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eNews – Week 5, Term 1 2022

Issue no. 5Enews-banner

From Our Director of Teaching and Learning

Adelaide Schools

‘Hamlet’ is considered by many to be Shakespeare’s greatest play. The backdrop for the story is European countries at war with each other, each seeking to grow in size and influence, making this seminal text as relevant today as it has ever been. Hamlet the character is a scholar – a deep thinker puzzled by the inevitable ups and downs of life. He is a man out of step though; he is living in a time when princes are required to be bloodthirsty warriors. The first line that he speaks in the play is not one of the most famous but is perhaps one of the best examples of Shakespeare’s genius. In response to his recently-crowned uncle Claudius publicly calling him ‘son’, Hamlet mutters under his breath:

‘A little more than kin, and less than kind.’

The fact that this line is delivered as an aside tells us straight away that Hamlet does not like his uncle. This is cleverly reinforced through the many possible meanings and interpretations of the words themselves. In the first half of the line, Hamlet could be acknowledging that he is closely related to Claudius and has an affinity with him. Conversely, he could be saying the opposite – that they have ‘little’ in common beyond the family connection. In the second half of the line, Hamlet is almost certainly saying that he is ‘not the same’ as his uncle, and ‘less than kind’ could be either Hamlet’s description of Claudius’s character, or even a description of how Hamlet feels towards him and his habit of calling him ‘son’. Perhaps the cleverest thing of all about the line though is its close focus on language even down to the level of letters and spelling. Shakespeare was a lover of words, and in this line, his character Hamlet sarcastically invents a new one: more than K-I-N and less than K-I-N-D is effectively K, I, N and half a D. In other words, Hamlet might be suggesting that a new word will need to be invented so that he can describe his feelings of animosity towards his uncle. Or he may even be referring to the fact that he, rather than Claudius, was technically next in line to be king. In truth, the line was probably meant to mean all of these things simultaneously, and therein lies Shakespeare’s genius.

You may have gathered from this that I am a fan of Shakespeare and his wordplay. And where did this enthusiasm come from? Simple: from my English teacher back when I was in senior school. Without his influence, my career path and my life would probably have turned out very differently. Those magical moments in the classroom of learning and revelation can be transformative. That is the power of good teachers – they can influence and even change people’s lives. Our professional learning focus here at Saints Girls continues to be on making those little ‘tweaks’ to our practice as teachers that can make our lessons even better. Allied to this are the invariably positive attitudes to learning that our students take into their classrooms. Together, this is a recipe for enjoyable and stimulating learning experiences and hopefully even some life-changing ones.

Nigel Scoggins
Director of Teaching and Learning

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Class of 2022 Picture Perfect

As the school year begins to hit its straps, it was terrific to catch up with our Class of 2022 during their last-ever School Portraits this week.

Hear what the girls have in store and are most looking forward to in the weeks and months ahead:


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Head Prefect’s Inspiring Insights for Junior Girls

Our Year 4 students were fortunate to have Head Prefect Sophie Norman present insights into her role as a leader at Saints Girls. This tied in nicely with their current inquiry, ‘Role models can reflect the characteristics that communities and individuals value.’

Sophie spoke sincerely about her challenges and achievements, and how these have helped to shape the person and leader she is today. What particularly resonated with the Year 4 cohort was how Sophie believes in treating others with respect and kindness. The girls reflected:

‘I was very impressed that Sophie is influencing girls not to be perfect, but to be their brilliant self.’ – Olivia

‘I learnt that I can be my own little leader. I want to be Head Prefect now!’ – Ishana

Olivia Coulter
Year 4 Teacher

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Starry Night Gala Ball – Save the Date

Saturday 18 June

Saints Girls is over the moon to announce the Starry Night Gala Ball to celebrate and support our fundraising efforts for a new Gym, including our ‘Saints Girls All-Stars’.

Don’t miss out on this amazing evening with our Saints Girls’ community.

7pm, Saturday 18 June
Adelaide Convention Centre

Tickets: $200 per person
Includes three-course meal, beverages and live entertainment

To book your tickets, click here

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Drinks on the Lawns – Next Thursday

A terrific opportunity for parents to socially meet up with other parents and teachers/staff on Chiverton Lawns. Food and drinks will be provided at this adults-only event.

Please seek out your Year Level Representatives and chat with our Community Relations staff on the evening to learn about our volunteering opportunities and the social and community events we are planning in 2022.

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Year 2s Hatch Plan for Chirpy Chicks

The sound of chirping greeted the Year 2 girls earlier this term as they eagerly returned for face-to-face learning at school. The Henny Penny Chicken Hatchery program is a firm favourite of our inquiry work and is the ideal opportunity to explore ‘How the World Works’ through the central idea that ‘All living things go through a process of change.’

We have observed and scientifically recorded the changes as the baby chicks hatched from their eggs in the incubator and transitioned to life in the pen. It is astounding just how much change occurs from day-to-day as the chicks lose their egg tooth, grow wing and tail feathers, and become quite cheeky as they learn to perch on our shoulders.

The girls adore caring for and holding the baby chicks as they discover the lifecycles in our natural world.

Kathryn Clark and Rebecca Greenhalgh
Year 2 Teachers

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It’s a Bugs Life for Year 1 Entomologists

This week, our Year 1 classes had a close-up look at different types of ‘Bugs n Slugs’ during a fabulous junior entomologist activity as part of the central idea that ‘Invertebrates have a role in balancing the natural world.’

Program educators Kris and James brought a large variety of ‘creepy crawlies’ to the classroom for the students to explore and, in some cases, even touch and hold. This included giant snails, stick insects, a scorpion, beetles and spiders. The girls were introduced to the special roles invertebrates have in nature as pollinators, decomposers, pest controllers and a food source for other animals.

This activity sparked the girls’ curiosity as inquirers. It also built on the learning they experienced when they brought an invertebrate to school that they had found in their homes. This has developed the girls’ research skills as they begin to investigate the scientific world around them.

Liz Sandercock and Michelle Liddy
Year 1 Teachers

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SACE Dancers Jazz it up with Joe

During SACE Dance lessons in Week 4 and 5, the talented Stage 2 Dancers have had the valuable opportunity to learn the iconic jazz style of Bob Fosse from Joe Meldrum. Joe is back in Adelaide for a short time before rehearsals for An American in Paris begin again in Melbourne. He attended the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) before studying the Fosse style in New York!

Over the past fortnight, his incredible passion for and knowledge of the style has been imparted on a group of eager and excited dancers. These workshops will help the students with one of their assessments in which they track and evaluate their own development in a certain dance genre. The girls shared:

‘I thoroughly enjoyed the workshops with Joe, especially the style and techniques that we focused upon. Through the exercises and routine that we learnt, I gained much more insight into the Fosse style, and can now appreciate the fluidity and subtle yet effective details of each movement.’ – Jessica

‘After the workshops, I was able to pinpoint both my successes and challenges that I need to improve on in the style of Fosse jazz. As a dancer, this experience helped with my technique in the fundamentals of this classic style and being able to recognise what I can do for future development.’ – Ruby

Kate Burnett
Head of The Arts

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Zara in Fine Voice for State Opera Debut

Congratulations to Year 4 student Zara Millhouse who has been selected as one of nine singers to perform in the children’s chorus of the State Opera (OperaSA) for its upcoming production of Bohème on the Beach.

Set on iconic Glenelg beach, the State Opera presents Puccini’s epic love story on stage, under the stars with a cast of Australia’s best voices and the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra.
Zara is the youngest cast member amongst the group of 9 to 12 year olds, and being her first opera, she is excitedly taking part in rehearsals on weeknights in the lead up to the performance at 7.30pm on Saturday 26 March.

Amazing achievement Zara!

For tickets: click here

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Year 10 Explorers Shoot for the Stars

Our Year 10 girls were thanking their lucky stars this week as they tested out some cool Virtual Reality headsets during a visit from astrophysics group OzGrav. The VRs were used to build a conceptual understanding of how stars evolve over time and how star features change. The girls will use the observations to model the basic evolution of a star.

‘I really enjoyed being able to use VR headsets because it was a very interactive and interesting way to learn. I was also really fascinated about how scientists were able to find the diameter of a star using trigonometry.’ – Jessica

‘I really enjoyed seeing the different tools that are used to look at the stars. I also enjoyed how hands-on the lesson was and the learning aspect of it.’ – Ayla

Craig Byrne
Head of Science

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Important COVID-19 Notice


SA Health has advised that COVID-Safe QR code check-in is no longer required at children’s centres, preschools and schools. However, parent movements on campus are still limited at this time, and those with formal appointments at the School should continue to perform the routine visitor sign in/out at Front Office.


To help protect the health of our families, staff and the wider community, we must all work together to minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission. Please be reminded of the following:

Children are to be kept home if they are unwell, even mildly.

If your child tests positive to COVID-19, notify us immediately. Please also provide the date your child’s test was taken and the date symptoms started (if no symptoms, note ‘asymptomatic’).

Where possible, to help limit the amount of telephone traffic, please notify us via email or text:

Email:  attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au
Text:  0428 601 957 (save to phone contacts as SPGS)

If you do need to notify us over the phone, please call the Front Office on 8334 2200.

If there are COVID cases within the school setting, parents of classroom contacts will be notified, and these children can continue to attend school provided they have no symptoms.


With current restrictions on parents entering the School grounds and to assist our staff, please ensure your daughter has all of the items she needs for the day to reduce the amount of items being dropped off at the Front Office.

We thank all of our families for your continued support and cooperation.

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Parent Webinar: Building Resilience in Turbulent Times

How can parents and carers support their children in these turbulent times? Join leading clinical psychologist Dr Andrew Fuller for a free webinar, where he will give his expert advice.

Turbulent times call for resilient minds. From COVID-19, the Ukraine invasion and rampant flooding, it’s already been a tough start to 2022. As resilience is being tested, students in our care are looking for support and guidance.

How might we understand and reduce anxiety for ourselves and others? How can we engage in conversation about tough times? And how can we create hope and positivity for the future?

Due to the anticipated demand across the country, we have scheduled two webinars. Get in early to secure your place.

Dates: Wednesday 16 March OR Tuesday 29 March
To register: click here

Presented by the Independent Schools Victoria Initiative

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Choral Night Countdown Begins!

Thursday 24 March

With music rehearsals starting next week, our girls are gearing up for Choral Night 2022 on Thursday 24 March at Influencers Church, Paradise.

Choral Night is one of the most anticipated events on the Saints Girls’ calendar, and this year’s spectacle carries the theme ‘Power Ballads’.

Details regarding tickets will be provided soon.

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Saints Sport Support Group New Merchandise

The Saints Sport Support Group is delighted to announce our new merchandise range for the 2022 school year. In addition to our House merchandise, we now have the following items available for purchase:

  • White and navy supporter hats for parents and friends
  • ‘Play like a Saints Girl’ sport keyrings (Tennis, Swimming, Football, Volleyball, Hockey and Athletics designs available)

To get your hands on these fabulous new items, and to order House merchandise for Swimming Carnival, click here

Thank you so much for your support.

Katie Lucas
Saints Sport Support Group President

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Swimming Carnival – New Date

Swimming Carnival – New Date: Tuesday 5 April (Week 10), Adelaide Aquatic Centre

We are hoping that the new date may be met with reduced restrictions and a greater chance of parents being able to attend. As always, we will be guided by the latest SA Health advice and will communicate any further changes as well as logistical details closer to the date.

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Move a Million Metres for Our New Gym

As you will be aware, we are currently in a major fundraising phase for the development of our new Gym. On Thursday 14 April, coinciding with Summer Interhouse, we will be hosting our inaugural Giving Day, which will provide our community with an opportunity to support this vital venture.

Leading up to Giving Day, we will run an initiative where students can get active and fundraise to help us reach our one million dollar fundraising goal. The group challenge is to collectively MOVE A MILLION METRES!

For Reception to Year 3, on Tuesday 5 April (Week 10), there will be an opportunity for students to participate in a Giant Obstacle Course.

Students in Years 4 – 12 will be tasked with designing their own Saints Girls All-Star Challenge, to be completed in Week 10 or 11. For students who are struggling for inspiration, our Sport Captains will be setting up a range of activities at lunchtimes to help them on their way.

Indeed, our Sport Captains are already leading the charge with this mammoth task, with Sport Prefect Charlie Fishlock planning to climb the height of Mount Everest on the stairs – that’s 901 flights of stairs – and the rest of our Sport Captains committing to collectively hit 20% of the total target and move 200,000m!

More information on this challenge and how to help us fundraise will be distributed to parents and students shortly. In the meantime, get talking with your friends, get excited and get committed to movement. Together, we’ve got this!

Tommy Peak
Director of Sport

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Star Struck Major Lottery

As momentum builds for our Gym fundraising campaign featuring our ‘Saints Girls All-Stars’, we are thrilled to launch our Star Struck Major Lottery.

Ticket sales are now open, so get in quick!

First Prize: Toyota Yaris Ascent Sport from Northpoint Toyota (valued at $27,811)
+ a personalised car park at St Peter’s Girls’ School from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023.

This stunning new car could belong to you or someone in your family! Spread the word and feel free to share this opportunity with your friends and relatives.

To buy your tickets: CLICK HERE

Lottery Licence No: M14175

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Head of the River Dinner

The Friends of Rowing invite all rowers, family and friends to celebrate the efforts, improvements and achievements of our St Peter’s Girls’ rowers throughout the 2021/22 season. The annual Head of the River Dinner will be held in the function room at Next Gen Memorial Drive, overlooking the beautiful Riverbank precinct. The evening will feature speeches from students and coaches about the season that has been, and will conclude with awards being presented. The dinner includes a two-course menu and soft drinks. Other refreshments will be available for purchase in the foyer upon arrival, and from the bar throughout the event.

Next Gen Memorial Drive
War Memorial Drive, North Adelaide
Saturday 19 March
6pm arrival for 6.30pm start

$65 per person via trybooking.com/BXNQB

Ticket sales close at 5pm, Wednesday 9 March

Please note, this event is compulsory for all current rowers. Due to venue capacity, our Year 7 – 11 rowers are limited to one guest per student, and two guests for Year 12 students. There is a waitlist for additional guests via TryBooking on a first-come, first-served basis.

Brynley Millward
Director of Rowing

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Support from The Athlete’s Foot Burnside

We once again invite our community members to support the School and local business by purchasing your shoes at The Athlete’s Foot Burnside.

$5 from every pair purchased by anyone connected to our Saints Girls’ community will be donated back to St Peter’s Girls’ School. This is an ongoing partnership, so please let their staff know that you would like your donation to come to Saints Girls when you make a purchase.

As part of this fantastic community initiative, The Athlete’s Foot Burnside donated over $13,000 back to local schools last year. For more information, click here.

Melissa Westgate
Foundation Manager

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Be Involved in ‘Our Saints’ Community

Would you like your daughter’s Grandmother, Grandfather, Aunts and/or Uncles to receive our biannual Saints Alive magazine and our weekly eNews updates? Sign up for the free ‘Our Saints’ membership for Grandparents, other treasured family members and friends.

For more information and to join this unique group, please click here and email the completed form to Foundation Manager Melissa Westgate via mwestgate@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

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School Shop Notices

New Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm
(closed for lunch 12 – 12.30pm)

Swimming Requirements for Years 4 to 10

We ask parents to check that their daughters have correctly-sized bathers for Swimming activities for all girls in Years 4 to 10.

If your daughter requires new bathers, we highly recommend making an appointment with the School Shop on 8334 2228 and purchasing soon.

Year 10, 11 and 12 Jumpers

Jumpers are now available for Year 10, 11 and 12 students to purchase from the School Shop.

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General Absences from School

If your child is going to be absent, late to school or leave early, please use one of the following methods to notify the School, providing the student name, Class/Home Group and reason:

Text: 0428 601 957

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Phone: 8334 2200

Feel free to include the Class/Home Group Teacher when emailing. It would be appreciated if notifications could be made prior to 9am.

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Sports News


Saints’ rowers competed at last weekend’s South Australian State Championships, a two-day regatta combining underage, school and open events. This was our rowers first opportunity to race since early December. Our rowers relished the opportunity to get back out racing, and were successful in progressing to the Finals of multiple State Championship events including the U16 Women’s Double Scull, U17 Women’s Double Scull, U17 Women’s Coxed Quad, U21 Women’s Coxed Four and Schoolgirl Coxed Eight.

Special mentions to Georgina Wakeham who placed 3rd in the U17 Women’s Single Scull, and to our 9A and 8A crews who progressed to the Final of the Schoolgirl Year 9 Coxed Quad, placing 3rd and 4th respectively. For both crews to place so highly was an impressive show of depth which bodes well for the remaining weeks of the season.



On Wednesday, several Saints Girls participated in the SA Schools Triathlon Championships on a warm and steamy morning. Unfortunately due to flooding earlier in the week, the swim leg was cancelled, meaning it became a duathlon with a run, bike, run. In the Intermediate individual section, Alice Braithwaite (pictured 3rd below) led from the front, able to hold off a strong challenge to claim the title, with Daisy Braithwaite (pictured 4th below) coming in 3rd. We had two athletes take part in the Junior division and Elodie de Wit (pictured 1st below), in her first competition, claimed the title with very strong run legs. Isla Fahey (pictured 2nd below) also competed and did extremely well to come 4th. Adelaide Murphy took on the Senior Come and Try, participating strongly through run and bike legs.

In the afternoon, Alice, Daisy and Dani Cox took part in the Team event. After being near the front following the first run leg, Daisy had a strong bike to give us a small lead going into the final run leg. Dani had runners chasing her through the whole 4.6km leg but did an amazing job to maintain our lead across the finish line, with the girls securing the Gold. Congratulations to all of our athletes on their efforts.


Well done to Carys Kinsella-White who has been selected to attend the Australian Track and Field Athletics Championships in Sydney this month for 400m and High Jump.


Congratulations to Isabella Howie who has been selected to represent the Adelaide Jets in the Australian Youth Water Polo Championships in Brisbane next month.

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