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Enews – Week 5, Term 2 2018

Issue no. 16Enews-banner

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From the Deputy Principal / Head of Middle School

Once again, St Peter’s Girls was delighted to host the annual South Australian da Vinci Decathlon this week. We were visited by over 500 students in Years 5 to 9 from independent and public schools across three days.

Students engaged in challenging and creative tasks in 10 different disciplines including Engineering, Science, Mathematics, Art and Poetry, and Code Breaking.

Richard Lisle inside 220Our students, prepared by Edge Coordinator Becca Burton-Howard, thoroughly enjoyed the experience, with their dedication over the preceding weeks being rewarded with some pleasing results.

The Year 5/6 competition was especially close; our team missed out on a medal place by just 10 points – the equivalent of finishing just one position higher in one of the 10 events! They were especially pleased with their Art and Poetry piece, which was judged as the best entry on the day.

A slightly remodeled version of our Year 5/6 champion team from 2017 set about defending their title in Wednesday’s Year 7 competition. Their hard work and team skills resulted in a solid top 10 finish, including winning the Ideation task and coming fourth in Art and Poetry out of 23 teams.

Our Year 9 team worked with creativity and originality throughout their event, gaining some excellent results in Science and General Knowledge (3rd and 2nd) and placing first in Engineering, Ideation and English.

This led to our team winning the outright 2018 South Australian da Vinci Decathlon by a slim margin from Pembroke School and St Peter’s College – a fantastic result!

In the first week of the holidays, Ms Burton-Howard will be travelling to Sydney with students from Years 9 and 10 to compete in the National da Vinci Decathlon at Knox Grammar School – we wish them well!

Richard Lisle
Deputy Principal / Head of Middle School

*For full results and photos from the da Vinci Decathlon, click here, and have a look at this video recap:

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Back to the Futures!

Globally-recognised expert on entrepreneurial education Professor Yong Zhao paid St Peter’s Girls another visit today, reinforcing our valuable partnership in driving our students to challenge their thinking.

After stimulating discussions with staff, he met with some of our Year 8 Futures students, providing sound advice about the businesses they’re creating as part of the program.

Deputy Principal and Head of Middle School Richard Lisle spoke with Professor Zhao about our School’s leading work in fostering an entrepreneurial mindset in our students:

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A Message From our Community Service Prefect

W5 Prefect Article

At Saints Girls, we emphasise the importance of giving back to the community. The House Charity program is one of the ways our School lends a helping hand to those who may need it. The Year 10s lead this program and are responsible for organising the House Charity Days.

Today was Selwyn and Patteson’s House Charity Day, raising money for The Smith Family and the Little Heroes Foundation respectively. The Smith Family’s mission is “to create opportunities for young Australians in need by providing long-term support for their participation in education”, and the Little Heroes Foundation’s is “to raise funds towards essential equipment and services for seriously ill children and their families.” As well as raising funds through a casual clothes day for Years 7 – 12, the Year 10s created food stalls.

For Selwyn, it was an Aussie classic: a sausage sizzle. The girls had to show initiative by contacting local supermarkets and asking if they were willing to help by providing them with vouchers to buy the sausages, bread and the all-important tomato sauce.

Patteson tempted everyone’s sweet tooth with a build-your-own cupcake stall. The girls had to work together to ensure they made enough cupcakes and icing, and that they had a big enough variety of toppings to keep their customers’ spirits high, and their sugar levels higher.

I am predicting that today’s success will be replicated by the Year 10 Kennion and Kilburn girls with their House Charity Day next term.

In addition to House Charities, I have begun work with the ELC to organise a Year 12 and ELC Picnic to take place on Tuesday of Week 9, as well as getting the ELC involved in the bucket lists – one of this year’s Prefect initiatives. Some of the tasks the girls have to complete include drawing a self-portrait and learning a new dance move then showing someone else. The 10 ELC tasks will encourage the children to think creatively and collaboratively.

I’m looking forward to seeing even more success across our community efforts and hope the girls continue to challenge themselves and “Dare to be aware”.

Check out some highlights from today’s House Charity Day:

Dominique Rigby
Community Service Prefect

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ELC Children Mark Reconciliation Week

In honour of Reconciliation Week, our ELC children were joined by our Kaurna friend Tamaru as he showed them how to build a traditional Wodli made from tree branches and leaves, and listened to their acknowledgements and interpretations of the Reconciliation Story.

It was a special visit, strengthening the learnings and connections the children are making with indigenous history and culture, in conjunction with their discoveries in Ferguson Park.

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Golden Time for Karate Kid

W5 - Karate

Year 5 student Siobhan Tsang recently had great success in a national karate tournament. We asked her to tell us a little more about the sport:

“Karate is a type of Japanese martial arts, which means “the art of empty hands”. There are different styles in karate. The style that I practise is Goju, which means “hard and soft power” depending on the technique. Karate training involves Kata (detailed choreographed patterns of movements) and Kumite (sparring).

I started learning karate when I was five and have been doing it for four and a half years now. I am currently 1st kyu (brown belt with two black stripes). My next grading, hopefully later this year, will take me to 1st dan black belt.

Last month, I attended an intensive day and a half karate seminar which was taught by five 8th dan black belt Japanese masters. I have been a winner in my division for kata for three years in a row from 2015 to 2017 at the Traditional Japanese Karate Australian Championships. Following the seminar, I participated in the JKF Gojukai Australia Tournament and won gold in my division for kata. This entitles me to take part in the 44th JKF Gojukai All Japan Tournament held in Akita, Japan next month. In order to strengthen my stances and techniques before the tournament, I will take part in a week-long, six-hour-a-day Seiwakai training camp taught by 8th dan black belt Fujiwara Hanshi.

Karate has taught me discipline and strengthened my stamina and agility. Also, karate is coming to the Olympics in 2020 and it is going to happen in Tokyo, Japan, where karate originated. Watch out for the karate actions folks!” – Siobhan Tsang (Year 5 student)

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Interhouse Cross Country Results Are In!

After wet weather forced our Interhouse Cross Country to be divided across three days, the final results are now in…

Congratulations to Kennion for winning the overall shield!

Well done to all girls who took to the track in Bell Yett Reserve, showing endurance and positivity.

House Shield Results:
1st Kennion (625pts)
2nd Patteson (588pts)
3rd Selwyn (575pts)
4th Kilburn (519pts)

Individual results:
Reception: 1st Milly Richardson (KEN), Gabriella Noskovic (KIL), 3rd Violet Tulloch (SEL)
Year 1: 1st Olivia Yang (KIL), 2nd Christine Zhang (KEN), 3rd Tilly Purvis (KIL)
Year 2: 1st Lauren Disney (KEN), 2nd Beatrice Tolley (SEL), 3rd Stella Fuidge (PAT)
Year 3: 1st Isla Fahey (SEL), 2nd Grace Mayen (SEL), 3rd Abbie An (PAT)
Year 4: 1st Chloe Richardson (KEN), 2nd Jiahui Zhang (SEL), 3rd Alyssa Piantedosi (KIL)
Year 5: 1st Carla Massicci (KIL), 2nd Nellie Ion (KIL), 3rd Levanya De Silva (PAT)
Year 6: 1st Molly Dwyer (PAT), 2nd Claudia Pearce (SEL), 3rd Daisy Kennett (PAT)
Year 7: 1st Willow Stewart-Rattray (PAT), 2nd Georgina Wakeham (PAT), 3rd Lady Murphy (SEL)
Year 8: 1st Mia Dodd (KEN), 2nd Alexia Politis (PAT), 3rd Chi Chi Zhao (SEL)
Year 9: 1st Portia Maerschel (KEN), 2nd Ella Waltham (KEN), 3rd Edie McKellar (PAT)

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Twilight Concert Set to Sparkle

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The Music Department is staging a free Twilight Concert on Thursday 7 June at 6pm in the Arts Centre.

It will feature our Senior and Intermediate Strings, Senior and Intermediate Percussion Ensemble, Rock Band and Guitar.

This concert is quite informal, providing a relaxed environment for each of these ensembles to practise their performance skills.

All are welcome to enjoy this free entertainment!

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Totally 80s Trivia and Disco Night

P&F 80s Trivia Night Enews

Join us for our ‘Totally 80s Trivia and Disco Night’ on Saturday 16 June at 7pm in the St Peter’s Girls’ School Gym.

Tickets – $25 per person (includes welcome drink)

Paella • Raffle • Trivia • Games • Prizes

• DJ playing 80s Disco • BYO food only

Tickets via www.trybooking.com/VGUH

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Year 10 High Performance Visit Samsung Smart School

W5 High Performance

Last Thursday 24 May,  the Year 10 High Performance students travelled to Samsung Smart School at UniSA’s Magill Campus, to further develop our knowledge on energy systems. We had been learning this topic for a few weeks, however this excursion allowed us to experience the information first-hand. When we arrived, our instructor Kate told us we were going to be given devices to measure our heart rate and speed. We then went outside and performed a range of activities including shuttle sprints, a five-minute run and an intense touch football game. Through using the devices, we were able to reflect and compare our different results. After analysing the data, we graphed our results and discussed our outcomes. By the end of the day, we were all exhausted after giving 100%, but the program was really interesting and we left with more knowledge about energy systems and how they work.

Alice Girdler and Sarah Wishart
Year 10 students

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Dramatic Outing for Senior Students

W5 Drama

On May 30, the Year 11 and 12 Drama students and Year 12 English students attended the State Theatre Company’s Day with the State presentation of ‘Terrestrial’. Exploring displacement, friendship and the nature of truth, the play with two actors followed the story of a 15 year old girl arriving in a semi-abandoned mining community, and the emerging bond she develops with the only other teenager in the town. With inventive lighting, an atmospheric soundscape and sparse symbolic set, the production stimulated thought-provoking discussion and will provide our students with material to produce interesting reviews.

Michael Butler-Wills
Head of English/Drama Teacher

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Code Camp at St Peter’s Girls’ School

W3 Code Camp

St Peter’s Girls’ School will be hosting Code Camp Spark and Code Camp Ignite for students in Years 2 to 6 on 10, 11 and 12 July from 9am – 3.30pm. The cost is $349 for three days.

Visit the Code Camp website for more information
Visit the St Peter’s Girls’ School booking page

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Sports Uniform Reminder

W4 Sport Uniforms

Currently, a number of students are continuing to wear outdated PE/Sports uniform items including culottes and polo tops. This clothing has not been stocked in the School Shop for five years and is not part of our current uniform guidelines. Please ensure your daughter is not wearing these items at the commencement of Term 3. We thank you for your support in this matter.

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Order Your 2018 | 2019 Entertainment Membership

W5 Entertainment Book

Order your NEW 2018 | 2019 Entertainment Membership and continue to support St Peter’s Girls’ Parents’ and Friends’ Association.

Your 2017 | 2018 Entertainment Membership is about to expire. If you haven’t already, please continue supporting our School by purchasing the 2018 | 2019 membership from us today. Hurry, they’re selling fast!

As a St Peter’s Girls’ School Parents’ and Friends’ Association fundraiser, part-proceeds from every book sold will go to a special element of our Master Plan which will be announced soon.

You can order via the form at the Front Office or pre-purchase online: Order your Entertainment Book here!

The Entertainment Book and new phone app offer our community members a great way to try out restaurants and activities around SA, save money and, at the same time, support our girls.

Thank you in advance for your kind support and consideration.

The Parents’ and Friends’ Association

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Sports News

W5 Sport2

AFL – (Aussie Rules)

Open – Saints 4.3 = 27 to Pembroke 1.0 = 6
The team played a strong game against Pembroke. Lulu Tierney and Ella Robinson were impressive in defence, tightly opposing the Pembroke forward line. Olivia Goldsmith also had an awesome game, with strong hands and a good fight against the defence, and our midfield was solid once again. Goals were scored by Bella Bernardi (2) and one each to Millie Wilkin and Talah Gobell. – Holly Cunningham (Captain)

Middle – Saints 2.0 = 12 defeated by Pembroke 8.4 = 52
The team looked forward to an improved result in their first home game against Pembroke A. Once again, they were competitive around the ground and made better position on the field, moving the ball effectively. They started well, rushing the ball forwards and scoring two goals in the first five minutes to hit the lead. Saskia Jonats kicked the team’s first goal and Poppie Goldsmith followed up with the second from the next centre ball-up. The girls were often first to the ball and tackled well when Pembroke gained possession. Unfortunately, Pembroke held their marks better than we did and we were also caught out of position at times, resulting in many uncontested possessions for Pembroke on their half-forward line. As a result, Pembroke ran away with the game after quarter-time. We look forward to continuing to improve skills and understanding of positioning so that we get our first win of the season soon. Best players: Ashley Piper, Dayna Petruzzella, Ella Waltham, Saskia Jonats and Kellie Bested  – Brian Parsons (Coach)


A1 defeated Pembroke 4-2 (7-4) 162-132pts
Best players – Laura Sivewright, Amy Li, Gloria Gao

A2 defeated by Immanuel 3-3 (6-5)
Best players – Amelie Dunda, Mahala Truscott

B1 defeated Pembroke 3-3 (6-6) 149-131pts
Best players – Georgia Bowden, Amanda Fang, Candy Feng

B2 defeated Walford 4-2 (7-3)
Best players – Cheri Wong, Michelle Yeoh

C defeated by Pembroke 6-0
Best players – Angela Feng

D defeated Pembroke 5-1
Best players – Charlotte Stewart, Isabelle Reynolds, Christina Song

E defeated by Pembroke 6-2
Best players – Holly Wallman-Craddock, Vanessa Pols


Congratulations to Bridgette Leach, Emily Whittaker, Hannah Williams (all Year 7) and Molly Dwyer (Year 6) who have been selected to represent East Adelaide at the statewide Primary School Carnival from 25 – 29 June.

Open A – Saints 1 defeated by Pembroke 7
It was a very tough game, with Pembroke attacking hard from the beginning. There was lots of pressure in defence, which allowed for many opportunities to practise transfers and ball strength, often making these connections. The team used communication, collaboration and skill to score, with special mention to Poppie Goldsmith who managed a deflection into the net. Despite the pressure and persistence of Pembroke, particularly in our defence, we played a strong and consistent game. Good job girls! – Carla Lawrence (Captain)

Open B – Saints 0 defeated by Pembroke 4
Pembroke were a very strong and skilful side, placing Saints under constant pressure and scoring 3 in the first half. In the second half, Saints lifted with great defence by Renee Lawrence and key saves by Alice Reid. The girls played with more aggression and communication, and put up a good fight. Bridgette Leach, Aroha Munroe and Ruby Thorp were also solid in setting up opportunities for the forwards. – Tash Hammond (Coach)


Under 18 – Saints 13 defeated by Brighton 20
The U18s played a difficult match against one of the top teams. Our defenders were placed under a lot of pressure and, as a result of this challenge, were able to further develop their skills. Our midfield worked hard to get the ball from the centre draw, but unfortunately Brighton’s fast stick skills and experience meant that we struggled to gain possession. Best players this week were Portia Maerschel, Ellie Anderson and Abbie Lisle. An excellent job by Isabelle Norman who has been a fearless goalie over the past few weeks – the score would have been a different story if she hadn’t blocked so many goals. Every player can take something from this match and use it to build upon their own skills. I look forward to playing with this talented team in our next match, where hopefully we can find success. – Sophie Auricht (Captain)

Under 13 – Saints 13 defeated East Torrens Payneham 7
The girls played a great team game. Once again in centre, Ashlyn May (Year 6) flicked the ball to herself and caught the ball in defence, causing needed turnovers. Also causing turnovers was Jenna Maione (Year 6), as she never gave up on ground balls. Mathilda Thomas (Year 6) and Alannah Godfrey (Year 5) did an excellent job at running into space to be the next pass and catching the ball. Zoe Pool (Year 5) did well at being the back up for the missed shots and fought hard when she was in three tosses. At half-time, the girls needed to work on shooting low on the goalie’s non-stick side. Dani Cox (Year 6) used her speed to run down the field and shot hard at the goalie. Our goalies, Emma Pool (Year 7) and Elysia Scarr (Year 5), did a great job at saving the ball with their bodies. The defence line was also strong. Well done to the girls on their first win of the season. Goal scorers were Dani (6), Ashlyn (2) and Mathilda (5). Best players were Jenna, Ashlyn, Mathilda, Elysia and Dani. – Lucy Martin (Coach)

Under 11 – Saints 3 defeated by Wilderness Gold 9
Despite putting up a valiant effort, the U11 team unfortunately lost against Wilderness Gold. The girls have developed a great deal of confidence over the past few games and this was very evident last weekend. We were beating Wilderness early in the game, and at half-time our scores were equal, before losing by 6 goals. The girls should be very proud and encouraged from a brilliant effort against a strong and sometimes aggressive opponent. Every player has taken something away from this competitive game, and we will focus on building up a variety of skills for the next match against the other Wilderness team. These skills include “buddying-up” (sticking closely to our players in defence), by spreading away from players in attack to get passes, to make distance and run down the field when given the ball, high and accurate passes and, finally, good, powerful goal shooting. Best players for this week were Emily Bates (Year 4), Amelia Lively (Year 2) and Serae Stolcman (Year 4). I really look forward to coaching the team for the next few weeks. – Sophie Auricht (Coach)


On Tuesday 29 May, St Peter’s Girls participated in the SSSSA Knockout Netball competition. Saints started off the day with a win against Unley 46-9. They put outstanding defensive pressure on Unley all over the court and had good transitions down the court, using quick give and gos and strong feeds into the shooters. The shooting percentage was fantastic. In both attack and defence, girls were patient and effort was put in by all who took to the court. In the second game, Saints were defeated by Scotch 15-33. The girls tightly contested every ball from the start and kept close to Scotch by scoring goal for goal. The defensive work was tight and Saints turned many balls, particularly in the first half. Easy feeds and excellent ball placement into the goal shooter from Scotch gradually wore our defensive team down. However, all girls should be proud of their efforts and consider their improvement from Round 1 this season. Finally, a special mention to Nicolette Miller who has improved out of sight since the beginning of this season. She has grown confidence in her shooting and she moved in and out of the circle extremely well, often making space. Great work girls! – Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith (Captain)

Open A – Saints 44 defeated Pembroke 43
The Open As participated in their first Pembroke Indigenous Round, claiming the Yunupingu Cup. Saints held the lead for the entire game with the first quarter being a strong foundation in which the girls worked extremely hard. It was difficult to pick best players as every girl executed everything text-book. However, Anna White and Nicolette Miller were standouts. Nicolette rebounded every goal she missed, giving second efforts and becoming more confident in herself which was easily identified on and off the court. Anna was the best on court of both sides this round and was awarded the Grandison Medal for her continuous commitment throughout the game. All girls executed short, sharp and smart passing with Holly Cunningham and Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith showing great patience throwing the ball to Sivi Sivasuthan and Nicolette in the ring. The shooters worked well together, rebounding all missed shots and playing with confidence. The defensive unit was outstanding, putting pressure on Pembroke’s goalies and midcourt. Without a doubt, Charlotte White and Hannah Freeman were an incredible last line of defence, truly reflecting the final score. Huge congratulations to the team for playing fantastic netball and showing determination to take the win; they conquered not only the opposition but Pembroke’s intimidating crowd as well. Great game girls. – Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith

Open B – Saints 39 defeated by Pembroke 51
The Open Bs got off to a strong start against Pembroke for the Indigenous Round, holding great intensity during the first half. Unfortunately, the consistency was lost during the second half, resulting in an 11 goal defeat. While battling injury and illness, the team put up a great fight against Pembroke, and the determination and effort was shown until the end. A solid performance from both our attack and defence; the girls are showing greater potential each week. – Charlotte Parker

Open C – Saints 25 defeated by Pembroke 29
This match was by far our most successful game yet. We won two of the quarters and the entire game was very tight. In past games, we had been losing focus in the middle of each quarter, but after our coaches addressed this issue with us, we were able to fix it and our concentration was sustained for the whole game. We did have a slight obstacle: Molly took a big fall, hurting her shoulder and going straight to get it checked, leaving us with only 7 players – no subs. Although this resulted in us all having to play the full game, we pushed through. It was an excellent, entertaining match played by all. – Olivia Law

Open D – Saints 11 defeated by Pembroke 79
Despite the loss, the girls showed much determination and energy throughout the game. They have evidently improved in working as a team, in what was their fourth match together. The play was solid in the mid-court where there was rarely a dropped ball, and great passes gave the shooters many opportunities. Well done to Hannah Brown for her constant strong leads and intercepts at both ends of the court. Overall, it was a good effort from the team and all should be proud! – Ebony Lohe

Open E – Saints 40 defeated Pembroke 38
The Year 12 team played a good game. Whilst leading for most of the match, the scores were always very close, making the game competitive. With high energy and enthusiasm from both teams, Saints stayed strong until the end and this was reflected in the score. – Ava Loechel

Year 10C – Saints 33 defeated Pembroke 23
The 10Cs had a great start to the match, scoring multiple goals and gaining a solid lead thanks to the amazing shooters Charlotte Sellars and Clair Kao. Lucy White did a terrific job by getting the centre passes and bringing the ball down the court. After two quarters, our huge team of 13 girls was changed up. Although not as strong as the first two quarters, all the girls tried their hardest, especially our defenders who managed to get a few intercepts and rebounds. After several falls and scratches, we were glad to see we had sustained the lead throughout the match! – Faye Ma

Year 9A – Saints 26 defeated by Pembroke 41
Overall, we had a good game against Pembroke. We played our best, however Pembroke was altogether stronger than us. We started off well in our first and second quarters. In the third quarter, we found it hard to defend and intercept the ball as we were all tired from a long, rough game. Despite that, in the last quarter the girls gave it their all and we managed to make it our best quarter of the whole game. All the girls played at their best and, as a team, we are all improving each time. – Anda Ceplite

Year 9B – Saints 3 defeated by Pembroke 57

Year 8A – Saints 28 drew with Pembroke 28
The game was extremely intense and very close throughout. The girls played tremendously and left everything out on the court, especially in the last quarter. Dayna Petruzella, Toni Christiansen and Sivanthi Sivasuthan did an amazing job in goals despite Pembroke’s rough nature in the circle. Mia Humphrey and Alexia Politis had really tough players and held their own throughout in the mid-court. Ruby Deakin, Milly Brett and Lucy White battled hard in the ring, making plenty of turnovers. Very proud of the girls this week as we started to come together as a team and fought hard for the result. – Milly Brett

Year 8BSaints 13 defeated by Pembroke 24
The 8Bs played really well even though they did not win. With only 7 players to start the game, we thankfully had Hilary Clark playing for us which we were very grateful for. The defending shown was excellent with girls always ready to block and get the rebounds. The mid-court and the shooters showed great teamwork throughout. All of the girls tried hard and played well. – Adele Eaton

Year 8C – Saints 40 defeated Pembroke 1
The girls played really well and we were consistent throughout the game, only letting Pembroke score 1 goal. Annie Bafile and Eva Young scored loads of goals and were really great shooters. The girls in defence were excellent, making the opposition’s chances for goals very rare. Chase Hocking also played amazingly as centre, keeping the ball moving during the match. – Charlotte Adams

Year 8D – Saints 22 defeated Pembroke 18
As usual, all the girls gave their best efforts. Caitie Walker excelled in GA and Gracie Ganzis in GD. Pembroke was leading most of the first 3 quarters, but then all of the girls pulled together in the last quarter and their effort paid off for an amazing win. – Amelie Gray-Combe

Year 7A– Saints 12 defeated by Pembroke 38
Although the team did not win, we tried our hardest against Pembroke. Each girl kept our spirits up which helped us through the game. One thing we could have done better was to do fewer lob passes, which often result in Pembroke winning the ball. Another thing we should have done was slow the ball down, instead of going fast and letting Pembroke get to it. Overall, we tried our best and we didn’t give up. – Charlotte Staples

Year 7B – Saints 4 defeated by Pembroke 36
The team played against Pembroke and it was a tough game. In the first quarter, the girls were often caught behind their opponent. In the second quarter, we were playing a bit tougher, which allowed Georgie Owler in GS and Maddie Harrex in GA to work together to score a couple of goals. The third quarter continued much the same and the girls continued calling for the ball, but Pembroke gained many possessions. In the last quarter, it was a very competitive and we tried our hardest to get the ball but, unfortunately, the opposing team’s defence and attack were very tight, and they were able to continue to score and make the most of their opportunities. – Eliza Monaghan

Year 6 Blue – Saints 28 defeated Wilderness Gold 0

Year 6 Silver – Saints 8 defeated by Pembroke Red 10

Year 6 White – Saints 3 defeated by Pembroke Green 12

Year 5 – Saints 10 defeated Seymour Blue 5
The girls played their best game so far, showing how much they have improved. In particular Gabby and Jerrie Wu played well by how they used the court space wisely and helped spread the game out. Great shooting by Nicole Wang and Mollie Kennett, using the ring to get closer to the goals. The girls are also learning new skills including how important a front lead is. Sophie Bafile, Anna Venning and Nellie Ion showed strong leads throughout the whole game. Best player was Winnie Vartuli who stood out with her passes, reading the ball, intercepts and defending. There were quite a few pick-ups of loose balls by Carla Massicci. The team sprit was amazing and the girls are really grasping how to play the game and work as a team. – Chloe Venning


Open A – Saints 3 defeated Walford 0
The girls are continuing to improve greatly and are working well as a cohesive unit. They dominated the match, demonstrating their skills and strength. Millie Wilkin, Funto Komolafe and Dominique Rigby were able to score, rewarding the team with a convincing win. Jemimah Simpson’s speed and energy in defence was a valuable asset to the team. With a tough game next week against Immanuel and Knockout Soccer the day after, I’m looking forward to the team being given many opportunities to develop and find more success. – Dominique Rigby (Captain)

Open B – Saints 0 defeated by Wilderness B2 1
Saints showed great improvement and again demonstrated good tackling to win the ball. Clearances were important from the defensive end, with Amelie Eaton, Michelle Rupert and Stella Clark all performing very well. Neve McCormack had a great game and was denied a goal simply because the goal was not placed on the goal-line correctly. Hannah Keough and Emily Downie both had very good games with a consistently high work rate. – Neil Fuller (Acting Coach)

Middle A – Saints 0 defeated by Walford 2
Saints played a very good game but were unable to convert numerous opportunities regularly denied by a very good opposition goalkeeper. – Dion Bonifazio (Coach)

Middle B – Saints 0 defeated by Seymour 9
The team played against a very strong Seymour side. They never gave up and kept fighting to the end. Special mention to Bridget Healey who kept goals for the whole game and was very good. – Peter Krantis (Director of Soccer)

Year 6/7 – Saints 1 defeated Seymour 0
The girls had an outstanding game from the start, working hard as a team. They created numerous opportunities in front of goal but were unable to capitalise until late in the game when Mary Stavrou scored her first goal of the season. A great win against a much more physical side. – Peter Krantis (Director of Soccer)

Year 5 – Saints 6 defeated Pulteney 2
The team played a strong game, claiming the win. An extremely good effort by the girls filling in for Pulteney as they were two players down. We had some new goal scorers this week with Sophia Langley, Angelina Daskalos, Levanya De Silva, Grace Stevens and Olivia Reynolds all scoring. Overall, a great performance from the team, especially when having to play against their own teammates which can be difficult sometimes, but the girls took on this challenge well. – Siena Kulinski

Year 3/4 – Saints 6 v Wilderness 0
Déjà vu, this week’s game was similar to our last. We fielded a strong team against an undermanned Wilderness line-up. Jiahui Zhang (2), Aurelia Pyne (3) and Emily Bates (1) all converted goals. Chole Richardson’s run with the ball and willingness to bring team mates into the game was amazing. The girls are really hungry for a challenge where they can test the game plan that has continued to be our focus at training. Thank you again to players who willingly played for the opposition at some stage during the game, Diya Bhinder, Lyra Cox and Aurelia Pyne. – Mark Routley (coach)


Ten Senior School students represented St Peter’s Girls in the SSSSA Knockout Touch Football competition on Wednesday 23 May. The day was successful as Saints played five games and progressed to the State Finals next Friday. We developed many skills including working with new girls, some we have never played with before. Students tried new tactics and strategies learnt in the summer season, which helped in gaining ground across the field and scoring on the line. To get the ball to the line, Saints’ rucking improved throughout the day, often making lots of ground and having chances at scoring. Across the matches, Saints’ scorers were: Charlotte Kelly, Holly Cunningham, Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith, Olivia Harby, Tahlia Towers, Eve Habel, Ella Liddy, Chelsea Walls, Jemimah Simpson and Annabelle Black. Saints had a tight and effective defense line, often making it difficult for the opposition teams to score across all games. Every match challenged the girls to think and work together in order to prevent the opposition from scoring, which brought the team closer together. This exposure has been extremely beneficial for seasons to come and the girls should be congratulated on their efforts and enthusiasm. – Dan Searle (Coach/Coordinator)

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