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Enews – Week 5, Term 3 2016

Issue no. 25

From the Director of Early Learning

Building a Sustainable Community

One of my first goals as a leader of the Early Learner’s Centre was to create and build a sustainable community. Recognising that this job entailed far more than one person, I created a group that held its identity as The Friends of ELC. Inspired in these early times by my research on the value a community plays in the partnership of educating young children, I was determined to find ways of reaching out. The concept of The Friends of ELC was established around working together with families to invite and include more families into the life of the ELC. Early childhood represents a period of time where families create new communities as their children enter a social dynamic and potentially form friendships for life. I wonder sometimes, as we reflect on our journey, if we give enough value to what we have created.

It is a privilege for me to work each year alongside a dedicated group of volunteers whose primary goal is to build a strong community in the ELC. Together, we think of ways in which to welcome new families, bring our community together and offer opportunities for families to be involved in their children’s learning. It is also important to have parent voice in our ELC and often I use this group as a means of getting feedback about new initiatives and plans. We also like to reach out beyond just the parent group into the wider community group and over time have had grandparent representatives on our committee. Like everything, the group and its operations have evolved but the essential reasons for establishing the group have remained at its core.

2016 Friends of ELC

Friends of ELC Email

With an exceptional committee, 2016 has been an extraordinary year. The group decided to fundraise for a robot, inspired by the incredible ground-breaking work that was already occurring in the Hallett Room. I remember the meeting when one of our mums said “We may as well aim for the stars”. I felt empowered by the energy and enthusiasm of the committee and knew that our community would support to the best of their ability. Although its chief aim is not to raise money, the Friends of ELC love to support the teaching and learning program and where possible provide for things that may be otherwise out of our reach. I am truly amazed at how quickly we have raised the major component of funds for our robot. Having our own robot in 2017 will enable us to have unlimited use and share the learning beyond just the Hallett Room. With an excess of $15,000 raised we are very close now to being able to order the robot. The sense of achievement felt by our community will also be a highlight, recognising that as a team we can achieve great things and indeed aim for the stars!

I would like to thank the energy of the 2016 Friends of ELC but also acknowledge the hard work of the many groups before them. A legacy has been left by each of these groups; their energies and passion for community have also been strong and determined. It has become very evident that the importance of giving time on a committee is highly valued. Time and advocacy for the cause ignites passion in others. Each group has enabled me to be even more in touch with my community and think beyond the walls and space of the ELC grounds. The initiative of the very first group in 2009 has lived on and I am indeed extremely proud to have been part of every group that has left their significant trace on the life at ELC.

Kate Mount

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Careers Networking Breakfast 2016

Careers networking breakfast

On Wednesday 17 August St Peter’s Girls hosted the inaugural Careers Networking Breakfast in the Arts Centre. The aim of the breakfast was to assist students to make informed choices about their career paths so that they can select appropriate school subjects and tertiary courses. By partnering our students with an Old Scholar who can speak to their areas of interest, we hoped to provide students with access to real world insights into vocational fields to inform these important decisions.

Years 10, 11 and 12 students attended the breakfast and were joined by 17 Old Scholars who generously gave up their time to mentor our girls.  Students were allocated to tables based on their career preferences and these were Science, Medicine, Business, Accounting, Real Estate, Psychology Journalism, Law and Health Sciences. Students were also encouraged to speak to as many of the mentors as possible.

Feedback from both our old scholars and students who attended has been outstanding. The Old Scholars, in particular, were pleased to have the opportunity to return to their School and commented on the confidence of our girls, as one Old Scholar put it, the “delightful girls the school is cultivating.”

Many of the girls have the contact details of the mentors and are hoping to develop these bonds in the future. As a student commented, “I appreciated that the Old Scholars had experienced life in our shoes and the instant connection of being Saints Girls made it easy to talk with them. I learnt a lot about the reality of leaving school as well as starting university and what I should expect. The fact that we were speaking with women who have already achieved their goals in life was really inspiring, especially as they were once in our exact position. It was really interesting to discuss their journey through school and university, and finally, into the work force. The sit-down nature of the breakfast also allowed us to have lots of time to ask questions and have deep conversations about a similar interest which was really beneficial.”

I would like to thank Megan McCormack (Development Officer – Old Scholar Liaison) and Fiona McGregor (Development Officer – Fundraising and Events) for their help with the organisation of the event, and also to the staff who attended on the morning. Finally, the event would not have been possible without the generous support of our Old Scholars and I look forward to forging new and lifelong associations for our students with this network, which they will also be a part of in the future.

Karen Alderson
Careers Advisor

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Sisters of the Church Music Festival

Perth Tour

Last week 23 talented musicians from Years 7 to 12 were lucky enough to go to Perth College to participate in the Sisters of the Church Music Festival. This event is held every two years and is quickly becoming a highlight on the Music calendar. Our girls spent the week playing some fantastic music with other like-minded students from our Sister Schools. We combined to make a 60-piece orchestra and 50-piece choir to perform some really beautiful music, including a specially commissioned piece for the festival composed by Australian writer Dan Walker. The piece entitled “The Heart that Stirs the Ever-Beating Sea” was a highlight of the concert. The work was truly beautiful and featured a hymn written by one of the Sisters of the Church “God Guard You”.

The Head of Music at Perth College, Mr Chris Goff, spent many hours arranging music especially for the concert and the girls thoroughly enjoyed performing the high energy ‘Rockatorio’ including charts like ‘We are Family’, ‘Higher Ground’ and the highlight for the choir, playing the Kazoo as part of ‘It’s a long way to the Top’ by AC/DC. Each school also featured at the concert. We performed two very contrasting works: Inspirare Spirito for choir, featuring Cheri Wong on violin (we recently performed this piece at the Anglican Schools Conference at the convention centre), and ‘Hit me with a Hot Note’, a jazz swing chart. With this latter piece the girls were able to let their hair down and demonstrate their musical diversity.

Throughout the week we also had a chance go on a few excursions and see a little of Perth, including their City Centre and Performing Arts Academy (WAAPA) and Kings Park.

This Festival is a very special event as it celebrates the Community of the Sisters of the Church and the special connections we have with our Sister Schools. Strong bonds of friendship are created during the week as the staff and students connect with each other and come together not only through music, but also through a sense of community and belonging to something bigger than just our own schools.

I encourage all music girls to consider being a part of this very special tour when we travel to Hobart in 2018.

Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music

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Term 4 Sport Nominations

Nominations are now open for Term 4 sports for all students from Reception to Year 11.

Please complete the online nomination form by Monday 5 September, indicating which sport/s your daughter would like to join.

Your daughter has also been emailed instructions for how to nominate for a sport and I encourage you to talk to her about the options available and which sports she might like to try.

For further information about the sports on offer, please contact me on nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

In most sports, students will be graded and movement between teams will be based on player ability, availability and attendance.

Students who select more than one sport must ensure they can fulfill the commitments relating to each sport for the season. Please note that training days cannot be confirmed until coaches are appointed.

Neil Fuller
Director of Sports

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2016 SACE Dance Night: Vivacity

Vivacity_ email

On Wednesday 7 September, the Year 12 dancers will present Vivacity, the SACE Dance Performance Exam for 2016. The evening will feature a variety of dances of many techniques by our Stage 1 girls: Amy Steele, Charlotte Kelly, Sophie Girdler, Shaelyn Bischoff and Charlotte Yandell, and the very talented Stage 2 performer Sascha Czuchwicki.

Also showcasing pieces will be our Year 9 Dance and Senior School Music.

The evening promises to be an exciting showcase of performing arts and the amazing skills of our talented dancers.

 When: 7pm on Wednesday 7 September
Where: Arts Centre
Tickets: Adults $10, gold coin donation for children under 12.

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Important dates for the calendar Year 9 Graduation b

Term 3

    • Friday 9 September – Sports Day
    • Monday 19 — Friday 23 September – Year 10 camp
    • Monday 19 — Thursday 22 September –  Year 12 IB trial exams
    • Tuesday 20 September – Healthy Relationships Day
    • Tuesday 27 September – Years 11 & 12 Academic Conferences

Term 4

    • Monday 10 — Friday 14 October – Year 12 SACE trial exams
    • Tuesday 18 October & Thursday 20 October –  Years 7 — 10 Parent Teacher Interviews
    • Saturday 22 October – Summer Sport resumes
    • Wednesday 26 October – Leaders’ and Prefects’ Induction
    • Friday 28 October – Celebration Day and Valedictory Dinner
    • Wednesday 2 — Tuesday 22 November – Year 12 IB exams
    • Monday 7 —  Monday 21 November  –  Year 12 SACE exams
    • Thursday 10 November, 5.30 — 7.30pm –  Community/Family Drinks on the Chiverton Lawns
    • Monday 14 —  Tuesday 22 November –  Year 11 SACE exams
    • Friday 18 November –  Reception to Year 4 Sports Day
    • Wednesday 23 November – Year 10 Swotvac Day
    • Thursday 24 — Tuesday 29 November –  Year 10 exams
    • Thursday 24 November, 3.30pm – Middle and Senior School Sports Awards (all Middle School girls must attend)
    • Friday 25 November –  ELC Twilight Christmas Event
    • Monday 28 November — Friday 9 December –  Year 12 2017 Headstart Programme
    • Thursday 1 December, 7pm – Carols in the Cathedral (all girls from Years 4 – 12 must attend)
    • Thursday 1 December — Wednesday 7 December –  Middle School Exams
    • Monday 5 December — Friday 9 December –  Year 11 2017 Headstart Programme
    • Thursday 8 December, 2pm – Year 9 Celebration (All Year 9 parents, and students Yrs 6-9).
    • Friday 9 December, 3.30pm – Classes conclude for all girls in ELC – Year 6
    • Monday 12 December, 7pm – Presentation Night at the Adelaide Town Hall (compulsory for all girls in Years 7 — 12 and Year 6 House Captains). There will be no classes on this day but the girls will be involved in rehearsals at the Town Hall.

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2016 Spring Cabaret


Tickets are now on sale for the 2016 Spring Cabaret! Featuring solo and ensemble performances from our fabulous Junior, Middle and Senior School musicians plus Enchante and Stage Band Old Scholars from the past 10 years.

The evening will also feature solo performances from Saints Girls who have been part of past Adelaide Cabaret Festivals.

When: 7pm, Friday 16 September
Venue: Arts Centre
Tickets: $10 Adults, $5 Concession

A fantastic night of music not to be missed! Book your tickets today at: trybooking.com.

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Agriculture Career Expo: Paddock to Plate, Vine to Glass

Agriculture careers night

Careers in the Australian agriculture industry are very promising, with a shortage of university graduates to meet demands. Jobs are diverse and suit a wide range of student interests. Careers could be forged as a Wine Maker, Primary Producer, Food Scientist, Food Production/Food Entrepreneur, Brewer, Research Scientist, Forensic Scientist, Laboratory Technician, Agronomist, Ag Engineer, Innovative Food Designer, Diesel Mechanic and more. Learn about what’s on offer from the people in the know!

When: 5.15pm, Thursday 8 September

Location: Anzac Hall and Piper Pavilion, Prince Alfred College

Click here to for more information on the expo.

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Open Day for St Peter’s Cathedral Choir: Saturday 3 September

St Peter’s Cathedral Choir is holding auditions for girls and boys from 7 – 12 years of age.

Prior to the audition, children are invited to experience an afternoon in the life of a Cathedral Chorister, including singing Choral Evensong in the Cathedral.

Choristers made lifelong friendships and receive excellent musical training.

For all enquiries and to book, phone the Cathedral Office on 8267 4551 or email Leonie Hempton, Director of Music, at vochor@internode.on.net.

Bookings are essential.

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Save the Date: Rowing Information Night

Rowing Information NightbCurrent parents and those new to the sport are  warmly invited to the Rowing Information Night.

Director of Rowing, Ben Flannagan, will be presenting key Information about the upcoming rowing season, including training, camps and regattas. You will also have the opportunity to meet other parents.

When: 6pm, Thursday 1 September
Venue: Humzy – St Peter’s Girl’s School

We look forward to seeing you all there.

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Sports News

If you have any news items or sporting success stories, please email them through to me on: nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Sports Hoodies

Order forms for Sports Hoodies are now available from the PE office. Two options are available – generic and Rowing. Cost is $85 and embroidery of sports can be included at additional cost. All orders will need to be submitted by Friday 16 September, thanks. Neil Fuller

Cross Country and Race Walking – National ChampionshipsSports photo

Congratulations to Molly Dwyer (Year 4) who won a Bronze Medal at the National Cross Country Championships in Canberra, running 2kms in 7 mins 28 secs. Matilda Braithwaite (Year 8) also competed in the 14-15 year age group and Bethany Cross (Year 10) claimed a Bronze Medal in the Under 18 5000m race walking championships.


Saints 16 defeated Seymour 5

The fourth match of the Judy Thurgood Trophy series was played with Saints hosting Seymour who were unfortunately down several players, so some Saints girls were lent to the team and the match was under way. Saints Girls got off to a quick start and were leading 7-1 by quarter time. The second and third quarters were much closer, with Seymour outscoring Saints 2-1 in the third, but then Saints finished off strongly with a 4-0 shut out in the last quarter to run out winners 16 goals to 5. Saints goal machine, Chelsea Walls, scored half of Saints’ goals. Goal scorers: Chelsea Walls 8, Harriet Maerschel, Portia Maerschel, Millisent Wilkin 2 each, Sophie Auricht, Stephanie Smalls 1 each.


Year 6 – Saints 4 defeated St Andrews 1

A much better performance from the girls this week as we bounced back from a disappointing loss last week. The girls made sure to put in their best efforts and it certainly paid off. Our defence was much stronger and our attack was just as good. Well done to Lucy for scoring all four goals and Caitlin and Annabelle who were brave enough to go in goals. Vincent Talladira (Coach)

Year 5 – Saints 12 defeated St Andrews 0

They played really well limiting the other team to 2 shots all game which were saved with ease by our goalkeeper Adelaide Murphy. The goal scorers where Eleanor Humphrey 4, Olivia Slivak 3, Maiya Jakupec 2, Emily Bryce 3. Excellent team performance. By Charlie (Coach)

Year 4 – Saints 2 drew with Walford 2

At the end of the game the girls were so happy they all came running over shouting, “We half won!” This game was easily the girls’ best so far. They executed the game plan by keeping control of the ball and passing it effectively. Congratulations to Molly Johnson who scored the first goal and Elizabeth McKernan who scored the second. Alannah Godfrey, Levanya DeSilva and Jenna Maione all played well, clearing the ball out of defence and setting up many options up forward. We welcomed the inclusion of Sophia Langley who showed good signs in her first game. The girls are looking forward to implementing their new game plan in the coming weeks. Mark Routley (Coach)


Congratulations to the B and C1 teams for their excellent performance on Saturday. The girls played some very tough matches and we are very proud of them for coming out victorious. The B team are still vying for a top 2 spot and we wish them the best for their matches before the finals. Kritika Mishra and Alice Powell (Captains)

Open A – Saints 1 defeated by Immanuel 5

Singles: Emily Murdock 15-6 15-9, Kritika Mishra 14-15 12-15, Alice Powell 6-15 11-15, Nancy Huang 7-15 5-15

Open B – Saints 4 defeated Immanuel 2

Singles: Laura Sivewright 15-6 15-8, Erica Reid 14-15 15-13 15-14, Lola Dimond 11-15 6-15, Georgia Bowden 9-15 15-14 15-12

Open C1 – Saints 5 defeated Immanuel 1

Singles: Amy Li 14-21, Jiale Hu 21-20, Amelie Dunda 21-3, Sophia Casanova Clarke 21-18 

Open C2 – Saints 2 defeated by Woodcroft 4

Singles: Anna Bi 2-21, Michelle Yeo 8-21, Mahala Truscott 21-17,

Open D1 – Saints did not play

Open D2 – Saints 1 defeated by Immanuel 5

Singles: Helen Han 17-21, Aleisha Elliott 13-21, Meredith Li 12-21, Natasha Lau 12-21

Open E – Saints 3 defeated by Immanuel 6

Singles: Ashleigh Rogers 21-17, Millie Han 17-21, Natacha Zisos Troupakis 9-21, Lucy Cox 6-21, Angela Feng 10-21, Christina Song 21-19


Open A – Saints 2 defeated Immanuel 0

There was no score during the first half as Saints and Immanuel both battled to gain possession. However, in the second half Saints raised the intensity and were strong over the ball, creating goal scoring opportunities. Grace Packer and Alice Tyson ran hard in the midfield, Carla Lawrence and Grace Edwards (GK) played brilliantly in the back lines, and strikers Lara Khoury and Rachael Disney had some excellent attacking opportunities. Goal scorer was Natasha Hammond (2). Dan Searle (Coordinator)

Open C – Saints 3 defeated Immanuel 2

The girls started strongly, putting away an early goal to get them ahead. As the game carried on, the whole team worked hard back in defence as Immanuel linked together to quickly get past our midfield lines. Fortunately, we were able to win the game with a final score of 3-2. Well done to all of the players, especially proving that with strength and determination you are able to come out on top!  Sophie Fry (Coach)


Under 18 – Saints did not play

Under 15 – Saints did not play

Under 13 – Saints 12 defeated by Brighton 15

Stephanie Smalls (Year 7) did very well in the centre as she managed to win the ball a majority of the time and gain much needed possession. In defence Isabel Burmester (Year 5) and Jenna Maione (Year 4) both caused turnovers and carried the ball well under pressure. At half-time the girls were down by six goals and therefore everyone needed to keep fighting to get back in front. In the second half Stephanie Demmrich (Year 7) was our goalie and saved several shots, which helped even out the score. Portia Maerschel (Year 7) scored a number of wonderful goals and positioned herself in the right place to be the next pass. Even though the girls lost, they did a tremendous job in the second half. Goal scorers for the match were Portia Maerschel and Stephanie Smalls. Best players were Portia Maerschel, Stephanie Smalls and Stephanie Demmrich. Portia Reppucci (Lacrosse Captain)


Open A – Saints 29 defeated by Immanuel 55

The Saints team put up a good fight in a game that we all knew was going to be tough. Well done to all of the girls for their consistent efforts and persistence in keeping the Immanuel lead to a minimum. Special mention to Grace Dawson for her amazing work in defence that put constant pressure on the Immanuel shooters. Heads up, girls, and looking forward to our final shield game of the season against Walford this weekend. Josephine Dal Pra and Madison Bateman (Co-Captains)

Open B – Saints 28 defeated by Immanuel 75

The girls played very well, considering we were up against a competitive Immanuel team. Throughout the quarters the girls improved in controlling the ball when it was in their possession and even managed to deflect a couple of passes from the other team. This was probably going to be our toughest competition of the season so the players did very well to score as many goals as we did. A huge thank you to Nicolette Miller who came out to fill in and she did an excellent job in the goal circle. Alexandra Murray (Open B Captain)  

Open C – Saints 7 defeated by Immanuel 70

I am very proud of the Open C team who came out on Saturday prepared for a very tough game, and faced Immanuel with only 7 players. Although the score does not reflect it, the girls played a competitive game; they had plenty of ball and many shots at goal, which was great to see against such a strong team. Once again, Saints were gracious in their defeat and exhibited a great sportsmanship attitude on court throughout the game. It is great to see the team working hard and implementing skills worked on in training. Grace Russo (Coach)

Year 10 – Saints 42 defeated Immanuel 31

The girls had a strong start in the first quarter against Immanuel, having a strong lead against them already. The girls continued to hold their lead in front of Immanuel and it was a great game to watch. Best players were Holly Steer and India Deere. Alana Coppock (Coach)

Year 9A – Saints 49 defeated Immanuel 29

Despite a slow start the score was tied at 10-all at the end of the first quarter. In the second quarter we all stepped up and focussed on playing our own game, which gave us a lead of 11 goals. Our goalies, Nicolette Miller and Brooke Elliott, worked extremely well together in the circle and accurately scored many goals. Each of the centre court players and defenders played equally as good a game, getting many intercepts, having accurate passes and picking up all loose balls. This was very exciting and impressive, considering we only had 7 players and it was our first win against Immanuel for some time. Well done to all the girls for a great game and putting in 100% effort! Tahlia Towers (Year 9) 

Year 9B – Saints 32 defeated Immanuel 18

This week’s game was an excitement-filled game. At the start of the first quarter, the girls weren’t playing their best netball, but were still able to be tied 7 to 7 at the first break. In the second quarter the girls worked together to get the ball down the court and shot some goals, resulting in them leading by 5 goals at half-time. The team managed to keep their lead in the third quarter, having the score of 23 to 16, and then dominated the final quarter, shooting 9 goals to 2! Overall, the game was great, and the end score was 32 to 18, Saints’ way. Isabella Villani (Year 9) 

Year 9C1 – Saints 19 defeated Immanuel 14

Another fantastic win for the girls this week. Remaining consistent throughout the season, the girls worked hard, encouraged each other and pushed themselves throughout the game. Neve McCormack and Amy Rice worked very well together in the ring to shoot our much-needed goals, and some great second efforts and strong leads from Molly Lucas, Emily Brophy and Olivia Law in the mid-court were also fantastic to see. Very well done to all the girls this week on maintaining our undefeated season! Ellana Welsby (Coach)

Year 9C2 – Saints 7 defeated by Immanuel 11

The girls have played one of their best games, despite losing. The girls were evenly matched, making for a well-fought game; all players deserve a special mention for their efforts this week. A special thank you to Amy Rice, Hannah Lunn and Emily Brophy for staying back and helping us out as we were down a few players. The shooters, Ebony Lohe and Asha Short, also deserve a special mention for both playing extremely well and working hard in the ring with their tall defenders. The girls should be very proud of their efforts this week, as they played exceptionally well as a team and are finishing the term off well. Chelsea Stamato (Coach)

Year 8A – Saints 28 defeated by Immanuel 40

Once again we played three great quarters of netball this week, while it was the second quarter that let us down. We came out at quarter time with the score line even and happy with efforts across the court. Unfortunately, this intensity and momentum didn’t carry into the second quarter where Immanuel gained a nine goal lead. To the girls’ credit, they came out strongly after the half-time break and maintained an even score line once again. The overall score doesn’t reflect the quality netball that our girls played against a strong opposition side. Thank you to Paris Robinson for coming out and filling in this week. Vanessa Brooks (Coach)

Year 8B – Saints 19 defeated Immanuel 10

All the girls from attack to defence applied great pressure on the opposition, and special mention to all defenders for holding the opposing team to minimum goal attempts. A big thank you to Sarah Wishart and Isabella Bernardi for playing in this team, as we were short on players. Best players to Lauren Porter and Imogen Parkinson for showing great improvement. Emily Wishart (Coach). 

Year 8C – Saints 15 defeated by Immanuel 32

The girls got off to a great start this week against Immanuel. Each centre pass was executed fantastically, with the girls accurately doing the set plays practised at training. Ellen and Faye worked well in the ring and their movement and persistence was great to see, considering it was their first time working together as shooters. Down the court Stella and Emily worked well to apply pressure. Our passing in the second half let us down and allowed Immanuel to get a solid lead; however, the girls should be proud of their determination. As part of a team through the season each player has continued to improve, which is the most important thing! Well done, girls. Amy Wishart and Sophia West (Coaches)

Year 7A – Saints 16 defeated by Immanuel 19

The team met with some tough competition on Saturday, which saw us record our first loss of the season. Wet conditions saw us struggling to maintain possession of the ball, despite strong defence from everyone on court. Great work from Gemma as Goalkeeper and Olivia as Centre. Michelle Blackburn (Coach)

Year 7B – Saints 2 defeated by Immanuel 25

Despite a promising first quarter by Saints, Immanuel proved to be too strong in a very one-sided game. The girls had an opportunity to try some new combinations this week, some of which seem promising, giving us something to work towards in our final game. Roger Mills (Coach)

Junior Basketball

Year 6 Blue – Saints

Amy Wishart and Sophia West (Coaches)

Year 6 White – Saints 26 defeated Walford 16

Despite initially being a player down, the team rallied together and showed their true grit! The team would like to put a special shout out to Bridgette Leach in Grade 5 who graciously joined our team at the very last minute and proved that she was a commanding force on the court, defending with skill and hustle! Great work, my Saints Swans! Abby Davey (Coach) 

Year 5 – Saints Blue 20 defeated Saints White 18

It was a tightly fought and fast-paced game between the two Saints teams. The White team got away to a good start with plenty of scoring opportunities, but the ball didn’t always ‘drop’. The Blue team then fought their way back with good teamwork and had a good lead at three quarter time. The White team created more scoring chances which they converted in the final quarter. The Blue team held their nerve, though, and won by two points. For the White team, Ruby Richards (2), Grace Richards (4) and Pearl Richards (4) combined well to move the ball down the court to create scoring opportunities. Noa Goddard played a good game in the mid-court, intercepting well. Sophie Dansie and Emily Bryce (8) continued their good work all over the court, rebounding well and providing good cover defence. For the Blue, Georgie Owler was best player and scored 10 points, Eleanor Humphrey scored 6 points, Phoebe Black, who had her best game this season, positioned well for open shots and scored 2 points, and Pearl Richards scored 2 points. Charlotte McKee played well in defence, rebounding and assisting the transitioning of fast breaks by Eleanor. Samantha McKee (White Coach) and Sharon Tocher-Leach (Blue Coach)

Junior Netball

Year 4 Blue – Saints 11 defeated Walford 4

It was great to have everyone contributing all across the court. With several skilful and well-timed passages of play, the team were able to convert many goals, with countless turnovers through the mid-court and defensive end. Many players deflected and intercepted passes and also chased down stray balls with determination, but Florence Russell’s stats were more than impressive, as she achieved 13 turnovers in total. Marcella Tolley shot the majority of our goals but all players showed good movement, working hard to get good position for passes. Special mention must go to Scarlett Dillon and Amy Dillon for assisting the White Team for a half game each, due to an absent player. Great team spirit, girls! Sue Jones (Coach)

Year 4 White – Saints 11 defeated Walford 4

The girls worked really well to get the ball and get in down to the shooters, which has been worked on at trainings. Using their enthusiasm and energy, the girls were able to use the techniques and skills they have learnt, including dodging, getting in front and a new centre pass drill. Overall, the girls had a great game and hopefully will have many more to come. Alexandra Reade (Assistant Coach)


Open A – Saints 1 defeated Walford 0

The Open A soccer team had a fantastic 1-0 win against Walford in the final match of the season, scoring in the last minutes of the match. In a very exciting game, the girls played really well, working extremely hard in midfield and strongly and consistently in defence. Thanks to all the girls, coach, Saša Tadic, and soccer co-ordinator, Peter Krantis, for a great season. Krystina Dianos (Captain of Soccer)

Open B – Saints 0 defeated by Walford 1

Overall everyone played a great last game of the season. The girls were unlucky to concede early, but fought back hard in what was a very even match. It was also good to see more shots at goal this week. Victoria Gilroy and Amelia Wood were both very reliable and Lucinda Tierney played a great first game back.  I hope everyone has enjoyed the season and continues with soccer next year. By Christine Gayen (Coach)

Middle A – Saints had a bye

Middle B – Saints 3 defeated Pulteney 1

For the final match of the season the girls once again put everything into the game. The team demonstrated how much they have improved with their passing, creating numerous scoring opportunities. This was one of the best team games they have played and everyone contributed, even when playing in new positions. It has been a pleasure to coach the girls this season and they made the experience absolutely amazing. Taylor Garrett (coach)

Year 7 – Saints 0 defeated by Immanuel 15

The girls came up against a very physical side. They never gave up and kept trying to the end. Special mention to Edith and Rose who ran all day against much bigger opponents. Even though the team has not won a game for the season, they have shown improvement every week. It has been a pleasure to coach this team. Peter Krantis (Coach)

If you have any news items or sporting success stories, please email them through to me on: nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au