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Swimming Carnival (Years 4-6)

Swimming Carnival (Years 7-12)

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Term 1 Concludes

eNews – Week 5, Term 1 2020

Issue no. 5Enews-banner

Swimming Carnival 2020 – Full Results

W5 - Swimming Carnival


The McGill Shield: 1st Kennion (1751), 2nd Selwyn (1725), 3rd Patteson (1591), 4th Kilburn (1586)

Junior: 1st Selwyn (631), 2nd Kennion (611), 3rd Patteson (516), 4th Kilburn (498)
Middle: 1st Kennion (625), 2nd Selwyn (578), 3rd Kilburn (557), 4th Patteson (467)
Senior: 1st Patteson (608), 2nd Kilburn (531), 3rd Selwyn (516), 4th Kennion (515)

Year Level Winners

Year 4: Gold – Meg Paul (PAT), Silver – Beatrice Tolley (SEL), Bronze – Stella Fuidge (PAT) and Chelsea Francis (SEL)
Year 5: Gold – Ella Pearce (SEL), Silver – Isla Fahey (SEL), Bronze – Lauren Fuller (PAT)
Year 6: Gold – Stella Spalvins (KEN), Silver – Madison Dornbusch (KIL), Bronze – Alison Francis (SEL)
Year 7: Gold – Emma Everitt (KEN), Silver – Alyssa Tran (KIL), Bronze – Lauren Pearce (SEL)
Year 8: Gold – Alice Braithwaite (KEN), Silver – Daisy Braithwaite (KEN), Bronze – Marcella Tolley (SEL)
Year 9: Gold – Isabelle Tran (KIL), Silver – Georgina Wakeham (PAT), Bronze – Sophie Dansie (SEL)
Year 10: Gold – Tara Young (KIL), Silver – Emily Baldwinson (KEN), Bronze – Chi Chi Zhao (SEL)
Year 11: Gold – Stephanie Smalls (PAT), Silver – Lara Wakeham (PAT), Bronze – Lily-Rose Spartalis (KIL)
Year 12: Gold – Lucy Young (KIL), Silver – Hattie Maerschel (KEN), Bronze – Matilda Braithwaite (KEN)

Individual Medleys (Champion Swimmer Races)

Junior School (Years 4 – 6): 1st Stella Spalvins (KEN), 2nd Madison Dornbusch (KIL), 3rd Ella Pearce (SEL)
Middle School (Years 7 – 9): 1st Isabelle Tran (KIL), 2nd Georgina Wakeham (PAT), 3rd Emma Everitt (KEN)
Senior School (Years 10 – 12): 1st Tara Young (KIL), 2nd Lara Wakeham (PAT), 3rd Stephanie Smalls (PAT)

New Records

Year 4: 50m Freestyle – Meg Paul (PAT) 40.87sec
Year 11: 50m Butterfly – Stephanie Smalls (PAT) 31.34sec

Year 5: 25 Freestyle – Nishka Soodan (SEL) 18.56sec
Year 7: 25m Backstroke – Winnie Vartuli (KIL) 19.83sec
Year 11: 25m Freestyle – Keeley Fahey (SEL) 14.54sec
Year 12: 25m Freestyle – Claire Hunt (PAT) 15.09sec

Year 4: 4x25m relay – Patteson 1:27.16
Year 5: 4x25m relay – Selwyn 1:16.27
Year 11: 4x25m relay – Selwyn 1:02.64

Swimmer of the Day

Tied: Stella Spalvins (Yr 6), Isabelle Tran (Yr 9) and Tara Young (Yr 10)

Neil Fuller
Director of Sport

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From the Head of Junior School

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Linguistic Inquiry – Why we Need to Think Differently About Spelling

Suzanne HaddyOur Junior School prides itself on providing a rich, holistic education with a focus on building strong foundations in Literacy and Numeracy. Last year, we introduced ‘VCOP (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation) and the Big Write’ to enhance our students’ writing skills. Complementing this is a slightly changed focus in the way we will be approaching our teaching in order to incorporate a linguistic inquiry approach when investigating spelling and vocabulary.

Learning to spell in English is not natural nor intuitive. The evolution of our language has involved multiple cultural, geographical, political, linguistic and sociological influences. As a result, we have a language with 26 letters yet 44 speech sounds, many hundreds of letter combinations that represent those sounds, and several different ways to spell the same sound. There is little wonder that, for many children, and indeed for many adults, the act of learning to spell is complex and confusing.

Through significant research and investigation, we know that a multidimensional approach to teaching spelling and a re-focus on direct instruction plus inquiry will serve our students better than an approach that centres mostly around rote learning lists of words. We also know that we need to teach the sound and letter system of English with a greater degree of linguistic accuracy than the approach of recent decades, which has tended to propose incorrectly to young children that ‘one letter makes one sound’.

We owe our students rich spelling and vocabulary programs that encourage linguistic inquiry based on sustainable, linguistically correct information and a deep understanding of the building blocks of our complex language. In order to deliver this, one aspect of our approach is the use of THRASS (Teaching Handwriting, Reading and Spelling Skills) methodologies across Reception to Year 6. Last year, our students in Reception and Year 1 were exposed to rich, linguistically accurate learning experiences using the THRASS tools as their anchors, and this will continue throughout the Junior School this year as part of our students’ studies in English. All Junior School teachers undertook a two-day training course in THRASS during the summer break which will be expanded upon throughout the year. Parents were invited to a Parent Information Session this week to explain the THRASS approach, and I thank all who attended.

In addition to a strong base of phonemic (sound) and graphemic (letter) awareness using THRASS methodologies, we will be investigating etymology (history of words), orthography (spelling patterns of English) and morphology (the smallest units of meaning within words). We are looking forward to our students becoming spelling detectives and treasure hunters as they investigate English and its origins and expand their understanding of our rich and complex language.

If you would like further information about Linguistic Inquiry in the Junior School, please see the attached guide.

Suzanne Haddy
Head of Junior School

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Choral Night 2020 – Tickets On Sale Monday!

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Thursday 19 March

Join us at 7pm on Thursday 19 March at Influencers Church in Paradise for Choral Night 2020!

One of the most anticipated events on the Saints Girls’ calendar, this year’s event carries the theme ‘Sisters of Soul’.

Booking details will be emailed on Monday.

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The Power of Music in the ELC

ELCNews_Week 4_Music

This year, we welcome Courtney Sandford as our new Music Teacher in the ELC. Our Music classes have a strong focus on singing with movement to help develop brain to body connection while encouraging social and emotional discovery. Musical exploration in this way helps the children to establish an understanding of basic musical concepts such as aural skills, language, rhythm, beat and pitch. The children are particularly excited when our basket of colourful percussion instruments comes out!

Courtney hopes that her classes will encourage and inspire a love for music within the children. We are all excited for our year of music ahead.

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Saints’ Softballer Pitch Perfect

W5 - Softball
I started playing softball when I was just 7 years old for the Seacombe Tigers Softball Club. Training just one day a week and playing only one game a week didn’t last very long. Over the years, trainings slowly increased and, in the lead up to Nationals, I had club training one day a week, State team training two or three times a week, three or four club games a week, I took part in the Fully Loaded competition on Thursday nights, and because I am a pitcher, two or three extra trainings a week to perfect that pitch.

The never-ending trainings have paid off. I have represented South Australia for the SA School Girls’ U12 team for three years, the State U15 team for three years and last year’s U17 State team. I also earned a position in the U17 Australian Junior Spirit Squad as a reserve.

Last month, after representing the South Australian U18 State Softball team at Nationals in Sydney, I was selected in the U18 Australian Junior Spirit Squad as a reserve. At the same time, I was also chosen as part of the U18 New Zealand Junior White Sox (JWSX) team to play in their National Fastball Championship. I travelled to Lower Hutt, NZ where I participated in the Open Women’s National Fastpitch Championships (NFC). After this competition, the final team was announced, and I found out I made it and will be travelling to Lima, Peru in August.

Being selected in two squads this year acknowledges the hard work I’ve done to get here, and I am very grateful, but it hasn’t been easy. Being well-organised, keeping up with schoolwork and saying no to friends because I’m playing softball has been hard. But you have to work hard to be given these opportunities and, if I’m lucky enough to be chosen to play softball at the next level against some of the best players and countries in the world, I’m going to give it everything I have to make my family, friends and school proud.

Aroha Munroe
Year 12 student

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Year 6 Students Lead the Way

W5 - Year 6 2
The concept of Leadership is an important theme in Year 6 as our students complete their final year in the Junior School. Term 1 has begun with an inquiry unit exploring the big ideas in the ‘Who we are’ Transdisciplinary Theme strand of the IB Primary Years Programme. This unit will be revisited throughout the year at regular intervals, to build on, reflect and sometimes change the thinking and ideas the students have around leadership. This is particularly relevant as the students explore their own leadership roles and how they will enact them over the year.

In a special Chapel Service last week, each group of Year 6 Leaders was inducted into their role in front of the rest of the Junior School and their family and friends. This was a lovely occasion which marked the start of the roles and responsibilities each group will have. In their first task, the Year 6 SRC Leaders presented the SRC Representatives from each class with their badge.

Helen Smith
Deputy Head of Junior School

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Golfer’s Game Down to a Tee

W5 - Golf

I started golf around two years ago and I really enjoy it. I like golf because even though it can be very stressful at times, it is a good, challenging sport that depends on your problem-solving skills. I play competition three times a week and practise every day. I am a member at North Adelaide Golf Club and Glenelg Golf Club. As I am a junior, I am part of the MyGolf program. This club provides opportunities for children to find the fun in golf. I was given the chance to tee off at the ISPS Women’s Australian Open. This was possible because two coaches (one from North Adelaide and one from Glenelg) selected me. I was chosen out of the whole of South Australia because of my commitment and dedication to golf and the amount of tournaments I have entered.

Thursday 13 February was the most nerve-racking day of my life. I practised on the driving range at 6.30am next to my favourite golfer, Nelly Korda, and also got to have a photo with her. I then arrived on the tee box and had to wait for a very long time until it was my special moment. I could feel my heart thumping as I addressed the ball and just went for it. It was a very good drive down the middle of the fairway and a big relief. After thanking many people, I got to watch some golfers afterwards which was a wonderful experience.

Maiya Jakupec
Year 9 student

To see Maiya’s awesome tee shot, click here.

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Goldrush Girls Head for the Hills

W5 - Year 5
On Wednesday, the Year 5 cohort ventured to the Adelaide Hills to visit the Jupiter Creek Goldfields in Echunga. This is an important part of our current Unit of Inquiry, ‘Gold Fever’, as the girls begin to explore and investigate the Australian gold rush era of the 19th century. This venture was in preparation for their upcoming Study Tour to Sovereign Hill, Ballarat in late March. The Central Idea for that unit is, ‘The discovery of any resource has challenges, consequences and opportunities.’

The Jupiter Creek visit enabled the girls to gain perspective into how the area was impacted by the gold rush and what went on during this period in South Australia. Following this, they are now writing expository letters to the Department of Mines and Energy. The letter addresses the girls’ perceptions of the site including its historical significance. This gives them the opportunity to suggest improvements that can be in made to attract tourism. Letters will be selected from within the cohort and sent to the department in the hope of making a positive impact in preserving a time and place of significance in our history.

Sarah Mulraney and Shelley Hampton
Year 5 Teachers

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Shrove Tuesday: On the Flip SideW5 - Year 4

Tuesday was a significant day on the Christian calendar: Shrove Tuesday. It marks the final day before Lent. Traditionally, Christians would give up butter, milk or eggs during Lent to honour Jesus’ journey into the desert for 40 days. In order to minimise wastage, people would often use up these goods by making them into pancakes. This is why Shrove Tuesday is also commonly referred to as Pancake Tuesday.

The Year 4s discussed the different ways in which Shrove Tuesday is celebrated around the world. They also learnt about how other cultures have different names for Shrove Tuesday, such as Sprengidagur or ‘Bursting Day’ in Iceland. Finally, students read about some of the amazing world records held for pancake flipping, pancake making, and about the world’s largest pancake which was 15 metres in diameter!

Afterwards, with help from some generous parents, we prepared, cooked and ate pancakes!

Rebecca Riley, Olivia Coulter and Shane Davidson
Year 4 Teachers

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Old Scholar Mums and Grandmothers’ Morning Tea

W5 - Morning Tea
We love our mums! Today, our Old Scholar mums and grandmothers of current students gathered on the new Science Centre’s Rooftop Terrace for a splendid morning tea.

They enjoyed cuppas and cupcakes along with spectacular views of the city and Ferguson Conservation Park. It was wonderful to see new and familiar faces as we celebrated generations of Saints Girls together.

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Environment Club Collecting e-waste

W5 - Environment Club
Once again, the St Peter’s Girls’ Environment Club will support the community collection of e-waste. Items can be placed in the purple TechCollect bins on the first Friday of the new calendar month during school term dates. TechCollect operates under the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme (NTCRS). The bins will be located near the Property Services shed at the entrance to the School’s car park. The Term 1 dates are:

Week 6  Friday 6 March
Week 10 – Friday 3 April

The following items are acceptable in the purple TechCollect bins:

· Personal and laptop computers and all cables
· Tablets, notebooks and palmtops
· Computer monitors and parts (e.g. internal hard drives and CD drives)
· Computer peripherals and accessories (e.g. mice, keyboards, web cameras, USBs)
· Printers, faxes, scanners and multi-functional devices
· All televisions

We look forward to supporting the community in recycling e-waste.

Environment Club

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The Garden of Saintly Delights 2020

W5 - The Garden of Saintly Delights

Sunday 29 March 2020 from 11am – 5pm

The Garden of Saintly Delights, our annual school fair, is going to be bigger and better than ever in 2020.

Bring the whole family along for a fun-filled day of carnival rides, stalls, food and entertainment on our School Oval.

Head to our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/thegardenofsaintlydelights2020) for a full list of the day’s activities and vendors. Please like and share this event with your family and friends as this event is also open to the public.

Bronwyn Bartter
Parents’ and Friends’ Association President

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Uniform Reminder for Year 4 Students

If your daughter is in Year 4, there are a few different uniform requirements that you may need to purchase before Term 2.

In the winter uniform, the pinafore is replaced by a skirt of the same fabric, so if the pinafore still fits the bib can simply be removed. The grandpa shirt is replaced by a collared shirt and tie and the junior blazer (cardigan) is no longer worn and is replaced by a navy blue jumper and a wool blazer.

Please contact the School Shop on 8334 2228 to arrange an appointment.

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Saints Girls’ Rowing Rashies

W4 - Rowing Rashie

The School Shop is having a sale of the previous style of Rowing rashie – selling for just $45! Stock is limited, so act fast if you would like to purchase one. Please note that these can be worn at rowing training only, with the new version of the rashie expected to be worn at regattas.

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School Banking

Our School is excited to offer the Commonwealth Bank School Banking program to all students:

BankingSchool Banking is a fun, interactive and engaging way for young Australians to learn about money and develop good savings habits. Children who deposit money into their Youthsaver account through School Banking earn Dollarmites tokens, which they can save up to redeem exciting rewards.

Rewards available during 2020 are:
o Terry Denton’s Activity Book
o Mini Soccer Ball (size 2)
o Treetop Stationery Set
o Treetop Handball
o Tomato Seed Kit
o Magic Mist Drink Bottle
o Emoji Wallet
o Snakes & Ladders Game

School Banking is also a great fundraiser for the School, which receives a Regular Savers Contribution of $5 for every 10 deposits processed per student as well as an Annual Contribution which is based on the number of students who made at least one School Banking deposit in the prior year.

School Banking day is Wednesday. Each week, you need to hand your book to your classroom teacher.

If you are interested in opening a Commonwealth Bank Youthsaver account for your child, you can visit www.commbank.com.au/schoolbanking and click on the link to open a Youthsaver account.

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Sports News

W5 - Sport


Open – no game
Middle A – no game
Middle B – no game
Middle C – no game


Year 5/6 Blue – Saints 8 defeated by Seymour Green 14
For our third game, Saints Blue narrowly lost to Seymour after a close first inning. Pitching from Cleo Hart and Aurelia Pyne was very impressive, and our defence displayed great improvement from weeks prior. The team’s competitive side showed with a close first inning battle but our offence was not enough for the win. All of the girls worked really hard with limited numbers and were really excited for another game day.  Jessica Dreswick (Coach)

Year 5/6 White – Saints 5 defeated by Seymour Blue 9
Another improvement on the previous week; what the girls are learning in training is really showing in the games! The first innings featured some fantastic pitching by Phoebe Lucas and a strong partnership between her and Zoe White, getting good outs at first. Charlotte Hocking also had a spectacular catch at second. Aleiyah Abraham was great behind the plate, stopping tricky pitches. Well done to everyone for their efforts and fast improvements! – Mimi Long (Coach)

Year 3/4 Blue – Saints 24 defeated by Saints Girls White 31
The game was played in really high spirits and you could tell the girls from both teams really wanted to win. We hit well and our base running was good. It’s great to see they are having fun and improving during each training and game. – Payne Sowter and Daniel Di Tomaso (Coaches)


Saturday 22 February saw our rowers compete in School Premiership Series Regatta #3. The Junior and Inters posted some strong results in their respective divisions. The 9A crew did an exemplary job to post a PB time on the weekend. Although not a PB placing, in a highly competitive field we need to remember to distinguish outcome from performance sometimes. Strong process will lead to strong performances, and outcomes will follow. Similarly, the 9B crew drew the faster of the two heats for their division and missed out on the A Final, but made up by winning their B Final in a time that would have placed them in the A Final.

The Seniors continued their run of strong form, with another second place in the Schoolgirl 1st 8+ division. The gap from 1st to 2nd has closed since School Premiership Series #2, and off of the back of a tiring Swimming Carnival, this result bodes well. There is still plenty of time left in the season for crews to improve and placings to change, but there is no doubt that St Peter’s Girls is in the race.

Brynley Millward
Director of Rowing

1st 8+
SG 1st 8+ [A Final] 2nd 7:03.72

9/10 A
SG 9/10 A 4x+ [Final] 7th 6:36.97

9/10 B
SG 9/10 B 4x+ [Final] 4th 7:16.34

8/9 A
SG 8/9 A 4x+ [A Final] 6th 4:01.94

8/9 B
SG 8/9 B 4x+ [B Final] 1st 4:18.06

8/9 C
SG 8/9 C 4x+ [Final] 5th 5:13.57

7/8 A
SG 7/8 A 4x+ [Final] 6th 4:33.05


The Open A girls faced some extremely tough competition against Seymour. All tried really hard and gave their best efforts while playing some close-fought matches. Congratulations to Ruby Deakin and Britney Korir who played an amazing singles, both winning 6-3. An excellent result girls!

The Open B girls also played a difficult line-up against Seymour, losing 4 sets to 2. Everyone played well and gave it their all, while remaining positive and showing great sportsmanship. Congratulations to Ella Dnistriansky and Imogen Nienaber who won their doubles 6-2, and Charlotte Staples for winning her singles 6-4 after making a huge come back from 4-1 down!

Great effort girls and good luck to all players tomorrow! – Annabel Baldwinson (Tennis Captain)

Premier A – Saints 3-22 defeated by Seymour 3-26
Singles: Sienna Glazbrook 1-6, Tahlia Cahill 1-6, Ruby Deakin 6-3, Britney Korir 6-3

Premier B – Saints 2-24 defeated by Seymour 4-30
Singles: Annabel Baldwinson 2-6, Charlotte Staples 6-4, Ella Dnistriansky 3-6, Imogen Nienaber 4-6

Division 1 Blue – Saints 0-13 defeated by Pembroke White 6-36
Singles: Georgia Mallick 2-6, Adele Eaton 0-6, Eva Young 3-6, Chase Hocking 2-6

Division 1 White – Saints 5-34 defeated Pembroke Yellow 1-15
Singles: Grace Beaumont 6-5, Bridgette Leach 6-0, Ariel Spartalis 6-0, Astrid Teague 4-6

Division 2 – Saints 4-26 defeated Wilderness 2-21
Singles: Malaika McLeod 6-3, Soph Ryan 6-1, Zihan Huang 2-6, Helen Zhang 6-4

Division 3 Blue – Saints 0-17 defeated by Pulteney 6-36
Singles: Tara Nedumaran 5-6, Lydia Tolley 1-6, Nathara Perera 3-6, Kayla Park 4-6

Division 3 White – Saints 5-34 defeated Pulteney 1-17
Singles: Gloria Zou 4-6, Olivia Reynolds 6-2, Nicole Wang 6-2, Shirley Liu 6-0

Division 4 – Saints 2-18 defeated by St Ignatius 4-29
Singles: Amy Hu 0-6, Gloria Gao 2-6, Yang Yang Gu 6-1, Jackie Balasis 4-6


Open A – Saints 1 defeated by Marryatville 4
Despite tired legs from Swimming Carnival, our second match of the season started off really well. All the girls tried their hardest and kept the energy levels up with support from one another. They defended strongly throughout, in particular, in the first half where Marryatville were only able to score 1 try. Ehi Oyugbo scored yet another remarkable try, outrunning the opposition from the middle of field. We will look towards the next match with optimism and attempt to secure a second victory. – Hannah Freeman (Captain)

Open B – Saints 2 drew with Wilderness 2
This was always going to be a challenging game for our team and it certainly looked that way after being 2-0 down at half-time. The girls were holding reasonably in defence, but an inability to set up plays close to the line was frustrating. Fortunately in the second half, we were able to score twice through some dazzling runs by Stephanie Smalls, and the defence became even tighter to prevent Wilderness scoring. Grace and Ruby Richards also performed solidly in their Open B debuts. A great result in the end.  Dan Searle

Open C – Saints 1 defeated by St Ignatius 4
The girls were all a bit tired after Swimming Carnival, however, we tried our best. At half time, we were only down 1 point as we were shutting down the opposition quickly. Adele Russell scored a good try quickly in to the second half. Sadly, the team lost 4-1 as the opposition made solid runs and scored. Sophie Johnson was very good at directing the girls to drift onto either side. Good try girls, we’ll get them next time. Lucy Benn

Middle A – Saints 9 defeated Mercedes 0
The Middle As played a strong match with a fast tempo and speed throughout. They looked for the gaps in the defence and ran to them. In the second half, two players scored a try off a quickie in attack. Maddy Liddy scored 3 tries, whilst Annie Warrick and Isobel Yelland scored well-deserved tries also. We will still work to improve our communication and defence on the line. The girls did a great job and are looking forward to the next game. – Alice Braithwaite

Middle B – Saints 7 defeated St Ignatius 0
There were try scorers across the board but an especially good game from Phoebe Black and Mathilda Thomas who were always dangerous as we moved the ball towards the line. Still lots to work on but the girls are learning quickly and attempting to set up plays in attack to catch the defence offside.  Dan Searle

Middle C – Saints 4 defeated Mary MacKillop 1
The Middle Cs once again displayed their growth in their first year of Touch as they put together a solid team performance. The girls are beginning to understand their defensive strategies and late in the game were able to score due to listening to the referee. Tries to Carys Kinsella-White, Charlotte McAuliffe and Dani Cox were great to see, but holding out the opposition for much of the game was an even better effort. – Dan Searle


Open A – Saints 3 defeated Pulteney 3-0 ( 25-21, 25-21, 21-16)
A week off allowed the team to come back refreshed after the break. Slightly tired after Swimming Carnival, the team still warmed up with purpose. Starting Charlie Fishlock as a new setter alongside Ruby Deakin, I wanted the team to use the match as an opportunity to check any knowledge gaps against one of the mid-table teams. Getting a little behind on the scoreboard, Georgina Keough subbed in and worked with Anna White to steady the ship and take control. Coming from behind and finishing the set in front on the back of some solid serving from Ruby and Clair Kao, the team’s confidence grew. The focus by all players to watch and chase balls down is improving, with some sharp reactions keeping the ball in play and putting Pulteney on the back foot. The team continues to improve and confidence is growing every set. The upcoming three rounds will be good to solidify the basics and work on structured plays before we get to the tough matches in the last two games of term. Keep up the awesome effort!

Open B – Saints 2 defeated Immanuel (B2) 1 (25-14, 10-25, 15-11)
Missing Tilly through injury and still learning a new system, the team came out strongly with good serving runs from Charlotte Cohen and Chloe Venning leaving Immanuel reeling and searching for answers. The second set was a different story. Serving focus dropped and our lack of serve reception communication allowed Immanuel to get some good points runs and easily take out the set. Millie Brett stepped in as setter in the third set and the team confidence returned. A good serving run from Sivanthi Sivasuthan closed out the win. Some great signs for the team and lots of positivity from the group is great to be around. Tomorrow, we travel to Woodcroft who are new to the competition. We are looking to improve consistency, maintain focus and communication, and show the attitude that nothing can stop us. Go team! – Alistair Keough (Coach)

Open C – Saints 1 defeated by Concordia 2
The Open Cs had a slow start to their game, still half asleep at the beginning. After a difficult and frustrating first set, the girls lifted their spirits and fought back in the second and third to make the match a real nail-biter in the end. Despite some excellent blocking and spiking at the net from Georgina Devine and some winning returns from Charlotte Adams, we were not able to secure the win. – Victoria Neale (Coach)

Middle A – Saints 1 defeated by Pulteney 2
The Middle As had a hard game, playing against a very experienced team. The girls were enthusiastic throughout and won their first set for the season. Although we didn’t to win, I saw a massive improvement from the first week, particularly in our basic skill which is always nice to see as a coach. Ruby Powell and Asha Eaton were the players of the match as they went for everything and returned some really difficult passes and serves. – Victoria Neale (Coach)

Middle B – Saints 0 defeated by Pulteney 3
The Middle B side worked really hard to improve on their previous game but dropped the match, losing 12-25, 17-25, and despite coming close in the third set, going down 22-25. The girls showed great improvement and their efforts were evident on the court. – Jesse Dreswick (Coach)

Middle C – Saints 1 defeated by Pulteney 2
The Middle Cs had an incredible day, winning their first-ever set 25-16! It was a full team effort and every player did an amazing job. Our communication and athleticism shone through and the girls were full of enthusiasm. Losing their other two sets 16-25 and 10-25, they still had a great time and are showing improvement. Looking forward to continuing the season. – Jesse Dreswick (Coach)


Open A – Saints had a bye

Open B – Saints 7 defeated by Pembroke 8
The girls played their first game in the A division, having been recently moved up. They faced new challenges but fought hard to remain close in scoring. The second half saw the girls start with a score of 1 – 4, however, they worked extremely hard in both attack and defence to both score goals and stop Pembroke’s many attempts on goal. Best player was Emily Baldwinson for her efforts in attack, where she constantly sprinted down the pool for many counter attacks. Well done girls! – Fiona Lethbridge (Captain)

Open C – Saints 5 defeated by Pembroke 10
The girls worked hard to combat Pembroke’s efforts in both attack and defence. They constantly used the skills learnt at training to create a successful set up in attack. Best player was Lady Murphy for her constant drives through the attack set up, as well as being able to apply plenty of pressure in attack to prompt fumbles from Pembroke. The top goal scorer was Emma Pool with 3 goals. Good effort this week girls, keep it up! – Fiona Lethbridge (Captain)

From week 4:
Year 7/8A – Saints 7 defeated by Loreto 11
Unfortunately, the girls were again a little slow to react in the first quarter, with Loreto having multiple scoring opportunities. However, they began to communicate more effectively and found themselves in a better position in the second half. They attacked the ball, and scoring opportunities starting occurring through the likes of Winnie. Once the girls started to play as a team, their playing standard lifted. – Milli Gentle (Coach)

Year 7/8B – Saints 4 defeated by Pembroke 10
The team focus was all about transitioning from offensive to defensive. The girls used their swimming abilities and had an awesome game! Emma Everitt and Izzy Howie swam the ball really well and their confidence continues to grow each week. Overall, the girls keep improving as a team!

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