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Swimming Carnival (Years 4-6)

Swimming Carnival (Years 7-12)

ELC Twilight Family Picnic

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Girls in Tech

Dad’s Night on the Green

Head of the River

Choral Night

Years 2 to 12 Music Day Camp

St Peter’s Cathedral Performance

ELC Coffee Van

Term 1 Concludes

Enews – Week 5, Term 1 2017

Issue no. 5

From the Director of Early Learning

Mount, KatherineCommencing a new school year can be for many an exciting and invigorating time. For others it may bring uncertainty and challenge. This can be based on many factors; forming new relationships, entering a new room, a new teaching team or having moved to another part of the world to commence your school year. We all look for the elements of familiarity that enable us to connect in some way to our new beginning. These feelings may be familiar from ELC through to Year 12 and bring us together in one way or another as we search together for our common ground.

In the ELC we have so many factors to consider; a room of new two year olds separating from families for the first time, children with languages other than English venturing forth on their educational journey, new staff who have arrived with expectations and also trepidation about the unknown and new teams of educators who are blending together their skill sets to form strong collaboration in their areas.

As a leader, I see this as a critical time to be reflective and open-minded about our practice and to use this opportunity to further grow and define ourselves. We have entered the year with questions and opportunities for analysis and deep discussion, rather than with the predetermined formula for success. It would, of course, be much easier to have the formula in place that would guarantee us a smooth ride; however, what would that do to further develop our teaching and learning? Every year we must progress and we must find meaningful pathways to further develop, research and reimagine our practice.

In our first five weeks there has been so much for us to learn. With our quest for finding new and exciting pathways to propose learning in the early years, we have been documenting the children’s voice as they define their identity in their learning context. How do they then merge with others to become a learning community that is going to challenge them with uncertainty, rather than just deliver the pre-prescribed ingredients as outlined in the recipe? We are wanting our students to go beyond just producing what the educators are looking for; we want them to continually challenge our thinking so that we can continue to grow alongside them.

I can tell you that our first five weeks in the ELC have been extremely challenging for us, the educators. We challenged ourselves with a quest to reimagine how we could plan for our young learners and have spent many hours deep in dialogue about what we are seeing and what is the possible pathway forward. We are researching alongside the children about the children and about ourselves. We entitled our proposal ‘Planning for the Possible’, where we search for deeper, more sustained learning.

I cannot imagine working in any other way, to be challenged to the fullest and to be working with colleagues who also give such importance to this quest. These colleagues bring informative readings to the table, openly admit their own vulnerabilities and openly collaborate with others in rich debate and dialogue. In the famous city of Reggio Emilia this is one of the defining qualities of their practice. We are not operating from a model of the known but rather from a model of research. This is the vehicle to clear, defining quality practice and it is what we advocate in the ELC.

Enews Hallett Room Eyes

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Choral Night – tickets on sale Monday 9am!

This year’s Choral Night will soon be upon us. Please join us for what is always a highlight on the School calendar. As tickets do sell out quickly, we encourage you to book your tickets early to avoid disappointment!

From Monday 6 March at 9am, you will be able to book your tickets at www.trybooking.com/OYBZ.

Time: 7pm
Date: Thursday 23 March 2017
Venue: Adelaide Town Hall, 128 King William Street, Adelaide
Tickets: $10 each (a maximum of four tickets per family applies)

We hope to see as many parents as possible join us for what is sure to be a fun and entertaining evening.

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Year 6 Excursion – Migration Museum

Enews Migration Museum 1
Migration, change, expedition. Do these words mean anything to you? At the start of the this unit, we did not know the true meaning of migration. But in a small amount of time and one amazing excursion to the Migration Museum, we have began to understand what migration really is.

For many, migration is an exciting journey but for others, as we have been learning, it can be a challenge. There are different types of migrants, such as refugees and those who migrate by choice. At the museum, we learnt about the real stories of four different migrants, the reason they left their country and what they might be doing now.

Instead of going into the actual museum, we instead entered a small room with four tables. Each table had a box, case or bag on it and inside were items that helped us uncover the stories of these migrants. Some of the items were quite old and valuable to the museum, so we had to wear cotton gloves and take good care when handling them.

When the groups were about ten minutes into the session, most groups had a pretty good idea about their person and were close to figuring out why and how they moved. Soon, three people from each group were taken inside the actual museum to have a look at timelines of important events over the years that may hold a clue as to why their person immigrated to Australia.

After coming back from the museum, the girls discussed what they uncovered with the rest of their team and how they could piece it together with what they had already found out. Time passed by quickly and soon it was time to present and give the other groups an idea about the story of the immigrant. After each presentation, we watched a video about the true story about these people and how close we were to the truth. Most of the groups were almost spot on!

Soon it was time to leave, and we were grateful for the experience but sad to go. The excursion to the Migration Museum certainly taught us about the true meaning of migration and what it’s like to be a migrant!

Emma Pool and Marina Viese Vivaldi
Year 6 students

Migration Museum 2
On Wednesday 1 March, Year 6OCO visited the Migration Museum. We began straight away with a lesson called ‘Unpacking Histories’ which was delivered by a historian named Diedre. In groups we were asked to ‘unfold / unpack’ historical information from migrants and refugees from the past. Each group sat in front of either a suit case, box or sports bag. Inside each storage item contained many artefacts and information about a migrant or refugee who travelled to South Australia in hope of a new home. Some migrant stories dated back 50 years ago.

One group researched Mrs Lueretia May Hardwick. This group found lots of artefacts that provided information about the migrant, including: clothing, a poem, makeup, a purse, travelling documents and many family photos. After some careful analysis, as well as some inferencing, this group was able to draw some conclusions about why Lueretia came to Australia. Watching her true story be told through film highlighted her challenges and risks with coming to a foreign land as a ’10 Pound Pom’.

On the other hand, another group did not have much information about their migrant, named Acuil Wol. Acuil did not have as many documents or photos inside his bag. This provided quite the challenge to decipher why he migrated to Australia from Sudan. More was revealed in the video, highlighting how war and conflict forced many people like Acuil to live in refugee camps at such a young age. Thankfully for Acuil, and some of his family, the Australian Government accepted many refugees from this particular camp, to live in Australia.

To conclude our visit, we spent some time looking in the museum, to learn more about migration to South Australia. It was very interesting to peer at the displays to learn more about historical migrant stories over time. Many students were shocked by the ‘White Australia policy’ and the very unfair test, that anyone wanting to migrate to Australia, had to sit.

This excursion was really enjoyed by all. The experience and valuable information gained will definitely be of great value as we continue our learning journey about, “Human migration is the response to challenges, risks and opportunities”.

Cartia Lanzoni and Monika Ceplitis
Year 6 students


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Year 11 Windsurfing

Enews Windsurfing
Year 11 students undertook windsurfing as one of their practical tasks in PE and used this opportunity to gain experience in windsurfing techniques and improve sailing techniques. Some of their comments are below:

“We were effectively able to learn and apply new skills throughout the day successfully and it was heaps of fun.”

“The day was great fun with the wind changing constantly but throughout the day it got easier and even if we fell off, we kept on getting back on.”

In the end, it was great fun and everyone had a fantastic experience.

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Master Plan Update: The playground is open!

Enews Playground
We were the first people to go on the playground! I played in the sandpit and it was fun. Paul had made the playground. I learnt how they make a playground. It was fun watching them make the playground. I was excited to be the first class to go on it. I liked the sandpit and I played on the playground at recess and lunch. I had a lot of fun on the new playground. There are shovels and spades and buckets to use in the sandpit.

Natalia Dimauro
Year 1 student

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Carpark and Traffic Management

The start of a new term provides an ideal opportunity to remind members of the School community about the importance of complying with the guidelines the School has developed for our car park. We want to ensure the safety of all members of our community.

The most important points to remember are:
• keep the car park entrance and exit zones clear.
• use the set down and pick up zones appropriately during peak times.
• obey speed limits when driving through the car park
• to allow traffic flow, the car park entrance and exit zones must be kept clear at all times.
Please do not queue across these areas.
• be mindful of residents; please do not park across driveways or in front of bins on

In peak times, do not park in the set down and pick up zones for extended periods. When cars overstay in this area, the car park quickly becomes gridlocked, also bringing traffic on Stonyfell Road to a standstill.

Drivers must observe the 10 kilometre per hour speed limit at all times in the car park, whether entering, exiting or travelling through it. Speed limit signs are clearly displayed in prominent locations and, in order to ensure the speed limit is observed, speed humps were installed two years ago.

We expect all members of the community to drive with care in and around local streets. Please give way to pedestrians and take note of speed limits.

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Order your Summer Interhouse Meal Deal

The Summer Interhouse competition will be held on Thursday 13 April 2017, the last day of Term 1.

The Saints Sport Support Group (SSSG) will once again be cooking up lunch for all of our hungry Reception – Year 12 students on the day. Volunteers will hand-deliver the Reception – Year 2 lunches to the classroom for lunchtime and Years 3 – 12 can pick up their lunches from the barbecue area. This year we’re offering delicious Hamburger Meal Deals (vegetarian option available). Parents, give yourself a day off from making the school lunches and let us do it for you.

Please pre-order your daughter’s Meal Deal via www.trybooking.com/PAIJ, as there will be no cash sales on the day. Orders can be placed from Friday 3 March and will close Friday 7 April. House Water Bottles and Wrist Bands are also available to be pre-ordered.

All proceeds raised by the Saints Sport Support Group directly support and benefit our Saints girls and their sporting endeavours. Some of our recent purchases include new athletic crop tops, a high jump mat, and GPS units to be used during PE as well as rowing. We funded an entire year group of girls to complete their Bronze Medallion.

Thank you so much for your kind support.

Saints Sport Support Group

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St Peter’s Girls’ School Tutor Program

We would like to remind all parents and students that the St Peter’s Girls School Tutor Program for students in Years 7 – 12 will be in place next week.

Please note:

  • There are two tutors available every morning and afternoon, except Monday morning and Friday afternoon.
  • A maximum of 6 girls can sign up for each session.
  • If the session is full – please still put your name on the list. We need to make sure we are clearly tracking how many people would like to use this system, and therefore employ more tutors if needed.
  • This is not 1:1 tutoring, so you need to expect that you might not have the tutor all to yourself. They are there to assist you with areas that you need some help with.
  • Remember to see your teachers and raise with them any issues you may be having in class.
  • The sheets are now up outside the Head of Senior School’s office. They will be copied and taken to the Resource Centre and a roll will be marked. If you sign up, you need to attend.
  • You may like to sign up as a group, if a few of you are having issues.
  • The subjects the Tutors can help you with are also listed on the sheets.

Due to feedback regarding the previous Canvas sign-up process, we have moved to a simple sign up system – via sheets. We will be monitoring it closely and will make changes after we have seen how many students are using the Tutor Program over the next few weeks.

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Reminder – Update your details for 2017

With the new academic year well underway, we ask families to please check their contact details are up-to-date and ensure your daughter’s medical records are correct.

You can check these details by logging on to the Link portal.

> Log in to the Link Portal using your individual username and password
> If you can’t remember your password, follow the link to reset it

Medical details

The School is required to have correct medical information on record for all students. Please take a moment to review the information we have on file for your child and complete any updates or changes as required.

Click on the My Details tab of the portal to review and update details such as medical, physical and dietary details, provide legal and other consents, as well as your address, occupation and other family information.

Ensure you click through each section of the My Details page, and complete the updates for each of your children.

Buzz Book – family contact information

While in previous years the printed Buzz Book has provided contact information for School families, you will now be able to access the contact details of parents online. The School appreciates that some families may not wish their contact information to be shared in this way.

To review your contact information, and provide your consent for your family’s details to be included, please complete the following steps:

> Click on the Buzz Book tab
> Check your details and tick the items you wish to be included
> Submit the form
> Repeat the process for any other daughters/children you have at the School
> Changes can be made by providing updates through the My Details section above

You can then access contact information of other School families from the same page of the Link portal. You will automatically be shown details of parents in your daughter’s year level, but can remove that filter from the top of the column to show all families. You can use the filters provided, such as surname, to narrow your search.

If you do NOT submit your consent, your information will NOT be included in the online directory this year. Both contacts will need to provide their individual consent.

An online business directory will also be launched this year, so you can browse for local businesses with a Saints Girls connection.

Updates throughout the year

Should any of these details change throughout the year, please use the ‘Change Details’ tab in the Link Portal.

If you experience difficulties using the Link Portal, please contact link@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or phone 8155 5791.

Thank you for your assistance in keeping the School’s records accurate.

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Business Directory now online

Enews Online Business Directory
The new St Peter’s Girls’ Online Business Directory has arrived!

We encourage our Community to get on board and check it out.


  • Book your very own personalised advertisement today
  • Three options available $500, $250 OR FREE
  • Promote your special business offer – and change your offer and advertisement as often as you like for no extra cost
  • Simply support businesses connected to our School
  • Refer a business
  • All proceeds go towards our Parents’ and Friends’ Fundraising efforts for 2017

For more information on how to get involved contact Melissa Westgate on 8334 2244
or mwestgate@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

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Shane Davidson Presents – Alice

Alice for Web 2
Wonderland, cool characters – fun!

Stay cool this weekend and be entertained as Shane Davidson Presents performs the Lewis Carroll classic, Alice, in the Arts Centre. The show follows the traditional story of Alice on her adventures in Wonderland and through the looking glass. Alice encounters colourful characters such as the White Rabbit, Caterpillar, Cheshire Cat, the Red and White Queen and the King and Queen of Hearts.

The lead role of Alice is shared between Jenna Maione (Year 5 student) and Ruby Richards (Year 6 student). The cast comprises many Saints girls taking on main roles for the first time.

Performances – Friday 3 March at 7pm, Saturday 4 March at 1pm and 4pm.

Tickets are Adults $10 and Children $5.
Tickets can be purchased at the door. Duration of the show is 70 minutes with a 15 minute interval.

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Kids’ Disco and Movie Night

The City of Burnside is holding a Blue Light Disco and Movie Night for people aged 5 – 12 will be held during the April school holidays on Friday 28 April, 6pm – 9.30pm, at the Burnside Ballroom.

There will be an interactive disco from 6pm – 7pm, followed by a short break when light refreshments will be provided. Following the disco there will be a movie showing.

Kids’ Disco and Movie Night Flyer

The cost to attend the event is $10. Parents are welcome to stay but they will not be required to, as the event will be a supervised lock-in facilitated by SAPOL and Council staff. Tickets can be booked on Event Brite by clicking here.

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Swimming Carnival Results

Enews Swimming Carnival

Friday 24 February
Yet again, the spirit and atmosphere of the Swimming Carnival was outstanding. The Year 12s led each House throughout the day in cheer and girls across all year levels developed great relationships. There were ten new records established, which was an outstanding effort by those swimmers. The scoring on the day couldn’t have been much closer, with the lead changing several times. It was Patteson with some important relay wins late in the day that defeated Selwyn for the McGill Shield.

Junior School: 1st Selwyn, 2nd Patteson, 3rd Kilburn, 4th Kennion
Middle School: 1st Kennion, 2nd Patteson, 3rd Kilburn, 4th Selwyn
Senior School: 1st Patteson, 2nd Kennion, 3rd Selwyn, 4th Kilburn
McGill Shield: 1st Patteson 2,358 points, 2nd Selwyn 2,330 points, 3rd Kennion 2,100 points, 4th Kilburn 1,916 points

100m Individual Medley Champion Swimmer
Junior School: 1st Poppy Marshall, 2nd Georgina Wakeham, 3rd Marcella Tolley
Middle School: 1st Lucy Young, 2nd Stephanie Smalls, 3rd Annabel Baldwinson
Senior School: 1st Shania Morgan, 2nd Thandi Murada, 3rd Grace Sampson

Swimmer of the Day
Junior School: Poppy Marshall
Middle School: Stephanie Smalls
Senior School: Shania Morgan

Year Level Aggregate Cups
Year 4: Gold Lauren Pearce (SEL), Silver Anna Venning (SEL), Bronze Elysia Scarr (SEL)
Year 5: Gold Marcella Tolley (SEL), Silver Ayla Blaskett (KIL), Bronze Charlotte Norman (PAT)
Year 6: Gold Poppy Marshall (SEL), Silver Georgina Wakeham (PAT) Bronze Sophie Dansie (SEL) and Emily Bryce (SEL)
Year 7: Gold Emily Baldwinson (KEN), Silver Chi Chi Zhao (SEL), Bronze Sophie Norman (PAT)
Year 8: Gold Stephanie Smalls (PAT) Silver Lara Wakeham (PAT), Silver Gemma Schaedel (SEL)
Year 9: Gold Lucy Young (KIL), Silver Annabel Baldwinson (KEN) Bronze Matilda Braithwaite (KEN)
Year 10: Gold Nicolette Miller (PAT) and Grace Sampson (KIL), Silver Ankita Rajbhoj, Bronze Emma Wright
Year 11: Gold Thandi Murada, Silver Erin Barrera, Bronze Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith
Year 12: Gold Shania Morgan, Silver Mikaela Georgiadis, Bronze Rachael Disney

Year 4 Freestyle relay – Selwyn 1:30.00
Year 6 50m Backstroke – Georgina Wakeham 37.15sec
Year 6 100m Individual Medley – Poppy Marshall 1:21.21
Year 6 50m Breaststroke – Poppy Marshall 39.58sec
Year 6 Junior School Medley relay – Patteson 1:15.62
Year 6 Junior School Freestyle relay – Patteson 1:08.77
Year 8 50m Backstroke – Stephanie Smalls 33.53sec
Year 8 50m Butterfly – Stephanie Smalls 30.79sec
Year 8 50m Freestyle – Stephanie Smalls 28.18sec
Year 12 50m Breaststroke – Shania Morgan 35.09sec

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Sports News

Enews Sports Week 5


State Championships
Congratulations to the following girls whose results we received from the South Australian State Athletics Championships held recently. Some have now qualified for the Nationals being held in Sydney in April.
• Jasmine Ledgard – Gold U18 shot put, U18 hammer, Silver open hammer
• Noa Goddard – 7th 400m u142
• Sophie Barr – Silver U15 shot put and Bronze U15 discus, Bronze U17 hammer throw and discus
• Amelia Wood – Gold U16 high jump and pole vault
• Charlotte Sellars – 5th U16 shot put
• Bethany Cross – Silver U18 5km walk


Wednesday 22 February
Open A – Saints 20 defeated by Pembroke 55
The team this week continued to improve their game and played well defensively, having their hands straight up in front of the player rather than fouling out. Some great shots were scored yet again by Holly Cunningham, Ella Robinson and Isabella Bernardi. Shania Morgan played very well this week, getting lots of rebounds and moving well in the key.  The effort the team put into the game was exceptional. Chelsea Marchetti (Captain)

Middle A – Saints 12 defeated by Pembroke 39
Another tough match this week, with Pembroke demonstrating strong attacking skills and accurate scoring. Saints had plenty of scoring opportunities, unfortunately many not converting. This is something the girls will be working on at training over the coming weeks. Top scorer this week was Ella Liddy with eight points and special mention to Zara Sadri and Rachel Banham for their defensive pressure. Vanessa Brooks (Supervisor)

Middle B Saints 8 defeated by Pembroke 18
Our Saints girls had a real shot at winning this match, if they were able to convert the many scoring opportunities they had. Their man-on-man defence and strong run down the court was effective; however, our shooting accuracy let us down. Our two scorers were Ashley Piper and Indya Dodd, while Kellie Bested worked hard to create many turnovers through her aggressive defensive pressure. Vanessa Brooks (Supervisor)


Wednesday 22 February
Year 6 – Saints 10 defeated Wilderness 0
Saints girls had a well-deserved win with an outstanding effort by everyone. All girls worked a lot better as a team. Highlights of the game were Madeleine Lisle’s catch and Chloe Porter’s strong batting. Thank you to Pearl Richards for filling in this week. Jasmine Ledgard and Lydia Smalls (Coaches)

Teeball Blue
The blue team played an incredible game, coming out with a win of 21-6. Honourable mentions go to Charlie and Milana who both played great games. Congratulations to the girls on their first win of the season. Kate McKellar-Stewart (Coach)

Teeball White – Saints 19 defeated Seymour 15
The first innings was amazing and all the girls worked so well as a team! While it was a great game by all players, this week’s stand outs were Naadiya Ishaq with some great batting and fielding and Jenna Maione with an outstanding home run! Looking forward to see how we play in Week 6! Lucinda Tierney (Coach)


Thursday 23 February
Open A – Saints 7 defeated Wilderness 5
The As had an intense game which started from the ‘get go’. The girls worked hard in defence to win the ball. The rough competition meant the girls rushed and were three goals down in the third quarter. They then worked extra hard in the last quarter, outscoring Wilderness 5-0. Special mention to Mikaela Georgiadis and Fiona Lethbridge for both stepping up and scoring goals in the last quarter. Good luck for next week’s game! Sarah Richards (Captain)

Open B – Saints 11 defeated Mercedes 3
The girls consistently worked hard defensively, ensuring that the scoring opportunities were minimised. They worked hard on focussing what we have practised in training and putting it into play. They stole the ball and fought hard to gain possession at all times. The girls all worked collaboratively and worked well as a team. Well done, everyone! Sarah Richards (Captain)

Open C – Saints 11 defeated Mercedes 3
The Cs also played a fantastic game, defeating Mercedes. The team worked well, ensuring that they worked hard defensively and swam hard for the ball. The girls applied strong defence and kept the pressure high throughout the whole game. They all worked well offensively, with everyone getting an opportunity to score. This created a great environment for lots of players to score a goal. Everyone is stepping up in the higher division and looking forward to next week’s game. Sarah Richards (Captain)

Middle A – Saints 6 defeated by Seymour 10
Despite the loss to Seymour, the girls tried their best and did very well for only their second game. Seymour were older and stronger but Saints were not intimidated. Our goal scorers were Alyssa Woolley (4 goals), Lara Wakeham (1 goal) and Poppie Goldsmith (1 goal). Good job, girls; keep playing hard! Saskia Jonats 8MGR

Middle B – Saints 4 defeated by Wilderness 14
This was another tough match between Saints and Wilderness. Saints are gaining experience each week against older and more experienced opponents. The goal scorers were Lara Wakeham with two goals, Lucy Steele Scott and Adele Eaton with one goal each. Everyone tried really hard and it was great effort from both teams. Lucy Steele Scott (Year 8).


Saturday 25 February
It was a beautiful day at West Lakes and I thought all girls rowed really well. We did get many placings and are at the pointy end of many of the finals, which all looks good coming into Head of the River. One of things that we have really focussed on through the season has been control as the girls come up the slide and I think that many of them are getting it. Rowing is a very technical sport; not only do you have individual things that you need to work on but you also have things to work on as a crew. If you can get most of these things right, then hopefully you can get some boat speed, which at the end of the day is what every coach and crew are looking for. Ben Flannagan (Director of Rowing)

The 10A crew of Eve Habel, Olivia Law, Zoe Vine Hall and Sarah Carrodus had a very exciting race on Saturday. Their heat was a breeze, with the girls ‘cruising’ along in first place. In their final, the girls had a great start and kept their lead to the end, winning the second school Super Series! Amy Carrodus

On Saturday, the Inter B crew which consisted of Neve McCormack (Stroke), Brooke Weymouth (Three Seat), Amy Rice (Two Seat) and Anna Pryor (Bow) rowed the whole race really well with lots of pressure. In their first race, they came second. In their second race they came first. The girls need to focus on keeping the boat balanced and their catches, because their blades are often placed at different times. Charlotte Creek

This week Eleanor Anderson, Hannah Freeman, Isabella Bernardi and Emma Carrodus raced together. In the heat the girls had a great race, finishing second. In the final, the girls were neck and neck with Seymour again during the race but ended up coming third. The girls raced really well and should be proud of what they have achieved. Abigail Lisle

On Saturday Imogen Parkinson (Stroke), Hannah Keough (Three Seat), Kate Reade (Two Seat) and Sophie Johnson (Bow) rowed really well. In their first race, they came fifth and in their second race they came second by 0.31 seconds. The girls need to focus on keeping the boat balanced and taking the whole stroke together (squaring and placing together). Charlotte Creek

Year 8A – The crew of Sophie Kameniar, Ella Waltham, Olivia Kelly and Keely Flannagan trained really hard and were rewarded with our recent victory in the school Super Series at West Lakes. The crew was focussed and a smooth start gave us an early lead. We are hoping for another good performance this week. Jodi Papendorf


Saturday 25 February
Division 1 Blue – Saints 1-16 defeated by Pembroke 5-35
Singles: Annabel Baldwinson 6-5, Daveena Dhillon 1-6, Shamilla Dhillon 3-6, Mahala Truscott 3-6

Division 1 White – Saints 2-26 defeated by Pembroke 4-32
Singles: Mia Dodd 4-6, Imogen Nienaber 3-6, Tahlia Louca 3-6, Emily Baldwinson 4-6

Division 2 White – Saints 2-23 defeated by Pembroke 4-30
Singles: Taj Shahin 6-2, Renee Lawrence 2-6, Stella Clark 6-2, Amelie Eaton 4-6

Division 3 Blue – Saints 1-21 defeated by Pembroke 5-35
Singles: Yunfei Ma 1-6, Annabelle Black 5-6, Amelia Wood 6-4, Olivia Zito 0-6

Division 3 White – Saints 1-25 defeated by Pembroke 5-37
Singles: Emily Downie 6-7, Aleisha Elliott 1-6, Mia-Rose Taliangis 4-6, Orla Clayton 3-6

Division 4 Blue – Saints 4-28 defeated Pembroke 2-17
Singles: Adele Eaton 6-0, Letitia Page-Thomson 1-6, Charlotte Stewart 3-6, Siena Zito 6-0


Saturday 25 February
Open A – Saints 16 defeated Pembroke 3
All players played extremely well for the second consecutive game, working together as a team. Highlights of the game were Aroha Munroe’s outstanding pitching and the four home runs hit by Jasmine Ledgard, Aroha Munroe, Imogen Parker and Millisent Wilkin. Jasmine Ledgard (Captain)

Open B2 – Saints 17 defeated Concordia 14
A great team effort to get over the line in a competitive and entertaining match. All girls are showing consistent improvement in playing at a higher level and should be congratulated.


Saturday 25 February
Open A – Saints 3 defeated Pembroke 0
This week the girls came out firing to defeat Pembroke three sets to nil. The team adjusted extremely well to the new court rotations, once again proving how incredibly well the new team has united. Mikaela Georgiadis’ impressive defensive skills kept the team on top throughout the game, and Uthpala De Silva’s powerful spikes helped maintain this lead. The team is looking promising for the future challenges ahead. Abbey Goodwin (Captain)

Open B – Saints 0 defeated by Pembroke 3
With a brand new 6-2 system, including backcourt setting, it was impressive that we pushed Pembroke to close margins in every set, with every player trying hard. Working together on our positions will have us ready for the Walford clash next week. Some great plays in the front court came from Emma Fogarty, Ankita Rajbhoj and Georgia Bateman. Abbey Goodwin (Captain)

Open C – Saints 2 defeated Pembroke 1
The girls looked comfortable together this week, beginning to understand each other’s strengths and moving into better positions. By the third set, the girls were working towards many more spiking opportunities. Fantastic scrambling from Isabella Villani, excellent overarm serving from Catherine Neale and great setting from Carla Lawrence meant that we were always in the box seat to win each point. We look forward to the Intercol clash against Walford next week. Dan Searle (Supervisor)

Open D – Saints 3 defeated Pembroke 0
The Open Ds had an early start but you wouldn’t know it from the way we got out of the blocks, winning the first set within 10 minutes of starting the match. The girls were focussed and began to build a better team culture with greater enthusiasm around the court. Asha Short passed the ball exceptionally well to give our setter the best opportunity, while Nicolette Miller and Molly Lucas set and hit the ball with power from the front court. Eleanor Pyne served some unstoppable balls, allowing Saints to win some easy points and build momentum. Dan Searle (Supervisor)

Middle A – Saints 2 defeated Pembroke 1
The girls played brilliantly as a team, using skills we have been practising during training. The serving throughout the match was a highlight, along with the talk and enthusiasm. The number of great plays and finishes made the game very enjoyable to watch. Georgia Howe and Victoria Neale (Coaches)

Middle B – Saints 3 defeated Pembroke 0
The Middle Bs played a comfortable game against Pembroke this week. With good presence at the net, the girls spiked and covered well. Strong serving from Lucy White and good, deep receiving from Katelin Calandro kept their opponents on their toes and made it a challenge for them to get the ball back over. The talk from all the girls was amazing and it kept the team energised and in high spirits. Georgia Howe and Victoria Neale (Coaches)

Middle C – Saints 3 defeated Pembroke 0
The Middle Cs had a great game this week against Pembroke with their first win of the season. The girls really stepped up and not only served well, but also managed to move their feet and receive the ball strongly. Sarah Gulliver and Lara Slape, in particular, had great games, serving well and showing confidence on the court to go for the ball. Georgia Howe and Victoria Neale (Coaches)


Monday 27 February
Middle C1 – Saints 0 defeated by Walford 52
Up against another experienced side the team were able to give it their all in the heat. It was good to see a constant effort in attack with all girls taking many shots and also driving to the basket. A special mention to Sabrina Passelli, who in particular displayed great determination. Josephine Dal Pra and Peter Krantis (Coaches)

Middle C2 – Saints 8 defeated by Immanuel 40
A difficult game in warm conditions saw the girls never give up and work hard. With a big focus on defence it was great to see Georgina Devine run down the court with great speed to use her height to gain rebounds. A great effort from everyone. Josephine Dal Pra and Peter Krantis (Coaches)


Monday 27 February
Saints continued their winning start for the season and defeated Walford in both A and B. Given Walford are usually a tough competitor and the results go towards the new Intercol trophy, the results were even more pleasing. Well done to all players. Tiana Glazbrook and Jade Leyden (Captains)
Singles: Tiana Glazbrook 6-3, Yasmin Glazbrook 6-0, Jade Leyden 6-0, Olivia Harby 6-0

Open B – Saints 5-32 defeated Walford 1-14
Singles: Sienna Glazbrook 6-3, Violette Maris 6-0, Clair Kao 6-3, Sarah Richards 6-2