds. Ranger Natalie Lewis helped us out, showing us the best techniques. She also spoke about what being a Park Ranger entails and gave us all the opportunity to ask questions about working in environmental fields.

We all had so much fun and learned a lot about our native Australian environment. We are all looking forward to our next opportunity to volunteer in Ferguson Park in Week 9!

Sara Peak
Environment Club Captain

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Fundraising Vision for RSB

W5 - IB CAS Fundraiser

On Wednesday of Week 7, the Year 12 IB CAS class will be holding a stall to raise money for RSB (Royal Society for the Blind). RSB is a not-for-profit organisation established over 130 years ago that assists people in managing their vision impairment and participating independently in the community.

The current global climate has impacted RSB’s ability to raise funds for vital services, such as the $50,000 it costs to train each Guide Dog. To help out, we will be selling merchandise including key rings, pens, stuffed dogs and more, with prices ranging from $2 to $20. All year levels will be able to purchase merchandise on the day using cash, with a separate table for Mid-Year Receptions to Year 3 students. Student cards will not be accepted. The stall will be set up at lunchtime on the Arts Centre steps where there will also be some trainee dogs coming to visit.

We hope that you support this worthy cause!

Year 12 IB CAS Class

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Book Week 2020 – Next Week!

W3 - Book Week

Monday 24 – Friday 28 August

Dress Up Day will be held on Friday 28 August. Children are invited to come dressed as their favourite book character. Class parades will be held during a Junior School Assembly at 8.40am in the Arts Centre.

Please note: parents are unable to attend due to social distancing protocols; however, the School will share highlights from the event.

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P&F Father’s Day Stall

P&F Virtual Father's Day Stall_2020

The P&F is holding a virtual Father’s Day Stall for those who would like to purchase a lovely gift for their father, grandfather or special someone.

Gifts will be wrapped and delivered to your daughter’s classroom on Friday 4 September

Visit www.trybooking.com/BKZQQ and choose from one of the fantastic gifts.

All gifts $5 each

Parents and Friends’ Association

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Sports Day 2020 – Important Information

W5 - Sports Day

General Information

On Friday 4 September, St Peter’s Girls will stage the annual Years 4 – 12 Sports Day at the SA Athletics Stadium at Mile End. The day will begin at 8.30am and will conclude by approximately 3.15pm. This event is to be treated like a normal school day, therefore attendance is compulsory. If a student is unable to participate in their events, a note must be provided to PE staff. Girls in Years 4 – 11 are reminded to wear their complete PE uniform with a House top and hat. We encourage the girls to display their House spirit, but please be aware body paint is not permitted in the stadium. Girls are able to wear spikes up to 7mm in length. Students will be fully briefed before the event about special arrangements for the day.

The Saints Sport Support Group will be running a raffle with excellent prizes on offer. They will also be selling House wristbands for $2, water bottles for $10 and caps for $25, which can be purchased at the gate.

Travel Arrangements

Students who travel on school buses will automatically be taken to the stadium in the morning and will depart on buses from there in the afternoon. In addition, we are offering a bus service for up to 100 registered students which will depart school at 7.30am and return by approximately 4.15pm. To book your daughter’s seat, visit https://www.trybooking.com/BKVVB; bookings close at 5pm on Tuesday 1 September, or once the maximum limit is reached. All other students will need to be dropped off and picked up from the stadium, as the girls will be dismissed directly from the venue.

COVID-Safe Measures

Due to the stadium’s COVID-Safe Plan, we must limit the number of spectators. In the interest of fairness, we will be limiting spectator tickets to one per student in the first instance. Tickets are available via https://www.trybooking.com/BLCCY and must be brought to the stadium where spectators will be asked to sign in. ‘Walk-ins’ will not be permitted. Bookings close at 5pm on Tuesday 1 September, or once the maximum limit is reached.

Under-cover seating is far more limited as a result of social distancing requirements, so the majority of parent viewing will be from the tiered sections surrounding the track. As such, please bring an umbrella if wet weather is forecast as you may not be able to take shelter under the stands.

All ticket holders will be emailed with final details of COVID-Safe measures before the event. Should changes to these arrangements be necessary due to amended requirements, we will update you in a timely manner.

Sports Day Bus

Sports Day Spectator Ticket

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Year 5 Production – Tickets on Sale!

W3 - Year 5 Production Banner

Get ready to secure your seats to see this wonderful show: St Peter’s Girls’ School’s production of Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical JR.

Due to current venue capacity and registration requirements, tickets are only available online via TryBooking. There will be four shows: two matinee sessions and two evening performances. We ask that families only purchase tickets to a maximum of two shows.

Should seats still be available closer to opening night, families will be able to purchase additional tickets.

24 and 25 September at 1.30 and 7pm
St Peter’s Girls’ School Arts Centre

Ticket prices:
Adult $17
Student/Concession $12
Family (2 Adults/2 Children) $42

Visit www.trybooking.com/BKSAB from 9am on 17 August to book your seat.

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Share the Dignity Campaign

W3 - Share the Dignity

We are supporting Share the Dignity again this August to help the many women who cannot afford sanitary items. We are a collection point for this amazing charity. We encourage students to bring along packets of pads and/or tampons and place them in the pink boxes located in the Library, Middle School area, or give them to Mrs Risbey in the PE office. Let’s get behind this charity and fill the boxes over and over.

Thank you in advance on behalf of the many women and young girls who will benefit from your kindness.

Ensuring everyone is afforded the dignity so many of us take for granted.
Our work directly benefits women in crisis.
Every. Single. Day.

Donate to a women’s charity that makes a real, on-the-ground difference to homeless women and victims of domestic violence. Share the Dignity collects thousands of personal hygiene products every year for women experiencing homelessness and poverty. Small dignities make a big difference.

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P&F Family Day

W4 - P&F Family Day

Sunday 18 October from 12 – 4pm

Join the Saints Girls’ community on Chiverton Lawns for our P&F Family Day!

Tickets include pasta, pizza and a glass of wine or soft drink. Additional drinks and gelato will be available for purchase. There will be kids’ activities and roving entertainment to enjoy.

BYO chairs, tables and/or picnic rug.

Ticket Prices
Adult $20
Child $15
Family of Four $50

Book at: www.trybooking.com/BKUAL

We look forward to seeing you there!

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Car Park Courtesy

The School has again received complaints about traffic blocking Stonyfell Road for lengthy periods during drop-off and pick-up. If the car park is full and you are unable to enter, circle the block until it is clear to enter, find a park elsewhere or, where age-appropriate, meet your daughter in a surrounding street. Unless special circumstances apply, parents of girls in Years 2 to 12 should not enter the car park to collect their daughters prior to 3.30pm. Parents of girls in Reception and Year 1 have exclusive use of the pick-up zone prior to this time for safety and traffic reasons.

Please also refrain from turning right into or out of the car park, and please do not queue in the car park’s lanes as this often prevents drivers who are legally parked from exiting.

As a School, we must set an example for our students in showing courtesy to all; in this case, other road users.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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Upcoming House Dinners


During Term 3, all Middle and Senior School girls have the opportunity to enjoy a night away from homework to get creative and colourful at the House Dinners.

The Year 11s have been working hard organising decorations, food and games for each event. Visit the TryBooking links below to purchase your daughter(s) a ticket for the night as this is a compulsory event.

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone’s creative costumes and enjoying a fun night with our Houses.

Kilburn House Dinner
Theme: Heroes and Villains of Hollywood
28 August (Week 6)
Book now: https://www.trybooking.com/BKSXX

Kennion House Dinner
Theme: Animal Kingdom
11 September (Week 8)
Book now: https://www.trybooking.com/BKSZC

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SACE Music Concert

W3 - SACE Music Concert

Don’t miss our SACE Music Concert at 7pm on Thursday 10 September featuring performances by Clair Kao, Funto Komolafe, Izzy Norman, Georgie Raftopoulos and Cheri Wong. The Concert Choir, Senior Strings, Extension Strings, Stage Band, Rock Band, Concert Band and our award-winning Jazz Choirs will also be in action.

It’s sure to be a great show!

Book tickets via www.trybooking.com/BKWJQ
Adult $10
Student/Concession $5

There is a limit of two tickets per student.

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Kennion Jam and Vegemite Drive

W5 - Spread Drive

Kennion House is running a jam and Vegemite drive in Weeks 4, 5 and 6 for their House Charity. KickStart for Kids is a South Australian organisation that provides a breakfast and lunch program for underprivileged school children. Donating various spreads, including jam and Vegemite, helps these children to fuel their stomachs for the school day ahead.

There will be three collection points in the School: the Front Office, the Middle School and Student Services. Items that can be donated are honey, Vegemite and jam (no nuts please). As an added incentive, there will be a prize for the most successful Home Group. When dropping off your donation, please write your Home Group on a post-it note and attach to the jar/s.

This is a School-wide initiative, with all Houses and families invited to support this worthy cause.

Olivia Goldsmith
Kennion House Captain

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Out of the Blue – The Arts Journal

W6 - Out of the Blue

This year, Saints Girls is launching a new annual school Arts Journal: Out of the Blue. It will include art, short stories, poetry and photography from students across all Sub-Schools, as well as pieces from talented staff and Old Scholars. To celebrate our diverse School community, we will also include pieces in other languages from our multilingual students. We encourage all students, staff and Old Scholars to consider submitting pieces for the journal as we begin putting it together in the coming months. So, start brainstorming ideas and we look forward to receiving your submissions!


Submissions can be sent to outoftheblue@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

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The Long Lunch – Seeking Community Volunteers

W4 - The Long Lunch

We are seeking passionate community volunteers to assist the School by undertaking duties and tasks for The Long Lunch.

Dates: Saturday 19 September and/or Sunday 20 September
Time: Various, flexible 3 – 5 hour shifts available both days

Tasks may include:
Setting tables and placing decorations; washing and cleaning utensils and dishes; handling, sorting, and organising food items; washing, peeling, chopping, cutting and cooking ingredients; sorting and disposing of rubbish and recycling; cleaning food preparation equipment, floors and other kitchen tools or areas; plating food trays; transferring, weighing and checking supplies and equipment.

Fun, camaraderie, laughs, lunch and refreshments will be provided. For more information, please contact Foundation Manager, Melissa Westgate via mwestgate@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or 0407 394 183.

Melissa Westgate
Foundation Manager

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School Shop Merchandise – Great Father’s Day Gifts!

W6 - School Shop
The School Shop sells a variety of branded merchandise and memorabilia perfect for a Father’s Day gift or as a souvenir.

Items include coffee mugs, china, mobile phone power banks, umbrellas, signet rings, key rings, pens, notebooks, wine and champagne glasses, candles, scarves and more.

Visit us to see what we have in store!

School Shop

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Entertainment Membership

W1 - Entertainment Book
Have you experienced an Entertainment Membership? For a limited time, our School community is invited to trial the Entertainment Membership for six weeks!

Entertainment Memberships are packed with thousands of incredible savings across local dining, activities, travel and shopping experiences. Start your trial and start saving today:

• No payment details required
• It’s easy to register, simply go to www.entertainmentbook.com.au/orderbooks/161p201
• Download the Entertainment App from the App Store or Google Play and start using
• Six week trial only available to activate from 24 August – 6 September 2020

After you have discovered the value of an Entertainment Membership, you can support our School by purchasing a Membership to receive 12 months of incredible savings.

Already love the Entertainment Membership? Purchase your Membership today and support us to reach our fundraising goal for 2020. Simply order online via our School’s page: www.entertainmentbook.com.au/orderbooks/161p201

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Bronwyn Bartter on 0402 392 609.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

St Peter’s Girls’ Parents’ and Friends’ Association

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Sports News

W4 - Sport Banner


Once again, Saints had some great results with students competing in the State Cross Country Championships. Malaika McLeod won the Bronze medal in the girls’ U14 3km, with a time of 11:05 in a very close race with the winner at 11:00 and 2nd-placed at 11:02. Daisy Braithwaite finished 4th in the U16 over 4km.

The fourth round of the Schools’ Cross Country was hosted by Saint Ignatius’ College. After a tricky start and confusion due to the weather causing late changes to the course, Saints Girls took it all in their stride, performing remarkably well. All team members continue to compete with a high level of determination and finish as high in the order as they can giving Saints points towards the shields. Well done to all team members. – Neil Fuller (Director of Sport)


Open – Saints 1.0 – 6 defeated by Seymour 4.6 – 30
Although the score was not in our favour, the girls played their best game of footy yet. They never stopped fighting and played the style of game that we have been developing over our weeks of training. We made space across the field and laid some great tackles, as well as good marks and kicks. It was a tough game but the girls remained focused and optimistic, never giving up or losing motivation. Special mention must go to Lucy White who played a great game as the ruck, despite it being her first time. Likewise, Kellie Bested had excellent spacing and could read the play well. The girls put in all the effort they could and they should be very proud of themselves and their achievements so far. – Bella Bernardi (Captain)

Middle – Saints 2.4 – 16 defeated by Seymour 6.6 – 42
The girls began the game on the back foot after the opposition kicked the first 2 goals and we could not contain forward 50 entries. A re-set at quarter-time changed the momentum, and through the 2nd and 3rd quarters, we were the dominant team, rarely giving Seymour space to move. Annie Warrick, playing at centre half back, controlled any ball kicked with height towards her zone and sent it forward for Saints with a strong kick. At full back, Ruby Richards had her best game, preventing goals from a much bigger opponent, whilst Maddy Lisle at the other end displayed some agility and created space for her team. Once again, Charlotte McAuliffe never stopped running and Sophie Ricciuto showed poise with the ball in hand. The match was even at three quarter-time, but the girls could not lock the ball in the forward line and a couple of quick transitions spelt the end of the contest. Goals: Chloe Porter and Grace Richards.


Well done to all the girls who played on the weekend, putting in a tremendous effort into your games and recording some amazing results. Our As, Bs, Cs, Ds and Es all defeated their opponents. The girls are working really hard at training which is evidently paying off in their game play. Keep up the amazing work girls, I’m so proud of you all! – Amelie Dunda (Captain)

Open A – Saints 6 defeated Seymour 0
Best Players: Yang Yang Gu, Gloria Gao, Amelie Dunda, Mahala Truscott

Open B – Saints 5 defeated Seymour 1
Best Players: Candy Feng and Cheri Wong

Open C – Saints 4 defeated Seymour 2
Best Players: Natacha Zisogiannopoulos and Holly Wallman-Craddock

Open D1 – Saints 5 defeated Seymour 1
Best Player: Saffron Chen, Helen Zhang, Tara Nedumaran

Open D2 – Saints 3 (7) defeated Wilderness 3 (5)
Best Player: Lydia Burrough, Mabel Cook

Open E1 Saints 6 defeated Seymour 3
Best Players: Olivia Tenten, Amy Hu

Open E3 – Saints 7 defeated Wilderness 2
Best Players: Anna Wan, Kayla Park, Ella Hung and Claudia Henschke


Year 6 Blue – Saints had a bye

Year 6 White – Saints 9 defeated by Walford 10
The girls played extremely well and were unlucky not to win. The girls did a great job in defence and worked together well in offence. – Sarah Matheson (Coach)

Year 5 – Saints 27 defeated Walford Gold 8
Another great win for the girls, defeating Walford Gold. Their defensive pressure was too strong which resulted in multiple steals. This allowed for many fast breaks and open shots. An excellent shooting game from Wei Ning Khoo and Imogen Pearce, both scoring 10 points. The enthusiasm and encouragement from players on and off the court was great to see. – Katherine Perkas (Coach)


Open – Saints 9 defeated Seymour 0
The girls played awesome hockey on Saturday and showcased the skills we have practised during training. In the first quarter, 5 goals were scored, indicating that we capitalised on all attacking opportunities. The strikers worked collectively as our first line of attack and passed around the goalies pads to find the back board. In the second quarter, we switched positions around and gave the defenders a go in attacking positions. Well done to Winnie Vartuli and Georgina Keough who both scored goals after moving up to the forward line from defence. Chloe Cardone gave left halfback a go in the final quarter and did a great job at marking her player and finding midfield passes. It was excellent to have seven different goal scorers from the 9 goals scored, showing that the girls played as a team and that everyone is capable of playing different positions. – Olivia Goldsmith (Captain)


Under 13 – Saints 12 defeated Glenelg 6
The girls played another great game. It was tight, with Saints being only 3 goals up going into the last quarter. However, the girls lifted their intensity, shooting many quick goals leading to another win. Their effort to get back and defend on their fast breaks was great, which led to many turnovers. Congratulations to Emily Bates in goals for making many saves both in the air and on the ground. Lara Maione and Lucy Tulloch did a top job in defence, gaining procession of many ground balls. Congratulations girls with another great win! – Millie Wilkin (Lacrosse Captain)

Under 11 – Saints Blue 5 defeated by North Adelaide 13
This game was certainly a challenge for the team, with our defence placed under pressure. Our opposition had very strong stick skills, making it difficult for Saints to keep up with the pace. As the game progressed, the team improved their ability to keep tight defence and it provided an opportunity for them to develop their lacrosse skills. They have learnt how to overcome defeat, and to ‘keep their heads up’ – it’s not always about winning. A good effort and special mention to Matilda Purvis and Valencia Capobianco who were both great in goals. At training, we will look at improving our transition from defence to attack, practising speed through the midfield, and passing around defence to avoid intercepts. Although the girls may have been unhappy with the result, the team spirit remained strong and we will continue working hard for the remainder of the season. Looking forward to the next game. – Sophie Auricht (Coach)

Under 11 – Saints White 14 defeated East Torrens Payneham 3
The game started well with many shots being taken, especially by Lois Burton-Howard (Year 4) and Lilly Silvani who scored 9 goals between them. It was great to see several turnovers through Neela (Year 4) and Anvika Singh (Year 4) never giving up on the ground balls. Mathilda Begg (Year 3) showed her developing skills by also getting ground balls and then looking for a free team member to pass to. As the girls were up by a lot, the mercy rule was implemented where they had to have three passes before shooting. Running with the ball was again done well in the match, especially by Grace Marshall (Year 3) and Scarlett Schinella (Year 3). In defence, Ruby Kelly (Year 4) was particularly strong by sticking to players and having her stick up. Our goalies for the match were Willow Chong (Year 3) and Lola Silvani. Goal scorers were Lois (5), Lily (4), Anvika (1), Scarlett (1), Ruby (2) and Neela (1). All of the girls played a great team game, demonstrating their improving skills. – Lucy Martin (Coach)


Open A – Saints 36 defeated by Westminster 74
Westminster is one of the strongest teams in the school netball competition, and I am so proud of the girls’ determination and how they gave 100% effort throughout. The score board does not reflect how the girls played. Our best quarter was the third, winning 12 – 9, due to the fast pace drives down the court from Ruby Deakin, and accurate feeding into the circle by Alexia Politis, Sadie Vikor-Lam and Amelia Pudney. The shooters, Maggie Bailey and Anna White, performed outstandingly against tall opponents, using their quick foot work to their advantage and setting up on their players in order to create space. Best players, awarded by Coach Sue, were Olivia Kelly, Sarah Wishart and Alexia Politis for their intensity and interruption of play: intercepting and making many touches to the ball. – Hannah Freeman (Captain)

Open B – Saints 35 defeated by Westminster 47
The Open Bs had a good first half against Westminster but lost momentum in the second. Nevertheless, the girls still did well to apply pressure on their players when needed, and at times, moved the ball swiftly down the court. Both Lucy and Sadie played very well in GD and had lots of touches against much taller opponents. Tahlia had a good first half in GA and did well to drive the ball into the circle. It was a difficult, fast-paced game against a very tall opposition but a great effort from all the girls. Thanks to Dana for filling in for us for the first time. – Gemma Schaedel

Open E1 – Saints 38 defeated Seymour 30
This was an exciting match with only a few goals in it at the end of the first three quarters. The girls played their best quarter in the last and took out the win by 8 goals! Another great win for the girls. Best players were Amelia Goehr for her amazing shooting and Tilly McCormack for her excellent defensive work, especially in the last quarter, making a number of turnovers to help secure the win. Great job girls! – Emma Mockridge (Coach)

Open E2 – Saints 8 defeated by Pembroke 27
A tough game against Pembroke, but I am very proud of how the girls took on feedback during the breaks and worked it into their play the following quarter. They are constantly improving each week. Best players were Lucy White who worked hard to move the ball down the court and make turnovers, and Lara Wakeham for her performance in the goal ring. Great effort girls! – Emma Mockridge (Coach)

Year 10A – Saints 30 defeated by Westminster 37
This was definitely our game to lose, and despite some unfortunate calls, we stressed to the girls that we can only focus on what we can control. The main positives were defensive pressure and transition down the court which is definitely improving and all of the girls are understanding their role within the team. Things that we can continue to work on are choice of pass and execution of skill. Even though we lost, there was still great improvement from the girls and it was a solid game. – Milli Gentle (Coach)

Year 10B – Saints 14 defeated by Westminster 27
Strong game from the Bs despite the score. We got a lot of ball defensively, however, we did not convert on these opportunities down in the shooting circle. All players are showing great improvement and also understanding their role. Their second phase off the centre pass has increased immensely and they continue to improve each week. – Katie Dancer (Coach)

Year 10C – Saints 2 defeated by Immanuel 41
Tough game for the girls coming up against Immanuel. Everyone applied great pressure to the opposition and created many turnovers, but just falling short in turning those into goals. Great work by one of our key defenders, Ayshviina Nair, who played a quarter in goals and scored 1 of the goals! – Elena Vaananen (Coach)

Year 9A – Saints 41 defeated Westminster 23
The game was highly-contested in the first half, taking a 1 goal lead. The girls were then extremely dominant in the third quarter, with our shooters Annie Warrick and Chloe Porter having stand out performances to help extend our lead to 14 and pushing it out to 18 in the fourth quarter. – Della Griffith (Coach)

Year 9B – Saints 36 drew with Westminster 36
The girls played a fantastic second half, to get themselves back into the game from 6 goals down. At training, I plan to focus on being able to slow down and settle the play. – Natasha Dinan (Coach)

Year 9C – Saints 20 defeated by Pembroke 27
Playing Pembroke for the second time, it was impressive to see how well the girls adjusted from the first game. It was also terrific to watch how much the team has developed and improved from the start of the season. Best players were Isobel Yelland and Eliza Monaghan who were both extremely committed defensively. – Lulu Tierney (Coach)

Year 8A – Saints 28 defeated by Westminster 40
The girls did a great job and put up a good fight against Westminster. We all tried our best, yet Westminster just wanted it more. The conditions were rough as the courts were very slippery and wet. Sophie Ricciuto did especially well, leading all the girls down the court and worked well in the goal ring with Charlie Piper. – Soph Ryan

Year 8B – Saints 18 defeated by Westminster 23
It was a tough game and the girls all played extremely well and tried their hardest. Well done to Poppy Oswald and Olivia Oakes who were awarded players of the match. Both helped the team to play their best and there were some great leads and intercepts. The girls had a great first two quarters, with support from the sidelines. Good job to Alice Braithwaite and Ayla Blaskett for shooting some impressive goals, while Charlotte Norman and Ruby Adams were great at getting the rebound and defending the opposition. Good job girls! – Daisy Braithwaite

Year 8C – Saints 35 defeated Westminster 18
The girls started off strongly again and were impressive in the way they built on their skills as the game progressed. They were dominant in every quarter, which was largely due to their quick passes into Zara Chessell and Ruby Powell in goals. They both showed a good awareness of each other’s movement in the ring and an ability to position themselves well to maximise their chance of scoring goals. A special thanks to Naadiya Ishaq for playing up with us this week. – Nikki Miller (Coach)

Year 8D – Saints 0 defeated by Seymour 27
The girls had a tough game and it wasn’t quite our best performance. Unfortunately, we were unable to transition the ball down to our attacking end to get us on the scoreboard. Although it wasn’t our best game and Seymour played very well, I was impressed with the girls’ resilience and effort until the final whistle. – Gina Barker (Coach)

Year 7A – Saints 7 defeated by Westminster 52
This was a really tough game but the girls managed to go out and give it their best. First quarter wasn’t as strong as we all hoped; we were all rattled but the opponents kept up a strong game. Second quarter we came out stronger and eventually had a bit of fun with the game as we were down by quite a bit. Anna Venning stayed solid throughout and didn’t stop until the final whistle. Asha Eaton played an amazing defensive game, taking intercepts whilst putting pressure on the shooters. Tough game girls, you all tried your hardest. Next time we can come out stronger and ready for a win! – Jodhi Pincombe

Year 7B – Saints 21 defeated Westminster 4
The girls started off strongly from the first whistle, allowing them to get the first goal. They then worked well defensively. Through girls working together as a team, it allowed them to create many opportunities and record a well-deserved a win. – Nikola Carr (Coach)

Year 4 Blue – Saints had a bye

Year 4 White – Saints 11 defeated Pembroke Green 9
The girls played Pembroke Green for the second time this season. Maisy Ion and Lois Burton-Howard were quick to score 3 goals in the starting quarter, but the constant pressure applied by Pembroke definitely made it harder for Saints to get the ball. The girls were reminded at half-time to lead forward into space and to keep front position, and this definitely showed a huge improvement in the girls’ connection down the court. At the start of the fourth quarter, Saints were 2 goals down. Their movement and passing was perfect which allowed them to drift away from their players and remain free. Our shooters were on fire, scoring 5 goals, whilst our defenders on the other end ensured that Pembroke only scored once. I’m very happy to get another win! – Sivani Sivasuthan (Coach)

Year 3 – Saints 4 defeated Seymour 0
Such a shame this match against Seymour was rained out. Our team started out very strongly and although we only played about six or seven minutes of the match, I think it was clear that it was going to be one of our best matches yet. Sasha Connor managed to score 3 goals in this short time and in a non-preferred position. An excellent effort! Looking forward to the next match. – Rebecca Scott-Toms (Coach)


Open A – Saints 2 defeated by Mercedes 4
Unfortunately, the Open As lost in a high-scoring game against Mercedes. The girls started the game with high energy and a drive to win, despite the poor weather conditions. This enthusiasm resulted in Ashley Piper scoring the first goal after fending off two opposition players. The girls really improved on getting the ball into space for the attackers to run onto, but we will need to work on our shooting with power in the coming weeks. Annie Bradshaw did, however, score a very impressive goal from the edge of the goalie box, making it past the goalie and into the bottom right corner. Also, it was great to have our goalie back from injury, Kendra Ware, who played very confidently and communicated well with the rest of the team. – Ellie Anderson (Captain)

Open B – Saints 0 defeated by Seymour 5
Once again, it was a good start, but unfortunately, a contentious penalty was awarded against us to give Seymour a 1 goal head start. Not long after, the game was on hold for a few minutes as there was a downpour that produced hail. Following the short break, we created a few chances in the first half but didn’t take them and had some more lapses in our play that allowed Seymour to snag a couple more goals before half-time. The second half was a turnaround with more hunger and aggression for the ball, which led to a few chances. We were able to keep the play in our attacking half but did not manage to score. Unfortunately again, once the opposition went for goal, they were able to take their chances and score a couple more. The difference was us not taking our chances and having that bit more hunger and aggression for the ball. The weather conditions may have been all over the place but the girls kept their spirit and ran hard and will be ready to hit the score board next time. – TJ Scarsgill (Coach)

Middle A – Saints 2 drew with Seymour 2
We started off strongly in the wet, putting the opposition’s defence under pressure. Some hard work from our wingers Maddie Harrex and Lilly Maerschel resulted in a goal for Januri Wagaarachchi from a free kick. As the weather worsened, some light hail forced the game to be stopped midway through the first half. When play resumed, we were unable to capitalise on our attacks, but at the other end, captain Grace Beaumont made some great saves. Unfortunately, she was unable to keep out a long range goal that sailed into the top corner which was very unlucky. With the scores locked, we conceded an own goal from a miss-kicked clearance out of defence. The girls kept their heads up and fought on with great effort in the cold, windy and muddy conditions. Ariel Spartalis and Mary Stavrou worked hard with tackling, and Georgia Evans and Levanya De Silva worked tirelessly through midfield. We came back with a goal, with Jan hitting the back of the net after a fantastic run to draw the game at full-time. – Ange Gouvielos (Coach)

Middle B – Saints 1 defeated Wilderness 0
A great result from the girls. Working with a big pitch, we did really well to try get the ball from defence to attack and run with each other. Lydia Burrough was tenacious at the back, winning every single tackle and keeping us in the game. Asha Eaton made 4 amazing saves and showed desperation to keep the ball out and not let them score. Monika Ceplitis and Alicia Toh were awesome holding down the midfield, with Stella Rasheed making some terrific runs down the wing! Well done girls. – Nathan Reade (Coach)

Year 6 – Saints 3 defeated by Loreto Blue 6
This was a well-played game that, unfortunately, resulted in a loss. Despite the score, the girls never dropped their heads and continued fighting until the final whistle. Our newest team member, Izzy Tucker, and Grace Brockhouse both played a great game in attack, always going back for a second effort and applying some strong tackles. Alyssa Piantedosi and Lucy Lowry worked together to produce our 3 goals, 2 from Alyssa and 1 from Lucy. The goals were all scored from a distance, with some impressive power and accuracy. Special mention to our two goalkeepers, Eliza Brill Reed and Ruby Clark, who must be commended for their courage to step up and take on the position. – Ellie Anderson (Coach)

Year 5 – Saints 2 defeated by Wilderness 4
Another strong effort from the whole team. The fantastic defence line, led by Romana, played a tireless game, repeatedly winning over the ball. Eleni Schulze had a consistent and determined performance in the midfield, playing a key role in bringing the ball up the field. Despite the loss, it was a well-fought game from the whole team! Thank you to goalkeeper Shwethakie Karunarathna, and goalkeeper and goalscorer Izzy Huf. – Lucy Benn (Student Coach)

Year 3-4 – Saints 7 defeated Wilderness Orange 1
Game three of season 2020 saw the team swept with illness. With many players out of the line up, the remaining players took every available minute and made the most of their chances. In true 3-4 soccer style, the game opened with a blaze of goals coming off the boots of Beatrice Tolley. Anisha Pahuja played her best game for the year, dribbling, passing and shooting, narrowly missing her opportunities to squeeze the ball past the Wilderness goalkeeper. Lauren Disney entered the game halfway through the first half with immediate impact, scoring 2 goals in the first half and adding another 3 to her tally in the second. Valentina Patino dazzled many Wilderness opponents with exceptional foot skills and also played her best game for Saints this year. – Mark Routley (Coach)

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